Revisiting the Micropipetting Techniques in Biomedical Sciences: A Fundamental Prerequisite in Good Laboratory Practice (2024)

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  • Bioinformation
  • v.16(1); 2020
  • PMC6986936

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Revisiting the Micropipetting Techniques in Biomedical Sciences: A Fundamental Prerequisite in Good Laboratory Practice (1)

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Bioinformation. 2020; 16(1): 8–12.

Published online 2020 Jan 1. doi:10.6026/97320630016008

PMCID: PMC6986936

PMID: 32025154

Peter Natesan Pushparaj1,2,*


The underlying technical and operational knowledge of micro-pipetting is essential for scientists, technicians, and students to achieveprecise results from their experiments in Biomedical Sciences and other related disciplines. Since it is one of the crucial prerequisites forGood Laboratory Practices (GLPs), the key fundamentals of the micro-pipetting methods, such as forward and reverse pipetting and theimportance of ergonomics and maintenance etc., are revisited in this Editorial report.


Biomedical researchers strive to achieve optimal and reliable results from experiments either in diagnostics or research and development (R and D) in the laboratories [1,2]. In order to achieve this objective, basic knowledge about the fundamental steps involved in micropipetting techniques is one of the essential prerequisites [3-5]. There are many types of air and positive displacement micropipettes available commercially, such as singlechannel, multi-channel, manual or electronic, etc. with several accessories to perform experiments in Biomedical Sciences and related disciplines [6-8] ( Figure 1).

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Figure 1

Various Pipettes and Related Items: 1) Adjustable pipettes, from left: P-20 toP-200 (20-200 µl), P-2 to P-20 (2-20 µl), P-100 to P-1000 (100-1000 µl); 2) Graded transferpipette and electric pipette filler; 3) 25 mL, 10 mL, 5 mL, and 2 mL transfer pipettes; 4)Disposable tips for adjustable pipettes; 5) 12-channel adjustable pipette for microplates;6) Low-retention 0.5-10 µl adjustable pipette; 7) Squeezable transfer pipettes; 8) Digitaladjustable pipette; 9) Light-guided pipetting system.(Courtesy of Steinsky at EnglishWikipedia ( File:Pipettes.jpg), "Pipettes,"marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons:

Several companies sell manual and electronic micropipettes,automated liquid handling robots (Figure 2), and liquid handling workstations. Therefore, the technical information about each type of micropipette, as well as other accessory systems and its operational protocols, should be thoroughly explored before use in the laboratory [6-8].

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Figure 2

Liquid Handling Robot. (A) Forward and Reverse Pipetting can beperformed using a Liquid Handling Robot capable of using a manual pipette in theBiomedical Laboratories (Courtesy of Pzucchel and shared based on CC BY-SA 3.0license) (B) Robotic Hand in the Liquid Handling System holding a Gilson Pipette(Courtesy of Pocar19 and shared based on CC BY-SA 3.0 license)

Basic micropipetting techniques in Biomedical Sciences:

Basically, the micropipetting techniques are classified into two main types, namely, Forward Pipetting and Reverse Pipetting [6-8].The first step in micropipetting will be to adjust the micrometer in the pipette to set the volume required based on the assay protocol.In the second step, an appropriate disposable tip will be attached by gently pushing the pipette shaft over a tip, and the plunger button will slowly be pressed to the first stop outside of the solution to displace air and avoid blowing bubbles into it.Cautiously the plunger will be drawn up gradually to prevent drawing air into the pipette. Finally, the plunger will be pressed to release the reagent or solution in the destination tube until the second stop to expel full volume from the tip. This micro-pipetting method is called as Forward Pipetting [4-8] (figure 3A).

Conversely, in the reverse pipetting method, after adjusting the micrometer to the desired setting, the plunger button will be depressed slowly to the second stop outside of the solution to displace air and avoid blowing bubbles into it. Cautiously, the plunger will then be drawn up gradually and follow the liquid to prevent drawing air. Finally, the plunger will be depressed in the destination tube until the first stop to expel the sample, and the tip will be discarded with the remaining solution in the appropriate waste container [4-8] (figure 3B).However, there are several key technical and environmental factors that influence the precision and accuracy of both forward and reverse pipetting methods [6-8].

Importance of immersion angle and immersion depth in micropipetting:

To improve the accuracy, immerse the tip into the liquid, just below the meniscus at a vertical angle (∼90 degrees), and avoid aspirating air into the tip. Approaching the liquid between the angles from 45 to 60 degrees will significantly affect the accuracy of the pipetting.Immerse the pipette tip just below the meniscus and avoid immersing the tip either too deep or too shallow. Immersing too deep may increase the aspiration volume, whereas positioning the tip too near to the liquid surface can lead to the aspiration of air into the pipette resulting in inaccurate volume [4-8].

