How Long Should Blog Posts Be in 2021? [New Data] (2024)

If you're a blogger, you've probably asked your editor "how long should this blog post be" more times than you'd care to admit.

How Long Should Blog Posts Be in 2021? [New Data] (1)

And most of the time, you'll hear an answer that sounds something like this: "However long it needs to be."

There's certainly a nugget of truth in there — you shouldn't beholden yourself to a character count that's either too low or too high. However, any experienced blogger will tell you that there is an ideal length or range for how long your blog posts should be, especially when you take certain criteria into account like your audience, the topic, the structure of the post, and what your main promotional channel is.

We've published thousands of blog posts here at HubSpot, and we analyzed our top-performing ones to see how blog post length impacts success in all of these areas.

Read on to see how long your blog posts should be in 2020.

Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO 2021

For SEO, the ideal blog post length should be 2,100-2,400 words, according to HubSpot data. We averaged the length of our 50 most-read blog posts in 2019, which yielded an average word count of 2,330. Individual blog post lengths ranged from 333 to 5,581 words, with a median length of 2,164 words.

But before you go writing your 2,300 word blog post, keep in mind that not all blog posts need to be super long — in fact, 16 of our top 50 read posts (or about one-third) were under 1,500 words, so there's still plenty of opportunity to get your posts ranking even with a lower word count.

This can be accomplished by following SEO best practices, including:

  • Proper backlinking.
  • Attempting to capture Google's featured snippet.
  • Adding alt-text.
  • Going after the right keywords.
  • Achieving domain and topic authority.
  • Incorporating media-rich content in your post body (videos, social media embeds, etc.).

For an overview of everything that goes into getting a blog post to rank on Google outside of word length, check out this blog post.

Ideal Blog Post Length for Lead Generation

Unfortunately, there's often a disconnect between the posts that generate traffic and those that generate leads or new contacts for your business.

Typically, posts that get more traffic do so because they're searched for by a wider audience, which sometimes means the topic you've written about is more generic and doesn't align closely with your business.

To speak to this gap, we looked at the 50 posts that brought in the most net new leads for HubSpot in 2019 to see if there was a difference in average length, and to see if writers should adjust post length for posts written to generate leads.

Spoiler alert: there was, and they should.

Based on HubSpot's data, the ideal length of a blog post intended to generate leads is 2,500 words. The 50 posts that generated the most leads in 2019 were an average of 2,569 words long and had a median length of 2,529 words, which is approximately 250 and 400 words longer than the average and median lengths of the most-read blog posts. The longest post in this cohort was 8,197 words, or approximately 2,500 words longer than the longest most-read post.

So, for a blog post intended to build your contact database, writing longer content definitely works in your favor. Longer content reinforces your knowledge and authority on a subject — particularly if it's a keyword or a topic for a very specific audience. When your coverage is more in-depth for these ideas, you increase your chances of ranking better — and while your audience might be smaller, your chances of converting readers into leads are far greater.

Ideal Blog Post Lengths for Different Blog Post Types

We didn't stop there: there are different types and formats of blog posts, so we wanted to see how blog post length impacted the performance of these different post structures.

You can use these six free blog post templatesto build out the perfect length post for your subject for each of the blog types listed below.

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How long should pillar pages be?

Pillar pages should be around 4,000 words, since they are supposed to cover significantly more content than an average blog post.

A pillar page is your attempt at being the all-encompassing guide to any given subject available on the Internet as a blog post. These posts serve as the "pillar" to a cluster of blog posts, all of which relate to the topic explained in the pillar. You can learn more about pillar pages by watching the video below.

To arrive at the suggested 4,000 word blog post length, we averaged the lengths of our most-read pillar pages in 2019 and found an average of 4,048 words and a median length of 3,639 words. Word lengths for these pillar pages ranged from 2,137 to 10,939 words.

That amount of words might seem scary, but keep in mind how extensive the work that goes into pillar pages — and the content that they cover — should be. Pillar pages should take several days to write, cite multiple sources, and link out to all of your related blog posts on the subject. The work will pay off, however, and you'll likely see more traffic to the pillar post and the supporting cluster content.

Need help getting started with writing pillar pages? Try using our free blog post templates for organizing and writing your pillar pages.

How long should listicles be?

Listicles, or list blog posts, should be 2,300-2,600 words.

List blog posts are probably the most approachable blog post format for new bloggers. Anyone can make a blog post just by listing off and explaining a few examples, tools, resources, or ideas for a given topic. When it comes to the length of these blog posts, it seems that the rule of thumb is: the more examples, the better.

HubSpot's most-read listicles in 2019 were an average of 2,574 words and had a median length of 2,332 words. They ranged between 1,040 and 5,581 words in length. All of these numbers are either around the same or higher than the lengths for the average blog post, suggesting that list blog posts perform better when they are longer.

And if you think about it, this makes total sense. When you search for a list of ideas or examples, would you rather see a list of five or a list of fifty? This post format demands plenty of list entries -- preferably with images, explanations, and links to their original sources -- so put in the effort to build an authoritative and complete list for your readers.

