Table of Contents: American Sociological Review (2024)

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  • Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias
  • Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
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Table of Contents:

  • 1966 Nº 1 : Metropolitan Migration and Intervening Opportunities / Omer R. Galle and Karl E. Taeuber
  • Social Status and Psychological Disorder: An Issue of Substance and an Issue of Method / Bruce P. Dohrenwend
  • Economic Insecurity and the Political Attitudes of Cuban Workers / Maurice Zeitlin
  • The Identification Problem and Theory Building: The Case of Status Inconsistency / Hubert M. Blalock, Jr.
  • Union Conventions and Executive Boards: A Formal Analysis of Organizational Structure / Philip M. Marcus
  • Rancorous Conflict in Community Politics / William A. Gamson
  • The Division of Labor, Technology, and the Organization of Production in Twelve Countries / Jack P. Gibbs and Harley L. Browning
  • Occupational Mobility and Attitudes Toward Negroes / Robert W. Hodge and Donald J. Treiman.
  • 1966 Nº 2 : Neighborhood Context and College Plans / William H. Sewell and J. Michael Armer
  • The Relative Associational Contiguity of Occupations in an Urban Setting / Edward O. Laumann and Louis Guttman
  • The Structure of Small Bureaucracies / Peter M. Blau, Wolf V. Heydebrand and Robert E. Stauffer
  • The Marginal Middle Class: A Reconsideration / Richard F. Hamilton
  • Theology and Party Preference Among Protestant Clergymen / Benton Johnson
  • Community Dynamics and Artistic Creativity / Vytautas Kavolis
  • The Random Probe: A Technique for Evaluating the Validity of Closed Questions / Howard Schuman
  • A Research Note on Diagnosed Mental Illness and Social Class / H. Warren Dunham, Patricia Phillips and Barbara Srinivasan
  • The Influence of Kinship Upon Perception of an Ambiguous Stimulus / Rex A. Lucas
  • The Interaction of Person and Society / Paul-Henri Chombart de Lauwe
  • Research on Socialization and Personality Development in the United States and France: Remarks on the Paper by Professor Chombart de Lauwe / John A. Clausen.
  • 1966 Nº 3 : The Sociology of Law and Normative Phenomena / Jack P. Gibbs
  • Industrialization and the American Family: A Look Backward / Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr.
  • Conflict and Criminality / Austin T. Turk
  • Models of Behavior in Stalinist Literature: A Case Study of Totalitarian Values and Controls / Paul Hollander
  • Color Gradation and Attitudes among Middle-Income Negroes / Howard E. Freeman, and others
  • Status Consistency and Political Attitudes / K. Dennis Kelly and William J. Chambliss
  • Compliance Patterns and Communication Blocks in Complex Organizations / Joseph Julian
  • Industrialization and Community Status Structure / William A. Faunce and M. Joseph Smucker
  • Anomia and Enomia: A Methodological Evaluation of Srole's Anomia Scale / Curtis R. Miller and Edgar W. Butler
  • Parochial School Origins and Educational Achievement / Seymour Warkov and Andrew M. Greeley.
  • 1966 Nº 4 : Social Factors in the Origins of a New Science: The Case of Psychology / Joseph Ben-David and others
  • Social Class, Occupation, and Parental Values: A Cross-National Study / Leonard I. Pearlin and others
  • The Formation of a Social Class Structure: Urbanization, Bureaucratization and Social Mobility in Thailand / Hans-Dieter Evers
  • Higher Education, Religion and Women's Family-Size Orientations / Charles F. Westoff and other
  • Organizational Alienation: A Comparative Analysis / Michael Aiken and others
  • Birth Order and the Feminine Sex Role Among College Women / Kenneth Kammeyer
  • Polygraph and Interview Validation of Self-Reported Deviant Behavior / John P. Clark and others
  • Status Integration and Suicide: An Assessment / William J. Chambliss and others
  • On Assessing the Theory of Status Integration and Suicide / Jack P. Gibbs and Walter T. Martin.
  • 1966 Nº 5 : Some Religious Factors in the Emergence of Industrial Society in England / Herman Israel
  • Solidarity and Delinquency in a Street Corner Group / Leon R. Jansyn, Jr.
  • Culture and Symptoms--An Analysis of Patient's Presenting Complaints / Irving Kenneth Zola
  • Childspacing and Family Economic Position / Ronald Freedman and others
  • The Decline of Politics and Ideology in a Knowledgeable Society / Robert E. Lane
  • Clique Contacts and Family Orientations / Joel I. Nelson
  • Illegitimacy in the Caribbean Social Structure: A Reconsideration / Hyman Rodman
  • Discipline, Method, and Community Power: A Note on the Sociology of Knowledge / John Walton
  • Class and Politics in the Family Backgrounds of Student Political Activists / David L. Westby and others
  • Merton Revisited: A New Classification for Deviant Behavior / Frank Harary.
  • 1966 Nº 6 : The Utility of Utopias / Wilbert E. Moore
  • Assortative Mating and the Structure of Cities / Natalie Rogoff Ramsøy
  • The Friends and Supporters of Psychotherapy: On Social Circles in Urban Life / Charles Kadushin
  • Organizations and Clients: Lateral and Longitudinal Dimensions / Mark Lefton and others
  • Petitions and Persuasive Appeals: A Study of Official-Client Relations / Elihu Katz and others
  • The Community Basis of Conflict in School System Politics / David W. Minar
  • Role Activation Conflict: A Study of Industrial Inspection / Derek Pugh
  • Causal Theory and Statistical Measures of Effect: A Convergence / Richard P. Boyle
  • A Preferred Method for Obtaining Rankings: Reactions to Physical Handicaps / Victor Matthews and Charles Westie.
  • 1967 Nº 1 : The Protection of the Inept / William J. Goode
  • An Organizational Theory of Union Democracy / J. David Edelstein
  • Toward a Sociological Model of Consensus / Thomas J. Scheff
  • Organizations as Semilattices / Morris F. Friedell
  • On the Multidimensionality of Alienation / Arthur G. Neal and others
  • Religion: Opiate or Inspiration of Civil Rights Militancy Among Negroes? / Gary T. Marx
  • Religious Preference and Worldly Success: Some Evidence from National Surveys / Norval D. Glenn and others
  • Status Consistency and Right-Wing Extremism / Gary B. Rush
  • Religious Identity and Church Attendance of Sons of Religious Intermarriages / Sydney H. Croog and others
  • Occupational Mobility and Schizophrenia: An Assessment of the Social Causation and Social Selection Hypotheses / R. Jay Turner and Morton O. Wagenfeld.
  • 1967 Nº 2 : Genetics and Sociology: A Recosideration / Bruce K. Eckland
  • A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Organizations / Charles Perrow
  • Argot, Symbolic Deviance and Subcultural Delinquency / Paul Lerman
  • Social Distance: A Network Approach / James M. Beshers and others
  • Social Mobility and Social Isolation: A Test of Sorokin's Dissociative Hypothesis / Robert A. Ellis and others
  • Occupational Determinants of Geographic Mobility among Professional Workers / Jack Ladinsky
  • Ethnicity and Extended Familism in an Upper-Middle-Class Suburb / Robert F. Winch, and others
  • On the Personal Consequences of Alienation in Work / Melvin Seeman
  • Suicidal Behavior / James Wilkins
  • Status Inconsistency and the Vote: A Four Nation Test / Gerhard E. Lenski.
  • 1967 Nº 3 : The Size and Structure of Families: A Comparative Analysis of Census Data / Thomas K. Burch
  • Occupational Position, Mobility, and the Kin of Orientation / Bert N. Adams
  • Scientific Output and Recognition: A Study in the Operation of the Reward System in Science / Stephen Cole and others
  • Nobel Laureates in Science: Patterns of Productivity, Collaboration, and Authorship / Harriet Zuckerman
  • The Hawthorne Studies: A Radical Criticism / Alex Carey
  • Social Status and Attitudes Toward Psychological Disorder: The Problem of Tolerance and Deviance / Bruce P. Dohrenwend and others
  • Theology and the Position of Pastors on Public Issues / Benton Johnson
  • Class Regression: An Aspect of the Social Stratification Process / John D. Allingham
  • Socialization, n Achievement, and Achievement Values / John Scanzoni
  • The Economic Cycle and the Social Suicide Rate / Albert Pierce.
  • 1967 Nº 4 : America's Unique Class Politics: The Interplay of the Labor, Credit and Commodity Markets / Norbert Wiley
  • From Religious Community to Occupational Group: Structural Assimilation Among Professors, Lawyers, and Engineers / Harold L. Wilensky and others
  • Inequality: A Cross-National Analysis / Phillips Cutright
  • Miners and Agrarian Radicalism / James Petras and others
  • Upward Social Mobility and Political Orientation / Joseph Lopreato
  • Dimensions of Ethnic Intermarriage in Hawaii / Margaret A. Parkman and others
  • Social Mobility and Social Structure: Some Insights from the Linear Model / Judah Matras
  • Social Origins, Mobility Patterns and Fertility / Carolyn Cummings Perrucci
  • Family Religious Background and Early Scientific Creativity / Lois-Ellin Datta.
  • 1967 Nº 5 : The Police on Skid-Row: A Study of Peace Keeping / Egon Bittner
  • Couple Concurrence and Empathy on Birth Control Motivation in Dacca, East Pakistan / David Yaukey, and others
  • Cultural Patterning of Sexual Socialization / David R. Heise
  • The Effects of Values on Pecuniary Behavior: The Case of Academicians / John F. Marsh, Jr. and others
  • Professionals in Bureaucracy: Alienation Among Industrial Scientists and Engineers / George A. Miller
  • The Anderson-Warkov Hypotheses in Local Unions: A Comparative Study / Edna E. Raphael
  • The Relative Contribution of Television as a Learning Source for Children's Occupational Knowledge / Melvin L. DeFleur and others
  • Status Inconsistency, Social Mobility, Status Integration and Structural Effects / H. M. Blalock, Jr.
  • Treating Matching as a Variable in a Sociological Experiment / J. Milton Yinger, and others.
  • 1967 Nº 6 : In Praise of Conflict and Its Resolution / Charles P. Loomis
  • A System Resource Approach to Organizational Effectiveness / Ephraim Yuchtman and others
  • Organizational Size, Complexity, and Formalization / Richard H. Hall, and others
  • Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Theory Tested on Agricultural Innovation / Frank Cancian
  • Issues in the Ecological Study of Delinquency / Robert A. Gordon
  • Social Psychological Correlates of Urban Fertility / H. Theodore Groat and others
  • Perceived Reference Group Support: Racial Attitudes and Overt Behavior / James M. Fendrich
  • Community Status as a Dimension of Local Decision-Making / Robert L. Crain and others
  • Aspects of Concept Formation, Explication, and Theory Construction in Sociology / Richard G. Dumont and others.
  • 1968 Nº 1 : The Future of Upward Mobility / John Porter
  • Interaction and Adaptation: Intimacy as a Critical Variable / Marjorie Fiske Lowenthal and others
  • Reference Groups, Socialization and Achievement / Theodore D. Kemper
  • Accounts / Marvin B. Scott and others
  • A Scale for Developmental Processes / Robert K. Leik and others
  • The Conditions Underlying Race Riots as Portrayed by Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis: A Reanalysis of Lieberson and Silverman's Data / Milton Bloombaum
  • Professionalization and Bureaucratization / Richard H. Hall
  • Differential Organization of Health Professions: A Comparative Analysis / Ronald L. Akers and Richard Quinney.
  • 1968 Nº 2 : Parents' Education and Children's Educational Aspirations and Achievements / William H. Sewell and others
  • A Note on Contextual Effects and the Political Orientation of University Students / David Nasatir
  • Individual Values, Peer Values, and Subcultural Delinquency / Paul Lerman
  • Intergenerational Ties in Finnish Urban Families / Dorrian Apple Sweetser
  • Technology and the Structure of Organizations / Edward Harvey
  • Community Leadership, Education, and Political Behavior / Robert R. Alford and others
  • Participation in Community Associations by Occupation: A Test of Three Theories / Robert Hagedorn and Sanford Labovitz.
  • 1968 Nº 3 : Social Evolution and Structural-Functional Analysis: An Empirical Test / Gary L. Buck and others
  • Minorities and the Process of Stratification / Beverly Duncan and others
  • Cultural Distances Among Occupational Categories / Norval D. Glenn and others
  • Art as an Institution / Milton C. Albrecht
  • Visibility and the Structural Bases of Awareness of Scientific Research / Stephen Cole and others
  • Pre-Industrial Patterns in the Colonial Family in America: A Content Analysis of Colonial Magazines / Herman R. Lantz, and others
  • Participation and Integration: The Case of the Small Businessman / Joel I. Nelson
  • A Research Note on the Mass Support for Tough Military Initiatives / Richard F. Hamilton.
  • 1968 Nº 4 : Commitment and Social Organization: A Study of Commitment Mechanisms in Utopian Communities / Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  • Universities as Organizations: A Research Approach / Edward Gross
  • Political Integration as an Alternative to Independence in the French Antilles / Arvin W. Murch
  • Aging, Voting, and others
  • Community Structure, Decision-Making, Budget Expenditures, and Urban Renewal in 51 American Communities / Terry N. Clark.
  • 1968 Nº 5 : Power, Influence and Social Circles: A New Methodology for Studying Opinion Makers / Charles Kadushin
  • Multivariate Analysis of National Political Development / Marvin E. Olsen
  • A Stochastic Model of Social Mobility / Robert McGinnis
  • Social Participation and Social Status / Robert W. Hodge and others
  • Occupational Mobility in Six Cities / Angela Lane
  • Do American Women Marry Up? / Zick Rubin
  • Conformity and Deviance in the Situation of Company / LaMar T. Empey and others
  • Socialization in Correctional Communities: A Replication / Robert C. Atchley and others
  • The Distribution of Social and Cultural Properties in Informal Communication Networks Among Biological Scientists / Nicholas C. Mullins.
  • 1968 Nº 6 : Nature, Culture and Scarcity: Foreword to a Theoretical Synthesis / Manfred Stanley
  • Basic Human Needs, Alienation and Inauthenticity / Amitai Etzioni
  • A Poverty Case: The Analgesic Subculture of the Southern Appalachians / Richard A. Ball
  • Informal Reactions to Deviance in Simulated Work Organizations: A Laboratory Experiment / Rodolfo Alvarez
  • Organizational Interdependence and Intra-Organizational Structure / Michael Aiken and others
  • Social Structure, Identification and Change in a Treatment-Oriented Institution / Raymond J. Adamek and others
  • Expertness and the Span of Control / Marshall W. Meyer
  • Power, Visibility, and Conformity in Formal Organizations / Donald I. Warren
  • An Approach to the Multivariate Analysis of Ordinal Data / Robert H. Somers.
  • 1969 Nº 1 : The Chaotic Society: Product of the Social Morphological Revolution / Philip M. Hauser
  • Ideological Beliefs on the Distribution of Power in the United States / William H. Form and others
  • Voluntary Association Membership: A Longitudinal Analysis / Nicholas Babchuk and others
  • Changes in the Form of Alienation: The 1900's vs. The 1950's / Irene Taviss
  • Sexual Status and Psychiatric Symptoms / Derek L. Phillips and others
  • Social Psychological Characteristics of Innovators / John W. Loy, Jr.
  • The Educational and Early Occupational Attainment Process / William H. Sewell, and others
  • Separating Reliability and Stability in Test-Retest Correlation / David R. Heise.
  • 1969 Nº 2 : Attitude as an Interactional Concept: Social Constraint and Social Distance as Intervening Variables Between Attitudes and Action / Lyle G. Warner and others
  • Disruption, Social Location and Interpretive Practices: The Case of Wayne, New Jersey / Martin S. Weinberg and others
  • The Social Structure of Religious and Ethnoreligious Groups in a Metropolitan Community / Edward O. Laumann
  • Testing the Theory of Social Area Analysis: The Ecology of Cairo, Egypt / Janet L. Abu-Lughod
  • Parental and Peer Influences on Educational Plans of Adolescents / Denise B. Kandel and others
  • Laboratory Simulation of Organizational Stress / Thomas E. Drabek and others
  • A Review and Comparison of Simple Statistical Tests for Scalogram Analysis / Roland J. Chilton
  • The Reliability of Respondent-Coded Occupational Prestige / Robert F. Winch, and others.
  • 1969 Nº 3 : The Social Organization of Legal Contacts / Leon Mayhew and others
  • Physicians and Medicare: A Before-After Study of the Effects of Legislation on Attitudes / John Colombotos
  • Social Structure in a Group of Scientists: A Test of the Invisible College Hypothesis / Diana Crane
  • Status Inconsistency, Cross Pressures, and American Political Behavior / David R. Segal
  • My Son the Doctor: Aspects of Mobility Among American Jews / Mariam K. Slater
  • Sociodynamics: An Integrative Theorem of Power, Authority, Interfluence and Love / E. Michael Bannester.
  • 1969 Nº 4 : Toward A Macrosociology of Power / Edward W. Lehman
  • Primary Group Structures and Their Functions: Kin, Neighbors, and Friends / Eugene Litwak and others
  • Commitment and Conflict in a Normative Organization / George Brager
  • Inmate Organization: Sex Differentiation and the Influence of Criminal Subcultures / Charles R. Tittle
  • Dilemmas of a Golden Exile: Integration of Cuban Refugee Families in Milwaukee / Alejandro Portes
  • Appearance and Education in Marriage Mobility / Glen H. Elder, Jr.
  • Two Patterns in the Relationship Between Social Class and Mental Hospitalization / William A. Rushing
  • A Quick Method for Determining the Reliability and Validity of Multiple-Item Scales / George W. Bohrnstedt.
  • 1969 Nº 5 : Varieties of Sociological Imagination / Arnold M. Rose
  • Growth and Decay Curves in Scientific Citations / Duncan MacRae, Jr.
  • The Validity of Census Data on Bilingualism in a Puerto Rican Neighborhood / Joshua A. Fishman and others
  • Career Mobility in Three Societies: Australia, Italy, and the United States / Leonard Broom and others
  • Class, Occupation, and Orientation / Melvin L. Kohn and others
  • Two Conflicting Themes: Common Values Versus Class Differential Values / Wan Sang Han
  • Correlates of Political Complexity / Mark Abrahamson
  • Multiversity, University Size, University Quality and Student Protest: An Empirical Study / Joseph W. Scott and others
  • The Distribution of Participation in Group Discussions: An Empirical and Theoretical Reappraisal / Joseph B. Kadane and others
  • Comment on Kadane and Lewis / Robert K. Leik.
  • 1969 Nº 6 : The Public Perception of Protest / Ralph H. Turner
  • On the Measurement of Social Mobility: An Index of Status Persistence / Leo A. Goodman
  • Measuring Population Diversity / Stanley Lieberson
  • The Classification of Subnations in Hawaii: An Essay in the Sociology of Knowledge / William Petersen
  • Racial Integration in a Transition Community / Harvey Molotch
  • Ecological Analysis of Delinquency: Aggregation Effects / Gerald T. Slatin
  • Structural Crystallization, Status Inconsistency and Political Partisanship / Thomas S. Smith
  • Symbolic Interactionism and Ethnomethodology: A Proposed Synthesis / Norman K. Denzin.
  • 1970 Nº 1 : Interorganizational Networks in Urban Society: Initial Perspectives and Comparative Research / Herman Turk
  • The Forum Theory of Organizational Democracy: Structural Guarantees as Time-Related Variables / John G. Craig and others
  • Toward A Temporal Sequence of Adolescent Achievement Variables / Richard A. Rehberg, others
  • Religion and Occupational Achievement / Elton F. Jackson, and others
  • Police Control of Juveniles / Donald J. Black and others
  • Premarital Sex as Deviant Behavior: An Application of Current Approaches to Deviance / Ira L. Reiss
  • Ideal Types and the Idealization Strategy / Joseph Lopreato and others
  • Continuities: On Boudon's Method of Linear Causal Analysis / Arthur S. Goldberger
  • Estimating Measurement Error Using Multiple Indicators and Several Points in Time / H. M. Blalock, Jr.
  • The Estimation of Measurement Error in Panel Data / David E. Wiley and others
  • Review Essay: Violence in America: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. by Hugh Davis Graham, Ted Robert Gurr / Review by: Lewis A. Coser.
  • 1970 Nº 2 : A Formal Theory of Differentiation in Organizations / Peter M. Blau
  • Toward a Non-Utopian Normative Model of the Community / Roland L. Warren
  • Problems in Making Policy Inferences from the Coleman Report / Glen G. Cain and others
  • Reply to Cain and Watts / James S. Coleman
  • A Comment on Problems in Making Inferences from the Coleman Report / D. J. Aigner
  • The Religious Context of Educational Expectations / A. Lewis Rhodes and others
  • Sociometric Location and Innovativeness: Reformulation and Extension of the Diffusion Model / Marshall H. Becker
  • Juvenile Delinquency in the U.S.S.R.: Some Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators / Walter D. Connor
  • Reactive Subsystems / Frank W. Young
  • Marxist Dialectic and Pragmatism: Power as Knowledge / Joan Huber Rytina and others
  • The Cross-National Study of Inequality: A Research Note / C. T. Husbands and others
  • Getting Ready to Get Ready: Reply to Husbands and Money / Phillips Cutright
  • A Comment on Whether American Women do Marry Up / J. David Martin.
  • 1970 Nº 3 : The Social Cohesion of Liberal Democracy / Michael Mann
  • The Political Orientation of Skidders: A Middle-Range Theory / Joseph Lopreato and others
  • Social Origins, Educational Contexts, and Career Mobility / Carolyn Cummings Perrucci and others
  • Intragenerational Social Mobility as a Markov Process: Including a Time- Stationary Mark-Ovian Model that Explains Observed Declines in Mobility Rates Over Time / David D. McFarland
  • Race, Social Status, and Criminal Arrest / Edward Green
  • Sex-Role Identity and Pragmatic Action / William Bezdek and others
  • Response Biases in Field Studies of Mental Illness / Derek L. Phillips and othes
  • The Assignment of Numbers to Rank Order Categories / Sanford Labovitz
  • A Comment on Multiversity, University Size, University Quality, and Student Protest: An Empirical Study / Riley Dunlap.
  • 1970 Nº 4 : The Causes of Racial Disturbances: A Comparison of Alternative Explanations / Seymour Spilerman
  • Community Structure and Innovation: The Case of Urban Renewal / Michael Aiken and others
  • Immigrants and Municipal Voting Turnout: Implications for the Changing Ethnic Impact on Urban Politics / Daniel N. Gordon
  • Social and Political Participation of Blacks / Marvin E. Olsen
  • Conceptions of Interaction and Forms of Sociological Explanation / Thomas P. Wilson
  • Age, Cohorts and the Generation of Generations / Gosta Carlsson and others
  • The Reward System in British Science / Jerry Gaston
  • Production of Crime Rates / Donald J. Black
  • Theoretical Concepts and Observables / David Willer and others
  • Cautions in Applying Various Procedures for Determining the Reliability and Validity of Multiple-Item Scales / Charles E. Werts and others.
  • 1970 Nº 5 : Sociology and the Distrust of Reason / Reinhard Bendix
  • Clustering and Hierarchy in Interpersonal Relations: Testing Two Graph Theoretical Models on 742 Sociomatrices / James A. Davis
  • Evictions from Public Housing: Effects of Independent Review / Richard Lempert and others
  • Foundations of Parental Influence Upon Adolescents: An Application of Social Power Theory / Thomas Ewin Smith
  • Societal Reaction as an Explanation of Mental Illness: An Evaluation / Walter R. Gove
  • The Organization of Role-Relationships: A Systematic Description / Gerald Marwell and others
  • Weber and Freud: On the Nature and Sources of Authority / Donald McIntosh.
  • 1970 Nº 6 : Status Consistency and Political Preference: The Australian Case / Leonard Broom and others
  • Social Mobility, Normlessness and Powerlessness in Two Cultural Contexts / Miles E. Simpson
  • The Educational and Early Occupational Status Attainment Process: Replication and Revision / William H. Sewell, and others
  • Industrial Technology and Worker Integration in the Organization / Michael Fullan
  • Leaders and Ruling Elites: The Interorganizational Bases of Community Power / Robert Perrucci and others
  • Authority and Controversial Policy: The Churches and Civil Rights / James R. Wood
  • The Logical Adequacy of Homans' Social Theory / Ronald Maris
  • Recall from Anecdote: Alexis de Tocqueville and the Morphogenesis of America / Paul R. Eberts and others.
  • 1971 Nº 1 : Family Stability: A Comparison of Trends Between Blacks and Whites / Reynolds Farley and others
  • Some Social Implications of High Density Housing / Robert Edward Mitchell
  • The Religious Factor in Detroit: Review, Replication, and Reanalysis / Howard Schuman
  • The Religious Factor in Detroit: Revisited / Gerhard Lenski
  • Freedom and Social Organization: A Comparative Analysis / George A. Hillery, Jr.
