The Deeper Meaning of Kung Fu Panda (2008) – Think Spiritual (2024)

The Deeper Meaning of Kung Fu Panda (2008) – Think Spiritual (1)

Alright, it’s time. I’m finally doing it.

For the past couple of years there have been three trilogies of movies that I’ve been wanting to tackle on this podcast:

The Matrix

Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Series

Kung Fu Panda

It’s a lot of movie watching, a lot of analysis and a lot of writing.

It’s time to man up and do it.

So, here we go with the manliest of the bunch: Kung Fu Panda.


Hello Spiritual Seekers and welcome to a brand new episode of Think Spiritual Podcasts.

As always I’m your host, Mark, and today I’m finally tackling a trio of movies that I’ve been wanting to talk about for a long, long time: Kung Fu Panda 1, 2 and 3.

Honestly, I love Kung Fu Panda.

Po, the protagonist, is one of my favourite heroes. As far as I’ve been able to tell, thus far, Po is one of the only Heroes in any set of movies that makes it all the way around the wheel of the Hero’s Journey and actually begins his Mentor’s Journey.

Oh, wait. Lightning McQueen began his Mentor’s Journey as well.

Okay, well, what I said still applies and Po is my favourite of those two Heroes and I think Po makes it further into his Mentor’s Journey. Maybe. Watching and writing about these movies is teaching me a lot about being a teacher and how this fits within our own Hero’s Journeys.

Anyway, these Kung Fu Panda movies also highly represent what I have adopted for my tagline for this podcast: Change Your Self. Change Your World. As we make our way through each of these Kung Fu Panda movies, I’ll point out to you how Po changes the world around him by changing himself first.

As we begin, I am once again going to encourage you to envision that this movie is happening inside of you. That you are the Hero. So, I want you to see yourself as…

…Master Shifu.

Wait. What?

Ha! Gotcha there, didn’t I?

But, hey, it’s true.

There are two ways of viewing Kung Fu Panda. Yes, Po absolutely is the protagonist and the Hero. Yes, this movie is the beginning of Po’s Hero’s Journey.

But Kung Fu Panda – and parts of Kung Fu Panda 2 and 3 – is Master Shifu’s story.

He is a red panda after all.

Hopefully Film Theorists doesn’t work this one out before I’m done with it. Nothing on Kung Fu Panda in their list of videos yet. *Whew*

So, view yourself as either Po or as Master Shifu and I’ll explain the alternate points-of-view as we go through the film.

Kung Fu Panda begins with Po having a dream about being a Kung Fu master. However, he wakes up to his same-old, day to day life, his Normal Existence or Normal World, in his father’s noodle restaurant.

Po’s father, Mr. Ping, a goose, asks Po what he dreamed about.

Spoiler alert: [whispered…loudly] Po’s adopted! We’re not supposed to know this until the second movie!

Anyway, Po’s Call to Adventure, his desire, his bliss is to learn Kung Fu, but he seems to be embarrassed about this desire or he thinks it’s impossible.

Honestly, I think Po feels that he’s not worthy. More on that possibility a little later.

So, Po tells his father that he had dreamed about noodles and Mr. Ping takes this as a sign that Po is ready to know the secret ingredient of the Secret Ingredient Soup and to fulfill his destiny and take over the restaurant.

We also find out that Mr. Ping, when he was “young and crazy” had once wanted to run away from the noodle restaurant and make tofu, but he didn’t because he felt it was a stupid dream.

Keep that tofu dream in mind for Kung Fu Panda 2.

And do you see the lessons, good for children and adults, already being stacked up here?

I’m always telling you, Dear Listeners, to pay attention to these animated films. There are more layers of truth in a lot of these than most live-action movies contain.

In the next scene we are transported to the Jade Palace, or the Special World in Hero’s Journey terms, and here we are introduced to Master Shifu and old Master Oogway. We can deduce pretty quickly that Shifu is gruff, impatient, intolerant, worrisome and that something gnaws at him constantly.

Keep that in mind as well.

