Lucky Greenbriar West Elementary student finds 6-leaf clover (2024)

It was a bright and sunny day back to school for one Fairfax County student last week, and it was about to get a lot brighter.

Safety Patrol Officer Sean Nalley, age 11, was stationed at his post that afternoon. He was helping the students of Greenbriar West Elementary cross the street safely, but something kept drawing his eyes downward, and he was about to become extremely excited.

It was right there at his feet, a six-leaf clover.

Sean had just become one of the rare people who would ever find a five or six leaf clover.

Lucky Greenbriar West Elementary student finds 6-leaf clover (1)

The odds of finding a five leaf clover on your first attempt are approximately one in one million, six leaf clovers are even more rare. This kind of luck is nothing new to Sean though. In the past two years, Sean has found three four-leaf clovers and his luck did not stop there. He also caught the only fish while fishing with his family later that evening.

Sean just crossed over into the Boy Scouts in February. He enjoys camping, fishing and video games. He has been on Safety Patrol for two years.

Lucky Greenbriar West Elementary student finds 6-leaf clover (2024)


How rare is finding a 6 leaf clover? ›

The same survey found that the frequency of five-leaf clovers is 1 in 24,400, and of six-leaf clovers is 1 in 312,500. Even so, this probability has not deterred collectors who have reached records as high as 160,000 four-leaf clovers in a lifetime.

What does it mean when you find a 6 leaf clover? ›

A fifth leaf represents money, while a sixth spells longevity.

Is it good luck to find a 6 leaf clover? ›

Lucky Clovers Can Have More than Four Leaves!

But sometimes, you end up with even more leaves, which is supposed to be even luckier. For example, six-leafed clovers are supposed to bring faith, hope, love, extra luck, money, and good fortune.

Has there ever been a 6 leaf clover? ›

Estimates vary. Many reports say you have a one-in-10,000 chance of finding a four-leaf clover, which would make a five-leafer a one-in-a-million find – and a six-leaf clover extraordinarily rare.

What is the rarest clover to find? ›

The gene responsible for four-leaf clovers is 'recessive', which means that the plant will only produce four leaves if it has the four-leaf gene on all four chromosomes, which is a rare occurrence.

How rare is a 21 leaf clover? ›

And then 20 more.” University of Sydney mathematics senior lecturer Clio Cresswell said with a one in 10,000 chance of finding one four-leaf clover, finding 21 was about a one in a number with 84 zeros. “There would have to be something scientifically going on because the odds are far too ridiculous,” she said.

Is lucky clover rare? ›

It's a rare variation of the common three-leaf clover, and because your chances of finding one with four leaves is about 1 in 10,000, they're considered lucky. Four-leaf clovers have been around for ages, and their supposed lucky powers are talked about in centuries-old legends.

How rare is a 7 leaf clover? ›

The odds of finding a seven-leaf clover are one in 250,000,000.

Do clovers give you luck? ›

According to Irish tradition, those who find a four-leaf clover are destined for good luck, as each leaf in the clover symbolizes good omens for faith, hope, love, and luck for the finder.

What does 🍀 mean from a girl? ›

What Does 🍀 Mean From A Girl. Girls don't often use the four leaf clover emoji 🍀 to mean anything in particular. However, if a girl does use this emoji, it is most likely that she is conveying good luck or something about weed—just like how guys use it.

What makes a clover lucky? ›

Four-leaf clovers were Celtic charms, presumed to offer magical protection and ward off bad luck. Children in the Middle Ages believed if they carried a four-leaf clover, they would be able to see fairies, and the first literary reference to suggest their good fortune was made in 1620 by Sir John Melton.

What are the chances of finding lucky clover? ›

The Area Necessary to Find a Four-Leaf Clover

The probability of finding a four-leaf clover is 1-in-10,000. This defines the number of times that the event occurs (four-leaf clover) out of a total number of opportunities (all white clovers).

Does a 56 leaf clover exist? ›

The most leaves on a clover stem (Trifolium repens L.) is 56 and was discovered by Shigeo Obara of Hanamaki City, Iwate, Japan, on 10 May 2009. Mr. Obara has studied clovers for many years and was the finder of the previous record holder in this category.

Is there a 6 leaf grimoire? ›

This legend is the opposite infact and this legend is called "The Legend Of The Six Leaf Clover" this legend entails of a Grimoire that has six clover leaves and it is associated with despair at first and then luck itself as it is powers beyond that of normal humans, it is the powers of a god of who's heart is pure as ...

How rare is a 56 leaf clover? ›

The 56 Leaf Clover is an uncommon utility item in Risk of Rain. It gives Elite mobs a 4% chance to drop items. Any more picked up after the first one grants an additional 1.5% chance. This item caps at a 100% chance at 67 pickups.

