Inventory Management Strategies of 7 Successful Firms (2024)

Here we break down the inventory management strategies of seven successful manufacturers and retailers around the globe. While most of our examples are large multinational companies, your SME can employ many of the same tactics and principles.

These examples show there isn’t a benchmark inventory management strategy that trumps all others. Instead, you’ll need to do your homework to choose the right inventory management system to suit your budget, your business needs and the size of your company.

1. Samsung’s inventory management strategy

Samsung is one of the world’s largest manufacturers, meaning managing their inventory is an enormous and complex task.

Samsung has implemented a number of initiatives to secure its supply by fostering long-term relationships, growth and stability with key suppliers and customers. By offering support to its partner companies through innovation, communication and corporate social responsibility, Samsung has been able to ensure sustainability and security in its supply chain – which is seen as one of its leading competitive advantages in the marketplace.

Samsung has a specific set of best practices it follows to manage its supply chain. It uses an Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) system that automates the management of materials and production – and can adapt to changes – to optimise production levels.

Since 2004 Samsung has also been using the Lean Six Sigma method, which is a management technique aiming at sustained improvement of manufacturing processes through statistical & financial analysis.

The five key steps of Lean Six Sigma are define, measure, analyse, improve and control – usually referred to as DMAIC. Samsung uses this method to identify and deal with problem processes – eliminating waste and defects by removing any use of resources that does not create value for the end customer.

Inventory Management Strategies of 7 Successful Firms (1)

Samsung’s inventory management is based on Lean Six Sigma – a management method used to improve manufacturing processes

2. Amazon’s inventory management strategy

More than 50% of the products sold on Amazon Marketplace are from third-party businesses, which is why Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is the ideal inventory management strategy for this global eCommerce giant.

VMI works well for Amazon’s inventory because it puts the responsibility on the supplier to maintain the right inventory levels in Amazon’s warehouse. This allows Amazon to concentrate on other aspects of the transaction, like shipping, returns and processing.

Other features of Amazon’s inventory management include:

  • Inventory tags

For suppliers and vendors, there is an internal inventory management system with products broken down across six inventory ‘tags’:

    • Available – what is ready and in stock for customers
    • Inbound – stock that is in transit
    • Unfulfillable – stock at a fulfilment warehouse, but not able to be sold for a specific reason
    • Reserved – stock that is being received, has already been ordered, or is in transit to another warehouse
    • Fee preview – the estimated cost for the management of the item when sold
    • Fulfilled by – whether the supplier or Amazon will be fulfilling the order
  • Trajectory alerts

The Amazon inventory management system has a ‘trajectory alert’ that automatically sends reorder alerts based on the volume of sales on days specified by the vendor – meaning the supplier is able to factor in lead times.

  • Options for order distribution

Suppliers have two options for the distribution of orders that have been placed:

    • Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA): Amazon instructs the business to send the product, while managing the fulfilment through their various warehouse locations where stock is kept.
    • Fulfilment by supplier: The supplier takes care of distribution, self-managing their supply chain and order delivery.
Inventory Management Strategies of 7 Successful Firms (2)

Amazon uses a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) system for many of its goods, which means it can concentrate on other sides of the business

3. Ikea’s inventory management strategy

Ikea has over 450 stores around the world – and each store has over 9,500 products – so keeping track of stock is no small task.

Some key aspects of how Ikea manages its supply chain – from suppliers to the shop floor – are:

