How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (2024)

by Drew | Last Updated Dec 4, 2019 | Published on Mar 28, 2019 | PayPal Scams | 206 comments

  1. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (1)

    seth manly-oseion March 24, 2020 at 3:29 pm

    This adviced really saved my ass. thank you!!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (2)

      Drew Angellon March 24, 2020 at 4:50 pm

      So happy to help! Please share so others can learn about this and avoid the same problem. That’s the best way to fight these scammers!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (3)

      Ccon June 30, 2020 at 12:14 pm

      I am waiting on a item purchased through paypal over a week ago. The tracking shows delivered on June17th. I didn’t order until June 20th Has anyone experience this this before?


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (4)

        Drewon July 1, 2020 at 8:10 pm

        I’m sorry, but it sounds like you’re in the midst of a scam! Fraudster sellers will get you to pay them, and then enter bogus tracking information into the system. The tracking is usually something that was shipped to your area, but has nothing to do with you, of course. The problem is PayPal’s automated system will lookup the tracking, see it delivered to your postal code, and accept it.

        You need to file a dispute with PayPal, but don’t file “item not received.” I would file “item significantly not as described.” I would say in the comments of that dispute that you can tell it’s a scam because the tracking shows it was shipped before you ever ordered, so you want to get ahead of it and get the dispute filed right away.

        That is assuming you have contacted the seller and there isn’t some reasonable explanation from their side. This is happening a lot, though, and almost certainly a scam. What did you buy? Where did you buy it from?


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (5)

          Mazon July 8, 2020 at 3:09 am

          I have a pending invoice and waiting for my money to be released. I shipped the products worth £600 and was asked to provide tracking number of the shipment. The email looked very professional and I trusted it! Now I’m left without money and product has been shipped! What should I do??


          • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (6)

            Drewon July 8, 2020 at 11:39 pm

            Call the carrier as fast as possible and ask them to reverse shipment on the order. They’ll charge a fee for it, but they’ll return the package back to you.

          • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (7)

            Loretta Damronon July 12, 2020 at 10:00 pm

            I bought something thru paypal it was a sMsung page tho I thought and my paypal says completed ive never got a email from the merchant or paypal how do i no if its a scam or if my package gave been shipped

          • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (8)

            Drewon July 13, 2020 at 5:50 pm

            Well, if you are the buyer then this particular scam article/video would not be applicable. If you purchased something and you have not seen any feedback about payment receipt confirmation, shipment confirmation, and they aren’t replying to you when you try to contact them, then I would go ahead and file an “item not received” dispute.

          • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (9)

            Matthewon July 13, 2020 at 12:54 am

            What is the name of the site you posted the item?

      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (10)

        Steven Hutchesonon July 4, 2020 at 7:52 am

        Yes I have just experienced the same thing. The only difference is I just ordered mine last night. There was a usps tracking number in my email the next morning. Tracked package with the number and it said it was delivered the day before I purchased it.


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (11)

          Drewon July 8, 2020 at 11:50 pm

          You’re actually referring to a different scam than what I’m covering in this video. I was literally just about to create a new video about the Scam you are referring to, and I was going to point out that PayPal seems to be adjusting to account for this in their new user agreement going into at the end of this month. More details on that available here:


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (12)

          Matthewon July 13, 2020 at 1:04 am

          Which site did you post the item?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (13)

      nicoleon July 2, 2020 at 8:36 am

      ive order something on 07/01 on ebay and had to pay with paypal and i’ve sent a few messages to the seller( seems like a new seller didn’t know that til after i bought it) on when will it be shipped? and not a single message back should i dispute it or wait.. im feeling like they are not legit. i really want want i bought have no time for scams!


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (14)

        Drewon July 2, 2020 at 6:04 pm

        Hi Nicole,

        Yeah, that’s a tough one. What is the item? Does the seller have any feedback at all? Are you able to find the item elsewhere? If I were in your shoes I would probably cancel the order and request a refund. In the very least that would get the attention of the person so they will reply. If so, ask them to get on the phone so you can talk to them. You can figure out very quickly when talking to somebody if they are legit or not.


  2. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (15)

    Robert Stackon April 14, 2020 at 8:21 am

    What about PayPal sellers that take payment immediately and then don’t ship? I ordered a couple of timely items from a seller a week and a half ago, and he was paid immediately. His ad online promised shipment within 6 days. About 5 days after ordering, I received notice of shipping bug it was really notice of the USPS shipping label being created. Six days later, according to USPS tracking, they have still not received the package for shipping. How long should I really give this guy before I take action?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (16)

      Drew Angellon April 14, 2020 at 7:33 pm

      Just depends on the overall feeling you are getting, I guess. Are they being responsive, and communicating well with you about the situation? What are they saying about the delay? If they aren’t being responsive, or they aren’t providing reasonable information about what’s going on, then file an “item not received” dispute with PayPal.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (17)

      Kellyon July 7, 2020 at 6:46 pm

      Hi so I don’t know if I’m being scammed on not so someone bought something from me I posted it today I had a email from PayPal saying send proof of postage and tracking number before they can realises the payment I then had a email saying the buyer had to send me a additional £600 as I don’t have a primer account apparently the buyer have done that but it’s saying it’s 99.9% compete and waiting for a confirmation number but now they are saying I’m to send the buyer £600 back before they can release a payment of £1420 in to my account ……..l am I being scammed


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (18)

        Drewon July 8, 2020 at 11:39 pm

        If you do not see a transaction in your PayPal account activity log then you are being scammed. Just ignore them and move on to a legit buyer.


  3. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (19)

    Laurelon May 4, 2020 at 1:59 pm

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You saved me just in time from shipping something very special, valuable, and sentimental to someone who had not paid me. I cannot thank you enough!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (20)

      Drewon May 4, 2020 at 2:40 pm

      So happy to help! Please share the info so others can learn about this and avoid the same problem. That’s the best way to fight these fraudsters!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (21)

      Leon Kennedyon July 1, 2020 at 1:01 pm

      What should one do if they have been scammed, can they retrieve the item or charge to buyer?


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (22)

        Drewon July 1, 2020 at 8:15 pm

        Did you ship something to a scammer? Is the item still in transit? If so, contact the carrier and ask them to reverse shipment. If the item has already been delivered there really isn’t much you will be able to do. You have shipped your item to some random stranger that has nothing to do with PayPal or any other 3rd party platform. Police in that jurisdiction won’t be able to do anything but file a report, and it would cost you a lot more in time and cash to try and make anything happen from this than the amount you have lost. I’m sorry to say, but in that case, you’ll need to chalk it up to a learning experience.


