Remove KMS Host (2024)

  • Question

  • I recently bought the Office 2010 Vol. Lisc. and saw the option for the KMS host. I downloaded it and put it on my one 2008 server I have (rest are 2003). It shows the partial key in there but now I would like to remove it. I only have 2 copies and will only be slowing incrementally getting 2010 onto our machines, so MAK seems a better solution, I won't have the 25 minimum machines for a long time.

    I used the /upk and all that did was remove the actual lisc. the server was using, not the Office lisc. I want to make sure that KMS is gone, how can I remove it so it doesn't mess wiht future installs, I now wish I had not even experimented with it! I cannot find anything on how to remove it.

    • Moved by Karen Ji Wednesday, June 30, 2010 9:52 AM (From:Windows Server 2008 R2 General)

    Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:08 PM


  • Step by Step Guide:

    1. Uninstall the KMS host key first byrunning the following command:

    slmgr -upk

    2.Then, install thedefault kms key by running the following command:

    slmgr /ipk [KMS Client Setup Key]

    The default KMS client setup keys can be found here:

    3. Delete the record from the DNS:

    Open DNS console:

    Expand_tcpnode under be a record_VLMCS.Delete this record.

    4. The KMS server is uninstalled.


    • Marked as answer by jzenno Wednesday, June 30, 2010 3:58 PM

    Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:09 AM

  • Hi Jzenno,

    You can useslmgr.vbs /upk <Activation ID> to remove the KMS host key for Office 2010.

    The Office 2010 activation ID isbfe7a195-4f8f-4f0b-a622-cf13c7d16864.

    For more information on how to deploy volume activation of Office 2010, please refer to the link below.

    In the future, for Office related issues, I suggest posting in the forum below.

    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other customers who access the forum regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.


    Karen Ji

    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ” This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    On July 1st we will be making this forum read only. After receiving a lot of feedback from the community, it was decided that this forum is a duplication and therefore redundant of the General Forum. So, until July 1st, we will start asking customers to redirect their questions to theGeneral Forum. On June 11th, CSS engineers will move any new threads to theGeneral Forum.

    Please post a reply tothe announcement thread if you have any feedback on this decision or the process. You can also email [email protected].

    • Marked as answer by jzenno Wednesday, June 30, 2010 3:55 PM

    Wednesday, June 30, 2010 9:51 AM

All replies

  • Hello,

    the Office 2010 KMS host must run on Windows server 2008 R2 or Windows 7. So make sure this is correct before removing an older KMS host.

    Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Step by Step Guide:

    1. Uninstall the KMS host key first byrunning the following command:

    slmgr -upk

    2.Then, install thedefault kms key by running the following command:

    slmgr /ipk [KMS Client Setup Key]

    The default KMS client setup keys can be found here:

    3. Delete the record from the DNS:

    Open DNS console:

    Expand_tcpnode under be a record_VLMCS.Delete this record.

    4. The KMS server is uninstalled.


    • Marked as answer by jzenno Wednesday, June 30, 2010 3:58 PM

    Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:09 AM

  • Hi Jzenno,

    You can useslmgr.vbs /upk <Activation ID> to remove the KMS host key for Office 2010.

    The Office 2010 activation ID isbfe7a195-4f8f-4f0b-a622-cf13c7d16864.

    For more information on how to deploy volume activation of Office 2010, please refer to the link below.

    In the future, for Office related issues, I suggest posting in the forum below.

    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other customers who access the forum regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.


    Karen Ji

    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ” This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    On July 1st we will be making this forum read only. After receiving a lot of feedback from the community, it was decided that this forum is a duplication and therefore redundant of the General Forum. So, until July 1st, we will start asking customers to redirect their questions to theGeneral Forum. On June 11th, CSS engineers will move any new threads to theGeneral Forum.

    Please post a reply tothe announcement thread if you have any feedback on this decision or the process. You can also email [email protected].

