How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (2024)

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How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY!

If you're like me, you probably grew up learning how to save your money but investing?Nope!

No one taught me, growing up, how to actually make money grow.

Have you ever tried to work out how long it will take you if you actually started to save money today to become a millionaire one day?

Try doing the math.

Let's look at some hypothetical examples.

How long would it take you if you saved £10 every single day to become a millionaire?

I did the math, and it works out to be 274 years, which is insane!!

In fact, if you save £1,000 every single month, it will still take you around 83 years to become a millionaire.

So that must tell us something – Saving money alone is not the way to go about becoming a millionaire.

Especially given today, the returns we get on saving our money in a normal savings accounts is typically around 0.1% or close to it.

So in order for us to hit those high goals of potentially becoming millionaires one day, how else should we go about doing it?

Table of Contents

How To Become A Millionaire

Today we're going to explore how to become a millionaire, saving and investing £10 per day.

I'm using the example of £10 because it's something that pretty much everybody can relate to.

If I said to you, £10 per day works out to be £300 per month.

A lot of people can relate to that.

That number seems highly realistic.

But if I told you that it's actually possible for you to invest that money every single month, consistently in the right environment over a long period of time for you to hit a million pounds.

Would you believe that?

Well, today we're going to dive into that and illustrate to you how you can go about doing exactly that.

More importantly, what you need to do next, in order to take those steps and begin building up to potentially one day becoming a millionaire.

Real-Life Scenarios of How to Become a Millionaire

To make this super practical and fun for you, I've created a few scenarios, which will demonstrate to you the impact of what I'm talking about.

SCENARIO 1: £10/day (£300/month) generating 0.1% return

Imagine that you have decided that you are going to accept the challenge of putting away £10 pounds per day, you are actually going to save that money.

£10 pounds per day is about £300 per month. Let's assume that you put that money aside into your savings account making 0.1% interest.

If you saved this amount for the next 40 years, the returns you'd expect on your money will be a final value of around £146,924.

This will include total deposits of £300 each month of £144,000. With interest earned of only £2,924 pounds.

Just think about that for a moment 🤔.

40 years of saving your money in your savings account at 0.1%, will give you only £146,000 after 40 years of saving that money in your account.

Now let's look at a scenario where we keep all the variables exactly the same but assume there are two families.

Family #1 – The “Safe” Savers 💰

Family #1 are worried about investing in the stock market because it seems complicated.

They say to themselves –

Let's just save our money because it's nice and safe.


So they've been doing that and they end up with about £146,924 after 40 years.

How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (3)
How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (4)

Family #2 – The Investors 📈

Before looking at Family #2, try to decide which family would be a better fit for you to become.

This really matters in helping you take action to start to invest your money.

SCENARIO 2: £10/day (£300/month) generating 8% return

Family #2 have learned to invest and grow in confidence to invest their money through the stock market.

Let's assume that they invested their money in the S&P 500 Index.

They're doing that because they want to get themselves exposed to higher returns from investing in US focused companies.

According to Investopedia, The S&P 500, since 1957 through 2018, has returned approximately 8% as an average annual return before you take into account inflation.

(It's important to note the point regarding inflation, let's just use 8% for illustration purposes)

Let's assume that Family #2 invested their money through the stock market and focused specifically on the US equities market.

They had most of their allocation in equities towards that particular index.

I've have carried out some calculations on that scenario:

How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (5)
How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (6)

An 8% average return assuming £300 per month, over a period of 40 years returns a total final investment of £1,054,284!

That includes total contributions in terms of monthly deposits of only £144,000.

The vast majority of that £1,054,284 return coming from compounding interest

i.e. money working on money over time, a total of around £910,000 coming from money working money over time.

Just think about that. That's such a simplistic analysis.

It just really boggles the mind to think, wow, that money placed in the right environment can work on itself and build upon itself and become a life-changing sum overtime.

Millionaire Ingredients

So the key ingredients are:


Time for money to compound. Grab our FREE Compound Interest Calculator to see this at work.


Money being placed in the right environment in order to generate those high returns.

Now I can hear many people going,

“Oh, Ken, Where exactly are you going to find those handsome returns that you just talked about? I mean, who's paying you 8% these days anyway?”

