Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (2024)


In my personal experience, people make bank jokes only in two cases: they have either never taken out a loan or their relationship with the bank is so bad, there is nothing left but to laugh.

Money jokes aside (money pun intended!), dealing with your finances can be pretty overwhelming, and that’s why being financially literate comes in really handy. You don’t need to become an economist or a banker, but having an elementary understanding of how to manage your resources will help you not only better distribute your income but also find ways to increase it.

An interesting thing with jokes on finance is that whether you find them funny or not, many of them can actually teach you some financial wisdom. However, if you want to share a money joke with your friends or colleagues, make sure you know that they will take it well. Money and finances can be a sensitive topic, and in some societies it is even considered taboo, so you don’t want to offend people you care about.

But if you enjoy jokes about money, financial specialists, and the economy in general, we have a collection of jokes about banking you could read while waiting for your turn in the bank. If you are feeling especially adventurous, you can even share them with your bank operator and have a good laugh together.

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Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (1) "I wanted to be a banker. But then I lost interest."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (2)



Why did the banker eat lunch by himself?

Because he was a loaner.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (3)



"Are you a banker? Because I want you to leave me a loan."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (4)



"I asked the banker to check my balance. He pushed me."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (5)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (6) Why did the teller lose his job at the bank?

An old lady asked him to check her balance, so he tipped her over.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (7)



"My dad always told me to work until my bank account looks like a phone number. So I did. Account balance: $9.11"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (8)



Kermit Jagger needed to take out a large loan, so he went to his bank and met with a banker named Patricia Wack.

Patricia asked, "Do you have something you can offer as collateral?" Kermit responded by placing a little porcelain figurine on the desk. Patricia was not impressed, but she went to her manager to explain the situation. The manager laughed, and replied,

"It's a knick knack, Patty Wack, give the frog a loan! His old man's a Rolling Stone!"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (9)




A naked man robbed a bank.

Nobody could remember his face.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (10)




Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (11) "The bank must really like me. They keep telling me that my loan is outstanding."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (12)



"My bank recently called me to let me know I had an outstanding balance. I replied, “Thank you, I used to do gymnastics,” and hung up the phone. That was nice of them to say."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (13)



"I looked at my bank account and found I could live the rest of my life comfortably without working. As long as I die on Thursday."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (14)



"Did you hear about the frog that robbed a bank? I guess you can say he Kermitted a crime."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (15)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (16) Did you hear about the woman who doesn't like banker jokes?

So if you take her on a date, you'd better not teller any.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (17)




Why did the banker resign?

His customers lost interest in him.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (18)



An immigrant, a worker and a banker are sitting at the table with 10 cookies.

The banker takes 9 and then tells the worker "Watch out, the immigrant is going to steal your cookie."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (19)



"This banker I know has absolutely no friends... I think he's loanly"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (20)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (21) Never play poker with a banker.

They always have the best suits.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (22)



Dracula said he doesn't want to become an investment banker...

He hates stakeholders.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (23)



What do you get when you cross a banker with a fish?

A loan shark.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (24)



A doctor walks into a bank...

When he goes to sign a check, he pulls a rectal thermometer out of his pocket.

He looks up at the banker and says, "Dang it, some ***hole has my pen!"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (25)




Blackbeard goes into a bank looking to secure a loan for a new ship.

The banker nods and says, "Yes everything is in order. You'll be gettin' the standard 3.14% interest rate."

Blackbeard raises an eyebrow at that.

"The standard rate? What's that mean?"

"3.14%. You know... the Pi Rate."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (26)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (27) "A persistent banker wouldn't stop hitting on me! Even after I asked him to leave me a loan."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (28)



"I went to the bank and asked to open a joint account.

The banker said, "Certainly , with whom?"

I said, "With anyone who has money.""


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (29)



A retired banker went to a psychiatrist.

He said "For 30 years, I worked in a bank as a teller. Every day I would serve dozens of customers. I loved my job and never missed a day. Last month, I retired. Since then, every time I pass a bank, I have a huge craving to enter and take out money.
Even if I pass an ATM, I have to stop and take some cash out. I've got thousands of dollars in cash at home, yet every day I feel desperate to go to the bank and take out more. What's wrong with me?"

