Postponement Strategy in Supply Chain Management - MBA Knowledge Base (2024)

Postponement is first implemented in manufacturing processes to reduce cost of inventory and improve service level within the company while the product variety increases. The concept of postponement is to delay the change in form, identity and place to the latest possible point until customer commitments have been obtained. It is by exploiting the commonality between items and by designing the production and distribution process so as to delay the point of differentiation. Postponement is closely intertwined with modularization where products in a certain product family are designed where all of them consist of different standardized units. With modularization, combination of different standardized sub-components allows the producing of different end products. The form, function and place of the product are altered and is in contra with the push systems in which goods are manufactured entirely in anticipation of future customer orders and stored downstream without customer’s formulated specifications.

Postponement is a mass customization technique that is applicable for certain products that can have their variety postponed until just before shipping. Here’s a list of methods for achieving mass customization:

  • Create products and services that are customizable by customers (involving design function)
  • Modularize components to customize finished products and services (involving the manufacturing, distribution, marketing function and the product design).
  • Provide quick response throughout the value chain (involving the design, manufacturing, distribution and marketing function).
  • Customize services around standard products or services (involving the distribution and marketing function).
  • Provide point of delivery customization (involving the marketing function).

Need for Postponement

The application of postponement strategies is increasing in the practice of international business. Final processing or manufacturing activities are moving either upstream from national operations or downstream from global production plants. The biological products life cycle of product is the concern in respect to inventory risks and this is in contrast with electronics industries where short product life cycles in the market are a key driver of postponement. Postponement reduces the uncertainty and risks coupled with product variety. In additional, it saves costs and adds values to the supply chain by eliminating obsolete inventory and making the product to customer’s specification more easily. The accelerating need for simultaneous product differentiation, rapid delivery, regional product variation and competitive cost levels are also the factors that led to the usage of postponement strategy.

Types of Postponements

That there are three generic types of postponement: form, time and place postponement. Form postponement refers to the postponement of final manufacturing or processing activities; time postponement refers to the delaying of the forward movement of goods until customer orders have been received; place postponement refers to the positioning of inventories upstream in centralized manufacturing or distribution operations to postpone the forward or downstream movement of goods. With the combination of time and place postponement, it is referred to as logistics postponement. An example is whereby in centralized European distribution structures where goods are stored at a limited number of central locations and shipped to customers on the basis of actual orders.

Depending on the type of final manufacturing operation, the type of product and market, there are four possible final manufacturing structures in postponement: unicentric manufacturing, bundled manufacturing, deferred assembly, deferred packaging. In unicentric manufacturing, the final stage of manufacturing is delayed until the point of consumption. This type of postponement is used through integrated manufacturing in a global manufacturing plant, distribution to order, for global brands with standard formulation and peripherals for example CPUs. In bundled manufacturing, it is forecast-driven where final manufacturing in a continental plant, for products with a global brand, standard peripherals and different formulation, for example TVs. In deferred assembly, it is order-driven where final manufacturing or processing in the international distribution channel, for products with a global brand and different formulation and peripherals. Lastly on deferred packaging, it refers to packaging and configuring shipments in a local warehouse, for products with a global brand, standard formulation and different peripherals.

Postponement Activities

Five types of postponements are there: labeling postponement, packaging postponement, assembly postponement, manufacturing postponement and time postponement. Labelling and packaging postponement is related to the level of postponement in deferred packaging, both impacting the place and form of the finished product. For assembly and manufacturing postponement, it is in related to bundled manufacturing and deferred assembly where both impacting the form and place of the finished product and also its function. The distinction between assembly and manufacturing postponement is the use of various sourcing locations and the resulting converging stream of goods. Manufacturing postponement operation is obligated to have a complete job-shop layout in manufacturing postponement which contrasts to assembly postponement systems where products are sourced mainly from one source, only some peripherals or additives may be sourced locally. And lastly on time postponement, it is related to the level of postponement in unicentric manufacturing, in which the place of the finished goods in the supply chain is impacted.

Examples of Postponement Strategies

Some examples of different postponement strategies used by various companies are noted here.

