RAF Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Course - Boot Camp & Military Fitness Institute (2024)

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1.0 Introduction

This article provides an overview of the Royal Air Force (RAF) Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Course.

2.0 What is the RAF PTI Course?

The RAF PTI Course is the initial training programme utilised by the RAF to select and train its exercise professionals who form part of the Physical Education (PEd) branch.

3.0 What is the Role of a RAF PTI?

The role of a PTI in the RAF is varied and encompasses:

  • Design and delivery of physical training and testing.
  • Provide advice and guidance to personnel on injury prevention and rehabilitation.
  • Sports and games including organising, officiating, and participation.
  • Core military skills including Battle PT, fitness assessments and protocols, and delivery of parts of SERE training.
  • Airmen development.
  • Force development and adventurous training activities.
  • RAF health and fitness strategy and policies.

3.1 Personnel Branch Officers

Personnel Branch officers with a Physical Education (PEd) competency are established at:

  • HQ 22 (Training) Group;
  • RAF stations and units;
  • The RAF School of Physical Training;
  • The Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC);
  • Force Development Training Centres (FDTC’s);
  • HQ 2 Group; and
  • Airborne Delivery Wing (ADW).

Where appropriate they are assisted by PTI’s.

4.0 Brief History

A brief history of the RAF School of Physical Training and PTI’s can be found here.

5.0 Who is Eligible to Become a RAF PTI?

The RAF accepts candidates as direct entry (i.e. civilians) and in-service (i.e. those already in the RAF).

Candidates must (RAF, 2018):

  • Be aged 16–47 years old (Must attest before 48th birthday).
  • Have GCSE at Grade C/4-5 or SCE Standard Grades at Grade 2/Scottish National 5 in English Language and Maths.
  • Be a citizen of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, holder of dual UK/other nationality or have been a Commonwealth citizen since birth.
  • Commit minimum 3 years post Phase Two Training (RAF Reserve).
  • Meet the health and fitness criteria.
  • Pass the Airman Selection Test.
  • Pass a General Fitness Test.

6.0 What are the Steps to Becoming a RAF PTI?

In simple terms, there are three stages to becoming a RAF PTI:

  • Stage 1: Attend the Selection Process.
  • Stage 2: Attend Phase 1 initial/basic training.
  • Stage 3: Attend Phase 2 employment/career training.

These steps are explained in more detail below.

7.0 What is the Selection Process for RAF PTI’s?

There are several steps in the selection process for RAF PTI’s, as outlined in Table 1.

Table 1: Outline of Selection Process for RAF PTI’s

EducationMathematics and English language: GCSE grade 4 (grade c prior to August 2017) or Scottish National grade 5.
Aptitude TestThe first step in the application process is the Airman/Airwomen Selection Test (AST). This test is a measure of the candidate’s aptitude and ensures the RAF matches the right candidate to the right role.
It takes place at candidates’s nearest Armed Forces Careers Office (AFCO) and consists of seven multiple choice sections focusing on different skills:
o Verbal reasoning tests use and interpretation of written information.
o Numerical reasoning measures ability with basic fractions, decimals and formulae.
o Work rate checks for fast and accurate completion of tasks.
o Spatial reasoning gauges understanding of how shapes and objects work.
o Electrical comprehension tests the ability to work with electrical concepts.
o Mechanical comprehension measures grasp of mechanical concepts.
o Memory assesses ability to remember information accurately.
Selection InterviewThis interview will take place at a local AFCO and cover the following topics: family life; education; work experience; special interests or hobbies; interest in the RAF; training; the role you have applied for; and the RAF (i.e. the candidate’s knowledge of it).
Assessment CentreCandidates will spend up to three days at the RAF School of Physical Training, RAF Cosford, undertaking specialist interviews and demonstrating their motor skills and physical endurance.
The assessment comprises a series of demanding activities, as outlined in Section 7.1.
Health AssessmentCandidates are (legally) required to meet certain medical standards, and must pass an occupational health assessment.
Standards include: hearing; eyesight; body mass index (BMI) (Table 2); screening for health issues; and discussing any previous illnesses.
Fitness TestCandidates must be physically fit to complete both initial and specialist training, and to perform their role effectively.
To check a candidate’s fitness levels (Table 3), the RAF puts every candidate through two or three separate fitness tests as part of the application process: Selection Fitness Test, Pre-joining Fitness Test or Pre-recruit Training Course.
How ‘fit’ a candidate needs to be to pass these tests can vary depending on role, age and gender.
Background ChecksDeclare any previous spent and unspent convictions
Check if you qualify under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
Have a basic background check to get Security Check level clearance.
Provisional OfferFor those candidates who successfully complete the above process, they will be invited to a provisional offer of service interview at their nearest AFCO.
The purpose of this interview is to ensure the candidate understands the terms and conditions of service in the RAF, is fully committed to joining, and is prepared to commence their training.