  4. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (23)

    Julieon May 21, 2020 at 9:05 am

    I am trying to sell an item on ebay, this guy has messaged me saying that he will buy it for a higher price then listed. Found this a bit dodgy. I mistakenly gave him my email. Then i got an email from ‘paypal’ in my spam account asking to send the tracking information before the funds can appear. I checked my paypal account and theres been no activity. Does this mean this email is a scam ? How do i know if the funds are real? Does ebay also send me an email?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (24)

      Drewon May 21, 2020 at 3:48 pm

      Trust your gut! Yes, this is a total scam. First, never trust an email. Always go directly to yourself (never click links from emails to login) and go into your activity log. If you do not see the transaction there, then no transaction occurred. Simple as that. Just ignore this person and move on with your day. 🙂


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (25)

        Tobion May 29, 2020 at 10:38 am

        Yesterday one guy contacted me directly, and wants to pay via PayPal. I uderstand the part where I shouldn’t trust only email. What if there is payment in my paypal account, but is there a way he can manage to cancel it?! I mean, if he pays but when I can be sure that money indicated I PayPal is safe from scam?!


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (26)

          Drewon May 29, 2020 at 12:50 pm

          If you see the transaction in your PayPal account activity log, open it up and check if it’s covered by Seller Protection. If Eligible, ship to the exact address provided. If the item is over $200, make sure to use signature required for delivery, and make sure to use trackable service. If the buyer tries to claim “item not received” you will have a tracking number proving that it was delivered and signed for at his address. If he claims “significantly not as described” then he may get his money back, but he would have to return your item back to you and prove that with return tracking. Make sure to do plenty of due-diligence on your buyer before-hand if you have any reason to believe this might not be legit.


  5. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (27)

    Graceon June 1, 2020 at 12:56 am

    I nearly just got scammed and then i had a feeling to google if the process was legit. You saved me thankyou so much. Should i be concerned they have my email address?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (28)

      Drewon June 2, 2020 at 11:32 pm

      So happy this helped! No, I wouldn’t worry them having your email. Just as long as you never clicked any links from emails they sent and logged in to your PayPal account. If you did that log back in directly and change your password right away.


  6. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (29)

    Henryon June 9, 2020 at 7:35 am

    I was victimized by the way thanks for the update


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (30)

      Drewon June 9, 2020 at 4:06 pm

      Ah, sorry you didn’t see this before it was too late!


  7. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (31)

    tonyon June 22, 2020 at 9:04 am

    This is what they sent me
    Read to the end to see what I did, it is so funny
    Dear Anthony {withheld}

    This is to tell you that the funds of $1,500.00 USD is “APPROVED” in your account and it is on pending with us until you get us the shipping tracking number as we need to have the tracking number for us to verify it before the fund can be credited fully into your account. As soon as you get the item shipped, get back to us with the tracking number so that we can verify it and carry on in crediting your account.

    Your funds are pending – please process this order

    Payment details
    Amount (pending): $1,500.00 USD
    Transaction ID: #U-7YD44086U8203792D
    Seller’s email:anthony {withheld}
    Sandra Lundbeck B0766

    4995 Buford Hwy, Suite 106

    30071, Norcross, Georgia

    Phone: (404)-933-7224

    United state of America

    Transfer Status
    Transfer On Hold..90
    Money On Hold.
    PAYPAL ACCOUNT:anthony{witheld}
    AMOUNT…………………………………………….$1,500.00 USD

    COUNTRY…………………………………………..UNITED STATES
    Transfer Current Percent% : 90% Done…
    Important Message From PayPal: Transfer On Hold… Required Details “STN” (Shipment Tracking Number) Required.
    Please do not reply to this email. We are unable to respond to inquiries sent to this address. For immediate answers to your questions, contact our customer representative at :- [email protected]

    Learn More PayPal Protection
    %100 security guarantied
    Thank you for using PayPal!
    The PayPal Team

    I knew this was a scam right away so what I did was some research into the address they supplied, then CALLED the property Owner and informed them the tenants at the address and suite number they supplied was being used by criminals and fraudster’s, then told the property owner I will be calling the police and the police fraud department will come see you, then go to see the fraudsters so expect the police sometime this week.
    It might be a good idea you evict these people on the grounds of their criminal activities.
    The property owner then informed me this is NOT the first time this happened.
    The very same thing happened a little while ago they told me.
    I did not ship the items the scammer wanted to buy.
    Do the same, contact the property owner/landlord and let them know whats going on and do call the police and send them to the address supplied.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (32)

      Drewon June 22, 2020 at 10:56 am

      Unfortunately, it happens SO often. Doing what you did is fine, but it honestly doesn’t help much. The people running the scams aren’t actually at those facilities or related to them in any way, and police in those jurisdictions really can’t do much other than file a report that gets filed away and never touched again. The best way to fight these guys is to spread the knowledge so people understand how to spot these things. If they stop having success with it, they’ll stop doing it.


  8. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (33)

    Haejinon June 27, 2020 at 5:53 pm

    Hello (My name)
    Youreceivedapaymentof $250CAD fromMrOOO(email adress)
    Thanks for usingPayPal. You can now send any items. To see all the transaction details, log in to yourPayPalaccount.

    It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.

    I received this mail. Is this a scam? Or not? This mail from [email protected]

    Can you help me ..?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (34)

      Haejinon June 27, 2020 at 5:57 pm

      And Unfortunately i already send the package to him..

      And after i received this e-mail.

      Hello,(my name)
      We encounter little problem while crediting yourPayPalAccount. You have a pending payment of$250.00CADbut we have a problem crediting youraccountwith that amount because the status of yourPayPalAccountis not a business user which makes youraccounthaslimitand this amount seemstobe above yourlimit, this will not make us credit youraccountuntil you expand yourlimit.

      You havetotake this urgent steptoexpand yourlimit.Contact the last payer of youraccount(his name) (his email adress)tosendinanadditionalpayment of$800.00CADso that your accountlimitcan be expanded, as soon as this is done, we willfullycredit yourPayPalaccount with the total sum of$1,050.00CAD.

      Note: Analerthas been sentto(his name) (his email adress))inregardtothe$800.00CADadditional payment he/she hastosendtoyou, we will secure this transaction with high priority that neither the payer nor the payee will losefundinthis transaction

      So, i really confused..


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (35)

        Drewon June 29, 2020 at 11:59 pm

        Oh, bummer! Is the item still in transit? You could call the carrier and ask them to reverse shipemnt.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (36)

      Drewon June 29, 2020 at 11:59 pm

      Yes, that looks like a scam email. I would ignore it.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (37)

        Momma94on July 16, 2023 at 2:29 pm

        Hello! I bought something from a seller, sent the money. I see a label created but it says “awaiting information from Carrier” carrier says she sent it priority and should be here soon, my USPS app also says waiting for carrier information. What does that mean if she says she did send it??


