How and When to Use Tactical Sourcing to Grow Your Business (2024)

The main procurement goal in most businesses is cost reduction. More businesses are transitioning to strategic procurement, giving them the edge. And while that’s a far more effective approach to procurement than focusing solely on reducing costs, it’s not your only option. With tactical sourcing, you can find better prices for services or products.

The key is knowing what tactical sourcing is, how to use it, and when it takes priority over strategic sourcing.

What Is Tactical Sourcing?

Tactical sourcing is a procurement strategy that relies on short-term goals focusing on purchasing products quickly for a good price.

Think of it as finding the best product at the best time for the best price.

Tactical sourcing differs from strategic sourcing in that it focuses on finding immediate solutions aligned to current procurement goals. Strategic sourcing is a lot more planned out. Its goal is to support overall business goals by aligning its procurement actions and strategies to those goals.

Additionally, smaller organizations use tactical sourcing more often. Specifically, manufacturing and production business or businesses that do not have a streamlined procurement process. This is mainly because it allows them to reduce costs while securing goods and services quickly. Still, it can be a vital strategy in any business.

There’s a time and a place for both. Knowing when to use tactical sourcing is key to helping you reduce your procurement costs even further.

Example of When to Use Tactical Sourcing

As the procurement officer for your company, you balance many tasks. You need to keep costs low, maintain vendor relationships, track payment data, avoid mistakes, and secure goods and services for your business.

You may have a procurement management playbook that you go by, and your business may or may not be in the process of following the trend of transforming your procurement processes into a strategic business function.

In the meantime, you’re always on the lookout for deals and opportunities that can reduce procurement costs and expand your bottom line.

You hear that a supplier is going out of business, has a surplus, or simply wants to move product and offers discounts on materials. You know that your business will use these materials, and buying them now means getting that discount. You’ve done the math and considered warehousing fees and storage risks. You reach out to the vendor and make the purchase.

In this case, you will have saved your business a significant amount on the goods or services due to the discount. And you’ll continue looking for opportunities like this in the future.

Alternatively, you may simply need a good or service that was unanticipated. As a result, you survey the market to find the best, more affordable products or services. In either scenario, it's a reactive (vs. a proactive) approach.

How and When to Use Tactical Sourcing to Grow Your Business (1)

Tactical Sourcing vs. Strategic Sourcing

Tactical sourcing and strategic sourcing are both purchasing strategies that companies use in their procurement efforts. They are quite different in their approaches, and the one you choose to employ depends on the situation. Knowing the difference between both will help you figure out when to use them.

Tactical Sourcing

Tactical sourcing is a short-term purchasing strategy. With tactical sourcing, you base purchasing decisions on very few factors. Specifically, you focus on price and delivery dates.

Rather than considering the benefits of the purchase to the organization, you focus on making a purchase that works for the moment of need.

Because you focus more on need, Tactical sourcing tends to be more reactive than proactive. That’s why smaller organizations tend to rely on it more. They usually don’t have the resources or supplier choices to map out a complex procurement network as larger organizations do. And they face more challenges.

For example, let’s say that your company is low on a particular product and you need to replenish it by the end of the week. You don’t have time to do the usual research on vendors, so you simply find the vendor with the best price and who can deliver the product by the end of the week.

This will cut down on your buying choices. But considering the time constraints, you can’t be choosy. You need to act. So, you make the tactical sourcing choice and come out on top.

Strategic Sourcing

Strategic sourcing is a long-term purchasing strategy. Strategic sourcing bases its purchasing decisions on the total cost of ownership. This considers the entire amount of money the company will spend on the product, not just the price. It also considers the benefits of the purchase to the organization.

Strategic sourcing tends to be more proactive than reactive. You have more control over the process rather than the process controlling you. Larger organizations use this approach more frequently because they have numerous resources and a wide choice of suppliers to rely on.

For example, if your company is low on a particular product in this instance, you analyze your vendor data and see if there’s a cheaper option available. If not, you can leverage the weight of your business and existing relationships to negotiate lower prices.

You wouldn’t rush to the cheapest vendor. Instead, you’d need to make sure your purchasing decisions align with your business's overall procurement goals and established practices.

This is easier for larger businesses because they have access to enterprise procurement systems, real-time supply chain data, and a team ready to analyze and find the best solution. They can move quicker and with better insights. And with the weight of the purchasing power of their business behind them, they can have more leverage in supplier negotiations.