Well, I went and had a look because we invest in some of these assets that pay quite good returns over time.

Looking at the Vanguard website and you can look at any other provider for an asset S&P 500 Tracking Fund.

i.e. a fund that tracks the S&P 500 index.

Vanguard, have got one. The code being VUSA (not a recommendation), which you can look up for yourself:

How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (7)

Looking from 2012 to present day and returns vary.

Total Returns = Capital Return + Income Return

The “income return” is the return you get from being paid dividends.

Let's see how compounding interest worked its magic over the years…

Compounding Interest

From the above image, 2013 had total return of 31.87%, 2014: 13.25%, 2015: 1%, 2016: 11.51%. And it carries on like that up to 2019: 31.01%.

I'm highlighing those numbers to you , so you can grasp the the reality of what it would have been like if you invested your money in this particular fund over the last few years.

I'm fully aware that this does not tell us what's going to happen in the future…

It has shown us that if you put your money exposed (with at least 50% allocated to equities) to the right environment such as the S&P 500…

…over a period of time through compounding interest, returns building up and being reinvested you can get good average returns.

You can expect to generate a decent return from as much as 6%, 7% or even 8% over time.

Provided you're leaving that money working for you over the years to help you work towards that possibility of becoming a millionaire.

Doing this exercise really made me think about a few things.

In these scenarios, I've talked to you about, the possibility of you and your family saving and investing £10 per month.

In the first scenario, Family #1 only saved their money and barely got any returns.

And in the second scenario, the Family #2 saved their money and invested it and generated a great return, say over a hypothetical period of time.

What Family Would You Like To Be?

This is an obvious question, but seriously – Which family would you rather be? 🤔

I know for certain, I'd love to be that Family #2 that invests their money.

In fact, we are that family and have been extremely fortunate to have ridden the wave of the stock market success over the last decade.

It has really drastically changed our lives in so many ways.

To become a millionaire one day in any capacity, you must first set the expectation in your mind follow it with action.

Investing your money via the stock market is one powerful way of making it highly probable that you'd achieve this goal if left for long enough.

Another way to think about this investing thing is to consider what happens to your money if only left in the bank.

You lose purchasing power to inflation.You'd basically get less bang for your buck over time.

So essentially, what you should be aiming for is a mindset shift. Invest your money in an environment that generates for you and above inflation rates of return.

In effect, a real rate of return to make sure that the purchasing power of your money is retained over time.

Lifestyle Adjustment, Investing Is Possible

The other thing that occurred to me as I thought about that example is that a lot of people can if they adjusted their lifestyles, save and invest £10 per day.

Now, imagine a scenario where you saved beyond just putting aside money from your salary.

Imagine you did something else on the side, perhaps through a profitable side hustle, to generate for you another £300 per month, in addition.

Such that you're able to save and invest around £600 per month and in an environment where it generates you a decent return.

SCENARIO 3: £20/day (£600/month) generating 8% return

Here we're looking at a scenario where we're investing £600 per month again, generating a nominal return of 8%.

You need to factor in inflation for the real return, but a nominal return of 8% over the same period of 40 years.

How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (8)
How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (9)

You'd see the final investment value over a period of 40 years would be around £2.1 million.

The total amount you're actually depositing over those 40 years being only £288,000 relatively.

The vast majority of that return that you're getting (i.e. £1.8 million) coming from the capital returns from your money growing over time, as well as reinvested dividends, and as dividends compound over time.

You know, this just says so much to us.

If you've been reading The Humble Penny for a while, you'll know that…

I'm a huge fan of side hustles or anything, that means that we're extra income to save and invest in the right environment.

I really hope I have encouraged you, if you're somebody who's been sitting on the fence about investing their money.

Hopefully helped you to realise that investing is the most efficient way for you to build wealth over time.

No amount of saving will help you to become a millionaire in this lifetime as the numbers at the beginning of this post demonstrated.

You can't possibly be around to see yourself become a millionaire by just saving.

So if it's something you really want to achieve in your own lifetime…

Then investing is the vehicle you need to build up your wealth over time for you to become a millionaire one day.

