How to repay the amounts withdrawn from your RRSPs under the HBP (2024)

On this page

  • When doyou start making repayments?
  • Repaying the amount you withdrew
  • Special repayment situations

When doyou start making repayments?

You have up to 15 years to repay to your RRSP, pooled registered pension plan (PRPP) or specified pension plan (SPP) the amounts you withdrew from your RRSP under the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP).

Your repayment period starts the second year after the year when you first made your first withdrawal from your RRSPs under the HBP. For example, if you made your first withdrawal in 2024, your first year of repayment will be 2026.

You can repay the full amount into your RRSPs, PRPPs, or SPP at any time.


If you choose to start your repayments earlier, your repayment period will stay the same. Any repayments made before you are required to start your repayments will reduce the amount you have to repay for the first year.

How to view your HBP statement of account

Use one of our online services for direct access to your HBP balance by going to My Account for Individuals. An authorized representative can also access this information online through Represent a Client.

Repaying the amount you withdrew

To make a repayment under the HBP, you have to make contributions to your RRSPs,PRPPs,or SPPin the year the repayment is due or in the first 60 days of the year after. Once your contributions are made, you can designate all or part of the contributions as a repayment.

To designate your repayment,fill outSchedule 7, RRSP, PRPP, and SPP Contributions and Transfers, and HBP and LLP Activitiesand enter the amount of the repayment on line 24600 andattach it to your income tax and benefit return. You have tofill out and send the CRA an income tax and benefit return until you have repaid all of your HBP withdrawals or included them in your income.

Each year, the CRA will send you an HBP statement of account, with your notice of assessment or notice of reassessment.

The statement will include:

  • the amount you have designated as a repayment so far (including any additional payments and amounts you included on your income taxand benefit return because they were not repaid)
  • your remaining HBP balance
  • the amount you have to contribute to your RRSPs, PRPPs or SPP and designate as a repayment for the following year


Repayments do not affect your RRSP deduction limit. You can still contribute to your RRSPs, PRPPs or SPP and designate those amounts as repayments under the HBP, even if your RRSP deduction limit is zero.

Additionally, you can view your HBP statement of account by using one of our online services by going to My Account for Individuals. An authorized representative can also access this information online through Represent a Client.

Youcannotclaim as a deduction on your income tax and benefit return an amount you designated as a repayment.

If you are filing electronically, keep all your supporting documents in case the CRA asks to see them later.

Repaying more than the minimum required repayment

If you repay more than the minimum required annual repayment for a particular year, your minimum required repayments for later years will be reduced.

You will still have to make repayments in the following years until the remaining HBP balance is zero.

The annual HBP Statement of Account that the CRA will send with your notice of assessment or notice of reassessment takes into account any additional repayments you made. It will give you the minimum required repayment you have to repay for the next year. If you want to calculate the minimum required repayment you have to repay for the next year, divide your HBP balance by the number of years remaining in your repayment period. For an example, see Example – Calculation of annual minimum required repayment.

Repaying less than the minimum required repayment

If you repay less than the required minimum annual repayment for a particular year, you have to include the differencebetween your designated HBP repayments for the year and the minimum required repayment for that year as RRSP income on line 12900 of your income tax and benefit return. You cannot include in your income more than the minimum required repayment for the year minus the amount you repay and designate as an HBP repayment.

Repaying none of the minimum required repayment

If you do not make the minimum required repayment to your RRSPs, PRPPs, or SPP, you have to include it as RRSP income on line 12900 of your income tax and benefit return. The amount you include on line 12900 is the minimum required repayment as shown on your HBP Statement of Account. Your HBP balance will be reduced accordingly.


You will still have to make annual repayments to your RRSPs,PRPPs, or SPP for each year remaining in your HBP participation period, until you repay the total amount you withdrew from your RRSPs under the HBP.

Example – Calculation of minimum required repayment

In 2018, Suzanne withdrew $16,500 from her RRSP to participate in the HBP. Her minimum required repayment starting in 2020was $1,100 ($16,500 ÷ 15).