How and When to Use Tactical Sourcing to Grow Your Business (2)

Pros and Cons of Tactical Sourcing

While tactical sourcing can be an effective sourcing strategy, there are pros and cons to using this strategy.


  • It takes care of immediate needs: You have to act fast when there is a sudden need for something. Tactical sourcing is best when you need immediate results.
  • There is very little decision-making: The most important decisions are the product price and the delivery time.
  • It doesn't require large amounts of resources: Tactical sourcing works well for smaller companies that may not have the resources to devote to extensive planning and research.
  • It doesn't require large amounts of planning: You’re not going to do market research when using tactical planning. Just get a good price and get it delivered quickly.


  • No time for market research: You have to curtail all the research you may normally do. The missing information and data can easily lead to higher costs.
  • Not focused on building a relationship with the vendor: The goal is to get the product at the best cost and quickly as possible. This does not afford time for you to negotiate with the vendor to build a long-term relationship.
  • No time to negotiate for better terms: The time crunch causes you to miss out on possible negotiations that could result in a better long-term deal.
  • It might not result in the best price: You don’t have time to consider many different vendors and may have to choose from only a few. And if they know you are in a rush, they may upcharge you.

Short Term Gains vs. Long-Term Wins

If used wisely, tactical sourcing is a practical and sometimes necessary procurement strategy. It can help you reduce costs and keep operations going. But, it’s not your only option.

If tactical sourcing is winning the battle and strategic sourcing is winning the war, the two go hand in hand. You can’t win the war without first winning the battles.

That’s why you shouldn’t overlook tactical sourcing. There’s room for tactical and strategic sourcing in a company’s procurement plan. Understanding when to use both simply gives your business a bigger edge.

Still, utilizing strategic procurement requires better systems. Without streamlined procurement solutions, you won’t have access to the real-time data you need to build a strategic plan for purchasing and sourcing in your organization.

Unfortunately, many turnkey procurement solutions are priced out of reach for small, growing businesses. And custom solutions are even more expensive. Luckily, you have options. Leveraging the benefits of low-code, you can build custom procurement automations that streamline processes and give you the necessary data to build a strategic procurement process.

We know because we’ve helped growing businesses make that happen.

See how we've helped our clients improve their businesses and get insane ROIs by checking out our case studies below.

How and When to Use Tactical Sourcing to Grow Your Business (2024)


What is tactical sourcing? ›

Tactical sourcing is an approach to sourcing that emphasizes fast requisition, quote, and order processes. Tactical sourcing is short-term and transactional with the goal of pursuing shorter lead times, high-quality goods or services, and low prices.

How do you use strategic sourcing? ›

Strategic sourcing process steps

Analyze product categories used by the business, spending patterns, and the processes and departments involved. Develop a sourcing strategy based on business goals. Analyze the supplier market and create a supplier portfolio. Define request for proposal criteria and templates.

How sourcing strategies can improve performance? ›

Existing literature points out that strategic sourcing would enable firms to realise their goals in terms of supply, cost reduction, high competitiveness and increase the quality of the product and services (Rendon, 2005) which is becoming an essential pre-requisite to stay afloat in the market and grow profitably.

What are the benefits of strategic sourcing? ›

Four Key Strategic Sourcing Benefits
  • Reduce Direct and Indirect Costs.
  • Boost Long-term Supplier Relationships.
  • Gain Efficiency and a Systematic Approach.
  • Mitigate Supplier Risk.
22 Apr 2021

What is the purpose of tactical? ›

The purpose of the tactile surface used in conjunction with a segregated shared cycle track and footpath is to advise vision-impaired people of the correct side to enter. The purpose of the central delineator strip is to help vision-impaired pedestrians keep to the pedestrian side.

What is a tactical strategy in business? ›

Tactical planning occurs after a business, team, or individual has created a strategic plan that outlines general goals and objectives. A tactical plan describes the steps and actions that must be taken to achieve the goals from the strategic plan.

What are the 4 sourcing strategies? ›

What's Your Sourcing Strategy?
  • Outsourcing. Having suppliers provide goods and services that were previously provided internally.
  • Insourcing. Delegating a job to someone within the company.
  • Nearsourcing. A business places some operations close to where its end products are sold to save time and money.
4 May 2017

What are the best sourcing techniques? ›

  • 10 candidate sourcing strategies. ...
  • Stay in lockstep with the hiring manager during the candidate sourcing process. ...
  • Sourcing candidates from your ATS is the best first step. ...
  • Diversify your online candidate sourcing channels. ...
  • Include offline recruitment methods. ...
  • Utilize your employees' networks for sourcing candidates.

