19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (2024)

RD.COM Money

19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (1)Jeff HoytUpdated: Nov. 28, 2023

    We asked half a dozen personal finance experts the best tips they could share that most people are never taught. Here are the money-saving and wealth-creating tips they revealed exclusively for Reader's Digest.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (2)

    Africa Studio/Shutterstock

    Take a day to think about large purchases to avoid impulse buys

    “Delaying your purchases for a day gives you time to think about whether or not you really need the items, and it curbs regrettable impulse buys,” advises Marc Diana, CEO of MoneyTips. “Sale items may be an exception to this rule, but even then, question how badly you need the item compared to saving or investing the money you would use to purchase it. When times are tough, and you’re cutting expenses, would you rather have a rarely worn $300 pair of shoes in your closet or $300 cash?” Don’t miss other habits of people great at saving money.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (3)


    Budgets are freeing, not constricting

    Says financial educator Tiffany Aliche, “Keeping a budget allows you to say yes to your goals in a strategic way. If you have a budget, you can save for the vacation, house, or car you want to get. You can look at it as ‘No McDonald’s,’ but I see it as ‘Yes to a trip to Paris.’ A budget is not a NO plan, but a YES plan with actual steps towards achieving your goals.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (4)


    Budget with the 50/20/30 rule

    Lynn Toomey, co-founder of Your Retirement Advisor, suggests following this easy budgeting rule:

    • Use 50 percent of your income for non-discretionary necessities like food, rent/house payment, utilities, and transportation.
    • Put aside 20 percent of your income for an emergency fund (three to six months’ salary is a good target), retirement, savings, and to pay off any debts.
    • Use 30 percent of your income for discretionary (non-essential) spending such as entertainment, vacation, and gifts.

    You can learn more about the 50/20/30 rule here.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (5)

    Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock

    Penny-pinching is not the road to wealth

    Spending less doesn’t mean you’ll have more. Saving is a good way to stabilize your finances, but you still need to invest. “Pretend there are two islands,” advises Aliche, who is also known as The Budgetnista: “Financially Stuck Island and Wealthy Island.” She says that your savings can be like a car—you can’t drive off Financially Stuck Island without a bridge. Investing is the bridge to financial success. “To get from one island to another, you need to get in your savings car and drive it over your investment bridge.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (6)


    It’s OK to put yourself before your kids

    “Everyone wants their kids to go to college,” says Aliche, “but it’s more important for you to save enough for retirement. Because the best gift you can give your child is not a free ride to school, but rather not to be a financial burden on them when it’s time to start their own family. Kids can get student loans or go to community college for two years; no one is going to lend you money without collateral when you’re retired.” Check out this timeline to help you save for retirement.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (7)


    Financial advisors aren’t only for wealthy people

    Millions of Americans have trillions invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other Wall Street investments, but just because you can easily make trades yourself doesn’t mean you should. “Why not do what you do best to earn money and let a trained professional invest it for you?” asks Brian Saranovitz, president of Your Retirement Advisor. “A recent Vanguard Investments study indicated that integrating proper retirement strategies can add as much as 3 percent efficient return to a retirement portfolio.”

    Adds Aliche, “You need to purposefully seek out knowledge. If you break a leg, you know that you need to go to a doctor. With personal finance, people got the notion that they could just fix it themselves. When it comes to investing, don’t be afraid to seek professional help.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (8)

    Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

    Get a clear picture of yourself at 80

    Barring tragedy, you will live to a ripe, old age. Aliche recommends naming your 80-year-old image of yourself. “Mine is Wanda. I imagine Wanda sitting on the front steps in her yard. People feel disconnected from their older self. The more you can picture her, the better. I don’t want to see her mopping floors at 80. When I’m making a decision, I think, ‘How will this affect Wanda?’ If I dip into my retirement funds to buy an expensive car, that’s going to hurt Wanda.” If it’s easier, pretend you’re living with your grandfather or grandmother. “You’re not going to tell Granny, ‘You have to go to work. We need the money,'” she says. Try a free Retirement Planner to help you calculate when you can retire without jeopardizing your lifestyle.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (9)