Suzanne made repayments of $1,100 for 2020, 2021 and 2022.

In 2023, she contributes $8,000 to her RRSP and designates that amount as a repayment under the HBP for 2023.

She calculates the amount she has to repay for the year 2024, using the chart below.

Annual refund calculation
HBP balance$16,500$15,400$14,300$13,200$5,200
Annual minimum required repayment $1,100
($16,500/15 years)
($15,400/14 years)
($14,300/13 years)
($13,200/12 years)
($5,200/11 years)
Repayment made$1,100$1,100$1,100$8,000$472.73

Special repayment situations

Some special repayment situations may apply. For example, certain contributions cannot be designated as a repayment. Other special repayment situations happen when a participant:

  • dies
  • reaches the age of 71
  • becomes a non-resident

Contributions that cannot be designated as repayments

Not all contributions you make to your RRSPs, PRPPs, or SPP in the repayment year or in the first 60 days of the year after can be designated as a repayment under the HBP. You cannot designate contributions that:

  • you make to your spouse's or common-law partner's RRSPsor SPP(or that they makes to your RRSP)
  • you transfer directly to your RRSPs, PRPPs, or SPP from a registered pension plan (RPP), deferred profit sharing plan(DPSP), registered retirement income fund (RRIF), first home savings account (FHSA),SPP, or another RRSP or PRPP
  • you withdrew from one of your RRSPs, PRPPs or SPP to have a provisional past service pension adjustment approved and that you re-contributed to this RRSP, PRPP or SPP and for which you can claim a deduction
  • you designate as a repayment under the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) for the year
  • you made in the first 60 days of the repayment year, that you already deducted on your income tax and benefit return for the previous year
  • you already designated as a repayment for the previous year under the HBP or the LLP
  • you receive in the repayment year (such as retiring allowances) that you transfer to your RRSPs, PRPP or SPPand deduct or will deduct on your income tax and benefit return for that year


If your RRSP deduction limit for the repayment year is zero, you can still contribute to your RRSPs, PRPPs or SPPand designate the amounts you contributed as a repayment under the HBP. We do not considerthese amounts to be RRSP contributions. Therefore, you cannot claim a deduction for these amounts on your income tax and benefit return.

Deceased participant of the HBP

General rule– If the participant of the HBP dies, the legal representative has to include the participant's remaining HBP balance in the participant's income for the year of death.

The amount to be included in a participant's income for the year of death is equal to the participant's HBP balance before death less any RRSP contributions (made before the participant died) designated as an HBP repayment for the year of death.

HBP election– If, at the time of death, the participant had a spouse or common-law partner who is a resident of Canada, that individual can jointly elect with the participant's legal representative to make the repayments under the HBP. By doing so, the income inclusion rule will not apply for the participant.

The participant's HBP balance at the time of death less any RRSP contributions designated as an HBP repayment for the year of death is treated as if the surviving spouse or common-law partner withdrew it, and it has to be repaid to that individual's RRSPs.


Before the participant dies, the surviving spouse or common-law partner may have also become a participant in their own HBP. There are no adverse tax consequences to the surviving spouse or common-law partner if, as a result of electing to treat the deceased participant's HBP balance as their own, their new HBP balance exceeds $35,000.

If at the time of death the participant's surviving spouse or common-law partner is also a participant of their own HBP and the election described above is made, the surviving spouse's or common-law partner's revised HBP balance has to be repaid over the remaining number of years in their repayment period.

However, if the surviving spouse or common-law partner was not a participant in their own HBP, the deceased participant's HBP balance has to be repaid over the same number of years remaining in the participation period of the deceased participant.

Make a joint election

The surviving spouse or common-law partner and the deceased participant's legal representative must attach a signed letter to the deceased's final income tax and benefit return. The letter must state that an election is being made to have the surviving spouse or common-law partner continue making repayments under the deceased participant's HBP, and to not have the income inclusion rule apply for the deceased participant.

