How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 9, 2024

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Identify the scope and boundaries


Assess the risks and threats


Perform the tests and attacks


Analyze the results and findings


Recommend and implement the remediations


Repeat and automate the process

Web applications that use a microservices architecture have many benefits, such as scalability, flexibility, and resilience. However, they also pose some unique challenges for web security testing, as each microservice may have its own vulnerabilities, dependencies, and communication protocols. In this article, you will learn how to perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture, using some common tools and techniques.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Map and understand your architecture:

    Before diving into testing, get a lay of the land. Use tools to identify components and data flows. This knowledge is power—it enables you to pinpoint where to focus your security efforts.

  • Threat modeling with STRIDE:

    Assessing each microservice individually for risks helps prioritize threats. By identifying where you're most vulnerable, you can direct resources efficiently, fortifying your defenses where they're needed most.

This summary is powered by AI and these experts

  • Neha Agrawal SWE'23 | Software Developer | MERN…
  • Daniyal Khan Senior Frontend Developer @WayoutLab |…

1 Identify the scope and boundaries

The first step in web security testing is to identify the scope and boundaries of the web application and its microservices. You need to map out the components, interfaces, and data flows of the system, as well as the external and internal users and roles. You can use tools like Nmap, Burp Suite, or OWASP ZAP to scan and discover the endpoints, ports, and services of the web application and its microservices. You should also review the documentation, source code, and configuration files of the web application and its microservices, to understand their functionality, logic, and dependencies.

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  • Adel M'hamdi Développeur Web Full Stack
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    To secure a web application with microservices architecture, focus on:Map Architecture: Identify endpoints and data flows.Authentication/Authorization Tests: Ensure robust access controls.Secure Communication: Encrypt all microservice communications.Input Validation: Guard against injection attacks.Dependency Scans: Check for vulnerabilities in used libraries.API Security: Test APIs for common vulnerabilities.Isolation: Keep microservices segmented to limit breach impact.Incident Plan: Have a response strategy ready.Monitoring & Logging: Implement real-time threat detection.Regular Security Checks: Perform penetration testing routinely.This approach addresses critical security aspects efficiently.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (11) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (12) 20

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    The initial phase of web security testing involves delineating the scope and boundaries of the web application and its microservices. This entails mapping out system components, interfaces, data flows, and user roles. Tools like Nmap, Burp Suite, or OWASP ZAP aid in scanning and identifying endpoints, ports, and services. Additionally, reviewing documentation, source code, and configuration files provides insights into functionality, logic, and dependencies. Establishing clear scope parameters ensures comprehensive security assessment and effective risk mitigation.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (21) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (22) 10

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    Antes de comenzar las pruebas de seguridad en una aplicación de microservicios, es importante comprender el alcance de la aplicación y los límites de los microservicios involucrados. Esto implica identificar todas las funcionalidades, interfaces y puntos de entrada de cada microservicio, así como los posibles puntos de integración y comunicación entre ellos. También es importante establecer los límites de las pruebas para garantizar una cobertura adecuada.



    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (31) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (32) 9

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    The first step in web security testing is to define the scope and boundaries of the web application and its microservices. Map out components, interfaces, and data-flows, considering all users and roles. Use tools like Nmap, Burp Suite, or OWASP ZAP to scan endpoints and services. Review documentation, code, and configurations to fully understand the system's functionality and dependencies.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (41) 6

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    Identifying the scope and boundaries of web security testing on a web application utilizing a microservices architecture involves understanding the components, interfaces, and interactions within the system. It's essential to define the boundaries of each microservice and consider how they communicate and interact with each other and external systems.


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2 Assess the risks and threats

The next step in web security testing is to assess the risks and threats that the web application and its microservices face. You need to identify the assets, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors of the system, as well as the impact and likelihood of each threat. You can use tools like OWASP Threat Dragon, Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool, or NIST Cybersecurity Framework to conduct a systematic and structured risk assessment. You should also refer to the OWASP Top 10, OWASP API Security Top 10, and CWE/SANS Top 25, to check for the most common and critical web security issues.