When began as on online bookstore in 1995 could offer more than the traditional brick and mortar bookstores that offers 200,000 titles. Applying logistics postponement (finished goods) it seeks postponement opportunities in the final movement of products, which have taken their final form in advance of customer orders, to the customer. With the emergence of e-commerce, virtual inventories are independent of the physical location of the inventories at the time orders are placed. thus manages the inventory to fulfill customer orders by postponing the location of inventory to their suppliers in the upstream supply chain until the arrival of customer orders. With warehouses and fulfillment centers located in cities often near to airport deliveries are directed to the customer. In practice, usually chooses to work closely with its vendors and the United States Postal Service to ensure that it can use such a postponement strategy (drop-ship) to handle the volume and delivery timing of a popular product. This case study demonstrates the warehouse’s role as a holding facility to store the goods until they are needed. It also allows the products to be customizes quickly before shipment to customer.

Dell Computers

Dell’s supply chain is a model of excellence, one to be emulated. Dell Computers created a unique model within the computer industry by pioneering the build to order computer. Dell uses an assortment of techniques; postponement, modularity, vendor managed inventory, supply chain partnerships, and demand management that support build to order operation. The use of supply chain partnerships allow for vendor managed inventory. The modularity of the computers and Dell’s use of demand management techniques combined with vendor managed inventory allow for a high degree of postponement. Moreover Dell’s closeness to customers allows it to avoid obsolete inventory, enabling it to bring new products to market faster than its competition.The large amount of integration between members of the supply chain due to postponement makes all members of the chain responsible for product development. Postponement and modular design allow the mass customization to be successful. A vendor managed inventory system serves Dell to maintain lean inventory levels while focusing its efforts on the assembly of the product rather than inventory management. As Dell engages in a build to order strategy; it does not begin to assemble the product until a customer order is received and the customer’s credit has cleared. Dell can keep its computer components uncommitted for as long as possible to enable the customization of products while maintaining economies of scale. By delaying the final configuration of the product for as long as possible it allows for last minute changes in the assembly of a product or it can allow for a shorter lead time of the products for the company. Therefore, Dell is able to practice purchasing and form postponement. Purchasing postponement offers the maximum benefits as less capital is committed until an order is received. To do this, Dell has its suppliers ship components from their factories to “revolvers”, which are small warehouses located near Dell assembly plants worldwide. Dell is also able to perform form postponement as a result of the modular design of the computer. The warehouse can support the final configuration to allow assembly of the computer base on individual requirements.

Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Hewlett-Packard Company’s key to mass customizing effectively is to postpone the task of differentiating a product for a specific customer until the latest possible point in the supply network. Conducting an analysis of its personal computer manufacturing, HP analysts discovered that the modular structure of the product and the production process would allow the company to postpone all steps of the personal computer’s final assembly (integrating the PC board, processor, chassis, power supply, storage devices, and software). Learning from Dell and adopting form and time postponement strategy HP distribution network then built the product in locations close to customers only in response to their orders. HP abandoned its previous practice of stocking finished goods or partially completed units, HP implemented a build-to-order approach at all its distribution centers in early 1995. In this way, the company save on transportation and duty costs and greatly increase its return on assets.

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Postponement Strategy in Supply Chain Management - MBA Knowledge Base (2024)


What is postponement strategy in supply chain management? ›

Within supply chain management (SCM), postponement is a deliberate action to delay final manufacturing or distribution of a product until receipt of a customer order. This reduces the incidence of wrong manufacturing or incorrect inventory deployment.

What are the benefits of postponement strategy? ›

Reduction in inventory - one of the key benefits that you can realise through postponement manufacturing is a reduction in finished goods stock. Finished units would be configured, tested, packaged and shipped out only when firm demand has been confirmed - i.e. an order has been placed.

What are the 4 different supply chain management strategies? ›

There are 4 fundamental supply chain strategies that focus on customer-centricity, predictive maintenance, automation, and visibility. Incorporating these strategies will enable businesses to meet customer demand and boost profitability.