The psychiatrist thought for a bit and replied:

"It sounds like you're having Withdrawal Symptoms."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (30)




"That annoying banker wouldn't stop asking me questions. I specifically asked him to leave me a loan."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (31)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (32) Give a man a gun and he will rob a bank.

Give a man a bank and he will rob everyone.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (33)



Why did the skeleton not rob the bank?

He did not have the guts.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (34)



If you have no interest in banking, you are not a loan.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (35)



"If money talks, why do we need bank tellers?"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (36)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (37) What do you call a man with a head full of change?



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (38)



Why did the little old lady put her money in the freezer?

She wanted cold, hard cash.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (39)




"I got an email that said, “You have won $35,148,216. To complete the transaction, we will need your bank details.”
“Certainly,” I replied. “It’s a big building with money inside.”"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (40)



What do you call the new girl at the bank?

The Nutella!


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (41)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (42) Why did the duck go to the bank?

Because he wanted to get a new bill.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (43)



Why did the idiot over draw his checking account?

Because he had no cents.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (44)



"A friend of mine invented a washing machine for bank notes. It’s a real money spinner."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (45)



A bank manager friend has given up riding his bike.

He has lost his balance.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (46)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (47) "My bank has opened an outlet in the local police station. It’s their special branch."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (48)



What do you call a piece of fruit who held up a bank and stole some money?

It was a strobbery.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (49)



Did you hear about the investment banker who became a horse breeder?

He was always looking for the most stable returns.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (50)



"Why didn’t my banker like my bank joke? I guess it didn’t make cents."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (51)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (52) How did Doctor Octopus rob a bank without a gun?

He was well armed.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (53)



Bankers — they lend you an umbrella and take it back when it rains!


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (55)



"I remember being in so much debt that I couldn’t afford my electricity bills. It was a dark time."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (56)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (57) "I think I could become a banker. I always want to be a loan."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (58)



What did the rapper say to his banker?
"Can I postpone Malone?"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (59)



What did the football coach say when he went to the bank?

“I want my quarterback!”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (60)



What do you call a flawless bank robbery with no fingerprints left behind?

Stainless steal.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (61)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (62) How do you know that your banking app gives you lots of positive feedback?

Every time you log in it tells you that your balance is outstanding.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (63)



Why couldn’t the bank robbers steal £2000?

Because it was a ton.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (64)



A banker tells his client that a £1,000,000 investment will turn into a ton of money!

So the the client asks, "How much is a ton of money?"

The banker responds, "Two thousand pounds."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (65)



A man driving to the store finds no place to park...

He sees an empty parking spot and eagerly drives his car into the slot, paying no attention to the "Customer Only" sign.

When he comes back, his car has disappeared.

He storms into the bank, where he demands to know where his car went.

The banker looks straight into his eyes and whispers "I towed you so."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (66)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (67) What's a bankers Favorite place to go on vacation?

The Czech Republic


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (68)



90 year old farmer goes to the banker for the loan to buy land. The banker has some concerns due to the old codgers age.

"What happens if you die before the loan is paid off?" The banker asks.
"I'll send you a check from heavan, because God would want all my obligations taken care of," The old farmer answered.

"But what if you go the other direction?" the banker queried.
"Then I'll deliver it to you in person."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (69)



Why was the woodchopper arrested at the bank?

He walked into a bank, pointed a long, thin piece of wood at the ceiling, and shouted, “This is a stickup!”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (70)



When does it rain money?

When there is change in the weather.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (71)



What did the comedian say when he walked into a bank?

"This is a stand-up."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (72)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (73) A basketball player and a horse jockey just robbed the bank.

Police are looking high and low for the culprits.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (74)



Where do fish keep their money?

In the riverbank.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (75)



People who rob jewelry stores and banks are pretty bad.

But people who rob bakeries really take the cake.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (76)



Why do goalkeepers have so much money in the bank?

They’re really good at saving.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (77)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (78) What did the nut say when it held up the bank?

