SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (2024)

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (1)

A complete guide on how to unlock every Achievement during the Dantooine Spring
Abundance Festival Event in Star Wars the Old Republic.

Contents – Click to Jump

  1. Spring Event
  2. Achievements
  3. Story Achievements
  4. Patissier for a Day
    1. Deepwater Dac Pies
    2. Ka-Olive Pies
    3. Sweet Spore Tart
    4. Threeberry Pies
    5. Master Patissier Secret Achievement
    6. Now Where Did I Put That? Secret Achievement
    7. Pastry Perfection Secret Achievement
    8. Gastronomic Disaster Secret Achievement
  5. Weekly Creature Rehabilitation
    1. A Gentle Heart Secret Achievement
    2. A Thawed Heart Secret Achievement
    3. Showered with Affection Secret Achievement
  6. Festive Footwork
    1. Dance All Night Secret Achievement
  7. Weekly Cultivation
    1. Group Achievements
    2. Propagating Chaos Secret Achievement
  8. Weekly Egg Hunt
  9. Seed Recovery
    1. General Germination Achievement
  10. Zap A Fish
    1. Toe Mangler Achievements
    2. Unitusk Achievements
    3. Barglechin Achievements
    4. Visitor from the Void Secret Achievement
  11. Well That Was Expected Secret Achievement
  12. Related Guides


Spring Event

There are many achievements that you can unlock by completing quests during the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival in Star Wars the Old Republic. All achievements can be obtained as a Solo player with the exception of a single achievement that requires a group of 2 or more.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (2)

To begin the Spring Event, click on the News Terminal at the bottom of the staircases away from the central ring of the Fleet. It will open a menu that starts a Quest to travel to the Blba Groves on Dantooine.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (3)

You must complete the entire Mission: An Agricultural Opportunity in order to unlock the Dantooine Spring Event dailies for play. The mission takes about 10 minutes and will have you travel to both Tatooine and regular Dantooine. There is combat involved as several creatures must be killed with a minimum level of 15, so bring a companion and make sure you have your character ship.



There are 3 catergories of Achievements to complete during the Dantooine Spring Event:
Story: Achievements related to completing the Story for the Spring Event.
Missions: Achievements related to playing the Spring Event quests.
Exploration: Extra Achievements related to completing special activities while playing the Spring Event quests.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (4)

There are many secret achievements related to doing activities while playing the Dantooine Spring Event.

Story Achievements

Restored Prestige: Complete the story for Blba Groves.

This achievement is not immediately available at the start of the event. Every week the event runs, a new Story Quest will become available, similar to the Feast of Prosperity.
This means you have to return to the event every week, for 4 weeks to complete the Story Quest for the Blba Groves.

There are multiple story quests related to the Spring Abundance Festival, I have made a guide on all 3 currently available Missions from start to finish.

Spring Abundance Festival QuestGuide

A comprehensive Guide for all Story Quests in the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival in SWTOR.
Continue to the guide.


Patissier for a Day

All of the achievements are related to completing the Patissier for a Day quest, which you can complete once per day, per character.
It does not matter which dish you choose to bake however there are other achievements in the Exploration Catergory for cooking each type of dish as well as several secret acheivements.

A Buttery Crust: Complete the [Daily] Patissier for a Day Mission 5 times.
A Delectable Dish: Complete the [Daily] Patissier for a Day Mission 10 times.
Professional Patissier: Complete the [Daily] Patissier for a Day Mission 25 times.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (6)

There are also achievements related to cooking each dish 7 times, this means you need to complete the [Daily] Patissier for a Day quest 28 times.
As the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival runs for 4 weeks, you will need to complete the Mission every day of the Event on one character, or several times across multiple characters every day to finish all achievements during one event.

Deepwater Dac Pies

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (7)

Deepwater Novice: Bake 1 Deepwater Dac Pies.
Deepwater Enjoyer: Bake 4 Deepwater Dac Pies.
Deepwater Connoisseur: Bake 7 Deepwater Dac Pies.


Ka-Olive Pies

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (8)

Ka-Olive Novice: Bake 1 Pitted Ka-Olive Pies.
Ka-Olive Enjoyer: Bake 4 Pitted Ka-Olive Pies.
Ka-Olive Connoisseur: Bake 7 Pitted Ka-Olive Pies.