Generally, if the surviving spouse or common-law partner was not participating in their own HBP but elects to continue making the repayments of the deceased individual, the surviving spouse or common-law partner would be considered a participant of an HBP and cannot make any withdrawals under the HBP until the HBP balance is completely repaid and all the other applicable HBP conditions are met.


If the deceased participant had not made an HBP repayment for the year of death, and the election is made, the minimum required repayment for that year for the deceased's participation would not be required. The surviving spouse or common-law partner would continue to make the minimum required repayments in the subsequent years.

The participant of the HBP reaches the age of 71

You cannot contribute to an RRSP, PRPP, or SPP after the end of the year in which you turn 71 years of age. As a result,you will not be able to repay any amounts you withdrew from your RRSPs after the end of the year you reach the age of 71.

In the year you turn 71, you can choose one of the following:

  • repay the remaining HBP balance to your RRSPS, PRPPs or SPP
  • make a partial repayment to your RRSPs, RPPs or SPP. Your remaining HBP balance at the beginning of the year you turn 72 will be divided by the number of years remaining in your repayment period. That calculated amount will be included as income on line 12900 of your income tax and benefit return for each of the years after
  • make no repayment to your RRSPs, PRPPs or SPP. Your HBP balance at the beginning of the year you turn 71 will be divided by the numbers of years remaining in your repayment period. That amount will be included as income on line 12900 of your income tax and benefit return for each of the years after.

The participant of the HBP becomes a non-resident

If you become a non-resident after you make your withdrawals from your RRSPs under the HBP but before you buy or build a qualifying home, you must do one of the following:

  • cancel your participation in the HBP
  • enter the amount you did not repay online 12900of your income tax and benefit return for the year you made the withdrawals.

If you were a non-resident at the time you filed an income tax and benefit return for the year you made your first withdrawal under the HBP, your cancellation payments are due by the earliest of the following two dates:

  • December 31 of the year after the year you made your first withdrawal (if you have permitted a one year extension to acquire or build a qualifying home or replacement home, this specific date will be extended by an additional year)
  • the day you filed an income tax and benefit return for the year you made your first withdrawal

If you become a non-resident after you buy or build a qualifying home, you must choose one of the following options:

  • repay the remaining HBP balance to your RRSPs, PRPPs or SPP by the earliest of the following dates:
    • before the time you file your income tax and benefit return for the year that you become a non-resident
    • 60 days after you become a non-resident
  • include the remaining HBPbalance as RRSP income on line 12900 of your income tax and benefit return for the year that you become a non-resident.

Forms and publications

  • Form T2019, Death of an RRSP Annuitant– Refund of Premiums
  • Information Sheet RC4177, Death of an RRSP Annuitant
  • Interpretation Bulletin IT-500R ARCHIVED, Registered Retirement Savings Plans– Death of an Annuitant
  • Schedule 7, RRSP, PRPP, and SPP Contributions and Transfers, and HBP and LLP Activities
  • T4RSP slip, Statement of RRSP Income

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How to repay the amounts withdrawn from your RRSPs under the HBP (2024)


How to repay the amounts withdrawn from your RRSPs under the HBP? ›

Repaying the amount you withdrew. To make a repayment under the HBP, you have to make contributions to your RRSPs, PRPPs, or SPP in the year the repayment is due or in the first 60 days of the year after. Once your contributions are made, you can designate all or part of the contributions as a repayment.

Can you repay RRSP withdrawals? ›

Repayments begin two years after you withdraw the funds and you have fifteen years to complete your repayments to your RRSP. You'll receive an annual statement of account from the CRA outlining your balance, payments made and the minimum payment amount for the following year.

How do I pay back HBP? ›

You have 15 years to repay withdrawals made from your RRSPs under the HBP starting two years after the withdrawal. In each tax year, repay one-fifteenth of the total amount borrowed until your full amount owed is paid back to your RRSPs. For the full withdrawal amount of $35,000, the yearly payment is $2,333.33.

