How old is everybody ? (2024)

Forums: Index > Game DiscussionHow old is everybody?

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I'm wondering how old are some of the key characters that we meet in the dragon age universe?

The HOF ( are all possible version of him/her the same age or might some be older or younger depending on their race? )

HAWK ( i know that at the begining of da2 the hawk twin are 18 and the champion is suposed to be older but i want to know how old is the champion when he or she meet the inquisitor i know that the surviving sibling is 28 )

the INQUISITOR ( the same question i ask about the hof also aply here )


















iron bull





( i cant think of anyone else but if you do feel free to add them i also witheld a few characters from the list they dont really count ( in my opinion ) either because they are extremly old, immortal or they hijack the body of someone else or for the last one not a humanoid also all age should be counted at the begining of the inquisition with obvious exception to those who are dead by then )





and dog ( whatever name he might have )

( ander is a special case i'm not sur on which list he should appear )

i thank you if your capable of answering even just one question and even more so if your capable of more then one (talk) 22:37, March 8, 2015 (UTC)sorry same sign-in problem as last time DragonInquisitor (talk) 22:40, March 8, 2015 (UTC)

First, you might want to either add a spoiler tag or remove those two alternate names, I'm not sure anyone looking to help you fill in your list would appreciate having the biggest story detail spoiled in thanks. Second, Hawke is 25 in Origins, Alistair is 18 (confirmed by Legacy and World of Thedas), beyond that anyone else's age is guessing at best. Cassandra is probably 38 in Inquisition, if she was 18 and fresh out of training during Dawn of the Seeker (Cullen indicates that most templars complete their training by 18 if they start young). RShepard227 (talk) 22:52, March 8, 2015 (UTC)

cassie says she's a special case though for seeker training because of her noble status dontknow if that effects her ageBlitzbear93 (talk) 04:10, March 9, 2015 (UTC)Blitzbear93
According to her dialogue with Sera, she's been in Seeker training she she was six. Even assuming that's a mistake on the writer's part, she's at least had weapons training since that time. Now Antony was older, probably 10-15 years older, so when he died a relatively-experienced dragon hunter at the hands of apostates, she joined the Chantry immediately after. It's implied (Alistair, Cullen) that most templars are educated by the Chantry from the time of childhood, which is probably the exception you're referring to. That could easily be as young as "old enough to walk," and "old for my age due to noble upbringing" easily applies to Alistair joining at 10 as it does her at six. So 38 is likely the upper threshold, in fact now I'd say she's probably a little younger than that, even if she spent 12 years in Seeker training. RShepard227 (talk) 22:03, March 10, 2015 (UTC)
Alistair is 20 when origins started. He was born in 9:10, the blight started in 9:30 and by time Inquisition (9:41) starts he's 31. -- (talk) 21:45, March 9, 2015 (UTC)

Sorry i did'nt think it was still spoiller material this long after the release of the game but i've done it DragonInquisitor (talk) 23:09, March 8, 2015 (UTC)

Varric is 41 since he was born in 9:0 Dragon. I'm guessing Morrigan and Leliana are a little older then Alistair so are in their early 30's in Inquisition. Sera is likely in her early 20's since she was a child during the blight. Wynne maybe late 60's? My other guesses based on how characters look are: Sten late 40's, Zevran maybe ment to be late 20's early 30's but looks older, Oghren early 40's, Fenris late-mid 20's, Isabela mid-early 30's, Merrill 18 to early 20's, Aveline mid-late 30's, Anders late 20's to early 30's, Sebastian mid-late 20's, Cullen mid-late 30's, Josephine late 20's to early 30's, Blackwall early 40's, Iron Bull mid 30's, Dorian maybe meant to be late 20's to early 30's since Giselle calls him young man (looks older though), Vivienne early to mid 40's. I agree with RShepard's answers too. --Xsari (Talk) 23:25, March 8, 2015 (UTC)

Developers have stated the Inquisitor's age is between 20 to 40, and I reckon the Warden's age range is roughly 20 to 30 in Origins but would differ depending on origin. If I had to guess on which I'd say Dwarven Noble is the oldest and the Mage is the youngest. Hawke at the very start of DA2 is either 24/25, and would be 35/36 in Inquisition.