  • Supplier relationships: Ikea creates close and often long-term relationships with suppliers – which means they can secure quality materials at lower prices.
  • IWAY for supplier management: IWAY is Ikea’s code of conduct for suppliers, setting environmental and social standards for any business that supplies good or services. This is one aspect of supply overseen by over 40 Ikea trading service offices around the world.
  • Minimum/maximum settings: Ikea uses an inventory management process called ‘minimum/maximum settings’ to determine when and what quantity of a product should be reordered:
    • Minimum settings: the minimum quantity of a product available before processing a reorder
    • Maximum settings: the maximum quantity of a product to be ordered at one time
  • Separation of high- and low-flow goods: Ikea uses separate facilities to manage their high- and low-flow inventory. Automated technology is used to store and retrieve products in high demand, while products in low-flow warehousing are manually processed.
  • Daily restocking: The warehouse of each store is stocked each night – meaning that minimum and maximum settings are based on what is sold on a daily basis and avoiding stockouts and overstocking.
  • Cost-per-touch philosophy: Ikea encourages self-service on the basis that the more hands that touch a product, the more the supply chain costs. For instance, at each store larger flat-packed goods are found just before the checkouts so customers can take goods home immediately instead of goods being handled by multiple warehousing and delivery staff – which carries extra costs.
  • Flat-packing: Ikea famously flat-packs goods where possible, which means better portability for customers, and also lower transport and holding costs for their business.
  • Innovations to meet consumer trends: Ikea has undergone a transformation since 2018 so it can fulfil online demand and have greater efficiencies between physical stores and eCommerce. As part of this change some of Ikea’s out-of-town stores have been repurposed as eCommerce fulfilment centres and smaller stores are being opened in city centres.
Inventory Management Strategies of 7 Successful Firms (3)

Ikea places emphasis on its relationship with suppliers and organises its retail processes to minimise handling of goods and costs

4. Dell’s inventory management strategy

Dell’s inventory management strategy is based around the Just in Time (JIT) model – and Dell was one of the first tech giants to use this system.

The main thrust of JIT is to ensure that there is the right amount of inventory to allow just enough time for production and delivery. In other words, it’s about minimising the need for unnecessary storage of stock and reducing costs along the supply chain.

Some key aspects of Dell’s JIT strategy are:

  • Materials for production are received only when they are needed
  • Demand forecasting must be accurate
  • Stock is not held for more than six days to reduce storage costs
  • Waste is eliminated where possible – for instance, waste caused by defects and overproduction

Having reliable suppliers supports this strategy, so Dell has long-term relationships with businesses around the world that provide materials and components. These suppliers follow a set of rules Dell has set out to ensure they support its streamlined production and delivery model, including:

  • Manufacturers are advised to have premises near Dell’s factory
  • Suppliers work with logistics and shipping providers who deliver components and customer orders
  • Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is used to manage supply. Dell provides an internal website to communicate with its suppliers, giving them real-time data on stock in the supply chain, and key information about demand.

These features are suited to Dell’s business model, which involves selling goods on to retailers, as well as allowing customers to purchase goods directly from Dell itself – including customised computers.

  • Learn more: 3 Successful Companies Practising Just-In-Time Systems

5. Gap’s inventory management strategy

Gap Inc. has more than 3,000 stores worldwide, with a majority of those located in North America. But it has also just experienced one of its busiest eCommerce periods ever in response to the worldwide pandemic, all while going through a multitude of internal changes.

Gap has moved from traditional point-of-sale technology and now runs on Apple’s iOS products, with iPads replacing cash registers and scatter guns in use across the physical stores.

These are key for tracking inventory and enhance the in-store customer experience. Customers can now order a product if it is not available in the store, and Gap’s inventory system – which tracks more than half a million SKUs – can work out whether it will be more efficient to ship from another retail store or from a warehouse.

Gap is also responding to changing customer expectations by having agile inventory that can be sourced quickly and delivered fast. To achieve this, Gap has set up highly automated facilities to handle inventory that are capable of processing large amounts of stock. One of these opened in 2020 and is able to process a million items each day.

Inventory Management Strategies of 7 Successful Firms (4)

Gap, the American clothing retailer, has been automating its inventory facilities to make sourcing and delivering items quicker

6. Epic Beer’s inventory management strategy

Epic Beer is an SME in New Zealand that uses Unleashed’s cloud-based inventory management system to help understand and track information like:

  • How much revenue is coming in each month
  • The cost of their goods – that is, what the manufacturing outgoings are for each product

The system accurately tracks all of their products, which is crucial for food safety regulations – it even gives a real-time view of all available stock and its location, which is especially useful when there are multiple warehouses holding inventory.

