Stock Management System In Python With Source Code (2024)

Stock Management System In Python With Source Code

The Stock Management System In Python was developed using python programming, this project created using Graphical User Interface (GUI), and this project also good for the beginners or the students who wants to learn programming specially python.

A Stock Management System having database implemented in SQLite3 and GUI implemented in PyQt5. this project has a Admin log in page. it also have Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) features.

This Python Project also includes a downloadable Python Project With Source Code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.

By the way if you are new to python programming and you don’t know what would be the the Python IDE to use, I have here a list ofBest Python IDE for Windows, Linux, Mac OSthat will suit for you. I also have hereHow to Download and Install Latest Version of Python on Windows.

To start executingStock Management System In Python With Source Code, make sure that you haveinstalledPython3.9 andPyCharmin your computer.

Stock Management System In Python With Source Code : Steps on how to run the project

Time needed:5 minutes.

These are the steps on how to run Stock Management System In Python With Source Code

  • Step 1: Download the given source code below.

    First, download the given source code below and unzip the source code.
    Stock Management System In Python With Source Code (1)

  • Step 2: Import the project to your PyCharm IDE.

    Next, import the source code you’ve download to your PyCharm IDE.
    Stock Management System In Python With Source Code (2)

  • Step 3: Run the project.

    last, run the project with the command “py”
    Stock Management System In Python With Source Code (3)

Installed Libraries

from PyQt5 import QtWidgetsimport osimport datetimeimport manipulation as mpfrom PyQt5.QtCore import QRectfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTabWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetItemfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QVBoxLayoutfrom PyQt5.QtGui import QIconfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFormLayoutfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabelfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLineEditfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QListWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QStackedWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QWidget, QPushButton,QMainWindow, QHBoxLayout, QAction)import sqlite3

