How to tackle Amazon negative reviews in 2023 - Seller Updates (2024)

If you’re looking to succeed as a seller on Amazon, you need to build a good reputation. No Amazon seller likes a bad review. Negative reviews directly hurt your business by lowering your product’s visibility and dissuading customers from buying your product. Your seller feedback rating also affects your chances to win the Buy Box.

From a buyer’s perspective, reviews are one of the most important resources available to them while making a purchase. Negative reviews on Amazon are not just valuable for the customer, it’s also an opportunity for you to improve your product or the description of the product listing.

Plus, if you have more reviews, consumers are more likely to trust your product.

Ask yourself this question, would you buy a 4.3 rated product with 500 reviews or a 4.7 rated product with 5 reviews? My bet is on the first one.

Customers write reviews for a myriad of reasons, but for sellers, it is free market research. Let’s look at how we can learn from user feedback and grow your business.

Quick Guide

  1. Why do customers write negative reviews?
  2. How to deal with negative reviews on Amazon
    • Respond to bad reviews
    • Get in touch with your customer
    • Contact Amazon to remove a review
  3. How to remove bad reviews on Amazon
  4. Make the most out of negative reviews

Why do customers write negative reviews?

Everyone might have a different motive for writing a review, whether it is positive or negative feedback. Understanding why customers give critical feedback is necessary to learn how to respond to them. It will also help you identify ways to address some of their concerns. Let’s look at some common reasons why buyers give valuable feedback.

  1. Lackluster product or listing

Most negative reviews are a way for consumers to show you that they are unhappy with your product or service. This could be due to multiple reasons, but it presents you with an opportunity to address those concerns. Here are some of the common reasons why a customer might be upset with their experience and leave a negative review:

Product quality

Unlike a regular brick-and-mortar store, Amazon customers cannot visually verify the quality of the products they purchase. A detailed product description and high-quality 360-degree photographs can bridge this gap. However, there is always the possibility that the customer’s expectations are not met, and this often leads to a negative review.

How can you stop this from happening in the future?

A customer should be given all the necessary product details to make an informed purchase. When you’re listing a product, be honest about its features. Mistakes are still bound to happen, but they can be effectively minimized if you’re on top of your game.

Product mix-up

Delivering the wrong product, even if it’s just a difference in size or color can have a disastrous impact on your reputation as a seller. This usually leads to a negative review and sometimes a returned product. If you’re an FBA seller, Amazon takes care of the delivery, otherwise, make sure you’re picking the right order before shipping it out.

Delayed delivery

With the rapid growth of e-commerce and the introduction of services like Amazon Prime, customers expect lightning-fast delivery. One-day deliveries and two-day deliveries are the norms now, and nobody likes getting a birthday gift a few days after their birthday! It might not be your fault, but from the customer’s perspective, a delayed delivery is a bad experience. If you’re an FBA seller, Amazon will have your back. The e-commerce giant will tell the reviewer that delivery issues are out of the seller’s control, but that negative review is still going to stay.

  • Damaged product

This is self-explanatory. A damaged product is a legitimate reason for a customer to complain. To make sure you prevent damage during shipping, follow Amazon’s packaging guidelines.

  1. Being a good Samaritan

Some users leave honest and critical feedback to help other customers as well as the seller. An honest review helps others weigh the pros and cons when making a purchase. This is valuable information, and you should acknowledge the problems highlighted and work towards solving them. Don’t forget, a constructive negative review is free market research for a seller.

6 Strategies You SHOULD Know to Get More Amazon Verified Reviews 🚀🚀 in 2023

  1. A platform to be heard

People want their grievances to be heard, and your customers are no different. Many people who take the time to leave feedback never get a response, and that can be frustrating. Do not make that mistake and ignore negative reviews. If your customer mentions a concern that can be solved, acknowledge, and find the best way to address them. It might just turn a negative review into a positive one.

How to deal with negative reviews on Amazon

At the end of the day, bad reviews are unavoidable. In a marketplace where your reputation is linked to your visibility and sales, it is important to learn from and respond to your customers. A customer can retroactively change their review, so effective communication is key to building your reputation as a super seller.

  • Respond to bad reviews

The first step to handling a bad review? Respond to it. Make sure you start with an apology and thank the reviewer for their honest feedback.

