- Alternative Minimum Tax (2024)

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Income Tax Act s. 127.5

Alternative Minimum Tax and the Detailed Canadian Tax Calculator

2024 Alternative Minimum Tax Changes

2023 and Earlier Canadian Dividends No Tax

- Eligible Dividendsand Alternative Minimum Tax

- Non-EligibleDividends (Regular Dividends) and Alternative Minimum Tax

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Resources

AlternativeMinimum Tax and the Detailed Canadian Tax Calculator

Our Canadian taxcalculator calculates alternative minimum tax.

Alternative Minimum Tax does not apply in the year of death - our Canadiantax calculator does not provide an option for this.

AMT is currently calculated on form T691Alternative Minimum Tax.

2024 Alternative Minimum Tax Changes

As proposed by the Federal 2023 Budget, changeswere made to the AMT calculation effective January 1, 2024. A resultof the changes to the AMT is that when Canadian dividends are the only incomefor a taxpayer, AMT does not apply at any level of dividends. This isbecause the regular tax is more than the AMT at any level of dividends.

Effective for tax yearsbeginning after 2023: - Alternative Minimum Tax (1)AMT exemption raised from $40,000 to start of 4th tax bracket ($173,205 in 2024) - Alternative Minimum Tax (2)AMT rate increased from 15% to 20.5% - Alternative Minimum Tax (3)50% of deductions for CPP, child care and moving expenses are disallowed in the AMT calculation. - Alternative Minimum Tax (4) 50% of most non-refundable tax credits are dis allowed in the AMT calculation. Previously 100% could be claimed. - Alternative Minimum Tax (5) the AMT capital gains inclusion rate is increased from 80% to 100%, with capital loss carry forwards and allowable business investment losses remaining at 50% rate - Alternative Minimum Tax (6) 100% of the benefit associated with employee stock options is included in the AMT base. - Alternative Minimum Tax (7)Only 80% of the donation tax credit is allowed to reduce the AMT. Previously 100% could be claimed. - Alternative Minimum Tax (8)include 30% of capital gains on donations of publicly listed securities in the AMT base. The 30% rate would also apply to the full benefit associated with the employee stock options to the extent that a deduction is available.

See also AlternativeMinimum Tax (AMT) and Donation of Securities

For further information see the following:

AlternativeMinimum Tax (AMT) for High-Income Individuals from Budget 2023

Budget2024 Alternative Minimum Tax Changes for further changes in addition to theBudget 2023 changes.

Helpful Resources:

For a good summary of the new Alternative Minimum Tax with someexamples, see Will you or your trust be affected by changes to the alternative minimum tax?from Grant Thornton LLP, updated June 21, 2024.

Charitablegiving: How changes to AMT may impact your donations from Grant Thornton LLP,updated June 21, 2024.

DraftLegislation including Alternative Minimum Tax changes, and the related August4, 2023 News Release.

Noticeof Ways and Means Motion which includes changes to the AMT, and which becameBillC-69, Budget Implementation Act, 2024, No. 1 was tabled and past firstreading, receiving Royal Assent on June 20, 2024. It includes the changes to AMT.

2023 and Earlier Canadian Dividends No Tax

Alternative Minimum Tax 2023 and Earlier re Canadian Dividends

In this article, we talk about what can be earned in Canadian eligible or non-eligible dividends before regular federal or provincial taxes are payable, and before alternative minimum tax applies, if there is no income other than the eligible or non-eligible dividends. The results shown are for a single person.

Eligible Dividendsand Alternative Minimum Tax

In 2023: - Alternative Minimum Tax (9) regular federal taxes start to be payable when actual eligible dividends reach the amount of $68,558 (2022 $65,061) - Alternative Minimum Tax (10) at this point there is $2,033 (2022 $1,599) of federal AMT payable. - Alternative Minimum Tax (11) AMT starts when the dividends reach $55,002 (2022 $54,403). - Alternative Minimum Tax (12)Federal AMT is applicable for dividends above this amount, until the amount of the dividends reaches $175,218 (2022 $161,215), when the regular federal tax equals or exceeds the minimum amount.