  • Definition and Measurement of Continuous Variation in Ecological Analysis / Eric O. Hoiberg and others
  • Significant Others, The Self-Reflexive Act and the Attitude Formation Process / Joseph Woelfel and others
  • Disability and Deviance: Normative Adaptations of Role Behavior / Lawrence D. Haber and others
  • The Social Ascription of Motives / Alan F. Blum and Peter McHugh.
  • 1971 Nº 2 : Trends in Voluntary Association Memberships of American Adults: Replication Based on Secondary Analysis of National Sample Surveys / Herbert H. Hyman and others
  • The Socioeconomic Achievement of White Religio-Ethnic Subgroups: Social and Psychological Explanations / David L. Featherman
  • Upward Social Mobility and Political Orientation: A Re-Evaluation of the Evidence / Kenneth H. Thompson
  • Functions of Children's Perceptions of the Stratification System / Roberta G. Simmons and others
  • Student Unionism in the Netherlands: An Application of a Social Class Model / Cornelis J. Lammers
  • Conjugal Power Structure: A Re-Examination / Richard Centers, and others
  • Administrative Ratios and Organization Size: A Longitudinal Examination / Edward A. Holdaway and others
  • The Srole Items and Acquiescence / Leslie G. Carr
  • Some Constraints in Analyzing Data on Organizational Structures: A Comment on Blau's Paper / Marshall W. Meyer
  • A Mathematical Theory of Differentiation in Organizations / Norman P. Hummon
  • Comments on Two Mathematical Formulations of the Theory of Differentiation in organizations / Peter M. Blau.
  • 1971 Nº 3 : The Changing South: National Incorporation of a Region / John C. McKinney and others
  • Homicide and a Regional Culture of Violence / Raymond D. Gastil
  • The Causes of Racial Disturbances: Tests of an Explanation / Seymour Spilerman
  • The Public Perception of the Watts Riot as Social Protest / Vincent Jeffries, and others
  • Variation in County Size: A Theory of Segmental Growth / G. Edward Stephan
  • Bureaucratic Man: A Portrait and an Interpretation / Melvin L. Kohn
  • Flow of Communications, Expert Qualifications and Organizational Authority Structures / John Brewer
  • Decisions and Exchange / B. F. Meeker
  • Measurement of Relative Variation: Sociological Examples / J. David Martin and others.
  • 1971 Nº 4 : An Organizational Analysis of Collectivities / Guy E. Swanson
  • The Regeneration of Social Organizations / Kenneth McNeil and others
  • Urban Structure and the Differentiation Between Blacks and Whites / Robert M. Jiobu and others
  • Social Positions and Political Cross-Pressures: A Re-Examination / Patrick M. Horan
  • Biological Models of Social Change / Kurt W. Back
  • Dialectic in Sociology / Louis Schneider
  • An Alternative to Parsons' Four-Function Paradigm as a Basis for Developing General Sociological Theory / Robert R. Blain
  • The Hobbesian Problem of Order: A Critical Appraisal of the Normative Solution / Desmond P. Ellis.
  • 1971 Nº 5 : Inequality of Opportunity for Higher Education / William H. Sewell
  • Political Orientation and Riot Participation / Jeffery M. Paige
  • Political Primitivism, Differential Socialization, and Lower-Class Leftist Radicalism / Alejandro Portes
  • Socialization and Adolescent Conformity to Significant Others: A Cross-National Analysis / Darwin L. Thomas and others
  • The Language of Persuasion in Bureaucracy: Modern and Traditional Appeals to the Israel Customs Authorities / Brenda Danet
  • Organization Structure and Communications / Jerald Hage, Michael Aiken and others
  • Voluntary Association Joining: A Cross-National Comparative Note / James Curtis
  • The Scientific Legitimation of Fallacy: Neutralizing Social Change Theory / Robert H. Lauer.
  • 1971 Nº 6 : Working Class Communism in Western Europe: Rational or Nonrational / Walter Korpi
  • Community Rank Stratification: A Factor Analysis / Reta D. Artz, and others
  • Functional and Conflict Theories of Educational Stratification / Randall Collins
  • Social Mobility and Fertility / Keith Hope
  • Patterns of Female Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: A Comparison with Male Patterns of Intergenerational Occupational Mobility / Peter Y. DeJong, and others
  • Professional Self-Images and Political Perspectives in the Greek Military / George Andrew Kourvetaris
  • Civil Disorder Participation: A Critical Examination of Recent Research / Clark McPhail
  • Coding Reliability and Validity of Interview Data / Kathleen S. Crittenden and others
  • A Heuristic Procedure for Interpreting Factor Analyses / Arthur L. Stinchcombe.
  • 1972 Nº 1 : Tenting with Malinowski / Murray L. Wax
  • The Sphere of Influence / Joel H. Levine
  • A Modified Multiple Regression Approach to the Analysis of Dichotomous Variables / Leo A. Goodman
  • Industrial Conflict and Unionization / David Britt and others
  • The Structure of Scientific Fields and the Functioning of University Graduate Departments / Janice Beyer Lodahl and others
  • Goal Implementation and Outcome in Medical Schools / Harry Perlstadt
  • On the Transmission of Marital Instability in Black Families / Jerold Heiss
  • Family Disruption, Delinquent Conduct and the Effect of Subclassification / Roland J. Chilton and others
  • The Credibility of Protest / David L. Altheide and others
  • Hall's Professionalism Scale: An Empirical Reassessment / William E. Snizek.
  • 1972 Nº 2 : Leadership and Organizational Performance: A Study of Large Corporations / Stanley Lieberson and others
  • Achievement Orientations and Socioeconomic Career Attainments / David L. Featherman
  • High School Context and College Plans: The Impact of Social Structure on Aspirations / Joel I. Nelson
  • Size and Growth as Determinants of Administrative-Production Ratios in Organizations / Gerry E. Hendershot and others
  • Household Complexity in Nineteenth Century France / William L. Parish, Jr. and others
  • The Process of Entry into First Marriage / Gudmund Hernes
  • Sex and Social Participation / Alan Booth
  • Religion, Economic Development and Lethal Aggression / Hugh P. Whitt, and others
  • Developmental Change in the Sentiment Structure of Children's Groups / Samuel Leinhardt
  • The Political Orientation of the Socially Mobile in Italy: A Re-Examination / Mary R. Jackman
  • The Political Orientation of the Socially Mobile in Italy: A Comment / Joseph Lopreato and Janet Saltzman Chafet.
  • 1972 Nº 3 : Status Characteristics and Social Interaction / Joseph Berger, and others
  • People Processing Organizations: An Exchange Approach / Yeheskel Hasenfeld
  • Heterogamy, Inter-Class Mobility and Socio-Political Attitudes in Italy / Lawrence E. Hazelrigg and others
  • The Analysis of Mobility Processes by the Introduction of Independent Variables into a Markov Chain / Seymour Spilerman
  • Some Methodological Problems in Explaining Social Mobility / Roland K. Hawkes
  • Measuring Individual Modernity: A Near Myth / Michael Armer and others
  • Social Participation and Voting Turnout: A Multivariate Analysis / Marvin E. Olsen
  • Blue Collar Anger: Reactions to Student and Black Protest / H. Edward Ransford
  • Illness and the Legitimation of Failure / Stephen Cole and others
  • Linking Form of Hypothesis to Type of Statistic: An Application of Goodman's Z / Tai S. Kang
  • International Tests of the Size-Density Hypothesis / G. Edward Stephan
  • On the Hobbesian Problem of Order: A Comment / John H. Barnsley.
  • 1972 Nº 4 : The Signals of '68: Alienation in Pre-Crisis France / Melvin Seeman
  • The Manufacture of Deviance: The Case of the Soviet Purge, 1936-1938 / Walter D. Connor
  • Exchange as Symbolic Interaction: Convergences between Two Theoretical Perspectives / Peter Singelmann
  • Role Differentiation / Gordon H. Lewis
  • Size and the Structure of Organizations: A Causal Analysis / Marshall W. Meyer
  • Strategies for Organizational Innovation: An Empirical Comparison / Ronald G. Corwin
  • The Growth of Science and Economic Development / Marion Blute
  • Issues Versus Controversies: Substantive and Statistical Significance / K. W. Taylor and others
  • Cumulative Sociological Knowledge / Lee Freese
  • Why Sociological Knowledge is not Cumulative: A Reply to Professor Freese / David Willer and Judith Willer.
  • 1972 Nº 5 : Presidential Address: The Place of Force in Human Society / William J. Goode
  • Hardship and Collective Violence in France, 1830 to 1960 / David Snyder and others
  • Patterns of Vandalism during Civil Disorders as an Indicator of Selection of Targets / Richard A. Berk and others
  • A Theory of Ethnic Antagonism: The Split Labor Market / Edna Bonacich
  • Socioeconomic-Ethnic Status Inconsistency and Preference for Political Change / Marvin E. Olsen and others
  • The Alien as a Servant of Power: Court Jews and Christian Renegades / Lewis A. Coser
  • Reward Distribution and Work-Role Attractiveness in the Kibbutz-Reflections on Equity Theory / Ephraim Yuchtman
  • A Specification of Relationships Between Job Complexity and Powerlessness / Bill Tudor
  • Role-Taking and Power in Social Psychology / Darwin L. Thomas
  • Migration and the Ecological Complex / David F. Sly
  • System Size and Structural Differentiation in Formal Organizations: A Baseline Generator for Two Major Theoretical Propositions / Bruce H. Mayhew, and others.
  • 1972 Nº 6 : Modification of Interracial Interaction Disability: An Application of Status Characteristic Theory / Elizabeth G. Cohen and others
  • Race, Class, and Consciousness / Charles E. Hurst
  • Culture Creation and Social Reconstruction: The Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Intergroup Contact / David Rothstein
  • A Causal Model for the Political Party Preferences of American Men / David Knoke
  • Differential Mortality and the Formation of Political Elites: The Case of the U. S. House of Representatives / James C. McCann
  • Effects of Vertical Mobility and Status Inconsistency: A Body of Negative Evidence / Elton F. Jackson and others
  • A Configurational Approach to Contingent Consistency in the Attitude-Behavior Relationship / Alan C. Aco*ck and others
  • Technology and Social Behavior of Workers in Four Countries: A Sociotechnical Perspective / William H. Form
  • The Division of Labor: A Post-Durkheimian Analytical View / Theodore D. Kemper
  • Differentials in Marital Instability: 1970 / Larry L. Bumpass and others
  • Status Perceptions / C. Norman Alexander, Jr.
  • Female Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: Comparisons of Patterns? / Elizabeth M. Havens.
  • 1973 Nº 1 : Loss of Power / James S. Coleman
  • Monothetic and Polythetic Typologies and their Relation to Conceptualization, Measurement and Scaling / Kenneth D. Bailey
  • Do Christian Beliefs Cause Anti-Semitism? / Russell Middleton
  • Do Christian Beliefs Cause Anti-Semitism?--A Comment / Charles Y. Glock and others
  • Do Christian Beliefs Cause Anti-Semitism?: Response / Russell Middleton
  • The Development of Political Orientations among Black and White Children / Anthony M. Orum and others
  • Income and Veteran Status: Variations Among Mexican Americans, Blacks and Anglos / Harley L. Browning, and others
  • Minority Group Status and Fertility: The Irish / Robert E. Kennedy, Jr.
  • Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal Effects / Melvin L. Kohn and others
  • Managerial Mobility Motivations and Central Life Interests / Daniel R. Goldman
  • Chemists in British Universities: A Study of the Reward System in Science / S. S. Blume and others
  • A Re-Examination of Hernes' Model on the Process of Entry into First Marriage for United States Women, Cohorts 1891-1945 / Donald W. Hastings and others
  • Political Overconformity by Upwardly Mobile American Men / Andrew Hopkins.
  • 1973 Nº 2 : Bureaucracy and Modernization in China: The Maoist Critique / Martin King Whyte
  • On the Use of the Mass Media for Important Things / Elihu Katz, and others
  • Technology and Household Configuration in Urban Africa: The Bassa of Monrovia / W. Penn Handwerker
  • Social Change, Migration and Family Interaction in Brazil / Bernard C. Rosen
  • New Directions in the Study of Community Elites / Edward O. Laumann and others
  • The Ecological Approach in Measuring Community Power Concentration: An Analysis of Hawley's MPO Ratio / James M. Williams
  • Some Methodological Issues in Cohort Analysis of Archival Data / Karen Oppenheim Mason, and others
  • Psychological Reductionism, Methodological Individualism, and Large-Scale Problems / Murray Webster, Jr.
  • Symbolic Interaction as a Pragmatic Perspective: The Bias of Emergent Theory / Joan Huber.
  • 1973 Nº 3 : Causal Models and Social Indicators: Toward the Development of Social Systems Models / James G. Anderson
  • Trends in the Occupational Mobility of U.S. Men, 1962-1970 / Robert M. Hauser and others
  • On Urban Alienations and Anomie: Powerlessness and Social Isolation / Claude S. Fischer
  • Education and Prejudice or Education and Response-Set?/ Mary R. Jackman
  • The Invocation of Legal Norms: An Empirical Investigation of Durkheim and Weber / B. C. Cartwright and others
  • On Phenomenological Sociology / James L. Heap and others
  • Social Problems, Problematic Situations, and Quasi-Theories / John P. Hewitt and others
  • Ministerial Roles and Social Actionist Stance: Protestant Clergy and Protest in the Sixties / Hart M. Nelsen, and others
  • On Hummon's Mathematical Formulation of Blau's Theory of Differentiation in Organizations / Foster G. Dieckhoff.
  • 1973 Nº 4 : Classic on Classic: Parsons' Interpretation of Durkheim / Whitney Pope
  • Axiomatic Theory, Informative Value of Propositions, and Derivation Rules of Ordinary Language / Siamak Movahedi and others
  • Functional Alternatives and Economic Development: An Empirical Example of Permanent Employment in Japan / Robert E. Cole
  • Education and Mobility: From Achievement to Ascription / Barbara Jacobson and others
  • Group Disorders in the Public Schools / Paul Ritterband and others
  • System Size and Ruling Elites / Bruce H. Mayhew
  • Size and Ruling Elites: Effects of System Growth on Power Structures / Maximilian H. vonBroembsen and others
  • System Size and Structural Differentiation in Formal Organizations: An Alternative Baseline Generator / David A. Specht
  • Causal Chain Models for the Socioeconomic Career / Jonathan Kelley
  • Ordinal Regression? A Comment / K. I. MacDonald
  • Hardship and Collective Violence in France: A Comment / Charles N. Halaby
  • How to Get from Here to There / David Snyder and others
  • Exchange as Symbolic Interaction: For What? / Carrell W. Abbott, and others
  • On the Reification of Paradigms: Reply to Abbott, Brown, and Crosbie / Peter Singelmann
  • Comments on Hope's Mobility and Fertility Paper / Miles E. Simpson.
  • 1973 Nº 5 : A Cross-Species Comparison of Status in Small Established Groups / Allan Mazur
  • A Behavioral Model of Man: Propositions and Implications / John H. Kunkel and others
  • Some Developmental Interpersonal Dynamics Through Childhood / H. W. Smith
  • Disturbance in the Self-Image at Adolescence / Roberta G. Simmons, and others
  • An Interpretation of the Relation Between Objective and Subjective Social Status / Mary R. Jackman and others
  • A Theory of Middleman Minorities / Edna Bonacich
  • The Potential for Residential Integration in Cities and Suburbs: Implications for the Busing Controversy / Albert I. Hermalin and others
  • The Causes of Racial Disorders: A Grievance-Level Explanation / William R. Morgan and others
  • Attitude and Action: A Field Experiment Joined to a General Population Survey / Robert Brannon, others
  • Voluntary Associations and Minority Status: A Comparative Analysis of Anglo, Black, and Mexican Americans / J. Allen Williams, Jr., and others.
  • 1973 Nº 6 : Presidential Address: Some Problems in Role Analysis / Mirra Komarovsky
  • The Politics of Birth Practices: A Strategic Analysis / Karen E. Paige and others
  • A Dip in Deaths Before Ceremonial Occasions: Some New Relationships Between Social Integration and Mortality / David P. Phillips and others
  • The Internal Stratification of the Working Class: System Involvements of Auto Workers in Four Countries / William H. Form
  • Social Networks and Voting: The Resurrection of a Research Agenda / Carl A. Sheingold
  • The Assembling Process: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination / Clark McPhail and others
  • Values and Violence: A Test of the Subculture of Violence Thesis / Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach
  • Environment, Technology, and the Administrative Intensity of Manufacturing Organizations / John Henry Freeman
  • Two Sources of Error in Ecological Correlations / John L. Hammond
  • Non-random Exogenous Variables in Path Analysis / David L. Klemmack, and others.
  • 1974 Nº 1 : Competition in Science / Warren O. Hagstrom
  • The Structural Implications of Social System Size: A Three-Level Analysis / John D. Kasarda
  • Political Democracy and Social Equality: A Comparative Analysis / Robert W. Jackman
  • Poverty Status and Receipt of Welfare Among Migrants and Nonmigrants in Large Cities / Larry H. Long
  • The Changing Role of a Political Boss in a Puerto Rican Migrant Community / Lloyd H. Rogler
  • Social Class and Corporal Punishment in Childrearing: A Reassessment / Howard S. Erlanger
  • Individual Resources and Mental Hospitalization: A Comparison and Evaluation of the Societal Reaction and Psychiatric Perspectives / Walter R. Gove and others
  • News as Purposive Behavior: On the Strategic Use of Routine Events, Accidents, and Scandals / Harvey Molotch and others
  • Level of Occupational Aspiration: An Empirical Analysis / Archibald O. Haller, others
  • Professionalism and Role Making in a Service Organization: A Longitudinal Investigation / William J. Haga, others
  • Group Disorders in the Public School: A Comment / James P. Pitts
  • More on School Disorders / Paul Ritterband and others
  • Baseline Models of System Structure / Bruce H. Mayhew
  • On Baseline Models of System Structure / David A. Specht
  • Comment on The Reward System in Science / Michael A. Malec
  • A Response to Malec / Stuart S. Blume and others.
  • 1974 Nº 2 : Inequality and Social Structure: A Comparison of Marx and Weber / Reinhard Bendix
  • A Causal Modelling Approach to the Study of a Community Elite's Influence Structure / Edward O. Laumann, and others
  • Revival Religion and Antislavery Politics
  • Age Stratification and Age Conflict in Political Life / Anne Foner
  • Sex, Socialization and Politics / Anthony M. Orum, and others
  • College Effects on Educational and Occupational Attainments / Duane F. Alwin
  • The Seriousness of Crimes: Normative Structure and Individual Differences / Peter H. Rossi, andothers
  • Honor, Normative Ambiguity and Gang Violence / Ruth Horowitz and others
  • Mental Hospitalization as a Reinforcement Process / William W. Eaton, Jr.
  • Emergent Issues in the Attitude-Behavior Consistency Controversy / Allen E. Liska
  • On the Empirical Evaluation of Certain Logical Forms of Hypotheses Using Quasi-Independence as a Standard for Comparison / Leo A. Goodman
  • Linking Form of Hypothesis to Type of Statistic: Comment / James D. Laing and others
  • Forms of Hypothesis and Type of Statistic: A Reply / Tai S. Kang
  • A Theory of Middleman Minorities: A Comment / Sheldon Stryker
  • Reply to Comment by Stryker / Edna Bonacich
  • On Modification of Interracial Interaction / James D. Preston and others
  • On Modification of Interracial Interation: Rejoinder / Elizabeth G. Cohen and others
  • Comments on Heap and Roth On Phenomenological Sociology / Burkart Holzner
  • Reply to Holzner / James L. Heap.
  • 1974 Nº 3 : The Occupational and Marital Mobility of Women / Andrea Tyree and others
  • Race, Socialization and Mobility in Educational and Early Occupational Attainment / James N. Porter
  • The Civilian Earnings of White and Black Draftees and Nonveterans / Phillips Cutright
  • Community Attachment in Mass Society / John D. Kasarda and others
  • The Influence of Suggestion on Suicide: Substantive and Theoretical Implications of the Werther Effect / David P. Phillips
  • A Gaming Approach to Crowd Behavior / Richard A. Berk
  • Estimation from Grouped Observations / Michael T. Hannan and others
  • The Structure of Interorganizational Elite Cooptation: Interlocking Corporate Directorates / Michael Patrick Allen
  • Role Commitment Processes and the American Catholic Priesthood / Richard A. Schoenherr and others
  • An Experimental Analysis of Some Structural Determinants of Equitable and Inequitable Exchange Relations / Robert L. Burgess and others
  • The Labelling Theory of Mental Illness / T. J. Scheff
  • SI and Emergent Theory: A Reexamination / Raymond L. Schmitt
  • On Methodology and Craftsmanship in the Criticism of Sociological Perspectives / Gregory P. Stone, and others
  • The Emergency of Emergent Theory / Joan Huber
  • Comment on A Behavioral Model of Man: Propositions and Implications / Penelope Greene
  • Models and Probabilities: Reply to Greene / Richard H. Nagasawa and others.
  • 1974 Nº 4 : Professional Reform Organizations and the Symbolic Representation of the Poor / Joseph Helfgot
  • Differential Fertility, Unwanted Fertility, and Racial Trends in Occupational Achievement / Samuel H. Preston
  • Unionization and Racial Income Inequality in the Metropolis / Richard Child Hill
  • National Development, Mother Tongue Diversity, and the Comparative Study of Nations / Stanley Lieberson and others
  • Moscow in 1897 as a Preindustrial City: A Test of the Inverse Burgess Zonal Hypothesis / Walter F. Abbott
  • The Honoring of Accounts / Philip W. Blumstein, others
  • Toward a Theory of Role Accumulation / Sam D. Sieber
  • Norms and Counter-Norms in a Select Group of the Apollo Moon Scientists: A Case Study of the Ambivalence of Scientists / Ian I. Mitroff
  • Productivity Differences Among Scientists: Evidence for Accumulative Advantage / Paul D. Allison and others
  • The J-Curve and Power Struggle Theories of Collective Violence / James Chowning Davies
  • On Debating and Falsifying Theories of Collective Violence / David Snyder and others.
  • 1974 Nº 5 : Presidential Address: Parameters of Social Structure / Peter M. Blau
  • hom*ogamy, Propinquity and Segregation: A Re-Evaluation / Ceri Peach
  • Structural Antecedents of the Shape of Strikes: A Comparative Analysis / David W. Britt and others
  • City Effects on Socioeconomic Achievements: The Case of Large Cities / Charles W. Mueller
  • Sex Differences in the Educational Attainment Process / Karl L. Alexander and others
  • Patterns of Intergenerational Mobility of Females Through Marriage / Norval D. Glenn, and others
  • Social and Demographic Factors in American Political Party Affiliations / David Knoke and others
  • Regional Subculture and Homicide: An Examination of the Gastil-Hackney Thesis / Colin Loftin and others
  • Aestheticism and Social Structure: Style and Social Network in the Dandy Life / Thomas Spence Smith
  • Increasing Mail Questionnaire Response: A Four State Comparison / Don A. Dillman, and others
  • Comment on Internal Stratification of the Working Class / James F. Petras and others
  • The Political Crisis of Argentine Workers or of American Professors? / William H. Form
  • A Comment on Attitude-Behavior Consistency... / Stephen Magura
  • Attitude-Behavior Consistency: Reply to Magura / Allen E. Liska.
  • 1974 Nº 6 : Art As Collective Action / Howard S. Becker
  • Bringing Beasts Back In: Toward a Biosocial Theory of Aggression / Pierre L. van den Berghe
  • Stratification Processes and Outcomes in England and the U.S. / Alan C. Kerckhoff
  • American Big Business Ideology: A Content Analysis of Executive Speeches / Maynard S. Seider
  • On Using Informants: A Technique for Collecting Quantitative Data and Controlling Measurement Error in Organization Analysis / John Seidler
  • Participation and Leadership in Small Groups / Peter J. Burke
  • On the Nature and Purpose of Ascription / Theodore D. Kemper
  • Seriousness Weights in an Index of Crime / Alfred Blumstein
  • Some Empirical Patterns in a Riot Process / Margaret J. Abudu Stark, and others
  • Distinguishing Between Contagion, Heterogeneity and Randomness in Stochastic Models / Mitchell H. Taibleson
  • A Comment on the Effect of Duration on Intragenerational Social Mobility / Larry Schroeder
  • On the Relationship Between Mathematical Models and Empirical Data, and the Relationship Between Duration of Stay and Subsequent Mobility / David D. McFarland
  • System Level and System Property / James J. Noell
  • On Social System Properties: An Alternative View / John D. Kasarda
  • Non-Random Exogenous Variables in Path Analysis: A Comment / William T. Bielby and others
  • Non-Random Exogenous Variables in Path Analysis: A Rejoinder to the Comment by Bielby and Kluegel / Lawrence S. Mayer
  • On Telling Who's Crazy / Gwynn Nettler.