Sweet Spore Tart

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (9)

Spore Tart Novice: Bake 1 Sweet Spore Tart.
Spore Tart Enjoyer: Bake 4 Sweet Spore Tarts.
Spore Tart Connoisseur: Bake 7 Sweet Spore Tarts.

Threeberry Pies

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (10)

Threeberry Novice: Bake 1 Bestine Threeberry Pie.
Threeberry Enjoyer: Bake 4 Bestine Threeberry Pies.
Threeberry Connoisseur: Bake 7 Bestine Threeberry Pies.


Master Patissier Secret Achievement

The Master Patissier secret achievement will automatically unlock when you have baked each kind of dish 7 times.

Requires completion of the following achievements to unlock:
Deepwater Connoisseur achievement
Ka-Olive Connoisseur achievement
Spore Tart Connoisseur achievement
Threeberry Connoisseur achievement

Now Where Did I Put That? Secret Achievement

The Now Where Did I Put That? secret achievement unlocks if you pick up every single ingredient in the pantry before you start cooking your chosen dish during the [Daily] Patissier for a Day mission.
Make sure you leave at least one of the required ingredients for last so that you do not progress the quest!

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (11)

Have trouble finding ingredients for pie-baking.
0/5 Misplace Binding Agent
0/5 Misplace Flour
0/5 Misplace Sweetener

Purposely loot the wrong sweeteners, flour and binding agents 5 times and the achievement will unlock.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (12)


Pastry Perfection Secret Achievement

To unlock the Pastry Perfection secret achievement, make sure to only use the correct ingredients and perfectly cook your dish. Once you arrive outside, place your dish on the table and then eat it.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (14)

You can also unlock this achievement by eating random dishes placed by other players on the table outside as long as they have cooked their dish to perfection as well.

Gastronomic Disaster Secret Achievement

To unlock the Gastronomic Disaster secret achievement, make sure to only use incorrect ingredients when cooking your dish. Once you arrive outside, place your dish on the table and then eat it.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (15)

You can also unlock this achievement by eating random dishes placed by other players on the table outside as long as they have only used incorrect ingredients as well.


Weekly Creature Rehabilitation

This quest involves travelling across the galaxy to find animals and bring them to the Blba Groves. While there is no direct combat involved for all of the animal rehabilitation quests, some animals must be rescued from planets as high as level 60.

As the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival runs for 4 weeks, you will need to complete the weekly on 2 characters per week to finish all achievements during one event.

Creature Intake: Complete 1 Creature Rehabilitation Weekly Mission.
Creature Evaluation: Complete 4 Creature Rehabilitation Weekly Mission.
Rehabilitate and Release: Complete 8 Creature Rehabilitation Weekly Mission.

You can only Pet the creatures once you have taken all 3 back to the Pens at the Blba Groves on Dantooine.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (16)

A Gentle Heart Secret Achievement

This achievement is currently bugged and cannot be obtained!

Pet a rehabilitated creature during the [Weekly] Creature Rehabilitation Mission with a character with an Alignment of Lightside 5.

A Thawed Heart Secret Achievement

Pet a rehabilitated creature during the [Weekly] Creature Rehabilitation Mission with a character with an Alignment of Darkside 5.

Showered with Affection Secret Achievement

Showed your rehabilitation creatures love by giving them lots of pets.
Requirements: Pet any creature 25 times.

You can complete this achievement quickly by spamming the Pet button on your rehabilitated creature until you get the acheivement.


Festive Footwork

All of the achievements are related to completing the Festive Footwork quest, which you can complete once per day, per character.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (17)

Dance if You Want To: Complete the [Daily] Festive Footwork Mission 5 times.
Around the Pole: Complete the [Daily] Festive Footwork Mission 10 times.
Gamorrean Two-Step: Complete the [Daily] Festive Footwork Mission 25 times.

Dance All Night Secret Achievement

Dance at the Holo-Ribbon Pole 10 times. You will get this secret achievement automatically if you do the [Daily] Festive Footwork Mission 10 times during the Event on a character.

You do not have to be on the Festive Footwork daily mission to complete this achievement, you can stand at the Holo-Ribbon Pole and dance 10 times in a row if you want to unlock the secret achievement quickly.


Weekly Cultivation

The [Weekly] Cultivation Mission only appears if you have completed at least 1 Seed Sourcing mission on the same character. While you can complete the quest solo, there are several bonus acheivements that require playing in a group with at least 1 other player.

