Offshoots of Konoha - Chapter 14 - alecquiin (2024)

Chapter Text

— Naruto...

— Yeah?

The voice calling Naruto is soft, as if it spoke on its own, with a newfound timidity that doesn't match the relationship the two boys have built over the years. The two kids continue walking through the enormous hospital despite the call, stealthily looking for their respective teammates' rooms. The silence is, in a way, unpleasant but not unexpected.

— What's going on? You've... changed... Why did you change like this?

— You're smarter than that, why are you asking stupid questions now?

The sounds of the boy's footsteps beside Naruto gradually stopped until they completely disappeared, forcing the blond to stop as well and look him in the eyes. There are unspoken feelings, confused thoughts, and, most importantly, fear.

They are two scared children trying to talk...

— I'm serious, Naruto. The person I watched fighting scared me. I expected all that violence from Sasuke or those foreign ninjas, but not from you!

— You call that violence, Shikamaru? Have you ever actually seen something violent with your own eyes? You grew up surrounded by only good things, so I'm going to ignore what you said and tell you something, learn it before it's too late. Violence is the nature of shinobi. We grow up and live seeking the death of others and our survival, dirtying our hands with the blood of allies, targets, and enemies. There's no room for kindness in the shinobi world.

For a few moments, everything feels too confusing to even minimally understand. Sakura, some unknown amount of time after training, woke up feeling much more comfortable than she expected. There was no night chill, no prickling of grass against her skin, no sensation of nocturnal insects crawling on her body—there was absolutely nothing. When her mind began to focus and her thoughts organized themselves, she realized she was lying in her own bed, covered with a fluffy blanket and still wearing the clothes she trained in, her skin sticky with dried sweat.

Someone had taken her from the training field, brought her home, and tucked her into bed. There's only one person who could have done that today. Naruto...

What worries her the most is that, no matter how much she calls for Naruto, he isn't present. Something that's not normal in the relationship of Team 7's genins; if he found her at the training field and brought her home, then it would be normal for him to snuggle up with her in bed or, at the very least, stay nearby writing in the journal he's still filling out.

— Naruto... What are you up to? — Sakura gets up and walks to the bathroom, determined to take a bath before going after her friend who must now be getting into some sort of grand trouble.

— I know the reality of the shinobi existence, Naruto! You don't need to repeat what we've been hearing since we were out of diapers. But the reality of our profession isn't a reason to be unnecessarily cruel to other people.

— I wasn't cruel, Shikamaru. If I were cruel, I would have killed Akamaru before Kiba even took a step to start the fight. — The cold voice echoing down the hallway is so different from the usual that Shikamaru seems unsettled, trembling under the stony gaze of blue eyes that, just a few months ago, carried only kindness and a healthy rebelliousness. — You have a completely false view of me. You see only what you want and believe that I am that child who forced himself to appear happy to compensate for the lack of any hope in life. I learned the hard way that there is no hope unless we work hard to create a better future, and to achieve that future, we need to be strong.

— Create a better future? A better future where you break the spirit of someone you once called a friend? What kind of sh*tty future is that, Naruto?

— Break the spirit? You call that breaking someone's spirit? Shikamaru, I saved Kiba. All of you are stupid if you think what you'll find outside this village will be kind enough to spare your feelings. You're careless and full of flaws, facing everything as if it were a child's game, as if you would always be saved at the last second by someone stronger, but this is the real world and outside the village gates your life is worth no more than that of a mere worm. The only people you can count on are your comrades and yourself, but do you trust that you're strong enough to see the next dawn? Believe me when I say that knowing you're going to die and realizing there's nothing you can do to stop it is what truly breaks someone's spirit.

Naruto hurried through the empty hospital corridors, desperate to escape from Shikamaru, the old friend he had inadvertently encountered, the only other person present on the floor. They weren't supposed to meet, but the high concentration of chakra in this building left Naruto confused about who was present or not. It was a disaster running into him now... As he fled from the "Nara prince," Naruto continued to frantically search for Sasuke's room. Sasuke had been alone for hours, completely defenseless and with a cursed mark he had no control over. With the medications he was undoubtedly taking, he wouldn't be able to wake up from the nightmares that had been haunting him since they discovered the secret files.

Sasuke must be scared, having no one who understands him like Naruto does...

