Employee Paychecks - RPM - Berkeley Lab Commons (2024)


    Employee Paychecks

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    Policy Summary

    This policy describes when UCPath Center issues paychecks on behalf of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the methods by which they may be distributed. It also provides guidance on the requirements and calculations for pay periods and payroll deductions at Berkeley Lab. Exempt and nonexempt employees are paid according to required calculations and deduction amounts. Deductions include income tax withholding, retirement plans, health insurance plans, and other types of insurance plans. Other deductions, such as dues or payments to approved employee organizations, payments to additional retirement programs, certain charitable contributions, and salary attachments, may also be included.

    Who Should Read This Policy

    All Berkeley Lab employees

    To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

    The POLICY tab on this wiki page

    Contact Information

    Disbursem*nt Services Manager, OCFO


    Employee Paychecks

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    A. Purpose

    This policy describes when UCPath Center issues paychecks on behalf of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the methods by which they may be distributed. It also provides guidance on the requirements and calculations for pay periods and payroll deductions.

    B. Persons Affected

    All Berkeley Lab employees

    C. Exceptions


    D. Policy Statement

    Payroll for Berkeley Lab staff is processed by the UCPath Center, including issuance of paychecks. Employee paychecks will reflect the employees gross pay less required deductions (taxes, pension contributions, garnishments, etc.) and employee-elected contributions (health benefits, 403(b) contributions, general deductions, etc.).

    1. Paydays
      1. Exempt Employees are normally paid their regular salary on the first workday of the month following the month worked. When the normal payday falls on a weekend or holiday, the payday will be advanced to the last working day before the weekend or holiday in all months except December, when earnings are paid on the first working day after January 1st.
      2. Nonexempt Employees are paid every two weeks, normally on the second Wednesday following the end of the biweekly pay period. If this day is a holiday, payday will be moved to the last regular workday before the holiday.
    2. Paycheck Distribution. Employees may have their paychecks distributed by electronic banking (i.e., direct deposit of funds) or mailed to their home address. The choice could be made at the time of employment and may be changed at any time using UCPath Employee Self-Service. Note that paychecks will not be available for pick up on-site.
      1. Electronic Banking (Direct Deposit)
        1. Employees may request the electronic deposit of their net earnings into a maximum of three banking accounts. These banking accounts must be with a United States financial institution that participates in the Automatic Clearing House (ACH) interbank network.
        2. A deposit advice slip will be made available electronically via UCPath Employee Self-Service.
      2. Paper Paycheck. Regular payroll checks for employees will be mailed by the UCPath Center to the employee's home address on record.
    3. Special Paychecks. Under extreme hardship circ*mstances, an employee may obtain his or her check before the normal payday. Requests should be made by the employee's supervisor to Payroll for review and approval by the Controller or designee. Distribution of pay will be made by UCPath in accordance with the method of distribution for normal paychecks. In addition to the hardship criteria, the following limitations apply:
      1. Advance payment can only be made for pay already earned during the pay period. This advance will be deducted from the employee's next available paycheck.
      2. Only one hardship special paycheck will be allowed per employee, per calendar year.
    4. Final Paychecks
      1. Final paychecks for voluntarily terminating employees will be paid on the next regular payday unless specified otherwise under a bargaining agreement and will be mailed to the employee's home address.
      2. Final paychecks for involuntarily terminating employees will be distributed based on instructions from HR Employee and Labor Relations and/or the HR Division Partner.
      3. Final paychecks for deceased employees are made payable to the employee's designated beneficiary or estate, as required by state law.
    5. Monthly Pay Periods
      1. Exempt Employees
        1. Exempt employees are paid at a fixed monthly rate. The salary for exempt employees working a part time schedule or working only a portion of the month (i.e., new hires, terminating employees, or employees taking leave without pay for a portion of the month) is based on the following formula:
          1. Number of days worked in the month x Total number of workdays for the month = % of time worked.
          2. % of time worked x Monthly salary = Applicable gross pay for the month.
    6. Biweekly Pay Periods
      1. Nonexempt Job Classifications: Employees assigned to nonexempt job classifications are paid biweekly. Their gross pay is calculated using the following basic formula: (Compensable regular hours in biweekly period x Applicable regular hourly rate) + (Compensable overtime hours in biweekly period x Applicable overtime hourly rate).
      2. Variable Schedule Exempt Job Classifications: Employees on variable schedules have no fixed percentage of time or schedule. Their hours worked will vary depending on operational needs (e.g., rehired retires, students, and administrators). Employees assigned to exempt job classifications who work variable schedules are paid by the hour on a biweekly basis.
      3. Due to hourly pay practices, employees in either of the above situations will be treated as nonexempt employees subject to Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) minimum wage and overtime provisions.
        1. Pay is computed using the following basic formula: (Monthly salary x 12 months) / 2,080 annual hours = Hourly rate.
        2. Gross pay is calculated using the following basic formula: (Compensable regular hours in biweekly period x Applicable regular hourly rate) + (Compensable overtime hours in biweekly period x Applicable overtime hourly rate).
    7. Reporting of Overtime
      1. Nonexempt Employees: Nonexempt employees are paid at the regular overtime rate of 1½ times the regular rate for hours worked in excess of 8 hours per day or in excess of 40 hours per week.
      2. Extended Workweek: An extended workweek is a planned schedule exceeding the normal 40-hour workweek for more than four consecutive weeks at a regular Berkeley Lab site or temporary assignment at locations away from a regular Berkeley Lab site. Exempt or nonexempt employees may qualify (see ).
      3. Payroll Deductions
        1. After gross pay has been calculated, deductions are made for required federal and state taxes, retirement plans, health insurance plans, and other types of insurance plans. Other deductions, such as dues or payments to approved employee organizations, payments to additional retirement programs, certain charitable contributions, and salary attachments, may be allowed or required. Court-ordered garnishments will also be deducted from gross pay.
        2. Taxes are withheld based on the employee's exemption certificate (IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate), which can be accessed via UCPath Employee Self-Service.

