Magic Items/List (2024)

Magic Items/List (1)

Currently, there are 26 different types of Magic Items. These Magic Items are subdivided into five categories:


  • 1 Books
    • 1.1 Book of Fighting
    • 1.2 Book of Building
    • 1.3 Book of Spells
    • 1.4 Book of Heroes
    • 1.5 Book of Everything
  • 2 Potions
    • 2.1 Power Potion
    • 2.2 Resource Potion
    • 2.3 Training Potion
    • 2.4 Builder Potion
    • 2.5 Clock Tower Potion
    • 2.6 Hero Potion
    • 2.7 Research Potion
    • 2.8 Super Potion
    • 2.9 Pet Potion
  • 3 Runes
    • 3.1 Rune of Gold
    • 3.2 Rune of Elixir
    • 3.3 Rune of Dark Elixir
    • 3.4 Rune of Builder Gold
    • 3.5 Rune of Builder Elixir
  • 4 Hammers
    • 4.1 Hammer of Fighting
    • 4.2 Hammer of Building
    • 4.3 Hammer of Spells
    • 4.4 Hammer of Heroes
  • 5 Miscellaneous Items
    • 5.1 Wall Ring
    • 5.2 Shovel of Obstacles
    • 5.3 Builder Star Jar


  • Books are able to skip an upgrade timer regardless of its length.
    • As such, to get the best value, they should be used to finish long and tedious upgrades immediately, which can often be the case later in the game. Upgrades that would greatly hinder gameplay while ongoing, such as a Barracks upgrade, are also a viable candidate for book usage.
    • The upgrade must be underway already for them to be used. Therefore, the user still has to pay the resource cost of the upgrade.
  • Players can hold one of each Book at a time.

Book of Fighting

Magic Items/List (2)

"Filled with very efficient training programs, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any ongoing troop upgrade. Works in both villages!"

The Book of Fighting skips timers of troop & siege machine upgrades.

Buy Price: 925 Magic Items/List (3), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (4).

Book of Building

Magic Items/List (5)

"Supposedly authored by the Master Builder himself, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any building upgrade. Works in both villages!"

The Book of Building skips timers regarding building constructions & upgrades. It can also skip timers regarding gear-ups, such as the Cannon gear-up.

Buy Price: 925 Magic Items/List (6), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (7).

Book of Spells

Magic Items/List (8)

"Written by unknown wizards, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any ongoing spell upgrade. Works in Home Village."

The Book of Spells skips timers regarding spell upgrades.

Buy Price: 925 Magic Items/List (9), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (10).

Book of Heroes

Magic Items/List (11)

"Full of heroic tales and sound advice, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any ongoing hero or pet upgrade timer. Works in both villages!"

The Book of Heroes skips timers regarding hero/pet upgrades. Also, if used on a hero while they are regenerating after both of their health bars are depleted, it will recover both the regular and extra health bars regardless of regeneration time.

Buy Price: 500 Magic Items/List (12), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (13).

Book of Everything

Magic Items/List (14)

"This extremely powerful magical encyclopedia can be used to instantly complete any ongoing upgrade. Works in both villages!"

The Book of Everything can skip any timer. It cannot be used if any other book is able to take its place, nor can it be purchased from the Trader. Much like the Book of Heroes, using it on a Hero will instantly regenerate both of their health bars.

Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (15).


Potions are Magic Items that provide temporary boosts to various aspects of gameplay. Players can hold up to five of each at once.

Using multiple potions at once only extends the duration rather than amplify the effect. For example, using two Resource Potions grants the 2x resource production boost for 2 days, rather than give a 4x boost for 1 day.

Power Potion

Magic Items/List (16)

"This strong-smelling magical brew boosts Troops, Spells and Siege Machines to the maximum level allowed at your Town Hall level for 1h. Works in both villages!"

Magic Items/List (17)

The Power Potion automatically upgrades the player's existing avaliable troops and spells to the maximum level allowed by their Town Hall or Builder Hall level (as applicable) for 1 hour. It can be used before any battle by tapping the "Boost Troops" button (shown below right), including Clan War battles. While the potion is active, troops and spells that the player has will display a bluish flame for their level.

