How to Make Money with a Christian Blog (with Affiliate Marketing) (2024)

If you’re new around here, this article is just one in a long series about making money in any blog niche! I’ve been getting questions about how to make money when your blog is focused on Christian readers, so I wanted to add this category to our series.

In this article, I’m going to break down some fundamental facts about making money blogging and show you how to make money in any niche (even the Christian blog niche).

Let’s get started!!

This article is a long one, so grab a cold drink and kick up those feet. And pin this baby for later so that you can come back to these tips!!

How to Make Money with a Christian Blog (with Affiliate Marketing) (1)

{{ Our blog posts contain affiliate links. These don’t cost you anything, but they allow us to continue running this site and providing free content for our readers. Full disclosurehere. }}


Before we turn our focus to you and your blog, let’s talk about the fundamentals of making money from ANY blog.

Here is how most bloggers make their money:

  1. By promoting and selling products/services through affiliate marketing.
  2. By promoting and selling products/services through sponsored posts.
  3. By creating and selling their own products and services.
  4. By running ads on their website.

There are other ways to make money from your blog too, but these are the BIG ONES!

You’ll notice that all four of these options require you to promote and sell something. Keep in mind: every money-making business sells something valuable to their audience.

And it is OKAY to sell stuff.

This is what every successful business owner does. If you want to make money with your own Christian blog, you’ll have to get comfortable with the idea of serving your audience through products and services that are valuable and/or relevant to them.

This is how every blogger makes money.


Before you start trying to make money from your blog, it’s important to have your foundation down and all your ducks in a row.

This will save you so much time and hassle down the road, so do yourself a favor and pay some attention to these few basic truths:

1. You need to set up your blog the right way.

A solid blog foundation includes a self-hosted website that BELONGS TO YOU.

The only way to actually own your website is to use a self-hosted platform to build that website. If you haven’t already taken that step, here is an easy step-by-step guide for setting up your blog the right way.

2. You need to learn the basics of search engine optimization.

If you want people to find your blog post, you need to make sure that each and every blog post is optimized for search engines. This way, when someone is searching for the stuff that you write about, they can find your blog post easily.

Fact: if no one can find your blog post, no one can buy from you… and that is NO BUENO.

For a comprehensive look at optimizing your blog posts for search engines, I highly recommend this kick-booty SEO book, Easy On-Page SEO. This is the one tool that I wish I had from day one, because let me tell ya… going back to optimize a hundred old blog posts is NOT FUN.

3. You need to protect yourself and your blog from a legal standpoint.

Last but certainly not least, you need to make sure you are protecting yourself and your website legally. If you ever decide to start monetizing a blog, you are legally required to have certain information on your website that is accessible to your readers and protects you from liability.

It sounds like big scary legal jargon, but it’s actually a pretty simple process if you have the right help. I got my legal pages from a lawyer and she had me set up within 10 minutes. You literally just copy your information into the highlighted spots of her legally drafted documents and then paste them onto your website.

When you’re ready to start monetizing your website, you can grab the Legal Bundle here.

These three foundational things will save you enormous amounts of time, work, hassle, and headaches throughout your first year of monetizing your blog. So, give them some thought today.

Once you’re set up with these things and you’re ready to start writing some money-making content, we can go to town!


Popular blogger opinion: Affiliate marketing rocks! It is one of the best ways to make money from ANY BLOG.

Affiliate marketing is simply promoting products/services for a business that you are associated with.

If you’re a Christian-based blogger, you will most likely be promoting faith-related products or services for those businesses. You can also get creative with your content and promote other things that might be helpful to your Christian readers.

And here’s how it works:

First, you apply to join an affiliate program that fits in your niche. It usually takes a few days to get approval, if you meet the qualifications.

Most affiliate programs accept anyone with a live website and proper legal pages in place, but some have stricter rules. The rules are always listed on the affiliate program page, so read them carefully before applying.

When you are approved by that affiliate program, you are given a special trackable link to share with your audience. When someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you get a commission – woot woot!


As a quick side note: let’s clarify the difference between an affiliate network and an affiliate program.