Master Oogway tells Shifu that he has had a vision that Tai Lung will escape from prison and that it is time to find the one who will become the Dragon Warrior.

The Dragon Warrior is said to obtain his power by reading from the Dragon Scroll and it is this scroll that Tai Lung, a violent and power-hungry snow leopard, seeks to obtain.

Shifu demands that word be sent to double the prison guards and weapons and make sure Tai Lung will not escape. A goose flies off with this message as Master Oogway states that “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.”

This is the primary setup for the movie: Tai Lung, the Villain, and Po, the Hero must eventually face off. This is a concept that I have seen often, but I don’t think I have voiced it on the podcast yet: when the Hero is called, the Villain is often released.

These are Yin and Yang archetypes within us. We desire to be the Hero, but we have to acknowledge that we often have the impulses of the Villain as well.

Now, back to Kung Fu Panda.

Master Oogway announces the ceremony to select the Dragon Warrior and posters are put up all over the Valley of Peace. Po sees a poster and dashes out to get to the Jade Palace, but he is a fat panda and stairs are his nemesis…and there are many, many, many stairs leading to the Jade Palace.

So, Po arrives late and the doors are closed to him.

Remember this: the doors are closed to Po. I’ll come back to this point a little later.

Through a series of slapstick events, Po eventually makes his way up and over the wall and into the Jade Palace. He knocks himself out and when he comes to, Master Oogway is pointing at him.

Po has been chosen as the Dragon Warrior.

Master Shifu is furious about this and vows that he will make the panda quit by the next morning.

Meanwhile, the messenger goose arrives at the prison where Tai Lung is kept in chains.

And, of course, Tai Lung escapes because of a single feather dropped by that messenger goose.

Just as Master Oogway had foretold.

So, should Master Oogway have said anything at all to Master Shifu about Tai Lung escaping? Did Master Oogway start the entire chain of events?

Again, keep that in mind as well.

Back at the Jade Palace, Po’s training has begun and Master Shifu and the Furious Five discover that Po actually knows no Kung Fu at all.

Discouraged and feeling out of his element, Po goes and finds something to eat and Master Oogway finds him and what Oogway says to Po essentially boils down to, “Tomorrow is a new day.”

The next morning, Master Shifu thinks Po has quit and gone home, but he hasn’t. He got up early and attempted to train on his own…to mildly disastrous results, but at least he tried.

So, now Master Shifu really tries to get Po to quit by basically beating him senseless throughout the day.

However, Po refuses to quit. He keeps taking the beatings and keeps coming back for more. It pretty much seems like Shifu and the Furious Five cannot harm Po at all.

This at least earns Po a modicum of respect from the Furious Five. As Mantis is giving Po some acupuncture therapy to treat his wounds, Tigress relates to Po the story of Tai Lung.

It turns out that baby Tai Lung was left on the doorstep of the Jade Palace and Master Shifu took him in. Shifu trained Tai Lung and treated him as his own son. He was so proud of him and his accomplishments.

They both wished for Tai Lung to become the Dragon Warrior, but when Master Oogway refused him the Dragon Scroll, Tai Lung tried to take it by force.

He laid waste to the Valley of Peace and Master Shifu couldn’t fight him because he loved Tai Lung too much. Master Oogway incapacitated Tai Lung and locked him in prison thereafter.

And Master Shifu has not been at peace ever since.

Master Shifu will never attain the inner peace that he so desperately seeks until Tai Lung is destroyed.

At this point, Shifu gets the news that Tai Lung has escaped from prison and he runs to tell Master Oogway and to ask Oogway what they should do.

Oogway tells Shifu that he must believe that Po, the Dragon Warrior, can stop Tai Lung. He tells Shifu to let go of the illusion of control – that neither Po nor Shifu will fulfill their destiny until Shifu does so.

And with that, Oogway says that his time has come and he disappears in a cloud of peach blossoms leaving Shifu alone.

Alright now, I finally have enough pieces here to put together some of the picture that I am trying to create for you. Hero’s Journey and Archetype time, Dear Listeners!

Remember how I said that Po doesn’t feel like he is worthy?

