SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (2024)

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (1)

Everything you need to know about B3-S1 the Basilisk Companion in SWTOR.
How to complete her Story Quests as well as Unlock, Level and Use B3-S1.


If you have completed all 3 of Lane Vizla’s quests as a Subscriber with a level 80 character, you will be able to start the Basilisk Venture to unlock your own Basilisk War Droid Prototype Companion: B3-S1 or ‘Bessi’.

As you progress the Basilisk Venture, you will be able to temporarily summon Bessi as a Companion for 1 hour at a time, completing all 11 levels of the Venture will then unlock Bessi as a Permanent companion for your Account.

While Bessi is summoned, you will be able to advance her Venture Levels by completing Objectives (similar to Conquest Objectives) while Bessi is in Heal, DPS or Tank mode. As you complete Bessi’s Venture levels, she will unlock new skills and grow in power.

Contents – Click to Jump

  1. How to Start
  2. Companion Influence
  3. Basilisk Prototype Venture
  4. Summoning Bessi
    1. Memory Chips
    2. Systems Data
    3. Training Modules
    4. Mission Locations
    5. Bonus Missions
  5. Quick Guide
  6. Repairing the Basilisk
  7. Burc’ya Vaal Burk’yc Quest Guide
    1. Repair Level 1
    2. Repair Level 2
    3. Repair Level 3
    4. Repair Level 4
    5. Repair Level 5
    6. Repair Level 6
    7. Repair Level 7
  8. Missing Parts Quest Guide
    1. Repair Level 8
    2. Repair Level 9
    3. Repair Level 10
    4. Repair Level 11
  9. Burc’ya Veman Quest Guide
  10. Collections Unlock
  11. Achievements
  12. Secret Achievements
    1. Iziz the Place?
    2. The Farm is Real
    3. Big Machine, Little Creatures
  13. Related News


How to Start

In order to start the Basilisk Companion Venture, you must Be an active Subscriber and have completed all 3 of Lane Vizla’s Missions on a level 80 character.
Lane Vizla’s missions are not tied to the Legacy of the Sith expansion story anymore, as long as you are level 80 and can travel to Ruhnuk you can complete all 3 of Lane Vizla’s missions.

Once you have completed all 3 of Lane Vizla’s missions, open your Legacy Window (default: Y) and click on the Venture tab to grant yourself the Basilisk Prototype Venture.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (2)


Companion Influence

No one has unlocked Bessi permanently yet, so be careful when using Companion Gifts!

B3-51 starts at Influence Level 1 while you are using her as a Temporary Companion. Each time you Summon her, Bessi’s influence restarts at 1. This means that Companion Gifts used on Bessi while you are completing the Venture are wasted.

Bessi is unlocked as a Permanent Companion once you complete all 11 Venture levels.

If you are struggling to complete Venture Objectives Bessi before the 1 hour timer expires, I suggest spending a Companion Gifts to get her to influence 5 to make questing a bit easier.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (3)

You can use a Commander’s Compendium to immediately level B3-S1’s influence to Level 50. But only when you have unlocked her Permanently!

B3-51 loves Military Gear Companion Gifts, the following Companion Gifts are the best to level Bessi’s Influence.


SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (4)


Experimental Tactical Stealth Field Generator


250,000 Credits – Silas Fleetfire, Odessen Cantina

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (5)

Omni-Vision Battlefield Relay

10,000 Credits – Republic/Imperial Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (6)

Gourmet Ration Pack

5,000 Credits – Republic/Imperial Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor


Basilisk Prototype Venture

The Legacy Window’s Ventures Tab shows your Progress towards completing the Basilisk Prototype Venture to unlock Bessi. There are 11 Levels that must be completed to unlock the Basilisk Companion. Each level provides some rewards which will help speed up earning your next level.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (7)

The Venture Window looks complex but it is actually very simple.
The Repair Level bar at the top of the screen shows your progress to the next Level and each reward you will be given for completing the Level. You can earn roughly 1 Repair Level per week.

The Basilisk Prototype Venture has 11 Levels to complete in order to Unlock the Basilisk War Droid Companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (8)

The middle of the Venture Window shows Bessi surrounded by 6 Icons as pictured above. Each square that has an Activity icon requires you to complete Objectives which are found at the bottom of the Venture Window. You must complete All Objectives for every Activity icon before you can increase Bessi’s Venture Level.