In the following table: - Alternative Minimum Tax (13) the federal row for eligible dividends shows the amount of actual dividends that can be earned before regular federal tax is payable for a single person with only the basic personal amount tax credit, if there is no income other than the dividends. - Alternative Minimum Tax (14)the provincial information shows the amount of actual dividends that can be earned in each province before any regular provincial income tax (net of any low income tax reduction) is payable. - Alternative Minimum Tax (15) However, if this amount exceeds the amount of dividends at which federal AMT is payable ($54,403 in 2022), AMT will be payable for all provinces except Quebec, which does not base its AMT on the federal AMT. - Alternative Minimum Tax (16)the provincial information also shows the total amount of regular federal income tax, plus federal and provincial AMT payable at the indicated amount of dividends.

The 2023/2022 amounts are based on rates known as of June 13, 2023. - Actual Eligible Dividends Before Regular Income Tax is Payable
2023 2022 2021
Province Prov AMT as
% of Fed AMT
Fed Tax +
Fed Tax +
Fed Tax +
Federal $68,558 $2,033 $65,061 $1,599 $63,040 $1,385
AB 35.00% 80,965 4,833 76,382 4,056 74,667 3,820
BC (3) 33.70% 186,226 20,986 175,684 19,865 172,067 19,524
MB 50.00% 35,677 0 26,954 0 26,408 0
NB 57.00% 151,011 15,270 127,419 11,875 122,413 11,140
NL 51.30% 27,279 0 25,758 0 18,223 0
NS 57.50% 32,408 0 32,408 0 32,408 0
NT (3) 45.00% 246,385 35,913 231,791 33,786 226,356 32,052
NU (3) 45.00% 88,848 6,278 83,570 5,345 81,623 3,556
ON (1) 33.67% 104,474 8,811 98,105 7,676 95,807 7,320
PE 57.50% 51,246 0 49,528 0 48,669 0
QC (2) n/a 48,353 0 41,370 0 40,302 0
SK 50.00% 117,806 10,733 110,835 9,522 108,225 9,124
YT (43) 42.70% 448,001 85,939 437,294 84,777 433,328 84,350
Federal AMT starts at $55,002 $54,403 $53,810


(1) ON excludes Ontario Health Premium. The 2022 Federal tax + AMTfor ON has been revised since this article was published in September 2022.

(2) QC excludescontribution to the health services fund, health contribution, and prescriptiondrug insurance plan premiums.

(3) Refundable tax credits are excluded.

(4) Provincial AMT is calculated as a % of federal AMT,except for Quebec. Thus, even though the eligibledividends may not reach the taxable level in a particularprovince, they will still be subject to AMT if there isfederal AMT. The BC, NL and ON AMTrates are calculated as lowest provincial tax rate / lowestfederal tax rate. Quebec's AMT is not based on the federalAMT, and Canadian dividends, eligible or non-eligible (small business) do not incurprovincial AMT inQuebec.

See our tables of dividend tax credit rates for eligible dividends by year from 2007 to present for every province & territory, for dividend tax credit rates for each province and territory.

The above table only relates to AMT regarding eligible Canadian dividends. AMT may be applicable in othersituations when taxpayers have high incomes, yet have littletax payable on the income. The exemption level forfederal AMT is $40,000.

For more information onalternative minimum tax, see the Canada Revenue Agency information on Minimum Tax web page. The AMT is calculated on form T691.

Non-EligibleDividends (Regular Dividends) and Alternative Minimum Tax

In the following table: - Alternative Minimum Tax (17) the federal column for non-eligible dividends shows the amount of actual dividends that can be earned before regular federal tax is payable, if there is no income other than the dividends. - Alternative Minimum Tax (18)the provincial columns show the amount of actual dividends that can be earned in each province before any regular provincial income tax (net of any low income tax reduction) is payable. - Alternative Minimum Tax (19) Alternativeminimum tax (AMT) is not incurred at any level of these dividends.