“Give me all the cashew have!”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (79)



"My uncle always told me he had a fortune in a safe deposit box.
He left me the key in his will. I went to the bank, trembling with anticipation, got access to the box, took it into the private viewing room.
I opened the box and looked in, there was an envelope inside, when I opened it, a folded piece of paper fell out.
I read it, and it said: “Good things are ahead for you. Your lucky numbers are 6, 10, and 13.”"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (80)



What did the bank teller say to the patron?

“Bank you very much.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (81)



What’s the hardest part about being addicted to banking?

The withdrawals.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (82)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (83) Why did the banker die?

He cashed out.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (84)



"I went to the bank to apply for a personal loan. Then they found out I wanted to be a rapper. So they didn’t want to Post Malone."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (85)



If a banker and a lawyer were both drowning and you could only save one, would you go to lunch or read the paper?


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (86)



A man visits his bank manager and asks, “How do I start a small business?”
The manager replies, “Start a large one and wait six months.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (87)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (88) Why did the post office have to recall a series of stamps depicting famous bankers?

People were confused about which side to spit on.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (89)



"I went to get tornado insurance for my camp site, but the bank refused. They said, “If your tent gets blown away, you won’t be covered.”"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (90)



"What starts with 0 and end with 0? My bank account."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (91)



Where do penguins keep their money?

In a snow bank!


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (92)



Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (93) Why did the man put his money in the freezer?

He wanted cold hard cash!


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (94)



A local bank is introducing a cash machine built into a tree.

If it’s successful, they might expand to other branches.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (95)



"I went to the bank and swapped 100 grapes for 50 raisins. Not sure about the currant exchange rate."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (96)



"A banker friend told me to put something away for a rainy day. I’ve gone for an umbrella."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (97)



Why can’t a bank keep a secret?

Because there are too many tellers.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (98)



Why did the baker rob the bank?

Because he kneads the dough.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (99)



What is a bank’s favourite part of the tree?

The branches.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (100)



"Why do banks need to be better at restocking ATMs on Christmas? Because this is the 5th one I have been to that said insufficient funds."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (101)



What’s the difference between churches and banks?

Both take your money but only one gives it back.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (102)



Why did the smartphone go to court?

The power bank charged him with battery.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (103)



Why are piggy banks so wise?

They’re filled with common cents.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (104)


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Did you hear about the guy who tried to rob a bank with a statue?

It was a bust.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (109)


Why did the fisherman become a banker?

He knew all about net worth.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (110)



What’s common between your mental health and your bank account?

Both are considered fund-a-mental to a successful life.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (111)



Why do bankers make really bad movies?

They’re tellers, not showers.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (112)



Why did the bison go to the bank?

To take out a buffaloan.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (113)



Why did the one-legged man go to the bank?

To check his balance.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (114)



Did you hear about the rival bankers?

There was a conflict of interest.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (115)



Why was Mr, Dolphin’s bank heist so successful?

Because it was a whale orca-strated plan.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (116)



What happened to the Archaeologists that just excavated an ancient bank?

It put them in financial ruin.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (117)



Why is it hard to buy stuff in winter?

The bank account is frozen.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (118)


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Why are bank robbers in the UK so strong?

They’ve lifted a million pounds.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (123)



Did you all hear about the dwarf psychic that robbed a bank?

He’s a small medium at large.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (124)



What is the difference between a stalker and an admirer?

The number of zeroes in your bank account.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (125)



3 guys walk into a bakery; an investment banker, a government employee, and a tea partier.

The lady behind the counter puts out a dozen cookies.

Wall Street pockets 11 and tells the tea partier, "the government worker is trying to steal your cookie!"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (126)



What's the difference between an Investment Banker and a large pizza?

The pizza can feed a family of four.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (127)



How do you define optimism?

A banker who irons 5 shirts on a Sunday.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (128)



"I need a new bank account. This one has run out of money."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (129)



"I’m not saying my banker is bad at his job... but when I went into his office and asked him to check my balance, he tried to push me over."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (130)



What’s another name for long-term investment?

A failed short-term investment.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (131)



Why did the banker dump his girlfriend?