An individual affiliate program is a program that a company runs on their own, without the help of a third party. These are also known as “in-house affiliate programs”.

Amazon Associates is an example of an individual, in-house affiliate program.

An affiliate network is a platform that contains a pool of affiliate programs that you can join. The network is that third party that acts as the connection between you and the affiliate programs that you join. They provide your affiliate links and they make the payouts from their platform.

Share-a-Sale is an example of an affiliate network, and we’ll talk more about them in a moment.

Now that we know the difference between the two, let’s cover the best affiliate networks and programs that every Christian blogger should join.

** Please note: This list is for informational purposes only. All content below is subject to change at the discretion of the affiliate program owner.


This is one of my favorite affiliate networks for bloggers. You can join the AWIN affiliate network HERE. There is a $5.00 screening fee to join the network, but the fee is refunded to you after approval.

Here are just a few of the programs you can join and how much you can earn from each of them within this network. Keep in mind that some of them are faith-based programs and some of them might just be helpful to Christian individuals and Christian families.

InstaRead // 30% commission per sale

Hand in Hand // 25% commission per sale

Christian Aid // 10% commission per donation

Forever BeSpoke (UK-based) // 6% commission per sale

Lillypost Book Subscription Box // $10 per subscription box sale

Dinnerly // $10 per sale

PostMark’d Stationary // $25 per subscription box sale

Remember, you’ll join the AWIN network first, and then you’ll apply to the affiliate programs you want to join in the network.

You’ll search for programs to join in your AWIN dashboard here:

When you apply to join a program, you’ll have to agree to the program terms and select the primary promotion method you’ll be using. I personally select my website. You also have the option to “add a message” to introduce yourself and share why you want to join the program.

Don’t overthink it. Just let them know why you’d like to join and why your audience will benefit from these products/services.


You can join the Share-a-Sale network HERE. Some of the highest paying affiliate programs are available in this free network. It has thousands of great programs to join, especially for faith-based bloggers!

Here are some of the affiliate programs in the network. Again, focus on the ones that can bring the most value to your readers.

Tiny Devotions // 15% commission per sale

Memory Cross Inc. // 15% commission per sale

Balance of Nature // 15% commission per sale

Christian Strong // 12% commission per sale

Spiritual Gangster Apparel // 10% commission per sale

Simply join the Share-a-Sale network, apply to the programs that you want to join, and then start promoting your affiliate products to your audience.

You can search for programs in your dashboard here:

Similar to AWIN, you’ll have to agree to the terms of the program you wish to join and explain how you’ll promote the products. Again, don’t stress over it too much, just introduce yourself and your promotion plan and hit submit.


You can join the Rakuten Affiliate Network HERE. I love Rakuten but I couldn’t find any faith-specific programs. There are hundreds of programs though, in categories like education, gifts, beauty, health, travel, games, finances, etc.

You could easily find products and services that will be helpful or relevant to your Christian readers! Here are a few of them:

Coursera // up to 45% commission per sale

My Wedding Favors // 7% commission per sale

See’s Candies // 7% commission per sale

Tidy Living // 6% commission per sale

Groupon // 5-10% commission per sale

Gourmet Gift Baskets // 5% commission per sale

Once you get approved by Rakuten, you can search for affiliate programs in your dashboard here:

When you apply to a program, a box will pop up asking you to read and agree to terms. Read the terms, click the box to agree, and then hit “OKAY.” And that’s it!

Just like every other affiliate network, you’ll apply to your programs, grab your affiliate links from your dashboard after approval, and then share those with your audience.

Important note: always disclose the fact that you are using affiliate links and make sure you have your disclaimer, terms, and privacy policy pages somewhere accessible on your website…it’s the law.

The idea is to write content that features your affiliate products in a positive light and motivates your target market to purchase them, if it fills a need for them.

That same ‘backyard entertainment food blogger’ could also write a series on the best subscription food boxes, the best wine and spirits for weekend parties, easy appetizers for Superbowl, classy intimate dinner party meals, etc.

All of these articles could be filled with appropriate affiliate links that promote high-quality products and services that your audience will love. The sky is the limit!

