SSL vs HTTPS - Which One is More Secure? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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SSL vs HTTPS - Which One is More Secure? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 03 Nov, 2023


In this article, we will learn about the difference between HTTPS and SSL and then finally discuss which one of them is more reliable and secure.


HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is the basic Internet protocol used by websites on web browsers. HTTPS is the secure version of the HTTP protocol. It is encrypted so it keeps all data transferred with the protocol completely safe. The HTTPS protocol is highly useful in places like logging in to a personal account or using banking credentials for a financial platform. HTTPS enables the information transferred between the web browser and the server to be confidential, and it can only be viewed by authorized users only. In the normal HTTP protocol, the information between the browser and the server is divided in the form of data packets and then transferred, so it becomes easy for attackers to sniff these data packets and then read out the sensitive information. But this cannot take place in HTTPS protocol.


The SSL stands for secure socket layers. SSL is basically a part of HTTPS protocol which is responsible for the encryption of the Internet security protocol. It is responsible for the integrity of data, the confidentiality of data, and its availability to authorized users only. SSL is the main protocol that performs the encryption task in HTTPS protocol to convert it into a random string of alphabets and numbers. SSL has a popular handshake authentication procedure where it authenticates and only allows authorized devices to perform the communication over the Internet. SSL also performs digital signatures on each of the conversations that take place over the Internet.

SSL or Https Which Is More Secure?

  1. Both HTTPS and SSL perform the same thing of making the online transactions and conversations to be more secure and encrypted over the Internet. HTTPS and SSL are similar things but not the same.
  2. HTTPS basically a standard Internet protocol that makes the online data to be encrypted and is a more advanced and secure version of the HTTP protocol.
  3. SSL is a part of the HTTPS protocol that performs the encryption of the data.
  4. HTTPS uses a combination of technologies like HTTP and SLL/TLS together to perform the encryption whereas the SSL protocol is a cryptographic protocol that will encrypt online communication.
  5. HTTPS and SSL are fundamentally and structurally similar things and they perform operations but they are quite different in their approach.
  6. SSL is a secure protocol that provides safer conversations between two or more parties across the internet. It works on top of the HTTP to provide security. In terms of security, SSL is more secure than HTTPS.


SSL and HTTPS are inextricably linked. The communication protocols HTTP and HTTPS are used, and SSL/TLS is used to secure those channels. The majority of users of contemporary SSL certificates will gain from TSL as well, provided that their servers are set up properly to support this new protocol.



It stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.It stands for Secure Sockets Layer.
It is the more secure version of the HTTP protocol and has more encrypted features.It is the only cryptographic protocol.
HTTPS is made when we combine HTTP protocol along with SSL.SSL can also be used alone for encryption.
HTTPS is mainly used in websites for banking credentials and personal accounts login.SSL cannot be used all alone for a particular website. It is combined with HTTP protocol then used for encryption.
HTTPS is more secure and it is the latest version of the HTTP protocol which has been available to date.SSL is discontinued and now TLS (transport layer security) is used in its place.


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SSL vs HTTPS - Which One is More Secure? - GeeksforGeeks (2)

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SSL vs HTTPS - Which One is More Secure? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


SSL vs HTTPS - Which One is More Secure? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

HTTPS basically a standard Internet protocol that makes the online data to be encrypted and is a more advanced and secure version of the HTTP protocol. SSL is a part of the HTTPS protocol that performs the encryption of the data.

Which is more secure, HTTPS or SSL? ›

HTTPS is HTTP with encryption and verification. The only difference between the two protocols is that HTTPS uses TLS (SSL) to encrypt normal HTTP requests and responses, and to digitally sign those requests and responses. As a result, HTTPS is far more secure than HTTP.

Why is HTTPS more safe? ›

With HTTPS, data is encrypted in transit in both directions: going to and coming from the origin server. The protocol keeps communications secure so that malicious parties can't observe what data is being sent. As a result usernames and passwords can't be stolen in transit when users enter them into a form.