Alistair who was born in 9:10 and would have been 20 in beginning of Origins and 31 in Inquisition. Varric is believed to be born either 9:00 or 9:01, so when you first meet him in DA2 he's 30/31 and would be 40/41 in Inquisition. Devs have also have stated that Cassandra and Iron Bull are in their mid-late 30s in Inquisition. Nathaniel is 30 in Awakening. Bethany and Carver are both 18 at the start of DA2 and would be 29 by time Inquisition starts.

Now for the rest; Wynne is most likely in her 60s (maybe 70s), Leliana is stated to look younger than she is but I reckon early-mid 30s in Origins and early-mid 40s in Inquisition. In Origins, Stenshok & Oghren I believe are in their late 30s to mid 40s, Morrigan and Zevran would be mid 20s to early 30s, and Loghain is likely in his late 40s early 50s. Isabella and Aveline are likely in the same age group as Leliana. Merril I picture is roughly the same age as the Dalish Warden, and Anders being 2-5 years older than the Mage Warden. Cullen states that templars start their full duties at 18, but I doubt Meredith would have promoted a 19 year old as Knight-Captain so I think early-mid 20s in Origins and early-mid 30s in Inquisition. The Dragon Age Tool Set had him at 24, which I think works. Sebastian is roughly same age as Hawke. In Inquistion, Dorian and Josie late 20s early 30s, Sera is early 20s, Blackwall early-mid 40s, and Vivienne is likely the same as Cass and Iron Bull. -- (talk) 21:45, March 9, 2015 (UTC)

I agree with all that except I think Morrigan was either in her late teens or twenties in Origins (and therefore late twenties or early thirties in Inquisition). In fact she might be around Alistair's age. We can assume that Flemeth planned her to be around the same age as him because she was clearly planning to have her potentially have an OGB with Alistair. And she was almost certainly keeping tabs on Alistair long before he became a grey warden. Note that young women are much more fertile than...less young women, and Flemeth would want Morrigan to have the highest chance of conceiving an OGB. A nineteen year old has a better chance of getting knocked up than a thirty two year old.

Also, she hadn't ever really left Flemeth's home before she met the Warden. It makes more sense if she's very young when she leaves (18-20) rather than if she leaves in her mid twenties, nevermind early thirties. Finally, Morrigan's emoness makes a lot more sense if she's only eighteen or nineteen than if she's twenty nine. Silver Warden (talk) 22:27, March 9, 2015 (UTC)

That makes sense. I figure there is a chance that some characters are likely younger than my estimates. Like Sera for example. She stays that she was a child during Origins, and could be easily 18 or 19 even though I took to a guess at early 20s. Depending on Origin the Warden could also be under 20, but that is more to do with player choice (or estimation) as we have no confirmed ages for siblings, parents, friends in origin backstory, when average age mages under take the Harrowing. Same could be said about the Inquisitor but that age range was given by the Devs.-- (talk) 23:09, March 9, 2015 (UTC)
The Warden is probably fairly young too. I assume Harrowings are taken at the age of majority, and if that's eighteen in Thedas, than the mage Warden is eighteen. It's possible the age of majority is higher or doesn't exist, though. The Dwarven Noble is having a celebration for his/her coming of age at the beginning of the game, so same thing with him/her. And I think the City Elf is getting married because he/she is finally old enough to get married. The others are probably of similar age. However, the Warden's age is purposefully unclear, and I could see any of them being as old as twenty five or so. Silver Warden (talk) 23:35, March 9, 2015 (UTC)

I could be horrendously wrong with a lot of these, but I think that:

The Warden: Age depends on how old the player would like them to be (My main was 20 as of Origins, so 31 as of Inquisition).

Alistair: He'd be 31 as of Inquisition, if the wiki is anything to go by (oh, who am I kidding? of course it is! :P)

Morrigan: I'd say she was in her late teens as of Origins, at the youngest. So, late 20s by Inquisition?

Leliana: Based on dialogue between herself and Wynne, I'd say she's quite a bit older than many of us believe. I'd say she was 30 as of Origins and 41 as of Inquisition, or pushing very much towards it.

Hawke: Seeing as Hawke's age was all but mentioned by Gamlen, I believe it was 24-25 as of DA2? So they would be around 35-36 as of Inquisition.

Varric: His year of birth is mentioned here on the wiki, so 40-41 by Inquisition?

