JourneyShipping (2024)

JourneyShipping (Japanese: サトゴウ SatoGou) is the belief that Goh and Ash belong in a romantic relationship. This ship rapidly grew in popularity fast when Pokemon Journeys dropped and despite it still being relatively new, it's one of the most popular ships in the fandom.


  • 1 Canonical Information
  • 2 Evidence In The Show
  • 3 Fanonical Information
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 Gallery

Canonical Information[]


Evidence In The Show[]

Legend? Go! Friends? Go!

  • Delia asked Goh to take care of Ash, which is usually something a parent says to their child's new significant other. Ash reacted by complaining, saying she was embarrassing him.

Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower!

  • Ash and Goh had a falling out during this episode but continued interacting with each other despite this, and on some occasions started acting as though there was nothing wrong.
  • While Ash and Goh were laughing at the conversation about their friendship, Yamper interrupted them, barking. The two boys screamed, hugging out of fear. Ash and Goh groaned with relief when they realized it was just Yamper, but they didn't stop embracing.
  • Goh was impressed enough by Ash's bravery in defending the Ivysaur that he was briefly shown overcome with emotion while looking at Ash, with a very clear blush on his face. Many JourneyShippers see this as the moment Goh fell in love with Ash.
  • After Ash said that Pokémon are the best, Goh added that he thought Ash and Pikachu were, too, calling Ash "amazing". But when Ash expressed confusion, Goh brushed it off and told him to forget the compliment, as though he was embarrassed that he said it.
  • Goh attempted to mend fences with Ash in the ending of the episode, but Ash replied they were already friends. Goh's face became entirely red with embarrassment in response and he gave an awkward laugh. This demonstrates that Goh is nervous about potentially ruining their relationship, even if it was only a misunderstanding.

Settling the Scorbunny!

  • Goh expressed fondness for Ash's amusing behavior twice in this episode, first when Ash began sniffing around with his nose to look for food, and then when Ash and Pikachu both choked on their scones at the same time. Goh was also noticeably blushing in the first instance.
  • Ash called Goh a genius when he revealed that he had come prepared with snacks for their train ride. This is the first of many unprompted compliments Ash gives to Goh.
  • When Goh was trying to inspire Scorbunny, Ash put his arm around Goh's shoulder and teased him about his introverted nature. Goh seemed angered at first, but still let Ash keep touching him.
  • Goh beams at Ash's praise of him in the ending of the episode, seeming very proud that Ash complimented his intelligence.
  • Ash and Goh spent some time eating at a restaurant, alone, in a manner reminiscent of a date.

Mind-Boggling Dynamax!

  • After fleeing from Gigantamax Snorlax's attack, Goh ended up falling on top of Ash, but didn't immediately get off as the two boggled at the giant Pokémon.

Working My Way Back to Mew!

  • Ash's eyes became sparkly and excited when Goh reveals the amount of Poké Balls he brought, and he calls Goh awesome for it, having an unusually overt reaction to such a simple gesture.

Serving Up the Flute Cup!

  • After Goh suffered a devastating loss against Hodge, Ash appeared to be concerned for him, trying to tell him to cheer up. He also wanted Goh to come watch the remainder of his battles.
  • Despite being distraught over his loss in the Flute Cup, Goh rushed back from his Pokémon hunt to watch Ash’s final match. Witnessing Ash's victory also reinvigorated his enthusiasm for Pokémon battling.

A Test in Paradise!

  • When Goh figured out the secret behind Dragonite Island, Ash called him awesome, to which Goh blushed while brushing it off.
  • Goh looked at Ash fondly when he was embraced by cheering Pokémon after he managed to teach Dragonair how to fly.

The Climb to Be the Very Best!

  • Due to being awestruck by Leon's battling skills the day prior, Ash was in a complete daze during breakfast. Goh thought that something was bothering Ash and told him that if he wanted to talk about it, he’d be there to listen.

A Snow Day for Searching!

  • Ash went through the trouble of returning Goh a gift that he had accidentally dropped, even though it meant that he'd miss his own train to Pallet Town.
  • When Goh's mother remarked that Ash had been helping out Goh quite a lot, Ash teased him about it, saying that he's not sure if he'd put it quite that way.

A Chilling Curse!

  • When Ash accidentally drank from a flower vase and wound up coughing on the floor, Goh rubbed his back, telling him to take it easy in a concerned tone.
  • Ash gave chase to a fleeing Gengar after an altercation with its former trainer, saying that he couldn't leave it in such a state. Goh is seen gazing after him fondly, remarking that it was typical of him to show such concern. However, when Scorbunny gave him a teasing look, Goh immediately blushed and became flustered, exhibiting tsundere-like behavior.
  • When Ash woke up in his bed, Goh greeted him from his bedside, presumably having sat there the whole time he was unconscious. Goh also gently reprimanded him for not realizing how exhausted he was and apologized for scaring him by implying that he was cursed.