Farm Hand: Completed the Weekly Cultivation mission on Blba Groves 1 time.
Agriculture Appreciation: Completed the Weekly Cultivation mission on Blba Groves 4 times.
The Greenest of Thumbs: Completed the Weekly Cultivation mission on Blba Groves 8 times.

Group Achievements

Both Cultivation Exploration achievements require playing the Cultivation daily with another player. To unlock the achievements make sure both yourself and your groupmember are playing with the Cultivation Droids at the same time.

Nurturing Resentment: Experience 1 Aggression as a Cultivation Droid.
Be attacked by a group member while you are both using Cultivation Droids.

Cultivating Violence: Express 1 Aggression as a Cultivation Droid.
Attack a group member while you are both using Cultivation Droids.

Propagating Chaos Secret Achievement

To unlock the Propagating Chaos secret achievement, you need to be attacked and attack your Groupmember while playing the Cultivation mission. Some players report this achievement not activating unless you have killed several creatures (but not all of them) and then attacking each other on the farmland near the creature spawns.

Requirements: Experience Aggression 10 times as a Cultivation Droid, Express Aggression 10 times as a Cultivation droid.

The easiest way to unlock this achievement is to stand with your group member inside the Cultivation daily mission and spam the attack button on each other until you both get the achievement.


Weekly Egg Hunt

Each week there are 2 Weekly Egg Hunts that involve searching the Galaxy for hidden Eggs. The Egg Hunt takes you to locations on planets up to level 75 where you may be attacked, so be careful.

Egg-plorer: Completed 2 Weekly Egg Hunt missions.
An Offering of Eggs: Completed 6 Weekly Egg Hunt missions.
These Trying Times: Completed 10 Weekly Egg Hunt missions.

You can find all Egg Hunt Locations and hidden Egg spawns inside each location using this guide:

Spring Event Weekly Egg Hunt QuestGuide

All locations for the Weekly Egg Hunt quest in the Dantooine Spring Event in SWTOR.
Continue to the guide.

As the Dantooine Spring Event runs for 4 weeks, and there are only 2 Weekly Egg Hunt missions available per week, you will need to use a second character and complete at least 2 Egg Hunt missions if you want to complete all Egg Hunt achievements in one event.

Seed Recovery

There are 4 different [Weekly] Seed Sourcing missions, a different mission will appear each week of the event. This means that if you miss one of these missions during the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival event, you will have to wait until the next event in order to unlock it.

For an in depth guide for all 4 unique Weekly Seed Sourcing quests, continue to this guide:

Spring Event Seed Sourcing QuestGuide

Guide for all unique Weekly Seed Sourcing Missions in the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival Event.
Continue to the guide.

Seed Recovery: Nar Shadda: Recover Seeds from Nar Shaddaa.
Requirements: Complete the Seed Sourcing: Nar Shaddaa mission.
Seed Recovery: Mek-Sha: Recover Seeds from Mek-Sha.
Requirements: Complete the Seed Sourcing: Mek-Sha mission.
Seed Recovery: Fleet: Recover Seeds from Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock.
Requirements: Complete the Seed Sourcing: Fleet mission.
Seed Recovery: Dantooine: Recover Seeds from Blba Groves on Dantooine.
Requirements: Complete the Seed Sourcing: Blba Groves mission.

General Germination Achievement

The General Germination Achievement is a mastery achievement related to completing every Seed Recovery mission during the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival event.

General Germination: Earn all Seed Recovery achievements.
0/1 Recover Seeds from Blba Groves on Dantooine.
0/1 Recover Seeds from arrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock.
0/1 Recover Seeds from Mek-Sha.
0/1 Recover Seeds from Nar Shaddaa


Zap A Fish

There are many achievements related to the Daily Zap-A-Fish mission during the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival event.
While you can complete the Daily achievements in one event, there are several bonus achievements related to individual fish that can be quite rare, if you want to complete all of the extra Exploration achievements, you may want to play this Daily mission on multiple characters each day.

Amateur Angler: Completed the Zap-a-Fish mission 5 times.
A Hefty Haul: Completed the Zap-a-Fish mission 10 times.
Master Fisher: Completed the Zap-a-Fish mission 25 times.

Toe Mangler Achievements

There are 3 separate Toe Mangler achievements, in order to catch Toe Manglers during the Zap-A-Fish daily, you can only Zap the small circles within the pond.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (20)

As long as you loot a Toe-Mangler of Green, Blue or Purple quality, the achievement will progress. It is possible to catch none, or sometimes more then one in a single Zap-A-Fish daily.