Table 2: BMI requirements by age and gender

AgeMinimum (Male & Female)Maximum (Maled & Female)Maximum (Male with Additional Assessment)Maximum (Female with Additional Assessment)

Table 3: Fitness requirements by age and gender [1]

Age24 km (1.5m) RunMulti-Stage Fitness Test (MSFT)Press-upsSit-ups


  1. First time/score/number is for males, second is for females.

7.1 Outline of the Three Day Assessment Centre

Candidates will spend up to three days at the RAF School of Physical Training, RAF Cosford, undertaking specialist interviews and demonstrating their motor skills and physical endurance.

The process is also known as the Specialist Vetting Course, Specialist Interview or the Specialist Course.

Joining instructions and course information is sent out to candidates prior to arrival.

The assessment centre comprises a series of demanding activities (Table 3).

Table 4: Outline of Assessment Centre

IntroductionCollect pass and ID from the guardroom.
Check into accommodation.
Receive candidate number.
Outline of the process from PTI staff (bring pen/pencil and paper).
Always undertaken on Day One.
Written TestAn interview with a Staff Instructor from the School.
A really good knowledge of the career path of the RAF PTI.
All of your achievements, especially sporting and leadership.
Why you want (specifically) to be a PTI in the RAF.
Typically undertaken on Day Two.A short (multi-choice) written test relating to the PTI trade and specific course subject matter (e.g. physiology and nutrition).
Typically undertaken on Day One.
Cardio-respiratory TestThe multi-stage fitness test (MSFT), or bleep test – a maximal test.
Typically undertaken on Day Two.
Endurance TestConsists of two sub-tests, press-ups and sit-ups, of one minute each. Aim to achieve maximum number of repetitions within the time limit.
Typically undertaken on Day Two.
Group Control & Management TasksA selection of indoor exercises to evaluate:
Intra- and inter-personal skills.
The ability to project voice and demonstrate confidence:
In delivering a physical warm-up; and
When officiating a sports game or activity.
Lead warm-up, usually lasting 5-7 minutes (typically given overnight to prepare).
Concentrate on confidence, manner, and techniques.
Typically undertaken on Day Two.
Transferable Motor SkillsEach candidate will be assessed in a Sports Specific Circuit, which includes: Volleyball; Hockey; Cricket; Football; Badminton; and Basketball.
This means candidates will have to show they can instruct and demonstrate a set skill from a sport the assessors will give the candidate when they get there!
Typically undertaken on Day Two.
Presentation/Pen PictureA self-portrait presentation lasting five minutes, accompanied by a hand written submission of the presentation.
Stay within the time frame (typically 10 seconds leeway either side).
Typically undertaken on Day Three.
Swimming Test [1]Candidates must complete the following swimming assessment:
Enter into the deep end and then swim 50m in less than 60 seconds (pass/fail).
Immediately tread water for 2 minutes.
Swim 60m backstroke followed by 60m breast-stroke and 60m front crawl (not timed and completed consecutively).
Surface dive to retrieve a 1kg rubber block from the deep end (3m depth) (one go only and pass/fail).
Climb out of the pool unaided.
Typically undertaken on Day Three.
Stamina & Physical Courage Assessment (SAPCA)SAPCA comprises five, one minute tests, each of which should be performed maximally. The tests include:
A rope climb;
Weighted bergen run;
Repetitive lift (sandbag front squat);
Casualty drag; and
Jerry can carry.
SAPCA is immediately followed by a repeat of the MSFT.
Typically undertaken on Day Three.


  1. Candidates who fail the swimming element or produce results of an unacceptable standard could be withdrawn from the assessment centre.

7.2 Scoring for the Assessment Centre

During the assessment centre, examiners will utilise a scoring system:

  • 1 being bad.
  • 2 being a poor pass.
  • 3 being a pass.
  • 4 being a good pass.