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (38)

          Drewon July 30, 2023 at 2:18 pm

          USPS is a bit tricky because they don’t have great tracking in general. Sadly, that’s something that scammers can take advantage of. With UPS/FedEx, for example, when they pick that package up they scan it, and from that point on you know the seller did indeed give them a package to deliver. With USPS even when they pick it up they don’t always scan it, and you never really know.


  9. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (39)

    Dana Gibsonon June 30, 2020 at 12:24 am

    I tried to sell an iPhone on gumtree and this “buyer” messaged me asking for my email immediately, after saying that he will make the payment through PayPal I said I don’t have it, he said that he was able to still use a bank transfer so I sent my bank details, after this he said I should have received a confirmation email and told me to check all folders in my email, I still didn’t receive anything so I told him to send the confirmation directly to me, he then forwarded this and said I must send the tracking number [email protected] – I’m just wondering if this is a scammer or not.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (40)

      Drewon July 1, 2020 at 8:06 pm

      Yes, this is absolutely a scam! Do not ship anything to this person!


  10. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (41)

    nicoleon July 2, 2020 at 8:41 am

    ordered on 07/01yes today is 07/02 seller has not not responded to anything i have said. or even provided tracking number( how long should that take??). i believe the seller is new, so idk if they wait to send until they have received payment or what. not feeling they are legit. what should i do?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (42)

      Drewon July 2, 2020 at 6:05 pm

      Yeah, again, I think I’d submit a refund request and move on from it. If the seller reaches out at that point and makes you comfortable and confident in them, maybe give it another try, but unless this is some rare item you can’t get elsewhere I probably wouldn’t waste my time with it.


  11. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (43)

    Jasmineon July 13, 2020 at 9:42 pm

    Nobody will answer the phone smfh I’m definitely about to get scammed already sent them item and give them the tracking and my money is pending and they told me in the first email as soon as i send the tracking number they would have the money in my account then a hour or so later they responded back saying there’s gonna be a 2 to 3 day delay because of when the package is going to be delivered and it’s supposed to be there towwmorrw and I’m the seller I don’t have seller protection and I want my item back if I can still get it is there a way I can get seller Protection someone help!!!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (44)

      Drewon July 14, 2020 at 5:50 am

      Is your item still in transit? Call the carrier and ask them to reverse shipment so that it comes back to you.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (45)

      craigon August 18, 2020 at 2:29 am

      Exactly same happened to me today 17th aug 2020, but luckily after getting the police involved I was able to stop my shipment from being posted to USA from UK. Had to call everyone to stop it, as soon as I founf out I was a scam.. PayPal payment was in pending..


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (46)

        Drewon August 18, 2020 at 12:39 pm

        Sounds like there probably was not actual payment at all. For future reference, you don’t need to get police involved to stop a shipment. You can just call the carrier, and if it’s still in transit, you can request a “stop shipment.” They’ll send it back to you instead of delivering to the original shipment address.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (47)

        Marcm134on August 25, 2020 at 9:31 am

        Hello there,

        I am selling an item on eBay which the seller then requested I contact them directly through my email. They also asked if I could email an email address called [email protected]. I am unsure if this is legitimate or not. Any help?


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (48)

          Drewon August 25, 2020 at 5:43 pm

          That’s a scam. Ignore them and find a legitimate buyer.


  12. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (49)

    Cedell givens IIIon July 20, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    How long do a received funds hits your account


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (50)

      Drewon July 22, 2020 at 3:47 am

      You will see the transaction show up in your activity log instantly. Depending on whether or not there are any holds, the available cash could be instant or could take some time.


  13. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (51)

    chloeon July 25, 2020 at 10:58 am

    Hi. I sold a pair of headphones to someone via PayPal today. They paid via goods and services and confirmed the payment after I showed that I had posted the item, but I can’t see any transactions in my PayPal account. Is this normal?


  14. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (53)

    Arlene Garciaon August 11, 2020 at 11:20 am

    Placed an order May 2020 , still under review seller not responded to any massages but PayPal has been paid my order , August 08,2020 sent me email confirming that my order was shipped but for some reason I’m unable to track my order


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (54)

      Drewon August 11, 2020 at 10:49 pm

      If you aren’t happy with the service from the seller, and you haven’t received your product, I would certainly file an “item not received” dispute.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (55)

        Tonya A Brookson September 7, 2020 at 3:25 pm

        Hi i sold something on offerup and the buyer claimed to deposited the money in my cash app which never showed and cash app claimed it will be there in 1 to 3 days so i contact cash app and they said September 8th which all still seems i set up a pay pal account and asked them to send the money there and it took a day or two and they sent it and its showing pending but went to my spam folder. Shouldnt the logo say paypal instead of being blank? I need answers so i can stop my shipment tomorrow to have it returned to me immediately


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (56)

          Drewon September 11, 2020 at 12:31 pm

          NEVER trust an email. Log in directly to your PayPal account, and check the activity log. Do you see the transaction there? If not, it didn’t happen. The fact that it went to spam is highly suspect.


  15. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (57)

    KEVIN ALEJANDRO MOSQUERA MUÑOZon August 19, 2020 at 4:37 pm

    This helped me from getting scammed thank you ! . I got an email in my spam folder saying that I had to put in tracking . You can tell they are scammers because they try and push you to check the email and send it to your inbox .


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (58)

      Drewon August 20, 2020 at 10:03 pm

      So happy to hear you didn’t get caught up in it! Please share so that others know about this and can avoid the problem as well. That’s the best way to fight these scammers!


  16. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (59)

    Ramiroon August 20, 2020 at 5:19 pm

    I have a pending payment pending on routing number. The message is on my PayPal acct. my question is ;
    Can the buyer cancel the payment after I send the item?
    If I send the item , it’s gone and it’s on it’s way to the buyer.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (60)

      Drewon August 20, 2020 at 10:05 pm

      Do you see the actual transaction in your PayPal account activity log? If not, then no payment happened. If you do see it there, click into the details. It will tell you if it’s covered by Seller Protection. If so, ship it to the exact address provided on the payment with a trackable carrier like FedEx or UPS. You can print your label out of PayPal to make that simple. Then you’ll be covered from unauthorized or “item not received” disputes.


  17. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (61)

    Jettaon August 22, 2020 at 10:06 pm

    Thank you all soooo much! You saved me from getting scammed. I am so grateful that someone took the time to post the information to expose the scammers.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (62)

      Drewon August 22, 2020 at 10:16 pm

      So glad it helped! Please share so that others know about this and can avoid the problem as well. That’s the best way to fight these scammers!