    You can never have too much retirement savings

    Says Lynn Toomey, co-founder of Your Retirement Advisor, “Life is good. Retirement is better, if you are prepared.” She points out that retirement is laden with potential costs, such as healthcare, longevity, market volatility, and inflation. “Even if you think you’re saving enough and have assets, it still may not be enough. The earlier you start saving and investing, the longer compound interest can work its magic to help you achieve a successful retirement.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (10)


    Consider fixed index annuities in retirement

    “Imagine sitting at a blackjack table in your favorite casino and the dealer says, ‘At my table, you can never lose! If I win, we push, and if you win, you win at least half of your bet!'” says Mike Zaino, president and CEO of TZG Financial in Charlotte, NC. “How long would you sit at that table? That’s how fixed index annuities (FIAs) work. They provide upside potential with downside protection.

    “Your money mirrors an index up to a cap (and in some instances, there is NO cap) when the market experiences gains, but your principal is protected from the downside volatility with a zero floor. If you like the idea of never losing a penny of your hard-earned retirement dollars, while still having the upside potential of participating in market gains and being able to name your beneficiaries, a fixed index annuity is a great choice. Plus, an annuity is the only financial product that can guarantee you a lifetime of income, no matter how long you live.”

    “As you approach retirement, you’ll want to transition your heavily weighted stock portfolio toward less risky, more guaranteed income sources such as those offered by fixed indexed annuities,” advises Saranovitz. “FIAs coupled with a lower percentage of globally diversified stocks in your portfolio blend growth and risk reduction for maximum retirement portfolio sustainability.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (11)


    Don’t blow your tax refund

    “What are you planning on doing with your tax refund?” asks Asks financial advisor Zaino. “If you’re like most Americans, the world of instant gratification is beckoning. It could be extremely damaging to your retirement account, however, especially given the time value of money and what Albert Einstein called ‘The eighth wonder of the world”—compound interest.

    “Based on last year’s data, the average refund should be about $2,800. Let’s say you save your money in a vehicle that earns you 6 percent annual interest and you have the discipline to continue to deposit $2,800 every year for the next 30 years. That would yield $250,726. At 7 percent, you’d have $304,319. That’s an EXTRA quarter-million dollars in YOUR retirement account—just for being disciplined and not blowing your refund.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (12)


    Taxes can really hurt your retirement

    Many of people have tax-deferred investments like 401(k)s on which you pay no taxes until retirement—when tax brackets are assumed to be lower. But retirees are taxed on their retirement income when they start drawing money out of their 401(k)s and IRAs, and they can really take a bite from seniors living on fixed incomes. Warns financial advisor Saranovitz, “You must have a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy from your portfolio.” For example, you could move taxable stock investments into bonds before retiring; buying municipal bonds from your home state could help you avoid paying federal, state, and local taxes.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (13)


    You don’t have to die to benefit from life insurance

    “Nobody ever told me that life insurance could do things for me when I was alive,” admits Kirby Thomas, owner of Life Insurance Today US, a nationwide provider of life insurance for consumers. Some life insurance policies offer an “accelerated benefits” option in which the death benefit is payable while the insured is still alive.

    “Possible ‘living benefits’ include terminal illness, critical illness, chronic illness, and critical injury,” explains Thomas. “I recently recommended this option for a woman buying insurance for her 75-year-old mother. By buying a policy with the proper riders, instead of the daughter incurring debt to pay for Mom’s future treatment, the life insurance could be used instead. The death benefit would be reduced by the amount accelerated, and the balance paid to the daughter when she lost her Mom.”

    According to Zaino, “Life insurance can be used for replacing a stream of income for a surviving spouse, providing heirs on an estate with liquidity, replacing the value of an asset, paying estate taxes, maximizing your pension or Social Security benefits, college funding for the kids and grandkids, buying out a business partner, protecting a business for the replacement value of a key employee, satisfying debt, funding charitable gifts, providing for a special needs child or adult, equalizing an inheritance, longevity planning, and balancing investment risk.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (14)


    Consider life insurance for your children

    Although this seems a touchy subject, the reason for having a life insurance policy on a child is about cash accumulation, explains industry pro, Thomas. “Compound interest works best when you have a lot of cash or a lot of time. Kids have a lot of time.