Can you get a 10 leaf clover? ›

However, the more leaflets, the harder they are to find (and the luckier they are): the record is an 18-leaf clover, and the highest I've ever seen is 10-leafed.

Is there such thing as a 44 leaf clover? ›

The 44-Leaf Clover is an odd clover that is 11 times luckier than a four-leaf clover. Whoever is in possession of it will be granted magical powers. It is known as an ancient Odd Squad artifact.

What does 57 leaf clover do? ›

The 57 Leaf Clover adds one try per stack whenever an item tries to proc, increasing the chances to get a favorable outcome. This effect makes any items that have a chance to trigger more effective. These include critical hits, so scoring one becomes easier. Completing The Long Road Challenge unlocks this item.

How do you get 57 leaf clover? ›

To unlock the 57 leaf clover, you have to complete the challenge "The Long Road". This challenge is one of the more simpler ones, with it being just a requirement of beating 20 or more stages in one run. Despite it being so simple, "The Long Road" is not one of the easier challenges in the game for most players.

Is Rainbow Clover rare? ›

The release of Rainbow Clover happened on March 17, 2019 in the Chapter 1 of the Season 8. The rarity level of the item is Epic. It belongs to the Green Clover set. The cost of that item is 1500 V-Bucks, e.g. roughly $12.

Is a 5 leaf clover worth money? ›

A four-leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck. However, a five-leaf clover is said to attract extra good luck as well as money.

Are there 8 leaf clovers? ›

4-Leaf Clovers are not the only possible variation in nature, more leaves can be found. The rarity of the occurrence is directly proportional to the number of leaves. 6-Leaf Clover, 7-Leaf Clover, 8-Leaf Clover…the more leaf petals on a single leaf, the more sought after by collectors.

What does 56 leaf clover mean? ›

The three leaves of clover represent faith, hope, and love; The four Leaves of clover represent the good fortune; and Grimoire Five Leaves of Clover means that there is a devil present. 56? You have reached state of existence that extends the fabric of the multiverse!

Is there a 5 or 6 leaf clover? ›

The odds of finding a five-leaf clover are closer to one in a million. A six-leaf, plus an entire plant of five and four-leaf clovers is amazingly rare. Four-, five-, and six- or more leaf clovers only occur in white clover, which is named for its distinctive 3-leaf appearance.

What rare is a 5 leaf clover? ›

Statistical analysis website Minitab says the odds of finding a four-leaf clover on the first try are 10,000 to one, while the odds of finding a five-leaf clover on the first try are one million to one. Five-leaf clovers are also meant to bring more luck and financial success to the finder than a four-leaf.

What does each leaf mean in 🍀? ›

The first sheet is for hope, the second is for faith, and the third is for charity; the fourth leaf would therefore be lucky. It is also said that it would be in the image of God: a single plant with three lobes, which represents the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Is Red Clover lucky? ›

Like the four leaf clover, a red four leaf clover is considered lucky. Some believe the red leaf clover is the actual true shamrock planted by St. Patrick in Ireland. Regardless of the folk lore, red clover can be beneficial for many conditions.

Do clovers mean revenge? ›

Four-leaf clovers also means “be mine” “revenge” for their language. And what's more, as a whole plant, not for leaves, clovers symbolize “promise” and “think of me”, so it must be fascinating introducing clovers in your creation, while implying the meaning of their flower language in the scenes.

What does 💦 mean from a boy? ›

🧠 — Oral sex. 💦 — ejacul*tion. 👅 — May indicate sexual activity, especially oral sex.

What does 🤮 mean from a girl? ›

The 🤮 (vomit) emoji is usually a reaction to something gross, ugly, or repulsive. It essentially means, "That's nasty!" or "I'm so disgusted by this." The 🤮 (vomit) emoji can also indicate a physical illness like feeling queasy, vomiting, or being hungover.

What does 3 dots mean from a girl? ›

If you're texting or messaging someone and you see the ellipsis symbol pop up (often with 3 dancing or flashing dots), it means the other person is typing a new message.

What does a four-leaf clover mean in the Bible? ›

Subsequent to the banishment of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden; Eve took a four-leaf clover with her to remember the splendor and majesty of paradise. So, if an individual found a four-leaf clover, they possessed a portion of paradise.

What's the difference between a clover and a shamrock? ›

Shamrocks vs Clovers

For starters, shamrocks always have three leaves, while clovers can have a fourth leaf. Shamrocks are usually green, but you can find purple, green or white clover. Finally, shamrocks grow in clumps, while four-leaf clovers are rare and grow one at a time.

