Represented | People & Culture (2024)

Currently, two different salary structures for staff positions exist in the campus system: positions with steps (step-based) and graded positions with open ranges. All represented positions are on steps which may range from 1 to 25 (or more) steps of pay, and may or may not include half-steps, with the exception of Student Health Physicians (title codes 6000, 6001, 6002) who are on ranges.

To find specific job titles step rates please visitJob Code Lookup (JCL)

See the bargaining union contract for;

  1. establishing a starting step for a new employee being hired into a represented position

  2. granting promotional increases for existing represented employees

  3. Auxiliary Pay (Shift Differentials, On-Call, Call-Back, Over-Time)

  4. Reclassification and possible out-of-classification work

Step rates involve a number of factors: local, state, or national prevailing salary rates, internal relationships to other related classifications, andnegotiated bargaining agreements.

Represented Rates Post-UCPath

Historical Represented Rates Pre-UCPath

Current Represented Rates

There are currently 16 different collective bargaining groups representing our non-academic staff employees at UCB. The following drop downs summarize the wage increase details contained in the applicable collective bargaining unit contracts. This information is not intended to replace or be relied upon in lieu of the applicablebargaining unit contract. Please refer to the contract for specific eligibility guidelines per scheduled increase.

collapse all expand all

Step Structure Translation in UCPath

UCPath contains two step fields: "Step" and "UC Step." The "Step" field is configured as a whole number and doesn't accept decimals (i.e. half steps). Some titles have both whole and half steps which require the use of numbers with a decimal. Therefore the "UC Step" field was added to reflect the correct whole or half step. The"UC Step"field is automatically derived from the "Title Code" and "Step" fields and isnot editable by the user.To ensure employees are paid correctly, the chart below should be referenced to determine the correct whole number to be entered into the "Step" field in order to derive the correct "UC Step" and corresponding hourly amount.

UCPath Step Translation Chart

Equity Increases

Labor Relations should be contacted for all requests concerning equity-based or other off-cycle pay adjustments for represented employees. Off-cycle pay adjustments must conform to the terms in the applicable bargaining contract.

An equity increase is typically based on a salary inequity that cannot be corrected through the wage increase review cycle.

A salary inequity exists when an employee's salary is significantly below that of others in the same title code with similar performance, experience, skills, knowledge, and assignments. Examples of situations that may indicate a salary inequity include:

  • The salary of a long term-employee is low relative to a new hire whose salary is market-driven.

  • Significant salary compression exists between a supervisor and their employees.

  • An employee changes from a casual to a career position in the same class.

Please refer to the bargaining unit contract for specific eligibility guidelines. Questions? Contact Labor Relations.Union concurrence is required prior to processing.

Temporary Reclassifications

If a union-represented employee is performing out-of-unit work, then consult the appropriate union contract for temporary reclassification guidance (requires advanced approval by the Compensation Unit). Questions? Contact Labor Relations

Represented EmployeesTemporary Pay (Out of Classification)

An employee in a bargaining unit may be eligible to receive temporary pay when they are temporarily assignedsubstantially all of the duties of a higher classificationfor a portion of their time, commonly referred to as an "out-of-classification assignment". Temporary pay is typically effective the date an employee begins performing the higher level duties at a significant portion of time and they typically end when the higher level duties are no longer assigned by management.

TheLBO (Out of Class Assignment - Hrly)Earn Code should be used for all approved out-of-classification assignment situations.

UCPathEarn Codes Listand details.

Please refer to the appropriatecollective bargaining unit agreementfor the policy on temporary out-of-classification assignments.

Updated July 2024

Auxiliary Pay

Shift Differentials
Shift differential refers to extra pay received by employees for working either evening shift (generally after 5 p.m.) or night shift (generally after midnight). Rates may be either additional hourly pay added to the regular pay rate, or a percentage increase. Not all employees are eligible for shift differential pay. Shift rate eligibility is determined by bargaining agreements. Actual rates are indicated in the TCS Web Inquiry Tool. Specific hours that define Evening Shift and Night Shift may be found in bargaining unit contracts. The shift differential pay is added to the base hourly rate before the calculation of an overtime rate.

On-Call/Call Back Pay
When employees are on On-Call status and as a result, their personal activities are severely limited, time spent on-call may be considered regular hours of work. Check with your department HR Business Partner to determine whether the On-Call requirements should be considered hours of work.
When an employee not on their regular shift is called back to report to work, the time back at work will be paid at the regular rate. Some bargaining agreements require a minimum number of hours paid when called back to work, regardless of the actual number of hours worked during a Call Back situation. For example, when called back an employee only worked 2 hours, but since the bargaining agreement required a minimum of 4 hours, the employee would receive 4 hours call back pay. See specific bargaining unit contract for details.


Employees who are Non-Exempt by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are entitled to overtime pay whenever they work more than 40 hours in a work week. Paid time off, such as paid sick time, vacation time, or holiday time is not considered “work time” for purposes of determining overtime eligibility. If offered by your department the employee may select comp time in lieu of overtime pay. SeeLabor Relations for more information.

Counter Offers

Managers may make a counteroffer when an employee is offered a lateral transfer. To avoid bidding wars, the manager offering the position is limited to one salary offer, to which the employee's current manager may make one counteroffer. The employee then decides which offer to accept. The same criteria will be used for setting salaries in reclassifications and promotions.

Please refer to thebargaining unit contractfor specific guidelines. Questions? ContactLabor Relations

For information regarding pay schedules and pay dates, please visit the Central Payroll website.

Represented | People & Culture (2024)
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