How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (2024)

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (1)

Why Adobe Encrypted PDF files are not secure & superior protection alternatives.

For a long time, encryption has been a staple in the security landscape, but it has always been clear that not all encryption is equal. This blog post will explore the various issues with Adobe Encrypted PDF files and what you can do about them.

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (2) Adobe PDF exfiltration attacks

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (3)

When you password protect a PDF file using Adobe, it is encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption in Cipher Block Chaining Encryption (CBC) mode. Cryptographically, this is fine, but it’s worth remembering that encrypting a PDF only encrypts the contents of the file. Other information about the PDF, such as the size of its pages, the number of objects, links, etc. are not, which gives attackers a route to circumvent the encryption. CBC also has a known drawback – it does not have integrity control.

Direct exfiltration attack

Researchers across several German universities found that it is possible to exploit this by adding content to an encrypted PDF document. As there are no integrity checks, the user would not be alerted to these changes, which could include a submit form function/JavaScript that sends the contents of the PDF to the attacker once it is opened.

Malleability attack

Alternatively, an attacker can exploit the lack of integrity control to change the contents of a cipher block, provided they know part of the plain-text information that was encrypted. Unfortunately, because Adobe both encrypts editing permissions with the file and stores them in the file in an unencrypted plaintext form, attackers always know what some bytes of the file are. They can use this information to manipulate encrypted data to send the contents of a file to a third-party site, etc.

Of course, there are many other malicious things you could do with this power, but we’ll leave that to your imagination.


Okay, so PDF encryption is exploitable, but what is the impact in the real world? Is this limited to a few third-party PDF viewers that nobody has heard of? Unfortunately, not. Every mainstream PDF reader out there can have data exfiltrated with one or both of the methods above. Here are the research’s results:

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (4)

Source: Müller et al.

As you can see, many PDF readers are vulnerable to direct exfiltration without user input, including Adobe’s flagship Acrobat Reader DC. Every PDF reader is vulnerable to malleability attacks in one form or another, however, making Adobe Encrypted PDF files not very secure at all.

If you rely on encryption to protect your PDF’s contents when it’s in transit or at rest, it’s time to think again.

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (5) Password sharing and removal

Perhaps of even bigger concern is how easy it is for somebody who is authorized to open your PDF to give access to somebody else. Adobe Acrobat files are decrypted when the user provides the correct password. No further checks are performed to determine whether the user should have the password – where they are opening it from, whether it is from a recognized device/network, etc. As a result, anybody who has the password can pass it along with the PDF file to anybody they like (intentionally or via social engineering/phishing). Most PDF readers have no tracking, so you won’t even know that it has happened.

Alternatively, an authorized user can just remove the PDF password from the file. Anybody that has the open password can remove it using the security panel in Adobe Acrobat or any number of free PDF password remover tools. They can then share the file as if it were never protected in the first place.

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (6) Password cracking

All passwords are vulnerable to cracking, and it’s no different when they are used in combination with PDF encryption. The important thing to realize is that password cracking is a matter of when and not if depending entirely on password strength. With a complex enough password, you can make that millions of years on current computers with brute force attacks. Use a weak password, however, and that time can be in the milliseconds due to quick dictionary attacks.

If you just use a password that’s, say, 11 random characters with numbers, upper and lowercase letters, and symbols this problem is solved, right? Well, unfortunately, it’s not as easy as that. You also need to worry about:

  1. Password management: Different PDFs need different passwords, otherwise you have a single point of failure. When you consider the hundreds of documents businesses process each day and the need for secure storage and fallbacks, this quickly becomes cumbersome and expensive.
  2. Poor password hygiene: The more complex a password is, the harder time users have remembering it and therefore the more likely they are to note it down insecurely. It’s not uncommon to see post-it notes with passwords scattered around desks, PDFs shared with the password in an email, or a plaintext file with a password list on a user’s desktop. If you do put a “forgot password” system in place, that means more strain on your IT department and the potential for that system to be exploited, too.
  3. Phishing and social engineering: Brute-forcing isn’t the only way to get a password. Users can be tricked into giving even the most secure password via social engineering or phishing attacks. It’s better if the user has no password they can share so that the attacker has nothing to steal.

What about the PDF permissions password?

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (7)
Though it’s not made explicitly clear, the Adobe PDF permissions password does not utilize encryption. Rather, it’s a set of controls that informs the PDF viewing application which options it should grey out.

There are two major problems with this approach. Firstly, as the permissions are not backed up by cryptography, they are trivial to remove. There are numerous online and offline applications that will remove Adobe PDF permissions in seconds. Editing and printing are quickly restored.

The second issue is with enforcement. For Adobe permissions to work, the PDF reader application needs to have a mechanism through which it can disable certain functions. Adobe’s system naively trusts that third-party PDF reader developers will take the time to implement its controls. You can see the results for yourself: just open a permission-protected PDF in Mac Preview or Google Docs. No restrictions at all and minimal effort is required.

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (8) Are certificates more secure than password security?

