How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (2024)

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BrainStation’s Python Developer career guide can help you take the first steps toward a lucrative career in web development and data science.Read on for an overview of how long it takes to learn the Python programming language.

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On average, it can take anywhere from five to 10 weeks to learn the basics of Python programming, including object-oriented programming, basic Python syntax, data types, loops, variables, and functions. In the end, though, how long it takes to learn Python depends on how much experience you have with programming languages, web development, data science, and other related fields.

In a Python course like BrainStation’s, you’ll learn core concepts like libraries, dictionaries, and lists, which are required knowledge for a data-focused role. The right training will give you a fundamental understanding of Python, which in turn enables you to learn more complex machine learning and data science concepts moving forward. Learning Python, however, is relatively easy.

Python is also a very versatile language. It is used in many different types of projects and by many large organizations, including Facebook, NASA, Reddit, and Amazon. Big companies love its power and versatility, so the Python language can be expected to continue to rise in popularity around the world. There’s hardly a tech job that you can’t apply Python to, which will make you more valuable to any employer or client.

Python’s robust array of libraries streamlines the coding process immensely since you can simply input an action from the library into your code. Even better, since Python is open source, the list of libraries and resources is constantly growing. As Python coding gains even more popularity, users will find more versatile libraries that will help them write more code in less time and streamline existing content.

Professional CertificationBecome Python Certified in 10 Weeks
  • 47,000+ new development jobs created last year
  • Used by Google, Facebook, YouTube and more

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Is Learning Python Hard for Beginners?

Python can be considered beginner-friendly, as it is a programming language that prioritizes readability, making it easier to understand and use. Its syntax has similarities with the English language, making it easy for novice programmers to leap into the world of development.

Python is also a flexible, dynamically typed language, which means the rules aren’t hard set, making it more intuitive. It’s also a more forgiving language that is able to operate with some level of errors.

In fact, ease of use was one of Python’s founding principles when it was created in 1989 by Guido van Rossum (and released later in 1991). The initial purpose of Python was to make programming easy, as it focused on code readability. It’s also flexible. It can run on diverse platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, and is open-source software.

Because the readability and other structural elements of Python are designed to be easy to understand, it is a great language for beginners as Python basics are quite intuitive to grasp. However, Python is not limited to basic use. It supports some of the most complex websites and apps in the world.

Python has support for all of the features of an object-oriented programming language, as well as a procedural-oriented programming language. As a result, it’s not a coincidence that Python is the preferred choice for Developers, Data Scientists, and Software Engineers.

Can I Learn Python on My Own?

Yes, with its relative simplicity, it is possible to start learning Python on your own. It’s very easy to install the language and run it from anywhere on your machine. If you run into problems, there is a large and very dynamic user-base for Python, making it easy to find a community that’s willing to answer questions.

To accelerate the learning process, a large number of aspiring Python Developers are enrolling in Python courses, like BrainStation’s Python Programming certificate course, which lets you learn the basics of Python from experienced industry experts and gain hands-on experience writing lines of code.

In fact, coding bootcamps and data science courses have become an increasingly popular option for individuals looking to learn Python, and not only for neophyte Python Developers – as in other tech fields, Python experts need to keep learning to stay on top of changes to programming languages, techniques, and trends in data science.

Another great thing about Python is the wealth of documentation available at There are also a plethora of websites that allow you to practice Python and stay up-to-date, like or Contributing to an open-source commons, such as GitHub or Bootstrap, can also help you stay informed.

If you want to know whether a specific application or a library with specific functionality is available in Python there are lots of sources of information. The Python website provides a Python Package Index (also known as the Cheese Shop). There is also a search page for a number of sources of Python-related information.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python for a Beginner?

A beginner will take about 6-8 weeks to learn the fundamentals of Python. It takes that much time to learn how to understand most lines of code in Python. It would take significantly more time learning Python to move into a new career as a Python Developer.

How Many Hours Does it Take to Learn Python?

If you’re a beginner and you want to learn Python in two months or less, you would need to devote a full-time schedule to learning Python. If you spend 40 hours a week learning Python, it could ultimately take around 250 hours to fully develop your Python skills.

Most beginners interested in learning Python develop a plan where they spend a certain number of hours a day to learning Python fundamentals and another portion of the day to putting those skills into practice.

Is Python Hard to Learn?

While Python is considered one of the easiest programming languages for a beginner to learn, it can be hard to master. Anyone can learn Python if they work hard enough at it, but becoming a Python Developer will require a lot of practice and patience.

Its relative simplicity, however, does not detract from its power and utility as a language. Python, in fact, is one of the most popular programming languages used in large tech companies, training programs, universities, and small startups alike.

When it comes to learning programming, Python is the best language to start with due to its user-friendly nature. It has a more intuitive coding style and has many other advantages for Developers and end-users. That’s part of whyPython Programming courseshave become so popular; after a short certification course, you can be armed with one of the most-wanted skill sets on the job market.