What does it mean when someone gives you a four-leaf clover? ›

According to the legend, the leaves of a four-leaf clover represent hope, faith, love, and a fourth for good luck. A common belief during the Middle Ages was if someone carried a four-leaf clover, they would have the ability to see fairies.

Are 5 leaf clovers real? ›

The five-leaf clover is a mutation, like its four leafed cousin, that does appear occasionally, and is meant to bring the finder good luck and financial gain. According to the 'Clovers Online' website, a five-leaf clover means extra good luck and financial gain.

How do you look after Lucky Clover? ›

Light: The good luck plant requires indirect bright light. Water: Do not overwater your good luck plant; keep the potting soil moist but never soggy. Let the potting soil dry out between each watering. When the lucky clover plant's leaves start to die back, it is going into its dormant state.

What is the largest clover? ›

Ladino clover are the tallest and largest leafed of the white clover family. While some might refer to this species as simply “white clover”, there are actually multiple types of white clovers, botanically divided up into three distinct, true breeding polymorphic forms based mainly on leaf size.

Is Red Clover rare? ›

Red clover is a common plant of all kinds of grassy areas in the UK, from lawns to pastures, roadsides to meadows. It is sown as a fodder crop for livestock and has long been used in crop rotation systems because of its ability to fix nitrogen, enriching soils.

Which clover is the luckiest? ›

Four-leaf clovers are considered lucky for their rarity. In the Middle Ages, it was believed by some Celtic groups that wielding a four-leaf clover would help you see fairies, as well as to ward off evil spirits and grant the holder good luck.

Is a lucky clover 3 or 4 leaves? ›

The three leaves of a shamrock are also said to stand for faith, hope and love. A fourth leaf is where we get the luck from. The four-leafed clover, or “lucky clover”, is an uncommon variation of the three-leafed clover, and widely considered to be a symbol of good luck.

How hard is it to find a 7 leaf clover? ›

According to a google search, the chances of finding a seven-leaf clover are one in 250,000,000. Each leaf has a different meaning: hope is the first leaf; faith is second leaf; love is the third leaf and luck is the fourth leaf. A fifth leaf means money but nothing has been assigned to a sixth or seventh leaf.

What is the rarest grimoire? ›

The Magus, Book 1. The rarest of the 19th century grimoires

The Magus is a long book, divided into two volumes.

What is the rarest type of grimoire? ›

In the case of the Clover Kingdom, a grimoire with a three-leaf clover is common, while a grimoire with a four-leaf clover is rare. It is said that a four-leaf clover grimoire brings good luck and is only received by a truly exceptional mage.

Why is Asta's grimoire so dirty? ›

His grimoire also looks so dirty is because it has been 5 centuries since anyone even used it. The anti-magic demon took over the grimoire when it got corrupted, that is how Asta can use anti-magic. And Asta does not even notice he has a five leaf clover grimoire.

Is there a 8 leaf clover? ›

The rarity of the occurrence is directly proportional to the number of leaves. 6-Leaf Clover, 7-Leaf Clover, 8-Leaf Clover…the more leaf petals on a single leaf, the more sought after by collectors.

Is a 56 leaf clover real? ›

The most leaves on a clover stem (Trifolium repens L.) is 56 and was discovered by Shigeo Obara of Hanamaki City, Iwate, Japan, on 10 May 2009. Mr. Obara has studied clovers for many years and was the finder of the previous record holder in this category.

Why is 57 leaf clover good? ›

The 57 Leaf Clover adds one try per stack whenever an item tries to proc, increasing the chances to get a favorable outcome. This effect makes any items that have a chance to trigger more effective. These include critical hits, so scoring one becomes easier.

How do you get 57 Leaf Clover? ›

To unlock the 57 leaf clover, you have to complete the challenge "The Long Road". This challenge is one of the more simpler ones, with it being just a requirement of beating 20 or more stages in one run. Despite it being so simple, "The Long Road" is not one of the easier challenges in the game for most players.

How common is 6 leaf clover? ›

Here is a genuine, hand picked Six Leaf Clover from Trifolium repens more commonly known as the white clover plant. For every one 4 leaf clover you manage to find there is roughly 10,000 more three leaf normal clovers! But for 6 leaf clovers no odds exist of your chance of finding one, they really are that rare!

Is a 4 or 5 leaf clover more rare? ›

The probability of a four-leaf white clover is 1 in 10,000, and the probabilities drop from there. Five-leaf white clovers are 1 in 100,000!

What is the most leaf clover ever found? ›

The most leaves on a clover stem (Trifolium repens L.) is 56 and was discovered by Shigeo Obara of Hanamaki City, Iwate, Japan, on 10 May 2009.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.