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    Evaluate potential security threats to each microservice, considering aspects like data sensitivity, exposure points, and authentication mechanisms. Use threat modeling techniques such as STRIDE to systematically identify security risks associated with spoofing, tampering, repudiation, information disclosure, denial of service, and elevation of privilege.Considering an e-commerce platform, assess risks like unauthorized access to user data through the authentication service or payment fraud via the payment processing service. Identify potential threats such as SQL injection in the product catalog service or XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks targeting user sessions.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (60) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (61) 4

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    Una vez que se comprende el alcance de la aplicación, es necesario evaluar los riesgos y amenazas potenciales que podrían afectar la seguridad de los microservicios. Esto implica identificar vulnerabilidades conocidas, como inyecciones de SQL, ataques de denegación de servicio (DoS), vulnerabilidades de autenticación y autorización, entre otros. También se deben considerar los posibles riesgos asociados con la comunicación entre microservicios y la gestión de datos sensibles.



    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (70) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (71) 15

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    Assessing the risks and threats associated with the microservices architecture helps prioritize testing efforts. Identify potential vulnerabilities, such as injection flaws, broken authentication, sensitive data exposure, and insufficient logging and monitoring, considering the distributed nature and complexity of the architecture.


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  • Sheryar Amir Front End Developer | Node.js, Next.js, React.js | JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 | Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap | WordPress Expert | Building User-Centric Web Experiences
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    Next, assess the risks and threats to your web app and microservices. Identify what's valuable, where it's vulnerable, and how it could be attacked. Use tools like OWASP Threat Dragon or Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool for a thorough assessment. Check resources like the OWASP Top 10 and CWE/SANS Top 25 to spot common security issues. This helps you understand the impact and likelihood of each threat.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (90) 3

  • Santosh Shinde Lead Software Engineer @ Syngenta | Cloud-Native Architecture, Cloud Application Development
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    Web security testing involves assessing risks and threats to web applications and microservices, identifying assets, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors. Tools like OWASP Threat Dragon, Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool, and NIST Cybersecurity Framework can be used for systematic risk assessment.


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3 Perform the tests and attacks

The third step in web security testing is to perform the tests and attacks on the web application and its microservices, based on the risk assessment and test plan. You need to use tools like Postman, SoapUI, or Rest-Assured, to test the functionality, performance, and reliability of the web application and its microservices. You also need to use tools like Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, or Nmap, to perform penetration testing, fuzzing, and injection attacks on the web application and its microservices. You should aim to exploit the vulnerabilities, bypass the security controls, and compromise the data and resources of the system.

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  • Veer Pratap Singh Senior Software Engineer • Tech Lead • Tech Speaker • node.js • react.js • next.js • blockchain (web 3.0) • freelancer • Building JS Punjab 🚀🚀
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    Perform web security testing for microservices by:1. API Testing: Check auth, data validation.2. Container Security: Assess container risks.3. Secure Comms: Ensure safe data exchange.4. Access Control: Verify authorization.5. Dependency Scan: Check for vulnerabilities.6. Secrets Management: Protect sensitive data.7. Logging & Monitoring: Detect anomalies.8. Integration Testing: Verify inter-service security.9. Compliance Checks: Ensure regulatory adherence.10. Pen Testing: Simulate attacks for flaws.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (109) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (110) 10

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    Performing tests and attacks involves using various techniques to probe the security of the web application and its microservices. Conduct vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and fuzz testing to uncover potential weaknesses and exploit them to assess the system's resilience against attacks.


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  • Muhammad Mustafa Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer| .NET | React
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    Third and most important step is testing and simulating attacks.You need to make sure these work correctly:1. Authentication and Authorization.2. Data Encryption.3. Session Management.4. Error Handling.5. Network Security.To avoid these Types of Attacks:- Fuzzing: Input random data into the application to find security vulnerabilities and crashes.- Injection Attacks: Test for SQL and command injection.- Security Control Bypass: Try to bypass authentication, authorization, and other security mechanisms to gain unauthorized access to data and resources.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (129) 3

  • Santosh Shinde Lead Software Engineer @ Syngenta | Cloud-Native Architecture, Cloud Application Development
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    Web Security Testing Steps• Perform tests and attacks on web application and microservices based on risk assessment and test plan.• Use tools like Postman, SoapUI, Rest-Assured for functionality, performance, and reliability testing.• Use tools like Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, or Nmap for penetration testing, fuzzing, and injection attacks.• Aim to exploit vulnerabilities, bypass security controls, and compromise system data and resources.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (138) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (139) 2

