How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (2024)

Contact 59,000+ Celebrities, Influencers & Public Figures!

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Want to contact a celebrity?

Are you looking to get in touch with a celebrity for a project or event, or just to say hello?

The task can seem daunting, but with the right approach and tools, it’s definitely possible.

In this post, I’ll show you how to contact celebrities and increase your chances of getting a response.

Who Are We?

Table Of Contents:

  • Who Are We?
  • Finding The Right Contact Information
  • Recommended…
  • Crafting The Perfect Pitch
  • Recommended Resource
  • Personalize Your Message
  • How To Contact Celebrities Through the Mail
  • Following Up
  • WIIFM (What’s In It For Them?)
  • Be Prepared For A No
  • How To Get A Celebrity Product Endorsem*nt
  • How To Contact Micro-Influencers
  • How To Get A Celebrity Book Endorsem*nt
  • How To Get A Celebrity Charitable Donation
  • How To Hire A Celebrity For An Event
  • How To Meet A Celebrity In Person
  • How To Contact A Celebrity Using Social Media
  • How To Pitch Your Product To Celebrity Stylists
  • Conclusion
  • About The Author
  • What People Are Saying…
How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (3)

Contact Any Celebrity has helped fans, businesses, experts, authors, and nonprofits contact celebrities since 1997 using our Private Online Database and how-to resources.

Founder Jordan McAuley started Contact Any Celebrity from his dorm room because he enjoyed collecting autographs as a teen.

Over the years, Jordan turned his autograph-collecting hobby into Contact Any Celebrity, a Membership site and online database containing the contact information for 59,000+ celebrities, influencers, and public figures.

His background was not just as an autograph collector, however.

Jordan worked as a video store clerk in high school for two years. (This was before DVDs—he must have said, “Be kind, please rewind!” hundreds of times to customers.)

In college, he studied film business and held three internships.

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (4)

One internship was in the public relations department of CNN in Atlanta, one was at Cartoon Network for Turner Entertainment also in Atlanta, and one was at a modeling agency as an agent’s assistant in Miami Beach, Florida.

After film school, Jordan moved to Los Angeles, where he worked at a Hollywood production company that made the opening credits for the movie ‘Seven’ starring Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow, ‘Spy Kids’ starring Antonio Banderas, ‘XXX’ starring Samuel L. Jackson and Vin Diesel, and ‘Stranger Things.’

He also worked as an agent’s assistant at a large talent agency in Beverly Hills before starting Contact Any Celebrity (although he had been working on it for years on the side).

Keep reading for tips on how to contact celebrities directly…

Finding The Right Contact Information

The first step in contacting a celebrity is to find their contact information.

Unfortunately, this can be harder than it sounds.

Many celebrities have teams of agents, managers, and publicists who handle their communication, and their contact information isn’t always publicly available.

Pro Tip: You’ll find their contact information in our online database and annual print directory, The Celebrity Black Book.


How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (5)

The Celebrity Black Book 2024 (Deluxe Edition): 50,000+ Celebrity Addresses For Fans, Businesses & Nonprofits

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* As an Amazon Associate, we may earn a commission.

You can use a few resources to find a celebrity’s contact information.

One option is to check their official website or social media accounts.

Many celebrities list their contact information or a contact form on their website or may have a “Contact” or “Booking” page.

You can also search for their agent or management company online, as they may have contact information on their website.

Another option is to use a service like Contact Any Celebrity, which provides verified contact information for celebrities and influencers. This can be a great resource if you’re having trouble finding contact information on your own.

To find celebrity mailing addresses, you can use our Contact Any Celebrity online database or our annual print directory, ‘The Celebrity Black Book.’

Crafting The Perfect Pitch

Once you have a celebrity’s contact information, it’s time to craft your pitch.

Your message should be brief, professional, and to the point.

Here are a few tips for crafting the perfect message:

  • Introduce yourself and explain why you’re reaching out.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Celebrities are busy people who don’t have time to read long messages.
  • Be specific about what you’re asking for. Are you looking to book them for an event? Ask them to participate in a project. Make what you’re looking for clear.
  • Include any relevant information, such as dates, locations, or details about your project.
  • Be polite and respectful. Remember, celebrities are people, too, and deserve to be treated with respect.