Think Of Your Children's Future

The final point I wanted to make is around children.

I'm speaking now to parents or people who are looking to have children in the very near future.

How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (10)

The key advantage that children have compared to us adult is that they have time on their hands.

In the above examples, we looked a period over 40 years.

If you've got children, it's highly likely they'll be the people who will be around over such a time horizon to see themselves become millionaires one day.

So seriously think about that from your own perspective.

Would you like your children to become millionaires one day?

If so, then the numbers are quite simple.

I've demonstrated to you that £10 per day, in the right environments, assuming a decent average return over a long term period, is what you need to become a millionaire.

You can take those steps to help your children one day and get ahead start on their journey to become millionaires themselves.

Formula For How To be A Millionaire In Your Lifetime


Summarising the key points for you to take away:

1 – Investing Is Faster and Efficient

Investing is a much faster and a much more efficient way for you to build wealth over time and become a millionaire one day.

Use money making side hustles to increase amounts that you save and invest.

2 – Think Long Term and Let Money Compound

It's all about the long term investing.

Think about investing as a long term strategy.

The returns that I talked about, 7% or 8%, as sort of average return that you will generate, assumes a long term horizon of at least 20 years.

3 – Invest Consistently on Autopilot

It's all about consistent investing.

So you can't invest this month and then next month, say to yourself, “oh, I don't feel like investing any longer.”

The key is to focus on investing no matter the current economic climate.

It does not matter if there is a recession or a booming market, etc.

The key is for you to be buy in every single month and this process known as dollar cost averaging helps you to diversify your risk over time.

It also gives you access to assets at different prices over the years as you keep on investing consistently.

4 – Have a Higher Proportion In Equities

So a very simple asset allocation is to allocate a proportion to equities and a proportion to bonds.

A simple rule of thumb is for you to look at, say the number 100 less your current age as the percentage you should invest in equities.

For example, let's say you're 30 years old today.

100 minus 30 would mean that you should really be looking to invest around 70% of your money in equities and 30% in bonds.

The reason being that bonds are necessary for offering you that diversification helping to remove some of that volatility tied to you investing your money purely in equities.

5 – Factor Inflation Into Nominal Returns

Remember that inflation is a big deal and will always be factored in when you're looking at nominal returns.

You need to factor those in, in order for you to arrive at a real rate of return on your money.

6 – Where and How You Invest Matters

Where you invest your money and how much you invest each month matters.

So seek the right environment to generate the right returns for your money.

Look for alternative ways beyond your day job to generate some extra money to boost those savings and increase the amount that you invest every single month.

7 – Think About Your Children

The final point beyond you working towards becoming a millionaire one day is for you to also think about your children.

Help them because they have the time horizon for money to really get to work to generate those returns and help them to potentially become millionaires one day.

What are your thoughts on this lazy way of becoming a millionaire one day? What resonated with you the most? Please comment below 😀

What To Read Next>>

  • Gain Investing Confidence In Only 12 Days
  • 9 Smart Ways To Invest £1,000
  • How To Teach Kids The Magic Of Compounding Interest
  • How Index Trackers Work To Make You Rich
  • Why Saving Money Should Be Prioritised Over Investing
  • How to Invest In Stocks For Dividend Income

What To Watch Next>>

Do please share this post if you found it useful, and remember, in all things be thankful and Seek Joy.

How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (11)


How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Investing £10 PER DAY! (2024)


Is investing $10 a day good? ›

Investing $10 a day can have a huge impact on your financial future because it has a snowball impact. The $10 a day adds up to $3,650 a year -- which is a pretty good sum of money. And, once you have invested that money, you get to benefit from compound growth.

How to invest 10 dollars to make money? ›

How To Invest $10 And Earn Daily (2024 Guide!)
  1. Invest With Fundrise. ...
  2. Dividend Stocks & ETFs. ...
  3. High-Yield Savings Account. ...
  4. Fractional Shares. ...
  5. Acorns. ...
  6. Lend Out The Money. ...
  7. Fixed-Income Investments. ...
  8. Start A Website.
Jan 24, 2024

How much will I have if I save $10 dollars a day for a year? ›

$10 a day Multiplied by 365 days in a year equals $3,650. If you saved $10 a day for 10 years you would have $36,500.