  • Sunil Kumar Muduli Full stack | PHP | Python | DJango | MySQL | Web Application Development


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    1. Automated Scanning: Use tools like OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, or Nessus for automated vulnerability scans.2. Penetration Testing: Conduct manual tests to find vulnerabilities missed by automated tools, focusing on SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF.3. API Testing: Ensure APIs handle authentication, authorization, and input validation correctly.4. Service Isolation: Verify microservices are isolated to prevent a breach in one from compromising others.5. Security Headers: Check for proper configuration of headers like CSP and HSTS.6. Rate Limiting: Test rate limiting and throttling to prevent abuse.7. Logging and Monitoring: Ensure security events are logged and monitored for suspicious activity.


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4 Analyze the results and findings

The fourth step in web security testing is to analyze the results and findings of the tests and attacks, and to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the web security testing process. You need to collect and organize the data, logs, and evidence of the tests and attacks, using tools like Excel, Splunk, or ELK Stack. You also need to evaluate and prioritize the findings, using tools like OWASP Risk Rating Methodology, CVSS, or DREAD. You should report the findings, using tools like Serpico, Dradis, or OWASP ZAP Report Generator.

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    Analyzing the results and findings from web security testing is a meticulous process that requires attention to detail, systematic evaluation, and clear communication. By leveraging the appropriate tools for data organization, risk assessment, and reporting, security professionals can effectively measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the web security testing process. The ultimate goal is to provide actionable insights that guide the remediation of identified vulnerabilities, thereby enhancing the overall security of the web application and its microservices. This phase not only concludes the testing cycle but also sets the foundation for continuous improvement in the application's security posture.


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    Después de realizar las pruebas, analiza cuidadosamente los resultados para identificar vulnerabilidades y deficiencias en la seguridad. Clasifica los hallazgos según su gravedad y urgencia para abordarlos. Es importante tener en cuenta no solo las vulnerabilidades técnicas sino también las configuraciones incorrectas o las prácticas de codificación inseguras.



    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (168) 13

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    After conducting web security testing, the next step involves analyzing the results and findings to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. This includes collecting and organizing data, logs, and evidence using tools like Excel, Splunk, or ELK Stack. Evaluating and prioritizing findings can be done using methodologies like OWASP Risk Rating Methodology, CVSS, or DREAD. Reporting findings is essential, and tools like Serpico, Dradis, or OWASP ZAP Report Generator can assist in creating comprehensive reports. This analysis phase ensures thorough understanding of vulnerabilities and guides effective remediation efforts.


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    Analyzing the results and findings of the security tests provides insights into the vulnerabilities and weaknesses discovered. Prioritize the issues based on severity and potential impact on the system's security and functionality.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (187) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (188) 8

  • Sheryar Amir Front End Developer | Node.js, Next.js, React.js | JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 | Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap | WordPress Expert | Building User-Centric Web Experiences
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    Next, analyze the results from your tests and attacks to see how well your web security testing went. Gather and organize your data, logs, and evidence with tools like Excel, Splunk, or ELK Stack. Then, evaluate and prioritize your findings using methods like OWASP Risk Rating, CVSS, or DREAD. Finally, report what you found using tools like Serpico, Dradis, or the OWASP ZAP Report Generator.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (197) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (198) How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (199) 7

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5 Recommend and implement the remediations

The fifth step in web security testing is to recommend and implement the remediations for the web application and its microservices, based on the findings and priorities. You need to propose and communicate the solutions, using tools like Jira, Slack, or GitHub. You also need to implement and verify the solutions, using tools like Jenkins, Docker, or Kubernetes. You should follow the best practices and standards for web security, such as OWASP ASVS, OWASP Cheat Sheets, and NIST SP 800-53.

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    Basándose en los hallazgos de las pruebas de seguridad, se deben recomendar e implementar las correcciones necesarias para mitigar los riesgos identificados. Esto puede implicar la aplicación de parches de seguridad, la configuración adecuada de los microservicios, la mejora de los controles de acceso y la actualización de las políticas de seguridad. Es importante involucrar a los equipos de desarrollo y operaciones en este proceso para garantizar una implementación efectiva y oportuna de las correcciones.



