Remove Amazon Review: How To Delete Amazon Review? | SageMailer (2024)

Remove Amazon Review: How To Delete Amazon Review? | SageMailer (1)

Amazon Product Reviews Product Features

Alex Harrison

Remove Amazon Review: How To Delete Amazon Review? | SageMailer (3)16 min


Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Managing Negative Reviews
    • 1.1 It affects your rating and Buy Box chances
    • 1.2 Your Amazon selling privileges might be suspended if you get too many negative reviews
  • 2 Amazon’s Review Removal Policy
  • 3 Negative reviews are not always bad
  • 4 When Does Amazon Remove a Negative Review?
  • 5 How to Remove Bad Reviews on Amazon?
    • 5.1 Know your ultimate goal
    • 5.2 Negative reviews are not always bad
    • 5.3 Customer removal or revision of a negative review
  • 6 How to Respond to a Negative Review
    • 6.1 Sending an email
    • 6.2 Responding to Amazon reviews
  • 7 Dealing with Negative Feedback
  • 8 How to Delete a Bad Review on Amazon
  • 9 Tips for Managing Negative Reviews
  • 10 How to Get Positive Reviews on Amazon
    • 10.1 Ensure excellent customer service
    • 10.2 Use the “Request a Review” button on Amazon
    • 10.3 Come up with an email contact list
    • 10.4 Take note of your seller performance metrics
  • 11 SageMailer key features
  • 12 How to Remove a Review on Amazon: Bottom Line

Regardless of how great your products or services are, it is tough to avoid bad reviews and ratings on Amazon. Buyers normally rely on ratings and reviews to determine the quality of your product since they don’t have an opportunity to assess it physically. Therefore, even if you have 100 good ratings and only one negative rating, that single negative rating can still affect your sales in more ways than you can imagine.

How to delete a review on Amazon? If you are a seller wondering how to handle that situation, SageMailer has a solution for you.

Importance of Managing Negative Reviews

Remove Amazon Review: How To Delete Amazon Review? | SageMailer (5)

Managing negative reviews is of utmost importance for Amazon sellers. Even one negative review can significantly impact your business’s reputation and customer perception. And here’s how.

It affects your rating and Buy Box chances

Negative reviews directly influence your overall rating on AMZ. A lower rating can deter potential customers and decrease the visibility of your products in search results. Additionally, negative reviews can impact your chances of winning the Buy Box, as Amazon takes into account seller performance and customer feedback. By effectively managing negative reviews, you can improve your rating, increase the likelihood of winning the Buy Box, and ultimately boost your sales.

Your Amazon selling privileges might be suspended if you get too many negative reviews

The platform strongly emphasizes customer satisfaction and has strict policies to ensure a positive buying experience. If your account receives excessive negative reviews, it may lead to the suspension or even termination of your selling privileges. It can have severe consequences for your business, as it restricts your ability to sell on the platform and reach a wide customer base.

Amazon’s Review Removal Policy

Customer reviews can be strict yet fair. On the other hand, Amazon sellers may find a couple of general reviews that are inappropriate. So how to identify such reviews and what to do with them? The Amazon review policy can give you a helping hand.

It states the following:

  • The testimonial should be solely about the product, not the seller (or something else).
  • Amazon prohibits reviews that weigh up alternate options, prices, and goods availability.
  • Review content should not be harassing, defamatory, inflammatory, or threatening. It shouldn’t include any hate speech or profanity.
  • Content promoting nudity is restricted.
  • Testimonials that provide the person’s email address or other contact information are not allowed.
  • Promoting other goods or including website links is restricted.
  • Reviews offering or requesting compensation in exchange for wiring content are subject to removal.
  • Testimonials from competitors or many negative reviews on AMZ written by the same client for a single item can also be removed.

Negative reviews are not always bad

Usually, when a client shares a bad review on products on Amazon, sellers can spot an opportunity to make their products or the selling process better. For instance, they can improve the product listing description based on the client’s negative review. Thank your customers for the heads up!

In addition to this, another way to leverage a negative testimonial is to analyze it. For example, define the clients’ pain points and apply this info to update your listing gap or improve your products further.

When Does Amazon Remove a Negative Review?

You can only get AMZ to remove a bad review when it does not comply with the review guidelines. When this happens, there will be one less customer review in your profile. However, you will also lose the negative feedback that can negatively affect your online reputation.