Recommended Resource

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (7)

Celebrity Leverage: Insider Secrets To Getting Celebrity Endorsem*nts

“This incredible book shows you how to hitch your wagon to a star.”
— Brian Tracy, #1 Bestselling Author

✅ Become a celebrity in your field
✅ Get tons of free publicity
✅ Make YOURSELF rich & famous!

* As an Amazon Associate, we may earn a commission.

Personalize Your Message

When sending a message to a celebrity, it’s important to make it as personal as possible.

Avoid generic messages or form letters, as they are more likely to be ignored.

Instead, take the time to craft a thoughtful and well-written message that shows you’ve given it some thought.

Mention specific details about the celebrity’s work that you admire, and explain why you’re reaching out.

How To Contact Celebrities Through the Mail

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (8)

It’s easy to send celebrities a heart-felt fan letter.

The most important thing to remember is always to send a self-addressed stamped envelope.

This makes it easy for the celebrity to reply with an autographed photo.

Pro Tip: See our how-to article by Austin Kleon how to write fan letters.

See our Fan & Autograph Seeker Success Stories and how-to articles for Fans & Autograph Collectors.

To find celebrity mailing addresses, you can use our Contact Any Celebrity online database, or our annual print directory called ‘The Celebrity Black Book.’

Here’s an example message you can use as a template:

Subject: Request for [Celebrity Name]

Dear [Celebrity Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am reaching out because [explain why you’re reaching out]. I would be honored if you would consider [what you’re asking for].

[Include any relevant information].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Name]

Be Respectful & Professional

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (9)

Celebrities are people, too, and they deserve to be treated with respect.

Avoid using offensive or disrespectful language in your message; remember that celebrities are not obligated to respond.

Even if a celebrity doesn’t respond, it’s important to maintain a professional and respectful demeanor.

Following Up

Following up is okay if you don’t hear back from a celebrity after your initial message.

However, be respectful of their time and don’t bombard them with messages.

Wait a week before following up, and keep your message brief and polite.

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (10)

Here’s an example follow-up message you can use:

Subject: Follow-up to [Date of Initial Message]

Dear [Celebrity Name],

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to follow up on my [Date of Initial Message] message regarding [what you’re asking for].

I understand you must receive many requests, so I wanted to ensure my message was received.

[Include any new or relevant information].

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Name]

WIIFM (What’s In It For Them?)

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (11)

When reaching out to influencers, you must tailor your approach to their needs and interests.

Always remember, WIIFM (What’s In It For Them?)

Take the time to research the influencer and find out what products or services they may be interested in.

For example, if you’re a skincare brand, look for influencers who have expressed a need for hydration or have complained about dry skin.

If your initial outreach does not receive a response, try again with a smaller request and include a personal note to build rapport.

The key is to add value to the influencer’s life by giving them something they want rather than simply asking for a promotion.

This approach will help establish trust and create a positive relationship, which will lead to feedback, community building, and endorsem*nts.

Be Prepared For A No

It’s important to remember that celebrities are under no obligation to respond to your message, and they may not have the time or inclination to do so.

If you don’t receive a response, try not to take it personally. Remember that many factors influence a celebrity’s decision to respond to a message, and it’s not always a reflection on you or your message.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting a response from a celebrity. Remember to be respectful, professional, and persistent while understanding that celebrities are people, too.

The most important thing is to enjoy the process and not be too disappointed if you don’t get a response. Patience and perseverance are key.

Here are some more tips for contacting celebrities:

How To Get A Celebrity Product Endorsem*nt

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (12)

Do you have a business, product, or service and want a celebrity endorsem*nt?

You should contact their agent to secure a celebrity endorsem*nt for your brand or product.

Agents handle all financial deals involving celebrities and are the main point of contact during the contract process.

If the celebrity does not have an agent, contact his or her manager. They handle the celebrity’s brand and can discuss the endorsem*nt opportunity.