All elements within the assessment centre are scored using the 1-4 marking. However, it is important to note that candidates are assessed against their peers attending the assessment centre. This means it is important to give 100% during all elements of the assessment centre, as one extra press-up or sit-up could mean the difference between being accepted or not!

Once candidates have completed all elements of the assessment centre, they are invited into the office to be informed about their performance, both were they excelled and areas for improvement.

Due to the competitive nature of the role, a pass does not guarantee an offer of a job as a RAF PTI. Notification of a successful job offer can take a few days or weeks. Those unsuccessful may be invited to attend another assessment centre at a later date.

Candidates who successfully complete the Assessment Centre will transition on to Phase 1 basic training.

8.0 What is the Phase 1 Basic Training for RAF PTI’s?

Phase 1 basic training is delivered over 10 weeks at RAF Halton, Buckinghamshire, and consists of six phases as outlined in Table 5.

Table 5: outline of Phase 1 Basic Training

Arrival0Candidates are sworn into the RAF and given a Service number.
Administration and issue of initial clothing.
General Service Training1-24Training during this initial phase includes fitness; inspections of dress; living quarters; lessons in marching; drills; core values; code of conduct; and RAF history.
Force Development Training25-30This includes adventurous training activities like a two day mountain walking expedition.
Initial Force Protection Training31-54During this phase of training, candidates will learn how to survive and fight in a military environment.
This will include weapon handling and firing, camouflage and concealment, first aid, and CBRN drills.
Exercise Blue Warrior55-58During these four days candidates experience real battle conditions with controlled explosions and small arms fire using blanks.
Graduation59-70This final phase of training will prepare candidates for life in the RAF, teach them what is required in their first post, and demonstrate the candidate’s role fits into the wider RAF.
It culminates with the graduation parade.

Candidates who successfully complete Phase 1 training will transition on to Phase 2 employment training.

9.0 What is the Phase 2 Employment Training for RAF PTI’s?

Phase 2 employment training, also known as trade training, is where candidates learn the skills and knowledge for their specific role in the RAF, in this case PTI.

The exact number of candidates per course varies due to the demands of the Service, although typically ranges from 11 to 17 students per course.

There have been various iterations of the initial qualification course, with the current iteration (2018) being 28 weeks in duration and composed of [10/12] modules (down from 30 and then 29 weeks). In 2006, the initial course was revamped with a personal training award at level 3 becoming an integral part. Candidates of PTI Course 71 graduated with a CYQ Certificate in Personal Training (HCM, 2006). In 2018, the course was aligned with the Chartered Institute of Management for Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) professional standards, with PTI Course 94 (October 2018) being the first to graduate as CIMSPA endorsed (CIMSPA, 2018).

In simple terms, the course will qualify candidates in:

  • Instructional techniques across a broad range of physical domains and human performance.
  • Anatomy and physiology.
  • Exercise science.
  • Health and fitness strategy.
  • Leadership.
  • Core military skills.
  • Organisation and management of physical education.
  • Coaching techniques.
  • Games and sports administration and officiating.

Candidates will receive formative and summative testing via practical and theory assessments and examinations.

9.1 Graduation

During the course and on graduation, candidates will receive various qualifications, for example, the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification. Graduates will also be eligible to join the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) at Level 3 and CIMSPA.

Post-course there is the opportunity to study for a BSc in Physical Activity, Health and Exercise.

In April 2012, Matt Hobday, a former Air Cadet, became one of the RAF’s youngest Corporal’s at the age of 20 (Griffin, 2012).

Since April 2015, candidates will serve a period of twelve years on a Notice Engagement in the rank of Acting Corporal. After completing one year’s total service providing the candidate passes further training courses, they will be confirmed in the rank of Corporal. Further promotion to the rank of Sergeant and beyond is by competitive selection.

