How to Pick the Right Inventory Control System (2024)

On that first shipment, it is easy to get your product out of the door. Generally, there are toomany people and too few orders. Once a business gets established, the opposite is true.Soon it feels like the product is flying in and out of the doors, and only the WarehouseManager knows what is in stock.

Peers start talking about their Inventory Control Team, but what is inventory control?What should an e-commerce business look for when investigating Inventory ControlSystems?

What is Inventory Control and Why is it so Important?

Inventory control is the systems and processes that manage and track a company's goodsthrough a supply chain, including purchasing, receiving, movement, transfers, picking andshipping.

All efforts in inventory control boil down to better visibility and lower costs. Pretty muchevery business can appreciate that!

“Inventory control” can also mean a set of tools and techniques, often managed throughsystems, that increase the flow of business. As an additional benefit, the increased accuracyand timeliness from an inventory control system improves the businesses' trust with theirclients, often resulting in increased sales.

4 Inventory Control Methods to Consider

1. Periodic Inventory

Most companies will start out counting their entire stock either weekly or monthly. This isan exciting time when the sales team has a better idea of how much they can promise to acustomer, but the quantities won't be reliable for very long. This is also costly when payingfor the entire staff to be counting for a day with no revenue coming in. The more frequentthe periodic counts, the sooner it is necessary to progress to Perpetual Inventory.

2. Perpetual Inventory and Cycle Counting

Where Periodic Inventory is counting your entire stock once a month, Cycle Counting iscounting a portion of the inventory every day so that over the course of the month theentire inventory has been counted. Creating a daily habit of Cycle Counting is core tomaintaining Perpetual Inventory accuracy.

As discrepancies are found and researched, trends in damage, shrink, or spoilage can beidentified and improved. These improvements can lead to a big impact on the company'sbottom line.

3. ABC Counting

After building the best practice of Cycle Counting, we will start to notice a wasted cost incounting the same item every month. Perpetual Inventory is the goal and the next step is tobring more data into the inventory calendar. By bringing item cost, the velocity of sales, andother metrics into the schedule we can make use of the Pareto Principle.

The top 20% of fastest and most valuable items should be counted more frequently, called“A Items,” like weekly or even daily. The bottom 20% might be custom items, leftoverseasonal items, called “C Items.” C Items might be counted annually. In between, we havethe “B Items” that can be counted monthly.

This is one way to manage the calendar. The percentages and calculations can be adjustedby business and need. If you have a good grasp of the most valuable items in your business,and how critical is it to have an accurate inventory of them, the ABC Counting method ofinventory control may be a good fit for your business.

4. Just-In-Time Inventory

Where Perpetual Inventory is the nirvana of inventory accuracy, Just-In-Time Inventory isthe Holy Grail of the supply chain. When all parties along the supply chain are in sync,inventory levels in each of the distribution points feed as the customer places an order.This requires lower stocking levels at each stage, reducing the cash tied up in inventory foreach business.

The risk is the case study of Toys R Us who became proficient at Just In Time Inventory.Their shelves were so bare that customers became concerned the business was closing.While they saved cash on inventory, they lost the trust of their customers who thought theywere going out of business.

How to Pick the Right Inventory Control System (1)

How to Pick the Right System for Your Business

Stock Locator

The most straightforward way to track inventory is through a Stock Locator. This gives thecompany a clear view of where on the shelves a product was put away when received andremoves the inventory when picked. The Stock Locator will often have a way to digitallyrepresent the warehouse and define an efficient pick path. This simple function can savemassive amounts of time for the business.

The core component of any true inventory management system is the stock locatorfunction. Definitely ensure any inventory management system you're considering can tellyou not just how much inventory is in the warehouse, but exactly where it is in thebuilding.

Lots and Serial Tracking

Beyond inventory counts, tracking specific items becomes critical to business. Examplescan be lot tracking for food safety or serial tracking on electronics for warranties. Beingable to see the entire transaction history for each item may be required.

It can be surprising how much extra effort goes into scanning, tracking and logging eachdata point. The return on that extra effort is crystal clear when we need to find whatcustomer bought a specific stereo when they want a refund.

If the chain of custody is important for recalls or warranty, look for the ability to trackmultiple lots and serial numbers. If the industry doesn't require the extra tracking, theextra overhead scanning and tracking can be very time-consuming. Often the additionalinformation can be added later as needed.

