6 Things A VPN Hides and Protects And What it Doesn't (2024)

Feeling watched when you’re online? We’re all familiar with the feeling. You can never really tell when someone’s tracking you.

Consider investing in a virtual private network (VPN)! A VPN hides your web activities and improves your digital privacy.

In this article, I’ll go over what exactly a VPN hides, and clarify just how anonymous you really are when you’re connected to a VPN.

Hide your online activities and protect your privacy with CyberGhost VPN.

  1. Subscribe to CyberGhost VPN. It’s fast and easy!
  2. Connect to any server.
  3. Stay safe online.

6 Things a VPN Hides

1. Your IP Address

The VPN app changes your real IP address and assigns you a new one from its database. That’s how you go invisible online.

What does hiding your IP address look like?

Internet communication relies on exchanging IP addresses. Your IP address reveals details about you like your Internet Service Provider (ISP), city, region, and country.

It isn’t enough to pinpoint your exact location and physical address, though. Snoopers would know you’re in the US, but no one can know your street address.

That said, your ISP, websites you visit, online apps, and even governments can track everything you do online if they know your IP address. Powerful loggers connect the dots to create a personalized digital profile. Your digital profile contains everything about you and your online activities. This includes how often you use Facebook, when you apply for a new job, and where you go for vacation – just to name a few. Third parties can then use this information to spam you or send targeted ads.

Hiding your IP address helps you stop online tracking. That way, no one can ever trace your activity back to you using your IP address.

2. Your Geo-Location

A VPN also conceals your real physical location since you connect to a server from a different country. If your real location is in Austria and you connect to a US VPN server, anyone sticking their nose will think your location is somewhere in the US.

Spoofing your location also allows you to:

          • Bypass online content restrictions – some websites or apps place geo-restrictions, only allowing users from specific countries to access or view their content. When you connect through a VPN server, you can change your IP address to bypass censorship or retain access to your favorite websites from abroad.
          • Enjoy support for worldwide streaming services – no matter where you are in the world, you can keep watching your favorite shows. You might use a VPN to watch streaming services if you’re on a restricted network like at work or traveling abroad.
          • Avoid online purchase price discrimination – websites or services show you different prices for the same items based on your location. Change your IP address to one located in a different location and you’ll discover the best possible prices or deals.

3. Your Search History (Not Entirely!)

A VPN hides your search history from your ISP, governmental entities, and cybercriminals. Once it encrypts your internet traffic, your online data going through the VPN server turns into indecipherable codes. It’s practically impossible for anyone to crack the code and figure out what you’re doing online. That said, your default web browser can still see your online searches when you connect to a VPN.

Here’s a good example: if you own a Google account, every time you’re logged in and search for something on Chrome, the web browser can see your online searches even when you’re connected to a VPN. Websites can’t make connections between your searches and your IP address, though.

To maintain your browsing security, select a more private browser and be sure to clear your cookies. Cookies expose what you’ve been doing online!

Use CyberGhost VPN’s free Cookie Cleaner add-on to ensure browser privacy!

4. Your Downloads

When you share or download files, your identity isn’t private. Your IP address is the first element that turns up into your ISP’s data detectors since you’re using up too much bandwidth. Apart from your ISP, the government and advertisers can also track your download activity. Depending on what you download, you might get warning letters, fines, or legal actions. All these risks go away when you connect to a VPN! Hide your IP address and encrypt your data so no one can ever check when, what, or how much you download.

5. Your Streaming and Gaming Activities

Streaming and gaming are notorious for their massive data consumption. That’s your ISP’s nightmare since data-heavy activities strain its network. ISPs tend to throttle bandwidth during data-heavy activities and especially during peak hours.

When you hide your streaming activities with a VPN, you get to enjoy countless streaming hours. Once the VPN hides your IP address, your ISP can’t track or see what you’re up to online and can’t throttle your bandwidth! That way, you can challenge your friends to play online games whenever you want.

Free yourself from IP throttling and install a VPN!

6. Your Personal Data

Data breaches, malware attacks, and other online threats expose your information. They threaten your sensitive information like your login information, credit card details, and email conversations.

A VPN is the most efficient tool to help you protect all this personal information. It uses a secure tunnelling process and impenetrable 256-AES-bit encryption for added security. Even the fastest and smartest computers would find it challenging to crack this encryption.

The ultimate benefit? You get to keep all your data for yourself and away from snooping eyes.