Does the HBP allows you to pay back the withdrawn funds within a 15 year period? ›

You have up to 15 years to repay what you owe, and you'll need to pay back at least 1/15 of the total amount you've withdrawn per year. If you don't, you'll need to include the rest in your annual income.

How do I cancel my HBP withdrawal? ›

Generally, your cancellation payments are due by December 31 of the year after the year you made your first withdrawal under the HBP, if you cancel your participation because you did not buy or build a qualifying home or replacement property.

What is an example of HBP repayment? ›

For example, your first required repayment amount is generally the amount you withdrew under the HBP divided by 15. In the following year, the repayment amount would be your remaining HBP balance divided by 14. Your repayment period begins in the second calendar year following the year you made your HBP withdrawal.

How long does it take to pay back HBP? ›

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that allows you to make a withdrawal from your registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a specified disabled person. The HBP allows you to pay back the amounts withdrawn within a 15-year period.

Is HBP repayment taxable income? ›

The funds withdrawn from the Home Buyers' Plan must be repaid over a maximum of 15 years, starting no later than the second year following the year in which they are withdrawn. Each year that a repayment is due but not paid, the amount due (1/15th of the amount borrowed) will be included in taxable income.

What is the 90 day rule for HBP? ›

What's the HBP 90-day rule? It's essential to plan ahead for when you think you'll need to withdraw your money. That's because your contributions need to remain in your RRSP for a minimum of 90 days before you can withdraw them under the HBP. After 90 days, you can start withdrawing money for your down payment.

How long does it take to cash out RRSP? ›

How long will it take for my TFSA/RRSP withdrawal or transfer out to be processed? For withdrawals, please allow up to 8-10 business days from initiating the withdrawal until you are able to see the funds in your bank account.

What is the 4 year period for HBP? ›

As per the CRA – “The four-year period means the four years prior to a home purchase. The period begins on January 1 of the fourth year before the year you withdraw funds from your RRSP, and ends 31 days before the date you withdraw the funds.” Please review this link for further details on HBP.

Can you withdraw from RRSP at age 60? ›

A RRSP can be converted to a RRIF at any age. If we look at the RRIF minimum withdrawal tables, we have a series of withdrawal rates that increase with age. In the year a RRIF owner turns 60, their minimum withdrawal is 3.23% of the account value at the end of the previous year. At 65, the rate is 3.85%.

What is the penalty when money is withdrawn before the terms set age? ›

Generally, if you take a distribution from an IRA or 401(k) before age 59½, you will likely owe: Federal income tax (taxed at your marginal tax rate). 10% penalty on the amount that you withdraw. Relevant state income tax.

Can you close an RRSP account? ›

You can close your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) and take cash (as long as the investments are liquid) before you retire.

How do I get rid of RRSP? ›

You can withdraw unused contributions you made to an RRSP based on an approved Form T3012A, Tax Deduction Waiver on the Refund of Your Unused RRSP, PRPP, or SPP Contributions from your RRSP, PRPP or SPP. If you transferred the unused contributions to your RRIF, see Withdrawing the unused RRSP contributions.

What happens to my RRSP if I leave Canada? ›

Our response: Canadian citizens that have become non-residents can continue to hold RRSPs after leaving Canada.

Are RRSP withdrawals cumulative? ›

Under the plan, you can withdraw up to a cumulative total of $20,000 from your RRSP—up to $10,000 in a calendar year.

What happens to RRSP when you retire? ›

Once you retire, you have three options: Cash out all your savings as a lump sum (income taxes will apply) Convert your RRSP to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) Purchase a Life Income Fund (LIF)

What happens to my RRSP at age 71? ›

In the year you turn 71 years old, you have to choose one of the following options for your RRSPs: withdraw them. transfer them to a RRIF. use them to purchase an annuity.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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