Power Potions are unavailable to use when all of the player's units are at the maximum level allowed by their Town Hall and Builder Hall. They have no effect on Heroes, Pets and troops spawned by other methods (which instead still scale by their original levels, if applicable), nor do they have an effect on Clan Capital Troops or Spells. Also, when donating boosted troops or spells, it will still use their original levels for the donation.

Note: If a Power Potion is used to boost a troop with a Super version to the minimum Super Troop boosting requirement, it is still not possible to boost said troop with an insufficient base level.

Buy Price: 300 Magic Items/List (18) or 150 Magic Items/List (19), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (20).

Resource Potion

Magic Items/List (21)

"A haste spell turned into a potion, this magical elixir can greatly boost your resource collector efficiency for 1d. Works in Home Village."

The Resource Potion boosts all Gold Mines, Elixir Collectors and Dark Elixir Drills within the Home Village for 1 day as an alternative to using gems for the purpose.

Buy Price: 115 Magic Items/List (22) or 10 Magic Items/List (23) or 200 Magic Items/List (24), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (25).

Training Potion

Magic Items/List (26)

"This energetic elixir boosts your army production, increasing efficiency of barracks, spell factories, and hero regeneration. Works in Home Village."

The Training Potion boosts the Barracks, Dark Barracks, Spell Factory, Dark Spell Factory, Workshop, and all the Hero altars in the Home Village for 1 hour, accelerating their production/regeneration rate by 4x, and as an alternative to using gems. However, when there is only little time left with the training potion active, the acceleration is continually reduced until the training potion is no longer active. More info can be read on these reddit posts:,, and[1]

Buy Price: 25 Magic Items/List (27) or 10 Magic Items/List (28) or 100 Magic Items/List (29) (occasionally offered for free in the Trader), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (30).

Builder Potion

Magic Items/List (31)

"Brewed by the Builder in case of emergency all-nighters, this invigorating potion allows your builders to work 10x faster for 1h. Works in Home Village! Unfortunately, the Builder's Apprentice is too young to enjoy this brew, so his working speed will not be increased."

The Builder Potion accelerates all construction work to 10 times the original rate in the Home Village for one hour, except for any work being done by the Builder's Apprentice. Compared to the normal rate, using a Builder Potion saves nine hours of builder time per builder, as each builder will do 10 hours' worth of work in one hour. As such, to get the best value out of this item, it is recommended to be used when all builders are currently working on upgrades that last at least 10 hours.

Buy Price: 285 Magic Items/List (32) or 30 Magic Items/List (33), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (34).

Clock Tower Potion

Magic Items/List (35)

"This thick elixir made from ground-up magic cogs activates your Clock Tower boost for 30m. Works in Builder Base."

The Clock Tower Potion boosts the Clock Tower for 30 minutes (irrespective of its actual level), speeding up timers as if boosted normally. While it can stack with the Clock Tower's free boost, said boost cannot be used if the potion was used first.

The Clock Tower Potion cannot be used if the Clock Tower has not been rebuilt.

Buy Price: 75 Magic Items/List (36) or 100 Magic Items/List (37), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (38).

Hero Potion

Magic Items/List (39)

"This potent potion temporarily boosts all Heroes and Pets to the maximum level allowed at your Town Hall level for 1h. Works in both villages!"

The Hero Potion boosts, for one hour, all heroes and pets' levels up to the maximum allowed at the current level of their Town Hall and Builder Hall. As such, it is recommended for the player to check levels of Town Hall/Builder Hall and the respective heroes and use it wisely to get the best value.

It cannot be used if every hero and pet are currently at maxed out relative to the Town Hall/Builder Hall's own levels, or if the player does not own any Hero.

While a Hero Potion boost is active, Heroes' level indicators will be given a slight purple tint.

When used at the same time as a Training Potion, it does not affect the Hero Potion's timer.

Buy Price: 150 Magic Items/List (40) or 150 Magic Items/List (41), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (42).