You can use these free listicle blog post templates to get started writing your list posts today.

How long should "how-to" blog posts be?

How-to blog posts should be between 1,700 and 2,100 words.

Because how-to posts describe, well, how to do something, the ideal length of the blog post depends on how difficult it is to do what you're explaining how to do. For example, this blog post on how to type the shrug emoji is just over 300 words, while this blog post on how to start a business contains more than 8,000.

For our top-read how-to blog posts, we saw an average length of 2,151 words and a median of 1,669 words. While this a rather large range, it shouldn't be too surprising, since readers don't need too much -- or worse -- too little information on how to accomplish their desired task.

Writing a how-to blog post for the first time? Remember that they should be concise and clear, contain section headers, and leave little or nothing to the imagination. Readers are coming to you for instruction, not inspiration, so ensure the post succinctly covers your chosen topic. You can also use this how-to blog post template if you need help organizing and writing the post.

How long should "what is" blog posts be?

"What is" posts, or blog posts that answer a question (such as the one you're reading right now), should be between 1,300 and 1,700 words (which this one is!).

This type of post is definitely the poster child for making blog posts "as long as they need to be." When readers search for what, who, or when something is, they typically want a quick answer or explanation. Based on our data, bogging readers down with too much unnecessary information doesn't always equate to more views -- 30% of the HubSpot's most-read "what is" posts are less than 1,000 words.

If you need help structuring these posts and keeping them short, try using these blog post templates.

Minimum Blog Post Length

Technically, there is no official minimum for blog post length, though Yoast recommends at least 300 words. That said, HubSpot data suggests writing longer posts should be the rule rather than the exception for your blog. This practice will help your website build authority in the eyes of search engines, which can help shorter blog posts rank better.

"Generally, it's easier for longer content to rank," says Aja Frost, HubSpot's Head of Content SEO. "But unless you're publishing hundreds of [blog] pages with less than 100 words, you won't get dinged for thin content."

While longer blog posts tend to perform the best, that's not to say that every single blog post you publish must be more than 2,000 words. If you feel you've covered your topic well enough in 300, 800, or 1,000 words, then so be it.

Getting Started With Your Blog Posts

Now that you know how long your blog posts should be, it's time to start writing! We've compiled a list of resources you can start utilizing today to make your blog more successful.

  • A Guide on How to Start a Blog
  • A Blog Post on How to Write a Blog (Please forgive us for being so meta)
  • A Collection of Free Blog Post Templates [Download Now]
  • CMS Software to Host Your Blog Content
  • Marketing Analytics Software to Measure Blog Post Performance

Topics: Writing Skills

As a seasoned blogger and content strategist with extensive experience in creating and analyzing blog posts, I can confidently delve into the nuances of blog post length and its impact on various aspects of online content. My expertise is grounded in the practical application of strategies and the analysis of real-world data, making me well-equipped to guide you through the intricacies of crafting effective blog posts.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts presented in the article about blog post length:

1. Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO (2021):

  • According to HubSpot data, the ideal length for a blog post from an SEO perspective is between 2,100 and 2,400 words.
  • Notably, SEO success is not solely determined by word count. Best practices include proper backlinking, attempting to capture Google's featured snippet, adding alt-text, targeting relevant keywords, achieving domain and topic authority, and incorporating media-rich content.

2. Ideal Blog Post Length for Lead Generation:

  • For posts intended to generate leads, the ideal length is around 2,500 words, as per HubSpot's analysis of posts that brought in the most net new leads in 2019.
  • Longer content is emphasized for lead generation, reinforcing expertise and authority, especially for niche topics that cater to a specific audience.

3. Ideal Blog Post Lengths for Different Blog Post Types:

  • Pillar Pages: These comprehensive guides should be around 4,000 words, covering a broad range of content. They serve as a central resource for related cluster content.
  • Listicles: List blog posts should range from 2,300 to 2,600 words. Longer lists with detailed explanations and images tend to perform better.
  • How-To Blog Posts: Ideally, these posts should be between 1,700 and 2,100 words, balancing the need for clear instructions without overwhelming the reader.
  • "What Is" Blog Posts: These posts, designed to answer specific questions, should be between 1,300 and 1,700 words, providing concise information without unnecessary details.

4. Minimum Blog Post Length:

  • While there's no official minimum, a recommendation is at least 300 words. However, HubSpot suggests that longer posts generally perform better for building authority in the eyes of search engines.

5. Content Creation Tips:

  • Longer content tends to rank better, but the focus should be on providing valuable and comprehensive information.
  • Quality backlinks, clear structure, and adherence to SEO best practices contribute to a post's success.

In conclusion, understanding the ideal blog post length involves a nuanced approach, considering the specific goals of the content, the target audience, and the type of post being created. Crafting content that aligns with these considerations is crucial for SEO, lead generation, and overall success in the competitive world of blogging.