    • Marked as answer by jzenno Wednesday, June 30, 2010 3:55 PM

    Wednesday, June 30, 2010 9:51 AM

  • Thanks Karen &Senne.I used those instructions and it worked this time. I guess I was having trouble finding the 2010 activation key. Sorry about the wrong area, I guess I assumed it would be server related, who isn't runningservers that has enough lisc to deploy via KMS? Anyway I appreciate the info. It is a 2008 R2 machine sorry i dind't specify that orginally but all is well. Guess we just are not rolling into the new stuff quick enough to use KMS oh well.

    One more thing though, when i use slmgr.vbs it opens a windows script host window, when i say /dlv all it is so large it gets cut off at the bottom and has no way to scroll? Is this normal? I got around it by running it as cscript to out put in cmd window but figured I would ask.

    Thanks again.


    Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4:02 PM

  • Hi Jeff,

    Glad that your problem got solved.

    If you use "slmgr.vbs: directly, a window will prompt to show the result of the cmd you run. If the window cannot show all the information, it might because of the screen resolution.

    Anyway, of course you can use "cscript slmgr.vbs" command, then the result will be displayed in the command window.


    Karen Ji

    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ” This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    Thursday, July 1, 2010 1:27 AM

  • Can anyone point me to the documentation or help files that document the KMS hostuninstall procedure (removing a KMS host) for Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2? (The link above,, refers to Vista and 2008).I have searched on Technet and find volume activation information for Windows 7 and Win2k8r2 (Here: but can't seem to find the relevent uninstallinformation.

    In my particular situation, a different sysadmin created a VM for me and apparently used the KMS product key when installing Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition. The resulting host thinks it is a KMS server (but we already have one of those, thank you very much). So obviously I don't want to remove the valid _vlmcs SRV record in the DNS _tcp node (your step 3)!

    So after I uninstall the KMS host, do I need to activate my copy of Win2k8r2 EE (re-activate, actually)? Would I just use the GVLK from for Win2k8r2 EE)?

    The advance help output from "slmgr.exe -?" indicates that the -upk option also requires an [Activation ID] as a parameter. Where do I find the [Application ID] for my KMS host?

    Also there is something called mKMSact.exe I have seen in various (non-Microsoft) forums, but that doesn't seem to be a part of this discussion, yet there are plenty of hits (some of which are malware removal hits) that indicate to remove the KMS host service from a Windows machine you need to use something called "mKMSact.exe".

    Thanks in advance.

    Monday, August 29, 2011 6:09 PM

  • Also, I neglected to include the error message from the new accidental KMS host server:

    Log Name: Application
    Source: Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
    Date: 8/29/2011 2:43:21 PM
    Event ID: 12293
    Task Category: None
    Level: Error
    Keywords: Classic
    User: N/A
    Description: Publishing the Key Management Service (KMS) to DNS in the '' domain failed.
    Info: 0x80072338

    Tuesday, August 30, 2011 1:41 PM

  • Hi George, use the command:
    cscript slmgr.vbs /upk

    this will "Uninstall Product Key" (upk) of the Windows product on the machine.
    this leaves the machine in an unlicensed state, so you then use /ipk
    (Install Product Key) to apply the relevant kms-client key, which will then activate to your "proper" kms-host.

    entering the Activation ID is optional, if not specified, the affected Activation ID (product key) will be the primary/own key for that machine. in your case, that's exactly the key you wish to change.

    you can do this via the GUI if you prefer (change product key)

    you can ignore the steps to remove the dns srv record for the incorrect kms-host, if there is no _vlmcs record there for it then there is nothing to remove.

    the TN library links you have quoted are the ones you need.


    Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:28 AM

  • I know you are trying to make this as simple as possible to understand, but it is still about as clear as mud.

    You say I can use the GUI if I prefer (change product key). I assume you mean Control Panel > System and Security > System Properties > Windows Activation > Change Product Key. ("Computer Properties") But my copy of Windows Server 2008 R2 already indicates Activation was successful. Why would I want to change the product key?

    If I can usea GUI tochange the product key(seems nice)can I also find a GUI touninstall the accidental KMS host I got stuck with? It isn't in the "Programs and Features > Uninstall or change a program". It isn't listed in"Roles" in Server Manager. It isn't listed in "Features" in Server Manager.