  18. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (63)

    Shumion August 27, 2020 at 4:27 pm

    Hey. My PayPal request went straight to spam and it’s not showing in my activity log at all and the person has put someone else’s name claiming it’s a cousin who is going to pick up the parcel when it’s posted. Do you think I’m being scammed


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (64)

      Drewon August 30, 2020 at 1:46 am

      Yes, sounds like it. If you don’t see a transaction in your activity log, then no transaction occurred.


  19. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (65)

    Oscaron September 1, 2020 at 6:01 am

    Hello I sent services to a client. They sent the money and paypal withheld it saying it was high risk and unusual. I have added tracking information and said the order has been processed. I am now just wondering if the payment can be made available in my account soon because initially paypal said it will take 7 days


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (66)

      Drewon September 3, 2020 at 1:08 pm

      There are many variables involved with those things, but the tracking showing delivered is a big one. It doesn’t usually take but a few business days after that for it to release, if not sooner. Does the tracking already show delivered? How many business days has it been since it was delivered?


  20. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (67)

    Dominic Serraon September 10, 2020 at 7:00 pm

    Hey Drew. I think my girlfriend and I just fell victim to this scam trying to sell her MacBook Air. Do you know what can we try to do to get the item back for pursue this person for the money/MacBook?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (68)

      Drewon September 11, 2020 at 12:32 pm

      If the item is still in transit you can call the carrier and request a stop shipment. They’ll reverse the shipment so that it comes back to you. Hope that works out for you!


  21. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (69)

    Annaon September 21, 2020 at 8:29 am

    I’ve just had the same thing happen to me. Listed a MacBook air on eBay and had a user from USA ask for a buy it now price. Agreed on £900, then had two ‘PayPal’ emails saying I had been paid. I went to the post office to send to a Luton based address, only to realise there were no funds in my Paypal. Luckily i have managed to stop the shipment and reported it to the police (which they have advised all of us to do using action fraud website, so they can build a case).
    I just re-listed my mac and within minutes had a message in almost the same format from a new user, again, from the USA, asking me to ship to Italy.
    Of course, in hindsight I should have checked my Paypal account, but this is clearly a very large scale scam with numerous accounts participating. Also, both accounts have got a number of positive feedback from eBay.

    Please be extra careful everyone!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (70)

      Drewon September 21, 2020 at 7:36 pm

      Glad you caught it in time!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (71)

      Susan Stevensonon October 10, 2020 at 1:39 pm

      Hi unfortunately my son has had the same problem but were too late and the parcel got delivered to belgium. It was a drone he was selling for £550.00. The 1st email was very convincing, the 2and had grammatic errors. I kept telling my son no activity from buyer showing up in his paypal account. Is there anything he can do to get the money back.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (72)

        Drewon October 12, 2020 at 8:27 pm

        Ugh, so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything I know of that’s going to help. There is no actual transaction in the PayPal system related to this at all, so of course they can’t do anything. Getting police to help with this sort of thing is very difficult, especially over different jurisdictions. The time/money involved in trying to get anything done at all would likely be more than what you’ve lost at this point.

        I hate to say it, but you may have to chalk this one up to a learning experience. NEVER trust emails. ALWAYS check your PayPal account for an actual transaction in the Activity Log. If it’s not there, it did not happen.


  22. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (73)

    Gerard Josephon September 28, 2020 at 11:46 am

    I got this email from paypal but think its also a scam as I do not see anything in my activity for paypal on my account and it should be there even if pending/hold correct?

    This receipt confirmed that you have received a merchandise payment of $8,550.00 CAD from the buyer of your goods Martin Owen ([email protected]). The money has been deducted from the buyer’s account and the money is now secured by PayPal. However, this transaction is pending as we are responsible for the hold on the money. We have placed the money on hold for security reasons due to the rate of online scams recorded last year (2019). PayPal in conjunction with The FBI and The NSA has innovate certain preventive measures to secure and protect both buyer and seller from fraudulent activities as it was brought to our notice regarding the online scams going on.PayPal in conjunction with The FBI and The NSA reserves the right to ensure that this transaction between you and the buyer is legitimate and 100% safe and secure for both buyer and seller.
    In order to complete this transaction to get your account credited with the total funds on pending, You are required to send an upfront shipping payment of $950.00 CAD via Money Gram Money Transfer to the shipping company agent in charge of the shipping and handling of the goods bought from you to confirm that this transaction between you and the buyer is legitimate and valid before we credit your account. We will credit your account immediately after we receive the Money Gram confirmation from you to confirm that the shipping fee has been sent to the shipper.
    You are safe and secured to send the shipping fee upfront from your pocket as we have The FBI and The NSA monitoring this transaction to ensure the legitimacy of this transaction and to ensure you total security and safety and for you to be rest assured that your account will be credited once confirmation of the shipping fee payment has been received from you. So therefore, your money is safe with us and we will credit your account with the total funds on pending immediately after we receive the Money Gram confirmation from you to ensure that you have sent the shipping fee up front to the shipping company.
    You are required to transfer the money to the shipper’s name and address info below via Money Gram Money Transfer and after the money has been transferred you are required to get back to us by replying directly to this help center email address with a scan copy of the MoneyGram receipt or the info on the MoneyGram receipt which are, Reference #, Sender’s Name and Address and Amount Sent for verification and confirmation of the MoneyGram transaction and after we receive the Money Gram Info then your account will be credited with the total sum of $8,550.00 CAD.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (74)

      Drewon September 29, 2020 at 12:20 am

      Yes, it’s a scam. Check your PayPal account activity log. If you don’t see a transaction there then no transaction happened.


  23. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (75)

    Joanneon October 29, 2020 at 4:31 am

    I’ve just had exactly the same experience using Schpock and trying to pay via PayPal. There doesn’t seem to be a way to report this to PayPal – anyone know how?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (76)

      Drewon October 30, 2020 at 5:58 pm

      I’m not sure I understand. This scam is typically run on people selling an item. You said you were trying to pay…??


  24. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (77)

    Davidon November 28, 2020 at 8:30 am

    You have received a payment of $500.00 USD from Melane Smith Please process your order right away.

    This payment is now deducted from the buyer’s account but temporarily unavailable until we receive the shipment tracking number confirmation of the postage from you for the verification process. This money will be available to you once the shipment tracking number to our email to us (Click Here) or reply to this notification email with the shipment tracking number

    Seller Protection for Merchants.

    We know selling online securely is a challenge for the seller(Merchants) Our Seller Protection Policy will protect your online sales, minimize claims and charge back and help prevent merchant fraud. Go ahead, and complete this transaction by shipping off the package as we stated in previous emails.

    If you have any question about your payment contact us at our representative on: Click Here

    Click Here To Enter Your Shipment Proof

    OR email it directly to us on Click Here for speedy verification process and clearance of your funds.





