How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (2024)

Writing a cold email to an investor can be a daunting task. You want to make a good impression and stand out from the hundreds of other pitches that investors receive, but you also don’t want to come across as pushy or desperate.

The key to writing a successful cold email to investor is to be concise, clear, and professional. In this blog, we will show you how to write cold email to investor that get results.

We will provide tips on how to structure your email, what information to include, and how to follow up. We will also share some investors email templates that you can use as a starting point for your own cold emails.

Whether you are just starting out or you have been in business for a while, these tips and templates will help you effectively reach out to potential investors and increase your chances of securing funding.

Table Of Contents
1. Best practices for writing cold email to investors1.1 Keep the email short and to the point1.2 Personalize your email1.3 Be clear and concise in your subject line1.4 Explain how your company aligns with their investment goals.1.5 Include a call to action1.6 Include any relevant attachments or links1.7 Follow up if you don’t hear back1.8 Be professional and respectful2. Some engaging subject lines examples3. Top cold email template to send to an investor3.1 Introduction email template3.2 Case Study/Testimonial email template3.3 Follow up email template3.4 Progress update email template3.5 Investment closing email template3.6 News and Updates Email3.7 Thank you email template4. Why do you need SafeMailer to send your cold emails?5. Conclusion
6. FAQs

Best practices for writing cold email to investors

Keep the email short and to the point

The email should be easy to read and should get straight to the point. Avoid using industry jargon and complex language.

How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (1)

Break up the text into smaller paragraphs and use bullet points or numbered lists if possible. Keep the email around 3-5 paragraphs, so the investor can quickly understand the main points of your message.

Personalize your email

Show that you have done your research on the investor and their interests. Mentioning specific details about their investments or interests will demonstrate that you have taken the time to learn about them and their investment goals.

Use the investor’s name, mention a recent article or a news about the investor, or show how your project aligns with the investor’s portfolio.

Be clear and concise in your subject line

Your subject line should be short, to the point, and should accurately reflect the contents of the email. Make it attention-grabbing and make sure it’s not too long.

For example, “Introduction: XYZ Company seeking funding” is much better than “Request for funding for XYZ company”.

Explain how your company aligns with their investment goals.

Clearly state how your company or project will meet the investor’s investment goals. Provide information about your business model, target market, and revenue projections.

Explain the problem your company or project is solving, the unique value proposition, and the competitive advantage.

Include a call to action

This could be asking for a meeting or a call to discuss further. Be clear about what you want from the investor and what the next steps are.

Provide a date and time when you are available to discuss, and include your contact information.

Include any relevant attachments or links

This could be a business plan, pitch deck, financial projections, or other relevant documents. Make sure to include a brief explanation of what the attachments are and why they are important.

Follow up if you don’t hear back

If you don’t receive a response to your first email, it’s okay to follow up. However, be respectful and don’t be too persistent. Wait a week or two before sending a follow-up email. Use a different subject line and a different approach to re-engage the investor.

Be professional and respectful

Remember that you are reaching out to a potential investor, so it’s important to maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout all of your communication. Avoid using overly casual language or being too pushy.

Keep in mind that investors are not just looking for a good financial return, but also for a team that can execute the plan and for a project that can solve a real problem.

Emphasize on your team’s capability, your company’s traction, and your project’s potential impact. Show them that you understand the market, that you have done your homework, and that your project has a real chance of success.

Provide data, customer testimonials, and other forms of validation that demonstrate traction and potential impact.

How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (4)

    Some engaging subject lines examples

    1. Introduction: #Company Name# seeking funding
    2. Funding opportunity for #Company Name#
    3. #Company Name# – Solving #problem# in #industry#
    4. #Company Name# – Innovative solution for #problem#
    5. #Company Name# – Disrupting #industry# with #unique value proposition#
    6. #Company Name# – Meet the team solving #problem#
    7. #Company Name# – Investment opportunity in #industry#
    8. #Company Name# – Projected #% return on investment# in #time frame#
    9. #Company Name# – Achieving #milestone# and ready for #next step#
    10. #Company Name# – #Traction/Validation# in #industry# seeking funding

    Top cold email template to send to an investor

    Introduction email template

    The main motive of this email is to introduce yourself and your company/project to the investor. It should be brief and to the point and should include a CTA such as asking for a meeting or a call to discuss further. This email should be used to get the attention of the investor, to show them that you have a good project, and to make them want to learn more.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (5)
    Subject: Introduction: #Company Name# seeking funding
    Dear #Investor Name#,

    My name is #Your Name#, and I am the #Your Position# of #Company Name#. I came across your investment portfolio and noticed that you have invested in #industry/company type# and I thought you may be interested in hearing more about our company.