Research Potion

Magic Items/List (43)

"This strange substance somehow helps the mysterious Wizards inside the Laboratory research 24x faster for 1h. Works in Home Village!"

The Research Potion accelerates all research conducted in the Home Village's Laboratory to 24 times of the original speed for one hour. Compared to the normal rate, using a Research Potion saves 23 hours of research time, as 24 hours' worth of research is done in just one hour.

Buy Price: 120 Magic Items/List (44) or 20 Magic Items/List (45) or 200 Magic Items/List (46), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (47)

Super Potion

Magic Items/List (48)

"Dark Elixir brewed into a delicious golden form, best enjoyed in a hot, humid environment with a few close friends. The Super Potion can boost a Troop into its Super Troop version for 3 days."

The Super Potion boosts a Super Troop into its corresponding Super Troop counterpart for 3 days, if possible. This achieves the same result as paying 25,000 Dark Elixir to do so.

The potion cannot be used when there are already two different types of Super Troops (other than a Super Troop activated through the Super Troop Spotlight event) currently active or if the Super Troop's corresponding normal troop is of insufficient level to boost. The potion also cannot be used by players that do not own the Super Sauna in their base.

Buy Price: 300 Magic Items/List (49), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (50)

Pet Potion

Magic Items/List (51)

"Containing everything a Pet needs for a healthy, glossy coat. This helps Pets upgrade 24x faster for 1h"

The Pet Potion accelerates all research conducted in the Pet House to 24 times of the original speed for one hour. Compared to the normal rate, using a Pet Potion saves 23 hours of research time, as 24 hours' worth of research is done in just one hour.

Buy Price: 120 Magic Items/List (52) or 200 Magic Items/List (53), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (54)


  • Runes are a type of Magic Item that completely fill their respective resource storages. As such, to get the best value, it is recommended to upgrade their corresponding storages then use it while they are empty.
  • Players can hold one of each rune at a time.
  • There are 5 types of runes, all of which function identically, save for the resources they supply.
  • Runes cannot be used when their respective storages are full or overfilled. This includes players that do not own any way to store Dark Elixir. If a player's storage is more than 70% full, they will be warned on the confirmation screen, but will be allowed to use the rune so as long as it is not full.

Rune of Gold

Magic Items/List (55)

"Seemingly providing an endless stream of Gold, this magical item allows you to completely fill your Gold Storages in the Home Village."

Buy price: 1,500 Magic Items/List (56), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (57).

Rune of Elixir

Magic Items/List (58)

"Seemingly providing an endless stream of Elixir, this magical item allows you to completely fill your Elixir Storages in the Home Village."

Buy Price: 1,500 Magic Items/List (59), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (60).

Rune of Dark Elixir

Magic Items/List (61)

"Seemingly providing an endless stream of Dark Elixir, this magical item allows you to completely fill your Dark Elixir Storages in the Home Village."

Buy Price: 3,000 Magic Items/List (62), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (63).

Rune of Builder Gold

Magic Items/List (64)

"Seemingly providing an endless stream of Builder Gold, this magical item allows you to completely fill your Gold Storages in the Builder Base."

Buy Price: 1,500 Magic Items/List (65), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (66).

Rune of Builder Elixir

Magic Items/List (67)

"Seemingly providing an endless stream of Builder Elixir, this magical item allows you to completely fill your Elixir Storages in the Builder Base."

Buy Price: 1,500 Magic Items/List (68), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (69).


Hammers are Magic Items that also instantly complete upgrades with several restrictions.

  • Hammers automatically fill in the cost, making said upgrade free (regardless of storage capacity), but are unable to affect an upgrade that is already underway.
  • The player may have one Hammer of each type. Once purchased, a new one of the same type cannot be bought for the next 7 days.
  • In order to use it, the player must reach all non-resource upgrade criteria for the specified target, with several examples:
    • Buildings, and Heroes still require a free builder and have their Town Hall or Builder Hall upgrade requirements met.
    • Laboratory, Star Laboratory and Pet upgrades can only be performed if the corresponding building is sufficiently upgraded to allow the upgrade.
    • Items that are purchased from the shop, or which have no upgrade timers or miscellaneous requirements, such as Walls and the B.O.B Control, cannot be affected by any hammer.
  • The Master Builder's Gear Up modifications can only be affected by Books, and cannot be performed with a Hammer.

