Justus Amito

Manager, Business Operations at Intellinks East Africa Limited

Published Feb 21, 2017

There are several tell-tale signs that suggest your phone is being tracked, tapped or monitored in some way. The signs can be quite subtle but when you know what to look out for, they can also be glaring:

Unusual sounds during calls

If there are clicking sounds, static or distant voices coming through your phone during conversations it could be a sign that you’re being snooped on. This is not normal for today’s phones on digital networks. It’s a thing of the past and associated with old-style analoguenetworks. If you are hearing fragmentary voices, they may not be in your head; it’s a possibility that your phone has been tapped.

  • This is not the best of signs when taken alone, though, since echoes, static, and clicking can also be caused by random interference or a bad connection.
  • Static, scratching, and popping can be caused by a capacitive discharge resulting from two conductors being connected.
  • High-pitched humming is an even greater indication.
  • You can check for sounds that your ear cannot pick up by using a sound-bandwidth sensor on a low frequency. If the indicator pops up several times per minute, your phone may very well be tapped.

Use your phone around other electronic devices.

If you suspect that there might be a tap on your phone, walk over to a radio or television during your next phone call. Even if there is no audible interference on your phone itself, there is some chance that interference could occur when you stand next to another electronic device, causing static with that device.

  • You should also look for distortion when you are not on actively using the phone. An active wireless phone signal could disrupt the transmission of data even without additional software or hardware being installed on your phone, but an inactive signal should not.
  • Some bugs and taps use frequencies close to the FM radio band, so if your radio squeals when set to mono and dialed into the far end of the band, one of these devices might be in use.
  • Likewise, taps can interfere with TV broadcast frequencies on UHF channels. Use a TV with an antenna to check the room for interference.

Decreased battery capacity

Another indication of a bugged cell phone is reduced battery performance. If a mobile phone is tapped it is recording your activities and transmitting them to a third party. This leaves a footprint in the form of increased battery usage and as a result the battery loses life faster. A tapped cell phone can also be constantly recording conversations in the room, even when the phone appears to be idle. And of course as a result it will chew through battery life. You can test this by using your battery in another phone of the same model and compare the results. Is your phone using more battery power than a phone of the same model and software? If so, it could be that your phone is bugged, or it’s defective in some way.

Phone shows activity when not in use

Is your phone making noises or lighting up its screen when you’re not using it? Call and message alerts to one side your phone should be as silent as a sleeping baby when not in use. Does it also reboot for no reason at all? If so it’s possible that someone has remote access to your device.

  • If your phone lights up, shuts down, starts up, or begins to install an app without you doing anything, there might be someone hacking into your phone and controlling it through a tap.
  • On the other hand, any of this could happen if there is random interference during the transmission of data.

Phone takes a long time to shut down

Before a smart phone shuts down it must complete any tasks that are processing. If your phone is transmitting data to someone it will have to complete the process before it shuts down. As a result if a phone takes longer than usual to turn off especially after a call, text, email or web browsing it could be sending information to a third party.

  • Pay close attention to determine if your cell phone takes longer to shut down than usual or if the back light remains on even after you shut it down.
  • While this could be a sign that your cell phone is tapped, it could also just mean that there was a glitch in the hardware or software of your phone that is completely unrelated to a tap.

Battery temperature feels warm

A further indicator of a possible phone tap is the temperature of your battery. If the phone feels warm even when you haven’t used your phone it could be still in use secretly transmitting data. However this is only a potential sign.

  • Of course, a hot battery could just be a sign that it has been overused. This is especially true if your cell phone is already older than one year, since cell batteries tend to decline over time.

Receiving unusual texts

Are you receiving strange text messages containing random numbers, symbols or characters? The remote control feature of spy software works by sending secret coded text messages to your phone and in some cases these can be seen if the software is not working correctly. If this happens regularly you could have a spy app on your phone.

  • Some programs use SMS texts to send commands to the target cell phone. If these programs are installed sloppily, these messages can appear.

Increased data usage

Some of the less reliable spy apps use extra data to send the information collected from your phone, so look out for any unexplained increase in your monthly data usage. The best spy software programs data usage has been reduced and will be almost impossible to spot but the poor programs will show significant data use.

  • Many spy programs send logs of your phone records to online servers and use your data plan to do so. Older programs used large amounts of data, making them easier to spot, but newer programs are easier to hide because they use less data.