    #Company Name# is a #company description, e.g. technology startup# that is focused on #solving problem/providing service#. Our unique value proposition is #explain unique value proposition#. We have already #achieved milestones/validation#.

    We are currently seeking funding to #goal, e.g. expand our team/launch our product#. I would love to schedule a call or meeting to discuss our opportunity in more detail and to see if there’s a fit with your investment goals.

    Please let me know a date and time that works for you, and I’ll make sure to schedule it. I have also attached our pitch deck for your review.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (6)

    Case Study/Testimonial email template

    The main goal is to provide the investor with a success story or testimonial from one of your customers or clients. This can help to establish credibility and demonstrate the value of your company or project.

    This email is used to provide evidence of the impact that your solution can have on a business and to show the investor the potential benefit of your solution for their portfolio companies.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (7)
    Subject: #Company Name# – Success Story: #Customer/Client Name#
    Dear #Investor Name#,

    I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to share with you a success story from one of our customers/clients. #Company Name# is a #company description, e.g. technology startup# that is focused on #solving problem/providing service#.

    Recently, we have been working with #Customer/Client Name#, a #industry/company type# company and they have been able to achieve #specific results, e.g. increased sales/reduced costs# as a result of working with us. They have kindly agreed to provide a testimonial about their experience working with #Company Name#.

    “#Quote from customer/client about their experience#”

    This success story is just one example of the impact that our solution can have on a business. We would love to schedule a call or meeting to discuss how our solution can benefit your portfolio companies.

    Please let me know a date and time that works for you, and I’ll make sure to schedule it.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (8)

    Follow up email template

    In this follow-up email template, the main goal is to follow up with an investor who has not responded to your previous emails.

    It should be brief and to the point, and should include a call to action, such as asking for a meeting or a call to discuss further. This cold email should be used to remind the investor about your company and your project, and to make them want to learn more.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (9)
    Subject: Follow-up: #Company Name# seeking funding
    Dear #Investor Name#,

    I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to follow up on my previous email regarding #Company Name#. I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review our pitch deck and if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a call to discuss further.

    As a reminder, #Company Name# is a #company description, e.g. technology startup# that is focused on #solving problem/providing service#.

    Our unique value proposition is #explain unique value proposition#. We have already #achieved milestones/validation#.

    We understand that you are likely busy and may have missed our initial email. I would still love the opportunity to discuss our opportunity with you in more detail and to see if there’s a fit with your investment goals.

    Please let me know a date and time that works for you, and I’ll make sure to schedule it.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (10)

    Progress update email template

    The main goal is to update an investor on the progress of your company or project. It should include information about any milestones achieved, traction, or validation. This email should be used to keep the investor informed about your company and to show them that you are making progress and achieving milestones.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (11)
    Subject: Update: #Company Name# – #Milestone Achieved#
    Dear #Investor Name#,

    I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to update you on the progress of #Company Name#. We wanted to share some exciting news with you. We have recently achieved #milestone achieved#. This is a significant achievement for us and we are excited to share it with you.

    As a reminder, #Company Name# is a #company description, e.g. technology startup# that is focused on #solving problem/providing service#.

    Our unique value proposition is #explain unique value proposition#. We have already #achieved milestones/validation#.

    I would love the opportunity to schedule a call or meeting to discuss our progress and to answer any questions you may have. We are also happy to provide additional information or materials upon request.

    Please let me know a date and time that works for you, and I’ll make sure to schedule it.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (12)

    Investment closing email template

    This email is used to close the investment round. It should include information about the terms of the investment, the closing date, and any other relevant information. It should also include a call to action, such as asking the investor to sign and return the investment documents.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (13)
    Subject: Invitation to Invest: #Company Name# – Investment Round Closing Soon
    Dear #Investor Name#,

    I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to invite you to participate in our upcoming investment round for #Company Name#. We have been fortunate to have strong interest from a number of high-quality investors, and we are now in the final stages of closing the round.

    As a reminder, #Company Name# is a #company description, e.g. technology startup# that is focused on #solving problem/providing service#.

    Our unique value proposition is #explain unique value proposition#. We have already #achieved milestones/validation#.

    The terms of the investment are as follows:

    •Minimum investment: #amount#
    •Valuation: #amount#
    •Closing date: #date#

    We would be honored to have you participate in this round and we are confident that your investment will generate strong returns.

    Please let me know a date and time that works for you, and I’ll make sure to schedule it.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (14)

    News and Updates Email

    This email is used to keep the investor informed about your company or project. It should include information about any news or updates, such as new partnerships, product launches, or other developments.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (15)
    Subject: #Company Name# News: #Update/News#
    Dear #Investor Name#,

    I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to share some exciting news with you about #Company Name#. We wanted to keep you informed of our progress and update you on the latest developments.

