TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023 | PrepInsta (2024)

TCS Digital Interview Experience

Read the latest TCS Digital Interview Experience of selected candidates. Here you can find the most asked TCS interview questions along with their answers. Know about the interview pattern and the recruitment procedure for the TCS Digital profile.

Page Highlights:

  • What is TCS Digital?
  • TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023
  • TCS Digital Interview Questions
  • TCS FAQs

TCS Digital Placement Papers

TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023 | PrepInsta (1)

TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023 | PrepInsta (2)

TCS Digital Interview Experience

Read the latest TCS Digital Interview Experience of selected candidates. Here you can find the most asked TCS interview questions along with their answers. Know about the interview pattern and the recruitment procedure for the TCS Digital profile.

Page Highlights:

  • What is TCS Digital?
  • TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023
  • TCS Digital Interview Questions
  • TCS FAQs

TCS Digital Placement Papers

TCS Digital is the most sought-after profile within TCS. Through your digital profile, you can be placed at TCS for the System Engineer post with a salary of 7lpa. The top percentage of performers are given the option to sit for the Digital profile interview through NQT.

To ace the TCS Digital interview, candidates must have strong coding abilities as well as knowledge of cutting-edge technologies like as blockchain and machine learning.

TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023 | PrepInsta (3)

1. TCS Digital Interview Experience On Campus

I appeared for the TCS NQT On Campus Tests and got selected for the TCS Digital profile. I would like to share my interview experience with the readers of PrepInsta.

We got an email from our college TPO about TCS and eligible students who can apply for the same. I immediately filled out the application form and got the confirmation mail and the online assessment details.

The exam pattern for this NQT was different from the previous ones. To start the round was divided into two sections:-

  • Foundation
  • Advanced

TCS Digital Foundation Round:-

This was the first round. It was around 75 minutes and there were 4 sections. The overall round was not that difficult but I did find the Reasoning Ability questions tricky.

TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023 | PrepInsta (4)

TCS Digital Advanced Round:-

After the Foundation round was over the Advanced round started. This one had coding questions and was overall more complex than the first round.
We were told previously that on clearing this round we can sit for the Digital interview.

TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023 | PrepInsta (5)

TCS Digital Interview:-

The next day I received the message from college that I was shortlisted for the interview round. There were three interviewers on the panel, one for technical, one for HR, and one for MR.
The technical interviewer started the interview.

TCS Digital Technical Interview Questions

Question 1: Introduce yourself.

Read Answer: How to introduce yourself in an interview?

Question 2: What is oops in C++?

Read Answer: OOPS concepts in C++

Question 3: What is a Static variable?

Read Answer: Static Variable in C++

I answered these questions then we moved on to the projects. I had a Machine Learning project on Stock Price Prediction and an E-commerce website using Django.
The TR asked me to explain my ML project and then asked me some questions about it.

Question 4: Explain your project (Machine Learning).

TCS Digital MR Interview Questions:-

After I had explained my project and answered his questions, which lasted around 15 minutes, the MR interviewer started asking questions.

The MR interviewer first asked me to explain my second project, which was the E-commerce website. I gave him an explanation about it.
Once that was over, he asked me some questions about my Machine learning project.

Question 5: What is the exception in this project?

After I answered this question he asked me about my preference for technologies.

Question 6: Which technologies would you prefer working with?

I answered by saying that my first preference is Data Science and ML and my second preference is Cloud Computing.
On this, he asked me some questions about Cloud Computing and AWS.

Question 7: How did you learn about AWS? Was it offered in your college?

I told them that my college did not provide AWS. However, I worked on DevOps in AWS during my third year.

He was satisfied with this answer and moved on to the next question.

Question 8: Why do you want to join TCS?

I answered the questions.

TCS Digital HR Interview Questions

After this, the HR Interviewer started questioning.
First, she verified my SSC Diploma and degree document. Then he asked me some basic questions like,

Question 9: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Read Answer:- What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Question 10: Will you be able to relocate?

Read Answer:- Are you willing to relocate?

I answered all these questions and then she asked me if I had any questions for the panel.

I asked them whether there was anything in particular that can be a matter of concern about me? And if there is anything I can improve on?

The interviewers answered my questions and then I was asked to leave the interview. I wished them farewell and then left.

Two days later I got the results that I was selected for the TCS Digital Profile.

2. TCS Digital Interview Experience for ECE

Name:- Abhirup Mukherjee

College:- Future Institute of Technology

I applied for the TCS Ninja Hiring Challenge through PrepInsta’s Instagram page. This was an off-campus placement drive. I followed PrepInsta’s youtube video as well to prepare for the exam, especially coding round as I am from ECE background.

For this drive there was the option to attend in-center or remote examination. I opted for remote. The exam was conducted on iLeon platform.

Online test:

This was an online test and there were in total 2 sections namely:-

  • Foundation section :

Foundation section which had questions on verbal, numerical reasoning, and logical ability.

  • Advanced section:

After my foundation test was over, the advanced test started. To get into a Digital profile, clearing this round is mandatory.