  • 1975 Nº 1 : Disclaimers / John P. Hewitt and others
  • A Re-Examination of the Cross-Cultural Principles of Task Segregation and Sex Role Differentiation in the Family / Joel Aronoff and others
  • The American Family in the Preindustrial Period: From Base Lines in History to Change / Herman R. Lantz, and others
  • The Decomposition of Effects in Path Analysis / Duane F. Alwin and others
  • The Stratification of Socialization Processes / James E. Rosenbaum
  • School District Organization and Student Achievement / Charles E. Bidwell and others
  • Imprisonment and the Expected Value of Criminal Choice: A Specification and Test of Aspects of the Labeling Perspective / Anthony R. Harris
  • Biasing Influences on Drug Arrest Records: Implications for Deviance Research / Lois B. DeFleur
  • Moral Freedom Through Understanding in Durkheim / Jere Cohen
  • Comment on Parsons' Interpretation of Durkheim and on Moral Freedom Through Understanding in Durkheim / Talcott Parsons
  • Parsons on Durkheim, Revisited / Whitney Pope
  • Voluntary Associations and Minority Status: Comment and Extension / Frank Clemente and others
  • Compensatory and Ethnic Community Theories: Are They Generalizable? / J. Allen Williams, Jr., and others.
  • 1975 Nº 2 : Political Alienation in America, 1952-1968 / James S. House and others
  • Socio-Historical Model and Developmental Theory: Charismatic Community, Charisma of Reason and the Counterculture / Guenther Roth
  • Cycles in Symbol Production: The Case of Popular Music / Richard A. Peterson and others
  • Sex and the Process of Status Attainment: A Comparison of Working Women and Men / Donald J. Treiman and others
  • Race and Family Social Standing / William A. Sampson and others
  • Growth and Decline Processes in Organizations / John Freeman and others
  • De-Parsonizing Weber: A Critique of Parsons' Interpretation of Weber's Sociology / Jere Cohen, and others
  • The Labelling Theory of Mental Illness: A Reply to Scheff / Walter R. Gove
  • Comment on The Labelling Theory of Mental Illness / Robert L. Chauncey.
  • 1975 Nº 3 : Institutional Setting and Industrial Conflict: Comparative Analyses of France, Italy and the United States / David Snyder
  • Temporal Change in Occupational Mobility: Evidence for Men in the United States / Robert M. Hauser, and others
  • Two Markov Models of Open System Occupational Mobility: Underlying Conceptualizations and Empirical Tests / Shelby Stewman
  • Models of Status Inconsistency and Social Mobility Effects / Keith Hope
  • Status Inequality and Stress in Marriage / Leonard I. Pearlin
  • Generation and Family Effects in Value Socialization / Vern L. Bengtson
  • Expectations, Evaluations and Equity / Karen S. Cook
  • Revitalization Movements and Social Structure: Some Quantitative Tests / Michael P. Carroll
  • Contextual Effects in the High School Attainment Process / Karl Alexander and Bruce K. Eckland.
  • 1975 Nº 4 : On the Divergence of Weber and Durkheim: A Critique of Parsons' Convergence Thesis / Whitney Pope, and others
  • The Market, Tradition and Peasant Rebellion: The Case of Romania in 1907 / Daniel Chirot and others
  • Why Ascription? Parts of a More or Less Formal Theory of the Functions and Dysfunctions of Sex Roles / Gerald Marwell
  • The Structure of Intragenerational Mobility / Aage B. Sørensen
  • The Occupational Achievement Process, 1940-1949: A Cohort Analysis / Angela Lane
  • A Comparison of Men's and Women's Intergenerational Mobility in the United States / Ivan D. Chase
  • Party Class Images and the Class Vote in Canada / Rick Ogmundson
  • The Internal Stratification of the Working Class: A Reanalysis / Kenneth I. Spenner
  • Determinants of Career Plans: Institutional Versus Interpersonal Effects / Ephraim Yuchtman (Yaar) and others
  • The Internal Stratification of the Working Class: A Reanalysis / William H. Form.
  • 1975 Nº 5 :
  • 1975 Nº 6 : Presidential Address: Two Methods in Search of a Substance / Lewis A. Coser
  • Social Structural and Psychological Antecedents of Self-Estrangement and Powerlessness / Luther B. Otto and and others
  • The Effects of International Economic Dependence on Development and Inequality: A Cross-National Study / Christopher Chase-Dunn
  • Cultural Conceptions, Mental Disorders and Social Roles: A Comparison of Germany and America / J. Marshall Townsend
  • Socioeconomic Status and Criminal Sentencing: An Empirical Assessment of a Conflict Proposition / Theodore G. Chiricos and others
  • Components of Sustenance Organization and Nonmetropolitan Population Change: a Human Ecological Investigation / W. Parker Frisbie and others
  • Socioeconomic Status and Religious Participation / Charles W. Mueller and others
  • Race and Socioeconomic Segregation / Brigitte Mach Erbe
  • A Structural Control Model of Organizational Change / Norman P. Hummon, and others
  • Productivity Among Scientists: A Replication and Elaboration / Michael A. Faia
  • Reply to Faia / Paul D. Allison and others
  • Is There a Subculture of Violence? / Stephen Magura
  • Reply to Magura / Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach
  • An Experimental Analysis of Some Structural Determinants of Equitable and Inequitable Exchange Relations / Frank Newport
  • Reply to Newport / Robert L. Burgess and others
  • An Untested Hypothesis: The Effect of Size of Public Assistance Benefits on Migration / William W. Philliber and others.
  • 1976 Nº 1 : Power and Mobilization in the Urban Community: Reconsidering the Ecological Approach / James R. Lincoln
  • The Literary Rhetoric of Science: Comedy and Pathos in Drinking Driver Research / Joseph Gusfield
  • Advanced Capitalism and Black/White Race Relations in the United States: A Split Labor Market Interpretation / Edna Bonacich
  • The Occupational Status Attainment Processes of Males and Females / Mckee J. McClendon
  • Working Wives: 1940-1960 / Linda J. Waite
  • Determinants of Administrative Control: A Test of a Theory With Japanese Factories / Phelps Tracy and others
  • Regional Differences in Prejudice / Russell Middleton
  • Career Attributes and Network Structure: A Blockmodel Study of a Biomedical Research Specialty / Ronald L. Brieger
  • Specification of Models for Organizational Effectiveness / Michael T. Hannan, and others
  • School District Effects on Academic Achievement: A Reconsideration / Karl L. Alexander and others
  • Reply to Hannan, Freeman and Meyer, and Alexander and Griffin / Charles E. Bidwell and others.
  • 1976 Nº 2 : Traditional Religion in Contemporary Society: A Theory of Local-Cosmopolitan Plausibility / Wade Clark Roof
  • Occupational Income and the Effects of Minority Competition and Segregation: A Reanalysis and Some New Evidence / David Snyder and others
  • Intended Childbearing and Labor Force Participation of Young Women: Insights from Nonrecursive Models / Linda J. Waite and others
  • Dual Occupation Families and Migration / R. Paul Duncan and others
  • Populism and Lynching in Louisiana, 1889-1896: A Test of Erikson's Theory of the Relationship between Boundary Crises and Repressive Justice / James M. Inverarity
  • Racial and Class Prejudice: Their Relative Effects on Protest Against School Desegregation / Micheal W. Giles, and others
  • Mainland Control of Manufacturing and Reward for Bilingualism in Puerto Rico / John Angle
  • Crowding and Family Relations / Alan Booth and others
  • Determinants of Coordination Modes within Organizations / Andrew H. Van De Ven, and others
  • Rewards, Resources, and the Rate of Mobility: A Nonstationary Multivariate Stochastic Model / Nancy Brandon Tuma
  • On House and Mason's Study of Alienation / Avery M. Guest
  • Reply to Guest / William M. Mason and others
  • Family Role Differentiation and Women's Subsistence Contribution / Martin King Whyte.
  • 1976 Nº 3 : Emergent Ethnicity: A Review and Reformulation / William L. Yancey, and others
  • Racial Discrimination and White Gain / Albert Szymanski
  • Black-White Differences in Educational Attainment / Alejandro Portes and others
  • Race, Commitment to Deviance, and Spoiled Identity / Anthony R. Harris
  • Toward a Theory of Criminal Deterrence / Matthew Silberman
  • Sexual Inequalities and Socioeconomic Achievement in the U.S., 1962-1973 / David L. Featherman and others
  • The Utility of Education and Attractiveness for Females' Status Attainment Through Marriage / Patricia Ann Taylor and others
  • Occupational Mobility in Industrial Societies: A Comparative Analysis of Differential Access to Occupational Ranks in Seventeen Countries / Lawrence E. Hazelrigg and others
  • Structural Determinants of Fertility in Latin America: 1800-1970 / Phillips Cutright, and others
  • Social Class and Parental Values for Children: A Partial Replication and Extension of the Kohn Thesis / James D. Wright and others
  • Social Class and Parental Values: Another Confirmation of the Relationship / Melvin L. Kohn
  • Reply to Kohn / James D. Wright and Sonia R. Wright
  • A Misapplication of Biological Concepts and Data / Usher Fleising
  • Throwing the Beast Back Out: A Closer Look at Van Den Berghe's Beast / Sandra Maryanski Turner, and others
  • Reply to Fleising and Labovitz, and Turner, Turner and Fix / Pierre L. van den Berghe
  • Rules and Examples in Lay and Professional Psychiatry: An Ethnomethodological Comment on the Scheff-Gove Controversy / Allen W. Imershein and others
  • Tests of the Size-Density Hypothesis: A Caution / John G. Fox.
  • 1976 Nº 4 : Change in U.S. Women's Sex-Role Attitudes, 1964-1974 / Karen Oppenheim Mason, and others
  • Sex Differences in Status Attainment in Science: The Case of the Postdoctoral Fellowship / Barbara F. Reskin
  • State Production of Social Knowledge: Patterns in Government Financing of Academic Social Research / Michael Useem
  • Further Considerations on the Methodological Analysis of Segregation Indices / Charles F. Cortese, and others
  • The World-Economy and the Distribution of Income Within States: A Cross-National Study / Richard Rubinson
  • Deviance and Moral Boundaries / Pat Lauderdale
  • Profit and Nonprofit Orientations and the Differentiations-Coordination Hypothesis for Organizations: A Study of Small General Hospitals / William A. Rushing
  • Community Power and Decision Making: A Replication and Extension of Hawley / Richard A. Smith
  • Community Structure and Leadership Arrangements: A Multidimensional Analysis / Michael D. Grimes, and others
  • Failure in Sport / Donald W. Ball
  • Quantitative Testing and Revitalization Behavior: On Carroll's Explanation of the Ghost Dance / Kaye Brown
  • The Solution and Interpretation of Differential Equation Models / Robert L. Kaufman
  • On Theory in Collective Behavior and Empirical Patterns in a Riot Process / Robert A. Stallings.
  • 1976 Nº 5 : Structural Characteristics of Cities and the Severity of Racial Disorders / Seymour Spilerman
  • On Quality of Life / Elihu M. Gerson
  • Inequality in the Military: An Examination of Promotion Time for Black and White Enlisted Men / John Sibley Butler
  • Face-to-Face: The Alienating Effects of Class, Status and Power Divisions / W. Peter Archibald
  • Aligning Actions / Randall Stokes and others
  • Recent Pattern of Secularization: A Problem of Generations? / Robert Wuthnow
  • Counterculture and Dominant Culture Values: A Cross-National Analysis of the Underground Press and Dominant Culture Magazines / James L. Spates
  • A Practitioner's Perspective on the Index of Dissimilarity / Karl E. Taeuber and others
  • On Bias in Drug Arrest Records / Roy L. Austin
  • Cohort Analysts' Futile Quest: Statistical Attempts to Separate Age, Period and Cohort Effects / Norval D. Glenn
  • William M. Mason, and others
  • On the Use of Ordinal Data in Correlation Analysis / David M. Grether
  • Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Further Negative Replication of Cancian's Theory / Denton E. Morrison, and others.
  • 1976 Nº 6 : Presidential Address: Sociology for Whom? / Alfred McClung Lee
  • Violent Acts and Violent Times: A Comparative Approach to Postwar Homicide Rates / Dane Archer and others
  • Selection and Allocation Within Schools: Some Causes and Consequences of Curriculum Placement / Karl L. Alexander and others
  • Status Attainment and Status Maintenance: A Study of Stratification in Old Age / John C. Henretta and others
  • Ambiguity and Interchangeability in Role Attribution: The Effect of Alter's Response / Ralph H. Turner and others
  • Class Segments: Agrarian Property and Political Leadership in the Capitalist Class of Chile / Maurice Zeitlin, and others
  • Social Assimilation Among American Catholic National-Origin Groups / Richard D. Alba
  • Ambivalence as a Sociological Explanation: The Case of Cultural Explanations of Alcohol Problems / Robin Room
  • The News' Manufacture of Sociological Data / Gaye Tuchman
  • On Aronoff and Crano's Re-Examination of the Cross-Cultural Principles of Task Segregation and Sex Role Differentiation in the Nuclear Family / Michael P. Carroll
  • Measuring Corporate and Individual Power: Finding Coleman's Lost Power / Leslie A. Hayduk.
  • 1977 Nº 1 : Sex and Theories of Deviance: Toward a Functional Theory of Deviant Type-Scripts / Anthony R. Harris
  • Normal Homicides and the Law / Victoria Lynn Swigert and others
  • Marxist Class Categories and Income Inequality / Erik Olin Wright and others
  • Structural and Exchange Components of Vertical Mobility / McKee J. McClendon
  • A Theoretical Model for the Interpretation of Tables of Social Mobility / James C. McCann
  • Sex Roles and Interpersonal Behavior in Task-Oriented Groups / B. F. Meeker and others
  • Conflict Intensity, Media Sensitivity and the Validity of Newspaper Data / David Snyder and others
  • Work Values and Job Rewards: A Theory of Job Satisfaction / Arne L. Kalleberg
  • Keeping the Faith or Pursuing the Good Life: A Study of the Consequences of Participation in the Civil Rights Movement / James M. Fendrich
  • A Modest Test of an Immodest Theory: The Functional Theory of Stratification / Leonard Broom and others
  • A Critical Celebration of Gusfield's The Literary Rhetoric of Science / Michael A. Overington
  • Socioeconomic Status and Criminal Sentences: Is There an Association? / David F. Greenberg
  • Is There a Class Bias in Criminal Sentencing? / Andrew Hopkins
  • On Methodology, Theory and Ideology / Charles E. Reasons.
  • 1977 Nº 2 : Trends in Racial Inequalities: Have the Gains of the 1960s Disappeared in the 1970s? / Reynolds Farley
  • Legitimating Myths and Educational Organization: The Relationship Between Organizational Ideology and Formal Structure / David H. Kamens
  • Political Witch Hunts: The Sacred and the Subversive in Cross-National Perspective / Albert James Bergesen
  • Social Reform Organizations and Subsequent Careers of Participants: A Follow-Up Study of Early Participants in the OEO Legal Services Program / Howard S. Erlanger
  • Insurgency of the Powerless: Farm Worker Movements (1946-1972) / J. Craig Jenkins and others
  • Social Change and the Family: Los Angeles, California, 1850-1870 / Barbara Laslett
  • Deterrence as Social Control: The Legal and Extralegal Production of Conformity / Robert F. Meier and others
  • The Deterrence Doctrine and the Perceived Certainty of Legal Punishments / Maynard L. Erickson, and others
  • Status, Inequality and Innovation: The Green Revolution in Andra Pradesh, India / John W. Gartrell
  • Arms Races: A Test of Two Models / Robert L. Hamblin, and others
  • Populism and Lynching in Louisiana / Richard P. Bagozzi
  • Southern Violence and the Political Process / Ira M. Wasserman
  • Mechanical Solidarity, Repressive Justice, and Lynchings in Louisiana / Whitney Pope and and others
  • Typological Invalidity in Generation and Family Effects in Value Socialization / Maureen J. McConaghy
  • Another Look at Modernity Scales: Reanalysis of the Convergent and Discriminant Validities of the Armer, Kahl, Smith and Inkeles, and Schnaiberg Scales / Jere Cohen and others.
  • 1977 Nº 3 : The Sociology of Women's Economic Role in the Family / Valerie Kincade Oppenheimer
  • The Changing American Family from the Preindustrial to the Industrial Period: A Final Report / Herman Lantz, and others
  • The American Perception of Class and Status / Reeve Vanneman and others
  • Class, Status, and Reactive Ethnic Cleavages: The Social Bases of Political Regionalism / Charles Ragin
  • The Effect of Political Democracy and Social Democracy on Equality in Industrial Societies: A Cross-National Comparison / Christopher Hewitt
  • The Ethnic Vice Industry, 1880-1944 / Ivan Light
  • The Expansion of National Educational Systems: Tests of a Population Ecology Model / François Nielsen and others
  • Scientific Productivity and the Reward Structure of Science / Barbara F. Reskin
  • A Computer Simulation of the Emergence of Consensus in Crowds Norris R. Johnson and others
  • Social Exchange: Predicting Transactional Outcomes in Five-Event, Four-Person Systems / H. Andrew Michener, and others.
  • 1977 Nº 4 : The Production of Cynical Knowledge in Organizations / Fred H. Goldner, and others
  • The Group Structure of Cocitation Clusters: A Comparative Study / Nicholas C. Mullins, and others
  • The Realism of Educational Ambitions in England and the United States / Alan C. Kerckhoff
  • Intelligence and Delinquency: A Revisionist Review / Travis Hirschi and others
  • Rediscovering Delinquency: Social History, Political Ideology and the Sociology of Law / John Hagan and others
  • Subjective Class Identification: A Multiple Indicator Approach / James R. Kluegel, and others
  • Democracy and Social Inequality: A Reanalysis / Richard Rubinson and others
  • Social Status, Status Inconsistency and Psychological Stress / Carlton A. Hornung
  • Distributive Justice and Earned Income / Guillermina Jasso and others
  • Proof? No. Evidence? No. A Skeptic's Comment on Inverarity's Use of Statistical Inference / Richard A. Berk
  • Use of the Multiple Indicators-Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model / George W. Bohrnstedt
  • Structural Control Models of Organizational Change: A Replication and Caveat / Richard L. Daft and others.
  • 1977 Nº 5 : Opening Encounters / Deborah Schiffrin
  • Attribution and Identity Construction: Some Comments / Jean M. Guiot
  • Marital Status, Life-Strains and Depression / Leonard I. Pearlin and others
  • Size, Centralization and Organizational Adoption of Innovations / Michael K. Moch and others
  • The Role of Institutionalization in Cultural Persistence / Lynne G. Zucker
  • Societal Reaction to Deviants: The Case of Criminal Defendants / Ilene Nagel Bernstein, and others
  • Patterns of Urban Dominance: The U.S. in 1890 / Mark Abrahamson and others
  • Age, Fertility Expectations and Plans for Employment / Ross M. Stolzenberg and and others
  • Ecological Approach to Migration Reexamined / David F. Sly and others
  • The Export of Raw Materials and Economic Growth: A Cross-National Study / Jacques Delacroix
  • Methods of Analysis in the Study of the World-Economy / Robert L. Bach
  • Cross-Sectionalism: Mismatching Theory and Model / Patrick H. Irwin
  • Social Constructions and Urban Ethnicity / Hal B. Levine
  • Neo-Ethnicity as Defensive Political Protest / Albert James Bergesen
  • Is Community Alive and Well in the Inner City? / A. E. Luloff and others.
  • 1977 Nº 6 : Presidential Address: Countercultures and Social Change / J. Milton Yinger
  • Situation versus Frame: The Interactionist and the Structuralist Analyses of Everyday Life / George Gonos
  • The French Republican Calendar: A Case Study in the Sociology of Time / Eviatar Zerubavel
  • Chinese Consumption of Foreign Commodities: A Comparative Perspective / Gary G. Hamilton
  • Numbers Gambling Among Blacks: A Financial Institution / Ivan Light
  • Notes on the Criminogenic Hypothesis: A Case Study of the American Liquor Industry / Norman K. Denzin
  • Multiple Roles and Role Strain: Some Notes on Human Energy, Time and Commitment / Stephen R. Marks
  • City Differences and Nondifferences in the Effect of Race and Sex on Occupational Distribution / Ross M. Stolzenberg and others
  • A Social Indicator Model of Changes in the Occupational Structure of the United States: 1947-1974 / Fred C. Pampel, and others
  • The Structure of Inequality and the Process of Attainment / Aage B. Sørensen.
  • 1978 Nº 1 : Night As Frontier / Murray Melbin
  • The Diffusion of Collective Violence / Brian L. Pitcher, and others
  • Women's Intergenerational Occupational Mobility / Rachel A. Rosenfeld
  • Curriculum Tracking and Educational Stratification: Some Further Evidence / Karl L. Alexander, and others
  • Marx's Theory of the Falling Rate of Profit: Towards a Dialectical Analysis of Structural Social Change / Richard P. Appelbaum
  • Residential Segregation by Occupation and Race in Ten Urbanized Areas, 1950-1970 / Albert A. Simkus
  • Race and Involvement in Common Law Personal Crimes / Michael J. Hindelang
  • On the Interaction Between a Movement and Its Environment / Edward J. Walsh
  • The Ecological Approach and Community Leadership / James R. Lincoln and others
  • On Inequality in the Military / Robert M. Hauser
  • Comparing Models of Mobility / Joel H. Levine.
  • 1978 Nº 2 : Equality, Success, and Social Justice in England and the United States / Robert V. Robinson and others
  • Informed Consent: Consequences for Response Rate and Response Quality in Social Surveys / Eleanor Singer
  • Determinants of Juvenile Court Dispositions: Ascriptive and Achieved Factors in Two Metropolitan Courts / Lawrence E. Cohen and others
  • Formal and Substantive Voluntarism in the Work of Talcott Parsons: A Theoretical and Ideological Reinterpretation / Jeffrey C. Alexander
  • Community Structure and Industrial Conflict: An Analysis of Strike Activity in SMSAs / James R. Lincoln
  • Status Generalization: A Review and Some New Data / Murray Webster, Jr. and others
  • Sex Differences in Children's Friendships / Donna Eder and others
  • Suburban Social Status: Persistence or Evolution? / Avery M. Guest
  • A Third Interpretation for the Generating Process of the Negative Binomial Distribution / William W. Eaton and others
  • The Meaning of the IQ-Delinquency Relationship / Ronald L. Simons
  • Internal Political Organization and the World Economy of Income Inequality / Steven Stack
  • Deterrence and Social Control / Harold G. Grasmick and others
  • Attribution, Goals, and Deviance / Joseph Harry and others.
  • 1978 Nº 3 : The Causes and Cost of Racial Exclusion from Job Authority / James R. Kluegel
  • Class Power and State Policy: The Case of Large Business Corporations, Labor Unions and Governmental Redistribution in the American States / Alexander Hicks, and others
  • Determinants and Behavioral Consequences of Psychological Modernity: Empirical Evidence from Costa Rica / Michael Armer and others
  • Behaviorism on Verstehen and Erklaren / John D. Baldwin and others
  • Explaining the Low Use of Health Services by the Poor: Costs, Attitudes, or Delivery Systems? / Diana B. Dutton
  • Social Factors in Psychiatric Outcome: Toward the Resolution of Interpretive Controversies / R. Jay Turner and others
  • The Sociogenesis of Psychological Disorder: Reexamining the Causal Issues with Longitudinal Data / Blair Wheaton
  • Organizational Change in the American Foreign Service, 1925-1965: The Utility of Cohort Analysis / Theodore L. Reed
  • Style as Social Process / Barbara Rosenblum
  • Facets and Flaws of Hope's Diamond Model / James S. House.
  • 1978 Nº 4 : Factors Affecting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires: A Quantitative Analysis of the Published Literature / Thomas A. Heberlein and others
  • A Cross-Cultural Study of Expressive and Instrumental Role Complementarity in the Family / William D. Crano and others
  • Sex Differences in the Complexity of Children's Play and Games / Janet Lever
  • The Transition to Adulthood: Sex Differences in Educational Attainment and Age at Marriage / Margaret Mooney Marini
  • Institutionalization and Sick Role Identification Among the Elderly / John F. Myles
  • Status Resources, Societal Reactions, and Type of Mental Hospital Admission / William A. Rushing
  • Is Status Attainment Research Atheoretical? / Patrick M. Horan
  • Nonrecursive Models of Labor Force Participation, Fertility Behavior and Sex Role Attitudes / Lynn Smith-Lovin and others
  • A Rule for Inferring Individual-Level Relationships from Aggregate Data / Glenn Firebaugh
  • The Variable Order of Events in the Life Course / Dennis P. Hogan
  • On the Measurement of Segregation as a Random Variable / Douglas S. Massey
  • Understanding the Standardized Index of Dissimilarity: Reply to Massey / Charles F. Cortese, and others
  • Threats to Internal Validity in Burgess and Nielsen's Social Exchange Experiment / W. David Pierce and others
  • The Effects of International Economic Dependence on Development: A Critique / Mark Stumpp, and others.