Pro Tip: See our book, ‘Celebrity Leverage: Insider Secrets to Getting Celebrity Endorsem*nts‘ by Contact Any Celebrity founder Jordan McAuley.

It is important to note that if the celebrity has an agent and a manager, you should contact the agent to see if the celebrity is within your budget.

After discussing this with the agent, they will involve the manager for final approval before proceeding with the contract.

Check out our Entrepreneur Success Stories and how-to articles for Entrepreneurs, Businesses, and Marketers.

Use our online database to find the agent, manager, and publicist for a celebrity.

How To Contact Micro-Influencers

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (13)

Micro-influencers, with followers ranging from 5k to 100k, may be a better choice for brands than macro-influencers, who have a large global following.

Micro-influencers typically have a more engaged audience and a higher engagement rate per follower, making them a cost-effective and easy-to-reach option.

In 2021, brands and marketers are expected to focus more on using micro-influencers for their campaigns.

Micro-influencers can be found in various sectors and offer valuable insights and a loyal brand audience.

They also tend to work more to ensure they offer brands the best value and their audience trusts them, making them less likely to be constantly sold to.

Therefore, brands can benefit from combining micro-influencers and celebrities to increase campaign ROI.

How To Get Your Product In Celebrity Gift Bags & Gift Suites

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (14)

“We supply new celebrity moms and dads with Baby Swags gift baskets full of handcrafted or mom-inspired products. I now use your service to make all my contacts. Your database is always on the spot, making my job a lot easier. I have sent out about 30 baskets during my 11 months in business and have had no returns, no wrong addresses, and even some great celebrity feedback. It has been an amazing experience, and I hope to continue using your outstanding service for many more years!”
– Phyllis Pometta, Founder, Baby Swags, Plainfield, IL

Another option for unofficial business opportunities is celebrity gift bag opportunities.

This can be an effective way to get your product into the hands of a celebrity.

Gift lounges and red-carpet events are more appropriate for brands, business owners, and interview seekers than for fans.

Gift lounges are an excellent way to get your product or service to celebrities.

These occur on-site at red-carpet events and provide a dedicated area where celebrities can pick up free products from brands that have paid to set up a station.

Since celebrities attend these events with the expectation of interacting with potential business partners, they will be more open to discussing possible partnerships with brands.

Additionally, it’s sometimes possible to get pictures of the celebrity interacting with a specific brand, which can save a lot of uncertainty about whether the celebrity will wear your merchandise and be photographed while wearing it.

Pro-Tip: Use Help A Reporter (HARO) to find celebrity gift bag opportunities.

Sign up as a source and select Gift Bag requests.

Celebrity gift bag requests will be emailed to you each week.

You can then pitch your product to the event and, if selected, donate items that will be included.

See our Entrepreneur Success Stories and how-to articles for Entrepreneurs, Businesses, and Marketers.

Use our online database to find the agent, manager, and publicist for a celebrity.

How To Get A Celebrity Book Endorsem*nt

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (15)

Many authors and writers use Contact Any Celebrity to get book endorsem*nts.

Pro Tip: See our Ultimate Guide to Getting Celebrity Book Endorsem*nts.

Search our online database to find the agent, manager, and publicist for a celebrity.

Also, see our Author & Writer Success Stories and how-to articles for Authors, Writers & Publishers.

How To Get A Celebrity Charitable Donation

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (16)

If you are running a charity and looking for donations, the first step is identifying celebrities aligning with your charity’s mission and values.

Research celebrities who have previously supported causes similar to yours.

Once you have a list of potential donors, contact their publicist first.

Publicists are responsible for ensuring their client (the celebrity) looks good.

Pro Tip: See our Insider Interview with Nancy Lublin, founder of Dress for Success, Crisis Text Line, and the Do Something Foundation, and our how-to article, ‘How To Hold A Celebrity Autograph Auction.’

That often involves donating or sending an autographed item you can auction off at your fundraising event.

They will want to know about the potential donation and its impact on the celebrity’s public image and may connect you with the celebrity’s agent and manager to proceed.