The 2023/2022 amounts are based on rates known as of June 13, 2023. The2022 amounts for NL and SK have been revised from the amounts published inSeptember 2022. - Actual Non-Eligible Dividend Income Before Regular Income Taxes Are Payable
Year Gross
Federal AB BC MB NB NL NS ON(1) PE QC(2) SK
2023 15% 32,784 23,358 25,482 14,587 22,788 21,974 16,582 36,798 16,366 18,181 19,212
2022 15% 31,461 22,035 24,045 10,437 21,430 20,750 16,582 34,541 14,862 18,181 17,323
2021 15% 30,172 21,541 23,552 10,259 19,578 20,471 16,582 33,733 15,298 18,670 16,827
2020 15% 28,907 21,541 23,300 10,175 19,391 20,392 16,582 33,440 16,081 19,807 20,552
2019 15% 26,373 21,541 22,726 9,994 19,026 20,205 16,582 38,244 15,125 21,078 20,552
2018 16% 30,737 20,801 22,340 9,701 18,652 19,676 16,702 37,105 15,197 22,264 20,293
2017 17% 33,313 20,456 22,082 9,525 18,972 18,740 14,673 43,566 14,548 24,016 19,996
2016 17% 32,855 22,792 22,712 9,410 19,495 18,634 14,673 42,863 14,365 22,065 19,517
2015 18% 36,160 22,377 22,718 9,968 19,910 18,705 14,791 43,807 13,558 21,641 19,188
2014 18% 35,551 21,848 21,628 9,968 23,014 18,333 21,666 42,946 12,825 21,410 18,866
2013 25% 43,432 21,653 25,059 9,998 21,910 19,281 28,339 40,141 11,657 22,390 19,160
2012 25% 42,584 21,276 27,711 9,805 21,875 18,807 28,339 39,425 9,140 21,850 18,789
2011 25% 41,420 20,900 27,062 9,603 21,417 18,241 28,339 38,164 9,140 21,284 21,324

(1) ON excludes Ontario Health Premium.

(2) QC excludes contribution to the health services fund, health contribution, and prescription drug insurance plan premiums.

See our tables of rates for non-eligible(small business) dividends, which shows the dividend tax rates for 2007 topresent for each province and territory.

See our article on non-eligible(small business) dividends for more information.

To see the tax results for your own income situation, andhow it would change if the type of investment income changes, use our IncomeTax Planning Calculators, in particular the InvestmentIncome Tax Calculator.

For a comparison of taxes for all provinces and territories for 2021 andearlier years, including marginal tax rates for eligible and non-eligibledividends, capital gains and other income, see the BasicCanadian Tax Calculator.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Resources


FormT691 Alternative Minimum Tax

Tax Tip: Everyone's situation differs. Seek the advice of a professional tax advisor if you think there is a possibility you may be subject to alternative minimum tax.

Revised: July 14, 2024 - Alternative Minimum Tax (2024)

FAQs - Alternative Minimum Tax? ›

Eligible Dividends and Alternative Minimum Tax

What is the alternative minimum tax in California? ›

California tax law gives special treatment to some types of income and allows special deductions and credits for some types of expenses. Corporations that benefit from these laws may have to pay an alternative minimum tax (AMT), at a rate of 6.65%, in addition to the minimum franchise tax. ( Sec. 23455(d), Rev.

What triggers AMT in California? ›

California's AMT applies to individuals whose income exceeds certain thresholds and who have specific types of deductions and credits. Taxpayers with high itemized deductions, such as those for mortgage interest, state and local taxes, and miscellaneous deductions, are more likely to trigger the AMT.

What triggers the alternative minimum tax? ›

The taxpayer is subject to AMT if the tentative minimum tax exceeds the regular tax liability calculated on regular taxable income.