    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (78)

      Drewon January 13, 2021 at 4:44 pm

      Seems to be a scam. Any time you get something like this, close the email/message and go directly to yourself. Log in to your account, and if there is any issue you’ll see info about it there. Never click links from emails or other types of messages to login to your account.


  25. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (79)

    Tiffanyon December 21, 2020 at 12:49 pm

    Hello. I was selling an item on eBay and have gotten emails stating that the buyer had to expand my PayPal account by sending $500 and in return I had to send scratched off eBay gift cards in the same account. I am getting emails from PayPal stating that this is standard policy and that the buyer of my item accidentally sent another payment of $500 and that I am obligated to pay them back through more eBay gift cards. I have tried getting ahold of PayPal but no luck ! The PayPal email says that the payment is pending to my account once I send the gift cards again. But there is nothing pending directly to my PayPal account . What do I do


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (80)

      Drewon January 13, 2021 at 4:48 pm

      Hi Tiffany,

      This is a scam. You should ignore things like this.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (81)

        Alida Bezon January 28, 2021 at 6:13 pm

        Hi Drew, please can you help me. It’s the first time using PayPal and I’m unsure if the buyer of my private selling item is legit.

        I’ve set up PayPal and am selling my camera to private buyer, I have sent a request with the amount to the buyer on PayPal and received an email stating that I have received payment, however on my PayPal account it shows 0.00 and underneath “pending request”

        The buyer said that I should send the copy of waybill to the email adress I have received from PayPal before the funds will show up in my PayPal account.
        The email adress used the inform me that I’ve been paid is [email protected]


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (82)

          Drewon February 8, 2021 at 1:27 pm

          I’m sorry for the delay replying. I hope you figured out that this was a scam and did not follow through with their request. NEVER trust emails, text messages, etc. Always log in to directly, and if a payment was made to you (even if it’s pending) it will show up there.


          • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (83)

            Denese Salcidoon February 10, 2021 at 12:22 am

            A friend sent me money I didn’t sell anything but it’s on hold saying all this stuff about tracking shipping it to him he was just sending me money to help me what can I do to get this money i need it asap

          • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (84)

            Drewon February 10, 2021 at 1:06 pm

            When somebody sends you a payment they would have the option to set “no shipping required.” If they do this, then it would not fall into this hole you’re in now.

            To fix it now, if they log back into their account and click into the transaction details, they should see a little link to verify they have received their goods. If they click this link it will release the funds right away.

            Hope that helps!

  26. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (85)

    Melanieon January 25, 2021 at 6:20 pm

    This almost just happened to us. The buyer wanted us to ship the item in the next 15 minutes( before ups closed) even though the closest location is 30 minutes from our home. They offered to pay shipping for next day air to top it off.

    The payment system they used to try to scam us was Venmo. The emails they were sending looked like Venmo emails but if you drop down the list to see the sender, it was sent from: [email protected]
    and we never actually got a notification from Venmo. Well I checked all of my old emails from Venmo and every email I ever got was sent from an account.

    If anyone ever gets one of these emails, make sure to check the senders email. Venmo will be **** and paypal will be ****

    If you get an email other than this, contact the payment center to discuss it


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (86)

      Drewon February 8, 2021 at 1:28 pm

      Glad you didn’t fall for it!


  27. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (87)

    Yunon January 28, 2021 at 9:33 am

    I received two emails, this is one of those.
    We hereby inform you that the total amount of $2,200.00 USD has been paid to your PayPal account by (Porter Group) and is currently pending with us. Your account will be credited immediately after the delivery has been verified.

    Thank you for using PayPal!
    The PayPal Team

    Copyright © 1999-2021 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (USA) Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the United States as an electronic money institution. PayPal FSA Number Register: 226056.

    PayPal Email ID PP7812


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (88)

      Drewon February 8, 2021 at 1:28 pm

      If you don’t see any transaction in your PayPal account then no transaction happened. Simple as that. I hope you did not ship anything…??


  28. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (89)

    Sydney Dickinsonon January 30, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    Hi, I am selling your camera on Facebook marketplace it have a buyer that’s interested who was from Missouri but wants me to send it to an address in Nigeria for a study abroad. I sent her my payment request link from PayPal and she told me that she sent me the funds so I checked my email and received an email from: “[email protected]” I was looking for a PayPal email address but this does not look like an official PayPal email address. It also said that the funds would not be released until I provided shipping or tracking information for the item And sent it back to that email. The email also said that one I send the tracking information the funds will be released. I am a little skeptical on sending this even though I see it as a pending amount on my PayPal activity because earlier in the day I experienced a similar potential buyer that became very aggressive and sent me an email but from a different email address saying that the funds would not show until they sent the item and I’ve always been told that PayPal will give the seller the money first so I should always have the money before I send the item in the first person was a scam due to the amount of car medical errors and other information in the email that did not make sense now I am questioning if this potential buyer is also a scammer or not. Any advice on if this is legitimate or not? I would hate to be a victim of fraud like this because I am so skeptical about the stuff.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (90)

      Drewon February 4, 2021 at 8:07 pm

      I hope you did not do this. This is clear fraud. You need to ignore them and find a better buyer.


  29. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (91)

    Cheyon February 20, 2021 at 11:53 am

    So basically, if you log into your paypal account through your own web browse/no links, and you see a transaction/payment it’s legit right?

    It’s only if they’re trying to get you to put info through an email that it is a scam?

    I have a Canon Rebel T7i someone on FB Marketplace is asking me to send to New York for their daughter but wants to pay now through PayPal before I can get to the Post Office Tuesday to see how much it’d cost to ship it. $600 for the camera and they said they’d pay an extra $50 for shipping. It’s making me nervous, I don’t ship things often.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (92)

      Drewon February 22, 2021 at 3:15 am

      Logging in directly and seeing the transaction in your account means that there is a real transaction that occurred, yes. Whether or not it’s legit is another story, but that’s a good first step. Next step would be to check the transaction details to make sure it’s covered by Seller Protection. If so, make sure you ship to the exact address shown on the details. It’s easiest to print the label out of PayPal, and then it will use that address by default.

      Also make sure to use signature required. If you follow all those steps you should be good. If the buyer happens to dispute it at that point, they would at least make them provide proof of return shipping in order to get their refund.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (93)

        Cheyon February 22, 2021 at 9:07 pm

        Thanks so much for your help and explanation, I appreciate it!