If the celebrity you want does not have a publicist, contact the celebrity’s manager.

Agents are usually a waste of time, as they only consider booking their client (the celebrity) for jobs.

In other words, agents won’t bother talking to you unless you offer to hire their client (the celebrity) for a large fee.

He or she will want to evaluate your charity’s legitimacy and alignment with the celebrity’s public image.

Use our online database to find the agent, manager, and publicist for a celebrity.

Also, see our Nonprofit Success Stories and how-to articles for Charities, Fundraisers & Nonprofits.

How To Hire A Celebrity For An Event

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (17)

Like product endorsem*nts, event bookings are primarily a source of income for celebrities, so you should contact their agent to discuss your opportunity.

The agent will inform you if the celebrity you want for your event is available on the desired date and also provide information about the cost of securing their client.

Search our online database to find the agent, manager, and publicist for a celebrity.

Pro Tip: See our Insider Interview with celebrity booking agent Mike Esterman of Esterman Entertainment.

How To Meet A Celebrity In Person

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (18)

The most effective way to make direct contact with a celebrity is to put yourself in a situation where a face-to-face introduction is possible.

Whether you are a fan or a journalist with an interview request, being in the same location as the celebrity allows quick and direct communication.

Attending events that the celebrity is participating in can provide such an opportunity.

However, it is important to note that these events typically focus on connecting with fans and not discussing business deals, as the celebrity’s attention will be divided among all attendees.

Search our online database to find the agent, manager, and publicist for a celebrity.

Also, see our Fan & Autograph Seeker Success Stories and how-to articles for Fans & Autograph Collectors.

How To Contact A Celebrity Using Social Media

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (19)

Social media is a great way for fans to contact a celebrity.

However, if you’re hoping to secure an interview with a celebrity or want to get in touch with a celebrity for business purposes, social media isn’t your best bet.

Celebrities receive massive amounts of comments and messages on social media, so the odds of your message being seen are slim.

On top of that, if you’re targeting a celebrity for a business deal (like an endorsem*nt or marketing campaign), you shouldn’t be reaching out directly to the celebrity.

Instead, you should contact the people responsible for their business deals, such as their agent, manager, or publicist.

Search our online database to find the agent, manager, and publicist for a celebrity.

Also, see our Fan & Autograph Seeker Success Stories.

How To Pitch Your Product To Celebrity Stylists

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (20)

Celebrity stylists are a powerful point of contact for contacting a celebrity if your fashion or beauty brand fits a specific celebrity’s taste.

Celebrity stylists can include professionals for hair, makeup, and of course… dresses and tuxes!

Oprah Winfrey’s stylist, Adam Glassman (who we got to interview at an Oprah event), styled every cover of O Magazine.

You may have seen him on ‘The View‘ as part of their Oprah’s Favorite Things segment.

They don’t always wake up looking gorgeous like we see on film, television, and in magazines.

Stylists are responsible for the celebrity’s style and look on the red carpet, on-screen, in professional photos, and at award shows and events.

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (21)

“Who are you wearing?” Joan Rivers would always ask on E!

What celebrities wear on the red carpet is big business, as photos taken are shared worldwide, promoting the various couture and name brands.

A great book on how to get your product to celebrity stylists is ‘Will Work for Shoes: The Business Behind Red Carpet Product Placement‘ by Susan Ashbrook.

When trying to contact stylists, you should email them (do not call them before establishing a relationship) and provide them with a summary of what you’re looking for.

Be sure to send a link to images of a collection you think they would be interested in.

Celebrity stylists are not our specialty, and you will not find them in our database (unless they are famous, like Rachel Zoe).

Instead, check out Susan Ashbrook’s book for how to pitch your product to celebrity stylists.


How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (22)

It is important to note that not all celebrities will respond or be interested in what you need.

It’s important to respect their decision and move on.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of legal or ethical considerations when contacting celebrities, such as obtaining consent or not sharing private information.

Another important aspect to remember when contacting celebrities is understanding their schedule and availability.