  • 1978 Nº 5 : The Hawthorne Experiments: First Statistical Interpretation / Richard Herbert Franke and others
  • The Myth of Social Class and Criminality: An Empirical Assessment of the Empirical Evidence / Charles R. Tittle, and others
  • Sex Differences in Soviet Earnings / Michael Swafford
  • The Influence of Family Background on Intellectual Attainment / Sandra Scarr and others
  • Cross Pressures During Socialization for Medicine / Israel Adler and others
  • Stratification in a Dual Economy: A Sectoral Model of Earnings Determination / E. M. Beck, and others
  • Power, Equity and Commitment in Exchange Networks / Karen S. Cook and others
  • Cross-National Diffusion: The Effects of Canadian TV on Rural Minnesota Viewers / David E. Payne
  • Black Political Participation in the United States: Some Recent Evidence / Nicholas L. Danigelis
  • Black Subordination and White Economic Well-Being / Wayne J. Villemez
  • White Workers' Loss from Racial Discrimination: Reply to Villemez / Albert Szymanski.
  • 1978 Nº 6 : The Presidential Address: Cumulative Change in Theory and in History / Amos H. Hawley
  • The Ideology of Childhood and the State: Rules Distinguishing Children in National Constitutions, 1870-1970 / John Boli-Bennett and others
  • Bringing the Boss Back In: Employer Size, Employee Schooling, and Socioeconomic Achievement / Ross M. Stolzenberg
  • Cultural Effects on Organizational Structure: The Case of Japanese Firms in the United States / James R. Lincoln, and others
  • White Enrollment Stability and School Desegregation: A Two-Level Analysis / Michael W. Giles
  • Measures of Inequality / Paul D. Allison
  • The Effect of Direct Government Involvement in the Economy on the Degree of Income Inequality: A Cross-National Study / Steven Stack
  • Productivity and Academic Position in the Scientific Career / J. Scott Long
  • Occupational Sex Identification and the Assessment of Male and Female Earnings Inequality / Steven D. McLaughlin
  • Marxist and Organizational Approaches to Delinquency and the Sociology of Law: Crucial Problems in Testing the Perspectives / Pat Lauderdale and others
  • Crass Conflict: A Reply to Lauderdale and Larson / John Hagan and others
  • On the Use of Historical Documents and Evidence / Burton B. Silver.
  • 1979 Nº 1 : A Study of the Behavior of Law / Michael R. Gottfredson and others
  • Common Sense in the Sociology of Law / Donald Black
  • Theory and Research in the Sociology of Law / Michael R. Gottfredson and others
  • Class as Conceived by Marx and Dahrendorf: Effects on Income Inequality and Politics in the United States and Great Britain / Robert V. Robinson and others
  • Overcrowding in the Home: An Empirical Investigation of Its Possible Pathological Consequences / Walter R. Gove, and others
  • Toward a Class-Dialectical Model of Power: An Empirical Assessment of Three Competing Models of Political Power / J. Allen Whitt
  • Paradigms in Evolutionary Theory: The Sociobiological Model of Natural Selection / Jill S. Quadagno
  • Size and Administrative Intensity in Nations / Patrick D. Nolan
  • Possible Causes of the Apparent Sex Differences in Physical Health: An Empirical Investigation / Walter R. Gove and others
  • Decision Making and Non-Decision Making in Cities: Some Implications for Community Structural Research / Richard A. Smith
  • The Ghost Dance and the Policy of Land Allotment / Gail Landsman
  • Rejoinder to Landsman / Michael P. Carroll
  • The Effects of Political Participation and Socialist Party Strength on the Degree of Income Inequality / Steven Stack
  • Dialectical Analysis and Closed Systems: Class Societies or World-Economy? / Walter L. Goldfrank
  • Parsons's Voluntarism / John W. Heeren
  • Once Again: The Case For Parsons's Voluntarism / Jeffrey C. Alexander
  • 1970 Census Figures on Public Assistance Income: Some Comparative Figures From Alternate Sources / Christopher B. Norton
  • The Ecological Approach and Community Leadership / Charles M. Bonjean, and others.
  • 1979 Nº 2 : The Founding of the American Sociological Review: The Anatomy of a Rebellion / Patricia Madoo Lengermann
  • tructural Determinants of Urbanization in Asia and Latin America, 1950- 1970 / Glenn Firebaugh
  • Values, Distributive Justice and Social Change / Irving Tallman and others
  • Sex and Authority in the Workplace: The Causes of Sexual Inequality / Wendy C. Wolf and others
  • The Antecedents of Community: The Economic and Institutional Structure of Urban Neighborhoods / William L. Yancey and others
  • Race, Regional Labor Markets and Earnings / Toby L. Parcel
  • Poverty and Infant Mortality in the United States / Steven L. Gortmaker
  • Attitude and Behavior: A Specification of the Contingent Consistency Hypothesis / Kenneth H. Andrews and others
  • Government Policy and Local Practice / Paul Attewell and others
  • Equality, Success, and Social Justice in England and the United States: A Commentary and Critique / Alan C. Kerckhoff and others
  • Confusion and Error in Kerckhoff and Parker: A Reply / Robert V. Robinson and others
  • Another Look at the Black/White Trend in Unemployment Rates / Kay Oehler
  • Still Another Look at Black/White Unemployment: Reply to Oehler / Edna Bonacich.
  • 1979 Nº 3 : Making it in America: Differences Between Eminent Blacks and White Ethnic Groups / Stanley Lieberson and others
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Legislation and the Income of Women and Nonwhites / Paul Burstein
  • The Variability of Paradigms in the Production of Culture: A Comparison of the Arts and Sciences / Remi Clignet
  • Gaps and Glissandos: Inequality, Economic Development, and Social Mobility in 24 Countries / Andrea Tyree, and others
  • Central City White Flight: Racial and Nonracial Causes / William H. Frey
  • Mead vs. Blumer: The Divergent Methodological Perspectives of Social Behaviorism and Symbolic Interactionism / Clark McPhail and others
  • Income Inequality in the Federal Civilian Government / Patricia A. Taylor
  • Suburban Change and Persistence / Andrew Collver and others
  • Income Inequality: A Cross-National Study of the Relationships Between MNC- Penetration, Dimensions of the Power Structure and Income Distribution / Volker Bornschier and others.
  • 1979 Nº 4 : The Collectivist Organization: An Alternative to Rational-Bureaucratic Models / Joyce Rothschild-Whitt
  • The Religious Switcher in the United States / Frank Newport
  • The Social Organization of the American Business Elite and Participation of Corporation Directors in the Governance of American Institutions / Michael Useem
  • Political Democracy and the Timing of Development / Kenneth A. Bollen
  • Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity Approach / Lawrence E. Cohen and others
  • Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and Fertility: A Reassessment / Frank D. Bean and others
  • Ethnic Political Mobilization: The Welsh Case / Charles C. Ragin
  • Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory / Ronald L. Akers, and others
  • American Jewish Denominations: A Social and Religious Profile / Bernard Lazerwitz and others
  • Organizational Theory and Cultural Intrusions into Organizations / Fred E. Katz
  • Whose Status Counts? / Rodney Stark.
  • 1979 Nº 5 : The Structure of a National Elite Network / Gwen Moore
  • The Open and Closed Question / Howard Schuman and others
  • The Analysis of Oppositional Structures in Political Elites: Identifying Collective Actors / Edward O. Laumann and others
  • Small Groups and Culture Creation: The Idioculture of Little League Baseball Teams / Gary Alan Fine
  • Vertical Differentiation Among Occupations / Joe L. Spaeth
  • Priest Resignations in a Lazy Monopoly / John Seidler
  • Early Childbearing and Later Economic Well-Being / Sandra L. Hofferth and others
  • Entrance into the Academic Career / J. Scott Long, and others
  • Changes in the Sex Role Attitudes of Women, 1962-1977: Evidence from a Panel Study / Arland Thornton and others
  • A Panel Model of Crime Rates and Arrest Rates / David F. Greenberg, and others
  • The Use of Pearson's with Ordinal Data / Robert M. O'Brien
  • Critique of a Recent Professional Put-Down of the Hawthorne Research / Walter I. Wardwell
  • The Hawthorne Experiments: Re-View / Richard Herbert Franke
  • On Gini's Mean Difference and Gini's Index of Concentration / Guillermina Jasso
  • Deterrence and Social Control: A Reply to Grasmick and McLaughlin / Matthew Silberman.
  • 1979 Nº 6 : The Presidential Address: Measurement and Conceptualization Problems: The Major Obstacle to Integrating Theory and Research / H. M. Blalock, Jr.
  • The Contradiction of Domination and Production in Bureaucracy: The Contribution of Organizational Efficiency to the Decline of the Roman Empire / Robert J. Antonio
  • Inequality and Police Strength: Conflict Theory and Coercive Control in Metropolitan Areas / David Jacobs
  • The Paradigm Concept and Sociology: A Critical Review / Douglas Lee Eckberg and others
  • Suburban Status Evolution/Persistence: A Structural Model / John M. Stahura
  • Entry into Early Adolescence: The Impact of School Structure, Puberty, and Early Dating on Self-Esteem / Roberta G. Simmons, and others
  • Temporal Changes in Work Content / Kenneth I. Spenner
  • White Movement to the Suburbs: A Comparison of Explanations / Harvey Marshall
  • Correlates of Delinquency: The Illusion of Discrepancy between Self-Report and Official Measures / Michael J. Hindelang, and others
  • Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on the Residential Segregation of Blacks and Spanish Americans in U.S. Urbanized Areas / Douglas S. Massey.
  • 1980 Nº 1 : A New Theory of Distributive Justice / Guillermina Jasso
  • Sexual Embourgeoisment? Social Class and Sexual Activity: 1938-1970 / Martin S. Weinberg and others
  • Sudden Wealth, Gratification and Attainment: Durkheim's Anomie of Affluence Reconsidered / Mark Abrahamson
  • Industry Marginality and Female Employment: A New Appraisal / William P. Bridges
  • The Flemish Movement in Belgium After World War II: A Dynamic Analysis / François Nielsen
  • Reconciling Race and Class Differences in Self-Reported and Official Estimates of Delinquency / Delbert S. Elliott and others
  • The Geography of Soviet Criminality / Louise Shelley
  • Analyzing Collapsed Contingency Tables Without Actually Collapsing / Paul D. Allison
  • Keynesian Government Intervention and Income Inequality / Robert W. Jackman
  • The Case of the Missing-Values Card, and Other Mysteries: Another Look at the Effect of Government Spending on Income Inequality / Glenn Firebaugh
  • Direct Government Involvement in the Economy: Theoretical and Empirical Extensions: Reply to Jackman and Firebaugh / Steven Stack
  • Sociobiology and Paradigms in Evolutionary Theory / Robert Bolin and others.
  • 1980 Nº 2 : Fertility and Female Employment: Problems of Causal Direction / James C. Cramer
  • Political Protest Orientations Among Black and White Adults / Larry Isaac, and others
  • Beyond Methodology: The Place of Theory in Quantitative Historical Research / Barbara Laslett
  • Firearms Ownership for Sport and Protection: Two Divergent Models / Alan J. Lizotte and others
  • The Tacit Conventions of the Modernity School: An Analysis of Key Assumptions / William C. Rau
  • The Transition to Adulthood as a Career Contingency / Dennis P. Hogan
  • An Opportunity Labor Demand Model and Markovian Labor Supply Models: Comparative Tests in an Organization / Suresh L. Konda and others
  • Truth Tests and Utility Tests: Decision-Makers' Frames of Reference for Social Science Research / Carol H. Weiss and others
  • The Spatial Structure of Income Distribution in Rural Regions / David A. McGranahan
  • Comparing Stratification Theories / Paul Attewell and others
  • Synthesis and Comparison of Stratification Theories: A Reply / Robert V. Robinson and others
  • Empirical Verification and Black's The Behavior of Law / John Braithwaite and others
  • Trite But True / Michael R. Gottfredson and others
  • Is the Status Structure in the United States Really More Fluid for Women Than for Men? / Norval D. Glenn and others
  • The Impact of Outliers on Income Inequality / Robert W. Jackman
  • In Defense of Microeconomic Theory / Michael W. Martin and others
  • Does Microeconomic Theory Need a Defense? / Karen S. Cook, and others.
  • 1980 Nº 3 : Solidarity Model, Breakdown Model, and the Boston Anti-Busing Movement / Bert Useem
  • Issues in the Comparative Measurement of Political Democracy / Kenneth A. Bollen
  • Organizational Properties from Aggregate Data: Separating Individual and Structural Effects / James R. Lincoln and others
  • Mead and Blumer: The Convergent Methodological Perspectives of Social Behaviorism and Symbolic Interactionism / Herbert Blumer
  • Ex Cathedra Blumer or Ex Libris Mead? / Clark McPhail and others
  • Education and Fertility: Implications for the Roles Women Occupy / Ronald R. Rindfuss, others
  • Some Experimental Investigations of the Principles of Differential Association Through Deliberate Manipulations of the Structure of Service Systems / D. A. Andrews
  • Social Class and Psychological Distress / Ronald C. Kessler and others
  • Access to Interorganizational Networks as a Professional Resource / Jon Miller
  • Beyond Misspecification in Sociological Analyses of Income Inequality / Erich Weede
  • Darwin, Sociobiology and Sociology / Charles J. Morgan
  • Comment on Walter R. Gove and Michael Hughes, Possible Causes of the Apparent Sex Differences in Physical Health / Lois M. Verbrugge
  • Sex Differences in Physical Health and How Medical Sociologists View Illness / Walter R. Gove and others
  • Ideology, Specificity, and the Coding of Legal Documents: What Do Measures of Constitutional Content Measure? / Ronnie Steinberg Ratner and others
  • Constitutions as Ideology / John Boli-Bennett and others.
  • 1980 Nº 4 : Dependence, Inequality, and the Growth of the Tertiary: A Comparative Analysis of Less Developed Countries / Peter B. Evans and others
  • Banks and Corporate Lending: An Analysis of the Impact of the Internal Structure of the Capitalist Class on The Lending Behavior of Banks / Richard E. Ratcliff
  • Unconfounding the Confluence Model: A Test of Sibship Size and Birth-Order Effects on Intelligence / Lala Carr Steelman and others
  • Race and Sex Differences in Career Dynamics / Rachel A. Rosenfeld
  • Class and Income Inequality in Korea / Hagen Koo and others
  • The Structure of Attitude Systems in the General Public: Comparisons of a Structural Equation Model / Charles M. Judd and others
  • How Jews Avoid Alcohol Problems / Barry Glassner and others
  • Three Parametric Techniques for Contingency Table Analysis: A Nontechnical Commentary / Michael Swafford
  • Sex and Involvement in Deviance/Crime: A Quantitative Review of the Empirical Literature / Douglas A. Smith and others
  • On Stratification in a Dual Economy / Robert M. Hauser
  • Social Stratification in Industrial Society: Further Evidence for a Structural Alternative / E. M. Beck, and others.
  • 1980 Nº 5 : Heredity, Environment, and Public Policy Reconsidered / Christopher Jencks
  • Bringing the Firms Back in: Stratification, Segmentation, and the Organization of Work / James N. Baron and others
  • Crime and Poverty: Some Experimental Evidence From Ex-Offenders / Richard A. Berk, others
  • Social Networks and Social Movements: A Microstructural Approach to Differential Recruitment / David A. Snow, and others
  • The Differential Sentencing of White-Collar Offenders in Ten Federal District Courts / John Hagan, and others
  • Testing a Structural Theory of Corporate Cooptation: Interorganizational Directorate Ties as a Strategy for Avoiding Market Constraints on Profits / Ronald S. Burt, and others
  • The Effect of Sexual Stratification By Race on Official Reactions to Rape / Gary D. LaFree
  • The Noninfluence of Family Background On Intellectual Attainment / Marcia Whicker Taylor
  • Calling All Camps! The War is Over / Sandra Scarr and others
  • The Effects of Crowding Found in The Toronto Study: Some Methodological and Empirical Questions / Walter R. Gove and others
  • In Pursuit of Pathology: The Effects of Human Crowding / Alan Booth, and others
  • In Pursuit of Preconceptions: A Reply to the Claim of Booth and His Colleagues That Household Crowding is Not an Important Variable / Walter R. Gove and others.
  • 1980 Nº 6 : The Presidential Address: The Challenge and Opportunities of Applied Social Research / Peter H. Rossi
  • Social Process and Hierarchy Formation in Small Groups: A Comparative Perspective / Ivan D. Chase
  • Weber's Last Theory of Capitalism: A Systematization / Randall Collins
  • Immigration and the Expansion of Schooling in the United States, 1890-1970 / John H. Ralph and others
  • The Meek Shall Not Inherit the Earth: Self-Evaluation and the Legitimacy of Stratification / L. Richard Della Fave
  • Suburban Status Instability / Harvey M. Choldin, and others
  • Generating Newsworthiness: The Interpretive Construction of Public Events / Marilyn Lester
  • The Relay Assembly Test Room: An Alternative Statistical Interpretation / Robert Schlaifer
  • Worker Productivity at Hawthorne / Richard Herbert Franke
  • Welsh Political Mobilization: A Comment and a Note / James M. Lutz
  • Aggregation Gain and Loss in Electoral Research / Charles C. Ragin.
  • 1981 Nº 1 : Profit Constraints on Managerial Autonomy: Managerial Theory and the Unmaking of the Corporation President / David R. James and others
  • Dynamics of Formal Political Structure: An Event-History Analysis / Michael T. Hannan and others
  • The Myth of Social Class and Criminality Reconsidered / John Braithwaite
  • Does IQ Really Matter? A Study of the Use of IQ Scores for the Tracking of the Mentally Retarded / Richard A. Berk, and others
  • Change and Stability in Educational Stratification / Robert D. Mare
  • Demographic Antecedents of a Revitalization Movement: Population Change, Population Size, and the 1890 Ghost Dance / Russell Thornton
  • Undesirable Life Events and Psychophysiological Distress: A Problem of Operational Confounding / Peggy A. Thoits
  • The Effects of Household Density on Subgroups / Mark Baldassare
  • Sex Differences in Health Status: A Reexamination of the Nurturant Role Hypothesis / Alfred C. Marcus and others
  • Beliefs vs. Data: More on the Illness Behavior of Men and Women / Walter R. Gove and others
  • Mobility and Economic Development Revisited / William L. Urton.
  • 1981 Nº 2 : Commitment and Detachment in Voluntary Associations / David Knoke
  • Substantive Interpretations of Differential Equation Models / François Nielsen and others
  • The Stratification of Metropolitan Suburbs, 1960-1970 / John R. Logan and others
  • The Validity of Randomized Response for Sensitive Measurements / Paul E. Tracy and others
  • Structural Determinants of Peripheral Urbanization: The Effects of International Dependence / Jeffrey Kentor
  • Religio-Ethnic Effects on Attainments in the Early Career / Robin Stryker
  • Pearson's R and Coarsely Categorized Measures / Kenneth A. Bollen and others
  • The Meaning and Measurement of Income Inequality / David McGranahan
  • On Theory and Measurement / David Jacobs
  • Paradigm Analysis in Sociology: Clarifying the Issues / George Ritzer
  • Clarifying Confusions about Paradigms: A Reply to Ritzer / Lester Hill, Jr and others.
  • 1981 Nº 3 : The Dictionary of Occupational Titles as a Source of Occupational Data / Pamela S. Cain and others
  • Differentiation within the United States Capitalist Class: Workforce Size and Income Differences / Howard Aldrich and others
  • Race and the War on Crime: The Sociopolitical Determinants of Municipal Police Expenditures in 90 non-Southern U.S. Cities / Pamela Irving Jackson and others
  • The Public and Private Worlds of City Life / Claude S. Fischer
  • Business Temporal Norms and Bereavement Behavior / Lois Pratt
  • Nonconformity, Competence, and Influence in Groups: A Test of Two Theories / Cecilia L. Ridgeway
  • Jasso on Distributive Justice / Karol Edward Sołtan
  • Further Notes on the Theory of Distributive Justice / Guillermina Jasso
  • Predicting Reponse Rates to Mailed Questionnaires / Klaus Eichner and others
  • The Effectiveness of the Heberlein-Baumgartner Models for Predicting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires: European and U.S. Examples / Thomas A. Heberlein and others
  • Discrepancies Between Self-Reported and Official Measures of Delinquency / Leroy C. Gould
  • Measures of Inequality for Qualitative Variables and Concentration Curves / P. Krishnan
  • Inequality Measures for Nominal Data / Paul D. Allison.
  • 1981 Nº 4 : At Sixes and Sevens: Occupational Status in the City of London from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century / Michael C. Burrage and others
  • Social Resources and Strength of Ties: Structural Factors in Occupational Status Attainment / Nan Lin, and others
  • Trends in Occupational Mobility in Canada and the United States: A Comparison / Hugh A. McRoberts and others
  • Organizational Context and Scientific Productivity / J. Scott Long and others
  • Trends in the Relationship Between Sex and Psychological Distress: 1957- 1976 / Ronald C. Kessler and others
  • Trends in United States Men's and Women's Sex-Role Attitudes: 1972 to 1978 / Andrew Cherlin and others
  • Variations in Sex-Race-Age-Specific Incidence Rates of Offending / Michael J. Hindelang
  • A Dynamic Study of Change in a Regional Corporate Network / Joseph Galaskiewicz and others
  • Reconfounding the Confluence Model: Is the Relationship of Sibship Size and Birth-Order to Intelligence an Artifact? / Alfred C. Hexter
  • Family Structure and IQ: Artifact of Condition at Birth? / Lala Carr Steelman and others
  • Career Patterns of Scientists: A Case for Complementary Data / Daryl E. Chubin, and others
  • Firearms Ownership for Sport and Protection: Two Not So Divergent Models / Alan J. Lizotte, and others.
  • 1981 Nº 5 : Social Inequality and Predatory Criminal Victimization: An Exposition and Test of a Formal Theory / Lawrence E. Cohen, and others
  • Social Control Theory and Delinquency / Michael D. Wiatrowski, and others
  • Black-White Differences in the Educational Attainment Process: What Have We Learned? / Denise C. Gottfredson
  • Racial Tolerance as a Function of Group Position / A. Wade Smith
  • Social Mobility and Fertility: Two Effects in One / Gillian Stevens
  • Dynamics of Organizational Expansion in National Systems of Education / Glenn R. Carroll
  • Community Structure in Response to Population Growth and Decline: A Study in Ecological Organization / Glenn V. Fuguitt and others
  • Effects of United States Presidential Elections on Suicide and Other Cases of Death / Myron Boor
  • Measure for Measure: On the Use of Endogenous Ability Data in School-Process Research / Karl L. Alexander, and others
  • Religious Conformity in an Age of Disbelief: Contextual Effects of Time, Denomination, and Family Processes Upon Church Decline and Apostasy / Hart M. Nelsen
  • Social Class and Ethnic Segregation: A Reconsideration of Methods and Conclusions / Douglas S. Massey
  • The Dimension(s) of Democracy: Further Issues in the Measurement and Effects of Political Democracy / Kenneth A. Bollen and others
  • Political Involvement and Attitude Structure in the General Public / Charles M. Judd, and others
  • New Methods Lead to Familiar Results / Steven S. Martin
  • Interpreting New Methods in Attitude Structure Research / Michael A. Milburn and others
  • Sex and Authority in the Workplace: A Replication and Critique / William P. Bridges and others
  • Social Class and Emotional Distress / Beth E. Vanfossen, and others
  • On the Use and Abuse of Aggregate Data in Analyzing Organizations / Marshall W. Meyer and others
  • Levels of Causation and Levels of Data Collection in the Study of Organizational Properties / James R. Lincoln and others.