Complete Source Code

from PyQt5 import QtWidgetsimport osimport datetimeimport manipulation as mpfrom PyQt5.QtCore import QRectfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTabWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableWidgetItemfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QVBoxLayoutfrom PyQt5.QtGui import QIconfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFormLayoutfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabelfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLineEditfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QListWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QStackedWidgetfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QWidget, QPushButton,QMainWindow, QHBoxLayout, QAction)import sqlite3try: conn = sqlite3.connect('stock.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""CREATE TABLE stock ( name text, quantity integer, cost integer ) """) conn.commit()except Exception: print('DB exists')class Login(QtWidgets.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Login, self).__init__(parent) self.textName = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.textPass = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.buttonLogin = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Admin Login', self) self.buttonLogin.clicked.connect(self.handleLogin) layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(self.textName) layout.addWidget(self.textPass) layout.addWidget(self.buttonLogin) def handleLogin(self): if (self.textName.text() == 'Admin' and self.textPass.text() == '1234'): self.accept() else: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Error', 'Bad user or password')class Example(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): = stackedExample() exitAct = QAction(QIcon('exit_icon.png'), 'Exit', self) exitAct.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') exitAct.setStatusTip('Exit application') exitAct.triggered.connect(self.close) self.statusBar() toolbar = self.addToolBar('Exit') toolbar.addAction(exitAct) self.setCentralWidget( stackedExample(QWidget): def __init__(self): super(stackedExample, self).__init__() self.leftlist = QListWidget() self.leftlist.setFixedWidth(250) self.leftlist.insertItem(0, 'Add Stock') self.leftlist.insertItem(1, 'Manage Stock') self.leftlist.insertItem(2, 'View Stock') self.leftlist.insertItem(3, 'View Transaction History') self.stack1 = QWidget() self.stack2 = QWidget() self.stack3 = QWidget() self.stack4 = QWidget() self.stack1UI() self.stack2UI() self.stack3UI() self.stack4UI() self.Stack = QStackedWidget(self) self.Stack.addWidget(self.stack1) self.Stack.addWidget(self.stack2) self.Stack.addWidget(self.stack3) self.Stack.addWidget(self.stack4) hbox = QHBoxLayout(self) hbox.addWidget(self.leftlist) hbox.addWidget(self.Stack) self.setLayout(hbox) self.leftlist.currentRowChanged.connect(self.display) self.setGeometry(500,350, 200, 200) self.setWindowTitle('Stock Management') def stack1UI(self): layout = QFormLayout() self.ok = QPushButton('Add Stock', self) cancel = QPushButton('Cancel', self) self.stock_name = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Stock Name", self.stock_name) self.stock_count = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Quantity", self.stock_count) self.stock_cost = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Cost of Stock (per item)", self.stock_cost) layout.addWidget(self.ok) layout.addWidget(cancel) self.ok.clicked.connect(self.on_click) cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_name.clear) cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_cost.clear) cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_count.clear) self.stack1.setLayout(layout) def on_click(self): now = stock_name_inp = self.stock_name.text().replace(' ','_').lower() stock_count_inp = int(self.stock_count.text()) stock_cost_inp = int(self.stock_cost.text()) #print(stock_name_inp,stock_count_inp,stock_cost_inp) stock_add_date_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") d = mp.insert_prod(stock_name_inp,stock_count_inp,stock_cost_inp,stock_add_date_time) print(d) #Need to add the above details to table def stack2UI(self): layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.setGeometry(QRect(0,300,1150,500)) tabs = QTabWidget() self.tab1 = QWidget() self.tab2 = QWidget() self.tab3 = QWidget() tabs.addTab(self.tab1, 'Add Quantity') tabs.addTab(self.tab2, 'Reduce Quantity') tabs.addTab(self.tab3, 'Delete Stock') self.tab1UI() self.tab2UI() self.tab3UI() layout.addWidget(tabs) self.stack2.setLayout(layout) def tab1UI(self): layout = QFormLayout() self.ok_add = QPushButton('Add Stock', self) cancel = QPushButton('Cancel', self) self.stock_name_add = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Stock Name", self.stock_name_add) self.stock_count_add = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Quantity to add", self.stock_count_add) layout.addWidget(self.ok_add) layout.addWidget(cancel) self.tab1.setLayout(layout) self.ok_add.clicked.connect(self.call_add) #need to write function to add quantity cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_name_add.clear) cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_count_add.clear) def tab2UI(self): layout = QFormLayout() self.ok_red = QPushButton('Reduce Stock', self) cancel = QPushButton('Cancel', self) self.stock_name_red = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Stock Name", self.stock_name_red) self.stock_count_red = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Quantity to reduce", self.stock_count_red) layout.addWidget(self.ok_red) layout.addWidget(cancel) self.tab2.setLayout(layout) self.ok_red.clicked.connect(self.call_red) # need to write function to