Naruto would have loved to continue his search, focusing solely on finding Sasuke, reinforcing the chakra-blocking seal on his shoulder, and lying down with the Uchiha on the cold bed until the older boy could leave the hospital, but life never goes as expected.

As Naruto advanced through the corridors, the sensation of a vile and violent chakra circulating the environment grew more intense. The homicidal and crazed feeling was familiar, almost as if their chakras recognized each other. It was bizarre and somewhat unsettling.

Before he could decide to continue searching for Sasuke and actively ignore that chakra, Naruto found himself walking towards its source, drawn like a moth to a flame, entering an unfamiliar room and feeling surprised to see that the patient in the hospital bed was Rock Lee, Sakura-chan's precious rival.

Since the fight a few hours ago, he had been carried by Gai-sensei to the hospital, and there had been no news since. Not that he expected otherwise, but Sakura-chan's rival was almost entirely wrapped in casts for broken bones, a blood bag attached to his arm, and an oxygen mask on his face. Even though the sight looked bad, Naruto knew it could have been much worse. The medical ninjas were probably more focused on more severely injured ninjas like Hinata and those whose names Naruto didn't bother to remember. Poor Lee was the last priority now (he had clearly been helped to some extent, but only enough to no longer be critical) and would remain in this unpleasant situation for some time.

Precious people to Konoha would always be saved first.

In any case, standing before the patient was Gaara of Sunagakure, the boy with a demon's face, radish head, and a Kekkei Genkai of Magnetism. It shouldn't have been a surprise to the blonde; he had been exposed enough to this radish-haired boy's chakra to know that, despite the homicidal intent and vile aspect, it wasn't nearly as bad as the snake man's chakra. But it wasn't a chakra that could be confused with any other ninja. Not even the chakra of an assassin like Zabuza was like this...

The sand dances around Gaara's body and extends as if it were a new part of the redhead's body. It would be a beautiful sight if Rock Lee weren't suffering an attempted murder and if an intense rage didn't completely consume Naruto.

One thing is to attack and kill those who threaten you, but no one has the right to kill someone who can't even try to defend themselves.

— What do you think you're doing? — Naruto's voice is more intense than he expected. Lee isn't Naruto's friend, but the bushy-browed boy is nothing but pure, kind, and hardworking, one of the people who best understands the strength and weakness Naruto spoke about in his fight with Kiba. Seeing him hurt isn't shocking to the blond (he has to force himself to think this way, even though he feels like beating the redhead for the injustice Lee suffered), but it doesn't stop him from feeling a lot of anger about what he's seeing now. Rock Lee isn't Naruto's friend yet, but he might be in the future. The kusarigama that a second ago was in the holster on Naruto's hip is now wrapped around Gaara, the chains shining a bright yellow-green just like Kongō Fusa. With a strong pull, the Sunagakure ninja is dragged away from Lee, and the sand seems to lose focus on the injured and shift to protecting its user.

To be honest, Naruto wanted to test the chains of the kusarigama ever since he got his hands on the weapon. A much simpler and weaker copy of Kongō Fusa, but strong enough to be a problem for any ninja. Maybe it's just because of this that Naruto was able to prevent this murder...

— Naruto Uzumaki... — Gaara's voice is as intense as Naruto's own. Quickly, the sand creates a large enough opening in the chains wrapped around the user's body for the sand itself to pull them up, freeing the redhead in seconds. Even though he was ingenious in freeing himself, it seems Gaara sees Naruto as a threat worthy of his full attention. — I see you continue to interfere.

— And I see you continue to try to hurt people who are important to me.

— In our first encounter, it wasn't me who tried to hurt that scared child, if I remember correctly.

— It doesn't matter. You were trying to hurt bushy-brows! — Naruto quickly points to Rock Lee, who still looks completely serene as if he hadn't just suffered an attempted murder a few seconds ago. Bless the sedatives. — What's your problem? Do you have some grudge against him or something?

— No. I just want to kill him because I can.

Naruto feels a chill run up his spine. It's a bizarre statement that should frighten the blond, but it's nothing but strange and pitiful. Maybe it's all because of the trauma the blond has been suffering in recent months or Gaara's almost childlike sincerity.