What is the difference between strategic and tactical sourcing? ›

Tactical sourcing is short-term and transactional focused whereas strategic sourcing is a long-term, holistic strategy that contributes to the broader organization's current and future needs.

What are the 5 core processes for strategic sourcing? ›

This well arms a company heading into contract negotiations.
  • Utilization Management.
  • Vendor Strategy Development.
  • Spend Aggregation.
  • Objectively Informed Negotiation.
29 Nov 2018

What are the 5 aspects of sourcing? ›

So, after careful thought, our five principles of sourcing are Coherence, Alignment, Rigour, Openness and Commerciality.

What is an example of strategic sourcing? ›

Examples of strategic sourcing scenarios: Selection of a new customer relationship management software. Evaluation of financial services or employee benefits. Engaging an architecture firm for a new construction project.

What are the major reasons for sourcing? ›

Advantages of Global Sourcing
  • Access to fresh research, design or specialized intellectual capital.
  • Availability of new technology and capacity. ...
  • Plans to sell or service locally. ...
  • Proximity to raw materials.
  • Superior quality.
17 Mar 2008

What are the examples of tactical? ›

Tactical Planning Examples
  • Hire and develop a diverse cohort of new employees and retain them in the long-term. Research salary survey data to determine the compensation of new hires. ...
  • Reorganize the business so that it is more closely aligned with the industry. ...
  • Double the number of marketing assistants by the end of Q2.
29 Jan 2021

Why is tactical marketing important? ›

Tactical marketing is important because it defines the specific actions a company can take to accomplish its marketing goals. By carefully defining the tactics that help a company achieve larger objectives, companies can take actionable steps that help them realize their goals.

Why is tactical management used? ›

The use of tactical management in a business environment allows a manager to choose the best tactics or methods for each situation that arises, rather than following a particular standard procedure.

How does tactical marketing help business? ›

Tactical marketing looks at the very near future to determine your actions to support both short-term and long-term goals. This part of your strategy focuses on generating leads, creating ads, updating social media, optimizing your website and writing content.

How do you develop a tactical strategy? ›

Follow these steps to create a tactical plan that helps your company achieve its goals:
  1. Pay attention to the vision. ...
  2. Create objectives and goals. ...
  3. Assign actions to objectives. ...
  4. Determine KPIs. ...
  5. Use tools and resources. ...
  6. Delegate work to specific people. ...
  7. Allow for flexibility.

What is an example of tactical management? ›

Elements of Tactical Planning

For example: further breaking down organization goals which are more than two or three years long, having a goal-oriented timeline with short term targets, like, target for next three months or six months.

What are the three main approaches to sourcing? ›

The sourcing approaches selected include Multiple, single, dual and partnership sourcing. Multiple sourcing involves dealing with more than one supplier by the purchaser with single sourcing employing only one supplier.

What is the 6 step sourcing process? ›

These steps include:

Sourcing Project Data Gathering & Analysis. Source Plan Development & Approval. Contract Management & Execution. Supplier Relationship Management.

What are the 5 main categories of procurement sourcing functions? ›

Middle level – there are 5 procurement categories:
  • Administrative support.
  • Travel.
  • Professional services.
  • Insurance.
  • Information technology.
7 Oct 2022

What are advanced sourcing techniques? ›

15 candidate sourcing techniques
  • Develop a candidate sourcing strategy. ...
  • Create a sourcing pipeline. ...
  • Stay connected with your hiring manager. ...
  • Build awareness around your company culture. ...
  • Describe the role you're sourcing for. ...
  • Source candidates from your recruitment database. ...
  • Acquire global talent with borderless hiring.
27 Jan 2022

What is better tactical or strategic? ›

When should I use a strategy vs a tactic? If you need to create broad, high-level goals, your organization is looking to create a strategy. If you have high-level goals and don't have projects or tasks to help you get there, your organization needs tactics.

What does tactical mean in the supply chain? ›

Tactical planning of supply chains involves the decision of material flows and inventories throughout a network of manufacturing sites and warehouses to satisfy the demand of each customer. To ensure that best decisions are made for the mid-term, optimization models are employed.