Check out for more tips on how to stay safe......


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Track Calls log and Spy Call Recording. Monitoring SMS text messages remotely. Cell phone GPS location tracking. Spy on Whatsapp Messages. Free Update and 100% Undetectable. Internet Browsing History and Read phone Access Address Book, totally worth your money, please no time wasters,They won’t under any circ*mstances work for free, you can reach them by their email: via,remoteghosthacker @ Gm ail C omand get your job done instantly.


Gary Hill

Lead HVAC Fire Alarm at Hunter Buildings


The biggest problem is when you personally allow yourself to be monitored by entities outside of government or police by ignoring the terms and conditions of the apps you download.Almost all apps will require access to your camera, microphone, contacts list. By allowing them access they are able to use these features whenever they want, not just while the application is running.(You may also notice that the camera on most smartphones is sticking out of the back pocket or breast pocket of almost everyone you see walking around in public or in the workplace.)More sinister still is that some apps not only ask for access to your contacts list and the ability to change your contacts!? but also access to your messages and the ability to change your message threads! Most people just want the app because everyone else has it and it's usually something light hearted like face-swap gender-swap or see how you look as an old person etc. So they ignore the boring terms and conditions and install it.You should note these apps usually originate from countries that may not have your country's best interests at heart so do read the terms and conditions and take it seriously even if the content of the app doesn't seem so serious.


Paula Elle Amaral

Screenwriter /Director / Entertainment Business


What a nightmare and all because of someone's bad behavior and complex of superiority. I think the authorities should be aware of individuals that wants to create problems where doesn't exists. They should apologize for the phone tapping and invasion of privacy inconvenience, and if not, legally. How come some hackers have the nerve to offer their services publicly? Shame!




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As an enthusiast with a demonstrable understanding of mobile phone security, I can provide valuable insights into the concepts discussed in the article by Justus Amito, "Signs Your Phone Is Being Tapped, Tracked, or Monitored." My expertise in this field allows me to shed light on the various indicators and warning signs mentioned in the article, supporting the assertions with a depth of knowledge.

  1. Unusual Sounds During Calls: The article mentions that unusual sounds during phone calls, such as clicking sounds, static, or distant voices, may indicate phone tapping. I can explain that these signs are associated with older analog networks and can be detected using sound-bandwidth sensors on low frequencies.

  2. Use of Electronic Devices: The article advises users to walk near other electronic devices during a call to check for interference. I can elaborate on how bugs and taps may interfere with FM radio bands or TV broadcast frequencies, providing additional context to the potential signs.

  3. Decreased Battery Capacity: The article suggests that reduced battery performance can be an indication of a bugged cell phone. I can explain that constant recording and data transmission to a third party can lead to increased battery usage, supporting the claim made in the article.

  4. Phone Activity When Not in Use: The article discusses instances where a phone may light up, make noises, or reboot without user intervention, suggesting remote access. I can provide insights into how external entities may gain control over a device and the potential risks associated with such activities.

  5. Slow Shutdown Process: The article mentions that a phone taking longer than usual to shut down may be transmitting data to a third party. I can elaborate on the technical reasons behind this delay, such as the completion of data transmission processes.

  6. Battery Temperature: The article suggests that a warm battery, even when the phone is not in use, might indicate ongoing data transmission. I can explain how certain activities, including phone tapping, can lead to increased battery temperature, although it's not conclusive evidence.

  7. Unusual Text Messages: The article notes that strange text messages could be a sign of spy software. I can provide information on how spy apps use coded text messages to control the target device remotely and the potential risks associated with such activities.

  8. Increased Data Usage: The article mentions that some spy apps may use extra data for transmitting information, leading to unexplained increases in data usage. I can explain how certain spy software programs minimize data usage to avoid detection.

By combining my in-depth knowledge of mobile phone security with the concepts presented in the article, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the signs and potential risks associated with phone tracking, tapping, or monitoring.