Kicking It from Here Into Tomorrow!

  • Ash asked Goh if he was alright when he found him having a run-in with Team Rocket.

Caring For a Mystery!

  • After Riolu escaped from Cerise Laboratory, the boys set off after it, but Goh was pessimistic about finding it, reminding Ash that it can cross a long distance in one night. However, when Ash explained his perceived connection with Riolu and became dejected at the thought of losing it, Goh immediately changed his mind and devised a plan to find it. This shows that Goh understood how important it was to Ash and couldn't stand to see him unhappy.

Goodbye, Friend!

  • Ash noticed Goh picking at his food when he was feeling pensive about Raboot. He grew worried for him, asking him if he had a stomachache.
  • After Goh told Ash about Raboot's nightly escapades and the two saw it sneak out of their room, Ash gently punched Goh's arm and told him that he should be telling him about these kinds of things sooner.

A Festival Reunion!

  • Goh was openly marveling at Ash's victory against Korrina, saying that Ash took his breath away, with a slight blush visible on his face.

Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown! / Slowking's Crowning!

  • While being possessed by Slowking's crown, Ash proposed to Goh that the two lead the Slowpoke colony together, referring to their "synergy" while doing so. It should be noted that Ash retained his thoughts and feelings towards others, even though he was being possessed.

Sobbing Sobble!

  • After Goh lost Sobble and berated himself for not considering its feelings, Ash grabbed Goh's shoulders and comforted him, encouraging him to do better next time. He then returned Goh's grin when the latter felt better.

Betrayed, Bothered, And Beleaguered!

  • Goh told Delia that he'll be sure to take care of Ash in the future, indicating that he took his promise to her in Legend? Go! Friends? Go! seriously.

Making Battles in the Sand!

  • Goh was shown to be very supportive of Ash in this episode, in one instance saying that he’s with him every step of the way as Ash was training for the World Coronation Series.
  • When Ash was experiencing a slump due to his recent losing streak, Goh was able to break him out of it by mimicking his creative battle strategies against Flygon and thus reminding Ash of his own strengths. Ash then rethought his approach to battling and began to win his matches again.

That New Old Gang of Mine!

  • When Goh was being bombarded with questions by Ash’s Alolan friends, he appeared uncomfortable and internally pleaded for Ash to return quickly. When he returned, Goh was relieved, and it was only around Ash that he started to initiate conversation with the others, too. This shows that while Goh is introverted, he doesn’t mind Ash and feels rather comfortable whenever he is around.
  • When badgered about the topic by Kiawe, Goh was firm in insisting that he is not Ash’s rival, but his friend. Goh also stated that he doesn’t intend to help Ash reach his dream, as it’s something one should do with their own potential. This demonstrates that Goh does not view Ash as competition and has faith in him and his skills.
  • Goh said that he wanted to show Ash a battle that he could be proud of, implying that he wanted to impress Ash.
  • When asked by Kiawe to take care of Ash, Goh obliged.
  • Ash was glad to see that Goh was okay after they got separated during a Pokémon hunt.
  • Professor Kukui remarked that Ash and Goh were a good team as he watched them run off to catch Pokémon.
  • Kiawe implied that Goh is the closest person to Ash, as he stated that the one closest to him should be able to help him realize his dream.

Restore and Renew!

  • Ash saved Goh from Aerodactyl's swoop by tackling him onto the ground. He then stayed posed on top of him in a guarded manner until Goh got up himself.

A Crackling Raid Battle!

  • Ash chose not to intervene in Goh’s battle against Zapdos, showing that he has faith in Goh and believed that he could win against it on his own. Ash also gave him verbal encouragement, telling him not to give up until the battle is over.
  • Chloe said that Goh is becoming more like Ash, in that he trusted his instincts rather than his analytical skills in this episode. This shows that the two are close enough to adopt traits from each other, at least in the case of Goh.

Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

  • Goh had an unusually strong reaction to Ash picking up his phone following their separation in the Slumbering Weald, as he hadn’t answered to his previous call. This implies that Goh may have been worried for Ash.

Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

  • When settling down for the night in the Rose Tower, Ash wished out loud that Goh could be there with him, too.

Getting More Than You Battled For!