The bottom of the Venture Window shows every Objective you must complete in order to progress the Objective Icon. There are no Optional tasks, you must complete all Objectives for every active Icon in order for Bessi to gain a Level.

Every time Bessi gains a Repair Level (up to 11), you will be given new Objectives to complete in the Activity icon slots.
The requirements for what you must do in each active icon are explained further down in the Guide.


Summoning Bessi

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (9)

When you first start the Venture, you will be given a Tutorial Quest by Lane Vizla on how to Summon, Use and Turn-In progress for the Basilisk Prototype Venture.

In order to Summon Bessi as a Temporary Companion, you must have started the Venture on any character in your Legacy, summoning her consumes 1 Memory Chip from your Inventory.

Memory Chips

Memory Chips are a Legacy-wide Currency that you need to use in order to Summon Bessi as a Temporary Companion. Every time you summon Bessi it consumes 1 Memory Chip.
Memory Chips allow you to summon Bessi for 1 hour. The timer counts down the second you Summon her and persists through death, cutscenes and travel/loading screens. The timer only pauses when you Log-Out.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (10)

You can claim 1 Memory Chip for free, each day, by visiting the Mission Tube at the back of Lane Vizla’s Lab on Ruhnuk. Your Legacy can only earn a maximum of 10 Memory Chips per week, and store a maximum of 20 Memory Chips.


Systems Data

There are 3 different Systems Data currencies that you earn by successfully completing Objectives while using Bessi in Tank, Heal or DPS mode. These currencies are Turned-In during the Basilisk Prototype Venture in order to upgrade Bessi.

You do not need to worry about these currencies as you will always earn more then you need, as long as you can complete all of Bessi’s Venture Objectives each week without running out of Memory Chips.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (11)

Your Legacy cannot earn more then 100 of each Currency type a week, and store a maximum of 300 Systems Data Currency.
A secondary Currency called Prototype Data is earned as a universal currency from any of the Basilisk Venture Objectives and must be turned in alongside the 3 other specific currencies. Your Legacy cannot earn more then 300 Prototype Data per week, and store a maximum of 600 Prototype Data Currency.

Training Modules

Training Modules are items that give you a Daily Area Location and Companion Role to take Bessi on an adventure with.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (12)

Training Modules come in 3 Combat Roles: Heal, DPS or Tank as well as a randomly generated Location. You must use Bessi in that role and complete the required amount of Dailies or Heroics in that Location in order for the Training Module to progress your Venture Objectives.

Mission Locations

The possible locations you may be asked to play are:
Ruhnuk, Iokath, The Black Hole, Yavin IV, Ziost, Onderon, Rishi, CZ-198, Section X, Oricon, Manaan Invasion Zone, Ossus, Makeb, Kessan’s Landing.

Make sure you have at least 2 Dailies available for play in each location before using the Training Module on Bessi, if you have already played the Daily Area and then use a Training Module that requires the same area, the Training Module will fail and the Module will be destroyed.

If you have Iokath as a Mission Location, any mission that involves playing as a spawned/summoned vehicle such as a Monitor, Walker or Mouse Droid will not count as progress towards completing the Training Module Objective. Likewise, the Bonus Mission on Iokath requires killing the Worldboss as the Daily Area has no Heroics.


Bonus Missions

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (13)

There is a small chance when completing Training Module Missions with Bessi that a Bonus Mission will appear. The Bonus mission will always ask to either kill the Iokath Worldboss or complete a HEROIC Mission in another Daily Area.

I suggest always completing the Bonus Mission if you have the time as it rewards you with a Gold lootbox containing Venture currency that are required to complete some Venture Objectives.
As the Iokath Bonus Mission requires killing the Worldboss, I suggest skipping it entirely as the Worldboss cannot easily be killed Solo.

Quick Guide

  • Make sure you are a level 80 Subscriber and have completed all 3 of Lane Vizla’s Missions.
    • Open your Legacy Window and start the Basilisk Prototype Venture at Lane Vizla’s Lab and complete the Burc’ya Vaal Burk’yc tutorial mission.
  • Pick up a Memory Chip and Training Modules every day and complete them.
  • Let Bessi use as many companion skills as she can in Combat.
  • Complete all 3 Activity icon Objectives to Repair Bessi every level until Level 11.
  • Complete the Missions: Missing Parts and Burc’ya Veman when they appear in the Venture.
  • Once you have completed all 11 Venture levels and all Missions, Bessi will unlock as a permanent companion and can be unlocked in Collections!
SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (14)

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Repairing the Basilisk

You must complete all Objectives in each Activity icon slot to Repair Bessie by 1 Venture Level. Every time you gain a Level in the Venture the next level will have new Objectives.