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    Recommending and implementing remediations involves developing mitigation strategies to address the identified vulnerabilities and strengthen the security posture of the web application and its microservices. Implement security best practices, such as input validation, access control, encryption, and authentication mechanisms, to mitigate risks effectively.


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  • Sunil Kumar Muduli Full stack | PHP | Python | DJango | MySQL | Web Application Development
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    Based on the analysis, provide actionable recommendations to address identified vulnerabilities. Prioritize fixes for critical issues and suggest best practices for secure coding and configuration. Collaborate with the development team to implement these changes. Conduct follow-up tests to ensure that the remediations are effective and that no new vulnerabilities have been introduced. This continuous improvement cycle helps maintain a robust security posture for the web application.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (228) 3

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    Recommending and implementing solutions to address vulnerabilities is a crucial step in securing web applications and their microservices. It is important to effectively communicate the recommended solutions, integrate security into the development lifecycle, and follow industry standards and best practices. This phase requires technical expertise as well as collaboration and communication across teams, ensuring that security is a shared responsibility. Continuous monitoring and reassessment of the application's security posture are essential for adapting to new threats and maintaining a high level of security over time.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (237) 2

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    From my experience, once you identify vulnerabilities, recommending and implementing effective remediations is crucial. Tools like Jira and GitHub are great for tracking and communicating the fixes, while Jenkins and Docker can streamline the deployment process. Following established security standards like OWASP ASVS and NIST SP 800-53 ensures that your solutions are robust and align with industry best practices.


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6 Repeat and automate the process

The sixth and final step in web security testing is to repeat and automate the process, as the web application and its microservices evolve and change over time. You need to monitor and update the scope, risks, and tests of the web application and its microservices, using tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Nagios. You also need to automate and integrate the web security testing process, using tools like Selenium, Cucumber, or OWASP ZAP API. You should adopt a DevSecOps culture and mindset, where web security testing is embedded and continuous throughout the software development lifecycle.

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    La seguridad no es un esfuerzo único, sino un proceso continuo. Repite regularmente las pruebas de seguridad para detectar nuevas vulnerabilidades que puedan surgir debido a cambios en el código o en el entorno. Considera automatizar tanto como sea posible las pruebas de seguridad para integrarlas en el ciclo de vida de desarrollo del software, facilitando así las pruebas continuas y la integración y entrega continuas.



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    Repeat and automate the process to ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of web security in the microservices architecture. Regularly reassess the security posture, update security controls, and automate security testing to adapt to evolving threats and maintain robust protection against potential attacks.


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    To maintain strong security, it’s crucial to make testing a continuous process. Regularly repeat the security tests to catch new vulnerabilities as they arise. Automate as much of the process as possible using tools and scripts, so you can run these tests frequently without manual effort. Automation helps ensure that your system is always protected, even as it evolves, by quickly identifying and addressing potential threats before they become serious issues. This ongoing cycle of testing, fixing, and retesting keeps your system secure and resilient over time.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (274) 3

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    From my experience, automating and repeating web security tests is essential as your application evolves. Using tools and integrating testing tools like Selenium and OWASP ZAP into your CI/CD pipeline, helps keep your security measures up-to-date. Embracing a DevSecOps mindset ensures that security is a continuous and integral part of the development process, making it easier to catch issues early and maintain a secure application.


    How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (283) 2

  • Muhammad Mustafa Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer| .NET | React
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    It's important to establish an automated security process. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana helps with monitoring changes in the application. Selenium could be used for automating.


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Web Application Development How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (293)

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How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture? (2024)


How to perform security testing in microservices? ›

How do you perform web security testing on a web application that uses a microservices architecture?
  1. Identify the scope and boundaries.
  2. Assess the risks and threats.
  3. Perform the tests and attacks.
  4. Analyze the results and findings.
  5. Recommend and implement the remediations.
  6. Repeat and automate the process.
Mar 12, 2023

How do you handle security in microservices? ›

How to secure your microservices
  1. Use authentication and authorization methods. ...
  2. Control communication between microservices. ...
  3. Prioritize container security. ...
  4. Implement centralized monitoring. ...
  5. Create an incident response plan. ...
  6. Regularly review security measures.

