How to Build an API Marketplace | Akana by Perforce (2024)

Your API marketplace should be a thriving community where your APIs can be easily found and consumed by developers. Yet in the realm of API management, it can be easy to get confused. There are dozens of terms, definitions, and methodologies to take in.

Many often wonder what the difference is between an API portal and an API marketplace.And what about an API catalog?

In this post, we will demystify API marketplace best practices.

Table of Contents

  1. So, What Is An API Marketplace?
  2. Why Build an API Marketplace?
  3. How to Build an API Marketplace
  4. Considerations For Your API Marketplace
  5. Build Your API Marketplace with Akana

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So, What Is An API Marketplace?

An API marketplace is a user-friendly public hub where API providers can publish APIs for developers and partners to consume. Creating an API marketplace is an important step in API monetization. You can also set up subscription tiers for monetization in your API marketplace. This is a big benefit in the enterprise.

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Why Build an API Marketplace?

Your developer portal acts as the central technical platform for provisioning, versioning, managing the API lifecycle, and interfacing with internal and external developers. These are the all-important gears grinding away behind the scenes.

On the other hand, your API marketplace is the tip of the spear for your API program. It should be optimized, attractive, organized, and categorized for end user adoption. It should be arguably as attractive as any publicly available product website or feature page.

But why bother?

APIs are more than integration tools. They are digital products. Like any other digital product, organizations have an opportunity to monetize APIs. By creating an attractive API marketplace, you are increasing the likelihood that your developer community will do the following:

  • Quickly find your APIs.
  • Resolve questions about your APIs.
  • Understand the value of your APIs.
  • View use cases for your APIs.
  • Consume documentation.
  • Adopt and share your APIs.

For any organization invested in a long-term API strategy, your API marketplace will be the keystone in your API monetization strategy. It's one of the API basics you need to know. Ultimately, your API marketplace can drive business revenue using your APIs as products.

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  • API Basics
  • API Lifecycle
  • API Strategy

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How to Build an API Marketplace

There are dozens of ways to build an API marketplace. There is truly no right or wrong way to build, as long as you remain secure.

Here’s how to build an API marketplace in five simple steps.

1. Planning and API Governance

At Akana, we believe the environment where you publish your API products should be integrated with your API management solution. This way, you can sync all of your operational API details across runtime APIs, portals, and marketplaces where APIs are available for consumption.

The first step in this marketplace journey is planning. The most important aspect you will need to plan for is your API governance and security protocols. Your marketplace requires a variety of governance arrangements in order to meet regulatory requirements and ensure appropriate technical specifications of available marketplace APIs.

Because your APIs will be consumed and used outside of your organization, it is critical that you develop governance documentation prior to sharing any APIs with the developer community. This includes everything from access and control rules, to usage rights and security. Akana’s API management software comes out of the box with an API governance framework. This includes lifecycle, operational, planning, and policy governance tools and documentation.

2. Implementation

Once your API governance and security planning is complete, you are ready to roll out your marketplace. Akana’s developer portal comes ready-built with API marketplace features. You can easily customize a user-friendly marketplace in line with the look and feel of your brand. For the record, we are aware that every software on the planet claims using their suite is easy. We mean it.

How to Go From Enterprise Developer Portal to Thriving API Marketplace

Bridge the gap between your internal developers and external consumers. Watch the webinar below to learn how.

Whether you build your API marketplace with Akana or not, you should focus on the following features:

  • An audience-centric user experience that provides a frictionless path to adoption.
  • Social, forum, and sharing capabilities to allow for developer interaction and feedback.
  • Proper documentation and adoption support to ease API use among developers.
  • Collaboration features allowing internal and external developers to work together seamlessly.

3. Promotion ForYour API Marketplace

Promoting your API marketplace will be critical to building an API developer community. This obviously won’t happen overnight.

Start by thinking about your marketplace like any other digital product. Developing a digital marketing strategy can help improve adoption of your APIs and get the message out. In addition, find ways to incentivize forum activity, reviews, and developer sharing. If one developer finds your API useful, there are bound to be dozens more who could benefit.

Many organizations build revenue-sharing models for application marketplaces. Key developers who contribute to marketplace products can be greatly incentivized to promote APIs using this approach. If this is not an option, there are other ways to spotlight developers. This could include everything from leaderboards and subscriber counts, to filtering and displaying the most downloaded and shared APIs.