Remember how Master Shifu is gruff, impatient, intolerant, worrisome and that something gnaws at him constantly?

Remember that I said that the Hero and the Villain can often be released or called at the same time?

Remember how the doors to the Jade Palace were closed to Po?

Remember Shifu’s vow to make Po quit?

Remember how I mentioned that it was really Master Oogway that began this whole chain of events by mentioning his vision that Tai Lung would return?

And now Master Oogway leaves Master Shifu – just as all good gurus must do. If Oogway stayed, Shifu and Po would rely on him to fix their problems once again, instead of learning the lessons life has for them.

So, Shifu must train Po on his own.

Po. The very one Shifu despises as being weak and ineffectual and who couldn’t possibly be the Dragon Warrior.

Just like we despise the supposedly weak and ineffectual parts of our Self when our Pride and Arrogance, our desire for Power or maybe even our Addictions rise to the surface of our being.

Kung Fu Panda is the completion of Master Shifu’s Personal Hero’s Journey.

It was Master Shifu who desired the power of the Dragon Scroll. His Pride and Arrogance and Lust for Power, or shall we say, his Programmed or False Ego, Tai Lung, was shut away by his Inner Wisdom, Master Oogway.

Remember that I’ve often said that our Ego is our protection device? It should protect us from the outside world and it should protect the outside world from us.

This is why Tai Lung has to be “imprisoned” and why the Furious Five have replaced him: they are a more complex and well-developed Ego.

But trying to always hold a part of yourself at bay is difficult for even a short time and impossible for any great length of time.

This is why Master Shifu needs Hope. He has virtually given up on Hope. Hope is weak and ineffectual.

Po is Master Shifu’s inner Hero.

Po is Hope. Po is also Fun, Laughter, Light-Heartedness, Joy. Po is Master Shifu’s Vulnerability and Sense of Humour.

Are you picking up what I’m laying down here? Have I convinced you?

How about we finish off the film to gather a few more examples?

First of all, the Furious Five leave the Jade Palace to attempt to stop Tai Lung from reaching the Valley of Peace.

While they are off on that mission, Master Shifu takes Po to the Pool of Sacred Tears – the birthplace of Kung Fu.

This place is Master Shifu’s deep inner consciousness. Don’t believe me? Think about it this way:

How long did the Furious Five and Tai Lung fight for?

How long did it take Po to learn Kung Fu?

The fact is, we don’t know, because there is no time within your deep inner consciousness, within your mind.

Why do you think you feel embarrassed or bad about something that you did 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 30 years ago?

Why do people in their 80s still feel like they are the same person as they were in their 20s or 30s or 40s?

The Mind, your consciousness, does not age. Yes, it grows in complexity and it learns and changes, but it does not age. All times are now to the Mind. Which is true, all times are now, but we have a hard time convincing our physical mind of that.

In terms of the movie, as I said, this sacred place is Master Shifu’s inner consciousness. It’s the depths of his soul. It is here where Shifu teaches his Inner Hero the ways of Kung Fu.

One of the best moments is the fight scene between Master Shifu and Po over the last dumpling at the 57 minute point of the film. It’s a highly significant moment for both characters. It’s in this moment, while training Po that Shifu finds his Joy in teaching once again and where Po finds his bliss in Kung Fu.

Thus, Po is now ready to read the Dragon Scroll and become the Dragon Warrior.

But, what happens? The scroll is blank. It says nothing and the hopes and dreams of all are dashed.

The Furious Five and Po run to help the people of the village to evacuate the area.

Shifu stays in the Jade Palace to face Tai Lung.

During the evacuation, Po is very downcast and depressed and as he helps his father abandon their old restaurant, Mr. Ping reveals to Po the secret ingredient of his Secret Ingredient soup.

And the secret ingredient is…nothing.

There is no secret ingredient. To make something special you just have to believe that it’s special.

And with that Apotheosis moment, Po looks at the Dragon Scroll once again.

The scroll isn’t blank. It’s a mirror.

The answer to all of our problems, my Dear Heroes, has been in front of every single one of us our entire life.