Units of Measure and Kitting

Michael E. Porter was the first to call out that in a supply chain, each distributor adds valueat each stage. He called this the Value Chain. To do that often we must break down a caseinto smaller pieces or take parts and combine them into a new finished good.

While easy from an operations perspective, it is a unique challenge to break down aproduct's costs. Even more complex is combining raw materials into a new product.

Have you considered how to add labor into the costs of breaking down a case of Kleenexinto boxes? Not only is there labor in breaking down the case, but there is also an increasedchance of products damage in the smaller pack size.

Inventory Control System Integrations

In the connected world we live in, it is expected to have data across devices and platforms.Inventory quantities aren't only valuable to the warehouse. Does the CRM need to beupdated for the sales team? Does the website need to give low inventory alerts? Financedefinitely needs to calculate the stock into costs on the balance sheet.

More advanced operations will require a careful balance between an Enterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP) system and Material Requirements Planning (MRP) systems.

The ERP system is key to better manage specific costing considerations. First In First Out(FIFO) and Landed Cost give an accurate accounting of the cost of every item, but are veryspecific tools.

MRP systems are also critical for shop managers to look at the needs of the businesscompared to the capability of the people, tools, and raw materials. Not only does an MRPhelp them know what to produce, but it also informs them how to produce everything forthe week with the least amount of downtime.

Trends in Inventory Control

QR Codes and RFID

Inventory tracking systems usually default to barcodes for inventory control because theyare easy to use, inexpensive to print, and fast to scan. Tracking more information with lotor serial numbers is easy with QR Codes and Radio Frequency Identifiers (RFID). They canstore more information in a single scan. QR Codes are popular with mobile devices likeiPhones and Androids. RFID was instrumental in Walmart's cost reduction by allowinglarge quantities of product to scan in a single pass.

Mobile Devices

Supply chain professionals used to be limited to expensive scan guns. Now new protectivecases have made it possible to use the iPhones and Android phones everyone is familiarwith. This can reduce costs by accelerating training time.

Not only can mobile devices scan product, but they can also take pictures and communicatewith suppliers or customers.

The warning is that they can also play games and chat with friends. The more open thesystem's tool, the more important it is to have good reporting on transactions to find gapsthat could be filled with extracurricular activities.

Voice Picking

The most exciting advancement is in voice recognition technology. Having to hold a scannerwhile picking up heavy boxes is an injury waiting to happen. Putting down a scanner canlead to damaging or losing an expensive piece of equipment.

With the computer on a belt, a simple headset allows a computer to direct a picker'sactions. Instead of scanning, she can speak responses that the system can decode and log asdata.

Final Thoughts on Inventory Control

It is amazing to see the efficiencies watching a company move from periodic to perpetualinventory. Each business will have their own needs, but every business can benefit fromincreased visibility of their inventory.

What are the most critical concerns for your industry? What challenges are youexperiencing with inventory controls? Connect with me anytime to keep the conversationgoing!

How to Pick the Right Inventory Control System (2024)


How to Pick the Right Inventory Control System? ›

Four popular inventory control methods include ABC analysis; Last In, First Out (LIFO) and First In, First Out (FIFO); batch tracking; and safety stock.

Which inventory control system is best? ›

Compare Providers
Cin7 OrderhiveBest Overall
inFlowBest for B2B Companies
Lightspeed RetailBest for Retail Stores
UpserveBest for Restaurants
2 more rows

What are the 4 types of inventory control? ›

Four popular inventory control methods include ABC analysis; Last In, First Out (LIFO) and First In, First Out (FIFO); batch tracking; and safety stock.

What are the requisites of a good inventory control system? ›

Essentials of a Good inventory control System
  • Prioritize your inventory. ...
  • Track all product information. ...
  • Audit your inventory. ...
  • Analyze supplier performance. ...
  • Practice the 80/20 inventory rule. ...
  • Be consistent in how you receive stock. ...
  • Track sales. ...
  • Order restocks yourself.
Jun 17, 2019

What are the 3 systems used in inventory control? ›

What is Inventory Control and Why is it so Important?
  • Periodic Inventory. Most companies will start out counting their entire stock either weekly or monthly. ...
  • Perpetual Inventory and Cycle Counting. ...
  • ABC Counting. ...
  • Just-In-Time Inventory.