10.0 Specialisation for RAF PTI’s

Once candidates have graduated from their initial training course they will then undertake specialisation training in one of three areas of the PEd branch:

  • Exercise Rehabilitation Instructors (ERI):
    • In 2018, there were 51 RAF regular PTI posts serving at most bases within medical centres, regional rehabilitation units, and the Defence National Rehabilitation Centre (DNRC) (RAF PTI Association, 2018).
    • ERI’s also serve in Cyprus (3 posts) and the Falkland Islands (1, 6 month rotational post).
  • Parachute Jump Instructors (PJI):
    • PJI’s may receive training in/on the basic parachute course, static line square course, high altitude parachute course, tandem parachute course, and free-fall training.
    • PJI’s work in the Parachute Training Squadron, part of the Airborne Delivery Wing, RAF Brize Norton.
  • Force Development Instructors (FDI):
    • In late 2017, Adventurous Training Instructors (ATI’s) were renamed FDI’s, who now deliver Adventurous Personal Development Training (APDT).
    • Adventure training centres have been renamed Robson Resilience Centre’s (RRC):
      • RRC Grantown on Spey (RRC G).
      • RRC Crickhowell (RRC C).
      • RRC Bavaria (RRC B).
      • RRC Danesfield (RRC D).
      • RRC St Mawgan (RRC S).
    • FDI training is delivered at RRC G with two courses being held per year. Each course is 31 weeks with six students per course.
    • In 2018, there were approximately 58 FDI’s (RAF PTI Association, 2018).

11.0 Physical Education Flight

Once candidates have completed their specialisation training they will be posted to a Physical Education Flight within one of the RAF’s various stations or units.

12.0 Useful Publications

  • Queen’s Regulations for the Royal Air Force. Chapter 9 – Training. Section 7 – Physical Education and Parachute Training. Amendment 35, June 2014.
  • Air Publications (AP):
    • AP 3342:
    • AP 3342: Leaflet 402.
    • AP 3342: Leaflet 503.
    • AP 3342: Leaflet 801.
    • AP 3342: Leaflet 802.
    • AP 3342: Leaflet 803.
  • Basic Physical Training Instructor Course Information Handbook 2009 (obsolete).

RAF Basic PTI Course (2009)Download

13.0 Useful Links

14.0 References

CIMSPA (Chartered Institute for Management of Sport and Physical Activity). (2018) Royal Air Force School of Physical Training Partners with CIMSPA. Available from World Wide Web: https://www.cimspa.co.uk/article.php?group_id=4838. [Accessed: 12 December, 2018].

Griffin, K. (2012) Honiton Man Becomes Youngest RAF Corporal. Available from World Wide Web: https://www.midweekherald.co.uk/news/honiton-man-becomes-youngest-raf-corporal-1-1344779. [Accessed: 17 December, 2018].

HCM (Health Club Management). (2006) RAF Trainees Achieve CYQ Award. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.healthclubmanagement.co.uk/health-club-management-news/latest-news/16674. [Accessed: 17 December, 2018].

RAF (Royal Air Force). (2018) Personnel Support: Physical Training Instructor. Available from World Wide Web: https://www.raf.mod.uk/recruitment/roles/roles-finder/personnel-support/physical-training-instructor/. [Accessed: 17 December, 2018].

RAF PTI Association. (2018) Minutes of the PTI Assiciation AGM Held at The Holiday Inn Hotel on Saturday 14th April 2018 at 1500 hrs. Available from World Wide Web: https://rafptiassociationsite.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/2018-pti-agm-minutes-final.pdf. [Accessed: 19 December, 2018].


RAF Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Course - Boot Camp & Military Fitness Institute (2024)


How do you become a PTI in the RAF? ›


Commit minimum 3 years post Phase Two Training. Meet the health and fitness criteria. Pass the Defence Aptitude Assessment. Pass a Fitness test - Details below.

What is a PTI in the RAF? ›

The RAF Reserves (RAFR) Physical Training Instructor delivers physical education to the RAF Reserves population and delivers operational support through employment on Regular RAF Stations by Backfilling PEd Flts to deliver Physical Education to the Whole Force, Regular and Reserve.

How long is PTI course? ›

Professional Tree Inspection Course

The three-day course aims to provide specific tree inspection programme at an advanced level for competent arboriculturists to enable them to reach a level of competence that can be recognised as having received adequate training.

What is a PTI in the ADF? ›

Physical Training Instructors (PTIs) play an integral role in developing the strength and fitness of Air Force personnel through the design, delivery and coaching of high performance physical strength and conditioning programs. Apply Now Save. Or Contact Us about this job. Job Overview Full Details.

How much does a PTI in the RAF earn? ›

Range from £16,235 - £39,000 depending on the role.

Can you fail basic training RAF? ›

At every RAF Initial Training course, there are a certain percentage of recruits who do not achieve the desired results and fail to graduate. Many of those who fail will end up re-taking RAF phase 1 training. Basic training is hard with 10 weeks of rigorous mental and physical stress.