  • 1981 Nº 6 : Keeping up the Neighborhood: Estimating Net Effects of Zoning / Anne B. Shlay and others
  • Stratification, Work, and Values: A Polish-United States Comparison / Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, and others
  • Black Southern Student Sit-in Movement: An Analysis of Internal Organization / Aldon Morris
  • Inequality Within Rural Communities of India / John W. Gartrell
  • Racial Discrimination in Criminal Sentencing: A Critical Evaluation of the Evidence with Additional Evidence on the Death Penalty / Gary Kleck
  • A Test of the Stability of Punishment Hypothesis: The Case of California, 1851-1970 / Richard A. Berk, and others
  • The Japanese Americans: Changing Patterns of Assimilation Over Three Generations / Darrel Montero
  • A Multilevel Model of Life Satisfaction: Effects of Individual Characteristics and Neighborhood Composition / Roberto M. Fernandez and others
  • Interlocking Directorates and Interest Group Formation / Beth Mintz and others
  • Taxonomies of Institutional Structure: Dual Economy Reconsidered / Lynne G. Zucker and others
  • Structural Constraints and Individual Career Earnings Patterns / Robert Nash Parker
  • Diagonal Mobility Models: A Substantively Motivated Class of Designs for the Analysis of Mobility Effects / Michael E. Sobel
  • The Historical Distribution of County Seats in the United States: A Review, Critique, and Test of Time-Minimization Theory / G. Edward Stephan and others
  • Racial Characteristics and the Imposition of the Death Penalty / Michael L. Radelet
  • Complexities of the Randomized Response Solution / Judith Droitcour Miller
  • Reaffirming the Viability of the Randomized Response Approach / James Alan Fox and others
  • On Interpreting Coefficients in Differential Equation Models / Thomas P. Wilson
  • Interpreting Linear Differential Equation Models / Francois Nielsen and others
  • Issues in Instrumental Variables Analysis / Karl L. Alexander, others
  • Instrumental Variables Analysis / James C. Cramer
  • Some Useful Applications of Logistic Models: Reply to an Odd Critique / Steven L. Gortmaker
  • Mortality Rates in a Two-Sample Study / Michael Swafford
  • Logistic Regression Models with Continuous Independent Variables / Paul P. L. Cheung and others
  • Logistic Regression / Michael Swafford.
  • 1982 Nº 1 : Social Inventions for Solving Human Problems / William Foote Whyte
  • Sociological Reductionism From Parsons to Althusser: Linking Action and Structure in Social Theory / Nancy DiTomaso
  • A Dubious Distinction? An Inquiry into the Value and Use of Merton's Concepts of Manifest and Latent Function / Colin Campbell
  • Heterogeneity and Intermarriage / Peter M. Blau, and others
  • A Stochastic Model of Relational Control in Dyadic Interaction / Ronald W. Manderscheid, and others
  • Status in Groups: The Importance of Motivation / Cecilia L. Ridgeway
  • External Conflict/Internal Cohesion: A Reevaluation of an Old Theory / Kyriacos C. Markides and others
  • Vertical and Nonvertical Class Mobility in Three Countries / Keith Hope
  • The Cost of Inequality: Metropolitan Structure and Violent Crime / Judith R. Blau and others
  • Status Shifts Within the City / Harvey M. Choldin and others
  • Women's Job Mobility Processes Within and Between Employers / Diane H. Felmlee
  • Curriculum Tracking and Delinquency / Michael D. Wiatrowski, and others
  • Sources of Ambiguity and Possible Error in Ralph and Rubinson / David Rauma
  • Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory: A Comment and Critique / Donald E. Strickland
  • On Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Reappraisal of the Findings / Mark C. Stafford and others
  • Conceptual and Analytical Models in Testing Social Learning Theory: Reply / Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, and others.
  • 1982 Nº 2 : Workers and Machines: Dimensions and Determinants of Technical Relations in the Workplace / James N. Baron and others
  • Cultural Capital and School Success: The Impact of Status Culture Participation on the Grades of U.S. High School Students / Paul DiMaggio
  • Mental Patient Status, Work, and Income: An Examination of the Effects of a Psychiatric Label / Bruce Link
  • The Effect of Wives' Employment on the Mental Health of Married Men and Women / Ronald C. Kessler and others
  • Testing the Theory of Status Integration and Suicide Rates / Jack P. Gibbs
  • Major Labor Disputes in Britain, 1902-1938: The Relationship Between Resource Expenditure and Outcome / Charles C. Ragin, and others
  • Relations Between Individual Life Cycles and Population Characteristics / Samuel H. Preston
  • Wage and Status Effects of Employment on Affective Well-Being Among Ex-Felons / Jeffrey K. Liker
  • Easter and Passover: On Calendars and Group Identity / Eviatar Zerubavel
  • Suggestions for the Measurement of Consensus / John Markoff
  • Multivariate Analysis and Ordinal Data / Frank Henry.
  • 1982 Nº 3 : Industrial Transformation and the Decline of Craft: The Decomposition of Skill in the Printing Industry, 1931-1978 / Michael Wallace and others
  • Organization of Production and Community Income Distributions / Leonard E. Bloomquist and others
  • Growth Controls, Population Growth, and Community Satisfaction / Mark Baldassare and others
  • Dimensions of Educational and Occupational Attainment in Great Britain / Alan C. Kerckhoff, and others
  • Delayed Career Entry, Industrial Pension Structure, and Early Retirement in a Cohort of Unmarried Women / Angela M. O'Rand and others
  • Ethnicity in the American Elite / Richard D. Alba and others
  • Christmas Gifts and Kin Networks / Theodore Caplow
  • The Police, Crime, and Economic Theory: An Assessment / Colin Loftin and others
  • Another Look at the Export of Raw Materials and Economic Growth / Randall Stokes and others
  • Bomb Threats and the Mass Media: Evidence for a Theory of Suggestion / Allan Mazur
  • Tolerance of Sexual Nonconformity: City Size as a Situational and Early Learning Determinant / G. Edward Stephan and others
  • Informed Consent Procedures in Telephone Interviews / Eleanor Singer and others
  • On the Use of Self-Report Data to Determine the Class Distribution of Criminal and Delinquent Behavior / Gary Kleck
  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: More on the Class/Criminality Controversy / Charles R. Tittle, and others.
  • 1982 Nº 4 : Social Mobility in a Mid-Nineteenth Century French City / Ronald Aminzade and others
  • Industrial Segmentation and Men's Career Mobility / Charles M. Tolbert II
  • Michael Hechter's Theory of Regional Underdevelopment: A Test Using Victorian Railways / Samuel Cohn
  • Testing Control Theory and Differential Association: A Causal Modeling Approach / Ross L. Matsueda
  • Social Correlates of Criminal Involvement: Further Evidence on the Relationship Between Social Status and Criminal Behavior / Terence P. Thornberry and others
  • Whites' Beliefs about Blacks' Opportunity / James R. Kluegel and others
  • Familial Influence on the Intellectual Attainment of Children / James A. Mercy and others
  • Changing Locality Identification in the Metropolis: Seattle, 1920-1978 / Avery M. Guest, and others
  • Further Evidence on Factors Affecting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires / John C. Goyder
  • Who's to Blame for Limited Health Care Use by the Poor? / James Alan Neff
  • Models of Fertility and Women's Work / Lynn Smith-Lovin and others.
  • 1982 Nº 5 : Achievement Variables and Class Cultures: Family, Schooling, Job, and Forty-Nine Dependent Variables in the Cumulative GSS / James A. Davis
  • Social Structure and Intergroup Interaction: Men and Women of the Federal Bureaucracy / Scott J. South, and others
  • Competition, Scale and Political Explanations for Inequality: An Integrated Study of Sectoral Explanations at the Aggregate Level / David Jacobs
  • Cumulative Advantage and Inequality in Science / Paul D. Allison, and others
  • Curricula and Coursework: A Surprise Ending to a Familiar Story / Karl L. Alexander and others
  • Sentencing the White-Collar Offender: Rhetoric and Reality / Stanton Wheeler, and others
  • The Sequence and Timing of Family Formation Events in Asia / Charles Hirschman and others
  • Rediscovering City Differences in Racial Occupational Inequality / Mark Fossett and others
  • Fundamental Intrinsic Duality, Social Scientific Debates, and the Nature of Psychosocial Modernity: A Reanalysis and Reply to Rau and Others / David Horton Smith
  • Tacit Convention Two: A Disquisition on Smith / William Rau.
  • 1982 Nº 6 : The Consequences of Controversy Accompanying Institutional Change: The Case of School Desegregation / Robert L. Crain and others
  • The American Class Structure / Erik Olin Wright, others
  • Economic Dualism: A Critical Review / Randy Hodson and others
  • Inequalities in Educational Attainment in Hungary, 1923-1973 / Albert Simkus and others
  • A Disaggregation of the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Psychological Distress / Ronald C. Kessler
  • On the Importance of Marginality: One More Step into the Two-Step Flow of Communication / Gabriel Weimann
  • Estimable Functions of Age, Period, and Cohort Effects / Willard L. Rodgers
  • Estimable Functions of Age, Period, and Cohort Effects: More Chimeras of the Age-Period-Cohort Accounting Framework: Comment on Rodgers / Herbert L. Smith, and others
  • Reply to Comment by Smith, Mason, and Fienberg / Willard L. Rodgers
  • Social Structural Determinants of Similarity among Associates / Scott L. Feld
  • Imitative Suicides: A National Study of the Effects of Television News Stories / Kenneth A. Bollen and others
  • Female Employment and Fertility in the Dominican Republic: A Dynamic Perspective / Douglas T. Gurak and others
  • The Use of Ability Measures as Controls for Concurrent or Subsequent Achievement / James S. Coleman.
  • 1983 Nº 1 : The Interaction Order: American Sociological Association, 1982 Presidential Address / Erving Goffman
  • George Washington and the Whig Conception of Heroic Leadership / Barry Schwartz
  • Crime as Social Control / Donald Black
  • Race, Sex and Feminist Outlooks / H. Edward Ransford and others
  • Alienation and Alcohol: The Role of Work, Mastery, and Community in Drinking Behavior / Melvin Seeman and others
  • Aging, Values, and Rewards: Explaining Age Differences in Job Satisfaction / Arne L. Kalleberg and others
  • Organizations as Action Generators / William H. Starbuck
  • Does Television Enhance the Shared Symbolic Environment? Trends in Labeling of Editorial Cartoons, 1948-1980 / James R. Beniger
  • The Norm of Even-Handedness in Surveys as in Life / Howard Schuman and others
  • A Spatial Autocorrelation Model of the Effects of Population Density on Fertility / Colin Loftin and others
  • A Quantitative Analysis of Temporal Symmetry in Microsocial Relations / Stanford W. Gregory, Jr.
  • Political Democracy--How Many Dimensions? / Claes Fornell
  • Issues of Theory, Issues of Fact / Kenneth A. Bollen and others
  • Formal Theory and Informal Analysis / Richard Breen and others
  • Insinuating Informality: A Reply to Breen and Rottman / Lawrence E. Cohen, and others.
  • 1983 Nº 2 : The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields / Paul J. DiMaggio and others
  • The Sociological Import of G. H. Mead's Theory of the Past / David R. Maines, and others
  • Multiple Identities and Psychological Well-Being: A Reformulation and Test of the Social Isolation Hypothesis / Peggy A. Thoits
  • Mental Health and the Interpersonal Environment: A Reexamination of Some Effects of Social Structure on Mental Health / Charles Kadushin
  • Universals in Judging Wrongdoing: Japanese and Americans Compared / V. Lee Hamilton, and others
  • Causes and Consequences of Sex-Role Attitudes and Attitude Change / Arland Thornton, and others
  • Paranoia and the Structure of Powerlessness / John Mirowsky and others
  • A Preliminary Examination of Ethnic Identification among Whites / Richard D. Alba and others
  • The Unfolding of the Interlocking Directorate Structure of the United States / William G. Roy
  • Scale Economy or Scale Entropy? Country Size and Rate of Economic Growth, 1950-1977 / Glenn Firebaugh
  • The Persistence of Extended Family Residence in Japan: Anachronism or Alternative Strategy? / S. Philip Morgan and Kiyosi Hirosima.
  • 1983 Nº 3 : Mobility in Professional Occupational-Internal Labor Markets: Stratification, Segmentation and Vacancy Chains / D. Randall Smith
  • One Occupation, Two Labor Markets: The Case of Longshore Crane Operators / William Finlay
  • Gender and Jobs: Prestige Standings of Occupations as Affected by Gender / Christine E. Bose and others
  • The Legitimation of Structural Inequality: Reformulation and Test of the Self-Evaluation Argument / John F. Stolte
  • Economic Hardship and Marital Relations in the 1930s / Jeffrey K. Liker and others
  • Salience, Heterogeneity and Consolidation of Parameters: Civilizing Blau's Primitive Theory / John Skvoretz
  • Local Roles and Social Networks / Michael J. Mandel
  • An Introduction to Sample Selection Bias in Sociological Data / Richard A. Berk
  • Ordinal Measures in Multiple Indicator Models: A Simulation Study of Categorization Error / David Richard Johnson and others
  • Civil Disorder and the Welfare Explosion: A Two-Step Process / Sanford F. Schram and others
  • Industrial Sector and Career Mobility Reconsidered / Jerry Jacobs
  • Inequality and the Service Sector in Less Developed Countries: A Reanalysis and Respecification / Robert Fiala
  • Residents' Perceptions of Suburban Community Differences / John R. Logan and others
  • Metropolitan Structure and Violent Crime: Which Measure of Crime? / Robert M. O'Brien.
  • 1983 Nº 4 : Race, Political Orientation, and Participation: An Empirical Test of Four Competing Theories / Thomas M. Guterbock and others
  • The Social and Political Consequences of Overeducation / Val Burris
  • World System Position, Dependency, and Democracy: The Cross-National Evidence / Kenneth Bollen
  • Educational Expansion and Economic Output in the United States, 1890-1969: A Production Function Analysis / Pamela Barnhouse Walters and others
  • Industrialization and the Status Attainment Process: The Thesis of Industrialism Reconsidered / David B. Grusky
  • Weber on Action / Stephen P. Turner
  • An Ecology of Affiliation / Miller McPherson
  • Childbearing Decision Making and Family Well-Being: A Dynamic, Sequential Model / Sandra L. Hofferth
  • Trickle Down or Transfers? Postwar Determinants of Family Income Inequality / Judith Treas
  • The Impact of Mass Media Violence on U.S. Homicides / David P. Phillips
  • Size of Place, Residential Preferences and the Life Cycle: How People Come to Like Where They Live / Frank M. Howell and others
  • Social Mobility and Immigrants or Immigrants and Social Mobility / Andrea Tyree and Moshe Semyonov.
  • 1983 Nº 5 : Between the Labor Process and the State: The Changing Face of Factory Regimes Under Advanced Capitalism / Michael Burawoy
  • Fiscal Policy and Class Income Inequality: The Distributional Consequences of Governmental Revenues and Expenditures in the United States, 1949-1976 / Joel A. Devine
  • Gender, Domestic Labor Time, and Wage Inequality / Shelley Coverman
  • Sex Segregation and Sectors: An Analysis of Gender Differences in Returns from Employer Changes / Rachel A. Rosenfeld
  • The Life Course of Children of Divorce: Marital Disruption and Parental Contact / Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr., and others
  • The Devil's Techniques: Cultural Legitimation and Social Change / Wendy Griswold
  • Inside Organic Solidarity / Whitney Pope and others
  • The Liability of Newness: Age Dependence in Organizational Death Rates / John Freeman, and others
  • Political Business Cycles, Presidential Elections, and Suicide and Mortality Patterns / Ira M. Wasserman
  • Structural Mobility, Circulation Mobility and the Analysis of Occupational Mobility: A Conceptual Mismatch / Michael E. Sobel
  • Peer Influence on College Aspirations with Initial Aspirations Controlled / Jere Cohen.
  • 1983 Nº 6 : Tactical Innovation and the Pace of Insurgency / Youg McAdam
  • Social Structure, Revitalization Movements and State Building: Social Change in Four Native American Societies / Duane Champagne
  • Social Movement Involvement in the Wake of a Nuclear Accident: Activists and Free Riders in the TMI Area / Edward J. Walsh and others
  • Boundary-Work and the Demarcation of Science from Non-Science: Strains and Interests in Professional Ideologies of Scientists / Thomas F. Gieryn
  • Frontiers and Criminal Justice: English Private Prosecution Societies and American Vigilantism in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries / Craig B. Little and others
  • Dividing Work, Sharing Work, and In-Between: Marriage Patterns and Depression / Catherine E. Ross, and others
  • Deciphering Prometheus: Temporal Change in the Skill Level of Work / Kenneth I. Spenner
  • The Formation and Stability of Instructional Groups / Maureen T. Hallinan and others
  • Marriage and Women's Occupational Attainment in Cross-Cultural Perspective / Patricia A. Roos
  • Measuring Social Participation / Robert Nash Parker.
  • 1984 Nº 1 : Gender and Parenthood / Alice S. Rossi
  • Comparative Social Mobility Revisited: Models of Convergence and Divergence in 16 Countries / David B. Grusky and others
  • The Paradox of Lessening Racial Inequality and Joblessness among Black Youth: Enrollment, Enlistment, and Employment, 1964-1981 / Robert D. Mare and others
  • Changing Conceptions of Race: Towards an Account of Anomalous Findings of Sentencing Research / Ruth D. Peterson and others
  • Karl Mannheim and Conservatism: The Ancestry of Historical Thinking / David Kettler, Volker Meja and others
  • The Moral Basis of Moral Reform: Status Discontent vs. Culture and Socialization as Explanations of Anti-p*rnography Social Movement Adherence / Michael Wood and others
  • Adult Development and Social Theory: A Paradigmatic Reappraisal / Dale Dannefer
  • Intergenerational Support Activities and Well-Being among the Elderly: A Convergence of Exchange and Symbolic Interaction Perspectives / Elizabeth Mutran and others
  • Parental Status and Child's Home Ownership / John C. Henretta
  • Dependence, Political Exclusion, and Government Repression: Some Cross-National Evidence / Michael Timberlake and Kirk R. Williams.
  • 1984 Nº 2 : Structural Inertia and Organizational Change / Michael T. Hannan and others
  • Elections, Keynes, Bureaucracy and Class: Explaining U.S. Budget Deficits, 1961-1978 / Alexander Hicks
  • Reproducing Class Relations in Industrial Capitalism / Robert V. Robinson
  • Status Attainment and the Commodity Form: Stratification in Historical Perspective / Robert Goldman and others
  • Tracking and Ethnicity in Israeli Secondary Education / Yossi Shavit
  • Assessing Discrimination: A Boolean Approach / Charles C. Ragin, and others
  • Work Commitment, Sex-Role Attitudes, and Women's Employment / Denise Del Vento Bielby and others
  • School Grades and Responsibility for Younger Siblings: An Empirical Study of the Teaching Function / Thomas Ewin Smith
  • The Specific Deterrent Effects of Arrest for Domestic Assault / Lawrence W. Sherman and others
  • An Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Sociological Research / Jae-On Kim
  • Economic Sources of Homicide: Reestimating the Effects of Poverty and Inequality / Kirk R. Williams.
  • 1984 Nº 3 : Structural Transformation and Social Mobility: Hungary 1938-1973 / Albert Simkus
  • Occupational Mobility of Black Men: 1962 to 1973 / Michael Hout
  • Small is Bountiful: Labor Markets and Establishment Size / Mark Granovetter
  • Companies, Industries, and the Measurement of Economic Segmentation / Randy Hodson
  • Expected Versus Actual Work Roles of Women / Cynthia Rexroat and others
  • The Transition to Motherhood: The Intersection of Structural and Temporal Dimensions / Ronald R. Rindfuss, and others
  • Do Status Interventions Persist? / Barry Markovsky, and others
  • The Rise of Ethnicity: Determinants of Ethnic Perceptions Among Cuban Exiles in Miami / Alejandro Portes
  • Unemployment and Criminal Involvement: An Investigation of Reciprocal Causal Structures / Terence P. Thornberry and others
  • Positional Power, Strikes and Wages / Luca Perrone, and others
  • Imitation and Suicide: A Reexamination of the Werther Effect / Ira M. Wasserman.
  • 1984 Nº 4 : Capitalist Industrialization and Patterns of Industrial Protest: a Comparative Urban Study of Nineteenth-Century France (pp. 437-453) Ronald Aminzade Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item The Organization of Work in a Segmented Economy (pp. 454-473) James N. Baron and William T. Bielby Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item Household Resources and U.S. Women's Work: Factors Affecting Gainful Employment at the Turn of the Century (pp. 474-490) Christine E. Bose Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item Women's Educational Attainment and the Timing of Entry into Parenthood (pp. 491-511) Margaret Mooney Marini Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item Regression Models with Ordinal Variables (pp. 512-525) Christopher Winship and Robert D. Mare Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item Heredity and Sociological Theories of Delinquency: A Reconsideration (pp. 526-540) David C. Rowe and D. Wayne Osgood Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item The Sex-Sanctioning Issue: Is it History? (pp. 541-551) Candace Kruttschnitt and Donald E. Green Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item Legal Control of the Southern Civil Rights Movement (pp. 552-565) Steven E. Barkan Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item Research Note Television, Magazine Covers, and the Shared Symbolic Environment: 1948-1970 (pp. 566-570) Karen A. Cerulo Stable URL: Read Online Download PDF Add to My Lists Cite this Item The Profession Furthering the Applied Side of Sociology (pp. 571-580) Howard E. Freeman and Peter H. Rossi.
  • 1984 Nº 5 : Mobilization and Participation: Social-Psychological Expansisons of Resource Mobilization Theory / Bert Klandermans
  • If You Don't Do it, Nobody Else Will: Active and Token Contributors to Local Collective Action / Pamela Oliver
  • A Structural Reinterpretation of Responsibility, Risk and Helping in Small Collectives of Children / Kelly W. Crader and others
  • Sex Differences in Vulnerability to Undesirable Life Events / Ronald C. Kessler and others
  • Welfare Capitalism and the Social Security Act of 1935 / Jill S. Quadagno
  • The Allocation of Esteem and Disesteem: A Test of Goode's Theory / Bonnie H. Erickson and others
  • Occupational and Labor Market Effects on Secondary and Postsecondary Educational Expansion in the United States: 1922 to 1979 / Pamela Barnhouse Walters
  • The Origins of Contemporary Eminent Black Americans: A Three-Generation Analysis of Social Origin / Elizabeth I. Mullins and others
  • Structural Determinants of Stratification in Science / Lowell L. Hargens and others
  • Boomtown's Youth: The Differential Impacts of Rapid Community Growth on Adolescents and Adults / William R. Freudenburg.
  • 1984 Nº 6 : The Social Fabric at Risk: Toward the Social Transformation of Risk Analysis / James F. Short, Jr.
  • Why Not Equal Protection? Explaining the Politics of Public Social Spending in Britain, 1900-1911, and the United States, 1880s-1920 / Ann Shola Orloff and others
  • Education and Intergroup Attitudes: Moral Enlightenment, Superficial Democratic Commitment, or Ideological Refinement? / Mary R. Jackman and others
  • Organization, Rationality and Spontaneity in the Civil Rights Movement / Lewis M. Killian
  • Family Origins and the Schooling Process: Early Versus Late Influence of Parental Characteristics / Duane F. Alwin and others
  • Lifecourse Migration of Metropolitan Whites and Blacks and the Structure of Demographic Change in Large Central Cities / William H. Frey
  • Problem-Solving Strategies of Local Areas in the Metropolis / Avery M. Guest and others
  • Paradigm Lost and Paradigm Regained: Critique of Dannefer's Portrayal of Life-Span Developmental Psychology / Paul B. Baltes and others
  • The Role of the Social in Life-Span Developmental Psychology, Past and Future: Rejoinder to Baltes and Nesselroade / Dale Dannefer
  • Should the Framework of Structural vs. Circulation Mobility be Abandoned? If so, Not Because of Faulty Logic / Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and others.
  • 1986 Nº 1 : On Work and Alienation / Kai Erikson
  • Pragmatism and Social Interactionism / Dmitri N. Shalin
  • Beliefs about Inequality and Perceptions of Distributive Justice / Norma J. Shepelak and others
  • Can Gender Inequalities be Reduced? / David G. Wagner, and others
  • Sex Segregation in Voluntary Associations / J. Miller McPherson and others
  • Social Causation or Social Construction of Suicide? An Investigation into the Social Organization of Official Rates / Bernice A. Pescosolido and others
  • Crime, Deterrence, and Rational Choice / Irving Piliavin, and others
  • Payment Strategy in South Korea's Advanced Economic Sector / Kyu Han Bae and others
  • Suburban Development, Black Suburbanization and the Civil Rights Movement since World War II / John M. Stahura.