reduce quantity cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_name_red.clear) cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_count_red.clear) def tab3UI(self): layout = QFormLayout() self.ok_del = QPushButton('Delete Stock', self) cancel = QPushButton('Cancel', self) self.stock_name_del = QLineEdit() layout.addRow("Stock Name", self.stock_name_del) layout.addWidget(self.ok_del) layout.addWidget(cancel) self.tab3.setLayout(layout) self.ok_del.clicked.connect(self.call_del) # need to write function to delete stock cancel.clicked.connect(self.stock_name_del.clear) def call_del(self): now = stock_del_date_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") stock_name = self.stock_name_del.text().replace(' ','_').lower() mp.remove_stock(stock_name,stock_del_date_time) def call_red(self): now = stock_red_date_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") stock_name = self.stock_name_red.text().replace(' ','_').lower() try: stock_val = -(int(self.stock_count_red.text())) print(stock_val) print(type(stock_val)) mp.update_quantity(stock_name, stock_val, stock_red_date_time) except Exception: print('Exception') def call_add(self): now = stock_call_add_date_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") stock_name = self.stock_name_add.text().replace(' ','_').lower() stock_val = int(self.stock_count_add.text()) mp.update_quantity(stock_name, stock_val, stock_call_add_date_time) def stack3UI(self): table = mp.show_stock() print('show') print(table) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.srb = QPushButton() self.srb.setText("Get Search Result.") self.View = QTableWidget() self.lbl3 = QLabel() self.lbl_conf_text = QLabel() self.lbl_conf_text.setText("Enter the search keyword:") self.conf_text = QLineEdit() self.View.setColumnCount(3) self.View.setColumnWidth(0, 250) self.View.setColumnWidth(1, 250) self.View.setColumnWidth(2, 200) self.View.insertRow(0) self.View.setItem(0, 0, QTableWidgetItem('Stock Name')) self.View.setItem(0, 1, QTableWidgetItem('Quantity')) self.View.setItem(0, 2, QTableWidgetItem('Cost(Per Unit)')) layout.addWidget(self.View) layout.addWidget(self.lbl_conf_text) layout.addWidget(self.conf_text) layout.addWidget(self.srb) layout.addWidget(self.lbl3) self.srb.clicked.connect(self.show_search) self.stack3.setLayout(layout) def show_search(self): if self.View.rowCount()>1: for i in range(1,self.View.rowCount()): self.View.removeRow(1) x_act = mp.show_stock() x = [] if self.conf_text.text() != '': for i in range(0,len(x_act)): a = list(x_act[i]) if self.conf_text.text().lower() in a[0].lower(): x.append(a) else: x = mp.show_stock() if len(x)!=0: for i in range(1,len(x)+1): self.View.insertRow(i) a = list(x[i-1]) self.View.setItem(i, 0, QTableWidgetItem(a[0].replace('_',' ').upper())) self.View.setItem(i, 1, QTableWidgetItem(str(a[1]))) self.View.setItem(i, 2, QTableWidgetItem(str(a[2]))) self.View.setRowHeight(i, 50) self.lbl3.setText('Viewing Stock Database.') else: self.lbl3.setText('No valid information in database.') def stack4UI(self): layout = QVBoxLayout() = QPushButton()"Get Transaction History.") self.Trans = QTableWidget() self.lbl4 = QLabel() self.lbl_trans_text = QLabel() self.lbl_trans_text.setText("Enter the search keyword:") self.trans_text = QLineEdit() self.Trans.setColumnCount(6) self.Trans.setColumnWidth(0, 150) self.Trans.setColumnWidth(1, 150) self.Trans.setColumnWidth(2, 150) self.Trans.setColumnWidth(3, 100) self.Trans.setColumnWidth(4, 100) self.Trans.setColumnWidth(5, 500) self.Trans.insertRow(0) self.Trans.setItem(0, 0, QTableWidgetItem('Transaction ID')) self.Trans.setItem(0, 1, QTableWidgetItem('Stock Name')) self.Trans.setItem(0, 2, QTableWidgetItem('Transaction Type')) self.Trans.setItem(0, 3, QTableWidgetItem('Date')) self.Trans.setItem(0, 4, QTableWidgetItem('Time')) self.Trans.setItem(0, 5, QTableWidgetItem('Transaction Specific')) self.Trans.setRowHeight(0, 50) layout.addWidget(self.Trans) layout.addWidget(self.lbl_trans_text) layout.addWidget(self.trans_text) layout.addWidget( layout.addWidget(self.lbl4) self.stack4.setLayout(layout) def show_trans_history(self): if self.Trans.rowCount()>1: for i in range(1,self.Trans.rowCount()): self.Trans.removeRow(1) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),'transaction.txt') if os.path.exists(path): tsearch = open(path, 'r') x_c = tsearch.readlines() tsearch.close() x = [] if self.trans_text.text() != '': key = self.trans_text.text() for i in range(0,len(x_c)): a = x_c[i].split(" ") name = a[0] action = a[-2] if (key.lower() in name.lower()) or (key.lower() in action.lower()) : x.append(a) else: x = x_c.copy() for i in range(0,len(x)): x.sort(key=lambda a: a[4]) #print(x) tid = 1900001 for i in range(1,len(x)+1): self.Trans.insertRow(i) a = x[i-1].split(" ") if a[-2] == 'UPDATE': p = 'Quantity of Stock Changed from '+a[1]+' to '+a[2] elif a[-2] == 'INSERT': p = 'Stock added with Quantity : '+a[1]+' and Cost(Per Unit in Rs.) : '+a[2] elif a[-2] == 'REMOVE': p = 'Stock information deleted.' else: p = 'None' self.Trans.setItem(i, 0, QTableWidgetItem(str(tid))) self.Trans.setItem(i, 1, QTableWidgetItem(a[0].replace('_',' '))) self.Trans.setItem(i, 2, QTableWidgetItem(a[-2])) self.Trans.setItem(i, 3, QTableWidgetItem(a[3])) self.Trans.setItem(i, 4, QTableWidgetItem(a[4])) self.Trans.setItem(i, 5, QTableWidgetItem(p)) self.Trans.setRowHeight(i, 50) tid += 1 self.lbl4.setText('Transaction History.') else: self.lbl4.setText('No valid information found.') def display(self, i): self.Stack.setCurrentIndex(i)if __name__ == '__main__': import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) login = Login() if login.exec_() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: window = Example() sys.exit(app.exec_())