Po understands all this in a flash and he runs back to the Jade Palace to face Tai Lung.

Meanwhile, Shifu and Tai Lung have been fighting an extremely significant battle. Pay attention to the words and language used and I’m certain you’ll be able to decipher how Tai Lung is Shifu’s false Ego: the Ego that is more or less forced on us by society.

Even look at how Tai Lung appears before Shifu. One moment he is not there, the next he is. He was always there. He never truly left.

But now is the time for that False Ego to be destroyed and Shifu cannot do it on his own, but the Hero, Po, comes to his rescue.

Po and Tai Lung fight for control of the Dragon Scroll and Tai Lung eventually gains it. He opens it, revelling in the power he believes he will find within it.

He is dismayed by only seeing his reflection and even when Po reveals the Truth to him, he still doesn’t understand. Tai Lung can’t understand the concept of finding power within himself as he is always looking for an outside source of power.

Tai Lung doesn’t understand that he could have been the Dragon Warrior all along. The quest is inward, not outward.

Po defeats Tai Lung, the people return to the village. The Furious Five bow to Po and honour him with the title of Master.

Po then remembers Master Shifu was injured and he runs back to the Jade Palace.

Shifu is surprised and happy to see that Po survived. He states that he has brought peace to the valley and, with the False Ego defeated, Shifu is finally at peace with himself.

See? I told you that Master Shifu was the Kung Fu Panda!

And there we have it, Dear Listeners. My interpretation of this highly significant and deeply powerful spiritual movie, Kung Fu Panda. I really hope you join me for the next episode where we will further explore Po’s Hero’s Journey and Mr. Ping’s dream of making tofu in Kung Fu Panda 2.

If you haven’t seen any of these movies yet, please embrace your inner child and go and watch them.

Thank you very much for listening or watching today. Please like, share, comment, criticize, subscribe. If you care to support the podcast, please visit my Reverb sales page for music gear or my Etsy sales page for vintage items sourced by my lovely Christine.

I’m hoping to add some podcast-related items to the Etsy shop as well, but I haven’t had the time to focus on that yet.

You may also choose to simply send me some cash via PayPal.

My own inner panda would like to buy some ingredients for bean buns.

I think I finally have some ideas as to bonus content for a Patreon page and perhaps some small Patreon alternatives as well. Please check the description section of this video for more information.

I have been your host, Mark. This has been a look at the Deeper Meaning of Kung Fu Panda and I will leave you with one final message for today:

You are the secret ingredient.

You are the Hero.

You have all the weapons you need within you.

Now go and be the goddamn Dragon Warrior of you own life so you can change your Self and ultimately change your world.

You have all the weapons and knowledge you need within you. I will see you on the next episode of Think Spiritual Podcasts. Hiiii-ya!

The Deeper Meaning of Kung Fu Panda (2008) – Think Spiritual (2024)


Does Kung Fu Panda have a deeper meaning? ›

The movie teaches us that there is nothing quite as important as appreciating every sight, sound and object that we experience in the here and now. It's key to our happiness. Kung fu training helps us to live in the here and now by getting us to focus on protecting ourselves from our adversaries.

What does Kung Fu Panda teach us? ›

No matter how impossible or unrealistic your dreams are, someday they are bound to come true if your keep faith in yourself and work on your abilities. This allowed Po to discover his inner awesomeness and attractiveness, which is what we must all do in life.

What was the message of the scroll in Kung Fu Panda? ›

The Dragon Scroll is a legendary scroll, written by Oogway that contains the secret to "limitless power". Oogway declared that only the Dragon Warrior would be worthy enough to read the Dragon Scroll.

What religion is Kung Fu Panda based on? ›

The Kung Fu Panda movie trilogy shows the many ideas of Daoism and Confucianism. The overall messages of the movies tend to focus more on Daoism, but there are aspects of Confucianism shown in the movie.

What does a panda symbolize spiritually? ›

Eastern cultures regard Panda as a symbol of peace and luck. When Panda appears, you may find your entire outlook on life becoming brighter. The Panda Spirit often works on the Heart Chakra to help you show love, including toward yourself.