Epic doesn’t own the brewery it makes its beer in, so it needs to be able to confirm what stock is theirs, and their inventory management software can do this for them.

Using Unleashed has built efficient practices into Epic’s business so that they have been able to grow and brand effectively without important details getting lost on the way – from managing batch numbers to reducing the impact of seasonal fluctuations and keeping track of ingredients sourced from all over the world.

  • Read more: Epic Beer Grows Business With Efficient Inventory Software

7. Countdown NZ’s inventory management strategy

In 2020, New Zealand grocery chain Countdown launched an app called Compass – their first real-time sales app – which allows suppliers and partners to monitor sales of their products in any Countdown supermarket nationwide.

Countdown’s system provides a range of information, including:

  • Stock on hand
  • Stock on order
  • Stock in transit
  • Price information
  • Presentation levels

Countdown’s system pulls together historical data to predict sales, and if actual sales are above or below expectations, it alerts the supplier so they can identify any issues and take action.

This is especially useful when there is a sudden increase in demand for a product that requires a restock immediately – without this system, suppliers would not have enough lead time to make additional stock available.

Countdown reports that this new inventory system has been effective: this new technology provides suppliers with information so they can alter their call cycles to ensure they deliver to the right stores at the right time for better on-shelf availability.

Inventory Management Strategies of 7 Successful Firms (5)

Countdown, a New Zealand supermarket chain, uses an app called Compass to allow their their suppliers to monitor sales and replenish stock as needed

Inventory management strategies for SMEs

The businesses we’ve looked at demonstrate a key point: there isn’t a one-size-fits-all system or ideology for effective inventory management. Instead, different businesses and industries use different systems to cater to their specific needs.

And while it’s all well and good for large multinational operators to have sophisticated inventory management strategies – many of them developed in-house – it’s not always so easy for SMEs, which tend to have limited resources to invest in their inventory systems.

For this reason, SMEs often find that cloud-based inventory software on a subscription model suits best. With a SaaS system, you can:

  • Scale easily as your business grows and contracts
  • Sync your inventory management with other software, like accounting packages
  • Access real-time data on the go
  • Draw on historic data to make more accurate forecasts

SaaS inventory software allows for greater automation, efficiency and availability of real-time information – and overall, this will give you more control over your inventory and reduce risks of problems like stockouts.

Choosing the right inventory management system and software for your business is not always straightforward. It’s essential to do your homework to find the best inventory software – and integrations – to suit your business needs.

Inventory Management Strategies of 7 Successful Firms (2024)


What are inventory management strategies? ›

An inventory strategy refers to having processes and systems in place to manage the flow of products throughout the supply chain chain, from manufacturing and procurement to warehousing and shipping.

How does Zara manage inventory? ›

Zara determines only 20% of a season's line 6 months in advance, entering the season with 50% of committed inventory. For the remaining 50% of its line, it adopts just-in-time production, a practice that helps them to respond to any “of the moment” trends or customer preferences.

What inventory method does Samsung use? ›

Samsung's inventory management strategy

Samsung has a specific set of best practices it follows to manage its supply chain. It uses an Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) system that automates the management of materials and production – and can adapt to changes – to optimise production levels.

What inventory management strategies would you apply and why? ›

5 Inventory Management Strategies to Improve Efficiency
  • Use ERP software designed for inventory management. ...
  • Automate your inventory management system. ...
  • Use data analytics to optimize inventory management. ...
  • Forecast effectively with sophisticated planning tools. ...
  • Integrate mobile technology.
Jan 28, 2021

What is a good example of inventory management? ›

A soap manufacturer has already created a batch of soaps to dispatch to different points of sale. Given the high consumption of soaps, it reorders raw materials to start manufacturing the next lot. Raw materials ordered beforehand, in this case, act as the inventory for the company.