Who qualifies for the alternative minimum tax? ›

Taxpayers who had incomes that exceeded the AMT exemption of $81,300 (single), $126,500 (married filing jointly) and $63,250 (married filing separately) in 2023 may be subject to the alternative minimum tax when they file their 2024 tax return. AMT tax rates are 26% or 28%.

How to avoid paying AMT? ›

A good strategy for minimizing your AMT liability is to keep your adjusted gross income (AGI) as low as possible. Some options: Participate in a 401(k), 403(b), SARSEP​, 457(b) plan, or SIMPLE IRA by making the maximum allowable salary deferral contributions.

Why am I paying AMT tax? ›

The AMT is the excess of the tentative minimum tax over the regular tax. Thus, the AMT is owed only if the tentative minimum tax for the year is greater than the regular tax for that year. The tentative minimum tax is figured separately from the regular tax.

How do I know if I have to pay AMT? ›

You can complete IRS Form 6251 by hand, use tax software programs or hire a professional tax preparer to determine if you owe the AMT and, if so, calculate the amount you owe. The IRS has set income levels to determine which rate you're charged for your AMT.

What is excluded from AMT? ›

Line 2a: Standard deduction or deductible taxes from Schedule A: In calculating the AMT, you cannot take itemized deductions for state and local income tax, real estate taxes and personal property taxes, even though these are deductible on your regular return.

What is the AMT threshold for 2024? ›

AMT Exemption Amount Thresholds (Updated for 2024)

For the 2024 tax year, the AMT exemption is $85,700 for taxpayers filing as single and $133,300 for married couples filing jointly, per the IRS.

Do AMT credits expire? ›

Any additional unused credit would be carried forward to future years. As you may have realized, the amount of AMT credit you get back each year is equal to the spread between your regular tax liability and your AMT liability.

Was the alternative minimum tax eliminated? ›

TCJA permanently repealed the corporate AMT (reducing federal revenues by $40 billion from FY2018-2027) and temporarily increased individual AMT exemption amounts and the amount of income at which those exemption amounts begin to phase out.

What credits can offset AMT? ›

Today, small businesses can offset AMT using the R&D tax credit for tax years beginning after December 31, 2015. Yet, some limitations, like the 25/25 rule, remain. This regulation restricts taxpayers with over $25,000 in regular tax liability from offsetting more than 75% of their tax liability using the credit (Sec.

How do I calculate alternative minimum tax? ›

How To Calculate AMT: A Step-By-Step Guide
  1. Determine Your Regular Taxable Income.
  2. Make Required Adjustments.
  3. Subtract Your AMT Exemption.
  4. Calculate Your AMT Taxable Income.
  5. Multiply Your AMTI By The AMT Rates.
  6. Compare The TMT To Your Regular Tax Liability.
  7. Complete Form 6251.

Who does the 15% alternative minimum tax apply to? ›

Beginning in 2023, the United States will apply a 15% corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT). The CAMT applies to corporations with average annual adjusted book income over $1 billion for a period of three consecutive years.

How do I report alternative minimum tax? ›

Use Form 6251 to figure the amount, if any, of your alternative minimum tax (AMT). The AMT applies to taxpayers who have certain types of income that receive favorable treatment, or who qualify for certain deductions, under the tax law.

What is the minimum alternative tax? ›

MAT or Minimum Alternate Tax is a provision in Direct tax laws to limit tax exemptions availed by companies, so that they pay at least a minimum amount of corporate tax to the government. The key reason for introduction of MAT is to ensure minimum levels of taxation for all domestic and foreign companies in India.

What is the AMTI exclusion in California? ›

Alternative Minimum Taxable Income (AMTI) Exclusion. A qualified taxpayer must exclude income, positive and negative adjustments, and preference items attributable to any trade or business when figuring AMTI.

How does the AMT credit work? ›

The AMT is calculated based on the difference between the fair market value of the shares on the date that you exercised the shares and the exercise price. The AMT credit can be used to lower your federal income tax bill when the amount you owe on taxes is more than what it would have been under the AMT.

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