Why is knowing the differences between HTTP HTTPS SSL and TLS important? ›

HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP because it uses SSL/TLS as a sublayer. When a website uses HTTPS in its web address, it indicates that any communication taking place between a browser and server is secure. In other words, if your website is using HTTPS, all the information will be encrypted by SSL/TLS certificates.

What is the difference between HTTPS and Shttp? ›

S-HTTP differs from HTTPS as it secures individual messages, while HTTPS creates a secure connection for all transmitted data. Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are both protocols used for secure communication over a computer network.

Is SSL 100% Secure? ›

SSL provides the maximum level of security for users. Organizations such as Google encourage the use of HTTPS protocol to ensure the safety of its users.

Is HTTPS 100% Secure? ›

HTTPS protects data in motion between the browser and a website server. The data communication between the browser and server is encrypted, meaning an outside party can't read your private information. Yet, it doesn't guarantee that your data will be protected once it's transferred to your website server.

What is more secure than HTTPS? ›

SSL is a secure protocol that provides safer conversations between two or more parties across the internet. It works on top of the HTTP to provide security. In terms of security, SSL is more secure than HTTPS.

Is SSL secure enough? ›

An SSL helps encrypt data as it moves between visitors and web servers, but it does not provide comprehensive protection from hackers. So, it is important to know that additional layers of protection are needed.

Can a HTTPS site be hacked? ›

Trust is more than encryption

But while HTTPS does guarantee that your communication is private and encrypted, it doesn't guarantee that the site won't try to scam you.

Why is TLS more secure than SSL? ›

However, SSL is an older technology that contains some security flaws. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the upgraded version of SSL that fixes existing SSL vulnerabilities. TLS authenticates more efficiently and continues to support encrypted communication channels.

Can fake websites use HTTPS? ›

Lots of fake websites use free SSL certificates. Think of it like this: You should only visit sites that use HTTPS. Just because a site has HTTPS, doesn't mean you can automatically trust it.

Why is HTTP not secure? ›

HTTP does not encrypt data during client-to-server communication, which means that any data transmitted over HTTP is sent in plain text without any encryption or security mechanisms. As a result, it can be intercepted and read by anyone with access to the network traffic, including cybercriminals.

What is the difference between HTTPS and SSL? ›

What is the difference between SSL and HTTPS? HTTPS is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with either SSL or TLS. It provides encrypted communications and a secure ID of a web server. SSL is simply a protocol that enables secure communications online.

Why HTTP is preferred over HTTPS? ›

HTTP messages are plaintext, which means unauthorized parties can easily access and read them over the internet. In contrast, HTTPS transmits all data in encrypted form. When users submit sensitive data, they can be confident that no third parties can intercept the data over the network.

Can I have both HTTP and HTTPS? ›

http runs on port 80, and https runs on TCP port 443. They can both be open at the same time, they can even serve different websites.

Is SSL no longer secure? ›

SSL has not been updated since SSL 3.0 in 1996 and is now considered to be deprecated. There are several known vulnerabilities in the SSL protocol, and security experts recommend discontinuing its use. In fact, most modern web browsers no longer support SSL at all.

Is SSL enough for your security? ›

Many site owners believe that an SSL certificate is enough to make a website secure. However, simply having an SSL does not completely cover website security. An SSL helps encrypt data as it moves between visitors and web servers, but it does not provide comprehensive protection from hackers.

Can you always trust HTTPS? ›

That means they can see that you regularly visit, for example, but they won't see that you spend most of your time at But while HTTPS does guarantee that your communication is private and encrypted, it doesn't guarantee that the site won't try to scam you.

Which HTTP method is more secure? ›

Which HTTP methods are safe? Safe HTTP methods facilitate read-only operations, which means they do not create or alter the API's resources. GET is the most commonly used safe method, but the HEAD method—which is used to retrieve only the headers of a resource—is also safe.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.