Another reason Python is not hard to learn? It’s accessible. Python is available on its official website, free of cost. On top of that, being open source means that you or anyone else can update and add new features in Python.

Further, Python can run efficiently across all platforms like Windows, Mac, or Linux. Therefore, it is not dependent on or restricted to a single platform.

Professionally, Python is often used for back-end web development, artificial intelligence, and data analysis. This programming language has already been used to build productivity tools, games, and desktop apps.

Is Learning Python Worth it in 2022?

Yes, learning Python is worth it in 2022 because some of the hottest fields in tech – including machine learning and artificial intelligence – rely heavily on programmers with Python skills.

Thanks to popular ML libraries like Pandas and Scikit-learn, Python is the language of choice in fields including data science, data analysis, and machine learning. That’s important because demand for professionals with ML knowledge is constantly growing, and ML jobs are projected to be worth $31 billion by 2024.

Because of the versatility of Python – and its many functions and applications – it can be helpful to many different job roles. Really, you should at least learn the basics if your career relates to software, web, data, product, or design.

Should I Learn Python 2 or Python 3?

You should learn Python 3, which is more highly in demand by employers and includes a typing system. Although Python 2 uses an outdated syntax, it still has some applications in DevOps.

Some of the main advantages of Python 3 include syntax – the clear commands built into Python 3 code make it more user friendly – as well as more accurate integer division, the ability to represent foreign languages and popular emojis with Unicode, and its forwards-compatible libraries (though this might only affect more advanced Python Developers).

Further, Python 2 is no longer supported and security vulnerabilities will no longer be patched.

Can I Learn Python On My Own?

Yes, it’s absolutely possible to learn Python on your own. Although it might affect the amount of time you need to take to learn Python, there are plenty of free online courses, video tips, and other interactive resources to help anyone learn to program with Python.

One benefit of Python is that the Python developer community is huge and helpful. Don’t hesitate to seek out the help of a master programmer online for everything from questions on Python basics to getting feedback on your projects or soliciting career advice.

Do I Need to be Good at Math to Learn Python?

You do not need to be good at math to learn Python. Although it helps to have a high school-level understanding of math, the truth is you could learn Python with almost no mathematical ability at all.

In fact, a recent study showed that communication skills are actually more important than math skills when it comes to coding and that hiring practices should reflect that.

How Much Time Do You Need to Learn Python for Data Science?

Different estimates show it could take anywhere from three to 12 months to learn Python for data science. It can take longer than more general Python learning because Data Scientists use Python differently than a programmer would.

In the world of data science, Python can be used for building models and retrieving, cleaning, and visualizing data. Python learning applied to data science means focusing more time learning specific modules and libraries like Numpy and Pandas.

Can I Learn Python in Two Weeks?

It’s possible to learn the basics of Python in two weeks of full-time study and practice, but it will likely take more time to gain enough experience working on projects to become truly proficient.

It might be reasonable to expect that at the end of a two week period, you would have an understanding of Python fundamentals (including variables and types, basic operators, string formatting, loops, functions, and more), learn a library or two, and begin working on Python projects.

Of course, there is more than one way to learn Python and how fast you’re able to learn will depend largely on the method. That said, most online Python courses would require more than a two-week period to complete.

What Can Learning Python Do For You?

The many benefits for you of learning Python could include making it easier to learn more programming languages, giving you an in-demand career skill, and helping you communicate in multi-disciplinary teams.

Here are some of the other things learning Python can do for you:

A variety of applications

Python is used by diverse major companies including Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Disney, Amazon, Spotify, and many more. If it seems Python is ubiquitous in almost any industry, that’s because Python can be applied to tasks involved with data mining, AI, web development, embedded systems, product development, testing, and more.

Keep up with the pack

By almost any measure, Python is tops among the fastest-growing programming languages globally. The TIOBE Index shows Python as second only to C, with a narrowing gap.

Get the job

LinkedIn ranked Python a close second among the most in-demand languages for employers. More and more job listings call for Python programming experience.

Can I Get a Job if I Know Python?

Knowing Python would certainly help you get a job, but it would be just one element to be considered along with your career experience, skillset, and educational background.

Employers do certainly seem to value Python development skills across any number of industries.

Can I Learn Python Without Any Programming Experience?

Yes, you can learn Python without any programming experience. In fact, Python is so popular in part because of its easy-to-use, intuitive nature.

For people without any coding experience at all, Python is actually considered the perfect programming language. Its simple syntax is as accessible as it is because you can read Python code as you would read English commands.


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How Much Do Python Developers Make?

Professional CertificationBecome Python Certified in 10 Weeks

  • 47,000+ new development jobs created last year
  • Used by Google, Facebook, YouTube and more

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How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (1)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (2)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (3)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (4)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (5)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (6)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (7)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (8)

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide) (2024)


How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (2024 Guide)? ›

Its easy-to-learn syntax, vast library of frameworks, and applicability across various domains make it the language of choice for developers of all levels. As we step into 2024, the demand for skilled Python developers shows no signs of slowing down.