When you first start the Basilisk Prototype Venture, Lane Vizla will start you on a tutorial Quest which starts progress on the first Basilisk Venture level and shows you how to progress the rest of the Venture, Summon Bessi as a companion, and upgrade her skills.

Burc’ya Vaal Burk’yc Quest Guide

Upon meeting Lane Vizla, she will give you a tutorial Quest to learn how to use, summon and complete the Basilisk Venture.

Burc’ya Vaal Burk’yc QuestGuide

Burc’ya Vaal Burk’yc Quest Guide for the Basilisk Prototype Companion in SWTOR.
Continue to the guide.

Make sure you have not completed any Ruhnuk Dailies as they will be required to complete this Tutorial. Lane will give you a Datachip and ask you to summon Bessi.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (16)

Go to Bessi and talk to her, your 2 options are to Pet the Basilisk and Take her out for training. If you choose to take her out for training it will use the Memory Chip and let you summon Bessi as a Temporary Companion for 1 hour.


SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (17)

Once a day when you summon Bessi, you will be rewarded with a container of Training Modules that give you Missions to use on Bessi. Use one of the provided Training Modules in your inventory to apply the Mission and Role to Bessi. Make sure that her Companion Role is set to match and then complete 2 Daily Quests on Ruhnuk while Bessi is in that role.

After you have completed the Mission, return to Lane Vizla in the Lab on Ruhnuk and she will give you some Research to turn in on the Computer next to her.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (18)

Once you have turned in the Repair Data on the Computer, speak with Lane Vizla again to finish the Tutorial Quest and continue the Basilisk Prototype Venture.


Repair Level 1

Repair Level 1 Contains 3 Activity icons each with 4 Objectives that need to be completed

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (19) Combat (DPS)

  • Training Module Combat: Complete 1 Training Module (2 Dailies )with Bessi in DPS spec on Ruhnuk.
  • Combat Practice: Let Bessi use her DPS skills 25 times.
  • Research Shatter Missile on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 30 Combat Systems Data and 30 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (20) Support (Heal)

  • Training Module Support: Complete 1 Training Module (2 Dailies) with Bessi in Heal spec on Ruhnuk.
  • Support Practice: Let Bessi use her Heal skills 25 times.
  • Research Kolto Probe on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 30 Support Systems Data and 30 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (21) Defense (Tank)

  • Basilisk Training Defender: Complete 1 Training Module (2 Dailies) with Bessi in Tank spec on Ruhnuk.
  • Defensive Practice: Let Bessi use her Tank skills 25 times.
  • Research Reactive Plating on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 30 Defense Systems Data and 30 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

Repair Level 2

Repair Level 2 Contains 3 Activity icons each with 4 Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (22) Combat (DPS)

  • Training Module Combat: Complete 2 Training Modules (4 Dailies) with Bessi in DPS spec.
  • Combat Practice: Let Bessi use her DPS skills 50 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 50 Combat Systems Data and 50 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (23) Support (Heal)

  • Training Module Support: Complete 2 Training Modules (4 Dailies) with Bessi in Heal spec.
  • Support Practice: Let Bessi use her Heal skills 50 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 50 Support Systems Data and 50 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (24) Defense (Tank)

  • Basilisk Training Defender: Complete 2 Training Modules (4 Dailies) with Bessi in Tank spec.
  • Defensive Practice: Let Bessi use her Tank skills 50 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 50 Defense Systems Data and 50 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives


Repair Level 3

Repair Level 3 Contains 3 Activity icons each with 4 Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (25) Combat (DPS)

  • Training Module Combat: Complete 3 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in DPS spec.
  • Combat Practice: Let Bessi use her DPS skills 100 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 70 Combat Systems Data and 70 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (26) Support (Heal)

  • Training Module Support: Complete 3 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in Heal spec.
  • Support Practice: Let Bessi use her Heal skills 100 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 70 Support Systems Data and 70 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (27) Defense (Tank)

  • Basilisk Training Defender: Complete 3 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in Tank spec.
  • Defensive Practice: Let Bessi use her Tank skills 100 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 70 Defense Systems Data and 70 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