Importance of Pre-rinsing, Speed, and Rhythm, and Dispensing:

Pre-rinsing the pipette tips for few times helps to neutralize capillary effects and balances the air temperature inside the tip with that of the sample. Pre-rinsing dramatically improves the accuracy of pipetting, especially very small micro-volumes. The rhythm and speed of pipetting should be consistent, and it will significantly improve pipetting accuracy. Fast or "erratic" aspiration may lead to aerosols, contamination of the pipette shaft, splashing of liquid, and loss of efficiency and sample volume. During dispensing, you should touch the vessel wall with the tip at an angle of 45 degrees to release the sample, and then slide it up the wall to prevent liquid from clinging to the orifice. However, the aqueous (non-viscous) liquids can also be dispensed either onto the surface or into the liquid [4-8].

Environmental and technical factors influencing the micro pipetting:

The appropriate temperature for micropipetting is 21.5°C (±1°C),and the samples should be at the same temperature as the room in which you're working. To achieve this, you need to keep the samples to equilibrate for 20 minutes. Any significant or sudden temperature changes to the samples or micropipettes might reduce accuracy. Pipetting at a constant temperature improves the accuracy and precision of pipetting. Importantly, the dissipation of heat from the hand during long pipetting sessions may cause the expansion of air inside the pipette and lead to inaccurate results.This can be avoided by keeping the pipette on its stand between pipetting sessions, instead of holding it in your hand. Users should refrain from setting a pipette's micrometer to less than 10% of its maximum volume and change appropriate pipettes to aspirate and dispense lower sample volumes [4-8].

The importance of ergonomics in micropipetting:

Following good ergonomic practices, augments accuracy and performance. Hand and body fatigue may cause errors, especially when dispensing small quantities and large numbers ofsamples.Fatigue and any injury can be avoided by good posture,finger hooks to relax the grip, taking a break for 3 to 5 minutes between long pipetting sessions, adjustable chair or stool to reach the tip boxes, sample tubes, and waste containers effortlessly, and organizing the worktable properly before the pipetting sessions [4-8].

Importance of maintenance and periodic micropipette service:

The regular maintenance of micropipettes is essential to maintain precision and consistency in the results. The pipette is disassembled and cleaned, followed by calibration. The calibration is essential after cleaning the micropipettes. Some chemicals, such as organic solvents, affect certain parts of the pipette. It is essential to check and lubricate the O-rings, piston, and piston springs every week if the micropipette is used for regular pipetting of organic solvents,acids, and alkalis. The filter tips can be used to protect themicropipettes from sample contamination by preventing the entry of aerosols, excess liquids or foreign substances or particles [4-8].

Conclusions and future directions:

The micropipetting skills are essential for achieving precise experimental results in all the areas of Biomedical Sciences.Furthermore, comprehensive knowledge about the micropipettes and its operational procedures is crucial for the users to accomplish optimal laboratory results. Importantly, researchers, technicians, and students should get proper practical training in micropipetting techniques as well as thorough orientation about the operational and technical instructions about the micropipettes available for experiments before embarking their laboratory activities.

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Figure 3

(A) In forward pipetting, press the plunger button slowlyto the first stop outside of the solution to displace air and avoidblowing bubbles into it. Cautiously draw the plunger up graduallyand follow the liquid to prevent drawing air. Press the plunger inthe destination tube until the second stop to expel full volume fromthe tip (Courtesy Biology Open Educational Resources (Bio-OER),Open Lab at City Tech CUNY, USA and shared based on CC BYNC-SA 4.0). (B) In reverse pipetting, depress the plunger buttonslowly to the second stop outside of the solution to displace air andavoid blowing bubbles into it. Cautiously draw the plunger upgradually and follow the liquid to prevent drawing air. Press theplunger in the destination tube until the first stop to expel thesample and discard the tip with the remaining solution in the wastecontainer (Modified based on the source from Biology OpenEducational Resources (Bio-OER), Open Lab at City Tech CUNY,USA and shared alike based on CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


This work was funded by the National Plan for Science, Technology,and Innovation (MAARIFAH)-King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-award number 12-BIO2719-03. The author also acknowledges with thanks the Science and Technology Unit (STU), King Abdulaziz University, for their excellent technical support.

Edited by P Kangueane

Citation: Pushparaj, Bioinformation 16(1):8-12(2020)


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Articles from Bioinformation are provided here courtesy of Biomedical Informatics Publishing Group

Revisiting the Micropipetting Techniques in Biomedical Sciences: A Fundamental Prerequisite in Good Laboratory Practice (2024)


What is the correct technique for micropipetting? ›

To improve the accuracy, immerse the tip into the liquid, just below the meniscus at a vertical angle (∼90 degrees), and avoid aspirating air into the tip. Approaching the liquid between the angles from 45 to 60 degrees will significantly affect the accuracy of the pipetting.