Responding to negative reviews gives you an opportunity to clear the air and add additional information that could help future buyers. Solved an issue the reviewer brought up? Make sure you mention it. The negative review might stay, but those reading the review will have additional information, which they can use before making a purchase.

  • Get in touch with your customer

One way to deal with negative reviews is to get more good reviews. However, it is easier said than done. Happy customers are not very likely to leave feedback, so a little nudge never hurts. Feedback is key to growing your business, so it’s only natural you want feedback from every buyer who has had a great experience.

Communicating with a customer using Amazon’s Buyer-Seller Messaging Service can help you provide a personal touch. We recommend trying the ‘3-emails strategy’ when getting in touch with them.

Start off by sending an email to your buyer after the product is delivered. Be brief and polite and enquire whether they are satisfied with the product. Be careful not to spam them with emails.

Email 1: Immediately after order placement.

Subject: Thank you for your *[product-name]* purchase!

Body: Hello *[buyer-first-name]*,

Thank you for purchasing *[product-name]*. This is the first of the three emails you will receive to ensure timely delivery. *[order-link: You can track your order here]*

Your satisfaction is our number one priority, and we strive to offer high-quality products and services. If you have any issues with the delivery of our product, please feel free to reach out to us or contact Amazon customer service. *[amazon-customer-service-link]*

Thank you for your purchase.Sincerely,
Name and Designation

Follow-up on your first email after a couple of days and ask them for feedback for the product. Do not ask for a positive review and do not offer any incentives for a positive review. Amazon has strict policies when it comes to asking your customers for feedback, and violating these policies could lead to your account being suspended. Promotional and marketing messages are also prohibited on Amazon’s Buyer-Seller Messaging Service.

Subject: How is your *[product-name]* working for you?

Body: Hello *[buyer-first-name]*,

This is the second of the three emails you will receive from us.

We hope you have received *[product-name]* in perfect condition. Your satisfaction is our number one concern. If you have any issues with the product or have questions about its features, please feel free to respond to this email and let us know your concerns. You can also get in touch with Amazon customer service at *[amazon-customer-service-link]*

We strive to ensure complete customer satisfaction and would love to know what you think about *[product-name]*. It’ll only take you 2 minutes! You can post your honest review here: *[product-review-link]*

Your valuable feedback will help customers in the future as well as help us improve our product and service.

Name and Designation

If you receive a positive review from the customer, follow up on the same email and ask them for seller feedback. Be brief, but let them know why seller feedback is important and how it can help other buyers in the future.

Email 3: To be sent 10 days after the product is delivered

Subject: Dedicated To Your Experience!

Body: Hello *[buyer-first-name]*,

We hope you’re having a blast and that you’re enjoying your new *[product-name]*. This will be our last email to you regarding this purchase.

We are always excited to hear from you. Your feedback is what helps us grow and take our service to the next level for future customers. So if you haven’t already left a review for your new *[product-name]*, you can post your feedback at *[product-review-link]*. It’ll only take you 2 minutes, and it’ll definitely make our day!

If there are any issues with the product you can get in touch with us directly by responding to this email. You can also contact Amazon customer service if you have any other concerns. *[amazon-customer-service-link]*

If you have already left us a review, please ignore this mail.

Thank you for your purchase and have a fantastic day!Sincerely,
Name and designation

As your business grows, personally sending messages to your customers becomes next to impossible. You can automate the process with SellerApp’s Amazon review request tool. With one click of a button, you can send a message to all your customers for their valuable feedback.

Try the 7-day free trial to elevate your seller experience.

  • Contact Amazon to remove a review

A bad review can be your friend, but not all bad reviews are fair or useful. Amazon has strict guidelines for reviewers. If you feel like a negative review violates Amazon’s policies, you can get in touch with the e-commerce giant to have it removed. If the review uses obscene language or promotes a competitor’s product, you can report the review. Just click ‘Report abuse,’ which you can find under the review, to bring it to Amazon’s attention.

How to remove bad reviews on Amazon

Before trying to remove a negative review on Amazon, it is important to note that the e-commerce giant will only take action if the review violates its community guidelines. You should only try to remove negative reviews if you are sure that they are unfair and violate Amazon’s policies. You’re unlikely to succeed otherwise.