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (9)
Encrypting a PDF with a certificate is more secure than password protection (especially if you want to send a PDF securely) since the recipient must have a private key to decrypt it. Unlike the sharing of passwords, users won’t be as keen on sharing their private keys. However, permissions to restrict editing, etc. can just as easily be removed, so users can print to PDF to create an unprotected copy.

Our blog on PDF password or certificate encryption covers which is the best security method.

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (10) The bottom line: How secure is Adobe PDF encryption?

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (11)
The encryption algorithm – AES vs RSA, and key size – 128-bit vs 256-bit, etc. is important, but so too is the way it is implemented in apps and services. Adobe PDF encryption is one example where poor implementation can lead to disastrous results.

Adobe encrypted PDF files just have too many flaws to be used for the protection of sensitive or confidential data. They are of limited use when a PDF is in transit and at rest due to exfiltration attacks and they don’t stop sharing, editing, or printing because passwords can easily be shared and permissions removed in seconds.

Ultimately, the PDF format was not built with security in mind. Indeed, it wasn’t until after its initial release that Adobe tacked on some half-hearted controls. The focus from the beginning has been on convenience and shareability, and despite Adobe’s best efforts, protected PDFs are still very shareable.

Instead of relying on Adobe encryption, businesses should look to purpose-made software to protect their PDF files.

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (12) Safeguard PDF DRM – the best way to encrypt PDF files

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (13)
Locklizard Safeguard DRM protects files without passwords or certificates, instead locking PDFs to specific devices using a combination of AES 256-bit encryption, licensing, and a secure viewer application. In doing so, it prevents:

  • Unauthorized users from opening files: Users can only open a PDF if they have a valid license file activated on their PC or mobile device. A license file can only be installed on one device (unless otherwise configured).
  • Authorized users from sharing file’s encryption key: The keystore is encrypted and does not function if moved or copied to another device.
  • Content extraction: Copy and paste, screenshotting (first or third-party), and PDF printing are disabled by default. Physical printing can also be disabled or limited.
  • Editing: The Safeguard PDF viewer application does not have editing functionality built-in. Users cannot open PDFs protected with Safeguard in any other application, nor can they extract the content, and therefore they cannot edit the file.
  • Printing: Prevent printing or limit prints to a certain number of copies, black and white, or grayscale.
  • Use after a defined period: Safeguard PDF allows you to expire documents after a certain date, number of days from first open, number of prints, or number of opens. You can also revoke PDF access manually at any point.
  • The sharing of phone pictures and printed copies: Locklizard Safeguard comes with a dynamic watermarking system. You can protect a document with a watermark and add variables like name and email address. These variables will then be automatically adjusted to match the user when they open the document. They won’t be able to share any version of it without having their name and email address clearly on show. Unlike Adobe watermarks that can be simply removed, Locklizard’s are permanent.
  • Untraceable usage: Monitoring tools allow you to see how many times your document was opened and printed, by whom, and where from.

Locklizard provides the ultimate in PDF protection, ensuring your PDF documents are secured both online and offline in any location.

You can read more about Safeguard and its features here. Or, to add security to your PDF without passwordsand protect your royalties or sensitive information, take a15-day free trialof ourDRM software.

As a cybersecurity expert with extensive knowledge in encryption technologies and data protection, I'll delve into the concerns raised in the provided article regarding the security of Adobe Encrypted PDF files and propose superior protection alternatives.

Issues with Adobe Encrypted PDF Files:

  1. CBC Mode Encryption: Adobe encrypts PDF files using 256-bit AES encryption in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. While the cryptographic strength is robust, CBC mode lacks integrity control, leaving certain aspects of the file vulnerable.

  2. Exfiltration Attacks: The article highlights two types of exfiltration attacks: direct exfiltration and malleability attacks. Both exploit the absence of integrity checks, allowing attackers to manipulate the encrypted data or add content to the PDF without detection.

  3. Password Protection Weaknesses:

    • Password Sharing: Adobe Acrobat files are decrypted upon entering the correct password, with no subsequent checks on the user's authorization. This lack of verification makes it easy for authorized users to share passwords, intentionally or through social engineering.
    • Password Removal: Authorized users can easily remove the PDF password using Adobe Acrobat or other free PDF password remover tools, rendering the protection ineffective.
  4. Password Cracking: Passwords, even with encryption, are susceptible to cracking. The article emphasizes the importance of strong, complex passwords and highlights challenges such as password management, poor password hygiene, and susceptibility to phishing attacks.

  5. Permissions Password Weaknesses: Adobe PDF permissions password does not use encryption but relies on controls to limit functionality. However, these controls are easily removed, and the enforcement depends on the PDF reader application's implementation.

Superior Protection Alternatives:

  1. Certificate Encryption: Encrypting PDFs with a certificate provides enhanced security, requiring the recipient to possess a private key for decryption. However, this method does not prevent the removal of permissions to print or edit.

  2. Purpose-Made Software: The article recommends using purpose-made software for PDF protection. Locklizard Safeguard DRM is highlighted as a superior solution, employing AES 256-bit encryption, licensing, and a secure viewer application to prevent unauthorized access and actions.