    As a reminder, #Company Name# is a #company description, e.g. technology startup# that is focused on #solving problem/providing service#.

    Our unique value proposition is #explain unique value proposition#. We have already #achieved milestones/validation#.

    •Our recent update/news is #update/news#.
    •This has resulted in #specific outcome#.
    •We are also currently working on #future developments#.

    We would love the opportunity to schedule a call or meeting to discuss our progress and answer any questions you may have.

    Please let me know a date and time that works for you, and I’ll make sure to schedule it.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (16)

    Thank you email template

    In this thank you investors email template, the main goal is to thank the investor for their time and interest, even if the investment request has been declined. It should be brief and to the point, and should include a call to action, such as asking the investor to keep in touch or to schedule a meeting to discuss further.

    This email should be used to maintain a good relationship with the investor, even if the investment request has not been successful.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (17)
    Subject: Thank you for your time: #Company Name#
    Dear #Investor Name#,

    I wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to consider #Company Name# as a potential investment opportunity.

    We understand that you have many options to choose from and we appreciate your consideration.

    Even though we may not have been the right fit this time, we would love to keep in touch and update you on our progress.

    We believe that our solution has the potential to benefit your portfolio companies and we would be happy to schedule a call in the future to discuss any potential opportunities.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (18)

    Why do you need SafeMailer to send your cold emails?

    When you are raising funds, chances are you’ll have to send cold email to hundreds of investors. But when you send hundreds of cold emails to investors with a bulk emailing software, there is a good chance those emails will land in ‘SPAM’ or ‘Promotions’ folders.

    But your emails can easily reach inbox if it looks like they are being manually send. SafeMailer’s ‘Cold Email Automation’ app is asmart solution that mimics the email sending pattern of a human.

    Thisbest free cold email softwareis ideal for sending cold email to investor where you send tens to hundreds of emails in a day. It will help you build up and maintain a healthysender reputation, so that your emails are well received by your customers. And as this app is budget friendly, it becomes a perfect substitute for apps like Yesware, or GMass.


    Writing a cold investors email can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and templates, it can be made much simpler. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can increase your chances of getting a response from an investor and ultimately securing the funding you need for your business. Remember to be clear, concise, and confident in your messaging, and to always provide value in your email. Good luck!


    Q. What key elements should be included in a cold email to an investor?

    A: Include a compelling subject line, a concise introduction, a clear value proposition, details about your business, your ask or proposal, and a strong closing.

    Q. How do I personalize a cold email to make it stand out?

    A: Research the investor’s background and mention specific reasons why you believe they would be interested in your venture. Personalization shows that you’ve done your homework.

    Q. Should I attach a business plan or pitch deck to the cold email?

    A: It’s often better to provide a brief overview in the email and include a link to your business plan or pitch deck. Keep the initial email concise and focused on generating interest.

    Q. What is the recommended length for a cold email to an investor?

    A: Aim for brevity. Keep your cold email between 150-250 words. Investors are often busy, so a concise message is more likely to be read.

    Q. How should I follow up after sending a cold email?

    A: Wait 7-10 days before sending a polite and concise follow-up email. Reference your initial message, express continued interest, and offer any additional information they may need.

    Q. Is it okay to follow investors on social media before sending a cold email?

    A: Yes, but do so in a professional and non-intrusive manner. Following an investor on platforms like LinkedIn can provide insights and help establish a connection before reaching out via email.

    Q. What should I do if I don’t receive a response to my cold email?

    A: Persistence is key. Send a polite follow-up, and if there’s still no response, consider reaching out to other investors. Don’t be discouraged; investors receive numerous emails, and it may take time to get noticed.

    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer (2024)


    How to write cold email to investor with templates - SafeMailer? ›

    Cold Email Templates For Potential Clients

    It's recommended that you always include a clear call to action, keep the email short, always provide value, personalize, and follow up. Subject: Quick 15 min convo {{First Name}}? Subject: Did you hear about {{competitor's name}}? Subject: Haven't heard from you in a while!

    How do I send a cold email template? ›

    Cold Email Templates For Potential Clients

    It's recommended that you always include a clear call to action, keep the email short, always provide value, personalize, and follow up. Subject: Quick 15 min convo {{First Name}}? Subject: Did you hear about {{competitor's name}}? Subject: Haven't heard from you in a while!

    How do you write a high converting cold email? ›

    Keep emails short, to the point, and actionable

    While sending a cold email, your main objective is to get a favorable response. Remember, it's important to make it simple for your prospects to get through your email. The faster they can grasp the value you offer, the better your chances of conversion.