What are the 3 major types of inventory strategies? ›

An inventory management system can include three different types of inventory:
  • Spare parts inventory,
  • Asset inventory, and.
  • Maintenance parts, materials, and tools.
Aug 7, 2022

How does H&M manage their inventory? ›

This is where inventory management strategy steps in. H&M manufactures 80% of its retail inventory in advance and, during the year, introduces the remaining 20% based on present-day market trends. Affordability is reached with strong supplier relationships, paired with manufacturing strategies that reduce lead times.

What are Zara company strategies? ›

Instead of making a big bet on a single style, let's say a floral dress, manufacturing it in large quantities only to find the demand is not there, Zara can avoid this by producing smaller quantities. This approach allows Zara to see what the demand is like before making a larger investment.

What is Zara best strategy? ›

Zara's pricing strategy focuses on the average shopper that wants the latest fashion items at affordable prices. So its prices have to be catered to the price-sensitive buyers as well. The pricing strategy that Zara applied helped its products meet the needs of a very large consumer segment.

What is Apple's inventory method? ›

Apple uses FIFO

While there are various methods of inventory management that Apple uses such as a sequential mechanism for efficient inventory tracking; it also uses the FIFO method. Following the FIFO model, Apple sells the units of its older models first.

What inventory method does Amazon use? ›

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is an operations model where suppliers restock products when it's time to reorder. With this model, third-party sellers control their products supply within a retailer's inventory. They send their inventory to Amazon's warehouses, and Amazon takes care of the fulfillment.

What is Amazon inventory? ›

How does Amazon inventory work? When sellers choose to use FBA, they automatically gain access to Amazon's machine learning-based inventory management system. This system uses inputs like the cost of goods sold, shipment time, and Amazon data to forecast customer demand and set optimum inventory levels.

What is the most important thing in inventory management? ›

Demand planning is an important part of successful inventory management. It is the process of determining how much of each item you anticipate selling, and when. Once demand is determined, inventory management follows the flow of goods from the supplier through production and ultimately fulfilling customer orders.

What are the 4 inventory strategies? ›

The four types of inventory management are just-in-time management (JIT), materials requirement planning (MRP), economic order quantity (EOQ) , and days sales of inventory (DSI). Each inventory management style works better for different businesses, and there are pros and cons to each type.

What are two common inventory management strategies? ›

The three most popular inventory management techniques are the push technique, the pull technique, and the just-in-time technique. These strategies offer businesses different pathways to meeting customer demand.

How do you overcome poor inventory management? ›

Top 10 Tips to Improve Inventory Management
  1. 1) Supplier Assistance. A great way of managing your business inventory is by asking for help from suppliers. ...
  2. 2) Inventory Control Personnel. ...
  3. 3) Lead Time. ...
  4. 4) Monitor Inventory Levels. ...
  5. 5) Customer Delivery. ...
  6. 6) Inventory Consultant. ...
  7. Inventory Consultant.
  8. 7) Purchase Software.
Jun 25, 2019

What are the top three to five principles of inventory management? ›

There five key principles of inventory management:
  • demand forecasting,
  • warehouse flow,
  • inventory turns/stock rotation,
  • cycle counting and.
  • process auditing.

What are the three 3 tools used to improve inventory management? ›

Inventory management tools and techniques
  • Barcode data collection. The perpetual inventory system is highly dependent on timely and accurate reporting. ...
  • Cycle counting to improve accuracy. ...
  • ABC analysis for prioritisation. ...
  • Integrated planning and execution. ...
  • Lot tracking and traceability.
Apr 19, 2021

What are the four 4 types of inventory? ›

There are four different top-level inventory types: raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP), merchandise and supplies, and finished goods. These four main categories help businesses classify and track items that are in stock or that they might need in the future.