How likely is it that Amazon will approve your review removal request? Unfortunately, the success rate of this action is meager. You can only do this when the online reviews the customer leaves are deceitful or harshly inappropriate. In other words, you can’t ask to remove the AMZ review on a whim.

You can also do this when you think that the one who left the review is a fake reviewer. You can detect a fake review when one of the following happens:

  • A dissatisfied customer has left more than one negative review on the product page.
  • A person from a competing company has given you a bad product review to lower your brand reputation.
  • There’s a mention of third-party material in the review.
  • There’s a mention of time-critical material in the review.
  • The review left is unreasonably spiteful and not related to your product.
  • E-mail addresses, phone numbers, and URLs are in the seller feedback.
  • There are promotional materials in the review.

This list isn’t exhaustive, so please visit the Community Guidelines or Inappropriate Product Reviews page to learn more.

Another case that allows you to remove reviews from review sites is when you are using Amazon FBA. If the negative feedback is about the delivery of the product or the customer service, it will not directly affect you as a seller. AMZ will take full responsibility for such reviews.

How to Remove Bad Reviews on Amazon?

When it comes to running a successful business on Amazon, maintaining a positive reputation is paramount. However, negative reviews can sometimes arise, potentially impacting sales and customer trust. In this paragraph, we will outline what you should know prior to removing bad testimonisla from your AMZ product listings.

Know your ultimate goal

The first instinct of a small business owner on Amazon is to get Amazon reviews as fast and as many as possible. However, this can be a tedious and lengthy process. And though you’ll probably get many positive reviews, you may also get an equal number of negative reviews. So what an Amazon seller should focus on instead are the potential customers and your current customer experience. How can you ensure that your buyers will not have any bad experiences? How do you resolve the issues addressed by your previous customers? Have you made any improvements in your customer service? Can you be sure your customers will like your product and service?

Remember that Amazon rarely allows business owners to remove bad reviews. There are only a few special cases where AMZ allows one to remove a review. Thus, it’s better if you avoid getting any negative feedback at all. If you’re interested to know what these special cases are, read the guide below.

Negative reviews are not always bad

Usually, when a client shares a bad review on a product on the platform, sellers can spot an opportunity to improve their products or the selling process. For instance, they can improve the product listing description based on the client’s negative review. Thank your customers for the heads up!

In addition to this, another way to leverage a negative testimonial is to analyze it. For example, define the client’s pain points and apply this info to update your listing gap or improve your products further.

Customer removal or revision of a negative review

You must take a more proactive approach because the chances of convincing Amazon to remove negative product reviews from your account are low. Be proactive; you need to respond to Amazon reviews and provide a solution to the buyer’s problem, so you can convince them to change an Amazon review or remove it. Let the aggrieved client and all future customers know that they can always reach out to you and you are ready to offer a replacement of the faulty product. You need to emphasize that customer satisfaction is your main priority.

Additionally, thank the customer(s) when they leave feedback by leaving a review response. When you respond to reviews, make sure that you point out you are part of the team or customer care support of the Amazon seller, not an AMZ staff. Leaving comments on reviews will not decrease the number of your reviews, nor will it negatively affect your rating. Thus, it’s a better reputation management strategy.

According to the platform’s guidelines for posting comments on reviews, you should always be informative, specific, and respectful.

How to Respond to a Negative Review

You can respond to negative Amazon product reviews in two different ways. First, you can directly email the customer. You should only use this method if the information passed on is sensitive and can’t be discussed publicly. The second and easiest method is to comment on the review itself on the platform.

Sending an email

Let’s start with sending an email. It may be a challenge as you need to know the contact details of the reviewer. However, since the reviewers use pseudonyms, you might find it very difficult to get their names, much less their email addresses, social media accounts, or telephone numbers.

If you are determined, you can try to identify the reviewer by comparing the date and time of the review with the received orders recorded on your product page. You can easily identify and track the AMZ customer if it’s a verified purchase.

Once you’ve identified the reviewer, you can contact them and try to solve the problem. If you’ve resolved the issue, you can get the customer to edit an Amazon review or delete the comment they’ve left on your account. Just make sure you don’t offer any forms of payment or incentive when resolving the problem. Again, this is a violation of the guidelines of Amazon.