>>> You can access my master list of 800+ high-paying affiliate programs right here <<<


Being successful with affiliate marketing requires a few things.

First: it requires some form of an audience that might be interested in what you’re writing about and sharing.

And to grow that audience, I highly recommend using Pinterest. It is the best way to boost your blog traffic and build your readership. This FREE Pinterest challenge will get you started!

Second: it requires some careful screening to make sure the things you are promoting will be truly valuable to your readers.

Figure out what your audience wants and needs, and then find products you can recommend that actually relate to those needs.

Third: it requires time, effort, and patience. Affiliate marketing (and blogging in general) is not a get-rich-quick deal. In most cases, you won’t start earning income overnight. It can take several weeks, or even several months, to start earning income from your affiliate marketing efforts.

To speed up the process, make sure you have your foundational stuff in place, which we talked about a few minutes ago. Make sure you’re publishing problem-solving content on a regular basis. And then make sure you’re sharing that content on social media and Pinterest!

Now, let’s talk about sponsored work!


Sponsored posts are the posts that you create on behalf of another business or brand (a sponsor), with the goal of promoting their business to your audience.

To land a sponsored post, you just need to find companies that align with your message and your audience, and then pitch them your ideas! It’s really that simple.

When you promote other people’s products and services to your audience, you are working in partnership with that business, and you deserve to be compensated for your work. So, when you send your pitch, be sure to make it clear that you are providing a service and you are looking for a sponsored partnership.

Similar to affiliate marketing, there are individual sponsorship opportunities and there are sponsorship networks that connect you with those opportunities. I personally find that pitching to companies directly brings more success, but you can always do both!

Most sponsored networks are free to join and easy to use. I personally like these ones:


Blog Meets Brand

Real Clever

And there are hundreds more out there!

For a comprehensive look at working with brands, pitching to brands, and my master list of influencer networks to join, check out this blogging course

Pssst: I have a coupon code for my blog readers only. Use code BLOGFAN for $50 off!!!

When a brand or business agrees to a sponsored post, you will work together to set your terms of the agreement and then you’ll write up your post and share it with your audience.

Each business and network has their own rules about what each sponsored post should contain and where it should be promoted, so be sure to follow instructions carefully.


When I tell new bloggers that they could monetize by selling their own stuff, they usually laugh it off like it’s a crazy idea.

But quite honestly?

Creating and selling your own stuff is the absolute BEST WAY to make money from a blog… including a faith-based blog!

When you sell your own stuff, you get full creative control and 100% of the profits.

If you have a Christian audience, perhaps you can create an inspirational calendar, a prayer book, a planner with a focus on spiritual goals, printables and crafts, a program that helps your audience read the entire bible in one year, a coaching program, etc.

Just throwing out ideas here, but the sky is the limit!

You can easily create a course for free on the Teachable platform. This is what I use for my courses.

You can easily sell printables and planners using SendOwl.

We have so many options and opportunities to build our own money-making blogs. We just have to jump in and do the work!


Ads are one of the most common monetization methods for bloggers. It’s a relatively easy and passive way to earn a little money from your blog.

If you are interested in running ads, here are a few options:

Google Ads – relatively easy for new bloggers to get approved

Monumetric ad network – you must have over 10,000 monthly page views

MediaVine – you must have over 25,000 monthly sessions


I know we covered a looooot of ground here today, so let’s do a quick recap to put this whole thing into perspective.

There are a few ways to make money from your Christian blog. You can use affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, sell your own stuff, or run ads on your site…

You can and should use some mixture of these options, because you never want to put all of your eggs in one basket. It’s best to have income flowing in from a few different sources!

When you’re ready to start monetizing, make sure you have a handle on Pinterest and SEO, and get your legal pages in place on your website.

Then, get to work writing great content and sharing it with your audience. It will take a little time to build up your readership and your income, but don’t give up! It will be well worth it.

And if you have any questions, come join us in my FREE blogging community for all of the support and blog tips you can handle!

If you found this article helpful, pin it for later!