He lost interest.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (132)


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Why won't bankers go to the opera?

Because they quickly lose interest.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (137)



A blonde walks into a bank and says "Hands in the air! This is a screw-up!"

The banker, confused, says "Surely you must mean a 'stick-up'."

The blonde responds, "No, I forgot the gun."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (138)



Remember in Monopoly, when some insufferable kids couldn't agree who was banker, they'd refuse to play completely?

Welcome to the shutdown...


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (139)



Why did the banker like the TV show?

Because he was invested in the story.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (140)



Why did the bank owner buy cows?

To beef up security.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (141)



Why is a river rich?

Because it has two banks.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (142)



"I used to have an account with a bank at the North Pole. They froze all my assets."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (143)



Why did the old man take raisins to the bank?

He wanted to set up a current account.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (144)



A criminal robbed a bank wearing a suit made of many mirrors.

But he turned himself in after taking some time to reflect.

Luckily the judge was lenient, as he saw a lot of himself in the young man.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (145)



Why did the tightrope walker go to the bank?

To check his balance.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (146)


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Chuck Norris doesn’t have a bank account.

He just tells the bank how much money he needs.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (151)



What did the tree do when the bank closed?

Started its own branch.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (152)



Sign above bank teller’s station:

“To err is human, to forgive is not bank policy.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (153)



If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only two tellers?


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“Timmy, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“I’m gonna follow in my dad’s footsteps and be a police officer.”

“Is your dad a police officer?”

“No, he’s a bank robber.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (155)



A young banker decided to get a tailor-made suit. So he went to the finest tailor in town and got measured for a suit. A week later he went in for his first fitting. He put on the suit and he looked stunning, he felt that in this suit he can do business.

As he was preening himself in front of the mirror, he reached down to put his hands in the pockets and to his surprise he noticed that there were no pockets.

He mentioned this to the tailor who asked him:
“Didn’t you tell me you were a banker?”
The young man answered:
“Yes, I did.”
To this the tailor said:
“Who ever heard of a banker with his hands in his own pockets?”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (156)



A robber pulled a gun on the bank clerk and manager saying, “Give me all the money! I need it to set myself up in a trade or profession. You know, initial investment is needed to cover the overheads until my cash flow is established.”

The bank manager said to the clerk, “You’d better do what he says, I think he means business.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (157)



"Everyone in my family was a police officer, except for my grandad, who was a bank robber. He died last week. Surrounded by his family."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (158)



Why did the bank robber in a Pittsburgh Steelers jacket get away?

He was surrounded by people in Arizona Cardinals jackets who couldn't catch him!


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (159)



A friend's business "Cooking with Spices" has not been successful.

His bank has called in the bay leafs.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (160)


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"I do enjoy getting cash out of the bank and then throwing it in the river and watching it float away. I like studying my cash flow."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (165)



"Went to the bank and they told me they could offer me a credit card with no interest. I said, “Why are you bothering then?"


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My bank manager doesn’t give my business ideas the credit they deserve.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (167)



A man is told the local bank offers mortgages with no interest.

The man enters the bank and says, "I’m here to find out about the mortgage."

Employee responds, "I don’t really care."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (168)



Why can’t cats work at the bank?

Because they can’t count money.


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What’s the difference between a snow bank and a regular bank?

The snow bank doesn’t call security when you point a gun at it.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (170)



Why do bankers make really good musicians?

They have all the notes.


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What’s a banker’s favorite rock song?

How Do I Get You ALoan.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (172)



What do electricians and bankers have in common?

They both deal with alternating currency.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (173)



Why can’t bankers cook?

There’s no accounting for taste.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (174)


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Did you hear about the guy that robbed banks and his getaway “vehicle” was a baby sheep?

He’s still on the lamb.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (179)



Jones applied to a finance agency for a job, but he had no experience.
He was so intense that the manager gave him a tough account with the promise that if he collected it, he'd get the job.

Two hours later, Jones came back with the entire amount. "Amazing!" the manager said. "How did you do it?"

"Easy," Jones replied.

"I told him if he didn't pay up, I'd tell all his other creditors he paid us."