What is Ariba tactical sourcing? ›

After users submit request forms in SAP Ariba Guided Buying, a sourcing request is created automatically in SAP Ariba Sourcing. The sourcing manager creates a sourcing project and invites suppliers after all tasks related to the request are done.

What is the first step in a good sourcing strategy? ›

1. Category assessment: The first step of the strategic sourcing process involves taking stock of every spend category across the organization. Prioritizing spend categories is an important part of spend management. Knowing which spend categories are the most important will help you streamline sourcing activities.

How can I be a good sourcing manager? ›

A graduation degree, a specialized certificate, numerous analytical abilities, and at least four or five years of working experience in the qualification field require financial executives. A graduation degree has required of buying managers. Education requirements for sourcing managers vary as per the profile.

What are the four factors a business should consider when sourcing? ›

It's Not Just About Quality: 4 More Factors to Consider When...
  • What's the cost to manufacture my product? ...
  • What's a reasonable lead time for my product? ...
  • How important is social and environmental compliance to my customers? ...
  • Do I need product design and engineering support?
10 Apr 2018

What are the sourcing skills? ›

In this article, we list the top six procurement skills that will take your Sourcing Hero abilities to the next level.
  • Research. ...
  • Data analysis. ...
  • Supplier Relationship Management. ...
  • Looking beyond cost. ...
  • Aligning with company goals. ...
  • Strategic thinking.

What are some examples of sourcing? ›

Sourcing involves the following:
  • Finding quality sources of goods and services.
  • Negotiating contracts.
  • Establishing payment terms.
  • Market research.
  • Testing for quality.
  • Considering outsourcing for goods.
  • Establishing standards.
2 Jun 2020

What is tactical outsourcing? ›

Tactical outsourcing refers to hiring a firm to perform specific development functions as part of your existing software development process. You retain oversight of the project, giving you more control over the process.

What does tactical mean in HR? ›

Tactical plans outline what each department needs to achieve, how it must do so and who has the responsibility for implementation. As an example, an HR strategic plan may include the following two strategic goals over the next five years with related tactical plans that include detailed actions.

What are examples of tactical strategies? ›

The tactics will be specific actions such as: Drafting a sample law to present to lawmakers. Arranging phone calling campaigns to lawmakers. Planning demonstrations around officials who are rumored to be corrupt.

What is the difference between tactical sourcing and strategic sourcing? ›

Tactical sourcing is short-term and transactional focused whereas strategic sourcing is a long-term, holistic strategy that contributes to the broader organization's current and future needs.

What are the five sourcing strategies? ›

Strategic Sourcing: Five Steps to Secure the Best Suppliers
  • Evaluate, collect data and build a strategy. ...
  • Determine the right engagement model. ...
  • Research and award your supplier. ...
  • Contract implementation. ...
  • Invoice set up and monitoring.
8 Oct 2020

What are the six sourcing strategies? ›

There are six basic sourcing strategies presented in the text:
  • Many suppliers.
  • Few suppliers.
  • Vertical integration.
  • Joint ventures.
  • Keiretsu networks.
  • Virtual companies.

What is a tactical KPI? ›

Tactical: Typically looks at behaviors such as opens, clicks, visits, downloads and submissions. Tactical KPIs are best for looking at how channels are performing. Strategic: Typically generated by looking at the results of tactical reporting—strategic reporting looks at things like revenue.

What is a tactical management style? ›

The administrative process of selecting among appropriate ways and means of achieving a strategic plan or objective. The use of tactical management in a business environment allows a manager to choose the best tactics or methods for each situation that arises, rather than following a particular standard procedure.

What are tactical activities? ›

An activity aimed at fulfilling or implementing a strategy.

What are the six functions of tactical logistics? ›

Logistics is normally categorized in six functional areas: supply, maintenance, transportation, gener- al engineering, health services, and services.

Is tactical or strategy better? ›

Tactics are short term

If the strategy is the long-term plan, tactics are the short-term steps that help you hit smaller goals. Tactical planning is the act of breaking down your strategic plan into short-term actions.

What are examples of tactical marketing? ›

Examples of marketing tactics include the following: Writing blogs. Engaging clients on social media. Attending conferences.
You can have several strategies at a time, each focusing on a different area of your business, including the following:
  • Content.
  • Social media.
  • SEO.
  • Public relations.
  • Networking.
7 Aug 2018

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.