What is ABC inventory analysis? ›

The ABC analysis divides inventory into three categories, with “A” items being the most important and “C” items being the least important. The ABC analysis can be used to help make decisions about which inventory items should be given priority in terms of stock levels and reordering.

How do stores keep track of inventory? ›

Small businesses often use a stock book, or log book, to keep track of inventory. The number of inventory items is listed in one column in the book, and sales are written in another column. This allows managers to keep track of how many items have been sold. This can also be done on computer.

How is inventory managed in a store? ›

Retail inventory management works by creating systems to log products, receive them into inventory, track changes when sales occur, manage the flow of goods from purchasing to final sale and check stock counts.

What is Zara's final product strategy? ›

Product Strategy of Zara

At Zara, what it does is to create new clothing designs all year round and only produce a limited number before moving on to the next designs. With these abbreviated production runs, designs get sold out faster, and there are virtually no leftovers.

Why is Zara so successful? ›

Zara's super-efficient supply chain

Zara's highly responsive, vertically integrated supply chain enables the export of garments 24 hours, 365 days of the year, resulting in the shipping of new products to stores twice a week. After products are designed, they take around 10 to 15 days to reach the stores.

How Zara is different from H&M strategies? ›

A key differentiator between the retailers is their approach to sales. Zara has traditionally taken a subtler approach to reductions, only discounting during key sales periods while H&M takes more frequent and aggressive markdowns.

What is Zara biggest weakness? ›

What are some of Zara's weaknesses? Fast-Fashion: Interestingly, the trend that helped propel Zara to the top is the cause of its most pressing weakness. With the focus on sustainability increasing among customers and policymakers Zara's weakness is balancing sustainability with fast-fashion.

Who is Zara biggest competitor? ›

Nike. Nike is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories. The company has around 75,400 employees with annual revenue of $37.4 billion. In 2021, Nike's US revenue was about $17.36 billion.

What is Zara's strategic focus? ›

Zara's approach emphasizes speed, flexibility, and a customer-focused mentality, which can help companies increase their competitiveness and profitability. Adopting Zara's strategies can lead to increased sales, better brand recognition, and improved customer satisfaction.

What companies use LIFO inventory? ›

Here are some of the industries that often use the LIFO method:
  • Automotive industries when needing to quickly ship.
  • Petroleum-based production companies.
  • Pharmaceutical industries with some products.
Oct 5, 2020

Why is FIFO method better for inventory management? ›

FIFO is more likely to give accurate results. This is because calculating profit from stock is more straightforward, meaning your financial statements are easy to update, as well as saving both time and money. It also means that old stock does not get re-counted or left for so long it becomes unusable.

What are the three types of inventory stock? ›

Manufacturers deal with three types of inventory. They are raw materials (which are waiting to be worked on), work-in-progress (which are being worked on), and finished goods (which are ready for shipping).

What are the four 4 inventory management techniques? ›

Four popular inventory control methods include ABC analysis; Last In, First Out (LIFO) and First In, First Out (FIFO); batch tracking; and safety stock.

What are the 4 main steps in inventory management? ›

To manage your inventory effectively, you can follow a 4 step process:
  • Assess what you have now.
  • Review what you had.
  • Analyse sales.
  • Identify items to repurchase or retire.
Mar 7, 2023

What are 5 stages of inventory management process? ›

The 5 step inventory management process
  • Receive and inspect products. The first step in the inventory management process includes receiving your order from the supplier. ...
  • Sort and stock products. ...
  • Accept customer order. ...
  • Fulfil, package and ship order. ...
  • Reorder new stock.
Sep 27, 2021

What are the five elements of inventory management? ›

5 Key Elements of Inventory Management
  • Track your activity. As a business owner, you ought to know about any movement in your stock. ...
  • Daily counts. Managing your inventory is a daily inventory management task. ...
  • Manage out-of-stock products. ...
  • Clear description. ...
  • Organized work environment.
Sep 21, 2016

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