    “When buying an Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy for a child, the cost is very low and remains the same over the life of the policy, while the cash continues to grow. The parent owns the cash and can borrow from it. The parent can also assign ownership to the adult child one day, along with the cash, just in time for adult things like a down-payment on a home. Or the child can create retirement income with the policy.”


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    Building good credit takes a long time, but it can be ruined overnight

    If you miss a single payment, it could take seven years to have that black mark removed from your credit report. In the meantime, you could be paying more in interest than you have to for every loan, including your mortgage. According to the credit bureau Equifax, a single missed payment can result in as much as a 90-110 point decrease on a FICO credit score of 780.

    Even if you’re responsible about paying bills, an identity thief could ruin your good credit behind your back. Advises Toomey, “Check your credit report often to correct any mistakes and to look for fraud.” Check your credit score and read your credit report for free within minutes.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (16)


    Asking for your credit limit to be raised can improve your credit score

    Keep your credit utilization—the amount of credit you use compared to your credit limit—low to boost your all-important credit, advises Diana. “You can borrow less, or you can ask for a raise in your credit limit.” A recent study from CreditCards.com found that only 28 percent of respondents have ever asked for an increase in their credit limit. However, a whopping 89 percent of those who asked for a credit limit increase received one.


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (17)

    Billion Photos/Shutterstock

    Unless they have a high annual fee, don’t close your old credit cards

    “The longer your stable credit history, the better it reflects on your credit score,” explains Diana. “The age of accounts is averaged over all of your credit accounts, so closing an older account that is infrequently used actually harms your credit score in two ways: It lowers your credit limit, which raises your credit utilization; and it lowers your average account age. If you have an old card with a decent credit limit, use it at least annually to keep it open. But don’t forget to pay the bill on time!”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (18)

    WAYHOME studio/Shutterstock

    Don’t ever co-sign a loan

    “Co-signing a loan isn’t just vouching for someone’s character,” explains Toomey. “Understand that if the borrower doesn’t pay, then you’re responsible for every single missed payment. If they don’t pay, it’s your credit that will be ruined.” Learn more about how co-signing a loan affects your credit score.


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    Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

    Ask current lenders for a better rate

    “Banks, credit unions, and other lenders are keenly aware of their competition,” says Diana of MoneyTips.com. “If your credit score qualifies you for a better rate from another credit card issuer or lender, ask them to match the rate. There’s no downside to asking; the worst they could do is refuse.”


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (20)


    Being debt-free should not be your goal

    Says Aliche, creator of the Live Richer Challenge, “People focus on getting out of debt. If they use that money to grow wealth instead of getting rid of debt, they could be debt-free faster. Do you pay off your student loans to get debt-free, or invest money in your business to grow and secure wealth for yourself? If you focus on being debt-free, that’s all you’ll be. If you focus on building wealth, then you can be wealthy and debt-free.”

    Originally Published: March 22, 2018

    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (21)

    Jeff Hoyt


    19 Personal Finance Tips You Were Never Taught—but Need to Know (2024)


    What are the 5 basics of personal finance? ›

    There's plenty to learn about personal financial topics, but breaking them down can help simplify things. To start expanding your financial literacy, consider these five areas: budgeting, building and improving credit, saving, borrowing and repaying debt, and investing.

    What are some personal finance tips? ›

    • Choose Carefully.
    • Invest In Yourself.
    • Plan Your Spending.
    • Save, Save More, and. Keep Saving.
    • Put Yourself on a Budget.
    • Learn to Invest.
    • Credit Can Be Your Friend. or Enemy.
    • Nothing is Ever Free.

    What is the #1 rule of personal finance? ›

    #1 Don't Spend More Than You Make

    When your bank balance is looking healthy after payday, it's easy to overspend and not be as careful. However, there are several issues at play that result in people relying on borrowing money, racking up debt and living way beyond their means.