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Why don't sharks attack bankers?

Professional courtesy.


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What's the difference between an investment banker and a pigeon?

A pigeon can put down a deposit on a Porsche.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (182)



After retiring, a banker decides that he wants to run a farm in Mexico. When he gets there, the locals give him a donkey as a present. However, the banker has never had a donkey before, and not knowing how to look after it properly, soon the donkey dies.

Being a banker, the man comes up with a cunning plan to make money out of the situation. He goes to the next town over, and starts selling raffle tickets, advertising the main prize as a strong stallion of a donkey. He charges 10 Pesos for a raffle ticket, and waits till the end of the day when he has sold 50 raffle tickets. He sets up a formal draw, and gets the local mayor to draw the winning ticket, after which he tells the winner to come and see him the next day to collect the prize. All the other town participants go home, having had a good time and enjoyed the raffle.

The next day the winner comes to collect the prize, but the banker shows him the dead donkey and apologizes saying the donkey died overnight and there was nothing he could do. He hands the winner his 10 pesos back and gives an extra 10 as a compliment. The banker himself pockets the rest of the 480 pesos.


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"Talked to my bank manager the other day and he said he was going to concentrate on the big issues from now on. He sold me one outside Boots yesterday!"


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What's the problem with banker jokes?

Bankers don't think they're funny, normal people don't think they're jokes.


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A man and his wife were discussing what they thought their son might be when he grew up. "I have an idea," said the father. He put a ten-dollar bill, a bottle of whiskey, and a Bible on the coffee table. "If he takes the money he'll be a banker. If he takes the whiskey he'll be a wino, and if he takes the Bible that means he'll be a preacher."

So the man and his wife hide just before their son comes in the door, and watch from where they're hiding.

The boy saunters over to the coffee table. He picks up the ten-dollar bill, looks at it, then sets it down. He picks up the bottle of whiskey, uncorks it, sniffs it, then sets it down. Then he picks up the Bible, leafs through it, then sets it down.

Then the boy takes the money and stuffs it into his pocket, grabs the whiskey, and walks off with the Bible under his arm.

"Well how do you like that!" exclaims the father. "He's going to be a politician!"


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (186)



A 90 year old woman is getting married for the fourth time.
A news crew is there to document the story.
The reporter asks the woman about her odd marital past.

"Let me get this right," he says. "Your first husband was a banker. Your second husband was a clown. Your third husband was a doctor, and you're about to marry a mortician. Why the menagerie of different men?"

She smirked and said, "It was one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go."


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"My dad works as a banker at Wells Fargo. I asked him to open a checking account for me. "A checking account? What do you need two checking accounts for? Are you sure you want three checking accounts and a saving account? Fine, I'll open four checking accounts, two savings accounts and a line of credit for you.""


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (188)


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In a bar, there's a guy hitting on a cute banker girl.

The guy brags about all his riches and possessions, but he got shot down by the girl immediately.

The girl said, "Leave me a loan!"

The guy noticed the wordplay, he praised the girl. "That's a pretty clever pun! ...But not as pretty as you"

The girl, now irritated, said. "I'm not kidding, leave me a loan! I lost interest."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (193)



Why did the banker break up with his girlfriend?

Because she showed him no interest.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (194)



What did the recluse say to the bank teller when he needed money?

“Leave me a loan.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (195)



If money doesn’t grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (196)



What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe?

A tragedy is a ship full of bankers going down in a storm; a catastrophe is when they can all swim.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (197)



Einstein dies and goes to heaven only to be informed that his room is not yet ready.
“I hope you will not mind waiting in a dormitory. We are very sorry, but it’s the best we can do and you will have to share the room with others” he is told by the doorman.

Einstein says that this is no problem at all and that there is no need to make such a great fuss.
So the doorman leads him to the dorm.
They enter and Albert is introduced to all of the present inhabitants. “See, here is your first roommate. He has an IQ of 180!”

”That’s wonderful!” says Albert. “We can discuss mathematics!”

”And here is your second roommate. His IQ is 150!”

”That’s wonderful!” says Albert. “We can discuss physics!”

