Low-Code API Business Ideas You Can Start Today | 8base Blog (2024)

There are several approaches you can take when creating an API business. You can sell the raw data you deliver through an API, provide data insights, or use the API as a data processor.

But first — why are APIs viable as businesses?

It's because APIs allow other businesses to quickly plug in, build and scale their operations without having to dedicate time and effort to building the solution that you specialize in. Developer time is very expensive, and businesses will look for a way to do things quickly and efficiently. They would rather pay a small fee to use the existing API than reinvent the wheel.

And if your API is useful, reliable, and easy to implement — you're on the right track.

Besides, the world today is so advanced due to specialization. Can you imagine internet commerce if every website that sells something had to implement its own payment processor? If everyone had to invent Stripe over and over again?

Nothing would ever get done. And that is why the API market is continuing to grow. Because the best way to build anything today is to focus on your core business and outsource all other non-essential parts:

  • Payment processors
  • Email and SMS senders
  • Weather APIs
  • Location/map services
  • Etc.

In the case of the API business model, you are essentially renting your API. You are either selling or processing the data through that API. And you are helping other businesses focus on their core business. If you want to learn specifics, the API monetization strategy article explains different monetization options in greater detail.

How To Start API Business?

An API business provides one of the rare situations where you can go from an idea to a running business in less than a day. To start an API business, you need three things:

  1. API
  2. The data
  3. The marketplace

The easiest and fastest way to build your API is by using low-code technology. Just create database tables through UI, and the API endpoints are automatically generated. Done.

Having your own data is great, but in case you don't, there are alternatives we will discuss. So this should not stop you from creating your API business.

Lastly, you need an easy way to handle payments and monitor API usage. For that, using an API marketplace is the simplest option. And we'll go through each of these necessary components of your API business.


If you manage to get this business off the ground, it's hard to imagine it can fail afterward. Just think about it…

If your API is being used by many different apps, it is unlikely they will all fail. This means they will continue to be your users and paying customers as long as they exist. And it's hard to fail in business if you have a constant source of revenue.

The API you've created becomes the backbone upon which other businesses are built.

What's the Fastest Way To Build An API

Low-code technology is currently the fastest way to build APIs (as well as entire apps). All you have to do is define your data model by creating database tables through a graphical interface, and your API is ready.

All the most important API endpoints are created for you automatically. This (quite literally) means your API can be ready in a couple of minutes from now.

After your API is live, you need a way to put your product on the market. And this article will cover ways you can monetize your API business.

Here Are Some API Startup Ideas

Of course, the best API project ideas add a unique value to the developer ecosystem that other APIs cannot (so they are often ideas that no one else has thought of yet), but here are a few ideas to help you brainstorm.

Raw Data API Ideas

  1. Recipes/Cooking Data - Offer an extensive database of recipes for a certain type of cuisine, including ingredients, cooking methods, and nutritional information, ideal for culinary websites and apps.
  2. Weather Data - Provide real-time and historical weather data, crucial for travel planning, agriculture, and event management.
  3. Historical Info - Deliver detailed historical data, catering to educators, researchers, and history enthusiasts.
  4. Plants or Animals Info - Create a comprehensive resource on flora and fauna, beneficial for biologists, horticulturists, and nature lovers.
  5. Sports Results or Player Data - Offer up-to-date sports statistics and player profiles, perfect for sports analysts and fantasy league enthusiasts.
  6. Games or Cards Information - Provide data on board games, card games, and video games, appealing to gamers and game developers.
  7. Music or Movies Information - Supply detailed information about music tracks, albums, artists, movies, and actors, useful for entertainment platforms.
  8. Location Info - Offer extensive data on cities, landmarks, and must-see locations, valuable for travelers and travel agencies.

Data Insight Ideas

  1. Trends of Any Kind - Analyze trends in various domains like sports, urban development, and real estate, aiding decision-making in businesses and government.
  2. Sentiment Analysis - Provide insights on public opinion across social media, markets, and political landscapes, valuable for marketers and political analysts.
  3. Filters/Aggregators - Develop tools to compare prices and features across platforms, helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions.

Data Processing Ideas

  1. Data Validators - Ensure the accuracy of contact information such as emails, phone numbers, and addresses, essential for businesses in all sectors.
  2. Notification Senders - Automate sending notifications via email or social media, crucial for marketing and communication strategies.
  3. Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text - Convert written text to audio and vice versa, beneficial for accessibility and content creation.
  4. Grammar Check and Text Translation - Provide tools for grammar correction and language translation, essential for writers and global communication.
  5. Image Processing - Offer image enhancement and analysis services, useful in digital art, marketing, and surveillance.
  6. Text Processing - Automate tagging and clustering of articles, valuable for content management and research.
  7. Unique Art Generator - Create original art, appealing to artists and collectors.