How to Make Money with a Christian Blog (with Affiliate Marketing) (2)

How to Make Money with a Christian Blog (with Affiliate Marketing) (2024)


Do Christian blogs make money? ›

Christian blogging can be a fulfilling hobby or a way to begin a ministry, but it can also be a profitable venture if earning an income is your ultimate goal. Earning a full time income, or even just a little bit of extra money each month are both possible scenarios for any blogger.

How to monetize Christian content? ›

By placing display ads, engaging in affiliate marketing, creating self-published books and audiobooks, offering online courses and virtual Bible studies, hosting paid workshops and retreats, and creating a monthly membership site, you can generate income while spreading your message and connecting with your audience.

How to promote a Christian blog? ›

An excellent choice for many Christian writers who are just getting started is using the power of social media to promote their successful Christian blogs. Social media can be a very efficient tool for marketers and can be used for various topics.

What kind of blogs make most money? ›

The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

What is the most profitable blog niche? ›

If you want to pick the perfect topic for a new blog to make money, these seven great niches are the right place to start.
  • Digital marketing.
  • Tech and AI.
  • Blogging and making money online.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Personal finance and investing.
  • Recipes and food.
  • Personal development and self-care.
Apr 5, 2024

How to make money as a Christian writer? ›

Check out our list of 18 Christian markets that pay freelance writers.
  1. America Magazine. America Magazine is a weekly print publication that also features online content. ...
  2. Angels on Earth. ...
  3. Charisma. ...
  4. Chicken Soup for the Soul. ...
  5. The Christian Century. ...
  6. Christianity Today. ...
  7. Guideposts. ...
  8. Homeschooling Today.

What do Christian bloggers write about? ›

You blog about a topic you're passionate about, but you do it through the lens of your faith. Maybe you're blogging on business and what it means to have a Christian business. You don't have to write devotionals and Bible studies, but your faith is integral to your story and your posts.

Can a Christian do affiliate marketing? ›

Jump into the best Christian affiliate programs, and you'll discover a market where you can promote an endless variety of products to billions of people all over the world. If you can land churches and leaders as readers, you may claim some of the massive bulk orders made by churches every day.

How to begin a Christian blog? ›

What You Will Need Before Starting
  1. Know Your Reason for Starting A Christian Blog. ...
  2. Find Your Niche. ...
  3. Understand the Art of Storytelling. ...
  4. Pick a Webhost and Select A Domain Name. ...
  5. Why You Should Install WordPress. ...
  6. Themes Perfect for a Christian Blog. ...
  7. Pick Out Plugins to Add Extra Features. ...
  8. Ways to Share Your Christian Blog.

How do I get sponsored by a blog post? ›

How to Get Sponsors For Your Blog
  1. Create High-Quality Content. ...
  2. Build Your Audience. ...
  3. Engage with Your Audience. ...
  4. Create a Media Kit. ...
  5. Reach Out to Brands. ...
  6. Network at Events. ...
  7. Participate in Affiliate Programs. ...
  8. Offer Value to Sponsors.
Jul 20, 2023

Can you make $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketing is a hard way to make money, but if you want to make $10,000 per month, you need a clear plan, hard work, and the will to keep learning. Success changes from person to person, but based on my work with affiliate marketers, here are the most important steps to get you going in the right direction: 1.

What is the easiest way for beginners to make money with affiliate marketing? ›

Create valuable content

Blogs are a good way to create relevant content, with a reported 65% of all affiliate marketers generating traffic through blogging alone. Promoting an affiliate link on social media is another free way to get your content into the hands of the people who might be interested in it.

How many followers do you need to make money from affiliate marketing? ›

How many followers do you need to do Instagram affiliate marketing? When sharing affiliate products on Instagram, the quality of followers is more important than the quantity. If your audience is niche and very engaged, you could begin earning passive income through Instagram with less than 1,000 followers.

Can you realistically make money blogging? ›

Blogging is a small business idea with the potential to make thousands of dollars per month, whether by driving product sales for your own brand, earning commission from affiliate programs, or creating a space for digital ad sales.

How many followers does a blog need to make money? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month. Sponsored articles range in price from $25 to $750 for each post, depending on the size of the audience, genre, and individual sponsorship agreement.

What are the odds of making money blogging? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.