Download Source Code below


Username: Admin

Password: 1234


The Project is written in Python using Tkinter.The project It’s an inventory management system created using python having database implemented in SQLite3 and GUI implemented in PyQt5. this project has a Admin log in page. it also have Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) features.

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If you have any questions or suggestions aboutStock Management System In Python With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Stock Management System In Python With Source Code (2024)


How to make inventory management system using Python? ›

Here we will understand the project in detail.
  1. Inventory Management System Project in Python: Project Details.
  2. Functions of Inventory management system in python.
  3. Installing MySQL Server Database and mysql-connector-python.
  4. Creating the database and tables.
  5. Create file.
  6. Create a file.
Jul 8, 2022

How do you build a stock management system? ›

There are several steps involved in this process. That's why how to make inventory management software is so important.
Common Features of the Inventory Management System
  1. Barcode Scanner. ...
  2. Reporting. ...
  3. Forecasting. ...
  4. Accounting. ...
  5. Point-of-sale Integration. ...
  6. Inventory Alerts. ...
  7. Automatic Re-ordering. ...
  8. Logistics.
Aug 20, 2021

How do you use source code in Python? ›

getsource() method is used to get the source code of Python objects.
  1. Syntax: inspect.getsource(object)
  2. Parameter: The object type parameter, of which we want the source code.
  3. Return type: text of the source code for an object.
Sep 15, 2022

Can you use SQL for inventory management? ›

SQL Inventory Manager offers an organized web-based dashboard that captures core information about the entire inventory of SQL Servers across the environment. View all SQL Servers: Know what you have where and who owns it. Automatically discover new servers installed to better manage sprawl.

Which algorithm is used in inventory management system? ›

Ziarati, “A Demand Estimation Algorithm for Inventory Management Systems Using Censored Data”, Eng.

What are 4 stock control methods? ›

What are the methods of stock control?
  • Just-in-time (JIT)
  • FIFO.
  • Economic Order Quantity.
  • Vendor-managed inventory.
  • Batch control.
Oct 17, 2017

Which database is best for inventory management system? ›

Database Software with Inventory Management
  • Caspio. 4.5. (202) Build online database applications without coding. ...
  • Trello. 4.5. (22.3K) Visual collaboration tool for shared project perspectives. ...
  • Quickbase. 4.5. (260) ...
  • Ninox. 4.8. (146) ...
  • SyncSpider. 4.8. (112) ...
  • Zoho Creator. 4.3. (140) ...
  • Knack. 4.4. (78) ...
  • TeamDesk. 4.8. (42)

What is a good stock management software? ›

  • Our Top Picks.
  • Cin7 Orderhive.
  • inFlow.
  • Lightspeed Retail.
  • Upserve.
  • Megaventory.
  • Zoho Inventory.
  • See More (3)

Which Python method is used for running source code? ›

Run Python script Using exec()

One such way is by using the built-in function exec(). It is used for the dynamic execution of Python code, be it a string or an object code.

What is a good first Python project? ›

Python Project Ideas: Beginner Level
  • Create a code generator. ...
  • Build a countdown calculator. ...
  • Write a sorting method. ...
  • Build an interactive quiz. ...
  • Tic-Tac-Toe by Text. ...
  • Make a temperature/measurement converter. ...
  • Build a counter app. ...
  • Build a number-guessing game.
Oct 23, 2022

Can you create your own module in Python? ›

You can write a Python module yourself. They can contain definitions of function, classes, and variables that can be used in other Python programs.

How do I create a library management system database? ›

Add/Remove/Edit book: To add, remove or modify a book or book item. Search catalog: To search books by title, author, subject or publication date. Register new account/cancel membership: To add a new member or cancel the membership of an existing member. Check-out book: To borrow a book from the library.

How do I create a Python simulator? ›

Create a step-by-step algorithm to approximate a complex system. Design and run a real-world simulation in Python with simpy.
To recap, here are the three steps to running a simulation in Python:
  1. Establish the environment.
  2. Pass in the parameters.
  3. Run the simulation.

Can Excel be used for inventory management? ›

With integrated tools, features, and formulas to make spreadsheets more dynamic and interactive, Excel is also capable of handling basic inventory management for small businesses. While not ideal for a medium or large sized inventory, Excel is cost-effective or, if you use it in OneDrive, even free.

How SQL is used in stock market? ›

SQL databases offer analysts the ability to not only collect and store information and data but also work with business intelligence and data visualization tools that create valuable financial models and predictions.