What is the spiritual meaning of kung fu? ›

Kung Fu has great transforming power and balances the mind, body and spirit. It is the mastery of an art, and an accomplishment of a difficult task through concentrated effort. With dedication and practice, one can acquire the discipline and "inner and outer" balance enabling you to master your own life.

What is the most important thing in Kung Fu? ›

Many consider self-defense to be the ultimate goal of Kung Fu or any Martial Art. Yet, the study of Kung Fu is much more than the mere art of fighting. It is truly an art — an art that seeks to develop the body, mind, character, and soul (see A Transformative Experience).

Is Kung Fu Panda inspirational? ›

"Kung Fu Panda" is not only entertaining and engaging, it's inspiring.

Why is Kung Fu so important? ›

Kung fu is highly valued in Chinese culture because it teaches respect, patience, humility, and morality.

What does Master Shifu represent? ›

Shifu (simplified Chinese: 师傅 or 师父; traditional Chinese: 師傅 or 師父; pinyin: shīfù) in Mandarin, or sifu in Cantonese, or sai hu in Hokkien, is a title for, and the role of, a skillful person or a master. The character 師/师 means "skilled person" or "teacher," while 傅 means "tutor" and 父 means "father."

What did the Wushi finger hold do? ›

The Wuxi Finger Hold (pronounced "WOO-shee") is an advanced and powerful kung fu technique, known by Po, Shifu, Oogway and Tai Lung. It is a chi-based move that can send mortals to the Spirit Realm.

Is kung fu a spiritual practice? ›

Study in Kung Fu, with its attention to precise physical movements, balance and co-ordination, directly affects the spiritual development of the individual. The training is intensely personal and should be viewed as a method of self-knowledge and understanding, not just a method of self defence and fighting.

Who is the god in Kung Fu Panda? ›

Membership. The Jade Emperor, the supreme deity in Taoism. He rules over heaven and earth, has one daughter (or seven, depending on variants of myth), and is among the most widely revered deities.

Is kung fu a real thing? ›

kung fu, (Chinese [Wade-Giles romanization]: “skill” ) , Pinyin gongfu, a martial art, both a form of exercise with a spiritual dimension stemming from concentration and self-discipline and a primarily unarmed mode of personal combat often equated with karate or tae kwon do.

What does spiritual animal mean? ›

In certain spiritual traditions or cultures, spirit animal refers to a spirit which helps guide or protect a person on a journey and whose characteristics that person shares or embodies. It is also metaphor, often humorous, for someone or something a person relates to or admires.

How do I know my spirit animal? ›

A few techniques for discovering your spirit animal
  1. Learn about the animal connections in your own lineage. ...
  2. Pay attention to your dreams. ...
  3. Think about your past connections to certain animals. ...
  4. Journal about the animals that you feel drawn to. ...
  5. Take a quiz. ...
  6. Bear. ...
  7. Butterfly. ...
  8. Cat.
3 days ago

What does Panda symbolize in Chinese? ›

Habitat-wise restricted entirely to China today, the giant panda bear is a symbol of peace and friendship for the Chinese people. The animal has been used by its government to maximise political effect for several years now as part of its 'panda diplomacy'.

What represents a fighting spirit? ›

courage and determination expressed in a willingness to fight or struggle.

Is Kung Fu good for mental health? ›

Martial arts can help reduce stress and anxiety by encouraging you to practice deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness. It helps train your mind to keep your attention focused while remaining calm and alert. This can be especially helpful when you're trying to do multiple tasks that divide your attention.

Why does martial art incorporate with spirituality and health? ›

One of the most important benefits of martial arts training is that it teaches practitioners how to maintain focus. Through constant meditation and mental exercise, practitioners are given the ability to clear the mind as they reach the sort of zen-like state required for maximizing performance.