Cassandra: Based on her mention that the events of Dawn of the Seeker was almost 20 years before Inquisition (she became the Right Hand of the Divine in 9:22 Dragon), I would put her age closer to (very) late 30s/early 40s than anything else. It would be the most logical age range, I think, since I very much doubt that she was some 13 year old girl (or whatever :P) when DOTS happened. This is Dragon Age, not Final Fantasy! Also, wasn't she a full Seeker when it happened, or coming close to it? :P

Sera: She mentioned she was just a girl when the Blight happened, so I don't think she would be that old. Late teens at the youngest, I reckon. Maybe (very) early 20s.

Cullen: This one's pretty hard to say, since we really don't really have an idea of roughly how old he was in Origins. I think it was mentioned that recruits don't become full Templars until they turn 18 (I could be wrong), so assuming that Cullen hasn't been a full Templar for very long, maybe late 20s/early 30s by Inquisition?

Josephine: Her writer mentioned that he age was around 27 - 29 years old. Ehh, I'm cool with that.:)

Cole: Physically speaking, he has the body of a young man, maybe one in his late teens? But when taking into account he is a spirit, who knows exactly how old he is? He could be older than feudalism!

Solas: The wiki says early to mid 40s, but seeing as he's really *cough*SPOILERS!*cough* I highly doubt that.

Vivienne: This one's hard to say but I doubt they let young folks be First Enchanters and/or advisers to heads of state, regardless of their talents, achievements and/or political acumen (Chancellor!Warden notwithstanding:)). Mid to late 30s at the youngest?

Iron Bull: Patrick Weekes says mid to late 30s. I'll buy that.:)

Blackwall: Another one that's hard to say. Blackwall was a Warden-Constable, which I believe was just a step below a Warden-Commander? So he's obviously a veteran of many years, and Duncan (a middle-aged man when he died) apparently was an old friend of his, so logically speaking Blackwall would be passing middle age by Inquisition if not past it already. However, seeing as Blackwall is...well, not Blackwall, it may be possible that he could be younger than he looks. I dunno, that's what I think anyways...

Dorian: Early to mid 20s? He looks around that age.

The Inquisitor: It's been said that they are between 20 and 40, so like the Warden their age is practically up to the player. And I'm more than cool with that (my Trevelyan is in her early to mid 20s).

--Jonny hirst (talk) 16:27, March 10, 2015 (UTC)

I think that everybody's forgetting that David Gaider said that Morrigan was in her late twenties to early thirties in Origins... Aedan Amell (talk) 01:32, March 11, 2015 (UTC)

  • ^ Didn't know that, she really doesn't look it though. Also didn't know about the theory that her father's Maric and Flemeth is her actual mother. --Xsari (Talk) 01:56, March 11, 2015 (UTC)

^^ Truly? Huh. 'Tis actually the first I've heard of this theory. That, and Morrigan being older than she looks. Sources, please? --Jonny hirst (talk) 03:44, March 11, 2015 (UTC)

^^^David Gaider doesn't tell the exact age of Morrigan but he said that she's not a teenager. If he did then provide a source. (talk) 04:09, March 11, 2015 (UTC)

A little testy aren't we? I can't find the exact thread but if you look up "how old is Morrigan bioware social" threads will show that have responses from people that have seen the thread. Aedan Amell (talk) 22:12, March 11, 2015 (UTC)
It isn't being "testy" to ask for the source of something, especially if multiple people haven't heard of said claim, and someone else already asked for a source. Telling someone to "go look it up if you don't believe me" doesn't exactly inspire confidence, either. Silver Warden (talk) 01:38, March 12, 2015 (UTC)
Well, automatically discrediting me doesn't exactly seem patient if you ask me. Aedan Amell (talk) 23:35, March 12, 2015 (UTC)
A) I'm not discrediting you. I actually believe you, if only because you have little to gain by lying. I simply find it strange that you would find it strange that someone would ask for the source of something. B) You've had quite some time now since Johnny asked for a source two days ago. Silver Warden (talk) 18:36, March 13, 2015 (UTC)
A) I was talking about the person who commented before you. I didn't find it strange that they asked for a source, but I was put off by how rude the request seemed. B) I'd have no way to find it now considering I found it years ago. With the BSN change and the archiving of old threads, it's nearly impossible to find. Aedan Amell (talk) 19:54, March 13, 2015 (UTC)