    Don't I have to uninstall a KMS host service? How can it only be the matter of replacing a license key? Isn't that just a text file somewhereso replacing a text key doesn't uninstall the accidental implementation of a KMS infrastructure on my server?

    What is the "mKMSact.exe" tool I find when I search for this subject on the Internet?

    Thanks Don, or whoever else feels qualified to step in and clearup the mud for me.

    Rant: Microsoft has really done themselves a disservice in how this was implemented. Licensing should bea one-time administrative task, set-it and forget-it. Only a non-technical administrative contract/licensing specialist should even have to deal with any of this nonsense.

    Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:01 PM

  • George, it's both simpler and more complicated than it appears ;)

    Vista + Win7 + SRV2008 + SRV2008R2 all have KMShost(for activating Windows)capability built-in. Office2010 KMShost is an addon.

    a KMShost is created on Vista + Win7 + SRV2008 + SRV2008R2, simply by "installing" a special product key.
    this triggers the box to reconfigure itself as a "customer hosted activation service".

    Yes, you can use GUI via the steps you mention.

    your VM was incorrectly installed *AND* activated using a KMShost product key. to un-do that, you need to change the current product key, and that will de-activate the KMShost functions. (note that this isn't really necessary if no activation requests ever get directed to your VM, you could just leave it as-is).

    if you de-activate as KMShost, then you need to re-activate as KMSclient. (or MAK if you prefer)

    the references to mKMSact.exe are unknown to me.I suspect they may be part of the piracy approach by the people who do that sort of thing. Irecommend youstay well clear of such things.

    if this is all too much, leave your VM as-is. no licensing agreements are being broken by running an extra KMShost, and, KMShost is a very lightweight service that runs as a listener, it doesn't phone-home or poll clients or do discoveries etc.

    I personally find the KMS/VA solution quite easy to deal with (once I got my head around it and got familiar).
    Admittedly, I have the luxury of a broad team to permit me to spend time on such things.
    (although little choice, as we have many isolated/firewalled networks, ~7000 servers, and ~55000 desktops)
    (I expect to be building quite a few more KMShosts :)


    • Proposed as answer by George Perkins Thursday, September 1, 2011 2:03 PM

    Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:30 PM

  • Thanks Don for the clarification. It would be nice if the Microsoft documentationjust saidthis plainly.

    For the record, here are the commands (in bold) I ran and they did the trick.

    C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs /dlv

    Software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514
    Name: Windows Server(R), ServerEnterprise edition
    Description: Windows Operating System - Windows Server(R), VOLUME_KMS_R2_B channel
    Activation ID: c9xxxx1f-c4ea-4e63-bec3-5exxxxxxxx57
    Application ID: 55xxxx34-d682-4d71-983e-d6xxxxxxxx9f
    Extended PID: xxxxx-00168-313-104753-03-1033-7601.0000-21xxxxx
    Installation ID: 00xxxxxxxxxx670411087761660282413841821481xxxxxxxxxx35
    Processor Certificate URL:
    Machine Certificate URL:
    Use License URL:
    Product Key Certificate URL:
    Partial Product Key: YxxxM
    License Status: Licensed
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 3
    Trusted time: 8/31/2011 10:23:23 AM
    Key Management Service is enabled on this machine
    Current count: 0
    Listening on Port: 1688
    DNS publishing enabled
    KMS priority: Normal
    Key Management Service cumulative requests received from clients
    Total requests received: 0
    Failed requests received: 0
    Requests with License Status Unlicensed: 0
    Requests with License Status Licensed: 0
    Requests with License Status Initial grace period: 0
    Requests with License Status License expired or Hardware out of tolerance: 0
    Requests with License Status Non-genuine grace period: 0
    Requests with License Status Notification: 0

    C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs /upk
    Uninstalled product key successfully.

    C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs /ipk 489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3Y
    Installed product key 489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3Y successfully.