Who is the No 1 kung fu master? ›

William Cheung
ResidenceVictoria, Australia
StyleTraditional Wing Chun (TWC) Kung Fu
Teacher(s)Ip Man
5 more rows

Who is the No 1 kung fu fighter? ›

1. Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan has been an eminent Hong Kong entertainer and martial artist popular for his slapstick acrobats, fighting skills, quick wit and groundbreaking stunts (which he mostly does on his own). He studied Wushu and Hapkido and has performed in more than 150 films since the 1960s.

What does martial arts teach you about life? ›

In martial arts classes, they'll be able to learn how to resolve conflicts, make new friends, and show compassion. Being in a new environment can be scary for kids, but learning how to navigate that situation in a safe controlled environment is a great skill that will benefit them for life.

What is the most famous line in Kung Fu Panda? ›

If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are.”

What are the core values of kung fu? ›

It's respect, compassion, humbleness and devotion that are the values at the heart of Kung Fu.

Which is more important said the panda? ›

'Which is more important,' asked Big Panda, 'the journey or the destination?' 'The company,' said Tiny Dragon.

What is 1 important lesson students learned from kung fu training? ›

Martial arts teaches the value of sticking up for yourself and fighting back. It teaches that, no matter how desperate a situation might be, there are always things that you can do to improve your position, stop the damage, and fight back. Martial arts does not create violent people, but it does create warriors.

Why is it called kung fu? ›

In Chinese, the term kung fu refers to any skill that is acquired through learning or practice. It is a compound word composed of the words 功 (gōng) meaning "work", "achievement", or "merit", and 夫 (fū) which is a particle or nominal suffix with diverse meanings. Wushu literally means "martial art".

What are the five elements of kung fu? ›

This technique breaks nature down into five basic forces: earth, water, metal, wood, and fire—which are also represented by the kung-fu styles snake, crane, dragon, leopard, and tiger.

What is a female Shifu called? ›

Generally, a female instructor who reaches the level of Sifu is referred to as "Sifu" or "Lady-Sifu". "Simo" in any case would be considered wrong, as "Simo" means "wife of Sifu". Chinese martial arts organizations generally reflect a family structure.

What does Tai Lung represent? ›

Moved with compassion, Shifu decided to adopt the cub and raise him as his own, bestowing on him the name "Tai Lung" (meaning "Great Dragon") in the hopes that he would become the Dragon Warrior.

What kind of animal is Master Oogway? ›

Grand Master Oogway (voiced by Randall Duk Kim in the film and Legends of Awesomeness, Greg Baldwin in the video games, and Piotr Michael in The Paws of Destiny), was an elderly Galápagos Tortoise, the senior headmaster of the Jade Palace before Shifu, and the creator of kung fu.

Why did Kai not use Oogway? ›

Because if Oogway was a jombie, he would simply be subject to Kai's will, and perhaps Kai didn't necessarily want that. I'd say he instead wanted whatever still existed of Oogway's consciousness in the jade amulet to witness his actions.

Did Oogway let Kai win? ›

The battle was long, fierce, and "earth-shaking", but in the end, Oogway prevailed, breaking Kai's spear and banishing him body and soul to the Spirit Realm for all eternity.

Who created the Wushi finger hold? ›

Po: Developed by Master Wuxi in the third dynasty, yes. Master Wuxi was a master of kung fu credited for creating the Wuxi Finger Hold, which was used by both Po and Shifu in Kung Fu Panda.

What animal is Tai Lung? ›

In Kung Fu Panda, there was Tai Lung (voiced by Ian McShane), a leopard raised and trained in kung fu by Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), who sought revenge for being denied the role of Dragon Warrior.

What is Skadoo*sh? ›

"Skadoo*sh" just might have legs because it resonates with this grand American tradition of funny-sounding words for sudden, rushing movement.

How did Po leave the Spirit Realm? ›

Oogway passed Po a jade staff with the yin-yang symbol at its end, acknowledging the panda as his true successor, which Po used to return to the mortal realm.

Does karate have a spiritual side? ›

The physical side of martial arts focuses on developing external strength, while the spiritual side promotes the nourishing of our soul and spirit through breathing and meditation.