I know you didn't ask for them, but both Flemeth and Shale are fairly easy to determine age-wise, as we have some general dates to work with. Note: All the ages I'm estimating are as of 9:41 Dragon, the year during which Dragon Age: Inquisition takes place. Flemeth is approximately 641-642 years old, as she was supposedly born in 3:00 Towers. For Shale, we'll first have to start with how long she has been a golem for. The Anvil of the Void was forged in -255 Ancient and lost in -248 Ancient. According to Caridin, Shalye of House Cadesh Shale was one of the first dwarves to volunteer to become a golem, so it's a safe bet to say she was made during the first year, -255 Ancient, so I'd estimate she has been a golem for 1196 years. Accounting for her dwarven lifespan, and I'd estimate her to around at least 1210 years old, probably older. Hope this helps. Your humble Magister. TheFereldenMagister (talk) 01:51, March 11, 2015 (UTC)

To condense this:

CONFIRMED (by developers, more or less)-

Hawke- confirmed in-game pretty much to be 25 in 9:30, and her siblings are 18 and fraternal twins. So Hawke is definitely 35-36 and her siblings are 28-29

Inquisitor- 20-40 depending on player

Varric - born in 9:00 so he is 41 in Inquisition

Alistair - born in 9:10 so he is 31 in Inquisition

Josephine- 27-29 years old

Iron Bull - mid to late 30's

Solas- early to mid 40s *COUGH (minus a few zeros) COUGH*


Hero of Ferelden- is supposed to be coming of age in a lot of these origin backgrounds, and I think the toolset lists them as 20. So basically very late 20s-early 30s by 9:41.

Leliana- I remember a conversation in DA:O with Wynne where she says she's "older than she looks" so I assume late 20's-early 30's in DA:O (Hawke's age, more or less) so she is in her late 30's-early 40's. Explains the "older sister" role she takes with Josephine a little more.

Sten- I assume mid 30's-late 30's in DA:O (basically Bull's age), so mid 40's - early 50's in Inquisition

Morrigan- I think she's either the same age or slightly older than Alistair, closer to Leliana's age. So basically anywhere from early-late 30's in Inquisition (I'm inclined towards mid 30s)

Zevran- Based on his background in the Crows, he enjoys some privileges but not that many, so I assumed mid 20s (basically long enough to get a few kills under your belt but still be disposable). So mid 30s in Inquisition

Ogren - he's married and was an established warrior of his house but considered "past his prime" in DA:O. I'd assume late 30s-early 40s so late 40s- early 50s in Inquisition

Wynne - I think the DA:O toolset said 50 or something, but based on the fact that Rhys (from Asunder - and her son) in in his 40's in 9:40, I'm going to assume she's closer to mid 60s-early 70s by 9:41 (also, SPOILERS-not alive-SPOILERS END)

Fenris- probably same age as Hawke or slightly younger, so early-mid 30s by Inquisition

Isabela- I always assumed slightly older than Hawke, late 30's by Inquisition

Anders- same as Isabela, since he has passed his Harrowing (18-20) and made dozens of escape attempts before DA:A. He also spent a year in solitary confinement. I'd guess late 30s-early 40s.

Merrill- assumed her to be around the Warden's age (18-20) in DA:O since she's from the same clan as a Dalish Warden. So late 20s-early 30s.

Aveline- Married to a templar, officially knighted, so I always pegged her as slightly older than Hawke, so late 30s- early 40s in Inquisition (leaning towards early 40s)

Sebastian- hasn't been to Starkhaven in fifteen years (said in 9:37), was forced into the Chantry as a teenager. That would probably make him at least in his early 30s by 9:41, depending on what you consider a teenager. (Someone calculated it on his page)

Cullen - Based on what we know about templars, you don't take on full responsibilities under you are 18, he is overseeing his first Harrowing in DA:O - so likely 18-20 in DA:O which makes him in his early 30s now.

Blackwall- Pretty much guessing mid to late 40s, based on the fact he was a captain in the Orlesian Army before he was recruited, had to be around the same age as The Real Blackwall, who was Warden Constable, and he supposedly knew Duncan. (at least, 'a' Blackwall did)

Dorian - I assume older than a lot of people are saying, since he was already supposed to be betrothed, then ran away from Tevinter and hid for a bit (he supposedly hasn't talked to his parents in years). If Josephine is being married off in her late 20's, I'd assume Dorian would have to be in his late 20's-early 30s AT LEAST.