Finally, do not forget about social media. Do your best to stimulate conversation in any social community where developers are discussing relevant industry APIs.

4. Scale API Analytics

Once your marketplace is up and running, you will want to keep tabs on a variety of analytics. There are two main categories of marketplace analytics including operational and platform-based:

  • Your operational API analytics will offer insights into how your APIs are being used and whether they are functioning appropriately. As your APIs are adopted, you will want to ensure they are performing their various tasks without error.
  • Your platform-based analytics will tell you how your marketplace is performing. This will help you make adjustments to the marketplace ecosystem to make it more attractive for your developer audience. This will include everything from visits, to time on site, as well as engagement metrics.

Akana comes with a suite of API analytics tools that are automatically integrated with your marketplace. If you choose to build your marketplace manually, you will need to find or build your own analytics packages.

5. Provide Documentation

If your developer audience has to choose between a well-documented API and a poorly documented API, it’s no surprise which they’ll pick. If you do not provide documentation, it simply will not matter how useful and effective your API is. Your documentation should include specific instructions for how to integrate and use your API.

This should include details about your API’s classes, functions, return types, arguments and more. The best API documentation includes tutorials, examples, and support materials for getting up and running quickly.

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Considerations For Your API Marketplace

The digital landscape is an amazingly diverse array of software, services, and websites. Similarly, APIs are diversifying rapidly. Which means you will need to customize your marketplace based on some unique factors. These include:

  • The types of APIs you are promoting.
  • The developer audience for your APIs.
  • Your API lifecycle and versioning.

Types of API Marketplaces

Marketplace for Public External APIs

If you are scaling a marketplace to promote public APIs to a wide developer audience, here are some key considerations:

  • Optimize your marketplace using tags, categories, metadata, and more to ensure a search-engine friendly presence.
  • Develop ample documentation so your APIs are easy to consume.
  • Your marketplace user experience should be on par with other marketplaces in your category to ensure you gain traction.
  • Your marketplace should function seamlessly across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices to ensure your audience can access information no matter their device.

This also means including features that allow public developers to subscribe to get updates about APIs. Likewise, you will want to group APIs according to their end use and provide simple examples of your APIs while in use. Finally, do not forget about reviews and forums. Developers will want to see that others find your APIs useful. Likewise, when they can resolve issues in a community forum, you won’t be bombarded with questions.

You can easily implement all of these features building a marketplace using Akana’s developer portal. In fact, many of our customers are able to begin promoting their marketplaces and exposing APIs in less than a day. Assuming you already have APIs running, you can scale up your marketplace in minutes.

Marketplace for Private Internal APIs

Even when scaling APIs internally at an organization, a marketplace can simplify your user journey. This is especially true for the large enterprise. If you have dozens, or even hundreds of developers spread across the enterprise, a slick marketplace can increase API adoption and alleviate management burdens. Again, a developer forum and some simple use cases can go a long way to achieving these goals.

Akana helps a variety of large B2B organizations unlock innovation and collaboration using internal APIs. Akana’s developer portal and marketplace play an integral role in speeding this process.

Using Developer Audiences to Customize a Marketplace

Your marketplace user experience should be heavily dependent upon who will consume your APIs. If you are offering various weather APIs hoping to gain adoption across dozens of weather apps, your marketplace should provide a means for rapid adoption.

If you are offering a B2B API for a tool that streamlines the sales journey, you will need greater documentation and API support materials. The point is you should use your developer audience to customize your marketplace.

Ask yourself the following:

  • What will make my developer audience more likely to adopt my APIs?
  • What supplemental experience or materials will appeal to my audience?
  • How easy is using my marketplace, for developers, compared to similar marketplaces?
  • Does our marketplace allow developers to easily adopt and share APIs?

With Akana’s marketplace, you can choose from a variety of layouts and templates. In addition, you can customize your Akana marketplace to meet the changing demands of your developer community.

Marketplace Features Supporting Lifecycle and Versioning

Finally, every modern API marketplace should support API lifecycle and versioning features.

Your full lifecycle API management represents everything from inception to retirement of your APIs. As you build your API marketplace, consider how changes you make in your developer portal will impact your marketplace:

  • If you retire an API, will it disappear naturally from your marketplace?
  • Will it cause systems relying on this API to crash?
  • Does your marketplace offer subscription updates so developers can be notified if an API is being retired?

These are critical usability questions best worked out before scaling your APIs via your marketplace.