When communicating with your customers, remember the following:

  • Do not pay the customer to have the review removed.
  • Use a friendly and personal tone.
  • Emphasize the importance of the reviews left by the customers as a seller and how much damage a negative review can cause.
  • Avoid engaging in a heated discussion.
  • If you use a third-party seller like Amazon, FBA sells or delivers the product; you can tell the customers about it.

Responding to Amazon reviews

If unsuccessful with the previous method, you can use the comment feature and respond to AMZ reviews directly.

Commenting has several advantages over the email method. First, the customer will be notified once you comment on the review. Secondly, it shows other customers who might be interested in your products that you genuinely care about customer experience and the product.

You should create your response in a way that will minimize damage to both current and future customers. It should empathize with the wronged customer. When you take this approach, potential buyers will see that you are genuinely interested in their feedback. It is not an opportunity to bash the buyer or participate in a heated discussion. If you don’t respect customers, no future customers will want to buy from you.

Assess whether the customer has the right to leave a negative review. Customers can leave negative comments due to various reasons. It can be that there was misinformation on the listing. The product might have broken or failed to work. A negative Amazon review can also be unwarranted when the customer fails to read the product details or listings carefully. In such a situation, point it out directly. You don’t want to chest-thump and scare away future clients.

When leaving a comment, remember the following points:

  • When the bad review is about the product description, i.e., color, material, size, etc., you must politely ask the customer to remove it as these details are on the product page, and they should have read about them before purchasing.
  • Once the negative feedback is justifiable, you can apologize for the inconvenience you’ve caused the customer and explain how you have solved the problem to avoid it in the future.

Dealing with Negative Feedback

So, you‘ve notified Amazon and contacted the customer, but the negative feedback remains in your product profile. After a specific period, it will be impossible to edit or remove the review. However, this does not mean you must live with a low Amazon seller reputation.

You can only improve your star rating by increasing the number of positive reviews. Of course, this will take time. First, you redefine your goals, improve your products and services, and address any issues experienced by the customers, so you will not be setting yourself up for failure again. Once you’ve done this, you can start again by soliciting as much positive feedback as you can.

Don’t forget that one negative review from an ordinary buyer will go unnoticed among dozens of positive testimonials by trusted users. The AMZ Vine program helps merchants generate comprehensive feedback from reviewers for free. Learn how to join the Vine Program at Amazon and make your seller’s ranking soar.

How to Delete a Bad Review on Amazon

So, how to delete Amazon reviews? If the customer did leave an inappropriate review, what do you do? First, you need to go to the product detail page. There, you need to click the negative product reviews in question. Then, click “Report abuse.” You need to state why they should remove the AMZ review in the pop-up window that appears.

Another way to request to remove bad reviews from Amazon is by sending an e-mail to [emailprotected]. Just don’t forget to include the ASIN of the product in question, the date, the review, the time of the review, and the reviewer’s username. It’s best to send a link to the review and why you think AMZ should remove the feedback.

Avoid reporting every 1-star rating you see in your seller account. It will decrease your internal reputation, making Amazon less likely to approve any of them. On the other hand, if there are a lot of negative reviews in your account, it might be a clear sign that you should improve your product and/or service.

Tips for Managing Negative Reviews

Managing negative reviews can be a challenging but important task for Amazon sellers. Here are some tips to effectively handle and mitigate the impact of negative reviews:

  • Monitor and respond promptly

Regularly monitor your product listings for new reviews. When a negative review arises, respond promptly and professionally. Acknowledge the customer’s concerns and offer assistance or a resolution. Demonstrating a proactive approach can show potential buyers that you care about customer satisfaction.

  • Stay calm and professional

Feeling defensive when receiving negative feedback is natural, but it’s crucial to remain calm and professional in your responses. Avoid getting into arguments or confrontations with customers. Instead, focus on understanding their concerns and finding a solution. Remember, your response is visible to potential buyers, and a professional approach can help maintain a positive image.

  • Resolve the issue offline

In your response to negative reviews, provide a way for the customer to contact you privately to discuss the matter further. By taking the conversation offline, you can address their concerns more personally and resolve the issue more effectively and privately. It also prevents further negative exchanges in the public review section.

  • Address product or service issues

Negative reviews often highlight areas for improvement. Take feedback as an opportunity to enhance your product quality, customer service, or shipping processes. Analyze recurring issues mentioned in reviews and make the necessary improvements. By continuously improving your offerings, you can reduce the occurrence of negative reviews in the future.