Can you join the Army as a PTI? ›

it means that the corps will recognise the experience and qualifications of those looking to become an Army Reservist PTI who have a background in the sports and leisure industry and allow them to enlist as a Sergeant instead of having to work their way up from being a Private soldier.

Can I train to be a physio in the RAF? ›

EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS. Must be a fully qualified and HCPC registered physiotherapist with a BSc or MSc (pre-registration) in Physiotherapy. Have a minimum of 3 years postgraduate experience. Have completed Band 5 rotations which must include a respiratory rotation.

How much do you get paid in RAF? ›

The average raf salary in the United Kingdom is £29,582 per year or £15.17 per hour. Entry level positions start at £24,500 per year while most experienced workers make up to £48,750 per year.

How do I pay PTI school fees? ›

PTI School Fees Payment Procedure
  1. Verify your admission status.
  2. On the Students Menu, Click on Student Login.
  3. Enter your application login credentials – Username and Password.
  4. This will take you to a page to generate RRR Code for payment of school fees.
  5. Take the RRR code to any bank for payment.

How long does it take to become a PT instructor? ›

Again, the average time it takes to become a certified personal trainer with our online course is 16 weeks. But, even more so than with the part-time course, this time frame can be shortened or lengthened all depending on things that only you can control.

Does PT qualification expire? ›

To renew this personal training qualification, you will need to retake the ACSM exam after 3 years.

What happens if you fail the ADF PFA? ›

If you fail your PFA you will lose that job offer. They don't just let you go into the Defence Force and just 'see if you pass at Kapooka'. You need to pass before you go and if you don't, then your job goes to the next in line.

Do you get paid for ADF training? ›

The ADF personnel earn a competitive salary, and are paid to train and acquire skills. The actual package they receive (which includes various allowances) will depend on their role and the method used to enter the ADF. For example: During basic military training: $49,302 p.a.

Do ADF cadets get paid? ›


Cadets are not paid for their attendance. Cadets are not members of the ADF but are covered by the DRCA and MRCA if the person is injured as a result of their Cadet service.

What is the highest paid job in the RAF? ›

Top Royal Air Force Salaries - By Title

The highest paid Royal Air Force employees are Captains at $65,000 annually. The lowest paid Royal Air Force employees are Privates at $35,000.

What age do you retire from the RAF? ›

If you have at least two years qualifying service and you serve until age 60 you will be entitled to claim your pension immediately.

How hard is it to become a pilot in the RAF? ›

Have at least 2 A2 Levels/3 Highers at Grade C or above (excluding General Studies, Critical Thinking or Citizenship Studies) which must total a minimum of 64 UCAS points. Be a citizen of the United Kingdom or holder of dual UK/ other nationality. Commit to minimum 12 years service. Meet the health and fitness criteria.

How hard is the RAF fitness test? ›

The test is called the Pre-Joining Fitness Test (PJFT). To pass, you'll need to run 1.5 miles (2.4km) on a treadmill within a set time. Then you'll need to do a minimum number of press-ups and sit-ups within a minute. The time limit for the run and the number of press-ups and sit-ups will depend on your age and gender.

What percentage of people fail Air Force basic training? ›

But don't let this panic you— only a mere 8.2% of all recruits fail to make it through Air Force basic training. Most of these instances are not due to reasons for failing any aspect of the training.

Can you use your phone in RAF basic training? ›

Throughout training there will be the opportunity to call home during evenings. Recruits are allowed to bring a mobile phone for use in free time.

Which branch of the military has the hardest PT? ›

To recap: The hardest military branch to get into in terms of education requirements is the Air Force. The military branch with the toughest basic training is the Marine Corps.

How many push ups do you have to do in the British Army? ›

Press-ups — max number in 2 minutes, males to achieve at least 44, females 21. 2.4km timed run — need to run less than 10 minutes 30 seconds (males) or 12 min 45 sec (females).

What is the minimum PT score for Army? ›

In accordance with AR 350-1, all Soldiers must attain a score of at least 60 points on each event and an overall score of at least 180 points. Soldiers in BCT must attain 50 points in each event and an overall score of 150 points. The maximum score a Soldier can attain on the APFT is 300 points.

Can you be a physio without a degree? ›

In order to work as a physiotherapist it is essential that you complete an approved programme at a recognised university. A full-time degree BSc (Hons) can take three years and a part-time course will take six years. A two-year accelerated master's course is also an option if you already have a relevant degree.