Likewise, your marketplace should clearly communicate which version of your API is available along with the relevance of new versus old versions. Again if you update your API, will this impact the developer community that uses the API? How is their use of your API informing new versions? Where will they communicate this feedback?

As APIs become adopted through your marketplace, you’ll need to support the community with appropriate features. These should support the continued functioning of your APIs in the world at large and allow for developers to collaborate on improving your APIs. Your marketplace acts as the mechanism for achieving these ends. If your API marketplace is built as a simple dumping ground, this will be nearly impossible to achieve.

Akana is a full lifecycle API management software. Which means your marketplace will be in sync with all other aspects of your API management at all times. If and when you choose to release updated APIs, our suite of tools has the appropriate documentation and functionality to inform your developer community of upcoming changes.

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Build Your API Marketplace with Akana

When other vendors say API portal, they are referring exclusively to the internal developer portal. When we at Akana say API portal, we mean the fully-integrated internal developer portal and consumer-facing API marketplace of your dreams.

With Akana’s out-of-the-box API portal, you get the best of both worlds. You’ll have an internal portal where your developers can create APIs and manage APIs. But it also doubles as your API marketplace, so you can expose your APIs to an external audience easily. You don’t have to go through the challenges of integrating your API marketplace with your portal. With Akana, your internal portal and API marketplace are already integrated.

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As a seasoned expert in API management and development, I've had extensive experience navigating the complex landscape of API ecosystems. My proficiency extends across various API concepts, strategies, and best practices. Let me provide insights and break down the key concepts mentioned in the article.

API Marketplace:

An API marketplace serves as a user-friendly public hub where API providers publish APIs for developers and partners to consume. It plays a crucial role in API monetization by offering subscription tiers and enhancing the discoverability and adoption of APIs.

API Portal:

The API portal is a central technical platform for provisioning, versioning, managing the API lifecycle, and interfacing with internal and external developers. It functions behind the scenes, ensuring the smooth operation of API-related processes.

API Catalog:

While not explicitly mentioned in the article, an API catalog is likely to be a repository or listing of available APIs, showcasing their details, functionalities, and documentation. It might serve as a subset of an API marketplace or portal.

API Monetization:

APIs are considered digital products, and organizations can capitalize on them by creating attractive API marketplaces. Monetization involves driving business revenue by treating APIs as products, emphasizing the importance of a well-designed API marketplace.

API Basics:

The article emphasizes the significance of understanding API basics, including the API lifecycle and API strategy. These are fundamental aspects that contribute to the successful implementation and management of APIs.

How to Build an API Marketplace:

The process involves several key steps:

  1. Planning and API Governance: Establishing governance arrangements, including documentation for regulatory compliance and security protocols.
  2. Implementation: Rolling out the marketplace, customizing it for a user-friendly experience, and focusing on features like social interaction and proper documentation.
  3. Promotion: Actively promoting the API marketplace as a digital product, employing digital marketing strategies, and incentivizing developer engagement.
  4. Scale API Analytics: Monitoring both operational API analytics and platform-based analytics to ensure the marketplace's effectiveness.
  5. Provide Documentation: Offering comprehensive documentation for APIs, including instructions, tutorials, examples, and support materials.

Considerations for Your API Marketplace:

Customization based on factors like the types of APIs, the developer audience, API lifecycle, and versioning. The article mentions considerations for both public external APIs and private internal APIs, emphasizing the importance of tailoring the marketplace to the specific needs of the developer audience.

Build Your API Marketplace with Akana:

The article introduces Akana as a solution for building API marketplaces, highlighting features such as an audience-centric user experience, social capabilities, proper documentation, and collaboration features. It emphasizes the integration of API portal and marketplace functionality, offering a seamless solution for both internal and external API management.

In summary, a successful API marketplace requires careful planning, implementation, promotion, analytics, and documentation, tailored to the unique characteristics of the APIs and the target developer audience. Akana is presented as a comprehensive solution to streamline this process.

How to Build an API Marketplace | Akana by Perforce (2024)


How do you market an API successfully? ›

Let's explore these steps to market your API for availing best results.
  1. Bring attention to Tools used to build API. ...
  2. Keep organized, appealing, and easy-to-use API Documentation. ...
  3. List your API in Directories. ...
  4. Produce helpful Web Content about API. ...
  5. Reach out to Followers on Q&A Websites.