Evade any unnecessary surveillance and choose CyberGhost VPN!

Next, let’s find out what a VPN can’t hide and what you can do to preserve your privacy even in exceptional situations.

3 Things a VPN Can’t Hide or Protect

1. Your Account Activity

A VPN connection won’t stop platforms from seeing your account activity when you’re logged into an account on a website, app, or online service. Platforms can understand you have a different IP address and see you’ve spoofed your location, but that’s the farthest the camouflage can go. Keep this in mind and pay attention to what you do and how much personal information you share online.

Pro Tip: If you want to keep a low profile, don’t use your real name and use a separate email address for non-essential accounts.

2. Your Device from Online Threats, Viruses, and Infections

Another common misconception is that a VPN protects you from online threats or cyberattacks. A VPN helps you stay invisible and behind the scenes, but it doesn’t give you immunity against online risks like malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, or even computer viruses. That’s where your antivirus software comes in.

Pro Tip:Look for a VPN that offers antivirus or malware cover within its services. Take advantage of CyberGhost VPN’s security suite that covers both privacy and security.

3. Your Entire Online Identity

Remaining anonymous is the dream for anyone online. Unfortunately, it isn’t 100% possible.

Cybercriminals and intelligence agencies use complex methods to get to your valuable data. This includes browser fingerprinting, background scripts, and other wicked measures. A VPN can’t do anything against this.

How much and what you share online also plays an important role. A VPN can never revert the information you post on social media.

Pro Tip: Think through what you post or share online. It’s better to set some boundaries, so check your privacy settings. Toggle off all unnecessary boxes or any icon you think could invade your privacy.

The Bottom Line – A VPN is Your First Digital Defense Line

A leading VPN like CyberGhost will keep you secure online and help you maintain your privacy.

With our stress-free 45-day money-back guarantee, you’re not risking a thing! Get a premium VPN now!

No-Logs Policy

CyberGhost VPN’s strict No-Logs policy is no marketing hook. Whatever you do online is your business, and we’re here to support that. That’s why we don’t track your online activities and keep zero logs. You get a private and secure digital experience.

NoSpy Servers

We’ve got NoSpy servers that operate under strict security and quality standards. CyberGhost VPN crafted these servers specifically to reduce hardware attacks to zero. We’ve maintained direct control over these servers, ensuring seamless encryption.

Automatic Kill Switch

Our automatic Kill Switch feature helps you avoid any data exposure. If your VPN connection ever drops, the Kill Switch shuts down all internet traffic until the VPN resets. That way, you’ll keep your data, IP address, and location private.

Though a VPN is highly accurate and efficient, you shouldn’t rely on it to fend off all online privacy and security risks. To guarantee your security, follow these instructions:

          • Use strong passwords: set up strong, hard-to-guess, and unique passwords.
          • Pay attention to common WFH app privacy risks: manage a safe work-from-home environment and check the privacy settings on Zoom, Slack, Google, and Microsoft.
          • Keep your email addresses safe from data breaches: Use CyberGhost VPN’s ID Guard and regularly check your email addresses to see if they were involved in a data breach. ID Guard offers a continuous inspection service and will notify you if anything compromises your accounts.


What does a VPN hide?

A VPN encrypts and conceals your entire online traffic. It hides your IP address, location, and all digital activities, including downloads, streaming, and gaming activities. A VPN hides your browsing history from your ISP, websites, online snoopers, and even the government.

What doesn’t a VPN hide?

A VPN doesn’t hide your activity from online registered accounts. Anyone can still see your social media shares, posts, and pictures. A VPN is also different from antivirus software; while it boosts your online security, it doesn’t protect you from cyberattacks.

Does a VPN hide your IP address?

Yes. Hiding your IP address is what a VPN does. The VPN reroutes your connection requests through a remote VPN server. It then sends all your requests to the web using an IP address from the VPN database. That way, the websites you visit will only see the VPN’s IP address and your real IP address becomes invisible.

Can anyone track you if you’re using a VPN?

In some cases, yes. Your ISP can detect you’re using a VPN because they can trace the VPN IP address. Streaming services can also tell you’re using a VPN since they can see that you share the same IP address with other VPN users. That’s one reason why you sometimes can’t access streaming channels even if you’re using a VPN.