Do Air Force physical therapists get deployed? ›

Some air force physical therapists get deployed overseas to areas where combat is happening, however they are usually working out of a field hospital or a similar base setup.

Is it hard to become a sports physiotherapist? ›

To become a sports physiotherapist it is necessary to have a physiotherapy degree approved by the Health Professions Council (HPC) which can provide details of approved courses. Physiotherapy degrees are very intense, lasting three years' full time or four years' part time, including long clinical placements.

Does RAF count as military? ›

Although the RAF is the principal British air power arm, the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm and the British Army's Army Air Corps also operate armed aircraft.
Royal Air Force
TypeAir force
RoleAerial warfare
Size33,200 active personnel 1,940 Royal Auxiliary Air Force 3,300 reserve personnel
Part ofBritish Armed Forces
26 more rows

Is the RAF well paid? ›

The average Royal Air Force salary is £70,069. Working as a Royal Air Force you can earn between £26,350 and £137,500.

Is it worth working for the RAF? ›

When you join the RAF, you get access to a whole host of opportunities and benefits. You are paid right from the beginning of initial training, so you can start earning straight away. In addition to your pay, the RAF provides subsidised accommodation, food and sport, as well as free health and dental care.

What certificate does PTI offer? ›

Diploma in External Plant Operation/National Diploma. National Diploma in Petrochemical Plant Operation. National Diploma in Gas Plant Operation. National Diploma in Petroleum Processing Technology/ND in Petroleum & Gas Processing Engineering.

Is PTI a university or poly? ›

Petroleum Training Institute, is a federal polytechnic located in Effurun, Delta State south south Nigeria. The polytechnic is funded and managed by the Federal government of Nigeria.

How much is PTI direct entry? ›

The official cost for the PTI Direct Entry Forms is Two Thousand Naira Only (N2,000). The payments will be made through the Remita Platform in any bank nationwide. Click on the ''Admission Menu'' option. Fill in the on-line ”sign on page''.

How much does a PT earn a year? ›

The average salary for Personal Trainer is £31,802 per year in the London Area. The average additional cash compensation for a Personal Trainer in the London Area is £21,158, with a range from £2,868 - £156,104.

Is it hard to become a fitness instructor? ›

Becoming a personal trainer isn't hard, but serious work and study are required. Look at both entry-level and advanced certification programs. Personal trainers need to spend a lot of time experimenting in the gym to gain knowledge. Personal trainers must put the necessary effort into marketing.

What qualifications do I need to be a PT instructor? ›

  • Level 2 Diploma in Instructing Exercise and Fitness.
  • Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing.
  • Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training.

How long is RAF police training? ›

After IOT, you will complete the 20-week RAF Police Officers' Course (RAFPOC) at the Defence School of Policing and Guarding, MOD Southwick Park near Portsmouth.

What is pre recruitment training RAF? ›

Complete pre-recruitment training

During this training, you typically undertake further fitness assessment tests to affirm that you've maintained the fitness level you attained during your initial test. You can then take a functional skills test relating to the level of position for which you're applying.

Can you go home during RAF basic training? ›

There may be occasions when trainees can return home during Initial Training, but this is very much dependent on the training schedule.

Do you get paid for basic training in the RAF? ›

You are paid right from the beginning of initial training, so you can start earning straight away. In addition to your pay, the RAF provides subsidised accommodation, food and sport, as well as free health and dental care.

Is the RAF good for a career? ›

' The RAF provide some of the best training you will ever receive, both in leadership and management but also in the ability to make sound engineering decisions even when under pressure.

What happens if you don t pass the physical fitness test Army? ›

If you don't pass a recorded-score ACFT, the Army will provide you with support and training to improve your score, and you'll have a chance to retake the ACFT.

What are the 3 phases of RAF training? ›

RAF Basic training 2022 consists of six phases
  • ARRIVAL DAY 1. ...

What happens if I fail my RAF fitness test? ›

What happens if I fail? Don't worry, it doesn't have to be the end of the road. We'll get in touch to let you know your options and you'll have the chance to retake the fitness test another time.

How do I pass the RAF interview? ›


These are Respect, Integrity, Excellence and Service. Visit the RAF website and ensure you fully understand what the core values are and how you will be able to prove to the panel you have the potential to match them with your chosen RAF role.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.