What is the most commonly used inventory system? ›

Three of the most popular inventory control models are Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Inventory Production Quantity, and ABC Analysis. Each inventory model has a different approach to help you know how much inventory you should have in stock. Which one you decide to use depends on your business.

Which inventory system should you use and why? ›

Periodic inventory accounting systems are better suited to small businesses that have easy-to-manage inventories or those with low sales volumes. Businesses with larger inventories, high sales volumes, and multiple retail outlets need perpetual inventory systems.

What are the 2 methods of inventory control? ›

There are two key types of inventory control systems.
  • Perpetual inventory system. A perpetual inventory control system tracks inventory in real-time. ...
  • Periodic inventory system. A periodic inventory system is kept up to date by a physical count of goods on hand at specific intervals.

What is inventory control by ABC technique? ›

ABC analysis is an inventory management technique that determines the value of inventory items based on their importance to the business. ABC ranks items on demand, cost and risk data, and inventory mangers group items into classes based on those criteria.

What is the difference between P and Q inventory systems? ›

For example, whereas in the Q system you always order a fixed amount of inventory (EoQ) at variable times depending on when your reorder point is hit, the P system will be ordering at fixed time intervals (say every quarter), with a new EoQ calculated each time up to the max holding quantity.

How do you set up an inventory system? ›

The Critical Elements of a Pretty Good Inventory System
  1. Well Organized Location Names.
  2. Location Labels that are easy to read, and unambiguous.
  3. Unique, Short, and Unmistakable Item Numbers.
  4. Units of Measure.
  5. A Good Starting Count.
  6. Software that tracks all inventory activity.
  7. Good Policies.

What are the two main concerns of inventory control? ›

Ans: Inventory management has two main concerns. One is the level of customer service, that is, to have the right goods, in sufficient quantities, in the right place, at the right time. The other is the costs of ordering and carrying inventories.

What are the two most important points considered by an inventory control system? ›

Some of the most important techniques of inventory control system are: 1. Setting up of various stock levels. 2. Preparations of inventory budgets.

What are the top three to five principles of inventory management? ›

There five key principles of inventory management:
  • demand forecasting,
  • warehouse flow,
  • inventory turns/stock rotation,
  • cycle counting and.
  • process auditing.

What is the difference between inventory control and inventory management? ›

Inventory management and inventory control are similar but have different focuses. Inventory management handles forecasting and ordering stock. Inventory control, also known as stock control, is a part of inventory management that handles the stock on-hand.

What are the basic component of an inventory control system? ›

So, an effective inventory management system needs to encompass purchasing, inventory management, warehousing, sales orders, order fulfillment, distribution and customer service management. Purchasing is a very important component of an inventory information system.

Can Excel be used for inventory management? ›

When you're low on resources, Excel spreadsheets can be a good way to start tracking inventory management. It's also a very accessible tool to help get you up and running with an easy way to manage maintenance inventory.

What is XYZ analysis in inventory management? ›

What is an XYZ analysis? An XYZ analysis divides items into three categories. X items have the lowest demand variability. Y items have a moderate amount of demand variability, usually because of a known factor. Z items have the highest demand variability and are therefore the hardest to forecast.

What is three bin system? ›

The three bins are for the separation of waste into compostable, recyclable, and land fill. The signs for distinctive green, blue and black bins proudly sports the Sailors for the Sea Clean Regattas logo.

What is the difference between ERP and inventory management system? ›

ERP system manages and integrates all the core business functions of a company, such as order processing, accounting, customer relationship management, and human resources. On the other hand, an inventory management system, or an IMS, manages the physical inventory of a business.

What is another name for the Q system of inventory? ›

A continuous review ( Q ) system, sometimes called a reorder point (ROP) system or fixed order-quantity system, tracks the remaining inventory of a SKU each time a withdrawal is made to determine whether it is time to reorder.

What does Q stand for in inventory? ›

Q is a former Nasdaq designation that noted a company had filed for bankruptcy. The Q would show up as the final letter in a stock symbol.

What is the formula for inventory system? ›

The formula is (COGS + ending inventory) – purchases. Calculating ending inventory involves similar elements. Add the beginning inventory value from the start of the period with purchases made during the period. Then subtract COGS.