Many celebrities have busy schedules and may not have the time to respond or participate in your project or event.

Reaching out to them well before your event may be helpful to ensure they have enough time to consider and plan for your request.

In addition to directly contacting celebrities, building relationships with intermediaries such as publicists, managers, or agents can also be beneficial.

These professionals can act as gatekeepers for celebrities and be valuable resources for contacting them.

Building relationships with intermediaries can also increase your chances of getting a response from a celebrity.

In conclusion, reaching out to celebrities can be challenging, but it is possible with the right approach and resources.

By researching celebrity contact information, crafting the perfect message, and following up appropriately, you can increase your chances of getting a response.

Remember to always be professional and specific and show value in your approach.

Respecting celebrities’ decisions and understanding their schedule, availability, and legal or ethical considerations is important.

Building relationships with intermediaries can also increase your chances of getting a response from a celebrity.

How to Contact CelebritiesArticlesHow To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response

About The Author

How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (23)

Jordan began his career as a public relations intern at CNN Center in Atlanta. He also worked at a talent agency in Miami Beach, a film production company in Hollywood, and at a top-tier talent agency in Beverly Hills. He is the author of “Celebrity Leverage: Insider Secrets to Getting Celebrity Endorsem*nts, Instant Credibility & Star-Powered Publicity,” “Secrets to Contacting Celebrities: 101 Ways to Reach the Rich & Famous,” & “The Celebrity Black Book: Over 56,000+ Verified Celebrity Addresses.”

Jordan and Contact Any Celebrity have been featured byABC News, AMEX, BBC, CNN,E! News,Entrepreneur,Fast Company,Forbes,Fox News,The Guardian,The Mirror(UK),New York Daily News,New York Post,Newsweek, Tim Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek,”USA Today, The Wrap, and more.

What People Are Saying…

Join 500,000+ Authors, Businesses, Fans & Nonprofits Who Have Used Contact Any Celebrity Since 1997.

More Celebrity Contact Information:

  1. How To Contact Celebrities Effectively: 7 Proven Strategies…
  2. How To Interview Celebrities
  3. How To Get Celebrities To Promote Your Product On Instagram…
  4. IMDb Pro vs. Contact Any Celebrity: Which Is Right For You?
  5. Knowing Who Does What
  6. How To Land National Media Coverage
  7. Missy Laws’ ‘Meet The Stars’ Book From Netflix’s ‘The Most Hated Man On The Internet’
  8. 7 Ways To Promote A Medical Memoir
  9. How To Write A Fan Letter
  10. 10 Ways To ‘Celebrity-ize’ Your Business
  11. How to Send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE): A Step-by-Step Guide
  12. How Kellyann Petrucci Got on ‘Dr. Oz’ by Steve Harrison
  13. How ‘Simple Abundance’ Got On ‘Oprah’
  14. 5 Insider Secrets To Getting Celebrity Book Endorsem*nts…
  15. How To Write + Send A Letter To A Celebrity
  16. What Is Celebrity Address Aerial?
  17. What Is Celebrity Service International?
  18. How To Write A Letter to Santa Claus: A Guide For Children & Parents
  19. What Does The Yellow Sticker On Mail Mean?
  20. ‘Mayflower Madam’ Sydney Barrows on The Art of Reinventing Yourself
How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide] (2024)


How To Contact Celebrities & Get A Response ⭐ (2024) [Ultimate Guide]? ›

One option is to check their official website or social media accounts. Many celebrities list their contact information or a contact form on their website or may have a “Contact” or “Booking” page. You can also search for their agent or management company online, as they may have contact information on their website.

How do you get a celebrity to reply? ›

Tweet a question or interesting/provocative statement to encourage a response. If you just compliment the celebrity or express your love for them, they'll probably silently appreciate your compliment but not feel the need to respond. You want to give the celebrity some concrete material to respond to.

How do I email a celebrity and get a response? ›

Write clearly and concisely in messages. Messages that are too long or that ramble without a point might be overlooked. Focus on specific experiences, like the moment you recognized how much you appreciated the celebrity's work or the first time you saw them live. Write a unique and engaging message to your celebrity.