ISPs also can trace your VPN connection through port numbers. VPN protocols use specific and unique port numbers; for example, the IKEv2 protocol links with port 4500. Websites and ISPs can even dig deeper and use the more complex deep packet inspection system to uncover VPN connections. They use sophisticated algorithms to discover VPN servers.

Can your ISP see what you’re doing while using a VPN?

No. The VPN software encrypts your online connections. That makes it impossible for anyone to see what you do. The ISP can tell you’re using a different IP address from the one it assigned you and figure out you’re using a VPN. It can’t monitor what you’re up to online, though.

As an enthusiast and expert in the field of online privacy and security, I can confidently affirm the critical role that virtual private networks (VPNs) play in safeguarding our digital experiences. My extensive knowledge is grounded in both theoretical understanding and practical application, having navigated the intricate landscape of VPN technologies and their implications.

Let's dissect the key concepts highlighted in the provided article:

6 Things a VPN Hides:

  1. Your IP Address:

    • The article accurately describes how a VPN changes your real IP address, providing anonymity by masking details such as your location, Internet Service Provider (ISP), and more.
    • Emphasizes the significance of hiding your IP to prevent online tracking by ISPs, websites, apps, and governments.
  2. Your Geo-Location:

    • Discusses how a VPN conceals your physical location by connecting to a server in a different country.
    • Highlights practical uses, such as bypassing content restrictions, accessing worldwide streaming services, and avoiding online price discrimination.
  3. Your Search History (Partially):

    • Points out that a VPN encrypts internet traffic, rendering it indecipherable to entities like ISPs and cybercriminals.
    • Raises awareness about potential vulnerabilities, such as search history visibility within the default web browser, and recommends using more private browsers.
  4. Your Downloads:

    • Stresses the importance of hiding your IP address and encrypting data through a VPN to maintain privacy while sharing or downloading files.
    • Highlights the risks of exposing one's identity through download activities, including potential warnings, fines, or legal actions.
  5. Your Streaming and Gaming Activities:

    • Addresses the issue of Internet Service Providers throttling bandwidth during data-heavy activities like streaming and gaming.
    • Advocates for VPN usage to hide streaming activities and prevent ISP tracking and bandwidth throttling.
  6. Your Personal Data:

    • Discusses the role of a VPN in protecting personal data from data breaches, malware attacks, and other online threats.
    • Highlights the encryption methods employed by VPNs, making it challenging for even sophisticated entities to access sensitive information.

3 Things a VPN Can’t Hide or Protect:

  1. Your Account Activity:

    • Clarifies that a VPN doesn't prevent platforms from seeing your account activity when logged into a website, app, or online service.
    • Recommends user awareness and discretion, suggesting the use of pseudonyms and separate email addresses for non-essential accounts.
  2. Your Device from Online Threats:

    • Dispels the misconception that a VPN provides immunity against online threats, emphasizing the need for dedicated antivirus software.
    • Recommends seeking VPNs with integrated antivirus or malware protection.
  3. Your Entire Online Identity:

    • Acknowledges the limitations of VPNs in preserving complete online anonymity, citing methods employed by cybercriminals and intelligence agencies.
    • Encourages users to exercise caution in online sharing and adjust privacy settings to minimize risks.

The Bottom Line:

  • VPN Benefits:

    • Reiterates the role of a VPN as the first line of defense for online security and privacy.
    • Introduces specific features of CyberGhost VPN, including a No-Logs Policy, NoSpy Servers, and an Automatic Kill Switch.
  • Limitations and Additional Measures:

    • Acknowledges that VPNs are not foolproof and provides additional tips for enhanced online security, such as using strong passwords and being mindful of WFH app privacy risks.


  • What a VPN Hides:

    • Summarizes the article's key points about VPN encryption and its role in concealing IP addresses, locations, and digital activities.
  • What a VPN Doesn’t Hide:

    • Clarifies specific limitations, such as account activity visibility, the necessity of antivirus software, and the inability to ensure complete online anonymity.
  • VPN and ISP Visibility:

    • Explains that while ISPs can detect VPN usage, they cannot monitor online activities due to the encryption provided by the VPN.

In conclusion, the provided article offers a comprehensive understanding of VPNs, their capabilities, and their limitations, serving as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their online privacy and security.

6 Things A VPN Hides and Protects And What it Doesn't (2024)


What does a VPN hide and not hide? ›

While a VPN masks your IP address and encrypts your internet traffic, it does not hide the type of device you are using. Websites can still gather device-specific information (including operating system, screen resolution and browser type) through methods like browser fingerprinting.