  30. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (94)

    Michaelon February 22, 2021 at 1:10 pm

    Hello Drew
    Do you recognise this as a genuine PayPal email

    [email protected]

    I received this from this email address saying “ You received a payment of £7,000.00 GBP from Strictly Communications Int’l.
    It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account, depending on how soon you get back to us with the Tracking Details via our link attached with “Expedite Your Fund Release” at the bottom of this receipt.“
    There is no notification in my PayPal account after a number of hours – only my initial request for £7000.00 sent to the buyer
    I suspect this is a scam –
    Especially as I’m suspicious why PayPal would use a gmail email account.
    Thanks for your help


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (95)

      Drewon February 25, 2021 at 11:17 am

      This is garbage. They are trying to scam you. Ignore it and move on. 🙂


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (97)

      Drewon March 4, 2021 at 5:46 pm

      No, that is garbage!


  31. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (98)

    Stadleron March 16, 2021 at 1:52 pm

    Hi there, is:
    [email protected]
    a valid email address for payment & waybill submitting?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (99)

      Drewon March 17, 2021 at 11:58 pm

      No, that is a scam.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (100)

      Joeyon August 22, 2021 at 8:26 pm

      Hi this happened to me is this email fake [email protected]


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (101)

        Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:08 pm

        It looks like a “real” email, but whether or not the person behind that is fake I can’t tell you. I can tell you that it’s not an email that would come from PayPal.


  32. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (102)

    Yashika Makanon March 19, 2021 at 2:10 am

    my email is
    [email protected]
    Im assuming its fake


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (105)

      Drewon March 26, 2021 at 4:05 am

      Right, that’s bogus!


  33. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (106)

    Sandra Ekelundon March 26, 2021 at 5:26 am

    Is: [email protected] genuine? I am suspicious of the double y and double l in that email address. Thanks


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (107)

      Drewon March 26, 2021 at 6:49 am

      Yes, that’s bogus! They’re trying to scam you.


  34. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (108)

    Ellaon March 30, 2021 at 6:01 pm

    [email protected]
    Is this a real email if it went straight to my scam mail?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (109)

      Drewon March 30, 2021 at 6:38 pm

      That’s bogus.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (111)

        Drewon May 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

        No, seems bogus. I would ignore whoever is trying to correspond with you through that.


  35. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (112)

    Jennifer O Butcheron May 12, 2021 at 8:10 am

    I have shipped my product and awaiting payment but it isnt showing up in the activity section of my paypal account. Guess I am screwed out of my wedding rings set and the payment. please advise.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (113)

      Drewon May 17, 2021 at 6:43 pm

      If it never showed up in your account at all, and all you saw was an email, then unfortunately it sounds like you were scammed. 🙁

      If it’s still in transit you can call the carrier and ask them to “stop shipment”, which will reverse it back to you. If it’s already delivered there’s not much you can do. Without a real PayPal transaction they have nothing to do with it. 🙁


  36. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (114)

    MCon May 17, 2021 at 6:00 am

    I don’t know if this is a scam but there’s this guy that wants to buy the laptop I’m selling. We contacted each other through email and he said he added an extra £100 for shipping the laptop from UK to US. The price of the laptop is £550 and I think I was supposed to use that extra £100 to ship the package through the post office, except the transaction is currently pending until I send the package. I made sure that the email address wasn’t a scam.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (115)

      Drewon May 17, 2021 at 6:41 pm

      A scam indeed. Any time people say they’re adding extra money for shipping or any other nonsense it’s a scam.


  37. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (116)

    Jessicaon May 22, 2021 at 4:33 am

    This just happened to me and unfortunately it was too late to stop the package delivery. I’ve changed all my passwords etc. are these guys usually just after the product or do I have to worry about further scamming? I replied to the first email saying I received payment and sent receipt pictures it asked for to continue processing payment. Receipt had my address and phone number. Any help/tips would be appreciated.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (117)

      Drewon May 24, 2021 at 2:45 am

      I’m sorry this happened to you. I would not worry about anything further except for similar scams. Use this as a learning experience. Not a fun one, but a valuable one. Your address / phone number are probably out there a lot in general. I wouldn’t worry about them having that, other than they might try calling you to act like they’re PayPal. Same sort of thing there…simply never provide any sort of info over the phone to anybody claiming to be PayPal. Hang up, log in to your account, find your support pin, and call PayPal yourself. If there’s an issue, they’ll be able to pull it up that way.


  38. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (118)

    Cherish Niedzielskion May 25, 2021 at 11:33 pm

    So just to be clear, if it went to my spam folder and was not from, it’s a scam?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (119)

      Drewon May 29, 2021 at 2:13 am

      If it’s in spam, it’s highly likely that it’s a scam, yes. Regardless of whether it spam or not, if you got an email for something about PayPal, don’t click links in it. Just open your browser and go directly to yourself. If anything is going on with the account you will see it there.


  39. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (120)

    Michaelaon June 1, 2021 at 8:41 pm

    Is [email protected] a PayPal email? I don’t know if I’m being scammed. As the activity shows up


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (121)

      Drewon June 7, 2021 at 12:39 am

      That’s bogus for sure. Ignore whatever contact you’re getting with that.


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (123)

          Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:17 pm

          Yes, that’s bogus!


  40. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (124)

    Jameson June 6, 2021 at 3:37 am

    Do you know if this is a legitimate email? [email protected]


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (125)

      Drewon June 7, 2021 at 12:39 am

      That is bogus. Ignore whatever communication you are getting from that.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (126)

      Jamie hillon August 19, 2021 at 5:28 am

      Same thing happened to me got an email also it was a fake. I knew it was also the buyer asked for my personal phone number.


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (127)

        Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:09 pm

        Glad you didn’t get caught in their net!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (129)

      Drewon July 21, 2021 at 1:11 am

      Yes, that is bogus.


  41. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (130)

    Cheryl Parenton July 22, 2021 at 3:24 pm

    If the payment is showing up in my paypal account as pending is that a legitimate payment? I mailed the merchandise and then entered the tracking number but Paypal has still not released the funds? Was I scammed?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (131)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:26 pm

      If you see it there as pending then a transaction was submitted, but it has not cleared yet. You should wait until it updates to Completed before delivering any product or service.


  42. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (132)

    Raquelon July 23, 2021 at 4:56 pm

    This article just saved me from a scam. I would lose $800. The email the scammer sent me is like this : [email protected]®

    Thank you!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (133)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:27 pm

      So glad you didn’t get caught! Please share so that others can learn about this and avoid problems as well. Thanks!


  43. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (134)

    Raquelon July 23, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    Can I report the scammer to the police? I have his address.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (135)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:27 pm

      You can do that if you want, but I would be surprised if they do much with it.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (137)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:27 pm

      Yeah, that’s bogus!


  44. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (138)

    ildiko szaboon August 17, 2021 at 5:24 pm

    [email protected] scam or real because i got scam email from payment confirmation


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (139)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:09 pm

      That is not an email that would be coming from PayPal, if that’s what you’re asking.