    C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs /ato
    Activating Windows Server(R), ServerEnterprise edition (62xxxx3d-09e7-42fd-802a-17xxxxxxxx7a) ...
    Product activated successfully.

    C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs /dlv
    Software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514
    Name: Windows Server(R), ServerEnterprise edition
    Description: Windows Operating System - Windows Server(R), VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel
    Activation ID: 62xxxx3d-09e7-42fd-802a-17xxxxxxxx7a
    Application ID: 55xxxx34-d682-4d71-983e-d6xxxxxxxx9f
    Extended PID: xxxxx-00168-001-000107-03-1033-7601.0000-2432011
    Installation ID: 01xxxxxxxxxx7347734295547191215001445625xxxxxxxxxxxx24
    Partial Product Key: CPX3Y
    License Status: Licensed
    Volume activation expiration: 259200 minute(s) (180 day(s))
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 1
    Trusted time: 8/31/2011 10:26:22 AM
    Key Management Service client information
    Client Machine ID (CMID): fcxxxxfb-fba9-4153-b342-b0xxxxxxxxc2
    KMS machine name from DNS:
    KMS machine extended PID: xxxxx-00168-313-104753-03-1033-7600.0000-xxxxxx
    Activation interval: 120 minutes
    Renewal interval: 10080 minutes
    KMS host caching is enabled

    Thursday, September 1, 2011 2:29 PM

  • Great news George!
    thanks for sharing your outcome in such detail, it will help many others !


    Thursday, September 1, 2011 9:46 PM

  • I need to take KMS off 2003 server. What would the default KMS key be for Windows server 2003? I am referring to step 2.

    Then, install thedefault kms key by running the following command:

    slmgr /ipk [KMS Client Setup Key]

    Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:30 PM

  • I need to take KMS off 2003 server. What would the default KMS key be for Windows server 2003? I am referring to step 2.

    Then, install thedefault kms key by running the following command:

    slmgr /ipk [KMS Client Setup Key]

    WS2003 does not itself use KMS nor does it have a need for a default KMSclient nor MAK key.
    Later/newer OS does have a requirement for a key at all times, but WS2003 doesn't use VolumeActivation 2.0.

    So, to decommission your WS2003 KMShost, all you need to do is to uninstall the OfficeKMShostpack and KMShostpack. You should also check for any DNS records that refer to this host for KMS purposes (_VLMCS._TCP) and remove them.

    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

    Tuesday, January 28, 2014 8:09 PM

  • Great!
    Helped so much!

    I'm posting here the keys for new products:


    Marcelo Lucas Guimarães
    Twitter: @mlucasg7

    Thursday, June 27, 2019 5:57 PM

Remove KMS Host (2024)


Remove KMS Host? ›

Uninstall the KMS host key first by running CMD: Slmgr/upk < activation ID> Then, install the default kms key by running the following command: slmgr /ipk <KMS Client Setup Key> Delete the record from the DNS: The KMS server is uninstalled.

Can you get rid of KMS? ›

Once you delete a KMS key, the KMS key cannot be recovered. Only delete a KMS key when you are sure that you don't need to use it anymore.

How do I remove KMS key from Windows 10? ›

Remove unauthorized Windows KMS hosts
  1. Open an elevated command prompt.
  2. Run cscript slmgr. ...
  3. To prevent instability in the license service, restart the system or the Software Protection Service. ...
  4. Run the following command to display the license information for the installed and active Windows edition:
Mar 16, 2023

How do I disable KMS host caching? ›

  1. You are able to disable the caching with the following command: slmgr /ckhc (or cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ckhc)
  2. To enable caching again use the command: slmgr /skhc (or cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /skhc)
  3. You can verify if caching is active with the command:
Aug 19, 2020

How do I turn off KMS host auto publishing? ›

To disable auto-publishing, use the Slmgr. vbs script with the /cdns command-line option. See the “Configuring KMS” section for more information about the Slmgr. vbs script.

Is KMS activation legal? ›

Activation servers (KMS) through an organization or educational institution is legal, and should be used for those intents and purposes.