What does a VPN do and not do? ›

Using a VPN helps mask your IP address and encrypt your online activity, but it can't prevent a website or an app from seeing your account activity if you're logged in. It also won't prevent a web browser from seeing your online searches if you're logged into an associated account.

Does a VPN hide data usage? ›

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can completely hide your online activities from your work router and your personal Wi-Fi network, where your ISP cannot track what you're doing online and keep your data safe and hidden.

Can you hide the fact you are using a VPN? ›

There are several ways to keep your VPN usage hidden.

Features like obfuscation, data leak protection, and IP address cycling can help mask the fact that you're using a VPN.

What does a VPN really block? ›

A VPN encrypts your traffic and hides your IP address. As a result, it also hides your location, browsing history, searches, downloads, and any other activities, such as gaming or streaming. A VPN hides this information from bad actors, ISPs, websites, and even oppressive governments.

Does a VPN hide your phone number? ›

Your identity on social media is tied to the information you've shared about yourself (such as your name, email, or phone number). Using social media while connected to a VPN means you're generally safer online — but a VPN doesn't hide your identity from the social media provider or other users.

What is the downside of having a VPN? ›

Are there downsides to using a VPN? VPNs can sometimes lead to a reduction in internet speed. The encryption and routing processes can slow down your connection, especially if you're connecting to a geographically distant server.

Does a VPN hide device ID? ›

Device IDs Remain Visible

Consumer VPNs like NordVPN encrypt traffic and mask your public IP address. However, the unique device ID hardcoded into each hardware device remains fully visible to all websites and services you directly connect to.

Can you still be tracked with a VPN? ›

No. Your data is encrypted, so your ISP can't see its contents. This includes DNS requests, which are sent through the VPN tunnel and resolved by the VPN provider. Your ISP can see the IP address of the VPN server you're connected to, but it can't see any connections made after that.

Does a VPN hide Wi-Fi history? ›

VPNs encrypt all internet traffic, effectively hiding your browsing history from your ISP. However, that doesn't mean the ISP is blind to your activities. They may be able to tell that you're connected to a VPN and for how long, based on the fact that the encrypted traffic is headed to an IP address of a VPN server.

Can VPN see what I'm doing? ›

Any VPN service can monitor your browsing history, but reputable ones won't and will ensure they have no logs of your browsing history that could be handed over to third parties. That way, if they receive a court order to share information, it's impossible for them to comply.

Do VPNs actually protect you? ›

It's important to remember that VPNs do not work in the same way as comprehensive anti-virus software. While they will protect your IP and encrypt your internet history, but that is as much as they can do. They won't keep you safe, for instance, if you visit phishing websites or download compromised files.

Can FBI track VPN? ›

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies cannot track encrypted VPN traffic, even if they have a court order. However, they may force your internet service provider (ISP) to disclose your connection and usage logs, which will show that you use a VPN.

Which VPN cannot be detected? ›

Protocols determine which port will be used and how encryption will be done. Therefore, some protocols can be easily detected, while others bypass blocking mechanisms. Commonly used protocols to bypass VPN detections on premium VPNs include OpenVPN, WireGuard, and other proprietary protocols.

Can you tell if someone is using a VPN? ›

Cross-matching a user's IP address with these databases can determine whether the user is associated with a VPN or Proxy. Several widely used IP address databases have gained widespread use in VPN detection. Services such as MaxMind, Udger, and IPinfo are known for their accuracy and extensive databases.

Are you really hidden with VPN? ›

Does a VPN make me anonymous? No, a VPN cannot make you anonymous. They help secure what you're doing, but your ISP still knows when you're using the internet. They just can't see what you're doing, what sites you visit, or how long you've been on a site.

Can Wi-Fi provider see your history with VPN? ›

The encryption takes place before the data leaves your device, and only the VPN server has the decryption key. Neither your router, ISP, or employers will see what you're doing online.

Does a VPN make you untraceable? ›

No, a VPN does not make you anonymous. In fact, no internet privacy tool can completely hide your online presence. A VPN can encrypt your data, shield your IP address, and even protect you from online trackers, but full anonymity isn't possible.

Does VPN hide illegal streaming? ›

If you're downloading content illegally, it doesn't matter if you're connected to a VPN or not. A VPN may help you hide your illegal activities, but it won't help you if you've been caught breaking the law.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.