Is it worth to learn Python in 2024? ›

Its easy-to-learn syntax, vast library of frameworks, and applicability across various domains make it the language of choice for developers of all levels. As we step into 2024, the demand for skilled Python developers shows no signs of slowing down.

How long does it realistically take to learn Python? ›

On average, it can take anywhere from five to 10 weeks to learn the basics of Python programming, including object-oriented programming, basic Python syntax, data types, loops, variables, and functions.

Can I master Python in 3 months? ›

If you're looking for a general answer, here it is: If you just want to learn the Python basics, it may only take a few weeks. However, if you're pursuing a career as a programmer or data scientist, you can expect it to take four to twelve months to learn enough advanced Python to be job-ready.

How many months it takes to learn Python good enough to get a job? ›

Learning Python for Analyzing data

If data analysis is your target, working through structured courses on NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and machine learning will get you job-ready within 4-5 months of dedicated practice.

Is Python still popular in 2024? ›

Python continues to be a popular programming language in 2024. Its user-friendly syntax and extensive library support make it a favorite among developers. Python maintains its status as one of the most sought-after programming languages as more industries adopt it for various applications.

Is coding still in demand in 2024? ›

You heard it here first: In 2024, coding skills will break free from confinement to traditional tech roles and prove their mettle as essential, strategic assets across all industries.

Is Python enough to get a job? ›

Python alone isn't going to get you a job unless you are extremely good at it. Not that you shouldn't learn it: it's a great skill to have since python can pretty much do anything and coding it is fast and easy. It's also a great first programming language according to lots of programmers.

What is the hardest coding language to learn? ›

What are the hardest coding languages to learn?
  • Haskell.
  • BrainF**K.
  • WhiteSpace.
  • Malbolge.
  • COW.
  • C++
Mar 27, 2024

Is Python easier than Java? ›

Learning Curve: Python is generally considered easier to learn for beginners due to its simplicity, while Java is more complex but provides a deeper understanding of how programming works. Performance: Java has a higher performance than Python due to its static typing and optimization by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

How many hours a day to master Python? ›

From Awareness to Ability
GoalLearn Python's syntax and fundamental programming and software development concepts
Time RequirementApproximately four months of four hours each day
WorkloadApproximately ten large projects
1 more row

Can I teach myself Python? ›

While Python is one of the easier programming languages to learn, it still requires dedication and practice. The time it takes to learn Python can vary greatly depending on your prior experience with programming, the complexity of the concepts you're trying to grasp, and the amount of time you can dedicate to learning.

Why is Python hard to learn? ›

Is Python Hard to Learn? As one of the easiest programming languages, Python is super beginner friendly and a great coding language to jumpstart a new career path. With a syntax similar to English, Python is easy to read and understand, making it perfect for anyone new to writing code.

Is it hard to find a job with Python? ›

Finding a job as a Python developer can be a challenging task, especially in the current job market. However, with the right approach and a bit of hard work, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Is Python job difficult? ›

Becoming a Python developer can be easy if you come from a related career because the language has many similarities to Java and C++ and is considered a more straightforward language. If you already have experience in either of those popular languages, you should be able to pick up Python quickly.

How much fees for a Python course? ›

Python Courses on Coursera
Course NameDurationCourse Fee
Python for Data Science, AI & Development25 HoursINR 7,757 (3 Months)
INR 11,636 (6 Months)
Python Basics1 - 4 WeeksINR 3,878 (1 Month)
INR 7,757 (3 Months)
17 more rows

Which language is best to learn 2024? ›

Best languages to learn in 2024
  • English. English is still one of the best languages to learn as it is the official dialect of significant countries such as New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. ...
  • Korean. ...
  • Mandarin Chinese. ...
  • 4. Japanese. ...
  • Portuguese. ...
  • French. ...
  • Indonesian. ...
  • Spanish.
Feb 1, 2024

Which programming language should I learn in 2024? ›

Best for Mobile App Development: Java, Kotlin (for android), or JavaScript + React Native. Best for Desktop Applications: Java or C++ Best for Systems Programming: Rust or Go (but we'd pick Rust... here's 5 reasons why)

Should I learn Java or Python in 2024? ›

Performance: Java has a higher performance than Python due to its static typing and optimization by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Portability: Both languages are portable, but Java is considered more portable due to the JVM which allows Java programs to run on any device that has a JVM.

What is the future of Python in 2025? ›

A World Beyond Python

As I continue to explore the tech landscape in 2025, it becomes abundantly clear that Python's diminishing influence is part of a broader shift towards diversity in programming languages. Rust, which I've grown to love, is just one example of the expanding array of options available to developers.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.