  • 1986 Nº 2 : Capitalist Resistance to the Organization of Labor Before the New Deal: Why? How? Success? / Larry J. Griffin, and others
  • Household and Family in Theory on Inequality / Richard F. Curtis
  • Pathways to Top Corporate Management / Michael Useem and others
  • American Penetration and Canadian Development: A Case Study of Mature Dependency / Heather-Jo Hammer and others
  • Opportunity and the Minority Middle Class: A Comparison of Blacks in the United States and Catholics in Northern Ireland / Michael Hout
  • Social Class Segregation and Its Relationship to Pupils' Examination Results in Scotland / J. Douglas Willms
  • Socio-Economic Status and Schizophrenia: Noisome Occupational Characteristics as a Risk Factor / Bruce G. Link, and others
  • Multiple Identities: Examining Gender and Marital Status Differences in Distress / Peggy A. Thoits
  • Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies /Ann Swidler
  • Tolerance, Urbanism and Region / Mark Abrahamson and Valerie J. Carter.
  • 1986 Nº 3 : The Organization of Career Lines: Equal Employment Opportunity and Status Advancement in a Federal Bureaucracy / Thomas A. DiPrete and others
  • The Impact of Industrial and Occupational Structure on Black-White Employment Allocation / Robert L. Kaufman
  • Job-Shift Patterns in the Federal Republic of Germany: The Effects of Social Class, Industrial Sector, and Organizational Size / Glenn R. Carroll and others
  • Ethnic Group Mobility in the Israeli Labor Market / Noah Lewin-Epstein and others
  • A Split Labor Market Analysis of Discrimination Against Chinese Immigrants, 1850-1882 / Terry E. Boswell
  • Educational Self-Direction and Personality / Karen A. Miller, and others
  • Incorporation in the World-System: Toward a Critique / Thomas D. Hall
  • Further Evidence on Sibship Size and Educational Stratification / Robert D. Mare and others
  • Sibship Size and Educational Stratification: Reply to Mare and Chen / Judith Blake
  • Sibship Size and Educational Stratification: Rejoinder to Blake / Robert D. Mare and others
  • Racial Occupational Inequality, 1940-1980: National and Regional Trends / Mark A. Fossett, and others
  • Suburbs and Satellites: Two Decades of Change / John R. Logan and others
  • Income Inequality and Political Violence Reconsidered / Erich Weede
  • Income Inequality and Political Violence: The Effect of Influential Cases / Edward N. Muller
  • On Welfare Capitalism and the Social Security Act of 1935 / G. William Domhoff.
  • 1986 Nº 4 : Collective Locomotion as Collective Behavior / Clark McPhail and others
  • Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation / David A. Snow, and others
  • Economic Sources of Corporate Political Consenses: An Examination of Interindustry Relations / Mark S. Mizruchi and others
  • Rethinking Internal Labor Markets: New Insights from a Comparative Perspective / David Stark
  • Support for Worker Participation: Attitudes Among Union and Non-Union Workers / Rudy Fenwick and others
  • Migration, Medical Care Preferences and the Lay Referral System: A Network Theory of Role Assimilation / Bernice A. Pescosolido
  • Nonfamily Living and the Erosion of Traditional Family Orientations Among Young Adults / Linda J. Waite, and others
  • On the Uses of Social Science Research / William Foote Whyte
  • Effects of Education on Attitude to Protest / Robert L. Hall, and others
  • Informal Hiring and Income in the Labor Market / William P. Bridges and others
  • Determinants of Divorce over the Marital Life Course / Scott J. South and Glenna Spitze.
  • 1986 Nº 5 : E-State Structuralism: A Theoretical Method / Thomas J. Fararo and others
  • Expectations, Legitimation, and Dominance Behavior in Task Groups / Cecilia L. Ridgeway and others
  • Class Struggle American Style: Unions, Strikes and Wages / Beth A. Rubin
  • Worker Attachment and Workplace Authority / Charles N. Halaby
  • Labor Market Structure, Intragenerational Mobility, and Discrimination: Black Male Advancement Out of Low-Paying Occupations, 1962-1973 / Marshall I. Pomer
  • Race, Instruction, and Learning / Robert Dreeben and others
  • The Settlement Process Among Mexican Migrants to the United States / Douglas S. Massey
  • Attitude Similarity in Three-Generation Families: Socialization, Status Inheritance, or Reciprocal Influence? / Jennifer Glass, and others
  • Structure as Process: Organization and Role / Susan Lovegren Bosworth and others
  • Using Adjusted Crosstabulations to Interpret Log-Linear Relationships / Robert L. Kaufman and others
  • Marital Coital Frequency: Unnoticed Outliers and Unspecified Interactions Lead to Erroneous Conclusions / Joan R. Kahn and others
  • Is It Outlier Deletion or Is It Sample Truncation? Notes on Science and Sexuality / Guillermina Jasso.
  • 1986 Nº 6 : Voluntaristic Action as a Distinct Concept: Theoretical Foundations of Societal Constitutionalism / David Sciulli
  • Productivity as a Social Problem: The Uses and Misuses of Social Indicators / Fred Block and others
  • The Ties That Bind: Organizational and Class Bases of Stability in a Corporate Interlock Network / Donald Palmer, and others
  • The Logic of Business Unity: Corporate Contributions to the 1980 Congressional Elections / Dan Clawson, and others
  • Channeling Black Insurgency: Elite Patronage and Professional Social Movement Organizations in the Development of the Black Movement / J. Craig Jenkins and others
  • The Continuing Significance of Race: A Study of Race, Class, and Quality of Life in America, 1972-1985 / Melvin E. Thomas and others
  • Effects of Ability Grouping in British Secondary Schools / Alan C. Kerckhoff
  • The Decomposition of Antitrust: Testing a Multi-Level, Longitudinal Model of Profit-Squeeze / Sally S. Simpson
  • Effects of Socioeconomic Context on Official Reaction to Juvenile Delinquency / Robert J. Sampson.
  • 1987 Nº 1 : On the Significance of Age in Sociology / Matilda White Riley
  • Toward a Sociological Theory of Motivation / Jonathan H. Turner
  • Structural Determinants of Third World Urban Change: An Ecological and Political Economic Analysis / Bruce London
  • The Intraorganizational Power Struggle: Rise of Finance Personnel to Top Leadership in Large Corporations, 1919-1979 / Neil Fligstein
  • Voter Mobilization and Party Competition in a Volatile Electorate / Courtney Brown
  • The Linguistic Context of Ethnic Endogamy / Gillian Stevens and others
  • Distributive Justice and Satisfaction with Material Well-Being / Duane F. Alwin
  • Understanding Labeling Effects in the Area of Mental Disorders: An Assessment of the Effects of Expectations of Rejection / Bruce G. Link
  • Status Attainment Research and its Image of Society / J. David Knottnerus
  • Core Discussion Networks of Americans / Peter V. Marsden
  • Method and Substance in the Use of Ratio Variables / York Bradshaw and others
  • On User's Guide to Ratio Variables / Manfred Kraft
  • Defensible and Indefensible Commentaries / Glenn Firebaugh and Jack P. Gibbs.
  • 1987 Nº 2 : The Celebration of Heroes Under Communism: On Honors and the Reproduction of Inequality / Patricia A. Taylor
  • Political Alienation, Cohort Size, and the Easterlin Hypothesis / Joan R. Kahn and others
  • Age Structure and Crime: Symmetry Versus Asymmetry and the Projection of Crime Rates Through the 1990s / Lawrence E. Cohen and others
  • Social Differentiation in Criminal Victimization: A Test of Routine Activities/Lifestyle Theories / Terance D. Miethe, and others
  • Industrial Restructuring, Gender Segregation, and Sex Differences in Earnings / Marta Tienda, and others
  • The Decline of Black Marital Fertility in the Rural South: 1910-1940 / Stewart E. Tolnay
  • Social Structure During the School Years: Onset of the Degrouping Process / Wesley Shrum and others
  • Urbanization and Underdevelopment: A Global Study of Modernization, Urban Bias, and Economic Dependency / York W. Bradshaw
  • Migration and Depopulation of the Metropolis: Regional Restructuring or Rural Renaissance? / William H. Frey
  • Organizational Dimensions of Metropolitan Dominance: Prominence in the Network of Corporate Control, 1955-1975 / Christopher O. Ross
  • Suburban Socioeconomic Status Change: A Comparison of Models, 1950-1980 / John M. Stahura
  • Moving Out and Marriage: What Do Young Adults Expect? / Calvin Goldscheider and others
  • Changes in the Core of the World-System and the Production of Utopian Literature in Great Britain and the United States, 1883-1975 / Edgar Kiser and Kriss A. Drass.
  • 1987 Nº 3 : Elite Settlements / Michael G. Burton and others
  • Cohorts, Regimes, and the Legitimation of Democracy: West Germany Since 1945 / Frederick D. Weil
  • The Center Doesn't Hold: Church Attendance in the United States, 1940-1984 / Michael Hout and others
  • Demographic Foundations of Family Change / Susan Cotts Watkins, and others
  • Industrialization and World Inequality: The Transformation of the Division of Labor in 59 Nations, 1960-1981 / William Rau and others
  • hom*ophily in Voluntary Organizations: Status Distance and the Composition of Face-to-Face Groups / J. Miller McPherson and others
  • Estimation with Cross-National Data: Robust and Nonparametric Methods / Thomas Dietz, and others
  • Time Together Among Dual-Earner Couples / Paul William Kingston and others
  • Celebrities and Suicide: A Taxonomy and Analysis, 1948-1983 / Steven Stack
  • On Occupational Mobility and Social Class / Ronald L. Breiger and others
  • More on Occupational Mobility and Social Class / C. Matthew Snipp.
  • 1987 Nº 4 : The Making of a Method: A Historical Reinterpretation of the Early Parsons / Charles Camic
  • Classification in Art / Paul DiMaggio
  • Minimalist Organizations: Vital Events in State Bar Associations, 1870-1930 / Terence C. Halliday, and others
  • Gender Differences in Religion: A Test of the Structural Location Theory / David de Vaus and others
  • Models for Comparing Mobility Tables: Toward Parsimony and Substance / Kazuo Yamaguchi
  • The Role of Self-Explanations and Self-Evaluations in Legitimating Inequality / Norma J. Shepelak
  • Urbanism, Region, and Tolerance Revisited: The Case of Racial Prejudice / Steven A. Tuch
  • Race Differences in the Timing of Adolescent Intercourse / Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr., and others
  • Potentials, Networks, Motivations, and Barriers: Steps Towards Participation in Social Movements / Bert Klandermans and others
  • Publicized Executions and Homicide, 1950-1980 / Steven Stack
  • Parenthood and the Attitudes of Young Adults / S. Philip Morgan and others
  • Family Background, Educational Resources, and Educational Attainment / Jay D. Teachman.
  • 1987 Nº 5 : Social Inequality and Party Membership: Patterns of Recruitment into the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party / Szonja Szelényi
  • So Happy Together? The Impact of Gender Segregation on Men at Work / Amy S. Wharton and others
  • Occupational Sex Segregation in Metropolitan Areas / Mark Abrahamson and others
  • Cross-National Similarity in Social Mobility Patterns: A Direct Test of the Featherman-Jones-Hauser Hypothesis / Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and others
  • Doing Time: Dynamics of Imprisonment in the Reformist State / John R. Sutton
  • The Manuscript Review and Decision-Making Process / Von Bakanic, others
  • Interuniversity Mobility of Academic Scientists / Paul D. Allison and others
  • The Stability of Students' Interracial Friendships / Maureen T. Hallinan and others
  • School Performance, Status Relations, and the Structure of Sentiment: Bringing the Teacher Back In / Karl L. Alexander, and others
  • Nonverbal Behavior, Dominance, and the Basis of Status in Task Groups / Cecilia L. Ridgeway
  • Paternal Participation and Children's Well-being after Marital Dissolution / Frank. F. Furstenberg, Jr., and others
  • Relative Cohort Size and Youth Crime in the United States, 1953-1984 / Darrell Steffensmeier, and others.
  • 1987 Nº 6 : Cross-National Research as an Analytic Strategy: American Sociological Association, 1987 Presidential Address / Melvin L. Kohn
  • The Political Partisanship of American Business: A Study of Corporate Political Action Committees / Val Burris
  • Limits of Ethnic Solidarity in the Enclave Economy / Jimy M. Sanders and others
  • The Formation of Justice Norms / John F. Stolte
  • Disorder in the Life Course: How Common and Does It Matter? / Ronald R. Rindfuss, and others
  • Trends in the Residential Segregation of Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians: 1970-1980 / Douglas S. Massey and others
  • Race, Family Structure, and Delinquency: A Test of Differential Association and Social Control Theories / Ross L. Matsueda and others
  • Initiation of Coitus in Early Adolescence / J. Richard Udry and others
  • Is There An Association between Gender and Methods in Sociological Research? / Linda Grant, and others.
  • 1988 Nº 1 : The Paradox of Group Size in Collective Action: A Theory of the Critical Mass. II. / Pamela E. Oliver and others
  • Action and Information in the Job Mobility Process: The Search Decision / Charles N. Halaby
  • Gender and Promotion in Segmented Job Ladder Systems / Thomas A. DiPrete and others
  • Religious Economies and Sacred Canopies: Religious Mobilization in American Cities, 1906 / Roger Finke and others
  • Democracy, Economic Development, and Income Inequality / Edward N. Muller
  • The Political Geography of Belgian Fascism: The Case of Rexism / William Brustein
  • The Generality of Deviance in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood / D. Wayne Osgood, and others
  • The Social Organization of Self-Help: A Study of Defensive Weapon Ownership / Douglas A. Smith and others
  • Class Identification of Men and Women in the 1970s and 1980s / Nancy J. Davis and others
  • Aspects of Migration in an Advanced Industrial Society / Franklin D. Wilson
  • Commitment and the Modern Union: Assessing the Link Between Premarital Cohabitation and Subsequent Marital Stability / Neil G. Bennett, and others
  • Scholarly Consensus and Journal Rejection Rates / Lowell L. Hargens
  • Do Journal Rejection Rates Index Consensus? / Stephen Cole, and others
  • Further Evidence on Field Differences in Consensus from the NSF Peer Review Studies / Lowell L. Hargens.
  • 1988 Nº 2 : Rethinking Macrosociological Theory / Gerhard Lenski
  • Corporate Political Groupings: Does Ideology Unify Business Political Behavior? / Alan Neustadtl and others
  • The Transformation of the Southern Racial State: Class and Race Determinants of Local-State Structures / David R. James
  • Secrecy and Status: The Social Construction of Forbidden Relationships / Laurel Richardson
  • Power Relations in Exchange Networks / Barry Markovsky, and others
  • When Bigger is Better: Differences in the Individual-Level Effect of Firm and Establishment Size / Wayne J. Villemez and others
  • Bi-Ethnic Labor Markets, Mono-Ethnic Labor Markets, and Socioeconomic Inequality / Moshe Semyonov
  • A Flexible Procedure for Adjusting Rates and Proportions, Including Statistical Methods for Group Comparisons / Clifford C. Clogg and others
  • Class Identification Processes of Married, Working Men and Women / Ida Harper Simpson, and others
  • Sentencing the White-Collar Offender / Michael L. Benson and others
  • Crime, Deterrence, and Choice: Testing the Rational Behavior Hypothesis / John M. Heineke.
  • 1988 Nº 3 : Incentives in Collective Action Organizations / David Knoke
  • Organizational Growth of Small Firms: An Outcome of Markets and Hierarchies? / Mark H. Lazerson
  • Exploring the Social Sources of Denominationalism: Schisms in American Protestant Denominations, 1890-1980 / Robert C. Liebman, and others
  • Ethnic Hegemony and the Japanese of California / Robert M. Jiobu
  • Interlocking Directorates and Communities of Interest Among American Railroad Companies, 1905 / William G. Roy and others
  • Professionalism, Variation, and Organizational Survival / David L. Torres
  • Shame and Conformity: The Deference-Emotion System / Thomas J. Scheff
  • Macroeconomic and Social-Control Policy Influences on Crime Rate Changes, 1948-1985 / Joel A. Devine, and others
  • The Social Production of Criminal Homicide: A Comparative Study of Disaggregated Rates in American Cities / Kirk R. Williams and others
  • Cross-National Determinants of Child Homicide / Robert Fiala and others
  • Social Control and the Diffusion of Modern Telecommunications Technologies: A Cross-National Study / Bradley Jay Buchner
  • Urban Bias, Dependence, and Economic Stagnation in Noncore Nations / Bruce London and others
  • The Use of Subjective Information in Statistical Models / Ronald Angel and others.
  • 1988 Nº 4 : Allies and Opponents: Nobility and Third Estate in the Spring of 1789 / John Markoff
  • Mission Control? The Development of Personnel Systems in U.S. Industry / James N. Baron, and others
  • The Portuguese and Haoles of Hawaii: Implications for the Origin of Ethnicity / James A. Geschwender, and others
  • Occupational Disputes in Mechanical and Organic Social Systems: An Empirical Study of Elementary and Secondary Schools / Ronald G. Corwin and others
  • Explaining Occupational Sex Segregation and Wages: Findings from a Model with Fixed Effects / Paula England, and othres
  • Studying Situations and Identities Using Experiential Sampling Methodology / Peter J. Burke and others
  • The Collective Behavior of Fads: The Characteristics, Effects, and Career of Streaking / B. E. Aguirre, and others
  • The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the Pro-Choice Movement / Suzanne Staggenborg
  • Dependence, Distorted Development, and Fertility Trends in Noncore Nations: A Structural Analysis of Cross-National Data / Bruce London
  • Ecological Demography: Its Place in Sociology / Krishnan Namboodiri
  • Islamic and Western Educational Accommodation in a West African Society: A Cohort-Comparison Analysis / William R. Morgan and others
  • Work Life, Family Life, and Women's Support of Feminism / Eric Plutzer
  • The Social Structural Determinants of Ethnic Group Behavior: Single Ancestry Rates Among Four White American Ethnic Groups / Barbara Tomaskovic-Devey and others.
  • 1988 Nº 5 : The Formative Years of U.S. Social Spending Policies: Theories of the Welfare State and the American States During the Great Depression / Edwin Amenta and others
  • Social Organization and Pathways of Commitment: Types of Communal Groups, Rational Choice Theory, and the Kanter Thesis / John R. Hall
  • Reassessing Economic Dependency and Uneven Development: The Kenyan Experience / York W. Bradshaw
  • Biological Predispositions and Social Control in Adolescent Sexual Behavior / J. Richard Udry
  • Cross-National Variation in Occupational Distributions, Relative Mobility Chances, and Intergenerational Shifts in Occupational Distributions / Robert M. Hauser and others
  • A Paradigmatic Crisis in the Multiplicative Modeling of Mobility Tables: The Problem of Circulation Mobility as an Anomaly / Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and others
  • Errors in Slomczynski and Krauze's Comparative Analysis of Social Mobility / Robert M. Hauser and others
  • Formal Education and Initial Employment: Unravelling the Relationships Between Schooling and Skills Over Time / Alfred A. Hunter
  • Local Friendship Ties and Community Attachment in Mass Society: A Multilevel Systemic Model / Robert J. Sampson
  • Back to the Future: Adult Political Behavior of Former Student Activists / James Max Fendrich and others
  • Attitude Strength and Social Action in the Abortion Dispute / Jacqueline Scott and others
  • Inequality and Violence: Issues of Theory and Measurement in Muller / John Hartman and others
  • Inequality, Repression, and Violence: Issues of Theory and Research Design / Edward N. Muller.
  • 1988 Nº 6 : The Theory of the State Versus the State of Theory / Edward W. Lehman
  • The Active State, Investment in Human Capital, and Economic Growth: France 1825-1975 / Jerald Hage, and others
  • Divergence and Convergence in International Development: A Decomposition Analysis of Inequality in the World System / Walter Gillis Peaco*ck, and others
  • Grievances and Participation in Social Movements / Karl-Dieter Opp
  • Interaction Preludes to Role Setting: Exploratory Local Action / Eric M. Leifer
  • Discussione and Friendship: Socialization Processes in the Peer Culture of Italian Nursery School Children / William A. Corsaro and others
  • The Widening Gap in Black and White Marriage Rates: The Impact of Population Composition and Differential Marriage Propensities / Robert Schoen and others
  • War and Social Integration: The Effects of the Israeli-Arab Conflict on Jewish Emigration from Israel / Yinon Cohen
  • Whom Shall We Welcome? Elite Judgments of the Criteria for the Selection of Immigrants / Guillermina Jasso.
  • 1989 Nº 1 : Sociology in America: The Discipline and the Public American Sociological Association, 1988 Presidential Address / Herbert J. Gans
  • The Elite Variable in Democratic Transitions and Breakdowns / John Higley and others
  • Durkheim, Suicide, and Religion: Toward a Network Theory of Suicide / Bernice A. Pescosolido and others
  • Organizational Theory, Social Supports, and Mortality Rates: A Theoretical Convergence / Eugene Litwak, and others
  • Interracial Friendship Choices in Secondary Schools / Maureen T. Hallinan and others
  • Dominance and Collective Hierarchy Formation in Male and Female Task Groups / Cecilia Ridgeway and others
  • Specifying Specific Deterrence: The Influence of Arrest on Future Criminal Activity / Douglas A. Smith and others
  • Youth, Underemployment, and Property Crime: Differential Effects of Job Availability and Job Quality on Juvenile and Young Adult Arrest Rates / Emilie Andersen Allan and others
  • Sociology: Proscience or Antiscience? / Randall Collins.
  • 1989 Nº 2 : Elite Conflict and State Formation in 16th- and 17th-Century England and France / Richard Lachmann
  • Religion and the Rise of Liberal-Democratic Ideology in 17th-Century England / David Zaret
  • Colonial Empires and the Capitalist World-Economy: A Time Series Analysis of Colonization, 1640-1960 / Terry Boswell
  • The Positional Power of American Labor, 1963-1977 / Michael Wallace, and others
  • The Reproduction of Parenting / Robert Max Jackson
  • The Radicalization of the Brazilian Catholic Church in Comparative Perspective / Kevin Neuhouser
  • Density Dependence Versus Population Dynamics: An Ecological Study of Failings in the California Wine Industry / Jacques Delacroix, and others
  • Strain Theory Revisited: Economic Goals, Educational Means, and Delinquency / Margaret Farnworth and others
  • Class Hegemony and Political Finance: Presidential Campaign Contributions of Wealthy Capitalist Families / Michael Patrick Allen and others
  • The Religious Ecology of Deviance / William Sims Bainbridge
  • Fertility Among Women on Welfare: Incidence and Determinants / Mark R. Rank
  • The Effect of International Dependence on Income Inequality and Political Violence / Bruce London and others.
  • 1989 Nº 3 : Power, Politics, and State Autonomy in the Development of Social Citizenship: Social Rights During Sickness in Eighteen OECD Countries Since 1930 / Walter Korpi
  • Conceptualization of Terrorism / Jack P. Gibbs
  • Limits on Technocratization of the Law: The Elimination of the National Labor Relations Board's Division of Economic Research / Robin Stryker
  • Generations and Collective Memories / Howard Schuman and others
  • Life Stress and Health: Stressors and Resources / Nan Lin and Walter M. Ensel
  • A Modified Labeling Theory Approach to Mental Disorders: An Empirical Assessment / Bruce G. Link, and others
  • Interruptions in Group Discussions: The Effects of Gender and Group Composition / Lynn Smith-Lovin and others
  • Race, Employment Hardship, and Inequality in the American Nonmetropolitan South / Daniel T. Lichter
  • The Real and Unrealized Contributions of Quantitative Sociology / Hubert M. Blalock, Jr.
  • Do Suburban Growth Controls Control Growth? / John R. Logan and others
  • State Autonomy and Class Conflict in the Reformation / Mansoor Moaddel
  • State Structures and Class Conflict in the Reformation / Robert Wuthnow
  • Relative Cohort Size and Political Alienation: Three Methodological Issues and a Replication Supporting the Easterlin Hypothesis / Robert M. O'Brien and others.
  • 1990 Nº 1 : Power, Politics, and State Autonomy in the Development of Social Citizenship: Social Rights During Sickness in Eighteen OECD Countries Since 1930 / Walter Korpi
  • Conceptualization of Terrorism / Jack P. Gibbs
  • Limits on Technocratization of the Law: The Elimination of the National Labor Relations Board's Division of Economic Research / Robin Stryker
  • Generations and Collective Memories / Howard Schuman and others
  • Life Stress and Health: Stressors and Resources / Nan Lin and Walter M. Ensel
  • A Modified Labeling Theory Approach to Mental Disorders: An Empirical Assessment / Bruce G. Link, and others
  • Interruptions in Group Discussions: The Effects of Gender and Group Composition / Lynn Smith-Lovin and others
  • Race, Employment Hardship, and Inequality in the American Nonmetropolitan South / Daniel T. Lichter
  • The Real and Unrealized Contributions of Quantitative Sociology / Hubert M. Blalock, Jr.