  45. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (140)

    Garethon August 19, 2021 at 5:22 am

    I Think i had everything you just described from the below address…

    [email protected]

    I was moments away from posting a Laptop, thanks so much for this Video, saved my a lot of hassle!!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (141)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 11:09 pm

      Glad to hear it helped! Please share so others can learn about this and avoid problems as well. Thanks!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (143)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 10:56 pm

      No, that’s bogus, or at least nothing that would have come from PayPal.


  46. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (144)

    sivaon September 3, 2021 at 7:57 pm

    [email protected] is correct email from PayPal for letting know the sender saying your payment pending ,already charged from buyer etc….


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (145)

      Drewon September 14, 2021 at 10:56 pm

      No, that is not any email that would be coming from PayPal.


  47. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (146)

    Betty hickson October 1, 2021 at 10:51 am

    Can you verify email: [email protected]. I received a email stating I have received a payment from buyer. Can you verify this is from paypal?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (147)

      Drewon October 21, 2021 at 11:52 pm

      I cannot verify PayPal emails directly, but I can tell you they will never use gmail accounts. This is bogus.


  48. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (148)

    Brenda Woodson October 5, 2021 at 11:10 am

    so awesome to find this information. I ran into this exact issue this morning. I suspected it so when I found the email in spam it flagged my attention to this article.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (149)

      Drewon October 21, 2021 at 11:53 pm

      Glad it helped! Please share so that others can learn about this and avoid similar problems. Thanks!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (151)

      Drewon November 10, 2021 at 12:42 pm

      No, that’s bogus!


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (152)

        Lizon November 24, 2021 at 6:32 am

        Yes got me then, they are hateful people, good job blocked the item I sold absolutely useless. I hope


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (153)

          Drewon November 27, 2021 at 1:34 am

          Ugh, sorry to hear that. 🙁 Now you know and it’ll never happen to you again, though!


  49. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (154)

    Laurenon November 13, 2021 at 10:08 am

    I hope I didn’t just get scammed. Recieved from [email protected] 😬🥺


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (155)

      Drewon November 17, 2021 at 12:23 am

      Hmmmm…that’s not a PayPal email, of course.


  50. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (156)

    AKon November 18, 2021 at 3:15 pm

    I just received notice from someone saying I bought an Apple I watch 44 Gold Strip. Shipped and received in FL but I don’t live in FL.
    I called the number on the invoice – 800-887-8320 – the guy was super rude and had all my information of where I lived. He told me that I am going to be responsible in paying the invoice.
    I did google it but nothing came up at all. Then once I figured out that he says he works with PayPal. I listened for a minute and then got super rude with me. Urg.. This time of year is the worse with scammers.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (157)

      Drewon November 19, 2021 at 1:05 pm

      Yeah, they attack in lots of different ways. Glad you didn’t get caught!


  51. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (158)

    Kimon November 19, 2021 at 8:41 am

    Can you verify that there are Paypal agent in USA. That is a email address to send money to for collect in US


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (159)

      Drewon November 19, 2021 at 1:06 pm

      Yes, of course there are agents in the US. I’m not sure I understand your question, though..??


  52. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (160)

    Richard Parrison November 21, 2021 at 1:19 am

    Is there something to select to ask PayPal not to release funds for an item until confirmation of actual shipping is received? Not just a claim from the seller it was! Last Ebay purchase I saw the seller reported an item shipped and got paid but tracking shows it never received by the shipper. That took 3 weeks and Ebay stepping in to resolve. PayPal is useless saying I have to contact the seller to request a refund for my money They released for an item never sent!? This week I found Keen boots 70% off, free shipping if two pair purchased which I did. Then after an odd email confirmation I checked and the seller was in China using a phony “Keen” footwear logo, lied they were US made shoes, lied how long they would take to receive and has a bad fraud and customer service reputation. I sent an email to cancel the order. No reply. I checked PayPal. A day later the pending payment went through. More review of the sellers website shows instead of 3-10 days shipping time shown in their “Keen” page ad, with Covid it is 15-25, After shipping which takes another 10-15 days to start. AK is right, the web is full of scammers. What good is the PayPal guarantee if it doesn’t protect buyers from fraud? Their mandatory MasterCard ID theft doesn’t cover it.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (161)

      Drewon November 24, 2021 at 12:12 am

      I’m a little confused. You say there was a pending payment that was cleared and released, but did you ever file an actual dispute claiming “item not received”?


  53. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (162)

    Leonon November 24, 2021 at 7:53 am

    Had the same thing happen to me by Stephen Martin ([email protected]


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (163)

      steveon December 9, 2021 at 10:30 am

      just tried it with me lol


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (164)

        Drewon December 9, 2021 at 6:28 pm

        Glad you didn’t get caught!


  54. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (165)

    TJ - Texason December 1, 2021 at 7:34 am

    I just received a similar email in my spam listing the same phone number. Thank you for posting the phone number as that is how I was able to find your post through Google. But I do wonder who lives at that Southern Pine Trl address in Rockledge, FL where the $812 Apple computer is supposed to be delivered in my name.


  55. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (166)

    Jennifer A Bordonaroon December 7, 2021 at 2:34 pm

    [email protected] said I need a photo of the tracking information and reply to the email with the photo.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (167)

      Drewon December 9, 2021 at 6:28 pm

      This is bogus!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (169)

      Drewon December 23, 2021 at 3:31 pm

      No, that’s bogus!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (171)

      Drewon January 26, 2022 at 7:19 pm

      No, those are bogus. Just don’t trust emails at all. Log in to your account directly and see if there’s a transaction in your activity log.


  56. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (172)

    Emily Cliffordon February 16, 2022 at 8:03 am

    Is [email protected] this a paypal email address


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (173)

      Drewon February 18, 2022 at 7:08 am

      No, that’s bogus!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (175)

      Drewon February 24, 2022 at 3:10 am

      No, that’s bogus!


  57. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (176)

    Kevinon March 6, 2022 at 7:13 am

    OK, so I’m getting scammed by this. With a twist.

    They actually deposited the money in my account under “Pending” status. I’m not sure how they managed to do that, or even if it’s a legit hold because I have never sold a thing using PayPal before.

    However, given that they’re the second scammer I’ve caught red-handed trying to get me to send the stuff to the same address, I’m wondering just how it is they expect to crawl their money back, ESPECIALLY if I use the legit way of providing POD.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (177)

      Drewon March 8, 2022 at 6:40 pm

      If you see a pending transaction showing up in your account then you should see a reason when you view the transaction details. It’s most likely an e-check, which would take a few days to clear, and they’re hoping you’d ship the item only to find out later that the e-check failed.