What is the code to check if your phone is being monitored? ›

Code to check if phone is tapped: *#21# Code to show unknown connections and tracking (for Android): *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* Code to show unknown connections and if someone is tracing you (for iPhone): *3001#12345#*

How do you know if someone is secretly monitoring your phone? ›

10 Signs to Tell If Your Phone Is Being Tracked
  • Unknown Apps Installed on Your Phone. ...
  • Your Phone Gets Overheated. ...
  • Higher Data Usage. ...
  • Increased Battery Consumption. ...
  • Your Phone Is Jailbroken or Rooted. ...
  • Sudden Performance Deterioration. ...
  • Unusual and Peculiar Permission Requests. ...
  • Unusual Noise During Calls.

Is my phone being remotely monitored? ›

Signs of phone monitoring include battery depletion, unfamiliar apps, overheating, data surge, device malfunctions, background noise, and strange browsing history. Safeguard measures include factory reset, updates, app deletion, anti-virus installation, and screen lock.

Does calling *# 21 tell if your phone is tapped? ›

Does calling *#21 tell if your phone has been tapped? No, it only tells you if you have forwarding set up for your calls and messages.

What does ##002 do to your phone? ›

Dialing ##002# deactivates any conditional or unconditional call forwarding settings on your account and also deletes any data such as messages or voicemails that were previously diverted to another number.

How can I detect a tracker on my phone? ›

You can check for trackers that are separated from their owners and currently near you at any time.
  1. On your device, tap Settings.
  2. Tap Safety & Emergency Unknown tracker alerts. Scan now. Your device takes about 10 seconds to complete a manual scan.

How do I stop my phone from being monitored? ›

What can I do to prevent my phone from being tracked?
  1. Use strong antivirus software. ...
  2. Use a VPN. ...
  3. Don't use a public WiFi network. ...
  4. Turn off location settings for certain apps. ...
  5. Check your Google account. ...
  6. Use a strong password. ...
  7. Enable biometrics and 2-factor authentication. ...
  8. Keep your phone updated.

Can someone see what am I doing on my phone? ›

There is a way someone can monitor your mobile phone without ever touching the actual device. Spyware (a portmanteau of 'spying software) and stalkerware can be installed on a phone without the owner's knowledge, allowing an attacker to steal information, track activity, and more.

How to know if someone is listening to your cell phone calls? ›

If you hear a high-pitched hum, pulsating static, clicking, or beeping, these could be signs that your calls are being recorded. Someone could have set up call-forwarding without your permission or call-recording malware may be on the device.

Can someone read my text messages without my phone? ›

Using mSpy to Track Messages and Chats

Are all your attempts to find out the source of the problem in vain? Then you should probably think about using parental monitoring software. With a parental control app like mSpy, you can easily read someone's text messages without their phone after you set it all up.

What is the code to see if your phone is being tracked? ›

Fortunately, there's a code (netmonitor code) that helps you identify whether or not you're being tracked or tapped. To confirm this, dial any of the codes below for your phone's operating system: For Android devices, dial: *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*

How will I know if someone accesses my phone from another device? ›

Monitor the applications running in the background of your device and check whether there are any unknown applications. Notice significant increases in device temperature and decreases in battery life. These often indicate your Android device is being accessed remotely.

What number do you dial to see if your phone is tapped? ›

*#21# ➡️ To Check if the Phone is Being Tacked or Tapped

For added security, dialing *#21# on some Android phones will display whether your device microphone is enabled and if any applications currently hold the “RECORD_AUDIO” permission, which could potentially mean your conversations are being recorded unlawfully.

What is the secret code to see if your phone is hacked? ›

Fortunately, there's a code (netmonitor code) that helps you identify whether or not you're being tracked or tapped. To confirm this, dial any of the codes below for your phone's operating system: For Android devices, dial: *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*

What is *#62 used for? ›

*#62# ➡️ To Check Call Forwarding

To see the current call forwarding status, dial *#62#, and it will tell you if call forwarding is enabled and, if so, to which number calls are being forwarded. This lets you check that no unauthorized diversions have been set up on your line.

Can I check if my phone is being tapped? ›

If the phone has trouble shutting down, that could be a sign that it is being tapped. When turning off your phone, check to see if the backlight stays on even when the phone is powered off or if shutdown attempts fail altogether. Randomly turning off or rebooting is another sign of trouble.

What is *# 07 in my phone? ›

-- Now dial *#07# in your phone. This will show the you the SAR measurement of your device as specified by the manufacturer. So how much SAR is better? Lower is better, although as noted earlier FCC in the US considers SAR level of 1.6W/kg good enough.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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