    What are 5 personal finance strategies? ›

    Smart personal finance involves developing strategies that include budgeting, creating an emergency fund, paying off debt, using credit cards wisely, saving for retirement, and much more. Being disciplined is important, but it's also good to know when you shouldn't adhere to the guidelines.

    What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

    Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

    What is the 10 rule in personal finance? ›

    The 10% rule is a savings tip that suggests you set aside 10% of your gross monthly income for retirement or emergencies. If you still need to start a savings account, this is a great way to build up your savings. You should create a monthly budget before starting your savings journey.

    What is the 80% rule personal finance? ›

    The 80/20 budget is a simpler version of it. Using the 80/20 budgeting method, 80% of your income goes toward monthly expenses and spending, while the other 20% goes toward savings and investments.

    What is the best budget advice? ›

    Budgeting is an essential part of a healthy financial life.
    • Create your budget before the month begins.
    • Practice budgeting to zero.
    • Use the right tools.
    • Establish needs versus wants.
    • Keep bills and receipts organized.
    • Prioritize debt repayment.
    • Don't forget to factor in fun.
    • Save first, then spend.
    Feb 22, 2024

    How to grow financially? ›

    7 steps to financial stability
    1. Invest in yourself. Having further education, more knowledge, and required skills for work can support your career advancement. ...
    2. Make money from what you like. ...
    3. Set saving and expense budgets. ...
    4. Spend wisely. ...
    5. Set emergency fund. ...
    6. Pay off debts. ...
    7. Plan for retirement.

    What is the golden rule of money? ›

    The basic principle of the golden rule of saving money is to save at least 20% of your income. This includes any form of income, such as salary, bonuses, or freelance earnings. By consistently saving a significant portion of your income, you can build a strong financial foundation and achieve your financial goals.

    What is the 40 30 20 10 rule? ›

    The most common way to use the 40-30-20-10 rule is to assign 40% of your income — after taxes — to necessities such as food and housing, 30% to discretionary spending, 20% to savings or paying off debt and 10% to charitable giving or meeting financial goals.

    What is the 75 15 10 rule? ›

    In his free webinar last week, Market Briefs CEO Jaspreet Singh alerted me to a variation: the popular 75-15-10 rule. Singh called it leading your money. This iteration calls for you to put 75% of after-tax income to daily expenses, 15% to investing and 10% to savings.

    What is the trick to managing personal finances? ›

    Pay your bills on time every month.

    Paying bills on time is an easy way to manage your money wisely, and it comes with excellent benefits: It helps you avoid late fees and prioritizes essential spending. A strong on-time payment history can also lift your credit score and improve your interest rates.

    How to handle money wisely? ›

    Money Management Tips
    1. Create a budget: Making a budget is the first and the most important step of money management. ...
    2. Save first, spend later: ...
    3. Set financial goals: ...
    4. Start investing early: ...
    5. Avoid debt: ...
    6. Save Early: ...
    7. Ensure protection against emergencies:

    How to become financially stable in your 20s? ›

    Financial moves to make in your 20s
    1. Develop good budgeting habits. ...
    2. Pay down debt. ...
    3. Automate your savings. ...
    4. Build good credit. ...
    5. Start saving for retirement. ...
    6. Make sure you and your loved ones are covered financially. ...
    7. Work toward owning your home.

    What are Dave Ramsey's five rules? ›

    Dave Ramsey: Follow These 5 Rules That Lead to Wealth '100% of the Time'
    • Get on a Written Budget. Ramsey advised to first make a written plan. ...
    • Get Out of Debt. ...
    • Foster High-Quality Relationships. ...
    • Save and Invest. ...
    • Be Generous.
    Feb 22, 2024

    What are the 7 components of personal financial? ›

    A good financial plan contains seven key components:
    • Budgeting and taxes.
    • Managing liquidity, or ready access to cash.
    • Financing large purchases.
    • Managing your risk.
    • Investing your money.
    • Planning for retirement and the transfer of your wealth.
    • Communication and record keeping.

    What are the 6 components of personal finance? ›

    Let's look at six big personal finance topics—budgeting, saving, debt, taxes, insurance, and retirement—and discuss a helpful principle for each.

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    Name: Carmelo Roob

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