How Long Should Blog Posts Be in 2021? [New Data] (2024)


How Long Should Blog Posts Be in 2021? [New Data]? ›

Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO 2021

What is the ideal blog post length for SEO 2024? ›

The ideal blog post length is between 1,500 - 2,500 words, with a sweet spot right at 2,450. When you stay within this average, your articles are more likely to rank higher on search engines, get more social media shares and backlinks.

What is the ideal length for a blog post? ›

Although your blog post length may vary depending on your topic and audience, it is often best to aim for about 1,500 to 2,000 words for articles or posts.

Is 4000 words too much for a blog post? ›

For lead generation, HubSpot recommends at least 2,500 words with specific guidelines depending on the type of blog post: Pillar pages should be about 4,000 words. List blog posts – known as listicles – should be 1,700 and 2,100 words.

Is 1000 words enough for a blog post? ›

According to their research, blogs should have at least 300 words to rank but ideally have more than 1,000 words. If the writer isn't experienced, reaching 700-800 words should be the target, otherwise, they may produce a lot of fluff to reach a higher count.

Is 5000 words too long for a blog post? ›

Your blog readers want your post to cover your topic quickly—but they want you to go into enough detail to make it worth reading. For most topics, that means at least 1,000 words—but if you're creating an in-depth guide, like my guide to starting a blog, you could be looking at well over 5,000 words.

Can a blog be too long for SEO? ›

That's a big reason why long-form content ranks better in organic search than short content. According to a HubSpot study from 2021, the ideal blog post length for SEO should be 2,100-2,400 words. That's a lot longer than the 200- or 500-word blog posts most writers or webmasters think is ideal.

Is 3000 words too long for a blog post? ›

Some content marketing experts suggest that 1500-2000 words are the ideal length of a blog post. However, many companies and brands stick to shorter blog length guidelines (500-750 words) to honor a specific element of their marketing strategy.

What is the best length of article for SEO? ›

The optimum post length for SEO appears to be from 2,250 to 2,500 words. You also want to see your posts shared and backlinked as much as possible. Longer posts are more likely to generate quality backlinks which, in turn, affect ranking factors.

How long should a legal blog post be? ›

In general, however, if you absolutely need an answer, a blog post shouldn't be shorter than 200 words or longer than 1,000 words. If your blog post is under 200 words, you don't have enough room to give your readers much valuable information – they might feel like your article was a waste of their time.

What should I charge for a 1000 word blog post? ›

Average rates for 1000-word articles:

The low-end range for a 1000-word research article is $75, while an experienced writer may charge $250 or more. Blog. The low-end range for a 1000-word blog post is $50, while an experienced writer may charge closer to $300 or more. Search engine optimized (SEO) article.

How much should I charge for a 3000 word blog post? ›

Blog writing cost per word is a model you're likely familiar with if you've worked with a freelancer or agency. Beginner to experienced writers could fetch between $0.05 – $0.15 per word, while more advanced professional copywriters and agencies charge anywhere from $0.20 to $1 per word.

How much should I pay for a 500 word blog post? ›

When determining how much to charge for a 500 word article, you should consider various factors: Experience: Beginners can charge between $3 to $25, while more experienced writers may charge $30 to $150 or even more, depending on their expertise and research level.

What is the best length for a blog post? ›

A blog post should be about 1,500 and 2,500 words long, ideally. This range allows you to cover topics in depth, provide valuable information, and optimize your content for SEO.

How long does it take to write a 1000 word blog post? ›

It can take from 2 to 4 hours to write 1000 words, depending on the writer's speed, how well they know the topic, and how much research needs to be done. For an article of 1000 to 1500 words, this might take 2 to 6 hours.

How long does it take to read a 500 word blog post? ›

Reading Time by Word Counts
Word CountSlow (125 wpm)Average (300 wpm)
250 words2 minutes0.8 minutes
500 words4 minutes1.7 minutes
600 words5 minutes2.0 minutes
750 words6 minutes2.5 minutes
18 more rows

What is the recommended content length for SEO? ›

The optimum post length for SEO appears to be from 2,250 to 2,500 words. You also want to see your posts shared and backlinked as much as possible. Longer posts are more likely to generate quality backlinks which, in turn, affect ranking factors.

What is the word count for SEO 2024? ›

Hubspot found that 2,100-2,400 words are the ideal length for blog posts to rank for SEO. They did an analysis of their own content to determine this.

How many blogs should you post a month for SEO? ›

To summarize: Producing 16+ blog posts seems to get the biggest benefits, but hold off on a tight blog post frequency unless you can produce quality content. If you publish bad content, your SEO and your brand will suffer. Instead, start with 1-2 blog posts per month.

How long should a blog be to rank on Google? ›

First: a blog post should contain at least 300 words to rank in the search engines. Based on the analysis done by Brian Dean (Backlinko ): “Based on SERP data from SEMrush, we found that longer content tends to rank higher in Google's search results. The average Google first page result contains 1,890 words.”

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.