    E. Roles and Responsibilities

    Managers, supervisors, and employees have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy.




    • Ensures all personal information, including home address and banking information, is up to date in UCPath.
    • Ensures that all required tax withholding information is current in UCPath.
    • Elects whether to receive paychecks through electronic disbursem*nt or mail.


    • Determines timing and appropriate methodology for distribution of final paychecks for involuntary terminations.
    • Determines assignment to appropriate job classification in accordance with FLSA rules.


    • Provides final approval for issuance of hardship advances.

    LBNL Payroll Office

    • Reviews final pay requests to UCPath.
    • Processes off-cycle pay request for salary advances.

    UCPath Center

    • Manages core payroll service for LBNL.
    • Issues employee paychecks in accordance with the method selected by the employee and ensures that appropriated deductions are taken from paychecks.
    • Provides support for paycheck-related questions (UCPath Center).

    F. Definitions/Acronyms


    G. Recordkeeping Requirements


    H. Implementing Documents

    Document Number




    IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate


    UCPath Center


    I. Contact Information

    Disbursem*nt Services Manager OCFO

    J. Revision History



    By Whom

    Revision Description

    Section(s) Affected

    Change Type

    4/20/2023 2.1 M. Hutchins Periodic review: minor clarification D.4.c Minor



    M. Hutchins

    UCPath Updates and consolidation of policy with Paydays and Paycheck Distribution Policy






    Review completed 3/20/2013, no changes

    Pub & NRD





    Reformat for wiki





    Employee Paychecks

    Document number

    Revision number


    Publication date:


    Effective date:


    Next review date:


    Policy Area:


    RPM Section (home)

    Financial Management

    RPM Section (cross-reference)

    Section 11.06

    Functional Division


    Prior reference information (optional)

    RPM, Chapter 11, Section 11.06

    Source Requirements Documents

    Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

    Implementing Documents

    Document Number




    IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate


    Employee Paychecks - RPM - Berkeley Lab Commons (2024)
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