    How do you write a catchy cold email? ›

    How to write an effective cold email for sales
    1. Research your audience. ...
    2. Craft an engaging subject line. ...
    3. Personalize your greeting. ...
    4. Write a concise opening. ...
    5. Compliment your prospect. ...
    6. Present a compelling value proposition. ...
    7. Strengthen your case with social proof. ...
    8. Include a call to action.

    How do I send a cold email to an investor? ›

    The body of your email should be short and to the point. Remember, a cold email is an opportunity to set up further discussion, so it isn't necessary to include a full company pitch. Your email should clearly state who you are, what the investment opportunity is, and include a call-to-action for next steps.

    What is the subject line of a cold investor email? ›

    Subject Line

    The core components are: your company name, company one-liner, credentials, metrics, and a mention of fundraising or pitching. Include phrases like “Pitch Feedback Request”, “Growing 20% monthly”, “YC S21” or “Just Graduated TechStars” if you recently completed an accelerator like Y-Combinator.

    How do you write a good cold email sequence? ›

    Here's how you can achieve that:
    1. Start with something you both know or like to make them feel comfortable.
    2. Say something nice about their work to show you've checked them out.
    3. Ask a question that makes them think and want to answer.
    4. Offer a quick tip or useful info to show you're helpful.

    Is cold emailing illegal? ›

    Cold email is legal in the United States. However, it is important that you comply with the CAN-SPAM Act. The CAN-SPAM Act outlines the legal requirements for all commercial messages (emails) that are sent to advertise or promote a product or service.

    How do you stand out in a cold email? ›

    How to Write a Cold Email
    1. Write your email with clear intention.
    2. Make it clear why you chose them.
    3. Touch on a relevant pain point.
    4. Use social proof and point to results.
    5. Keep it short, simple, and human.
    6. Perfect your subject line.
    Jun 24, 2024

    How do I create urgency in cold email? ›

    Creating Urgency in Email Marketing
    1. Use a countdown timer. ...
    2. Use time-sensitive words. ...
    3. Use a clear and direct CTA. ...
    4. Keep the copy in your emails brief. ...
    5. Scarcity is key. ...
    6. Loss Aversion.

    How do you start a professional cold email? ›

    Begin with a strong, personalized opening line. Reference something specific about their company to show you've done your research. Clearly state the purpose of your email and how your service can add value. Keep the tone professional yet approachable to engage the recipient right from the start.

    What do you write in the first line of a cold email? ›

    Template: I'm [Your name] from [Your company name]. We like and appreciate the great work you've been doing when it comes to [Name the field]. Example: I'm John from X. We appreciate the work you've been doing when it comes to writing relevant content.

    How do you grab attention in a cold email? ›

    5 steps to write cold emails that get replies
    1. Step 1: Start your email with a great hook.
    2. Step 2: Show off a strong example with a case study sentence.
    3. Step 3: Clearly state your solution(s).
    4. Step 4: Ask for a clear action.
    5. Step 4: Subject Lines.
    6. Step 5: Follow Up.

    How many sentences should a cold email be? ›

    Therefore, we recommend that cold emails should be 5-15 lines of text or 50-150 words. That is succinct, scannable, and strong enough to capture the 8-second attention span of readers today. You can test out longer lengths of up to 15 lines in your follow-up emails.

    How do you write an email to a potential opportunity? ›

    How to write an email asking for a job vacancy
    1. Find the right recipient. The first step in sending a job inquiry email is knowing who to send it to. ...
    2. Introduce yourself. At the beginning of your email, introduce yourself and state your intentions. ...
    3. Outline your experience and skills. ...
    4. Politely ask for a meeting.

    How do you start a conversation with a potential investor? ›

    You should start the conversation by talking about how you know the person who made the introduction, including why the person thought you and the investor should meet. You want to demonstrate that you've done your homework by displaying knowledge of the investor's past projects. The next step is to present your pitch.

    How do you pitch a potential investor? ›

    How to make a pitch to investors
    1. Deliver your elevator pitch. ...
    2. Tell your story. ...
    3. Show your market research. ...
    4. Introduce and demonstrate your product or service. ...
    5. Explain the revenue and business model. ...
    6. Clarify how you will attract business. ...
    7. Pitch your team. ...
    8. Explain your financial projections.

    How do you communicate with potential investors? ›

    Provide as much information as possible about your startup and its progress. This includes financials, revenue projections, and key metrics. Investors want to know what they are investing in, so be up front and honest about the details. Its also important to provide regular updates on how the business is progressing.

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    Article information

    Author: Barbera Armstrong

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5536

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

    Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Barbera Armstrong

    Birthday: 1992-09-12

    Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

    Phone: +5026838435397

    Job: National Engineer

    Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

    Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.