  • When Goh fell from their improvised tightrope, Ash yelled out his name and saved him by grabbing his hand, keeping ahold of him until Goh could get back up himself.
  • Ash helped Goh cross a river by pulling him on a stepping stone, but didn’t let go of his hand even though Goh had already made it across. However, this could have been simply from the shock of seeing Gyarados charging an attack at them at the same time.
  • Upon waking up at Cerise Laboratory after their meeting with Mewtwo, Ash said that he hoped to see the Legendary Pokémon again some day. Goh affirmed his wish and punched his fist forward, repeating his catchphrase of holding the future in the palm of his hand. Ash then punched out his own fist, crossing their arms, and said ”Our hands, right?”. The two then smiled at each other before being welcomed back by the others.
  • When Goh pulled Ash from a river onto Dewgong’s back, the two shared a moment of looking into each other's eyes while smiling. In doing so, they failed to notice the impending waterfall in front of them, only noticing after Pikachu alerted them. The same situation was repeated earlier in the episode with an angry horde of Mankey, although to a less obvious extent.

A Close Call... Practically!

  • The premise of this episode is thought by many to resemble a date. Goh won a food tour in Unova in the previous episode and chose Ash to go along with him. The two spend the episode tasting various foods together while acting generally quite carefree and oblivious, being completely unaware of Team Rocket’s near-successful heist of Pikachu and other events of this episode.

To Train, or Not to Train!

  • When Ash complimented Goh on his school uniform, Goh blushed and sparkled while replying that he looks good in anything.
  • While stuck in a pit dug by Team Rocket, Ash heard Chloe’s voice and then Goh’s, but only reacted to Goh’s voice.

How Are You Gonna Keep 'Em Off of the Farm?

  • Goh threw a Poké Ball blindly which then ended up accidentally hitting Ash in the face. When Chloe teased that Goh had tried to "catch" Ash, he got embarrassed.
  • After Goh caught Diglett, Ash put a hand on his shoulder and congratulated him.
  • After having eaten many tomatoes at Laxton Farm, Ash and Goh were resting with their backs against each other, with Goh’s head on Ash’s shoulder.

Healing the Healer!

  • Ash told Goh to flee the Pokémon hunters with Suicune while he held them back. While running, Goh internally pleaded for Ash to be okay.
  • Goh protected Ash from Houndoom’s attack by pushing him out of the way and opting to take the hit himself. This is made significant by the fact that Goh had no time to think and could also have pushed away Cinderace (who was already vulnerable due to poison), thus making it his gut reaction to protect Ash specifically.
  • When Ash teased Goh for trying to give Suicune a cool farewell, Goh got flustered.
  • While hiding from the Pokémon hunters, Ash wondered out loud if Goh was okay with a concerned look on his face.

Memories of a Warming Kindness!

  • In an episode themed around love, Ash and Goh spent the majority of it together, eating out in a ramen restaurant in a way once again resembling a date.

A Rollicking Roll… / Eyes on the Goal!

  • When Goh got a Gulpin stuck on his head, Ash had to lead him by the hand as the former wasn’t able to see. The aspect of them holding hands is given extra attention to, as Goh stated that he felt embarrassed by it and his body language indicated him being bashful or nervous. Ash, on the other hand, did not appear to be bothered at all and even gave Goh’s grumbling a fond look.

Fanonical Information[]



  • During Ash and Goh's first meeting, they saw a rainbow form while riding on Lugia's back, which was seen reflected on Goh's eye. Journeys has called back to this rainbow motif numerous times, in at least three other episodes. Though unlikely to be intentional, this is seen as significant by the shippers due to the rainbow's association with the LGBT movement and therefore, same-sex attraction.
  • One of the writers of the anime described Ash and Goh's relationship dynamic as a "Senpai and Kōhai" relationship.
  • Goh is the first of Ash's traveling partners to be considered a protagonist the same way Ash is.
  • Both of them are anime-exclusive characters.
  • At one point, both of them owned a Pikachu.
  • Both of them own a Farfetch’d, albeit different regional forms.
  • A promotional poster for upcoming episodes showed Ash feeding Goh a donut while the latter blushed lightly.
  • Ash has a habit of putting his arm around Goh's shoulder and generally acting very informally around him, showing how close of a bond the two have.
  • According to an obscure interview with Ash's JP voice actor, Rika Matsumoto, it shows the dynamic of Ash and Goh towards eachother, and how their personalities are distinctly different, yet they complement eachother.
  • In the same interview with Rika Matsumoto, she heavily implied that they are "Boyfriends". However, the translation may be different in the original Japanese interview with the voice actor.
  • Goh talks to his parents about Ash.
  • In episode 35 of Pokemon Journeys named "Gotta Catch a What!?" Or "Catch Pikachu!!" In Japanese, Goh catches himself his own Pikachu (Now turned Raichu) after seeing Ash's bond with his. Goh's female Pikachu (Currently a Raichu) formed a quick friendship with Ash's infamous Pikachu, the two forming a friendship like their owners.


JourneyShipping (1)

Ash declares to Goh that the future is in both of their hands

JourneyShipping (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.