The advanced section had questions from advanced reasoning, quants along with coding questions.

This round had two coding questions. Both the questions were from competitive coding, and we could code in Java, Python, C or C++.

Total time allotted to complete the test was approx. 3hrs.

TCS Digital Interview:-

I got shortlisted for the interview round for Digital profile after clearing both the Foundation and Advanced Section of the online Assessment. There were in total three interview rounds conducted on the same day. Each interview was conducted by a different interviewer.

TCS Technical Interview Questions:

The first interview was the technical interview round. The interviewer asked me questions from my project, some technical questions and also some questions related to my department.

1. Introduce yourself.

2. What do you mean by cloud computing?

Cloud computing enables a user to store data and files on the internet and access them from any device with an internet connection.

3. What are the benefits of cloud computing?

These are the key advantages of cloud computing:

  • Data saving and storage.
  • Servers with strong capabilities.
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Efficient in terms of time and money.

4. What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a type of ledger that records all transactions that take place over a network. Additionally, DLT, or Distributed Ledger Technology, of which Blockchain is a component, encrypts every transaction with a signature, making it difficult to alter or hack the network or transactions.

5. What is machine learning?

Machine learning enables computers to automatically learn from experience and advance without being specifically programmed. Making computer programs that can access data and learn for themselves is the focus of machine learning.

6. What is the importance of Big Data in business-related tasks?

  • Identifying the fundamental causes of failures, difficulties, and faults in near-real-time.
  • Creating coupons at the point of sale depends on the customer’s purchasing behavior.
  • Recalculating whole risk portfolios in minutes.
  • Detecting fraudulent behavior before it has an impact on your organization.

7. What is final?

The keyword final denotes an entity that has not been altered.

8. Tell me about the project that is mentioned in your resume.

9. Write a program to swap a number without using a third variable in Python.

a=int(input(“Enter value : “))b=int(input(“Enter value : “))print(“Before swapping a :”,a)print(“Before swapping b :”,b)#logic to swap without using third variable a=a+b b=a-ba=a-bprint(“After swapping a becomes :”,a)print(“After swapping b becomes :”,b) 

This was all for the technical round. After this round was over, I was asked to join the interview for the managerial round.

TCS Managerial Round Questions:-

This was conducted by a separate panelist. Here they asked a lot of behavioral questions, and scenario specific questions.

1.What is your opinion on work from home? If given the option which mode of working you would prefer?

2.You have mentioned that you are comfortable in C, C++ and Python. What if you are given a project where you have to work on a different language like Go or R?

3.How long do you think it will take you to learn a new language, because we cannot give you a lot of time?

4.In your resume you do not have any project related to IT field. What makes you think you will be able to handle our projects?

This was all the questions asked in the managerial round. The last interview round was the HR round.

TCS HR Round Questions:-

This was a short round, conducted by a third panelist member.

1.What are your strengths and weaknesses?

2.What is your goal for the future?

3.Will you be able to relocate?

This was all the questions. For anyone attending the interview, I would recommend them to keep a calm head during the process. Keep your schedule clear, because you never know how long the interview will last.

3. TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023

Name:- Prerna

College:- Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalay

Profile:- Systems Engineer

I applied for the off campus TCS drive, registering myself for the TCS National Qualifier Test. This is my interview experience for the whole process.

Round:- TCS NQT

After registering for NQT, I got the exam email. For practice, I referred to PrepInsta’s materials. I got the exam link and credentials, a day before the exam.

The pattern for the exam constituted of:-

  • Foundation round- which contains basic questions from traits, verbal, logical as well as numerical ability. The given time was 76mins
  • Advanced Round- duration was 90mins.

This section had questions from advanced coding, quants and reasoning abilities.

For coding questions, the first question was based on string manipulation. The second question was based on dynamic programming and was a bit difficult compared to the other questions.

Most of the questions seemed easy and were common with what I practiced. Even the coding questions were easy. One question was on loops and the other was on string manipulation.

My overall takeaway from this round was that it was of easy to moderate level.

I got shortlisted for the interview in the TCS Digital profile after clearing both the foundation and advanced coding sections of the written assessment.

Interview for TCS Digital

There were three interviews in total, conducted on the same day. The interviews constituted of Technical, Managerial and HR round.

TCS Digital Interview Questions with Answers

TR Round

My first round was the technical interview.

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain is a technique for securely storing data that cannot be hacked.

3. What is big data analytics?

The term “big data analytics” refers to the application of advanced analytical methods to very large, heterogeneous data sets that include structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data from numerous sources and have sizes ranging from terabytes to zettabytes.

4. What is a linked list?

A sort of linear data structure called a linked list doesn’t store its members in sequential memory locations.

5. What is the full form of JVM?

JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine.

6. What are the different data types used in JAVA?

primitive data types, including bytes, shorts, ints, longs, floats, doubles, booleans, and chars.

Strings, Arrays, and Classes are some of non-primitive data types.

7. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Robots can do human-like tasks and learn from experience due to artificial intelligence (AI).