What are the 3 types of supply chain strategies? ›

The three levels of supply chain management are strategic, tactical and operational.
  • Strategic Planning. This level of supply chain management is responsible for developing long-term plans that outline the company's overall objectives and goals. ...
  • Tactical Planning. ...
  • Operational Execution.

What is the principle of postponement? ›

In software development, the principle of postponement refers to leaving “irreversible” decisions until the last responsible moment. “Irreversible” decisions are costly to undo and they should be made when there is sufficient evidence, or when not making a decision is even more costly.

What companies use postponement strategy? ›

Well-known businesses such as Dell use postponement to keep remarkably low inventories while maintaining short lead times. Toyota also employs postponement strategies to make vehicles to specific customer requirements, without excess inventory or long lead-times.

What are the types of postponement? ›

There are five types of postponement: labeling, packaging, assembly, manufacturing, and time. Each type of postponement denotes the point in the process at which postponement occurs.

What is the principle of postponement or delayed differentiation? ›

Delayed differentiation or Postponement is a concept in supply chain management where the manufacturing process starts by making a generic or family product that is later differentiated into a specific end-product.

What is postponement and speculation? ›

Postponement and speculation strategies offer opportunities to achieve delivery of products in a timely and cost-effective manner by rearranging the conventional production and logistics structures, which are often designed and managed autonomously.

What is the best supply chain strategy? ›

15 Best Practices for Supply Chain Management
  • Recruit & Develop Supply Chain Professionals. ...
  • Align the Supply Chain Team. ...
  • Establish Alliances with Suppliers. ...
  • Purchase Supplies in Volume to Reduce Costs. ...
  • Diversify Supplier Relationships to Avoid Delays. ...
  • Improve Demand Forecasting. ...
  • Optimize Inventory Management.
29 Apr 2021

What are the four 4 stages of supply chains? ›

What are the components of your supply chain you should be focusing on right now?
  • INTEGRATION. Integration starts at your strategic planning phase and is critical throughout your communications and information sharing and data analysis and storage. ...

What is postponement in warehousing? ›

Assembly Postponement

This means delay in the assembly of the final product until the customer order is received.

How do you use postponement in a sentence? ›

Postponement in a Sentence 🔉
  1. The heavy snow last night resulted in a postponement for school.
  2. Because school was cancelled for the day, the test they were supposed to take received a postponement until next class.

Can postponement work as a strategy to save costs? ›

Postponement reduces the uncertainty and risks coupled with product variety. In additional, it saves costs and adds values to the supply chain by eliminating obsolete inventory and making the product to customer's specification more easily.

Does Zara use postponement? ›

For example, like Benetton, Zara uses “postponement” to gain more speed and flexibility, purchasing more than 50% of its fabrics undyed so that it can react faster to midseason color changes.

What is labeling postponement? ›

Labelling postponement is a kind of form postponement (Zinn and Bowersox 1988), where the labelling of filled bottles is delayed until information about customer orders becomes available.

What is the meaning of postpone Mint? ›

Definition of postpone

transitive verb. 1 : to put off to a later time : defer. 2a : to place later (as in a sentence) than the normal position in English postpone an adjective.

How do I write a postponement letter? ›

Dear (Sir/name), This letter is to inform you that the (Meeting type) meeting that was scheduled with (Group or party name) has been postponed. (Describe in your words). The meeting was planned to take place on (Date and time) but this has changed due to unavoidable circ*mstances.

What is the concept of postponement quizlet? ›

The concept of postponement: seeks to reduce the risk of anticipation. What is the primary reason that the time to market has decreased? information technology.

What is postponement obsolescence? ›

The postponement obsolescence is another type of obsolescence of note. This occurs when a company chooses to add technological features to their best flagship and not all their products.

How does postponement differ from assemble to order? ›

It dictates that the firms should postpone the creation or delivery of the final product as long as possible. For retailers, this takes the shape of postponing the delivery of the final product to its destination, while for assemble-to-order manufacturers this means postponing the final assembly of the product.

What is the principle of postponement and why is it considered the key to mass customization? ›

The key to mass-customizing effectively is postponing the task of differentiating a product for a specific customer until the latest possible point in the supply network (a company's supply, manufacturing, and distribution chain).