Hammer of Fighting

Magic Items/List (70)

"A swing of this magic hammer will instantly upgrade any troop to the next level. Works in both villages!"

The Hammer of Fighting automatically completes an upgrade of a troop or siege machine.

Buy Price: 120 Magic Items/List (71), Sell Price: 100 Magic Items/List (72).

Hammer of Building

Magic Items/List (73)

"A swing of this magic hammer will instantly upgrade any building to the next level. Works in both villages!"

The Hammer of Building automatically completes a building upgrade.

Buy Price: 120 Magic Items/List (74), Sell Price: 100 Magic Items/List (75).

Hammer of Spells

Magic Items/List (76)

"A swing of this magic hammer will instantly upgrade any spell to the next level. Works in the Home Village!"

The Hammer of Spells automatically completes a spell upgrade.

Buy Price: 120 Magic Items/List (77), Sell Price: 100 Magic Items/List (78).

Hammer of Heroes

Magic Items/List (79)

"A swing of this magic hammer will instantly upgrade any hero or pet to the next level. Works in both villages!"

The Hammer of Heroes automatically completes a hero or pet upgrade. Also, using this Magic Item to upgrade a Hero while both of their health bars have been depleted will instantly regenerate both of their health bars after the player confirms to use the Hammer of Heroes.

Buy Price: 165 Magic Items/List (80), Sell Price: 100 Magic Items/List (81).

Miscellaneous Items

The below items are unique in type and nature.

Wall Ring

Magic Items/List (82)

"Punching a Wall Piece with this Ring on will instantly upgrade it, though higher level walls might require multiple rings to upgrade. Works in both villages!"

The Wall Ring allows you to upgrade Walls with them instead of consuming resources, similarly to Hammers. It is only usable with a free builder.

The number of rings required to upgrade a particular level of Wall is given in the tables below. 1 Wall Ring corresponds to 1 million Gold/Elixir in the Home Village, and 500,000 Builder Gold/Builder Elixir in the Builder Base. As such, they gain more value if the upgrade costs more.

Upgrade discounts like those from the Season Challenges do not influence the cost of Wall Rings for each Wall.

You can hold up to 25 Rings at a time.

Home Village Walls
Level Magic Items/List (83)Wall Rings Required Magic Items/List (84)
Builder Base Walls
Level Magic Items/List (85)Wall Rings Required Magic Items/List (86)

Buy Price: 50 Magic Items/List (87) or 5 Magic Items/List (88) or 60 Magic Items/List (89) (for each single Wall Ring), Sell Price: 5 Magic Items/List (90).

Shovel of Obstacles

Magic Items/List (91)

"Strong but fragile, this magical shovel can be used to make a single obstacle permanently movable. Works in both villages!"

The Shovel of Obstacles is a Magic Item that allows the player to move any Obstacle. Any obstacle moved by a Shovel is treated as a decoration, in that it can be freely moved around the village like one, and can be withheld in the Village Edit Mode inventory without being placed. However, obstacles moved in the Home Village cannot be placed into War Base layouts.

Moved obstacles can still be permanently removed, though no special compensation is given for doing this.

You can hold up to five Shovels at a time.

Buy Price: 500 Magic Items/List (92) or 1000 Magic Items/List (93), Sell Price: 50 Magic Items/List (94).

Builder Star Jar

Magic Items/List (95)

"Smashing this fragile jar full of stars instantly makes your Star Bonus available in the Builder Base."

The Builder Star Jar instantly makes the Star Bonus available again in the Builder Base if it is currently not available. Using the Jar does not reset the ongoing timer for the next Star Bonus.

Any time remaining for the next Star Bonus is resumed once the Star Bonus enabled with the Jar is completed.

You can hold up to five Star Jars at a time.

Buy Price: 100 Magic Items/List (96) or 150 Magic Items/List (97), Sell Price: 10 Magic Items/List (98).

Magic Items/List (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.