  • Learn from feedback

Negative reviews can be valuable sources of insight. Analyze the feedback to identify patterns or common issues mentioned by customers. Then, use this feedback to refine your products, enhance your customer experience, and address shortcomings.

How to Get Positive Reviews on Amazon

Positive reviews are crucial in building a reputable and successful presence on Amazon. They not only enhance the visibility of your products but also instill trust and confidence in potential buyers. While obtaining positive reviews may seem challenging, implementing effective strategies can significantly increase your chances of receiving favorable feedback. Let’s explore key tactics for obtaining positive reviews on the platform.

Ensure excellent customer service

Providing exceptional customer service is key to receiving positive reviews on Amazon. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and address any concerns or issues they may have. Offer clear and accurate product information, provide helpful guidance, and ensure a seamless and pleasant buying experience. Going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations can leave a lasting positive impression and increase the likelihood of receiving favorable reviews.

Use the “Request a Review” button on Amazon

Amazon offers a useful feature called the “Request a Review” button, which allows sellers to proactively ask customers for feedback. This button can be found on the order details page on Seller Central. By clicking on it, an automated email will be sent to the customer requesting their review. Utilize this feature to politely encourage satisfied customers to leave a review, making it easier for them to share their positive experiences with others.

Come up with an email contact list

Building an email contact list of your customers can be an effective strategy for generating positive reviews. After a successful purchase:

  1. Send a personalized follow-up email thanking them for their business and kindly asking for their feedback on Amazon.
  2. Include a direct link to your product listing, explaining how to leave an Amazon review.
  3. Comply with Amazon’s guidelines regarding email communication and refrain from any promotional content or incentives for leaving reviews.

Take note of your seller performance metrics

Maintaining excellent seller performance metrics can indirectly contribute to receiving positive reviews. Factors such as order defect rate, late shipment rate, and customer service response time impact your overall performance. By consistently meeting and exceeding these performance targets, you enhance the overall customer experience, increasing the likelihood of positive feedback. Regularly monitor your metrics and take necessary steps to improve any areas that may negatively impact customer satisfaction.

SageMailer key features

SageMailer Dashboard

Negative reviews, if left unattended, can significantly impact customer trust and satisfaction. This is where the SageMailer feedback management service steps in, providing a proactive approach to handle negative reviews while also facilitating the generation of positive ones.

By addressing negative feedback promptly and strategically generating positive reviews, you can not only safeguard their reputation but also foster a positive and trust-worthy image among their customers.

Here’s how the tool can help you:

  • Automated review solicitation: SageMailer automates the process of asking customers for reviews. This means that after a purchase, the tool will send out polite and timely review request emails to customers, increasing the chances of receiving feedback.
  • Reputation management: By actively seeking feedback, sellers can address any negative reviews promptly and work towards resolving customer concerns. This helps in maintaining a positive reputation on platforms like Amazon, which is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.
  • 24/7 review monitoring: The tool provides a centralized dashboard for monitoring all buyer feedback, star ratings, and reviews. This ensures that no review goes unnoticed, allowing sellers to respond quickly and appropriately.
  • Exportable reports: The ability to export reviews in CSV format provides sellers with valuable data that can be analyzed for trends and patterns. This information can inform business strategies and product development efforts.
  • Multi-marketplace support: SageMailer offers compatibility with all Amazon Seller Centrals, allowing sellers to seamlessly integrate multiple online marketplaces. This means you don’t incur additional costs when adding a new marketplace. It allows you to expand your reach and engage with customers across various Amazon platforms, facilitating global selling.

To try our free 30-day trial, click here. There is no card required.

How to Remove a Review on Amazon: Bottom Line

Having a negative review of your products on Amazon can be a huge setback for your business and hinder your brand’s growth. You should always remember that once a negative comment has been posted, you have two choices: you can undergo the lengthy Amazon removal process or get the customer to remove it. If you choose the first option, you need to be sure that the review left is against Amazon’s guidelines. Never overdo it, as you might end up decreasing your internal reputation. If you choose the latter, you need to control your response properly. You can easily turn around a negative review into something positive, which will endear your future customers.

However, before you can do any of the two, you must first notice that you’ve received negative feedback. If you don’t, you can’t create a solution right away. If keeping track of all your feedback and removing the negative ones sound like too much work, just let SageMailer do the process for you.


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Remove Amazon Review: How To Delete Amazon Review? | SageMailer (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.