Building An API Business

1) API

The most challenging part of an entire process is building an API. Low-code technology is definitely a way to do it most efficiently because you can create APIs:

  1. Quickly (just by defining your data model)
  2. From your browser
  3. Automatically deployed and working
  4. Production-ready setup out of the box
  5. Scales from one to a million users (and beyond)
  6. Automatically builds API endpoints for you

If you're wondering how that is even possible, check out a more detailed article on low-code vs. programming.

For now, suffice it to say that low-code is a new paradigm shift. One that doesn't require you to learn almost anything new because it's built on top of familiar technologies (JavaScript, MySQL, GraphQL, AWS).

On the other hand, this tool allows you to reduce development time on any project you're working on. Making developers 3-5X more effective.

2) Data

If you already have any kind of business, an app, or just a website, you already have a lot of data that others might find helpful.

The data you might have access to is not limited only to your business. Your hobbies might also be an excellent source of data (sports, gaming, stamp collecting, etc.).


In case you really don't have any data, we encourage you to read an article on how to monetize open data sets that are publicly available. Data is everywhere today more than ever, and not having data should not be a blocker for building your API business.

The biggest problem (and opportunity) with open data is the fact that it is free but scattered across different spreadsheets and data files. If someone were to clean up, aggregate, and expose this data through an API, it could be useful to others.


Providing data in its raw form is not the only way to monetize your API. Maybe you have an algorithm that can process the data in a unique kind of way.

For example, you invented a new image filter that people can use in their apps. They just upload a raw image, and you return a processed one. The possibilities here are truly endless.

3) Marketplace

After you've built your API and know what data/service you're going to provide, it's time to offer this product to the world. All you need is a place that allows you to easily connect to your API and set your pricing options.

Several options exist, but RapidAPI is the biggest marketplace and probably the safest bet for your first API business.

It lets you set up everything through your browser and launch your brand-new API business in minutes. It will handle payments, you can set up different pricing models, and people can find you through this platform.

In essence, with this, you have all the tech problems solved when it comes to your API business. You can now just focus on promotion and getting new users.

Need Help Turning Your API Project Idea Into Reality? Talk to Archie

As straightforward as it sounds, the journey from an idea to a monetizable API can be fraught with challenges. This is where Archie, our advanced AI assistant, steps in with critical advice to help you get your API off the ground.

The way Archie works is simple. Just provide a few details about what you'd like to build.

Within moments, Archie will output a complete digital blueprint, requirements, architecture, and implementation notes. That's in addition to feedback on how novel your idea is and the likelihood that you'll be able to bootstrap and monetize it.

We're all good at some things. Some of us are great developers, visionaries or project managers. Archie helps fill in the gaps and get your API business started faster.

Top API Startups

Here is the list of the most successful businesses that used APIs as their key to growth. This list doesn't include the latest "hot" startups because a lot of them come and go.

Besides, there is also much more to learn from API startups that stood the test of time. How they started, scaled, and became household names.


Stripe is a prime example of doing everything possible to make it easy for developers. Before it was created, enabling payments was a painstakingly difficult process every developer had to go through.

This also meant it took a lot of time. And someone had to pay for it. So the entire project ended up costing more, and no one was really happy about it:

  • Project owners had to pay more
  • Developers were exhausted
  • Users had a less reliable payment process

When Stripe came along, it managed to solve all these three issues simultaneously. And this is something to be strived for in your API business. Make yourself convenient, cost-effective, and reliable.


This is one of the oldest API examples because it goes back to the year 2000. And the genius thing they did was to enable developers to embed the listings into their website.

This means the actual product was listed on eBay, but you could show it on your website. And eBay was just used to handle payments etc.

Maybe today, that doesn't seem so impressive, but remember, that was back in 2000 and proved to be a complete success.


This one is pretty much unavoidable for any developer who needs to send an email or SMS. And this is how you know you're on the right track with your own API business - when you become a necessity.

Sending emails is not really complex, either. The developers can send an email themselves for free, using just a couple lines of code.

However, they are quickly hitting a scaling issue and have to reinvent the wheel again. So it's much simpler and far more reliable to just use Twilio, which is why it's worth billions.

Scaling An API Business

Just like in the case of Twillio, building a dummy API on your local computer is easy by using a few lines of Node.js. However, that's where the simplicity ends.

When you want to build more endpoints, things get more complex. Need to store data? - Now, you need to set up and run the database.

Then you need to add endpoints for creating and updating data. But you also need to verify who edits what, so you need authentication and authorization middleware.

After you're done with that, you need to deploy it somewhere. For example, on a simple server. But what if you get more users? How to scale it further?


In case you didn't notice, most of the things described above have nothing to do with your core business.

A bunch of overhead you have to do, and you haven't even started building the heart of your API. And this heart is either the actual, useful data and/or processing you intend to provide through the API. Essentially, the main reason someone would decide to be your user in the first place.

Scaling Alternative

All this trouble you have to go through using traditional programming methods can be avoided using low-code technology.

Imagine only focusing on the business logic of your app and letting low-code handle all the rest. Just define a business model, and the database is set up, as well as API endpoints.