What is the 10X investment rule? ›

The 10X Investment Consumption Rule simply states that before you buy any product or service you don't need, you must first make an investment return equal to at least 10X the cost of such product or service.

How much is 20 dollars everyday for a year? ›

This is basic math… 20 dollars a day Multiplied by 365 days in a year. If you were given or saved $20 a day for a year you would end up with $7,300 at the end of the year.

How much is $1 dollar a day for a year? ›

The answer to that question depends on interest rates or rates of return. With no interest involved, putting one dollar a day into a bank account (or a jar at home) will see you end up with $365 in a year. Multiply that amount by 30 years and you'll end up with $10,950.

How to make $10,000 dollars fast? ›

Here are ten ways to make $10k quickly:
  1. Become A Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly. ...
  2. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Participate In Online Surveys. ...
  4. Become A Virtual Assistant. ...
  5. Do Odd Jobs. ...
  6. Create An Online Course. ...
  7. Become An Affiliate Marketer. ...
  8. Sell Your Stuff.

How can I turn $100 into $1000? ›

10 best ways to turn $100 into $1,000
  1. Opening a high-yield savings account. ...
  2. Investing in stocks, bonds, crypto, and real estate. ...
  3. Online selling. ...
  4. Blogging or vlogging. ...
  5. Opening a Roth IRA. ...
  6. Freelancing and other side hustles. ...
  7. Affiliate marketing and promotion. ...
  8. Online teaching.
Apr 12, 2024

How can I invest $10 000 for quick return? ›

How to invest $10,000: 10 proven strategies
  1. Pay off high-interest debt.
  2. Build an emergency fund.
  3. Open a high-yield savings account.
  4. Build a CD ladder.
  5. Get your 401(k) match.
  6. Max out your IRA.
  7. Invest through a self-directed brokerage account.
  8. Invest in a REIT.
Apr 2, 2024

What is the 365 day money challenge? ›

If you want to start smaller, consider the 365-day penny challenge. For this challenge, you'll need a big jar and a whole lot of pennies. You'll put one penny in the jar on Day 1, two pennies on Day 2, and so on until you're putting 365 pennies on the last day of the year.

How much is $1 doubled for 30 days? ›

A dollar doubled every day for the 30 days that make up an average month would amount to $1,073,741,824. Yes, that is over a billion! This is much more than the one million offered in the other option (see below).

How much will I have if I save $500 a month for 10 years? ›

What happens when you invest $500 a month
Rate of return10 years30 years
Nov 15, 2023

What is Rule 69 in investment? ›

What is the Rule of 69? The Rule of 69 is used to estimate the amount of time it will take for an investment to double, assuming continuously compounded interest. The calculation is to divide 69 by the rate of return for an investment and then add 0.35 to the result.

What is the number 1 rule investing? ›

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule. And that's all the rules there are.”

How long will it take for a $1000 investment to double in size when invested at the rate of 8% per year? ›

For example, if an investment scheme promises an 8% annual compounded rate of return, it will take approximately nine years (72 / 8 = 9) to double the invested money.

Is $10 enough to invest in stocks? ›

Stocks trading under $10 can be attractive for investors looking to scoop up some cheap shares. Unfortunately, quality stocks trading for less than $10 are few and far between. Stocks priced at this level can be a red flag for investors that something serious is wrong with a company.

Is $10 enough to start trading? ›

It is possible to begin Forex trading with as little as $10 and, in certain cases, even less. Brokers require $1,000 minimum account balance requirements. Some are available for as little as $5. Unfortunately, if your starting amount is $10, this may prevent you from getting the higher quality, regulated brokers.

How much is $10 a day for a month? ›

If you make $10 per day, your Monthly salary would be $217.

How much will I have if I invest $5 a day? ›

If you put aside $5 per day, that's approximately $150 per month. And over the course of 30 years, you will have saved around $55,000 total. While that's a good chunk of change, it isn't $1 million or anywhere near it. The key is to invest those savings in a growth-focused ETF like the Invesco QQQ Trust.

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