MR Round

1.Can you explain one of your projects?

My project was a Deep learning based project which I explained. I did screen share and showed the working model of my project.

2.What is the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

HR Round

The last round was the HR Round

1. Why do you want to join TCS?

2. Do you have any active backlogs?

3. Are you ready to relocate if required?

To read more TCS Interview Experience, also see:-

TCS Ninja Interview Experience

TCS Interview Experience

TCS NQT Interview Experience

To read more TCS Interview Experiences, also see:-

TCS Ninja Interview Experience

Read latest TCS Ninja Interview Experience of selected candidates.

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TCS Interview Experience

Read latest TCS Digital Interview Experience of selected candidates.

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TCS NQT Interview Experience

Read latest TCS NQT Interview Experience of selected candidates.

Read More!

FAQ on TCS Digital Interview Experience

Question: What is the interview process in TCS?


To get recruited in TCS a candidate first has to clear the online assessment round.

Once a candidate has cleared round 1, the next step will be the interviews.

There are two interview rounds that are conducted in TCS, one Technical Round and one HR/MR round.

Question: When can I expect my TCS interview results?


Within 1 to 3 weeks TCS sends out their interview results.

Question: Is TCS interview difficult to crack?


Every interview can be cracked with the right preparation.

For TCS, the technical skills of candidates is thoroughly tested as well as problem solving skills. Preparing aptly for the interview will make it easy to crack.

Question: Is year gap allowed in TCS?


TCS allows 2 years of gap. However candidate needs to present a proper reason for the gap.

Question: How many days does TCS take to give joining letter?


It usually takes around a month for the whole interview process to commence and the offer letter to come through

Question: Can I join TCS with one backlog?


TCS allows one backlog during registration period. However during the time of joining the candidate must have no active backlogs.


As an AI language model developed by, I have access to a vast amount of information on various topics. I can provide insights and answer questions related to TCS Digital interviews and experiences. I will use search result snippets to support my responses and ensure the information provided is accurate and reliable.

TCS Digital Interview Experience

TCS Digital is a highly sought-after profile within TCS. It offers placement as a System Engineer with a salary of 7lpa. To ace the TCS Digital interview, candidates must have strong coding abilities and knowledge of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and machine learning.

The interview process for TCS Digital typically consists of multiple rounds, including a technical interview, a managerial interview, and an HR interview. The technical interview focuses on assessing the candidate's technical skills and knowledge, while the managerial and HR interviews evaluate their behavioral and communication skills.

During the technical interview, candidates can expect questions related to their projects, technical concepts, programming languages, and technologies. The managerial interview may involve questions about the candidate's opinions, preferences, and their ability to handle different projects. The HR interview usually covers questions about the candidate's strengths, weaknesses, goals, and willingness to relocate.

It is important for candidates to prepare thoroughly for each round of the interview, showcasing their expertise, problem-solving abilities, and enthusiasm for the role. By demonstrating their knowledge and skills effectively, candidates can increase their chances of success in the TCS Digital interview process.

Concepts mentioned in the article

The article you provided discusses various aspects of the TCS Digital interview experience. Here are some key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. TCS Digital: TCS Digital is a profile within TCS that offers placement as a System Engineer with a salary of 7lpa. It is highly sought-after and requires strong coding abilities and knowledge of technologies like blockchain and machine learning.

  2. Interview Rounds: The TCS Digital interview process typically consists of multiple rounds, including a technical interview, a managerial interview, and an HR interview. Each round assesses different aspects of the candidate's skills, knowledge, and suitability for the role.

  3. Technical Interview: The technical interview focuses on evaluating the candidate's technical skills and knowledge. It may include questions about projects, technical concepts, programming languages, and technologies.

  4. Managerial Interview: The managerial interview assesses the candidate's behavioral skills, problem-solving abilities, and their suitability for handling different projects. It may involve questions about the candidate's opinions, preferences, and ability to learn new technologies.

  5. HR Interview: The HR interview evaluates the candidate's communication skills, strengths, weaknesses, goals, and willingness to relocate. It aims to assess the candidate's overall fit for the organization and their alignment with its values and culture.

  6. Coding Abilities: TCS Digital requires candidates to have strong coding abilities. The interview process may include coding questions to assess the candidate's problem-solving skills and programming proficiency.

  7. Cutting-edge Technologies: TCS Digital expects candidates to have knowledge of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and machine learning. Familiarity with these technologies can give candidates an advantage during the interview process.

These concepts provide an overview of the topics discussed in the article regarding the TCS Digital interview experience.


The TCS Digital interview experience involves multiple rounds, including a technical interview, a managerial interview, and an HR interview. Candidates need to showcase their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and enthusiasm for the role. Strong coding abilities and knowledge of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and machine learning are essential for success in the TCS Digital interview process. By preparing thoroughly and demonstrating their expertise, candidates can increase their chances of securing a position in the TCS Digital profile.

Please note that the information provided is based on the search result snippets available and may not cover all the details mentioned in the full article.

TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023 | PrepInsta (2024)
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