Which martial art is best for spiritual development? ›

In the Asian cultures there is a very popular concept of Qi (Chi), also known as energy. This form of energy is everywhere; it crosses the universe through every inanimate object, cell, atom and of course in our bodies as well.

Is Karate a spiritual practice? ›

Martial arts training may include introspection and meditation at the start of the class. It is defined as the state of concentration on some object of thought or awareness. This practice is not a religious routine but a way of clarifying the practitioner's mind and spirit.

Is Po's dad a goose? ›

Well, “Kung Fu Panda” is Po Ping, a panda bear adopted by his goose father, Mr. Ping (a transspecies adoption).

What is Po's real name? ›

Master Ping Xiao Po (simply Po; born as Li Lotus) or also known as in the franchise "Kung Fu Panda", is the title character and protagonist of the Kung Fu Panda franchise, primarily voiced by Jack Black and Mick Wingert.

Is Po's dad? ›

Li Shan (known simply as Li; previously known as Po's father and Panda Dad) is a giant panda and the biological father of Po.

What religion is kung fu based on? ›

Kung Fu is grounded in the philosophy of Taoism (pronounced as 'Daoism'). Taoism, pre-dates even Buddhism which has played a significant role given kung fu was first practised by Chinese Monks who later established the Shaolin Temple.

Is kung fu most powerful? ›

There are many styles of Kung Fu, but they all have the same goal, to strike your enemy with lightning speed and preventable power, and that is what makes it one of the deadliest martial arts in the world.

Is kung fu stronger or karate? ›

Kung Fu therefore is more useful in situations where you might be grappling with your target, while Karate is a more offensive martial art. In a general sense, Karate can be used more efficiently to harm an opponent while Kung Fu can be used to stop an opponent.

What does kung fu emphasize? ›

Among the characteristics most associated with kung fu are its very fast and fluid moves and an emphasis on self-discipline. Many kung fu techniques and stances are based on the movements of animals. One of the most prominent examples of this is a style known as the Northern Praying Mantis.

Why is kung fu so important? ›

Kung fu is highly valued in Chinese culture because it teaches respect, patience, humility, and morality.

What is the motto of Kung Fu Panda? ›

If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are.”

What is the most important thing in kung fu? ›

Many consider self-defense to be the ultimate goal of Kung Fu or any Martial Art. Yet, the study of Kung Fu is much more than the mere art of fighting. It is truly an art — an art that seeks to develop the body, mind, character, and soul (see A Transformative Experience).

What was the secret ingredient in Kung Fu Panda? ›

Mr. Ping : The secret ingredient is... nothing!

What is 1 important lesson students learned from Kung Fu training? ›

Martial arts teaches the value of sticking up for yourself and fighting back. It teaches that, no matter how desperate a situation might be, there are always things that you can do to improve your position, stop the damage, and fight back. Martial arts does not create violent people, but it does create warriors.

Is meditation important in Kung Fu? ›

Through meditation your awareness, calm, and focus will increase. These are all very important factors in martial arts. Without awareness, you will not be able to fight in a battle without getting hit or even killed.

How does kung fu teach discipline? ›

Learning Discipline

By instilling discipline in the martial arts arena, students learn to pay attention to the instructor and refrain from misbehaving. These good behaviors typically transfer to the school setting, where students often begin earning better grades as a result.

What is Kung Fu in simple words? ›

kung fu, (Chinese [Wade-Giles romanization]: “skill” ) , Pinyin gongfu, a martial art, both a form of exercise with a spiritual dimension stemming from concentration and self-discipline and a primarily unarmed mode of personal combat often equated with karate or tae kwon do.

Is there a God in Kung Fu Panda? ›

Membership. The Jade Emperor, the supreme deity in Taoism. He rules over heaven and earth, has one daughter (or seven, depending on variants of myth), and is among the most widely revered deities.

What was Po's dream? ›

Po has a dream in which he is a legendary warrior. While traveling through the Valley of Peace in search of "worthy foes", he comes across a rabbit being chased by several members of the Blackhoof Boar Clan.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 6323

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.