It's a bit strange to think that the redhead's violent words can be considered "childlike sincerity," but that's exactly the definition that comes to Naruto's mind, especially because there's nothing false, deceitful, or ego-driven like the other ninjas, especially the foreign ones, had in their voices when they threatened their matches earlier today...

— And if you stay in my way, I will kill you too.

— I'd like to see you try. — That's all Naruto bothers to respond, even though Naruto's absurd reflection was kind, it doesn't diminish the anger the blond feels for Gaara. In a quick movement, Naruto pulls the kusarigama close again, facing the boy. — Even if you wanted to kill me, you wouldn't be able to. Monsters can't die.

— Damn it, Naruto! Why are you acting like this? — Shikamaru rubs his face, looking a bit desperate. It's very clear that he has nothing to counter Naruto's harsh words with. Even though it's painful to hear, it's the absolute truth. — You were full of hope and dreams. Your kindness was almost supernatural! Now you just seem like a...

— A monster? I just seem like a monster?

— Monsters can't die? It's the same for me. The living spirit of an ancient Sunagakure priest, Shukaku, was placed inside me before I was even born. The final masterpiece of the Kazekage. Strong enough to be a good weapon and, at the same time, too powerful to be a threat that can be ignored.

He… He also has something inside him… That's why his chakra feels familiar. He's a Jinchuuriki?

— From one monster to another, answer me, Naruto Uzumaki. — Gaara stares into Naruto's eyes, a strange spark in his dull green eyes. Their chakras seem to intertwine as if they were one, like equals finally meeting. — Why do I exist? Why am I alive? When I think about it, I can't find a reason that justifies the existence of monsters like us.

Gaara slowly approaches Naruto, the sound of his footsteps almost nonexistent, much quieter than the machines connected to Rock Lee. Both boys are too immersed in the confusing feeling they found in each other's presence to care about their close proximity.

— But everyone needs a reason to live, otherwise, it's the same as being dead.

I can understand that… We are alike, aren't we?

— These questions led me to a conclusion, "I exist to kill all humans weaker than me." I finally found relief from the fear of death, the fear of never knowing when someone would try to assassinate me… To keep killing my would-be assassins, I understood the reason to keep living. Fight only for myself, love only myself. As long as there are people in this vast world for me to kill, I will continue to feel the joy of being alive. My existence will not disappear. — Gaara is finally close enough to Naruto for their faces to be just centimeters apart. — And I see that you are like me, you too have found your motivation, no matter how much you lie to yourself. If you understand what I'm saying, don't interfere.

I was alone too and couldn't find a reason to keep living in pain, but my friends acknowledged my existence and I finally experienced what it means to be alive.

But it's not just that, I found a reason to let myself live and in the Land of Waves, I discovered what it means to fear death, the fear of losing this will to live that I had just found. This guy kept being alone and felt that living meant killing others. He has nothing but himself to lose and takes pleasure in seeing others lose the only thing he values. If Gaara had someone who cared about him, could everything be different?

Despite being so similar, we're also very different from each other.

Is that really so?

— Stop trying to stop me. — The sand finally comes to life, shifting from a defensive position to an offensive one. It's clear that Gaara is underestimating Naruto's strength because, even though he has seen the blonde's speed, the sand is slow enough for him to dodge without using Shunshin. Time and again, Naruto is attacked and manages to dodge in the small hospital room. Gradually, the speed increases until he has to use Shunshin no Jutsu.

For a long time, Naruto kept dodging the attacks. Gradually, things got worse, but he also knew that if Gaara wanted to, it would all be over. After all, getting caught by the smallest attack would mean death. It was as if Gaara was playing rather than really trying to kill Naruto.

Despite the fight, the room was silent enough that the heavy footsteps of someone approaching caught Naruto's attention. Not that he could spare much attention, since if he stopped focusing on Gaara, he would end the day taking an infinite nap in a coffin.

— What's going on here? The Finals are still a month away, are you that eager? — Before Naruto could find an opening to attack Gaara back, Gai-sensei entered the room, interrupting their fight before it could escalate.

Gaara seemed to shudder at the sight of the sensei, filling with a silent fury and intense madness that wasn't there before. The redhead started to walk toward the door without saying anything to the Bushy-Browed Sensei, but he glanced over his shoulder to stare at Naruto as if he were the worst evil in the world.