How do I create an inventory system in Excel? ›

How to Create An Excel Inventory Management System
  1. Create a spreadsheet. ...
  2. Add any necessary product categories as columns. ...
  3. Add each product that you carry to the spreadsheet. ...
  4. Adjust the quantities as you make sales. ...
  5. Time-consuming process. ...
  6. Lack of automation and real-time reporting. ...
  7. Greater chance for errors.
Mar 23, 2021

What is the most important aspect of inventory control? ›

Efficient warehouse management, including goods movement, transfer and storage, is one of the most important elements of inventory control.

What are the disadvantages of inventory control? ›

1. A business entity with higher inventory has too much of its working capital tied up in the inventory that can be used in other important activities. 2. Storage and carrying costs of the inventory lead to an unnecessary increase in the cost of the company.

What are the four important cost elements associated with inventory control? ›

Ordering, holding, carrying, shortage and spoilage costs make up some of the main categories of inventory-related costs.

What is the one thing that you look out for when maintaining inventory systems? ›

Will the system calculate the quantity of a product required forward over a time horizon? A critical function is to calculate when a product will “stock out” based on selling plans, rate of sale, and project demand forward based on these rates of sale and using the vendor lead time.

What is the first rule of inventory management? ›

Rules of Inventory #1: Have Enough Inventory to Service Demand. In the past, when inventory ran out, companies would simply issue a backorder while they purchased or manufactured more items. Customers would simply wait for the item to be in stock again.

What is the simplest way to manage an inventory? ›

Here are some of the techniques that many small businesses use to manage inventory:
  1. Fine-tune your forecasting. ...
  2. Use the FIFO approach (first in, first out). ...
  3. Identify low-turn stock. ...
  4. Audit your stock. ...
  5. Use cloud-based inventory management software. ...
  6. Track your stock levels at all times. ...
  7. Reduce equipment repair times.

What is Six Sigma inventory management? ›

Inventory management plays two critical roles in Lean Six Sigma. Firstly, the management of raw materials and semi-finished goods in the lean manufacturing process. Secondly, inventory control of finished goods held in a warehouse by manufacturers.

How do you optimize inventory management? ›

Inventory optimization techniques
  1. Use demand forecasting. ...
  2. Determine safety stock inventory. ...
  3. Implement reorder point formula. ...
  4. Carry out inventory audits. ...
  5. Keep tabs on SKUs. ...
  6. Distribute inventory across warehouses. ...
  7. Use inventory management software.

What is an example of inventory control? ›

An example of inventory control.

The majority of items are all selling well, but when reviewing stock levels, their inventory control manager can see that one product isn't selling as well as the others. As well as taking up warehouse space, these products have a limited shelf-life.

What is P system in inventory? ›

Periodic review system/periodic inventory system: In this system the period of time after which inventory is reviewed is fixed, after that particular period new order is placed at that point. In this system the time of order is fixed but the size of order is variable. It is also called fixed period system or P-system.

What is inventory control in simple words? ›

What Is Inventory Control? Inventory control, also called stock control, is the process of ensuring the right amount of supply is available in an organization. With the appropriate internal and production controls, the practice ensures the company can meet customer demand and delivers financial elasticity.

What are the five inventory inventory types? ›

Companies should pay equal attention to all five inventory types: raw materials inventory, work-in-progress (WIP) inventory, maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) inventory, finished goods inventory, and packing materials inventory.

What is poor inventory control? ›

This happens when you cannot immediately fulfill an order because of a stock-out of the ordered item. Not keeping track of inventory levels can lead to stock out of popular items during a sudden surge in demand. This can happen due to peak season or other external factors. Having sufficient stock is crucial.

What are the inventory control problems? ›

The problem related to how much inventory should be maintained and how much order should be placed is called as Inventory Control Problem. A person goes to a shop to purchase an item but that was not in stock then he return empty hand from the shop it cause the current loss for shopkeeper.

What is the Big Five inventory theory? ›

The Big Five Inventory (BFI) is a self-report scale that is designed to measure the big five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness).

What is the inventory formula? ›

The first step to calculating beginning inventory is to figure out the cost of goods sold (COGS). Next, add the value of the most recent ending inventory and then subtract the money spent on new inventory purchases. The formula is (COGS + ending inventory) – purchases.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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