How hard is building an API? ›

Creating your own APIs can seem daunting if you're new to the practice, but sticking to a design-first approach will keep you on the right track. A simple three-step process—design, verify, code—can increase your chances of building an API that benefits the people who use it.

How to build an API with fast API? ›

  1. Step 1: import FastAPI.
  2. Step 2: create a FastAPI "instance"
  3. Step 3: create a path operation. Path. Operation. Define a path operation decorator.
  4. Step 4: define the path operation function.
  5. Step 5: return the content.

How to build API for beginners? ›

How to Build an API: a Comprehensive Guide
  1. Step #1. Start with your goals and intended users.
  2. Step #2. Design the API.
  3. Step #3. Develop your API.
  4. Step #4.Test your API.
  5. Step #5. Monitor your API and iterate on feedback.
  6. Conclusion.

What is the difference between API marketplace and API developer portal? ›

While a portal focuses on APIs as a technical interface and is predominantly for internal use cases, a marketplace focuses on API products as business services for external users. Treating APIs as products has immense value for your internal efficiency as well, ultimately leading to indirect monetization.

What is the API-first strategy? ›

API-first, also called the API-first approach, prioritizes APIs at the beginning of the software development process, positioning APIs as the building blocks of software. API-first organizations develop APIs before writing other code, instead of treating them as afterthoughts.

What is the potential of the API market? ›

The global highly potent API market is projected to reach $84.20 billion by 2033 from $27.44 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 11.86% during the forecast period 2023-2033.

What does an effective API strategy look like? ›

API strategy plan

The plan can also be specific and include setting up an API initiative, getting a mandate for APIs, developing API business cases, creating an API architecture, setting up an API product management practice, establishing an API lifecycle, API governance, API security, and API design and testing.

What are the four types of APIs? ›

What are the different web API types?
  • Open APIs. Public APIs (or Open APIs) function through a set of tools, routines, and protocols for developing software applications. ...
  • Partner APIs. ...
  • Internal APIs. ...
  • Composite APIs.
May 2, 2023

How long should it take to build an API? ›

How long does it take to build API? Developing an API can take around a few days to months, depending on the complexity of your API.

What is the easiest language to build an API? ›

Python. Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its simple syntax. It is known for its readability, simplicity, and maintainability. The clean syntax allows API developers to focus on core logic rather than juggling complex language constructs.

What is the fastest framework for API development? ›

  • Django REST. Django REST framework is a way of building REST API using Django. ...
  • Flask RESTful. Flask API is a great choice for building APIs that are fast, flexible, and easy to work with. ...
  • FastAPI. ...
  • Pyramid. ...
  • Falcon. ...
  • Bottle. ...
  • Eve. ...
  • Sanic.
Jun 26, 2024

Which language is fastest for API? ›

Go (known as GoLang) is generally considered to be the quickest programming language for backend novices who need to deal with concurrent applications. You can use it for web backends, microservices, cloud applications, containerization tools (like Docker), APIs, and even some simple data processing tasks.

What is the difference between REST API and FastAPI? ›

FastAPI is designed for rapid development and aims to maximize developer productivity through features like automatic validation, documentation, and type inference. Building REST APIs may require more manual configuration and setup, potentially leading to longer development cycles.

How do you build a service marketplace? ›

How to start an online marketplace in 6 steps
  1. Choose an industry for your online marketplace. ...
  2. Identify your services marketplace's unique value proposition. ...
  3. Choose your service marketplace software. ...
  4. Step 4: Find service providers for your online marketplace. ...
  5. Step 5: Attract customers to your online marketplace.

Can you make money selling APIs? ›

2: Sell Your API Data. Businesses have an additional avenue to generate revenue from their API by capitalizing on the data that is stored, collected, and amassed through it and subsequently offering this information to third-party entities for a good sale.

How much does it cost to build an API? ›

An API app usually costs about $37,500 to build. However, the total cost can be as low as $25,000 or as high as $50,000. An API app with a low number of features (also known as a minimum viable product, or MVP) will be more affordable than an app that includes all intended functionality.

How do I create a developer marketplace? ›

How to create a marketplace
  1. Define your idea. Start by defining the core concept of your marketplace. ...
  2. Conduct market research. ...
  3. Develop a business model. ...
  4. Define the platform's functionality. ...
  5. Choose your technology. ...
  6. Build the platform. ...
  7. Test your platform. ...
  8. Attract sellers.
Sep 11, 2023

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.