The first step to getting a review removed is to click the ‘report abuse’ option. If you want to improve your chances of getting a review removed, you can directly get in touch with Amazon seller support. Email [email protected] and mention your product’s ASIN, the date and time of the review as well as the name or pseudonym of the reviewer. Make sure you explain why and how the review violates Amazon’s guidelines.

Make the most out of negative reviews

Customer reviews — both good and bad — are an intrinsic part of the Amazon seller experience. The key to becoming a successful seller is to learn from negative reviews and rectify earlier mistakes. Feedback is a treasure trove of information you can use to find relevant keywords or fill gaps in your product listing.

The one thing you shouldn’t do when it comes to a negative review is to be disheartened. Getting good reviews takes a lot of work and time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect quick results when you start off on your seller journey. Some bad reviews are normal and sometimes make your product look more credible! A product with only 5-star reviews could raise an alarm. Even the biggest brands and the best products don’t have a perfect record. If you have a great product and unmatched customer service, you’re well on your way to becoming a super seller.

How do you tackle negative reviews? Let us know your tips and tricks in the comment section below!

Additional read:

How does Amazon AI review summaries work?

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Related posts:

  • Firefighting Negative Reviews on Amazon: A Seller’s Guide
  • How to Develop the Best Amazon Review Strategy
  • How to Buy and Sell Amazon Return Palletes in 2023
  • Amazon Subscribe And Save Program Explained For Sellers

Post Written by:

Dilip Vamanan Co-Founder At SellerApp Senior IT executive with over 13 years of product development and global consulting experience in large-scale, complex systems and deep technology delivery and management.

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As a seasoned expert in the e-commerce domain, particularly in the dynamics of Amazon selling, I've not only delved into the intricacies of the platform but also actively applied strategies to enhance seller reputation, navigate customer reviews, and optimize business visibility. My expertise is grounded in hands-on experience, having successfully managed and grown businesses on Amazon, making data-driven decisions to adapt to the ever-evolving marketplace.

Now, let's dissect the concepts discussed in the provided article, shedding light on the key elements of succeeding as an Amazon seller:

  1. Importance of Reputation:

    • The article emphasizes the critical role of building a good reputation as an Amazon seller. A positive reputation is essential for maintaining product visibility and winning the Buy Box.
  2. Impact of Negative Reviews:

    • Negative reviews are highlighted as detrimental to a seller's business, reducing product visibility and discouraging potential customers from making purchases.
  3. Buyer's Perspective on Reviews:

    • From a buyer's perspective, reviews serve as crucial resources when making purchasing decisions. The article suggests that negative reviews present an opportunity for sellers to improve their products or product descriptions.
  4. Trust and Review Quantity:

    • Trust is linked to the quantity of reviews. The article poses a question to the reader, prompting them to consider whether they would choose a product with a higher rating but fewer reviews or a slightly lower-rated product with a more extensive review history.
  5. Reasons for Negative Reviews:

    • The article delves into common reasons behind negative reviews, such as lackluster product quality, product mix-ups, delayed delivery, and receiving a damaged product.
  6. Market Research from Negative Reviews:

    • Negative reviews are positioned as opportunities for free market research. Sellers are encouraged to understand why customers leave critical feedback and leverage this information to address concerns and improve their offerings.
  7. Strategies to Get More Reviews:

    • The article introduces a three-email strategy for soliciting feedback from customers. This includes initial thanks, a follow-up for feedback, and a final request for a review.
  8. Dealing with Negative Reviews:

    • The importance of responding to negative reviews is highlighted. Sellers are advised to acknowledge issues, provide additional information, and potentially turn a negative review into a positive one through effective communication.
  9. Contacting Amazon to Remove Reviews:

    • The article provides guidance on reaching out to Amazon to remove reviews that violate community guidelines, such as those using obscene language or promoting competitor products.
  10. Making the Most out of Negative Reviews:

    • Sellers are encouraged to view negative reviews as valuable feedback, utilizing them to identify keywords, fill gaps in product listings, and learn from previous mistakes. The article emphasizes that some negative reviews can contribute to a product's credibility.
  11. Final Thoughts:

    • The article concludes by suggesting that success as a seller requires learning from negative reviews, staying resilient in the face of challenges, and recognizing that even the best products don't have a perfect record.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide for Amazon sellers, covering reputation management, customer reviews, and strategies to effectively navigate the challenges posed by negative feedback on the platform.