  3. Locklizard Safeguard DRM Features:

    • Device Lock: PDFs are locked to specific devices, preventing unauthorized access.
    • Key Protection: The keystore is encrypted, preventing the sharing of encryption keys.
    • Content Protection: Copying, pasting, screenshotting, and printing are disabled or limited.
    • Editing Protection: The Safeguard PDF viewer does not allow editing, ensuring file integrity.
    • Expiration Controls: PDFs can be set to expire after a defined period or specific conditions.
  4. Dynamic Watermarking: Locklizard Safeguard employs dynamic watermarking, making it difficult for users to share documents without revealing their identity.

  5. Untraceable Usage Monitoring: The software provides monitoring tools to track document access, prints, and user details.

In conclusion, Adobe Encrypted PDF files are identified as having significant security flaws, and the article suggests transitioning to purpose-made solutions like Locklizard Safeguard DRM for robust PDF protection.

How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? - Locklizard (2024)


How secure is Adobe PDF encryption? ›

Adobe Acrobat uses AES 256-bit encryption which turns the document into illegible strings of letters and numbers unless the user has entered the correct open password to decrypt it. Anybody who has the open password can read the contents, regardless of whether they're authorized to.

Can an encrypted PDF be hacked? ›

However, the security of PDF encryption ultimately depends on the strength of the chosen password, as weak passwords can be susceptible to brute-force attacks. Vulnerabilities in encryption algorithms or flaws in PDF software implementations can also potentially compromise the security of the encryption.

Can you lock a PDF so it cannot be shared? ›

Open a file in Acrobat and choose Tools > Protect. Select whether you want to restrict editing with a password or encrypt the file with a certificate or password. Set password or security method as desired. Click OK and then click Save.

How to unlock PDF without password free? ›

How to remove password from PDF?
  1. 1Drag & Drop a PDF file into the box (or upload a file by clicking the “+Add file” button). ...
  2. 2Click the 'Unlock PDF' button. ...
  3. 3Once completed, click 'Download file', share via URL or QR code, or save your PDF to cloud storage like Google Drive or DropBox.

How do I make an Adobe PDF not secure? ›

Open the PDF in Acrobat. From the All tools menu, select Protect a PDF. From the left panel, select Remove security.

Is Adobe Acrobat PDF safe? ›

Yes, It is safe to install, where did you get Adobe Acrobat Reader? If I helped you anyway, It makes me happy. Was this reply helpful?

Is it possible to unlock encrypted PDF? ›

Strongly encrypted PDFs can only be unlocked with the correct passwords. Unlocking a PDF is easy with Smallpdf. You just need to upload your PDF, enter the password (for strongly encrypted files), and download the unlocked PDF!

Is it possible to remove encryption from PDF? ›

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Open the PDF file in Acrobat Reader. Open the "Unlock" tool, then choose "Tools," "Protect," "Encrypt" and then "Remove Security" as each becomes available from "Tools."

Can hackers get into encrypted files? ›

Hackers can break encryption to access the data using a number of different methods. The most common method is stealing the encryption key itself. Another common way is intercepting the data either before it has been encrypted by the sender or after it has been decrypted by the recipient.

Should you lock a PDF? ›

Protect Sensitive Data

If your PDF contains sensitive information, such as personal data for employees and contractors or financial information, it's important to ensure that it is protected from unauthorized access.

Can you get around a locked PDF? ›

There is no way to unlock a secure PDF if you do not know the password. If you want to remove a known user password from a PDF, you can use either Soda PDF or Adobe Acrobat Pro.

How does a locklizard work? ›

Locklizard implements a range of technologies accessible on PC or on the Cloud in order to achieve the features and functions necessary to protect a document. These technologies are DRM controls, document watermarking, US Government encryption, license control, and a proprietary secure PDF viewer.

How do I unlock a locked PDF forever? ›

If your PDF file has an "owner password" that restricts editing, printing, or copying, you can remove it by using a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat or Foxit Reader. - Open the PDF in a PDF reader like Acrobat Pro on your laptop or PC. - Click on Choose Tools > Encrypt > Remove Security.

Is there a way to password protect a PDF for free? ›

Here's how:
  1. Open your Dropbox app or webpage.
  2. Choose the PDF file you wish to protect and click the share icon.
  3. Then select “Settings.”
  4. Choose between “Link for Editing” or “Link for Viewing.”
  5. Then, when you see “Require Password,” click the toggle button to “on.”
  6. Choose your access settings.
  7. Set your desired password.
Jan 5, 2024

Is Adobe encryption Hipaa compliant? ›

Adobe solutions comply with security standards as well as industry-specific regulations such as HIPAA, FERPA, GLBA and FDA 21 CFR part 11.

Can a secured PDF be tracked? ›

Yes, but you need a licensing system to identify the user, and the ability to lock a PDF to a device so you have certainty of who you are tracking.

Are Adobe forms secure? ›

Adobe Experience Manager Forms document security ensures that only authorized users can use your documents. Using document security, you can safely distribute any information that you have saved in a supported format.

How secure is Adobe Document Cloud? ›

Your security is our priority.

Help protect your data and your documents with industry-leading security processes and controls. At Adobe, the security of your digital experiences is our priority. Learn more about Adobe security. Your data privacy is a key concern for Adobe.

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