Cassandra - based on what other people are saying, I agree with the late 30s-early 40s remarks. I lean towards early 40s

Vivienne - She supposedly rose through the ranks at a young age, but I took her to the Fade and the demon was taunting her about being relevant "at her age" so I am assuming late 30s-early 40s as well. Maybe even mid to late 40s. Melanin does wonders for the skin:)

Sera - Was a child during the Blight. Barely remembers the Hero so I assume 20 at most tbh.

Cole - He's a spirit, but the mage he assumed the identity of was brought to the Spire because they discovered his magic. Roderick refers to him sarcastically as a "charming boy", and Solas calls him a "young man" so I'm assuming he is supposed to "be" 15-18. Younger than Sera.

And seriously, I hope to God I look as good as everyone in Dragon Age does in my mid 30s.Palipride47 (talk) 01:08, March 14, 2015 (UTC)

Just a little something I'd like to add to this thread in light of a theory from a few months ago which I recently remembered reading about (and watching a video about). I did say previously in this thread that I believed Sera was in her late teens at the youngest, perhaps in her very early 20s, so having remembered this theory I realised there may be a possibility that she is (after a fashion, at least) much, much older than that.

The theory I speak of is the one which discussed the possibility that Sera is an amnesiac Andruil, or is Andruil in the same way Flemeth is Mythal, but doesn't realise it. It's a fairly sound theory, and the evidence I recall seeing make me a believer in the possibility that she is really an elven goddess (or secretly a Targaryen, given her pale blond hair and love of dragons). It could easily be just a huge coincidence, but I hope that's the case, anyway (the goddess thing, not the Targaryen thing :P).

Sources? If you're not familiar with the theory, search for the thread topic 'Sera & Solas Similarities' on BSN, or type in "Fan Theory: Sera is Special" on Youtube and there we go.

So yeah, I'll stand by late teens-very early 20s, but I'm open to the possibility that she's really a couple of thousand years old. But hey, that's just a theory...a GAME theo-nope! Just a regular theory...--Jonny hirst (talk) 01:56, March 17, 2015 (UTC)

The problem I have with this is that it seems kinda cheap. Really, another character is an elven god? You only get to have one surprise god character per series before it becomes too much. And no, Flemeth doesn't count, we always knew she was something super special, we just didn't know what.
If "Sera is Andruil" then it completely cheapens "Solas is Fen'Harel". Logically it could work, but from a storytelling perspective making Sera Andruil is a bad idea, one which I hope Bioware didn't follow through.
Also, Sera can't be just Andruil in her original body, or else Solas would recognize her. So at most she would be like Flemeth but with amnesia. Silver Warden (talk) 02:54, March 17, 2015 (UTC)

^^ As you say. But I don't see how Flemeth being Mythal doesn't count. We may have known she was super special since DAO though not the way in how she was special, but that doesn't make the revelation she was an elven goddess any less than Solas' as Fen'Harel. The only real difference between the two is that Solas' reveal was the stinger, and not a mid-game cutscene like Flemeth's. And even then one could say the stinger focused more on what happened to Flemeth than who Solas really was. To me, it was more "OMG! WHAT DID HE DO TO CAPTAIN JANEWAY!?" than "OMG! IANTO JONES IS AN ELVEN GOD!? WHAAAA?!" but I guess that possibly would be just me.

Besides I think it'd be more accurate to say "Solas is Fen'Harel" cheapens "Flemeth is Mythal," as her reveal came first. Just saying.

That being said, the fact there are two elven gods in DAI, no matter who came first, cheapens both already. To what degree is really up to us as players. In my case? Not so much.

As for Solas not recognising Andruil (if Sera is indeed she), if there's anything I learned about the Dread Wolf, is that he doesn't reveal everything about himself. If this theory is indeed fact, then for all we know, Solas did recognise Andruil, but also recognises that she is not entirely herself (as the theory states, she may be an amnesiac goddess or, like Flemeth/Mythal, is a mortal with a goddess' soul), and so decides to 'test the waters' with her, so to speak, based on some of his dialogue with her.

It's not just Solas either, Cole seems to recognise that Sera is not entirely who she seems to be, whether she's aware of it herself or not, and I'm sure there's at least one small hint in dialogue with Iron Bull? I think it's Bull, anyway. I could be wrong.