Is KMSPico a malware? ›

The KMSPico virus can generate entries in the Windows Registry, making uninstallation more difficult. If it changes current settings, it may cause major performance problems. This operation frequently results in data loss and mistakes.

What is KMS host key? ›

KMS uses a client-server model to active Windows clients and is used for volume activation on your local network. KMS clients connect to a KMS server, called the KMS host, for activation. The KMS clients that a KMS host can activate are dependent on the host key used to activate the KMS host.

Is KMS key a secret? ›

The data key is encrypted under a KMS key and stored in the metadata of the secret. To decrypt the secret, Secrets Manager first decrypts the encrypted data key using the KMS key in AWS KMS.

How do I change my KMS host key? ›

To upgrade your KMS host, complete the following steps:
  1. Download and install the correct update for your current KMS host operating system. ...
  2. Request a new KMS host key from the Volume Licensing Service Center.
  3. Install the new KMS host key on your KMS host.
  4. Activate the new KMS host key by running the slmgr.

How do I remove server caching? ›

Using the command prompt to clear the cache is straightforward:
  1. Click on the Start button and type cmd.
  2. Open the command prompt.
  3. Enter the following command in the prompt: ipconfig/flushdns.
May 15, 2020

How do I find my KMS host key? ›

To get the KMS key, sign in to the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) and download the KMS key for each product and version of Office that you want KMS to activate.

How do I know what KMS server is being used? ›

On the client machine, from an elevated command prompt, type SLMGR. vbs /dlv. This will give you verbose output of the Software Licensing service. Refer to the "KMS machine name from DNS:" field for the FQDN of the KMS host.

Can I delete KMS auto? ›

Get rid of AutoKMS by using dedicated malware tools

The best way to remove Autokms malware along with all other malware from your computer is to use an antivirus or antimalware dedicated tool.

Is KMS activation permanent? ›

Systems will automatically renew the lease every 7 days by contacting the KMS. Systems without a valid lease will contact the KMS more frequently (every 2 hours). Systems can remain activated for up to 180 days without needing to re-contact the KMS.

How long does KMS activation last? ›

According to the Microsoft article: Understanding KMS, in the KMS Activation Renewal section, it states that "KMS activations are valid for 180 days—the activation validity interval. To remain activated, KMS client computers must renew their activation by connecting to the KMS host at least once every 180 days.".

What happens if you activate Windows with KMS? ›

Key Management Service in Windows 10

Installing a KMS host key on a computer running Windows 10 allows you to activate other computers running Windows 10 against this KMS host and earlier versions of the client operating system, such as Windows 8.1 or Windows 7.

What are the dangers of KMSPico? ›

Why we don't recommend it. Hack tools can be qualified as riskware, a category of software that may be risky to install on your computer or device. This is because a legitimate copy of the software may be bundled with adware, or it's actually malware named after popular software. Such is the case for KMSPico.

What is the vulnerability of KMS activator? ›

If you are using KMSPico Activator for activating your Windows or MS Office, then you could be risking yourself to a ransomware infection. Quick Heal Threat Research Labs has recently observed a new variant of ransomware called Domino that is using this activator as a carrier.

Is using KMS piracy? ›

“KMSPico and other non-official KMS activators circumvent Microsoft licenses and are a form of pirated software, posing a non-trivial risk to organizations. Legitimate activation on Windows is the only method supported by Microsoft,” it adds.

How many times can a KMS key be used? ›

A KMS Key is used to activate the KMS host computer with a Microsoft activation server and can activate up to six KMS hosts with 10 activations per host.

What does KMS decrypt do? ›

The Decrypt operation also decrypts ciphertext that was encrypted outside of AWS KMS by the public key in an AWS KMS asymmetric KMS key. However, it cannot decrypt symmetric ciphertext produced by other libraries, such as the AWS Encryption SDK or Amazon S3 client-side encryption.

Is it safe to use KMS key? ›

AWS KMS is a safe and resilient service that uses hardware security protocols that are tested or are in the process of being tested to protect our keys.