  58. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (178)

    Madelineon April 5, 2022 at 1:52 am

    so im talking to a woman who wants to buy my iphone 11 pro max and ive advertised it for $900 and she wanted to pay $920 to take care of shipping. after she so called sent the money she said she sent through goods and services and that in order for me to get the money i need to supply her a tracking number.

    this is the email she sent to me from and it was found in the spam folder
    [email protected]


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (179)

      Drewon April 5, 2022 at 3:14 pm

      That’s a scam. Ignore them and find a legit buyer. Hope it’s not too late already..??


  59. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (180)

    Johnon April 12, 2022 at 9:42 pm

    We’re scammer and we’ve a lots of trick😂
    Drew am warning you not to expose our transaction, we work on our own and you’ve to work on your own too, if you try us by exposing our transaction, you’ll be in trouble


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (182)

      Drewon May 14, 2022 at 10:51 am

      No, that’s a scammer!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (184)

      Drewon May 16, 2022 at 9:41 pm

      No, that’s bogus!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (186)

      Drewon May 19, 2022 at 9:48 am

      Bogus! Anything that is not is going to be bogus. Even if it is it could be spoofed. Just don’t trust emails. If you see something you question, go directly to in your browser without clicking any link. Log in and if there’s something going on that you need to know it will show up in your account dashboard.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (188)

      Drewon June 7, 2022 at 1:52 am

      No, that’s bogus!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (190)

      Drewon June 7, 2022 at 1:52 am

      No, just don’t trust any emails like that at all.


  60. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (191)

    Ann Mangumon June 17, 2022 at 11:21 pm

    Ohh thank you for this, this just happened to me selling a camera lens. So glad I found your website before I shipped the lens.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (192)

      Drewon June 19, 2022 at 6:49 pm

      Yes, I’m glad you didn’t get caught up in the trap! Please share this so others can learn about it as well. Thanks!


  61. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (193)

    Portiaon June 28, 2022 at 12:04 pm

    I received two emails claiming from PayPal that I have to email proof of shipping to the email address it’s from. I have never heard of that is that a thing?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (194)

      Drewon June 28, 2022 at 12:33 pm

      Almost certainly bogus. If you do have existing sales in PayPal then it is recommended to add tracking. However, you should log in to the PayPal account directly (not by clicking any links) and then open up the transaction details for your sale(s). Within that you can click a link to enter tracking info. That’s where you would do it, and the buyer would be able to see that same info on their side, as well as PayPal’s system seeing it so that it can release funds to the seller ASAP (assuming they were in a held state.) Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about that.


  62. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (195)

    Nicoleon July 5, 2022 at 1:28 pm

    I am sooo glad I trusted my gut feeling and made my research first. I’m happy I found this article before I make a mistake. Everything mentioned to check if it’s a scam, it all happened to me. Thank you!


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (196)

      Drewon July 6, 2022 at 1:10 am

      I’m glad you found it too! Please share so others can learn about this before it’s too late for them. Thanks!


  63. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (197)

    Lory-dale Brizzion July 7, 2022 at 8:41 am

    So theres someone that wants to buy something and there claiming that the moneys been send there’s an email but that’s all and this is the email address

    [email protected]

    There 2 spelling mistakes 2P 2T

    I assume it’s all fake?


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (198)

      Drewon July 8, 2022 at 9:00 pm

      Yup, bogus. Ignore this person and find a real buyer. 🙂


      • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (199)

        Jestinaon September 9, 2022 at 7:52 am

        [email protected]
        Is this real or fake please need to know


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (200)

          Drewon September 21, 2022 at 4:38 pm

          That is fake. PayPal would always have email addresses.


  64. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (201)

    Rebeccaon August 16, 2022 at 12:18 pm

    This just helped me today! I got some Facebook messages about buying something I was selling that were a little fishy – they didn’t want to buy it via FB marketplace or Poshmark b/c they “had a PayPal business account” and it wouldn’t let them. Then they sent me an email that ended up in my spam folder from [email protected] and that set off all kinds of alarm bells, since it didn’t show up in my PayPal. Thanks to you, I caught it and reported them.


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (202)

      Drewon November 28, 2022 at 4:21 pm

      Very glad you didn’t caught in the trap! Please share this so that others can learn about it and avoid the same trap. Thanks!


        • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (204)

          Drewon January 18, 2023 at 1:03 pm

          Yes, total garbage. Ignore anything you are getting from that.


  65. How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (205)

    evillittlemon October 25, 2023 at 8:36 am

    Buyer from Facebook wanted to buy a item of me../
    I received two emails claiming from PayPal… pretty their fake. the transaction is showing in my paypal as pending, no tracking number..

    Pay Pal




    Dear ******** ,

    Thank you for using PayPal online service. This is an authorization letter from PayPal to confirm that Viv Hills ([email protected]) is a certified buyer, your fund of $1,100.00 AUD as been deducted from the buyer’s account and has been “APPROVED” but will remain pending on the Pending TAB in your account until the shipment reference/tracking number is sent to us for verification, We are assuring you that the money is currently pending to be credited into your account as shown on you pending TAB . Therefore, You are advised to carry on with the shipment as instructed before the funds will reflect in your PayPal account as soon as we confirm the shipment tracking number through our agent in-charge of your transaction. failure to comply with this instruction may result in suspension of your PayPal account because you will be suspected by our firewalls security department as a fraudulent seller.

    These security methods have been taken due to some fraudulent sellers on eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist classified and other Auction sites.

    PayPal Service

    Copyright © 2023 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Email 2/

    Thanks for using PayPal

    This PayPal® payment has been deducted from the buyer’s account and has been “APPROVED” but will not be credited to your account until the shipment tracking number is sent to us by replying to this email, for verification so as to secure both the buyer and the seller.

    It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account after our verification with the tracking number.

    Payment from: [email protected]

    Payment to:


    ************** email

    Note to payment recipient:

    Transaction ID: U-5JN94861YX837153E
    Date: October 25 2023
    Payment Status: APPROVED

    Ship to:

    Name: Mukaila Lawal
    Address : 4258 Bluebonnet Dr Unit C2455 ,
    City: Stafford
    State : Texas
    Country: United States
    Zip-code: 77477

    Unit Price

    $1,100.00 AUD
    $1,100.00 AUD

    Shipping and handling
    $0.00 AUD

    Tax amount

    $1,100.00 AUD

    Payment to recipient
    $1,100.00 AUD

    This transaction will appear on your statement as APPROVED

    Transaction Summary:

    Total Amount of this transaction:
    $1,100.00 AUD


    • How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (206)

      Drewon October 31, 2023 at 11:13 am

      This is bogus!


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How to Avoid This PayPal Scam! (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.