How would you design a security strategy to protect a microservices architecture from both external and internal threats? ›

Use network policies or firewall rules to control and limit network traffic between microservices. Implement secure communication protocols (e.g., TLS/mTLS) for inter-service communication and API gateways. Utilize service meshes or API gateways to enforce authentication, authorization, and traffic management policies.

What is the best way to test microservices? ›

How do you test microservices locally?
  1. Set up a local development environment.
  2. Write and run unit tests.
  3. Perform integration testing.
  4. Test the microservices end-to-end.
  5. Debug and fix any issues.
Feb 1, 2023

Can we test microservices using rest assured? ›

Rest Assured's automated API testing ensured that the APIs of each microservice were reliable and worked as expected. Continuous integration of tests caught early bugs, leading to faster fixes and more stable release.

Which tool is used to test the security of web applications? ›

Veracode is a popular scanner that offers multiple types of security testing: SAST, DAST, software composition analysis (SCA), and penetration testing. This online web application security testing tool is designed to cope with the speed of development that comes with DevOps.

What are the three types of web application testing? ›

These different types of tests are described below.
  • Functional Testing. Functional Testing aims at testing the overall functional capabilities of the web app. ...
  • Usability Testing. ...
  • Interface Testing. ...
  • Database Testing. ...
  • Performance Testing. ...
  • Compatibility Testing. ...
  • Security Testing.
Apr 12, 2023

How do you test security testing using API? ›

Steps to Follow for API Security Testing
  1. Define API Endpoints:
  2. Identify Sensitive Endpoints and Vulnerabilities:
  3. Map API Endpoints:
  4. Evaluate Authentication Effectiveness:
  5. Examine Authorization Controls:
  6. Test for Improper Access Controls:
  7. Analyze Input Validation Techniques:
  8. Ensure Data Integrity:
Jul 4, 2023

How to handle authentication in microservices architecture? ›

In microservice architectures, the most secure method for managing access tokens with digital signatures is to use a key pair, commonly referred to in cryptography as a private and public key. The token is signed with a private key, which is kept secret and known only by the user service (the token issuer).

Which is a security challenge of a microservice architecture? ›

Isolation is a challenging security concern for microservices because of the distributed nature of the architecture. In a microservices architecture, the application is broken down into multiple independent services that communicate with each other over a network.

What is microservices-based architecture? ›

Microservices architecture (often shortened to microservices) refers to an architectural style for developing applications. Microservices allow a large application to be separated into smaller independent parts, with each part having its own realm of responsibility.

At which layer do we implement security in microservices? ›

This can be done in part by implementing HTTPS across your microservices architecture. Officially known as Transport Layer Security (TLS), HTTPS ensures privacy and data integrity by encrypting communication over HTTP.

How to secure API calls between microservices? ›

Securing Microservice Communication: Best Practices

Implement Mutual Authentication: Employ mutual authentication techniques like certificates or tokens to verify the identity of both the service making the request and the service receiving it. This prevents unauthorized access to APIs.

How can a microservice reject unauthorized requests? ›

Authentication and Authorization:

Authentication and authorization are fundamental to ensure that microservices only respond to legitimate requests from authorized users or services. Without these measures, any entity could access and modify critical data or functionality.

How to perform security testing in API testing? ›

Steps to Follow for API Security Testing
  1. Define API Endpoints:
  2. Identify Sensitive Endpoints and Vulnerabilities:
  3. Map API Endpoints:
  4. Evaluate Authentication Effectiveness:
  5. Examine Authorization Controls:
  6. Test for Improper Access Controls:
  7. Analyze Input Validation Techniques:
  8. Ensure Data Integrity:
Jul 4, 2023

How authentication is done in microservices? ›

Here are some common authentication methods used in microservices:
  1. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) JWT is a compact, URL-safe token format that can be digitally signed and optionally encrypted. ...
  2. OAuth 2.0. ...
  3. OpenID Connect. ...
  4. Token-Based Authentication. ...
  5. Certificate-Based Authentication. ...
  6. API Keys.
May 10, 2024

How do you test microservices in isolation? ›

One of the main challenges of testing microservices in isolation is to isolate the dependencies that each microservice has on other services, databases, APIs, or external systems. To overcome this challenge, you can use test doubles, which are objects that mimic the behavior or the interface of the real dependencies.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 5885

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.