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All types of 'funds' decoded (5)

  • Posted By :
  • Wednesday May 09, 2018

When we decide to invest, we try to analyse and understand the various investment options keeping the following expectations in mind.

  • Low costs (Initiation fee, Entry/Exit load, Fund expenses)
  • Investment Flexibility
  • Liquidity
  • Ease of portfolio management
  • Diversification
  • Tax convivial
  • Transparency and no hidden costs
  • Strict directive

As an investor, your objectives revolve around the following three parameters:

  • Capital conservation
  • Capital growth
  • Regular income out of savings

There are various types of mutual funds that you can choose from, based on your objectives. Let’s look at a few types of funds based on the risk levels involved.

What are Liquid Funds?

These are associated with low risk levels and provide returns higher than from a traditional banks savings account. The average maturity period is of 91 days and the minimum holding period is of two weeks. They come with no exit load (expense given at the time of withdrawing invested capital along with returns). Capital gains are taxable under normal income tax slab if withdrawn before three years. For over three years gains are taxable at 20% with indexation benefit.

What are Ultra-Short-Term Funds?

These funds invest in accountable and reputed bonds/stocks reducing the risk levels when compared to other . They cater to short term investment goals with returns that are typically higher than liquid funds yet not as high as debt or equity. They have a minimum holding period of three months with a longer maturity period.

What is Money Market?

These are financial instruments which provide extreme stability and liquidity of investments. They are famously termed as cash reserves and cater to short term investment objectives with low risks. They invest in treasury bills, short-term bank CDs, corporate commercial papers, etc. The maturity period for these funds should ideally be less than 90 days.

What are Income/Debt Funds?

These cater to midterm investment goal nevertheless can also be kept for a longer duration and are associated with low to medium level risks. These funds invest in corporate and government securities and bonds in a particular ratio. Corporate bonds accompany certain levels of risks making them moderate-risk-moderate-return instruments. These are highly liquid and should be held for over three years for tax benefits.

What are Gilt Funds?

These funds invest solely in government securities and bonds which makes them least risky in terms of Income and Debt Funds. Nonetheless they are impacted by market volatility and can witness considerable risk levels in a short term. These are ideal for midterm investment objectives.

What are Balanced Funds?

Balanced Funds are vehicles that bestow an investor with benefits of equity and debt. An investment can be made in a predefined ratio (60% Equity and 40% Debt) to avail substantial returns than debt alone. The asset which increases in value is sold. For instance, if stock value increases, the fund manager will sell it to buy more bonds, thereby maintain the 60-40 ratio. These are associated with moderate risk levels.

What is Equity MF?

These are Long Term investment instruments which have the highest risk tolerance. They can be further classified into:

  • Sectoral/Thematic Funds

    Investments are made across sectors like IT, pharma, manufacturing, etc.

  • Large Cap

    Least risky owing to investments in stocks with highest level turnover

  • Mid Cap

    Higher risk levels than large-cap and lower than small-cap, these are growing businesses with moderate level turnover

  • Small Cap

    Highly risky since these stocks are with the least level of turnover and cannot be predicted

  • Multi Cap

    Invest chunks in each cap thereby diversifying the portfolio

What are ETF/Index Funds?

These funds track a particular asset class or index (gold, equity, international indices, and debt) and trade like a normal stock on an exchange. These funds are best suited for investors who cannot master trading abilities and need a safe approach. These replicate performances of their associated indices and provide inflation-adjusted returns.

In Conclusion:

With you can choose any of the available mutual fund investment options depending on your risk-bearing levels to make a smart investment portfolio of your choice to have a sound financial vision.

All types of 'funds' decoded (6)

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    All types of 'funds' decoded (30)

    All types of 'funds' decoded (2024)


    How many types of funds are there? ›

    4 Prominent Types of Mutual Funds
    Based on Structure1) Open-ended 2) Close-ended 3) Interval funds
    Based on Asset Class1) Equity Funds 2) Debt Funds 3) Money Market Funds 4) Hybrid Funds
    Based on Investment Goals1) Growth funds 2) Income funds 3) Liquid funds 4) Tax-saving funds 5) Fixed Maturity Funds 6) Pension Funds

    What is an equity fund everfi? ›

    What is an equity fund? A mutual fund that is primarily invested in stocks.

    What are the 3 funds? ›

    The three-fund portfolio consists of a total stock market index fund, a total international stock index fund, and a total bond market fund.

    What are the four basic categories of funds list with definition? ›

    There are four broad types of mutual funds: Equity (stocks), fixed-income (bonds), money market funds (short-term debt), or both stocks and bonds (balanced or hybrid funds).

    How many types of funding are there? ›

    There are two types of funding that you can opt for when you do not have the cash to start your own business: equity financing and debt financing. Both of these types of funding are different in many aspects, but they both end in getting cash for the growth of your company.

    How many sources of funds are there? ›

    The main sources of funding are retained earnings, debt capital, and equity capital. Companies use retained earnings from business operations to expand or distribute dividends to their shareholders.

    What type of fund is equity? ›

    An equity fund is a type of investment fund that pools money from investors to trade primarily a portfolio of stocks, also known as equity securities. Fund managers aim to generate returns for the fund's investors. Because of their focus on stocks, equity funds are also known as stock funds.

    Is a fund an equity? ›

    Like stocks, mutual funds are considered equity securities because investors purchase shares that correlate to an ownership stake in the fund as a whole.

    What is a premium everfi? ›

    Premium. The amount you pay the insurance company for coverage, typically paid each month.

    What are three types of funds? ›

    The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) basis classification divides funds into three fund categories: governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary.

    What are major funds? ›

    Major funds can be defined as the revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities that total as 10% of the respective category and at least 5% of total of all categories of government funds. Each fund used by the government is evaluated to be classified as major fund.

    What are the three biggest funds? ›

    The world's largest mutual funds by assets
    Fund (ticker symbol)Assets under managementExpense ratio
    Source: Morningstar, as of Feb. 27, 2024
    Vanguard Total Stock Market Index (VTSAX)$1.47 trillion0.04%
    Fidelity 500 Index (FXAIX)$484.4 billion0.015%
    Vanguard 500 Index (VFIAX)$398.4 billion0.04%
    4 more rows
    Feb 28, 2024

    What is a fund and types of fund? ›

    Some common types of funds include pension funds, insurance funds, foundations, and endowments. Funds are also used by individuals and families for personal financial matters, such as emergency funds and college funds. Retirement funds are common funds offered as a benefit to employees.

    What is a fund category? ›

    A fund category is a way of differentiating mutual funds according to their investment objectives and principal investment features. This categorization allows investors to spread their money around in a mix of funds with a variety of risk and return characteristics.

    What is a Class A fund? ›

    Class A shares typically impose a front-end sales charge, which means a portion of your money isn't invested and is instead paid in part to the brokerage firm selling you the fund. Let's say you spend $1,000 to purchase Class A shares, and the fund imposes a front-end sales charge of 5 percent.

    What are the 5 types of fund balances? ›

    The new fund balance classifications will indicate the level of constraints placed upon how resources can be spent and identify the sources of those constraints. Constraints are broken down into five different classifications: nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned.

    What are the five fund types within the governmental funds? ›

    Governmental fund reporting often has a budgetary orientation. Governmental funds are classified into five fund types: general, special revenue, capital projects, debt service, and permanent funds.

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