  • Do Suburban Growth Controls Control Growth? / John R. Logan and others
  • State Autonomy and Class Conflict in the Reformation / Mansoor Moaddel
  • State Structures and Class Conflict in the Reformation / Robert Wuthnow
  • Relative Cohort Size and Political Alienation: Three Methodological Issues and a Replication Supporting the Easterlin Hypothesis / Robert M. O'Brien and others.
  • 1990 Nº 2 : For What It's Worth: Organizations, Occupations, and the Value of Work Done by Women and Nonwhites / James N. Baron and others
  • Worker Interdependence and Output: The Hawthorne Studies Reevaluated / Stephen R. G. Jones
  • New Process Technology, Job Design, and Work Organization: A Contingency Model / Maryellen R. Kelley
  • Life Transitions, Role Histories, and Mental Health / Blair Wheaton
  • The Timing of a First Birth and High School Completion / Dawn M. Upchurch and others
  • Emptying the Nest and Parental Well-Being: An Analysis of National Panel Data / Lynn White and others
  • Sacrifice for the Cause: Group Processes, Recruitment, and Commitment in a Student Social Movement / Eric L. Hirsch
  • Formal Organization and the Fate of Social Movements: Craft Association and Class Alliance in the Knights of Labor / Carol Conell and others
  • Cultural Capital, Student Achievement, and Educational Reproduction: The Case of Greece / John Katsillis and others
  • Generation, Ethnicity, and Occupational Opportunity in Late 19th Century America / Nancy S. Landale and others
  • Power Relations in Exchange Networks: A Comment on Network Exchange Theory / Toshio Yamagishi and others
  • The Portuguese and Haoles of Hawaii / Michael G. Weinstein, and others.
  • 1990 Nº 3 : An Historical Prologue / Charles Camic
  • Prolegomena to a Theory of Social Institutions / Talcott Parsons
  • Commentary: Social Institutions and Social Theory / James S. Coleman
  • Structure, Value, Action / Jeffrey C. Alexander
  • Collaring the Crime, not the Criminal: Reconsidering the Concept of White-Collar Crime / Susan P. Shapiro
  • Collective Sanctions and Compliance Norms: A Formal Theory of Group-Mediated Social Control / Douglas D. Heckathorn
  • Incorporating Comparison within a World-Historical Perspective: An Alternative Comparative Method / Philip McMichael
  • Class Formation without Class Struggle: An Elite Conflict Theory of the Transition to Capitalism / Richard Lachmann
  • A Critical Assessment of the New Elite Paradigm / Paul Cammack
  • In Defense of Elite Theory: A Reply to Cammack / John Higley, and others
  • Structure, Action, and Outcomes: The Dynamics of Power in Social Exchange / Linda D. Molm
  • Communication Dilemmas in Social Networks: An Experimental Study / Phillip Bonacich
  • The Logocentrism of the Classics / M. Gottdiener
  • Revising Socialization Theory / Gerald Handel.
  • 1990 Nº 4 : Departmental Effects on Scientific Productivity / Paul D. Allison and others
  • Categorical Imperatives: The Structure of Job Titles in California State Agencies / David Strang and others
  • Status Incongruence among Boundary Spanners: Structure, Exchange, and Conflict / Wesley Shrum
  • Trends in Whites' Explanations of the Black-White Gap in Socioeconomic Status, 1977-1989 / James R. Kluegel
  • The Killing Fields of the Deep South: The Market for Cotton and the Lynching of Blacks, 1882-1930 / E. M. Beck and others
  • Dependency and Rebellion: A Cross-National Analysis / Terry Boswell and others
  • Understanding Cross-National Variation in Occupational Mobility / Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong
  • Relative Wages and the Radical Theory of Economic Segmentation / David L. Weakliem
  • Local Industrial Dominance and Earnings Attainment / Scott J. South and others.
  • 1990 Nº 5 : Crime and Deviance over the Life Course: The Salience of Adult Social Bonds / Robert J. Sampson and others
  • Murder, Capital Punishment, and Television: Execution Publicity and Homicide Rates / William C. Bailey
  • Property Rights and the Organization of Economic Activity by the State / John L. Campbell and others
  • Steel and the State: Industry Politics and Business Policy Formation, 1940-1989 / Harland Prechel
  • From Farm to Factory: Proletarianization in Korea / Hagan Koo
  • Political Rights and Income Inequality: A Cross-National Test / Miles Simpson
  • Sex and Sector Differences in the Dynamics of Wage Growth in the Federal Republic of Germany / Michael T. Hannan, and others
  • Inequality in the Military: Fact or Fiction? / Thomas Daula, and others
  • The Occupational Achievements of Community and Four-Year College Entrants / Elizabeth Monk-Turner
  • Structural Determinants of Men's and Women's Personal Networks / Gwen Moore
  • An Overlapping Persistence Model of Career Mobility / Haya Stier and others
  • Adding Covariates to Loglinear Models for the Study of Social Mobility / Thomas A. DiPrete.
  • 1990 Nº 6 : Marxism as Science: Historical Challenges and Theoretical Growth / Michael Burawoy
  • Ethnomethodology and the Micro-Macro Order / Richard A. Hilbert
  • Learning Theory and the Logic of Critical Mass / Michael W. Macy
  • What is New in "New Structuralist" Analyses of Earnings? / Michael R. Smith
  • Throwing the Sociologists Out? A Reply to Smith / Aage B. Sørensen
  • From Dependency to Sovereignty: An Event History Analysis of Decolonization 1870-1987 / David Strang
  • Explaining Military Coups D'État: Black Africa, 1957-1984 / J. Craig Jenkins and others
  • Global and National Sources of Political Protest: Third World Responses to the Debt Crisis / John Walton and others
  • The Local Welfare State: Two Strategies for Social Domination in Urban Imperial Germany / George Steinmetz
  • Industrial Employment and Wages of Women, Men, and Children in a 19th Century City: Indianapolis, 1850-1880 / Robert V. Robinson and others.
  • 1991 Nº 1 : Studying Inner-City Social Dislocations: The Challenge of Public Agenda Research: 1990 Presidential Address / William Julius Wilson
  • Five Decades of Educational Assortative Mating / Robert D. Mare
  • Group Differences in Economic Opportunity and the Timing of Marriage: Blacks and Whites in the Rural South, 1910 / Nancy S. Landale and others
  • The Process of Status Attainment Among Men in Poland, The U.S., and West Germany / Daniel H. Krymkowski
  • Job Mobility and Social Ties: Social Resources, Prior Job, and Status Attainment / Bernd Wegener
  • Men's and Women's Consciousness of Gender Inequality: Austria, West Germany, Great Britain, and the United States / Nancy J. Davis and others
  • Knowledge for the Masses: World Models and National Curricula, 1920-1986 / Aaron Benavot, and others
  • The Continuing Significance of Race: Antiblack Discrimination in Public Places / Joe R. Feagin
  • Urbanism, Migration, and Tolerance: A Reassessment / Thomas C. Wilson
  • Capitalists Did Not Want the Social Security Act: A Critique of the Capitalist Dominance Thesis / Edwin Amenta and others
  • Capitalists and Social Security: What Did they Really Want? / J. Craig Jenkins and others
  • Demographic Structures and Power Hierarchies in Peasant Households / Ni̇lüfer A. İsvan
  • On the Importance of Context / Barbara Entwisle, and others.
  • 1991 Nº 2 : Birth Order and Intelligence: Further Tests of the Confluence Model / Robert D. Retherford and others
  • One Justified Criticism Plus Three Flawed Analyses Equals Two Unwarranted Conclusions: A Reply to Retherford and Sewell / R. B. Zajonc, and others
  • Social Structure, Stress, and Mental Health: Competing Conceptual and Analytic Models / Carol S. Aneshensel, and others
  • Status Processes in Enduring Work Groups / Bernard P. Cohen and others
  • The Organizational Context of Tracking in Schools / Sally B. Kilgore
  • Beyond "State vs. Society": Theories of the State and New Deal Agricultural Policies / Jess Gilbert and others
  • Social Change and Collective Memory: The Democratization of George Washington / Barry Schwartz
  • Religious Pluralism and Church Membership: A Spatial Diffusion Model / Kenneth C. Land, and others
  • It Happened Here: Political Opportunity, the New Institutionalism, and the Townsend Movement / Edwin Amenta and others.
  • 1991 Nº 3 : Social Inequalities in Reforming State Socialism: Between Redistribution and Markets in China / Victor Nee
  • A Comparative Study of Corporatist Development / Bruce Western
  • Inequality and Attainment in a Dual Labor Market / Arthur Sakamoto and others
  • Family Structure, Parental Practices and High School Completion / Nan Marie Astone and others
  • Sibship Size and Educational Attainment in Nuclear and Extended Families: Arabs and Jews in Israel / Yossi Shavit and others
  • A Theory of Group Stability / Kathleen Carley
  • From Expectations to Behavior: An Improved Postulate for Expectation States Theory / James W. Balkwell
  • Left of Ethnomethodology: The Rise and Decline of Radical Reflexivity / Melvin Pollner
  • Transplanted Organizations: The Transfer of Japanese Industrial Organization to the U.S. / Richard Florida and others
  • Density Dependence in Organizational Mortality: Legitimacy or Unobserved Heterogeneity? / Trond Petersen and others
  • On the Interpretation of Density Dependence in Rates of Organizational Mortality: A Reply to Petersen and Koput / Michael T. Hannan, and others.
  • 1991 Nº 4 : Religion and Political Process in an American City Rhys H. Williams and others
  • Primary, Secondary, and Enclave Labor Markets: A Training Systems Approach / Thomas Bailey and others
  • Ethnic Movements and the Competition Model: Some Missing Links / Sarah Bélanger and others
  • Ethnic Conflict and the Rise and Fall of Ethnic Newspapers / Susan Olzak and others
  • Affect and Social Exchange: Satisfaction in Power-Dependence Relations / Linda D. Molm
  • The Structure of Gossip: Opportunities and Constraints on Collective Expression among Adolescents / Donna Eder and others
  • Organizational Action Sets in the U.S. and German Labor Policy Domains / David Knoke and others
  • Air Passenger Linkages and Employment Growth in U.S. Metropolitan Areas / Michael D. Irwin and others
  • Has Children's Poverty Become More Persistent? / Greg J. Duncan and others
  • Women's Employment During Pregnancy and After the First Birth: Occupational Characteristics and Work Commitment / Sonalde Desai and others.
  • 1991 Nº 5 : Destiny and Drift: Subcultural Preferences, Status Attainments, and the Risks and Rewards of Youth / John Hagan
  • Children's Work and Schooling in the Late Nineteenth-Century Family Economy / Patrick M. Horan and others
  • Work Experience and Control Orientation in Adolescence / Michael D. Finch, and others
  • Cognitive Attainment Among Firstborn Children of Adolescent Mothers / Kristin A. Moore and others
  • Family of Origin and Cohort Differences in Verbal Ability / Duane F. Alwin
  • The Organization of Political Ideology: Culture, State, and Theater in Fascist Italy / Mabel Berezin
  • The "Red Menace" and the Rise of Italian Fascism / William Brustein
  • The Political Economy of Madness: The Expansion of the Asylum in Progressive America / John R. Sutton
  • Capitalist Response to State Intervention: Theories of the State and Political Finance in the New Deal / Michael Patrick Allen.
  • 1991 Nº 6 : Rebellious Alliances: The State and Peasant Unrest in Early Seventeenth-Century France and the Ottoman Empire / Karen Barkey
  • Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871 / Roger V. Gould
  • Chains of Cooperation: Threshold Effects in Collective Action / Michael W. Macy
  • Employment Relations and the Labor Market: Integrating Institutional and Market Perspectives / William P. Bridges and others
  • Further Evidence on Returns to Schooling by Establishment Size / Arthur Sakamoto and others
  • Organizational Evolution and the Social Ecology of Jobs / Anne S. Miner
  • Shifting Boundaries: Trends in Religious and Educational hom*ogamy / Matthijs Kalmijn
  • Race, Family Structure, and Changing Poverty Among American Children / David J. Eggebeen and others
  • Dispute Resolution Without Disputing: How the Interactional Organization of Mediation Hearings Minimizes Argument / Angela Garcia
  • Identity Processes and Social Stress / Peter J. Burke.
  • 1992 Nº 1 : Einstein, Renoir, and Greeley: Some Thoughts about Evidence in Sociology: 1991 Presidential Address / Stanley Lieberson
  • The Soviet Transition from Socialism to Capitalism: Worker Control and Economic Bargaining in the Wood Industry / Michael Burawoy and others
  • Industrial Characteristics and Job Mobility Rates / David S. Hachen, Jr.
  • Innovation and Diversity in the Popular Music Industry, 1969 to 1990 / Paul D. Lopes
  • Summer Setback: Race, Poverty, School Composition, and Mathematics Achievement in the First Two Years of School / Doris R. Entwisle and others
  • The Relative Permeability of Class Boundaries to Cross-Class Friendships: A Comparative Study of the United States, Canada, Sweden, and Norway / Erik Olin Wright and otjers
  • Racial Violence and Black Migration in the American South, 1910 to 1930 / Stewart E. Tolnay and others
  • Democratic Stability in Venezuela: Elite Consensus or Class Compromise? / Kevin Neuhouser.
  • 1992 Nº 2 : Voluntary Association Membership in Fifteen Countries: A Comparative Analysis / James E. Curtis, and others
  • Social Networks and Organizational Dynamics / J. Miller McPherson, and others
  • The Social and Demographic Context of Language Use in the United States / Gillian Stevens
  • Residential Segregation by Skin Color in Brazil / Edward E. Telles
  • Wage Determination in Rural and Urban China: A Comparison of Public and Private Industrial Sectors / Yusheng Peng
  • Work Organization and Wildcat Strikes in the U.S. Automobile Industry, 1946 to 1963 / James R. Zetka, Jr.
  • Survival Chances of Newly Founded Business Organizations / Josef Brüderl, and others
  • Macroeconomic Structure and Labor's Share of Income: United States, 1950 to 1980 / Lawrence E. Raffalovich, and others
  • The Social Organization of Sociological Knowledge: Modeling the Intersection of Specialties / James G. Ennis
  • Visible Colleges: The Social and Conceptual Structure of Sociology Specialties / Charles L. Cappell and others.
  • 1992 Nº 3 : The Violent and Illegal Behavior of Mental Patients Reconsidered / Bruce G. Link, and others
  • Immigrants, Urban Politics, and Policing in 1900 / M. Craig Brown and others
  • Cohort Size and Arrest Rates Over the Life Course: The Easterlin Hypothesis Reconsidered / Darrell Steffensmeier, and others
  • Historical Analogies, Generational Effects, and Attitudes Toward War / Howard Schuman and others
  • Affective Attachments to Nested Groups: A Choice-Process Theory / Edward J. Lawler
  • Failed Populism: Movement-Party Disjuncture in North Carolina, 1890 to 1900 / Kent Redding
  • Ideology as Episodic Discourse: The Case of the Iranian Revolution / Mansoor Moaddel
  • The Log-Multiplicative Layer Effect Model for Comparing Mobility Tables / Yu Xie
  • Vertical and Nonvertical Effects in Class Mobility: Cross-National Variations / Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong
  • The Enclave and the Entrants: Patterns of Ethnic Enterprise in Miami Before and After Mariel / Leif Jensen and others
  • Problems in Resolving the Enclave Economy Debate / Jimy M. Sanders and Victor Nee.
  • 1992 Nº 4 : Reputation and Predecessor Selection: Parsons and the Institutionalists / Charles Camic
  • Sociology, Ideology, and Nation-Building: The Palestinians and Their Meaning in Israeli Sociology / Baruch Kimmerling
  • Images of Class: Public Perceptions in Hungary and Australia / M. D. R. Evans, and others
  • Cross-National Variation in Occupational Sex Segregation / Maria Charles
  • Learning More From Tobit Coefficients: Extending a Comparative Analysis of Political Protest / Dennis W. Roncek
  • The Concept of Mode of Exchange / John Lie
  • Property Rights and Stratification in Socialist Redistributive Economies / Andrew G. Walder
  • Institutional Embeddedness and the Dynamics of Organizational Populations / Joel A. C. Baum and Christine Oliver.
  • 1992 Nº 5 : Keiretsu Networks in the Japanese Economy: A Dyad Analysis of Intercorporate Ties / James R. Lincoln, and others
  • Job Search and Network Composition: Implications of the Strength-Of-Weak-Ties Hypothesis / James D. Montgomery
  • Corporate Mobilization and Political Power: The Transformation of U.S. Economic Policy in the 1970s / Patrick J. Akard
  • Social Movements and State Transformation: Labor Unions and Racial Conflict in the War on Poverty / Jill Quadagno
  • Schooling for Some: Child Labor and School Enrollment of Black and White Children in the Early Twentieth-Century South / Pamela Barnhouse Walters and others
  • Race and Job Dismissals in a Federal Bureaucracy / Craig Zwerling and others
  • Migration and the Earnings of Hispanic Men / Marta Tienda and others
  • Crime, Punishment, and Stake in Conformity: Legal and Informal Control of Domestic Violence / Lawrence W. Sherman, and others
  • Formal and Informal Deterrents to Domestic Violence: The Dade County Spouse Assault Experiment / Anthony M. Pate and others
  • The Deterrent Effect of Arrest in Incidents of Domestic Violence: A Bayesian Analysis of Four Field Experiments / Richard A. Berk, and others.
  • 1992 Nº 6 : The Writing on the Mud Wall: Nigerian Novels and the Imaginary Village / Wendy Griswold
  • Cowboys and Indians: Perceptions of Western Films Among American Indians and Anglos / JoEllen Shively
  • A Very Straight Gay: Masculinity, hom*osexual Experience, and the Dynamics of Gender / R. W. Connell
  • The Prestige of Criminal and Conventional Occupations: A Subcultural Model of Criminal Activity / Ross L. Matsueda, and others
  • Careers of Misconduct: The Structure of Prosecuted Professional Deviance Among Lawyers / Bruce L. Arnold and others
  • Race and the Retreat From Marriage: A Shortage of Marriageable Men? / Daniel T. Lichter, and others
  • The Effects of Attitudes on Teenage Premarital Pregnancy and its Resolution / Robert D. Plotnick
  • The Variable Effects of High School Tracking / Adam Gamoran
  • Organization Size and Failure Among Health Maintenance Organizations / Douglas R. Wholey, and others
  • Status Inconsistency in Task Situations: A Test of Four Status Processing Principles / Joseph Berger, and others.
  • 1993 Nº 1 : The Rational Reconstruction of Society: 1992 Presidential Address / James S. Coleman
  • Ownership and Authority in the Earnings Function: Nonnested Tests of Alternative Specifications / Charles N. Halaby and others
  • Typologies, Scales, and Class Analysis: A Comment on Halaby and Weakliem's Ownership and Authority in the Earnings Function / Erik Olin Wright
  • The Weakness of Strong Theories: The U.S. State's Dominance of the World War II Investment Process / Gregory Hooks
  • Unorganized Interests and Collective Action in Communist China / Xueguang Zhou
  • Industrial Restructuring and the Mobility Response of American Workers in the 1980s / Thomas A. DiPrete
  • The Effects of Family Disruption on Social Mobility / Timothy J. Biblarz and others
  • Booing: The Anatomy of a Disaffiliative Response / Steven E. Clayman
  • Conservative Protestantism and Support for Corporal Punishment / Christopher G. Ellison and Darren E. Sherkat.
  • 1993 Nº 2 : Morals Versus Art: Censorship, The Politics of Interpretation, and the Victorian Nude / Nicola Beisel
  • The Family Economy, Child Labor, and Schooling: Evidence from the Early Twentieth-Century South / Pamela Barnhouse Walters and others
  • Collective Action and Network Structure / Roger V. Gould
  • The Seeds of Weak Power: An Extension of Network Exchange Theory / Barry Markovsky, and others
  • Family Structure and the Risk of a Premarital Birth / Lawrence L. Wu and others
  • Mothers, Children, and Cohabitation: The Intergenerational Effects of Attitudes and Behavior / William G. Axinn and others
  • May God Give Sons to All: Gender and Child Mortality in India / Sunita Kishor
  • Postwar Unionization in Eighteen Advanced Capitalist Countries / Bruce Western
  • National Industrial Structure and the Global System / Kenneth A. Bollen and Stephen J. Appold.
  • 1993 Nº 3 : Gender and the Social Rights of Citizenship: The Comparative Analysis of Gender Relations and Welfare States / Ann Shola Orloff
  • Collective Action and Group Heterogeneity: Voluntary Provision Versus Selective Incentives / Douglas D. Heckathorn
  • Poverty, Parenting, and Children's Mental Health / Jane D. McLeod and others
  • The Educational Benefits of Being Spaced Out: Sibship Density and Educational Progress / Brian Powell and others
  • Class Consciousness and Political Change: Voting and Political Attitudes in the British Working Class, 1964 to 1970 / David Weakliem
  • Is Worker Solidarity Undermined by Autonomy and Participation? Patterns from the Ethnographic Literature / Randy Hodson, and others
  • Metropolitan Structure and the Suburban Hierarchy / Holly L. Hughes
  • The Social Context of Recycling / Linda Derksen and John Gartrell.
  • 1993 Nº 4 : Opposition to Race-Targeting: Self-Interest, Stratification Ideology, or Racial Attitudes? / Lawrence Bobo and others
  • Power and the Emergence of Commitment Behavior in Negotiated Exchange / Edward J. Lawler and others
  • Changes in American Marriage, 1972 to 1987: Availability and Forces of Attraction by Age and Education / Zhenchao Qian and others
  • Relative Cohort Size and Fertility: The Socio-Political Context of the Easterlin Effect / Fred C. Pampel
  • After Minimalism: Transformations of State Bar Associations from Market Dependence to State Reliance, 1918 to 1950 / Terence C. Halliday, and others
  • Occupational Power, State Capacities, and the Diffusion of Licensing in the American States: 1890 to 1950 / Xueguang Zhou
  • Age, Gender, and Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis / Chris Girard
  • On Measuring Political Violence: Northern Ireland, 1969 to 1980 / Robert W. White.
  • 1993 Nº 5: Citizenship and the Place of the Public Sphere: Law, Community, and Political Culture in the Transition to Democracy / Margaret R. Somers
  • Birmingham Confrontation Reconsidered: An Analysis of the Dynamics and Tactics of Mobilization / Aldon D. Morris
  • The Dynamics of Protest Waves: West Germany, 1965 to 1989 / Ruud Koopmans
  • Dissident Groups, Personal Networks, and Spontaneous Cooperation: The East German Revolution of 1989 / Karl-Dieter Opp and others
  • Marx's Theory of Rebellion: A Cross-National Analysis of Class Exploitation, Economic Development, and Violent Revolt / Terry Boswell and others
  • Rank Advancement in Academic Careers: Sex Differences and the Effects of Productivity / J. Scott Long, and others
  • Money in the Bank: Transaction Costs and the Economic Organization of Marriage / Judith Treas
  • Adolescent Mothers Drop Out / Douglas K. Anderson.
  • 1993 Nº 6: What the Polls Don't Show: A Closer Look at U.S. Church Attendance / C. Kirk Hadaway, and others
  • Constructing Racial Rhetoric: Media Depictions of Harm in Heavy Metal and Rap Music / Amy Binder
  • An Eye for an Eye Leaves Everyone Blind: Cooperation and Accounting Systems / Peter Kollock
  • Social Welfare, Cooperators' Advantage, and the Option of Not Playing the Game / John M. Orbell and others
  • Exclusion and Power: A Test of Four Theories of Power in Exchange Networks / John Skvoretz and others
  • Backward-Looking Social Control / Michael W. Macy
  • The Social Organization of Conspiracy: Illegal Networks in the Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry / Wayne E. Baker and others
  • Structural Bases of Interpersonal Influence in Groups: A Longitudinal Case Study / Noah E. Friedkin
  • The Commitment of Japanese Workers and U.S. Workers: A Reassessment of the Literature / Terry L. Besser
  • Assessing Commitment in the United States and Japan: A Comment on Besser / Robert E. Cole, and others.
  • 1994 Nº 1: The Social Requisites of Democracy Revisited: 1993 Presidential Address / Seymour Martin Lipset
  • Changes in the Segregation of Whites from Blacks During the 1980s: Small Steps Toward a More Integrated Society / Reynolds Farley and others
  • Industrialization and Racial Inequality in Employment: The Brazilian Example / Edward E. Telles
  • How 4.5 Million Irish Immigrants Became 40 Million Irish Americans: Demographic and Subjective Aspects of the Ethnic Composition of White Americans / Michael Hout and others
  • Who Were the Yugoslavs? Failed Sources of a Common Identity in the Former Yugoslavia / Dusko Sekulic, and others
  • Imbalanced Structures, Unfair Strategies: Power and Justice in Social Exchange / Linda D. Molm, and others
  • Gender, Legitimate Authority, and Leader-Subordinate Conversations / Cathryn Johnson
  • The Origins of African-American Family Structure / Steve Ruggles
  • Effects of a Parent's Death on Adult Children: Relationship Salience and Reaction to Loss / Debra Umberson and Meichu D. Chen.