Which is the best definition of delayed differentiation? ›

It's a manufacturing technique that “delays” making a “difference” in the product until the very last step of the process. Delayed differentiation is also known as “postponement” for the simple reason that it postpones making any differences to the products being made until the last possible moment.

What is speculation in supply chain? ›

Speculative inventory is stock that a company purchases in anticipation of future demand. Businesses may stock more inventory than they expect to sell within a sales period in case of future need.

What is speculation in warehousing? ›

Speculative warehouse means a building designed for high piled combustible storage without a known commodity designation.

What is the meaning of postponement in Telugu? ›

cause or arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled. translation of 'postpone' అనంతరం, తరువాత

What is postponement warehousing? ›

Warehouse supports postponement strategy by storing goods for longer period of time so that company is able to exploit volatile business environment, which depends on domestic and international developments and demands. Warehouses assist companies in implementing their production and distribution strategies.

Does Zara use postponement? ›

For example, like Benetton, Zara uses “postponement” to gain more speed and flexibility, purchasing more than 50% of its fabrics undyed so that it can react faster to midseason color changes.

What is labeling postponement? ›

Labelling postponement is a kind of form postponement (Zinn and Bowersox 1988), where the labelling of filled bottles is delayed until information about customer orders becomes available.

What is the principle of postponement and why is it considered the key to mass customization? ›

The key to mass-customizing effectively is postponing the task of differentiating a product for a specific customer until the latest possible point in the supply network (a company's supply, manufacturing, and distribution chain).

What are the types of postponement? ›

There are five types of postponement: labeling, packaging, assembly, manufacturing, and time. Each type of postponement denotes the point in the process at which postponement occurs.

How do you use postponement in a sentence? ›

Postponement in a Sentence 🔉
  1. The heavy snow last night resulted in a postponement for school.
  2. Because school was cancelled for the day, the test they were supposed to take received a postponement until next class.

What is postponement and speculation? ›

Postponement and speculation strategies offer opportunities to achieve delivery of products in a timely and cost-effective manner by rearranging the conventional production and logistics structures, which are often designed and managed autonomously.

What is the postponement strategy of Benetton how was it applied? ›

During the 1980s and early 1990s, Benetton was the world leader in the casual apparel market with stores spread across the world. The company was well known for its postponement strategy, wherein the dyeing of the garment was postponed till the colors in vogue for the season were identified.

Is Zara Lean or Agile? ›

Agility. ZARA was designed from day-one to be responsive and agile. Rather than outsourcing to Asia, ZARA uses a network of automated factories in Spain and over 300 small finishing factories in North Africa and Turkey to constantly create unfinished products.

How does Zara manage supply chain risk quizlet? ›

How does Zara use its supply chain capabilities to generate competitive advantage? the management of up and downstream relationships with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customer value at less cost to the supply chain as a whole.

Is postponement a pull strategy? ›

Postponement is a concept in supply chain management where the manufacturer produces a generic product, which can be modified later, before the final transport to the customer. It is a combination of push and pull.

What is the principle of postponement or delayed differentiation? ›

Delayed differentiation or Postponement is a concept in supply chain management where the manufacturing process starts by making a generic or family product that is later differentiated into a specific end-product.

How do I write a postponement letter? ›

Dear (Sir/name), This letter is to inform you that the (Meeting type) meeting that was scheduled with (Group or party name) has been postponed. (Describe in your words). The meeting was planned to take place on (Date and time) but this has changed due to unavoidable circ*mstances.

What are the two types of postponement? ›

Five types of postponements are there: labeling postponement, packaging postponement, assembly postponement, manufacturing postponement and time postponement.

How does postponement differ from assemble to order? ›

It dictates that the firms should postpone the creation or delivery of the final product as long as possible. For retailers, this takes the shape of postponing the delivery of the final product to its destination, while for assemble-to-order manufacturers this means postponing the final assembly of the product.

What is the concept of postponement quizlet? ›

The concept of postponement: seeks to reduce the risk of anticipation. What is the primary reason that the time to market has decreased? information technology.

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