Where is KMS key used? ›

AWS KMS keys (KMS keys) are the primary resource in AWS KMS. You can use a KMS key to encrypt, decrypt, and re-encrypt data. It can also generate data keys that you can use outside of AWS KMS.

Is Master key a private key? ›

Master Key Pair. The master key pair consists of a private key and a public key.

Why do we use KMS? ›

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) gives you centralized control over the cryptographic keys used to protect your data. The service is integrated with other AWS services making it easier to encrypt data you store in these services and control access to the keys that decrypt it.

Why is private key kept secret? ›

They must be kept secret to be secure. They restrict access to data (private keys) or resources (passwords). Their strength depends on their length and randomness.

How to clear cache using cmd? ›

To Flush DNS for Apple, Linux, Mac and Windows
  1. Open a command prompt in administrator mode (Start button > type cmd > right click "Command Prompt" and select Run As Administrator)
  2. Type in "ipconfig /flushdns" (without quotes) and press <Enter>

Where is KMS server in DNS? ›

To check your DNS for KMS servers: Open DNS console and expand _tcp node under the Verify that there a record _VLMCS.

How do I find my KMS server IP? ›

Look for the KeyManagementServiceName data and this should return your KMS server. Do a ping of this and it should then return you the IP address of the KMS server. Run "slmgr /dlv" and you will get the KMS host name.

Can I have multiple KMS servers? ›

We recommend only having a single KMS host for both Windows and Office. Having more than one KMS host on a network is not necessary and it adds more administration work to implement. The additional work involves preparing DNS to let multiple computers manage _VLMCS records.

How do I know if a role has access to KMS key? ›

To determine the full extent of who or what currently has access to an AWS KMS key, you must examine the key policy of the KMS key, all grants that apply to the KMS key, and potentially all AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.

Can I delete KMS after activation? ›

Key in Win+R, then type in 'taskschd. msc' and press Enter to open Windows Task Scheduler. Delete any tasks that you think are related to KMSPico (or the names listed in 2 above) and disable all of them. Clear your Windows registry from KMSPico components adware.

How do I delete key management? ›

Click the Key management servers tile. The Key management servers page appears. In the Actions column for the key management server, click the action button, and then click Delete.

What happens when KMS expires? ›

You may set an expiration period for an imported key. AWS KMS will automatically delete the key material after the expiration period.

Is KMS permanent? ›

KMS activations are valid for 180 days (the activation validity interval). To remain activated, KMS client computers must renew their activation by connecting to the KMS host at least once every 180 days.

Is activating with KMS safe? ›

KMS is a legitimate way to activate Windows licenses in client computers, especially en masse (volume activation). There is even a Microsoft document on creating a KMS activation host. A KMS client connects to a KMS server (the activation host), which contains the host key the client uses for activation.

What is a KMS host? ›

KMS uses a client-server model to active clients and is used for volume activation. KMS clients connect to a KMS server, called the KMS host, for activation. The KMS host must reside on your local network. KMS hosts do not need to be dedicated servers, and KMS can be cohosted with other services.

What is a KMS host key? ›

A KMS Host Key is used to activate the KMS host computer with a Microsoft activation server and can activate up to six (6) KMS hosts with 10 activations per host. Each KMS host can activate an unlimited number of computers.

How do I disable KMS key? ›

Enabling and disabling KMS keys (console)

In the navigation pane, choose Customer managed keys. Choose the check box for the KMS keys that you want to enable or disable. To enable a KMS key, choose Key actions, Enable. To disable a KMS key, choose Key actions, Disable.

How do I remove key management from BIOS? ›

Deleting all keys
  1. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > Server Security > Secure Boot Settings > Advanced Secure Boot Options > Delete all keys.
  2. Press Enter to delete all keys.
  3. Confirm the deletion.

What port does KMS activate on? ›

KMS TCP listening port – By default, the KMS host is listening on port 1688 (TCP).

Does KMS key ID change? ›

The properties of the KMS key, including its key ID, key ARN, region, policies, and permissions, do not change when the key is rotated.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 6425

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.