And one can't deny the similarities between Sera and Andruil. For example:

- Sera's biggest fear is nothingness. Andruil spent time in the Void (or: nothingness).

- Sera likes fighting dragons. Andruil liked hunting dragons.

- When looked at upside-down, Andruil's vallaslin symbol resembles one of Sera's tarot cards. Even Andruil's mosaic in the Temple of Mythal resembles the same tarot card.

- Sera is a bit kooky (some would say crazy). Andruil was driven mad (and 'forgot herself').

- Sera doesn't like elves. Andruil wasn't too fond of them, either.

And many, many more. I'm not saying what is, just that it may be possible, and like I mentioned before, this could all just be one big coincidence (although there are sufficient clues in the game to speculate on, at least. I have to give that). Really though, bad idea or not, is it really such a stretch to think there may be three gods in Dragon Age's future?--Jonny hirst (talk) 04:19, March 17, 2015 (UTC)

"But I don't see how Flemeth being Mythal doesn't count. We may have known she was super special since DAO though not the way in how she was special, but that doesn't make the revelation she was an elven goddess any less than Solas' as Fen'Harel." (Jonn hirst) Actually, yes it does. From the start we knew she was a very special case. At first she was presented as a unique abomination, but by the end of Witch Hunt it is revealed that she isn't even that. Then in DA 2 she is strongly associated with the Dalish (hell, even Morrigan's focus on Eluvians an associate by proxy), so we've known since back then she was something godlike within the elven sphere. I mean there's been "Flemeth is Fen'Harel" and "Flemeth is an Old God" theories since Origins. We've all known on some level she was godly, if not exactly which god (or even if she was a particular god). When I first found out, my response wasn't: "Wait, she's Mythal! Where'd that come from?" It was: "Oh, she's Mythal. That explains a lot." She's not a surprise god. She's a surprise this god.
Solas is totally a surprise god. There are far fewer hints to his nature than there are with Flemeth. He's introduced as an apostate and an ally, not a mysterious supernatural force. Honestly anyone who's super-surprised that Flemeth is an elven god hasn't been paying attention. The developers may as well have screamed "she's an ancient godlike being connected to the elves!" when Merrill resurrected her in DA 2. Ancient godlike being to actual god is a surprise about the identity of the character, not a surprise about their nature. With Solas, we get both a surprise about his identity and a surprise about his nature.
Sera liking dragon hunts proves nothing. Bulls likes that too, way more than Sera does. So does the Inquisitor, and we know he/she's not a god/goddess. Sera's hardly the only crazy character in the series, or the only character who hates elves or even the only elf who hates elves (see Devera, and to a lesser extent, Fenris).
Her fear of "nothingness", while seemingly bizarre, it actually the most sensible fear of all the characters. Everyone else's fear circles back to flaws they see in themselves (expect for the Inquisitor, I guess). Sera is afraid of something that should be terrifying. An unknown unknown is terror in its purist form. I'd say it was fear itself but its even more basic than that. In order to be "afraid" of something, it has to be a specific phobia. This in turns means the person has to have encountered it before, which makes the phobia a kind of horror rather than a true terror. Terror is a "dreadful anticipation" while horrors are "sickening realizations". A person creates their own horrors (phobias) but everyone experiences the same terror of the unknown unknown, or pure nothingness. The Nightmare demon couldn't scare Sera with a specific phobia because she has none. It could only terrorize her in the most primal way possible. It would be like making someone desire food by starving them rather than teasing them with a particular treat. Sera is not afraid of the Abyss or the Void. She isn't afraid of anything. She is terrified by "nothing".
The tarot card/mosaic similarity is suspicious, and I don't think it's a coincidence. However, it could merely represent a thematic similarity between the two characters rather than a literal one. That is probably what people are picking up on. They are both fearless huntresses, but there can be more than one fearless huntress. That they are the same archetype does not mean they are literally the same. Silver Warden (talk) 14:17, March 17, 2015 (UTC)
How old is everybody ? (2024)


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The Little Mermaid Remake Reveals Eric Was Adopted By The King & Queen. In the animated version of The Little Mermaid, Prince Eric's parents aren't present, but the 2023 live-action remake features the addition of his mother, Queen Selina.

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The role went to Stephen Moyer, but Skarsgård was cast as Eric Northman, a 1,000-year-old Nordic vampire. Northman first appeared in the first season's fourth episode, and the role brought Skarsgård to prominence.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.