How do I create an online inventory system? ›

  1. Establish your online business objective and needs. ...
  2. Select a technological inventory solution. ...
  3. Identify and catalog products for your online inventory. ...
  4. Publish your inventory online. ...
  5. Test your online inventory system. ...
  6. Update your inventory.

What are the 3 major inventory management techniques? ›

In this article we'll dive into the three most common inventory management strategies that most manufacturers operate by: the pull strategy, the push strategy, and the just in time (JIT) strategy.

What are the three types of inventory systems? ›

Businesses can choose from either of the three inventory systems: manual, periodic, and perpetual. Let's take a look at each one of these systems and find out how they are different from one another.

What is the golden rule of stock control? ›

The golden rule of stock control is to get the quantity and the frequency of re-stocking activities right, keeping costs as low as possible without compromising profitability and growth.

What are the 2 methods of inventory control? ›

There are two key types of inventory control systems.
  • Perpetual inventory system. A perpetual inventory control system tracks inventory in real-time. ...
  • Periodic inventory system. A periodic inventory system is kept up to date by a physical count of goods on hand at specific intervals.

What are the two methods used for managing stock? ›


LIFO and FIFO are methods to determine the cost of goods. FIFO, or first-in, first-out, assumes the older inventory is sold first in order to keep inventory fresh. LIFO, or last-in, first-out, assumes the newer inventory is typically sold first to prevent inventory from going bad.

What is the most commonly used inventory system? ›

What are the three most common inventory control models? Three of the most popular inventory control models are Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Inventory Production Quantity, and ABC Analysis. Each inventory model has a different approach to help you know how much inventory you should have in stock.

What is the best way to keep track of inventory? ›

The best way to keep track of inventory is with an easy-to-use, robust inventory management software system. With inventory management software, you can get real-time alerts, add meaningful pictures to your inventory list, and utilize barcodes and QR codes to automate otherwise tedious, error-prone processes.

What inventory method do most companies use? ›

FIFO is the preferred inventory valuation method for most businesses for a variety of reasons.

What app do professional stock traders use? ›

  • Charles Schwab's Schwab Mobile is a strong all-around choice for stock traders. It comes with no account minimums and no recurring fees. ...
  • TD Ameritrade's thinkorswim is a top stock trading app for active traders. ...
  • SoFi Invest is one of the best stock market brokerages for new traders.
Feb 1, 2023

Can I manage my own stocks? ›

You can manage your investment account on your own or hire a professional to handle the task for you. There are also automated portfolio management services, or robo-advisors, in industry parlance.

What is the best stock database? ›

Best Stock Market Investment Research Sites
  • Morningstar. ...
  • ...
  • The Wall Street Journal. ...
  • Seeking Alpha. ...
  • Stock Rover. ...
  • Zacks Investment Research. ...
  • is a financial plan of action and stock news corner, one of the well-known three worldwide financial websites globally. ...
  • Strike. Market.

What can I build with Python alone? ›

You can use Python to create arcade games, adventure games, and puzzle games that you can deploy within a few hours. You can also code classic games, such as hangman, tic-tac-toe, rock paper scissors, and more with your newly acquired programming skills.

What is the easiest Python framework? ›

What is the easiest Python web framework? Bottle is a Python framework that's easiest to start for beginners. It is because Bottle implements everything in a single source file and has no dependencies besides the Python standard library.

Can Python source code be compiled? ›

The py_compile module provides a function to generate a byte-code file from a source file, and another function used when the module source file is invoked as a script.

Does Python program runs directly from source code? ›

Python program runs directly from the source code . so, Python will fall under byte code interpreted. The . py source code is first compiled to byte code as .

What is the fastest way to run Python code? ›

Let's get started!
  1. Proper Algorithm & Data Structure. Each data structure has a significant effect on runtime. ...
  2. Using Built-in Functions and Libraries. Python's built-in functions are one of the best ways to speed up your code. ...
  3. Use Multiple Assignments. ...
  4. Prefer List Comprehension Over Loops. ...
  5. Proper Import. ...
  6. String Concatenation.
Oct 28, 2022

How much can a Python beginner earn? ›

In general, Python developers can expect to earn salaries in the range of ₹4,00,000 to ₹8,00,000 per year, but they are depending upon their experience and skills.

Is 1 month enough for Python? ›

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

Can you self study Python? ›

Yes, it's absolutely possible to learn Python on your own. Although it might affect the amount of time you need to take to learn Python, there are plenty of free online courses, video tips, and other interactive resources to help anyone learn to program with Python.