Why is micropipetting important in the laboratory? ›

A micro pipette is a common yet essential laboratory instrument used to accurately and precisely transfer volumes of liquid in the microliter range. Micropipettes are available in single-channel and multi-channel variants.

What is the importance of practicing proper pipetting techniques? ›

The impact of pipetting technique

Good pipetting technique yields accurate and precise liquid transfers with minimum risk of error. Accuracy and precision are vital aspects of pipetting, and they are best preserved by investing in proper pipette technique.

What are 3 things you should never do with a micropipette? ›

The following rules apply to all types of pipettes.
  • Never put a pipette in your mouth.
  • Draw the liquid into the pipette using a rubber bulb or pipette pump.
  • Never withdraw a liquid from a near-empty container. ...
  • Never lay a pipette flat on a table or turn upside down with the bulb or pump attached.

What are the principles of micropipetting? ›

Micropipettes work by air displacement. The operator depresses a plunger that moves an internal piston to one of two different positions. The first stop is used to fill the micropipette tip, and the second stop is used to dispense the contents of the tip.

What are the mistakes in micropipetting? ›

Another common pipetting error is a failure to prewet pipette tips. Prewetting pipette tips allows the air cushion to equilibrate to the liquid volume to be aspirated. To avoid this pipetting error we recommend inserting the tip not too deeply into the liquid and holding it there for ≈3 seconds before aspirating.

What are the advantages of micropipetting? ›

Precision and Accuracy: Adjustable volume micropipettes allow for precise and accurate measurement of liquids. They are designed to deliver exact volumes, typically ranging from microliters to milliliters, ensuring reproducibility and reliability in experimental procedures.

Why is micropipetting important in biotechnology? ›

Molecular biology laboratories utilize micropipetting instruments (micropipettors) as tools to accurately transfer very small volumes (microliters) of liquid from one container to another. Skillful use of a micropipettor is a critical component of molecular biology laboratory procedures.

What is the difference between pipetting and micropipetting? ›

Pipettes and micropipettes are invaluable pieces of laboratory equipment used to draw up, measure, and deliver accurate volumes of liquid. The difference between the two is that micropipettes measure between 1 and 1000µl, while pipettes generally start at 1 milliliter.

What are the two main techniques in pipetting? ›

In terms of efficiency, reverse pipetting is generally more efficient than forward pipetting, especially when transferring large volumes of liquid. This is because the technique allows for the efficient transfer of the liquid, and it is not necessary to refill the pipette multiple times to transfer the desired volume.

How can I get better at pipetting? ›

Optimizing pipetting performance
  1. Pre-wet. After loading tips onto your pipette, aspirate and dispense the nominal volume 3 times. ...
  2. Optimize the volume range. ...
  3. Discard first and last dispense. ...
  4. Viscous liquids. ...
  5. Volatile liquids. ...
  6. Calibrate based on liquid density.

What is the largest source of pipetting problems? ›

The most common pipetting errors
  • Uneven pressure on the pipette button (piston movement), which causes the captured volume to be greater than the set volume.
  • Uneven rhythm and pipetting time interval.

What do all micropipettes have in common? ›

Micropipettes have a plunger that is depressed using the thumb and as the plunger is released, liquid is drawn into a disposable plastic tip. When the plunger is pressed again, the liquid is expelled. The disposable tips allow the micropipette to be used for different samples (the tip must be changed between samples).

Why are micropipettes essential to a microbiologist? ›

A pipette is an essential tool in a microbiology lab because it enables researchers to accurately measure and transfer small volumes of liquids, which is often critical in various microbiological procedures and experiments.

What are the 4 ways by which a micropipette can get damaged? ›

Silent mechanical failures can take many forms, from improper lubrication, to seal or o-ring leakage, damage to the shaft where it seals with the tip, corrosion of the piston and contamination by the materials being pipetted.

What are the dangers of pipette? ›

Pipette Injuries and Common Causes
Possible CauseSymptoms
Awkward Wrist Posture While Using the PipetteWeakness in the hand; numbness, discomfort or tingling in the fingers or wrist
Tip Insertion and Ejection Away From the BodyIncreasing elbow discomfort; discomfort from the forearm and contact pain on the elbows
3 more rows

What are some likely mistakes and bad practices that can be observed while using a micropipette? ›

Common mistakes when pipetting and how to avoid them
  • Mistake #1: not assessing the viscosity of the sample. ...
  • MISTAKE #4: failing to perform proper pipette maintenance.
Feb 1, 2023

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