— I will definitely kill you…

— And I really want to see you try.

— What? No! That's not what I was going to say!

— Then what were you going to say?

After the question, Shikamaru fell silent, staring at the floor, slightly trembling with his lips pressed tightly together as if engaged in an intense internal struggle.

Who would win this fight? Morality or friendship?

Naruto didn't allow the boy to decide who the victor was, as he simply turned his back on his childhood friend and continued on his own path, fleeing from the Nara down the hospital corridors.

— What are you doing here, Bushy Brows-sensei? — Naruto stared at the door through which Gaara had left for some time before opening his mouth to say something to the adult in the room. When Naruto finally looked at Guy-sensei, the man seemed really different from all the times they had met before. Instead of being energetic and laid-back, almost like a walking joke, the sensei appeared serious and even a bit scared.

— Shikamaru ran to inform me of what was happening here. — Shikamaru? He saw what happened here and went to get help? Even though he sees me as a monster? — Naruto, my young shinobi, do you understand what was going on here?

— Are you asking if I understand that Lee was the target of an assassination attempt or that the fight I just had could have meant life or death for me? — Naruto's words came out a bit harsher than he intended. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to smile and act as he always does, energetic and cheerful. Seizing the opportunity, he pointed confidently at the man's face. — Well... Bushy Brows-sensei, since I saved your son, you owe me one, and I'm collecting now!

Sakura struggles to keep running despite her trembling and sore legs; the night air is chilly, and even her pants and jacket can't stop her from shivering. It's not a good situation, especially since, unlike Naruto, she can't distinguish people's chakra well enough to guide herself by it. Of course, she has the basic sensory ability of a genin, but it's not enough to find her lost teammate.

But she knows Naruto well enough to know that as soon as he's free, he'll go after Sasuke. So her only option is to sneak into the hospital and look for both Naruto and Sasuke.

Her feet carry her to the hospital, stopping a few meters from one of the walls. For a moment, she wonders how she'll manage to infiltrate the building without being seen by Kakashi-sensei, who must still be around, and still find Sasuke and Naruto.

At least the pondering doesn't last long, as just as she's gathering the courage to choose a random window to climb through, Naruto suddenly opens the window on the top floor and begins searching for something—or rather, someone. Within seconds, he spots Sakura and locks eyes with her, gesturing for her to come up before leaving the window.

— Naruto, I was worried when I couldn't find you! — Sakura speaks as she enters the room through the window, finally facing Sasuke, who seemed to be peacefully asleep in the hospital bed. Kakashi-sensei was nowhere to be seen, which seemed very strange. — Is he okay?

— Definitely. I don't know the seal Kakashi-sensei tried to place on the Curse Mark, but I know Sasuke-teme sleeping like this was intentional, at least at first... — Naruto whispers, already sitting in the chair beside the bed. His hand is intertwined with Sasuke's as if he's trying to warm it. — I'm sorry, Sakura-chan. I was already coming to the hospital to look for this bastard, but I found you on the way and decided to take you home first; I didn't want to disturb your nap... Anyway, Sasuke seems fine, just sleeping like Sleeping Beauty. The most arrogant Sleeping Beauty on the planet.

Sakura can't hide her smile and also approaches, taking Sasuke's other hand and holding it. It's the first time in a long time that the brunette has been able to sleep so peacefully. It's somewhat relieving to see him so calm in his sleep.

— If Sasuke is okay, why the ban on us seeing him?

— I... I don't know, Sakura-chan...

Everything in the past few months feels so strange... Konoha has countless dark secrets and blood on its hands, things are starting to surface slowly, but it doesn't make anything easier to understand. Now, in addition to Konoha, they've encountered a snake-like man who has some kind of obsession with Sasuke and will likely be a threat in the future, and Kakashi-sensei, the adult they trust so much, is acting strangely too...

Anyway, things can always get worse.

Sakura can't help but startle when the door to Sasuke's room opens gently, and the guy who continued to seek friendship from Team 7 during the Chunin Exams enters quietly, looking much more confident and dangerous than in the clear falsehoods he committed with all "the 9 rookies" of Konoha.

— I don't know if you still remember my name, but I'm Kabuto Yakushi, and I'd love to have a little chat with you, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki.

Offshoots of Konoha - Chapter 14 - alecquiin (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.