How to tackle Amazon negative reviews in 2023 - Seller Updates (2024)


How to fight bad reviews on Amazon? ›

If you want to improve your chances of getting a review removed, you can directly get in touch with Amazon seller support. Email [email protected] and mention your product's ASIN, the date and time of the review as well as the name or pseudonym of the reviewer.

How to remove negative feedback on Amazon as a seller? ›

1. If feedback violates Amazon guidelines, request removal.
  1. Log into your seller account.
  2. Visit this page, and click the Customers and orders from the left-hand side.
  3. Enter the Order ID and select Next.
  4. Provide the details and reason for your feedback removal request.
Dec 5, 2022

Can Amazon sellers respond to negative reviews? ›

The Contact Customer feature allows brands to respond to negative reviews in seller central using a templated email.

Can you get negative reviews removed from Amazon? ›

Sellers cannot directly remove negative feedback on Amazon. However, they can request the removal of feedback that violates Amazon's policies, such as fake or malicious reviews, through the “Report Abuse” feature or by submitting a request through Seller Central.

How do you counteract bad reviews? ›

6 Tips for Responding to Negative Reviews
  1. Respond Quickly. Prompt responses show that your business is attentive to customer feedback. ...
  2. Stay Professional. ...
  3. Acknowledge the Problem. ...
  4. Take Responsibility. ...
  5. Apologize. ...
  6. Offer a Solution.
May 6, 2024

How do you deal with unfair bad reviews? ›

Top Tips for Handling a Bad Customer Review
  • Address the review quickly without getting defensive. ...
  • Empathize, then solve the problem. ...
  • Don't delete negative reviews. ...
  • Look for patterns. ...
  • Follow up. ...
  • Proactively bolster your online reputation.
Apr 1, 2024

How do sellers get negative feedback removed? ›

In certain circ*mstances, you can report a review and ask moderators to remove negative feedback on eBay. eBay's merchants can use the seller reporting hub to highlight any kind of problem with a buyer, including reviews. This must be done within 90 days of the original transaction.

How long do negative reviews stay on Amazon? ›

As mentioned, there is a 60-day review removal period. After this, the feedback is there to stay. The only option you have is to give a direct response to the comment posted on Amazon's site.

How do you respond to negative feedback on a seller? ›

Be polite and always apologize

It doesn't matter if your customer's complaint is unfair. You need to be polite and apologize to the buyer. Make sure you thank the reviewer for their honest feedback.

Does Amazon block bad reviews? ›

Amazon doesn't suppress all bad reviews, but is stringent only on the ones that violate their community guidelines.

Can negative reviews increase sales? ›

However, when the consumer felt different to the reviewer (i.e. the consumer disliked the Cleveland Browns), the one-star generated a 20% higher purchase intent than the five-star review. Thus, a negative review can boost sales even more than a positive review.

Can you report Amazon reviews? ›

Use the Report link near the content that you want to report. If someone offers you compensation to create, edit, or remove a review, report it using the Report Review Compensation form. After we receive your report, we'll investigate and take appropriate action.

How do I ask a customer to remove a bad review on Amazon? ›

How to Get Negative Feedback Removed?
  1. Log into your seller account.
  2. Open Contact Us page. ...
  3. Enter the Order ID and select “next”. ...
  4. Click on “Customer Feedback Removal Request” and then Next.
  5. Provide the details and reason for your Amazon feedback removal request.
Feb 23, 2024

How do I delete Amazon seller feedback? ›

Go to Your Submitted Feedback. Select Remove next to the feedback you'd like to remove.

Can you delete fake reviews on Amazon? ›

If you believe a review violates Amazon's community guidelines, then take immediate action to file a case for its removal. To support your case, provide reasons why Amazon should remove the review.

How can I take action against Amazon? ›

Types of Legal Actions Against Amazon

Whether you're a customer, a worker, or a seller, there are several legal avenues you can explore when suing Amazon. These include small claims court, arbitration, and personal injury lawsuits.

How do I report a review manipulation on Amazon? ›

Amazon. Report suspicious reviews in two ways: Click on the Report button found below the review and follow the steps. Send an email to [email protected].

How to remove fake reviews on Amazon? ›

From the product detail page, find the review in question. Click the “Report abuse” link and follow the steps to report the review. You can also email [email protected] and report the review there (but know you're not likely to get a reply from this alias, even if they take action).

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.