Not to mention scaling is included as well. But you only pay for what you use. This means you're ready to go viral at any point. On the other hand, you don't pay anything before you have more users and data.

And even though you have all these benefits and development shortcuts, your project is still completely customizable. This gives you all the control you would normally have in a project built with traditional programming. But the difference is your productivity goes up by 3-5X.

To Sum It Up

Low-code technology is the fastest and easiest way to build APIs. Even though we're talking about new technology, the learning curve is minimal. This is because low-code is built on top of familiar technologies like JavaScript, MySQL, GraphQL, and AWS.

The API business can either provide the information or process the user's input data. Both approaches can result in a valuable API. And the last step is publishing your API on the marketplace, where you can start charging for the usage of your API.

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Low-Code API Business Ideas You Can Start Today | 8base Blog (2024)


Low-Code API Business Ideas You Can Start Today | 8base Blog? ›

1: Charge for Your API Access. This is one of the best-known monetization ideas for APIs. Businesses leverage the strength of their APIs and charge others for accessing them. It is known and proven to be one of the most common and effective ideas or methods that businesses use.

How to make money with API? ›

1: Charge for Your API Access. This is one of the best-known monetization ideas for APIs. Businesses leverage the strength of their APIs and charge others for accessing them. It is known and proven to be one of the most common and effective ideas or methods that businesses use.

What is the best API business model? ›

In this type of model, developers, integrating APIs for business they run, pay the API provider for using the API.
  1. Subscription model. Choosing this model involves charging directly for the API itself, typically on a monthly or yearly basis. ...
  2. The pay-as-you-go model. ...
  3. Point-based model. ...
  4. Transaction fees.

What is API in computer science? ›

API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. Interface can be thought of as a contract of service between two applications. This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses.

What is an API blog? ›

An API, which stands for application programming interface, is a set of protocols that enable different software components to communicate and transfer data.

How do I monetize my API? ›

You may make money by charging an API consumer after they have used your API through a post-paid billing model. You may also charge an API consumer up-front for usage in a pre-paid or pay-as-you-go billing model. There are many different ways to make money from your existing APIs and from the ones that are being built.

How to generate revenue from API? ›

Revenue share: The revenue for the API is split between the provider and the developer. This makes sense when the API provider benefits each time the API is used. For example, a travel website created by a developer might expose an API provided by a car rental agency.

Which API is in demand? ›

Metformin. Metformin is one of the most popular active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in the pharmaceutical industry.

What are the 4 types of API? ›

Four types of web APIs
  • Public APIs. A public API is open and available for use by any outside developer or business. ...
  • Partner APIs. ...
  • Internal APIs. ...
  • Composite APIs.
Jan 10, 2023

What is the largest API business? ›

Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) TOP Companies 2020
  • With that said, Brandessence Market Research has announced the Top 10 Companies in The API Market.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.: ...
  • TAPI: ...
  • Aurobindo: ...
  • Pfizer Inc.: ...
  • Novartis International AG: ...
  • Merck & Co.Inc.:

How to create an API for beginners? ›

How to Build an API: a Comprehensive Guide
  1. Step #1. Start with your goals and intended users.
  2. Step #2. Design the API.
  3. Step #3. Develop your API.
  4. Step #4.Test your API.
  5. Step #5. Monitor your API and iterate on feedback.
  6. Conclusion.

How do APIs work for dummies? ›

How do APIs work?
  1. Request: The client sends a request to the server using an HTTP method, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. ...
  2. Routing: The server's REST API framework receives the request and maps it to a specific endpoint. ...
  3. Processing: The server performs the requested action and generates a response.
Jan 29, 2023

What are API examples? ›

Public API examples include social media bots, third-party login, e-commerce transactions, and weather apps. Private API examples include streaming services, ensuring media compatibility on various devices, and financial apps that connect different aspects of managing finances in a bank.

How to create a blogger API? ›

Blogger Package
  1. Go to the Google API Console.
  2. Create or select a project.
  3. Click Continue to enable the API.
  4. On the Credentials page, get an API key and API Secret.

How much does blogger API cost? ›

Blogger API

The Blogger API is free for use just like the Google API Console.

What type of API is TikTok? ›

The Display API contains a set of HTTP-based APIs that your product can use to display TikTok creator's videos and their profile information. The Research API will give researchers access to TikTok public data on user profiles, videos, and comments.

How much money do APIs make? ›

Api Developer Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$153,000$12,750
75th Percentile$140,000$11,666
25th Percentile$113,500$9,458

Can I make money from Rapid API? ›

You can easily obtain the APIs you require, but as a developer, you can also build your own API, publish it on the RapidAPI Hub, and make money from it.

How do I start selling APIs? ›

Let's do it.
  1. Step 1: Sign up on RapidAPI. ...
  2. Step 2: Decide the topic for our API. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a new project on your code editor. ...
  4. Step 4: Create Package. ...
  5. Step 5: Install the packages. ...
  6. Step 6: Create the index. ...
  7. Step 7: Define the PORT. ...
  8. Step 8: Initiate our packages.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.