  • 1994 Nº 2: State Revenue Extraction from Different Income Groups: Variations in Tax Progressivity in the United States, 1916 to 1986 / Michael Patrick Allen and others
  • Bureaucracy and Efficiency: An Analysis of Taxation in Early Modern Prussia / Edgar Kiser and others
  • Economic Inequality: New Methods for New Trends / Martina Morris, and others
  • Is Husband's Class Enough? Class Location and Class Identity in the United States, Sweden, Norway, and Australia / Janeen Baxter
  • Paying the Professor: Sources of Salary Variation in Academic Labor Markets / Nancy Langton and others
  • Mother's Occupational Status and Children's Schooling / Matthijs Kalmijn
  • Political Conflict in the World Economy: A Cross-National Analysis of Modernization and World-System Theories / Mansoor Moaddel
  • Catholicism and Unionization in Affluent Postwar Democracies: Catholicism, Culture, Party, and Unionization / Joya Misra and Alexander Hicks.
  • 1994 Nº 3: Housework in Marital and Nonmarital Households / Scott J. South and others
  • Employment Schedules Among Dual-Earner Spouses and the Division of Household Labor by Gender / Harriet B. Presser
  • Role-Taking, Role Commitment, and Delinquency: A Theory of Differential Social Control / Karen Heimer and others
  • Two Dimensions of Self-Esteem: Reciprocal Effects of Positive Self-Worth and Self-Deprecation on Adolescent Problems / Timothy J. Owens
  • Race Differences in Sexual Activity Among Adolescent Women: The Role of Neighborhood Characteristics / Karin L. Brewster
  • Migration, Segregation, and the Geographic Concentration of Poverty / Douglas S. Massey, and others
  • Winter Setback: The Racial Composition of Schools and Learning to Read / Doris R. Entwisle and others
  • Where East Meets West: Ethnic Intermarriage in the Former Yugoslavia, 1962 to 1989 / Nikolai Botev.
  • 1994 Nº 4: What is Deconstruction, and Where and When Does it Take Place? Making Facts in Science, Building Cases in Law / Stephan Fuchs and others
  • Derrida for Sociology? A Comment on Fuchs and Ward / Ben Agger
  • Male Flight from Computer Work: A New Look at Occupational Resegregation and Ghettoization / Rosemary Wright and others
  • Job Training in U.S. Organizations / David Knoke and others
  • The Decline and Fall of the Conglomerate Firm in the 1980s: The Deinstitutionalization of an Organizational Form / Gerald F. Davis, and others
  • A Logical Approach to Formalizing Organizational Ecology / Gábor Péli, and others
  • The Gender-Poverty Gap: What We Can Learn from Other Countries / Lynne M. Casper, and others
  • The Permeability of Class Boundaries to Intergenerational Mobility Among Men in the United States, Canada, Norway and Sweden / Mark Western and Erik Olin Wright.
  • 1994 Nº 5: Does Economic Growth Benefit the Masses? Growth, Dependence, and Welfare in the Third World / Glenn Firebaugh and others
  • Income Inequality and Industrial Development: Dualism Revisited / François Nielsen
  • Stolen Thunder? Huey Long's Share Our Wealth, Political Mediation, and the Second New Deal / Edwin Amenta, and others
  • Why Social Movement Sympathizers Don't Participate: Erosion and Nonconversion of Support / Dirk Oegema and others
  • Economic Crisis and the Centralization of Control Over the Managerial Process: Corporate Restructuring and Neo-Fordist Decision-Making / Harland Prechel
  • Regional Processes in the Hegemonic Nation: Political, Economic, and Military Influences on the Use of Geographic Space / Gregory Hooks
  • The Statistical Turn in American Social Science: Columbia University, 1890 to 1915 / Charles Camic and Yu Xie.
  • 1994 Nº 6: Comparable Worth in Academia: The Effects on Faculty Salaries of the Sex Composition and Labor-Market Conditions of Academic Disciplines / Marcia L. Bellas
  • The Gender Gap in Math: Its Possible Origins in Neighborhood Effects / Doris R. Entwisle, and others
  • Accounting for the Male/Female Wage Gap Among Whites: 1976 and 1985 / Alison J. Wellington
  • Job Transitions in an Immigrant Metropolis: Ethnic Boundaries and the Mixed Economy / Victor Nee, and others
  • The Effects of Ethnic Segregation and Ethnic Competition on Political Mobilization in the Basque Country, 1988 / Juan Díez Medrano
  • Cultural Differences and Discrimination: Samoans Before a Public Housing Eviction Board / Richard Lempert and others
  • Freedom and Oppression of Slaves in the Eighteenth-Century Caribbean / Arthur L. Stinchcombe.
  • 1995 Nº 1: Hiroshima, the Holocaust, and the Politics of Exclusion: 1994 Presidential Address / William A. Gamson
  • Spousal Alternatives and Marital Dissolution / Scott J. South and others
  • Gender and Family Businesses in Rural China / Barbara Entwisle, and others
  • Changes in Gender Role Attitudes and Perceived Marital Quality / Paul R. Amato and others
  • Policy Alternatives and Political Change: Work, Family, and Gender on the Congressional Agenda, 1945-1990 / Paul Burstein, others
  • Religious Participation in Early Adulthood: Age and Family Life Cycle Effects on Church Membership / Ross M. Stolzenberg, and others
  • The Epidemiology of Social Stress / R. Jay Turner, and others
  • Education, Social Liberalism, and Economic Conservatism: Attitudes Toward Homeless People / Jo Phelan, and others
  • Global Self-Esteem and Specific Self-Esteem: Different Concepts, Different Outcomes / Morris Rosenberg, and others.
  • 1995 Nº 2: Class and Class Conflict in Six Western Nations / Jonathan Kelley and others
  • A Comparative Study of Working-Class Disorganization: Union Decline in Eighteen Advanced Capitalist Countries / Bruce Western
  • Friendship Among the French Financial Elite / Charles Kadushin
  • Education and the Dual Labor Market for Japanese Men / Arthur Sakamoto and others
  • An Extension of the Sørensen-Kalleberg Theory of the Labor Market Matching and Attainment Processes / Scott R. Eliason
  • The Stopping and Spacing of Childbirths and Their Birth-History Predictors: Rational-Choice Theory and Event-History Analysis / Kazuo Yamaguchi and others
  • The Spatial Diffusion of Fertility: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Counties in the American South, 1940 / Stewart E. Tolnay.
  • 1995 Nº 3: Career Mobility and the Communist Political Order / Andrew G. Walder
  • The Programmatic Emergence of the Social Security State / Alexander Hicks, and others
  • Unemployment and the Incarceration of Pretrial Defendants / Stewart J. D'Alessio and others
  • The Individualist Polity and the Prevalence of Professionalized Psychology: A Cross-National Study / David John Frank, and others
  • Engendering the Worlds of Labor: Women Workers, Labor Markets, and Production Politics in the South China Economic Miracle / Ching Kwan Lee
  • The Persistence of Gender Inequality in Earnings in the German Democratic Republic / Annemette Sørensen and others
  • The Gender Gap in Workplace Authority: A Cross-National Study / Erik Olin Wright, and others
  • Gender and Values / Ann M. Beutel and others
  • Sex Differences in Distress: Real or Artifact? / John Mirowsky and Catherine E. Ross.
  • 1995 Nº 4: The Friendly and Predatory Acquisition of Large U.S. Corporations in the 1960s: The Other Contested Terrain / Donald Palmer, and others
  • Networks of Power or the Finance Conception of Control? Comment on Palmer, Barber, Zhou, and Soysal / Neil Fligstein
  • The Finance Conception of Control--The Theory That Ate New York? Reply to Fligstein / Donald Palmer, and others
  • Organizational Evolution in a Multinational Context: Entries of Automobile Manufacturers in Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, and Italy / Michael T. Hannan, and others
  • Cultivating an Institutional Ecology of Organizations: Comment on Hannan, Carroll, Dundon, and Torres / Joel A. C. Baum and others
  • Theory Building and Cheap Talk About Legitimation: Reply to Baum and Powell / Michael T. Hannan and others
  • Habermas, Goffman, and Communicative Action: Implications for Professional Practice / James J. Chriss
  • The Question of Caste in Modern Society: Durkheim's Contradictory Theories of Race, Class, and Sex / Jennifer M. Lehmann
  • Prejudice as a Response to Perceived Group Threat: Population Composition and Anti-Immigrant and Racial Prejudice in Europe / Lincoln Quillian
  • The Institutional Environment: Implications for Race and Gender Inequality in the U.S. Labor Market / John J. Beggs.
  • 1995 Nº 5: Interdependence and Reintegrative Social Control: Labeling and Reforming Inappropriate Parents in Neonatal Intensive Care Units / Carol A. Heimer and others
  • Criminal Careers in the Short-Term: Intra-Individual Variability in Crime and Its Relation to Local Life Circ*mstances / Julie Horney, and others
  • Income Inequality, Development, and Dualism: Results from an Unbalanced Cross-National Panel / François Nielsen and others
  • Democracy and Demographic Inheritance: The Influence of Modernity and Proto-Modernity on Political and Civil Rights, 1965 to 1980 / Edward M. Crenshaw
  • The Links Between Education and Health / Catherine E. Ross and others
  • When Bigger Is Not Better: Family Size, Parental Resources, and Children's Educational Performance / Douglas B. Downey
  • The Influence of School Enrollment and Accumulation on Cohabitation and Marriage in Early Adulthood / Arland Thornton, and others
  • Making Gender Visible / Barbara J. Risman and others
  • Rights and Interests: Raising the Next Generation / James S. Coleman
  • The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Bureaucracy / Philip S. Gorski
  • Rational Choice Versus Cultural Explanations of the Efficiency of the Prussian Tax System / Edgar Kiser and others
  • Conceptualizing Regional Differences in Eighteenth-Century England / Rosemary L. Hopcroft
  • What's in a Name? Sociological Explanation and the Problem of Place / Margaret R. Somers.
  • 1995 Nº 6: The Democratic Class Struggle in the United States, 1948-1992 / Michael Hout, and others
  • Union Democracy, Radical Leadership, and the Hegemony of Capital / Judith Stepan-Norris and others
  • The Political Economy of Business Failures Across the American States, 1970-1985: The Impact of Reagan's New Federalism / Don Sherman Grant II
  • The Structural Embeddedness of Business Decisions: The Migration of Manufacturing Plants in New York State, 1960 to 1985 / Frank P. Romo and others
  • Organizational Mortality in a Declining Social Movement: The Demise of Peace Movement Organizations in the End of the Cold War Era / Bob Edwards and others
  • Distinctive African American Names: An Experimental, Historical, and Linguistic Analysis of Innovation / Stanley Lieberson and others
  • American Indian Ethnic Renewal: Politics and the Resurgence of Identity / Joane Nagel
  • Economic Determinants of Democracy / Edward N. Muller
  • Income Inequality and Democratization Revisited: Comment on Muller / Kenneth A. Bollen and others
  • Income Inequality and Democratization: Reply to Bollen and Jackman / Edward N. Muller.
  • 1996 Nº 1: The Responsive Community: A Communitarian Perspective / Amitai Etzioni
  • Principals and Agents, Colonialists and Company Men: The Decay of Colonial Control in the Dutch East Indies / Julia Adams
  • Do Private Schools Force Public Schools to Compete? / Richard Arum
  • Is Bigger Better? Explaining the Relationship Between Organization Size and Job Rewards / Arne L. Kalleberg and others
  • Keiretsu Networks and Corporate Performance in Japan / James R. Lincoln, and others
  • Commitment in Exchange Relations: Test of a Theory of Relational Cohesion / Edward J. Lawler and others
  • On "Realization" in Everyday Life: The Forecasting of Bad News as a Social Relation / Douglas W. Maynard
  • Concessions, Repression, and Political Protest in the Iranian Revolution / Karen Rasler
  • Structural Opportunity and Perceived Opportunity in Social-Movement Theory: The Iranian Revolution of 1979 / Charles Kurzman.
  • 1996 Nº 2: Testing a Dynamic Model of Social Composition: Diversity and Change in Voluntary Groups / J. Miller McPherson and others
  • Mobilizing Local Religious Markets: Religious Pluralism in the Empire State, 1855 to 1865 / Roger Finke, and others
  • Self-Employment and the Earnings of Immigrants / Alejandro Portes and others
  • Immigrant Self-Employment: The Family as Social Capital and the Value of Human Capital / Jimy M. Sanders and others
  • The Dynamics and Dilemmas of Collective Action / Douglas D. Heckathorn
  • Nucleus and Shield: The Evolution of Social Structure in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma / Bjørn Lomborg
  • Power in Networks of Substitutable and Complementary Exchange Relations: A Rational-Choice Model and an Analysis of Power Centralization / Kazuo Yamaguchi.
  • 1996 Nº 3: Socioeconomic Achievement in the Life Course of Disadvantaged Men: Military Service as a Turning Point, Circa 1940-1965 / Robert J. Sampson and others
  • New Kid in Town: Social Capital and the Life Course Effects of Family Migration on Children / John Hagan, and others
  • Effects of Family Instability, Income, and Income Instability on the Risk of a Premarital Birth / Lawrence L. Wu
  • Life after Welfare: Women, Work, and Repeat Dependency / Kathleen Mullan Harris
  • Not for Widows Only: Institutional Politics and the Formative Years of Aid to Dependent Children / Nancy K. Cauthen and others
  • Making Claims as Workers or Wives: The Distribution of Social Security Benefits / Madonna Harrington Meyer
  • Interests and Symbols in Post-Communist Political Culture: The Case of Hungary / Szonja Szelényi, and others
  • Images of Protest: Dimensions of Selection Bias in Media Coverage of Washington Demonstrations, 1982 and 1991 / John D. McCarthy, and others
  • A Test of Durkheim's Theory of Suicide--Without Committing the Ecological Fallacy / Frans van Poppel and others
  • The World System Paradigm as General Theory of Development: A Cross-National Test / Ronan Van Rossem
  • A Re-Evaluation of the Economic Consequences of Divorce / Richard R. Peterson.
  • 1996 Nº 4: Reconsidering the Declining Significance of Race: Racial Differences in Early Career Wages / A. Silvia Cancio, and others
  • Appropriate Tests of Racial Wage Discrimination Require Controls for Cognitive Skill: Comment on Cancio, Evans, and Maume / George Farkas and others
  • Cognitive Skills and Racial Wage Inequality: Reply to Farkas and Vicknair / David J. Maume, Jr., and others
  • Racial Economic Subordination and White Gain in the U.S. South / Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and others
  • Poverty, Segregation, and Race Riots: 1960 to 1993 / Susan Olzak, and others
  • The Effect of Changes in Intraracial Income Inequality and Educational Attainment on Changes in Arrest Rates for African Americans and Whites, 1957 to 1990 / Gary LaFree and others
  • Routine Activities and Individual Deviant Behavior / D. Wayne Osgood, and others
  • Markets as Politics: A Political-Cultural Approach to Market Institutions / Neil Fligstein
  • The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of Organizations: The Network Effect / Brian Uzzi
  • Economic Behavior in Institutional Environments: The Corporate Merger Wave of the 1980s / Linda Brewster Stearns and Kenneth D. Allan.
  • 1996 Nº 5: Dignity in the Workplace Under Participative Management: Alienation and Freedom Revisited / Randy Hodson
  • Market Transition and the Persistence of Power: The Changing Stratification System in Urban China / Yanjie Bian and others
  • Homeboys, Babies, Men in Suits: The State and the Reproduction of Male Dominance / Lynne Haney
  • Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The Critical Case of Very Young Children / Debra Van Ausdale and others
  • The Two Faces of Governance: Responses to Legal Uncertainty in U.S. Firms, 1955 to 1985 / John R. Sutton and others
  • Exploring the Limits of the New Institutionalism: The Causes and Consequences of Illegitimate Organizational Change / Matthew S. Kraatz and others
  • The Effect of Social Relationships on Psychological Well-Being: Are Men and Women Really So Different? / Debra Umberson, and others
  • An Interactive Model of Religiosity Inheritance: The Importance of Family Context / Scott M. Myers
  • Emotional Reactions and Status in Groups / Michael J. Lovaglia and others
  • Anything But Heavy Metal: Symbolic Exclusion and Musical Dislikes / Bethany Bryson
  • Changing Highbrow Taste: From Snob to Omnivore / Richard A. Peterson and others
  • Memory as a Cultural System: Abraham Lincoln in World War II / Barry Schwartz.
  • 1996 Nº 6: Rethinking Stratification from a Feminist Perspective: Gender, Race, and Class in Mainstream Textbooks / Myra Marx Ferree and others
  • Perceptions of Racial Group Competition: Extending Blumer's Theory of Group Position to a Multiracial Social Context / Lawrence Bobo and others
  • A Shortage of Marriageable Men? A Note on the Role of Cohabitation in Black-White Differences in Marriage Rates / R. Kelly Raley
  • Take the Money and Run: Economic Segregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas / Paul A. Jargowsky
  • Ending Footbinding and Infibulation: A Convention Account / Gerry Mackie
  • Individual Experience and the Fragmentation of Societies / John Orbell, Langche Zeng and others
  • A True American System of Finance: Frame Resonance in the U.S. Labor Movement, 1866 to 1886 / Sarah Babb
  • Linking Mobilization Frames and Political Opportunities: Insights from Regional Populism in Italy / Mario Diani
  • Resource Mobilization by Local Social Movement Organizations: Agency, Strategy, and Organization in the Movement Against Drinking and Driving / John D. McCarthy and others
  • Mobilization at the Margins: Resources, Benefactors, and the Viability of Homeless Social Movement Organizations / Daniel M. Cress and David A. Snow.
  • 1997 Nº 1: The Sociological Study of Social Change: 1996 Presidential Address / Maureen T. Hallinan
  • Macro-Level Studies of Inequality
  • The Kuznets Curve and the Great U-Turn: Income Inequality in U.S. Counties, 1970 to 1990 / François Nielsen and others
  • Citizenship and Public Schools: Accounting for Racial Inequality in Education in the Pre- and Post-Disfranchisem*nt South / Pamela Barnhouse Walters, and others
  • Social Movements and Collective Action
  • The Libidinal Constitution of a High-Risk Social Movement: Affectual Ties and Solidarity in the Huk Rebellion, 1946 to 1954 / Jeff Goodwin
  • The Structure and Dynamics of Movement Participation / Hyojoung Kim and others
  • Racial Rioting in the 1960S: An Event History Analysis of Local Conditions / Daniel J. Myers
  • Risk and Power Use: Constraints on the Use of Coercion in Exchange / Linda D. Molm
  • An Identity Model for Network Exchange / Peter J. Burke
  • Argumentative Talk in Divorce Mediation Sessions / David Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall.
  • 1997 Nº 2: National and Global Political Trends - World Culture in the World Polity: A Century of International Non-Governmental Organization / John Boli and others
  • The Social and Ideological Bases of Middle-Class Political Realignment in the United States, 1972 to 1992 / Clem Brooks and others
  • Stratification Processes: Women, Work, and Wages - The Effect of Children on Women's Wages / Jane Waldfogel
  • Interaction and the Conservation of Gender Inequality: Considering Employment / Cecilia L. Ridgeway
  • Explaining the Black-White Gap in Labor Force Participation among Women Heading Households / Irene Browne
  • Work, Welfare, and Single Mothers' Economic Survival Strategies / Kathryn Edin and others
  • Migration and Immigrants - The Social Geography of Interstate Mobility and Persistence / Jerald R. Herting, and others
  • An Analysis of English-Language Proficiency among U.S. Immigrants / Thomas J. Espenshade and others
  • Calvin and Hobbes - The Impact of Protestant Fundamentalism on Educational Attainment / Alfred Darnell and others
  • From Warre to Tyranny: Lethal Conflict and the State / Mark Cooney.
  • 1997 Nº 3: Labor Markets in China and the United States - Institutional Change and Job-Shift Patterns in Urban China, 1949 to 1994 / Xueguang Zhou, and others
  • Bringing Strong Ties Back in: Indirect Ties, Network Bridges, and Job Searches in China / Yanjie Bian
  • Structural Change, Labor Market Turbulence, and Labor Market Outcomes / Thomas A. DiPrete and others
  • Prelates and Princes: Aristocratic Marriages, Canon Law Prohibitions, and Shifts in Norms and Patterns of Domination in the Central Middle Ages / Ivan Ermakoff
  • The Spread of Sharecropping in Tuscany: The Political Economy of Transaction Costs / Rebecca Jean Emigh
  • Culture and Conflict: The Portrayal of Blacks in U.S. Children's Picture Books Through the Mid- and Late-Twentieth Century / Bernice A. Pescosolido, and others
  • Rethinking Racism: Toward a Structural Interpretation / Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
  • Sociology's Asociological Core: An Examination of Textbook Sociology in Light of the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge / Michael Lynch and others
  • Tools for Intuition about Sample Selection Bias and Its Correction / Ross M. Stolzenberg and Daniel A. Relles.
  • 1997 Nº 4: Gender, Children, and Social Contact: The Effects of Childrearing for Men and Women / Allison Munch, and others
  • Living in Single-Parent Households: An Investigation of the Same-Sex Hypothesis / Brian Powell and others
  • Sexual Contact between Children and Adults: A Life Course Perspective / Christopher R. Browning and others
  • Social Stratification across Three Generations: New Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study / John Robert Warren and others
  • Cultural and Educational Careers: The Dynamics of Social Reproduction / Karen Aschaffenburg and others
  • The Gender Gap in Earnings at Career Entry / Margaret Mooney Marini and others
  • Are Young Black Men Really Less Willing to Work? / Stephen M. Petterson
  • Social Structure and Personality under Conditions of Radical Social Change: A Comparative Analysis of Poland and Ukraine / Melvin L. Kohn, and others
  • National Context, Parental Socialization, and Religious Belief: Results from 15 Nations / Jonathan Kelley and others
  • Labeling Mental Illness: The Effects of Received Services and Perceived Stigma on Life Satisfaction / Sarah Rosenfield.
  • 1997 Nº 5: Doing Well and Doing Good
  • Resources and Relationships: Social Networks and Mobility in the Workplace / Joel M. Podolny and others
  • Who Cares? Toward an Integrated Theory of Volunteer Work / John Wilson and others
  • Gender
  • All Women Benefit: The Macro-Level Effect of Occupational Integration on Gender Earnings Equality / David A. Cotter, and others
  • The Changing Logic of Political Citizenship: Cross-National Acquisition of Women's Suffrage Rights, 1890 to 1990 / Francisco O. Ramirez, and others
  • American Sociological Association Elections, 1975 to 1996: Exploring Explanations for Feminization / Rachel A. Rosenfeld, others
  • Social Movements: Qualitative/Quantitative Studies
  • Political Generations, Micro-Cohorts, and the Transformation of Social Movements / Nancy Whittier
  • - The Sequencing of Social Movements / Debra C. Minkoff
  • The Impacts of Social Movements on the Political Process: The Civil Rights Movement and Black Electoral Politics in Mississippi / Kenneth T. Andrews
  • International Press Coverage of East German Protest Events, 1989 / Carol Mueller
  • Power in Exchange Networks: Critique of a New Theory / Barry Markovsky, and others
  • The Logic of the New Theory and Misrepresentations of the Logic / Kazuo Yamaguchi.
  • 1997 Nº 6: An Asian Route to Capitalism
  • An Asian Route to Capitalism: Religious Economy and the Origins of Self-Transforming Growth in Japan / Randall Collins
  • Labor Markets in Japan and the United States
  • Educational Credentials and Promotion Chances in Japanese and American Organizations / Hiroshi Ishida, and others
  • Sifting and Sorting: Personal Contacts and Hiring in a Retail Bank / Roberto M. Fernandez and others
  • Bigger May be Better, But is Older Wiser? Organizational Age and Size in the New York Life Insurance Industry / James Ranger-Moore
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Studies of Politics
  • Collective Memory and Cultural Constraint: Holocaust Myth and Rationality in German Politics / Jeffrey K. Olick and others
  • Social Cleavages and Political Alignments: U.S. Presidential Elections, 1960 to 1992 / Clem Brooks and others
  • Probing the Character of Norms: A Factorial Survey Analysis of the Norms of Political Action / Guillermina Jasso and others
  • Effects of Fertility on Individuals and Nations
  • Self-Esteem Enhancement Through Fertility? Socioeconomic Prospects, Gender, and Mutual Influence / Gary L. Oates
  • Population Dynamics and Economic Development: Age-Specific Population Growth Rates and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, 1965 to 1990 / Edward M. Crenshaw, and others.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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