Repair Level 4

Repair Level 4 Contains 3 Activity icons each with 4 Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (28) Combat (DPS)

  • Training Module Combat: Complete 3 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in DPS spec.
  • Combat Practice: Let Bessi use her DPS skills 100 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 90 Combat Systems Data and 90 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (29) Support (Heal)

  • Training Module Support: Complete 3 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in Heal spec.
  • Support Practice: Let Bessi use her Heal skills 100 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 90 Support Systems Data and 90 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (30) Defense (Tank)

  • Basilisk Training Defender: Complete 3 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in Tank spec.
  • Defensive Practice: Let Bessi use her Tank skills 100 times.
  • Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires 90 Defense Systems Data and 90 Prototype Data.
  • Repair Module: Complete all 3 Above Objectives
SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (31)

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The following information for level 5 – 11 was provided by Reddit used Ranadiel.

Repair Level 5

Repair Level 5 Contains 6 Activity icons each with multiple Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (32) Area Research CZ-198

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 CZ-198 Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 CZ-198 Data Fragments.
    • CZ-198 Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in CZ-198 with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (33) Area Research The Black Hole

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Black Hole Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Black Hole Data Fragments.
    • Black Hole Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in the Black Hole with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (34) Area Research Iokath

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Iokath Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Iokath Data Fragments.
    • Iokath Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Iokath with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (35) Combat (DPS)

  • Research Shockwave Generator on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Combat Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (36) Support (Heal)

  • Research Regenerative Burst on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Support Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (37) Defense (Tank)

  • Research High-Boost Charge on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Defense Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

Repair Level 6

Repair Level 6 Contains 6 Activity icons each with multiple Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (38) Area Research Ruhnuk

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Ruhnuk Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Ruhnuk Data Fragments.
    • Ruhnuk Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob inRuhnuk with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (39) Area Research Oricon

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Oricon Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Oricon Data Fragments.
    • Oricon Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Oricon with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (40) Area Research Onderon

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Onderon Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Onderon Data Fragments.
    • Onderon Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Onderon with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (41) Combat (DPS)

  • Research Shatter Missile on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Combat Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (42) Support (Heal)

  • Research Kolto Probe on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Support Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (43) Defense (Tank)

  • Research Reactive Plating on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Defense Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.


Repair Level 7

Complete the Missing Parts Quest.

Missing Parts Quest Guide

Complete the Missing Parts Quest.

Repair Level 8

Repair Level 8 Contains 6 Activity icons each with multiple Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (44) Area Research Yavin IV

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Yavin IV Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Yavin IV Data Fragments.
    • Yavin IV Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Yavin IV with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (45) Area Research Kessan’s Landing

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Kessan’s Landing Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Kessan’s Landing Data Fragments.
    • Kessan’s Landing Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Kessan’s Landing with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (46) Area Research Ossus

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Ossus Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Ossus Data Fragments.
    • Ossus Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Ossus with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (47) Combat (DPS)

  • Research Pulse Wave Cannon on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Combat Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (48) Support (Heal)

  • Research Prototype Probe on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Support Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (49) Defense (Tank)

  • Research Flare Mortar on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Defense Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.


Repair Level 9

Repair Level 9 Contains 6 Activity icons each with multiple Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (50) Area Research Makeb

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Makeb Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Makeb Data Fragments.
    • Makeb Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Makeb with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (51) Area Research Manaan

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Manaan Invasion Zone Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Manaan Data Fragments.
    • Manaan Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Manaan Invasion Zone with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (52) Area Research Section X

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Section X Training Modules.
  • Collect (and upload) 10 Section X Data Fragments.
    • Section X Data Fragments can be found as rare loot when killing any Mob in Section X with B3-S1 as your active companion.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (53) Combat (DPS)

  • Research Concussion Missile on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Combat Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (54) Support (Heal)

  • Research Kolto Barrage on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Support Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (55) Defense (Tank)

  • Research Grapple Cannon on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Defense Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

Repair Level 10

Repair Level 10 Contains 3 Activity icons each with 3 Objectives that need to be completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (56) Combat (DPS)

  • Training Module Combat: Complete 5 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in DPS spec.
  • Combat Practice: Let Bessi use her DPS skills 500 times.
  • Upgrade: Sub-Orbital Strike on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Combat Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (57) Support (Heal)