How to make packages in Python? ›

Creating Packages

Whenever you want to create a package, then you have to include file in the directory. You can write code inside or leave it as blank as your wish. It doesn't bothers Python. Create a directory and include a file in it to tell Python that the current directory is a package.

Which algorithm is best for library management system? ›

The library management model is built based on data mining technology and clustering algorithm, and the hybrid clustering algorithm in the data mining platform Weka is used for library data mining.

Which data structure is best for library management system? ›

Library Management System is implemented using linked list in C programming language. The main operation involves issuing books, returning the issued books and maintaining records of the issued books.

What is the best library database? ›

The top list of academic research databases
  1. Scopus. Scopus is one of the two big commercial, bibliographic databases that cover scholarly literature from almost any discipline. ...
  2. Web of Science. ...
  3. PubMed. ...
  4. ERIC. ...
  5. IEEE Xplore. ...
  6. ScienceDirect. ...
  7. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ...
  8. JSTOR.

Can I make GUI in Python? ›

You can use Python and the PySimpleGUI package to create nice-looking user interfaces that you and your users will enjoy! PySimpleGUI is a new Python GUI library that has been gaining a lot of interest recently.

How do I create an interactive program in Python? ›

On Windows, bring up the command prompt and type "py", or start an interactive Python session by selecting "Python (command line)", "IDLE", or similar program from the task bar / app menu. IDLE is a GUI which includes both an interactive mode and options to edit and run files.

How do I make a Python app script? ›

Using auto-py-to-exe
  1. Open a Command Prompt by searching for CMD. ...
  2. Run auto-py-to-exe from the prompt. ...
  3. Click on Browse and navigate to our example Python file. ...
  4. Set the application to use one file. ...
  5. Set the application to be Console Based. ...
  6. Click on the Icon drop down and select an icon for your application.
May 22, 2022

Is Python useful for asset management? ›

Python and Machine Learning for Asset Management

Starting from the basics, they will help you build practical skills to understand data science so you can make the best portfolio decisions.

What is inventory management coding? ›

Coding means assigning a code to a product.

The objective of coding is to identify goods in a unique way (there can't be two products with the same code). Warehouse management systems (WMSs) play a key role in this process.

How do you create an expense tracker in Python? ›

  1. Install django framework: To begin with the project, you need to install django on your system. ...
  2. Create a project and an app: We will create a new project named ExpenseTracker and an app to start the project. ...
  3. Database connectivity is done with the help of ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
Nov 6, 2021

How is Python used in the financial industry? ›

Python can be utilized to create incredibly scalable and secure banking software solutions. Python is utilized in the banking industry to power both online and offline applications. Python has been used to create and maintain a large number of payment gateways.

What do most companies use Python for? ›

First off, what industries use Python? Because of its high level of functionality, many industries can't do without it, including: web development, data science and data analysis, machine learning, startups, and the finance industry, among others.

What are the 4 types of inventory management? ›

The four types of inventory management are just-in-time management (JIT), materials requirement planning (MRP), economic order quantity (EOQ) , and days sales of inventory (DSI). Each inventory management style works better for different businesses, and there are pros and cons to each type.

Which software is best for inventory management? ›

Zoho Inventory is an online inventory management software with a robust free version and affordable paid plans. For small businesses or start-ups, Zoho Inventory lets you add items, fulfill orders and view inventory from any device, making it the best free option.

What is expense tracker in python? ›

A web based expense tracker app with user authentication which contains CRUD operation made with the help of the django framework it takes input from user and shows the expenses to the user and analyse expense with the help of matplotlib library. python django expense-tracker sqllite3. Updated on Aug 4, 2022. Python.

What are some python projects for beginners? ›

Python Project Ideas: Beginner Level
  • Create a code generator. ...
  • Build a countdown calculator. ...
  • Write a sorting method. ...
  • Build an interactive quiz. ...
  • Tic-Tac-Toe by Text. ...
  • Make a temperature/measurement converter. ...
  • Build a counter app. ...
  • Build a number-guessing game.
Oct 23, 2022

How do startups keep track of expenses? ›

How To Track Business Expenses in 5 Steps
  1. Step 1: Open a Business Account. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose Accounting Software. ...
  3. Step 3: Connect Your Financial Institutions. ...
  4. Step 4: File Your Receipts. ...
  5. Step 5: Review Your Business Expenses.
Jan 2, 2023

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.