Toe Mangler Angler: Catch 1 bag of Toe Manglers, a rare small fish.
Toe Mangler Entangler: Catch 4 total bags of Toe Manglers, a rare small fish.
Toe Mangler Wrangler: Catch 8 total bags of Toe Manglers, a rare small fish.

It may take multiple Zap-A-Fish quests to earn all of the achievements, consider playing the mission on multiple characters a day to speed up your progress.

Unitusk Achievements

There are 3 separate Unitusk achievements, in order to catch Unitusks during the Zap-A-Fish daily, you can only Zap Fish in the medium circles within the pond.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (21)


As long as you loot a Unitusk of Green, Blue or Purple quality, the achievement will progress. It is possible to catch none, or sometimes more then one in a single Zap-A-Fish daily.

Unitusk: Catch 1 bag of Unitusks, a rare medium-sized fish.
Quadritusk: Catch 4 total bags of Unitusks, a rare medium-sized fish.
Octotusk: Catch 8 total bags of Unitusks, a rare medium-sized fish.

It may take multiple Zap-A-Fish quests to earn all of the achievements, consider playing the mission on multiple characters a day to speed up your progress.

Barglechin Achievements

There are 3 separate Barglechin achievements, in order to catch Barglechins during the Zap-A-Fish daily, you can only Zap Fish in the large circles within the pond.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (22)

As long as you loot a Unitusk of Green, Blue or Purple quality, the achievement will progress. It is possible to catch none, or sometimes more then one in a single Zap-A-Fish daily.

Lone Bargle: Catch 1 bag of Barglefish, a rare large fish.
Bargle Party: Catch 4 total bags of Barglefish, a rare large fish.
Bargle Overload: Catch 8 total bags of Barglefish, a rare large fish.

It may take multiple Zap-A-Fish quests to earn all of the achievements, consider playing the mission on multiple characters a day to speed up your progress.


Visitor from the Void Secret Achievement

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (23) Catch an ultra-rare Void Drifter fish (gold quality fish).

The rarest achievement in the Dantooine Spring Event, you have to play the Zap-A-Fish daily mission under a very specific set of time limited circ*mstances.

Pick up the Missions: Zap-a-Fish and fish only Large Circles.

Speculation: Some players say they got the Void Achievement faster with the Blissful pie buff and the Gastro (bad pastry buff) but this has not yet been confirmed.
It is confirmed that some players have the achievement without the buff but at best it has taken some people between 25-100+ tries as per reddit, twitter posts.

If you want to increase your chances, also pick up the [Weekly] Festival Pastry Sampling. If you have already completed the weekly you will have to wait until the next week the event is available

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (24)

Eat Pies at the table, resetting the quest if you need to until you get either the Blissful buff or Gastro buff. Be fast as you will only have 9 minutes to complete the Zap-a-Fish mission.
Pie eating as well as cooking perfect pies is RNG, you can eat the same pie several times and get the good, bad or no buff. Just make sure to constantly fill the buff to increase your chances at finding the Void Fish.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (25)

Whether you have the buff or not, rush over to the Zap-a-Fish daily and ONLY fish the Largest circles. It may take a lot of time but you need to ONLY fish the Large circles 15 times and collect your fish before the Buff runs out (if buffed). There is a high chance that the buff will expire while you are waiting for 15 large circles.

If the Pie buff run out, you need to exit the Zap-a-Fish daily, reset your [Weekly] Festival Pastry Sampling mission and get both buffs before trying to Zap-a-Fish again.

Once you have successfully Zapped 15 fish, there is a slim chance that you will find the Void Drifter Fish and unlock the achievement!

Personally it took me 7 tries before I found the Void Drifter Fish. 3 of those tries I ran out of time on the Buffs before I had found 15 fish, which made me restart the Pastry Buffs.

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SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (27)

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Well That Was Expected Secret Achievement

The easiest secret achievement to unlock as it requires no quests or story unlocks. Travel behind the Farmhouse at the Blba Groves event location and jump in the well located between the trees.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (28)

Jumping down the well will kill you, but you will respawn back at the top unlocking the achievement.

SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (29)


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Continue to the guide.

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Continue to the guide.

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SWTOR Dantooine Spring Event Achievement Guide (2024)
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