”And here is your third roommate. His IQ is 100!”

”That’s wonderful! We can discuss the latest plays at the theater!”

Just then another man moves out to capture Albert’s hand and shake it.
“I’m your last roommate and I’m sorry, but my IQ is only 80.”

Albert smiles back at him and says, “So, where do you think interest rates are headed?”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (198)



During a bank robbery, the Chief told the Sergeant to cover all exits so that the robbers could not get away.
Ten minutes later, the Sergeant reports to the Chief, “Sorry sir but they got away.”
The chief replies, “I told you to cover all exits, didn’t I?”

“I did but they got away through the entrance.”


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A guy walks into the bank, pulls out a gun, points it at the teller and screams, “Give me all your money or you’re geography!”

The teller replies, “Don’t you mean history?”

The robber says, “Don’t change the subject!”


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Bank robbery is a safe job.


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"I’m worried about the state of my bank. I tried five different ATMs today and they’ve all told me they have “Insufficient Funds.”"


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"I’m not saying that my friend has a poor credit score but when he went to the bank for a loan, they wouldn’t lend him a pen to fill in the application."


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Why can’t snakes rob a bank?

Because they are unarmed.


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What do you call it when the ocean commits a bank robbery?

A crime wave.


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What did the banker say to the electrician?

“We will pay for your current account.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (206)



Did you hear about the bird that held up a bank?

It was a robin’.


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (207)



At a country-club party a young man was introduced to an attractive girl. Immediately he began paying her court and flattering her outrageously.

The girl liked the young man, but she was taken a bit aback by his fast and ardent pitch.
She was amazed when after 30 minutes he seriously proposed marriage.

"Look," she said. "We only met a half hour ago. How can you be so sure? We know nothing about each other."

"You're wrong," the young man declared. "For the past 5 years I've been working in the bank where your father has his account."


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (208)



What's the difference between a bond trader and a bond?

The bond matures.


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A woman walks into a bank.
The clerk looks up at her and realizes the woman has a fifty dollar bill stuck up each ear, worried, he goes to his manager.

“Oh that’s Miss Henderson” the manager says, “Shes got a hundred dollars in arrears.”


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"After I spoke to my banker I slept like a baby. I woke up every hour and cried."


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Two accountants go to their credit union on their lunch break, when armed robbers burst in.
While several of the robbers take the money from the tellers, others line the customers, including the accountants, up against a wall, and proceed to take their wallets, watches, and other valuables.

While this is going on accountant number one jams something in accountant number two's hand.
Without looking down, accountant number two whispers, "What is this?"
To which accountant number one replies, "it's that $50 I owe you."


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Why do police talk to bankers a lot?

Because they are “persons of interest.”


Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (213)



There is a banker, a builder and an ordinary working-class guy.

One day, they find a magic lamp, which they rub, and sure enough out pops The Genie.

"Masters, I will grant each one of you one wish for anything that you desire"

The banker shouts, "Me first, me first"

But the others have to wait for a very long time because the banker is having trouble thinking of anything that he has not already got.

He has more money than his young trophy wife could possibly spend, several houses in exotic locations, a private jet, a garage full of expensive supercars and so on.

The recent riots in London and the Occupy Wall St movement lay heavy on his mind when he decides what he really wants.

"A 20' (6m) high security wall all around the city of London to keep protesters and tourists out."

"Your wish is granted, master" says The Genie.

"Me next, me next" says Bob the Builder, who has fallen on hard times because the government won't invest in infrastructure.

"I want an enormously profitable contract to build the wall"

"And your wish is granted, master."

Now it's working-class guy's turn.
"Well, before I make a wish, I would like to ask Bob a question."

"By all means, go ahead" says The Genie.

"Bob, will your wall be waterproof?"

"Yes, of course" says Bob, "my wall will have no expense spared, it will be made using only the very finest materials, it will be built by the best craftsmen, and it will conform to the very highest standards."

"Good" says the working-class guy while turning to The Genie.

"Fill it up."


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Why did the investment banker cross the road?

To buy up Woolworths.


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Invest Your Time In Reading These 168 Banker Jokes (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.