What is the best way to get in contact with celebrities? ›

The strategy for contacting a celebrity depends on the purpose. If you're a fan seeking interaction, consider fan mail or social media outreach. For business proposals, reaching out to the celebrity's representative—agent, manager, or publicist—is key.

Who is the easiest celebrity to contact? ›

The Easiest Celebrities To Contact Through The Mail
  • Gillian Anderson. c/o Jane Epstein. ...
  • Gerard Butler. c/o G-BASE. ...
  • Jimmy Connors. 1962 E. ...
  • Daniel Craig. c/o Sally Long-Innes. ...
  • Judi Dench. c/o Victoria Belfrage. ...
  • Fran Drescher. c/o Cancer Schmancer. ...
  • Clint Eastwood. c/o Howard Bernstein. ...
  • Brett Favre. Favre 4 Hope Foundation.

Do celebrities ever respond to fan mail? ›

While some public figures have responded to fans via social media, it is often known that responses via postal mail by public figures are scarce or nonexistent and often not personal responses but responses by a public figure's management team.

How do you get a celebrity to follow you back? ›

Follow these tips to learn how to get celebrities to follow you back on Instagram.
  1. Be Yourself. ...
  2. Find the Right Celebrity. ...
  3. Engage with the Celebrity. ...
  4. Share Posts that Get You Noticed. ...
  5. Repost Your Favorite Celebrity's Photos. ...
  6. Tag them on Your Posts. ...
  7. Send them a DM. ...
  8. Create a Fan Page.
Dec 8, 2023

How do I get a celebrity to help me financially? ›

  1. Decide How to Reach Out to Them. You can utilize our database to get the contact information for their agent, manager, or publicist, who can assist you. ...
  2. Focus on Your Similarities. ...
  3. Highlight the Benefits. ...
  4. Don't Hide Your Wallet. ...
  5. Make it Simple. ...
  6. Make Your Message Personal.

Is it possible to get a message to a celebrity? ›

The best way to contact the celebrity is by emailing the celebrity representative. Celebrities receive so many messages directly on their social media platforms especially from fans meaning that your message could easily get lost amongst them.

How do I send a private message to a celebrity? ›

For any personal messages, including requests for autographs, video messages, signed memorabilia, unpaid charity requests, backstage tour meets, etc., the best way to get in touch with a celebrity directly is via their official website or social media channels e.g. Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Where can I talk to celebrities online? ›

Cameo Direct is our exclusive app feature where you chat with your favorite celebrities!

Who is the most trusted celebrity? ›

Top of the list was actor James Earl Jones (USA), the velvety voice behind NBS's Olympic coverage and the CNN tagline (and Star Wars' less-than-trustworthy Darth Vader).

How to chat with a celebrity? ›

Casually approach them and say “Hi.” Try to stay composed. Don't panic or start screaming if they wave or smile back. Simply casually walk up to them and introduce yourself. Say hi, and let them know that you're a fan of their work.

Which celebrities reply to DMs? ›

Celebrities Who Actually Reply to Fans on Instagram
  • Nick Jonas. Music Artist. Actor. ...
  • Taylor Swift. Music Artist. Actress. ...
  • Selena Gomez. Music Artist. Actress. ...
  • Mohammad Reza Golzar. Actor. Writer. ...
  • Nicki Minaj. Music Artist. Actress. ...
  • Jaden Smith. Actor. Composer. ...
  • Ariana Grande. Music Artist. Actress. ...
  • Chrissy Teigen. Producer. Actress.

How can I approach a celebrity? ›

Casually approach them and say “Hi.” Try to stay composed. Don't panic or start screaming if they wave or smile back. Simply casually walk up to them and introduce yourself. Say hi, and let them know that you're a fan of their work.

Why do celebrities don t reply on Instagram? ›

Celebrities are busy. They have a lot of work to do, and they don't have time to read and respond to every DM they receive. Celebrities have social media managers. In many cases, celebrities' social media accounts are run by a team of social media managers, who are responsible for filtering and responding to DMs.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.