  • Training Module Support: Complete 5 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in Heal spec.
  • Support Practice: Let Bessi use her Heal skills 500 times.
  • Upgrade: Concussion Barrage on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Support Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (58) Defense (Tank)

  • Basilisk Training Defender: Complete 5 Training Module (6 Dailies) with Bessi in Tank spec.
  • Defensive Practice: Let Bessi use her Tank skills 500 times.
  • Upgrade: Overcharge Booster on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Defense Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

Repair Level 11

Repair Level 11 Contains 3 Activity icons each with 1 Objective that needs to be completed, and complete the Burc’ya Veman Quest.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (59) Combat (DPS)

  • Continue Combat Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Combat Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (60) Support (Heal)

  • Continue Support Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Support Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (61) Defense (Tank)

  • Continue Defensive Research on the Computer in Lane’s Lab on Ruhnuk.
    • Requires ?? Defensive Systems Data and ?? Prototype Data.


Burc’ya Veman Quest Guide

This quest becomes available once you have completed Repair Level 11 of the Venture.
Completing this Quest by talking to Lane Vizla will unlock Bessi as a permanent Companion for your character in SWTOR.

Collections Unlock

Once you have completed the Venture and all related Quests, B3-S1 will unlock as a Permanent Companion for the character that you used when the Venture was completed.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (62)

If you want to use Bessi on other characters, you can either Unlock her in Collections for Cartel Coins, or you can continue to return to Ruhnuk on your other characters to summon her temporarily using Memory Chips every day.



There are 7 visible achievements related to unlocking Bessi and her Venture for a total of 150 points.
There are also 55 points worth of secret achievements.

Initial Combat Assessment: Complete 1 Combat Training Module with B3-S1
Initial Support Assessment: Complete 1 Support Training Module with B3-S1
Initial Defensive Assesslemt: Complete 1 Defensive Training Module with B3-S1
How to Train B3-S1: Completed the Venture Mission ‘Burc’ya Vaal Burk’yc’
Required Components: Completed the Venture Mission ‘Missing Parts’
Legacy Preserved: Completed the Venture Mission ‘Burc’ya Veman’

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (63)

Fully Loaded: Completed All Research on B3-S1 (All 11 Levels)
Unlocks Basilisk Prototype Customization 1.


Secret Achievements

There are three Secret Achievements related to the Basilisk Prototype Venture. Once you unlock all 3 a special 4th achievement will also unlock. Each of them is related to taking Bessi to a very specific place on certain planets.

It’s a Big Galaxy Out There… : Took Bessi sightseeing across the galaxy in all 3 hidden locations.

Iziz the Place?

Travel to Onderon and go directly to the Oasis map section below the Hunting Lodge where Imperial Players spawn.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (64)

Once you reach the Oasis, make sure Bessi is summoned as your active companion and walk along the boardwalks along the cliff edge of the map until your screen fades to black.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (65)

Once your screen fades to black, stand still for 5 seconds and the Secret Achievement: Iziz the Place? should unlock automatically.


The Farm is Real

Travel to Dantooine (not the Blba Groves) and follow the cliff faces around the South-Eastern side of the map, near a farm with a large aircraft turret.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (66)

Once you reach the cliff faces, keep walking on the edge beetween where the Grass ends and the rocks of the Cliff face begins up and down the cliff edge until your screen fades to black.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (67)

Once your screen fades to black, stand still for 5 seconds and the The Farm is Real achievement should unlock automatically.


Big Machine, Little Creatures

Travel to Tatooine and go directly to the Jundland Wastes section until you reach Camp Karnori in the far North. Behind the Republic Base camp is a large rock you need to stand on.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (68)

Once you reach the rock behind Camp Karnori, make sure Bessi is summoned as your active companion and jump on the big rock behind the Republic Base.

SWTOR Basilisk Prototype Companion Guide (69)

Once your screen fades to black, stand still for 5 seconds and the Big Machine, Little Creatures achievement should unlock.


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A detailed look at the before and after comparisons of the new Art & Graphics modernisation Updates coming in 7.5 Desperate Defiance!
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Copero Stronghold Guide

Complete Copero Stronghold Guide for SWTOR Galactic Season 6.
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Galactic Season 6 Guide

A complete guide to Galactic Seasons 6 Builing a Foundation. How to play, achievements and rewards.
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How to Farm Blueprint Fragments

How to earn Blueprint Fragments in SWTOR and what they are used for.
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6570

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.