Different Types of Sourcing: Methods, Pros & Cons (2024)

It is hard to run a business in the globalized world without hearing of the advantages of sourcing to China. Without a doubt, China (as well many other Asian countries) can help giving your company acompetitive advantagein today’s dynamic business environment by taking their individual capabilities into consideration. However, the first step to achieving this objective is to thoroughly understand the process and sourcing methods that are connected to this broad subject.

The underlying process of sourcing and all the different sourcing methods is called procurement. Sourcing is the stage of evaluating new relations with suppliers in the act of buying goods or services from an external source. Other equally important steps in the procurement process include communications, negotiations, logistics and other administrative tasks.

Sourcing does not strictly mean only looking to purchase cheap products but the emphasis is on acquiring newly formed business partnerships. While many companies only look to benefit from cheaper manufacturing, others look for specialized skills or the creation of leaner operations. Furthering efficiency and ultimately achieving business objectives are common goals of sourcing.

The term sourcing is usually used as a synonym for outsourcing in everyday language. This is roughly correct as long one is not concerned with insourcing. As the term suggests intuitively, it means that a company integrates a process that was formerly conducted by a partner outside of the core company. Since this is relatively uncommon, the focus here is on outsourcing to China, Asia in general or elsewhere.

Different Types of Sourcing: Methods, Pros & Cons (1)

The basic principle of how tasks in a company can be handled: Do them yourself or
find someone who is more efficient.

Outsourcing Front and Back Office

Efficiency gains can be accomplished through moving business operations abroad, which is notoriously referred to as “outsourcing”. However, outsourcing takes many different forms, from moving your own business departments abroad to teaming up with a domestic supplier for the provision of certain goods or services.

Generally, there are two different areas to outsource: front and back office functions. For example, back office functions are generally centrally focused and are usually not revenue generating services themselves but are still integral to the running of the company.

Examples include human resources, accounting and manufacturing. All of these departments have become increasingly popular to outsource, especially with smaller companies who may not need dedicated departments for these functions. They often prefer the inherently more flexible and scalable payment model available with outsourcing when contrasted with full time employees.

On the other hand, front office departments have directly revenue generating roles and are in personal contact with clients, such as sales departments and customer service. Despite that front office roles are also popular to be outsourced, it is less common than for back office functions since its functions are usually seen as more intimate.

A common example is that particularly large companies are moving customer service call centres to English speaking low cost countries such as India.

While both areas are becoming increasingly common to be outsourced, one should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing, especially from the viewpoint of the customer. While the company’s expenses may decrease, other non-financial factors can affect customers purchasing decisions and hence profits.

If they notice a decrease in quality (be it with the response times for orders or the product itself) the overall effect may be negative. Therefore, easier control and the possibility to hide process changes in the case of outsourcing of back office function are usually seen as the main reasons for its larger popularity compared to front office functions.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Outsourcing

While traditional sourcing with a partner company you should be first learn about the strengths and weaknesses of other nations. Initially, people only think of China for their outsourcing of manufacturing services. As China’s economy shifts into a service based economy, their potential for other, non-manufacturing services is increasing.

China, being a developing country, has an ever maturing services sector with increasingly adequate professional services for various tasks. China’s manufacturing capabilities offer a good compromise between professionalism and price. However, China lags behind other Southeast Asian countries in services.

Thanks to advances in information technology and logistics, many of the normal business processes that need to be conducted no longer have to be centralized within your company. Other companies will allow you to make use of the expertise and skills required for certain jobs by being specialized in certain back office or front office functions.

Therefore, you can spend more time focusing on the core revenue generating roles, while knowing the outsourced tasks will still be completed by handing over responsibility to other companies (abroad).

With issues regarding the set-up, quality concerns, lead times and miscommunications being discouraging to potential purchasers, these can all be addressed by using the help of a 3rd party sourcing services provider.

Accessing premium suppliers through using procurement and sourcing companies can minimize risks not only for the initial identification process, but also by other procurement services such as, for instance, 3rd party quality testing and factory inspections.

Different Types of Sourcing: Methods, Pros & Cons (2)

Sourcing might seem easy with the availability of numerous online portals;
however, they do not solve all problems.

Different Types of Sourcing Methods

There is a wide range of sourcing methods and one should bear in mind three key points: 1) sourcing options are often not mutually exclusive 2) sourcing methods can be applied to both front and back office functions and 3) strategic sourcing as a procurement process can be seen as finding the appropriate solution for your short and long-term goals.

A few strategic sourcing methods can be applied:

Low-cost Country Sourcing

A method of sourcing which focuses on benefiting from the competitive advantage of other countries which are able to offer lower labor and production costs. The method focuses on cutting overall operating expenses for a firm, and is in itself a procurement strategy. Most companies which look towards China are following this sourcing method.

Global Sourcing

A similar sourcing method as to the previously mentioned low-cost country sourcing; however, this type of sourcing is not strictly about benefiting from cheap production. The aim may be to get a taste of the international market and the way to carry out business there.

Alternatively, the focus could be on tapping into a new range of skills or resources which would otherwise be unavailable domestically.

Prime/Sub Arrangements

An outsourcing method in which a client works direct with an established outsourcing provider to arrange procurement; the outsourcing provider contracts out the work to a smaller company. All contracts are dealt under offshore law, as the agreements are between 2 offshore entities.

This can reduce the burden of dealing with import and export restrictions upon the company, and make the process itself smoother.

Captive Service Operations

This occurs when the outsourced services being provided are performed by a company the customer owns or are from within the same group. This creates a greater level of control, as well as addresses questions that may arise about confidentially, security and infringement rights. However, the same level of economies of scale may not be achieved as well as the opportunity to take advantage of supplier’s expertise.

Conventional Agreements

The traditional way to outsource parts of a company’s operations. Two companies create a simplified agreement to allow for maximum cost reduction through utilizing economies of scale and expertise. However, there is a significant loss of control and there needs to be a high degree of trust as sensitive data may be at risk.

Commonly Outsourced Services

Besides of the rough difference between front and back office departments, it is also common to differentiate concrete types of services that can be outsourced. The distinction of the four following types of services is the most common one to differentiate sourcing methods.

These can also be seen in the context of strategic sourcing, where a firm continuously leverages its procurement process to benefit its purchasing activities by reassessing the sourcing potential of each service.


Operational services are most frequently outsourced by the manufacturing industry than when compared to other industries due to the nature of the work. This creates specific tasks that are suitable to be given control to by external providers.

Machine maintenance and repair is commonly outsourced, as there is not necessarily the need to have a full time employee who possesses these skills if the work is infrequent. Other operational roles may include general facility management and maintenance, including cleaning or landscaping.

Professional Services

These services are the most commonly thought of when people think of outsourcing. Departments like legal, accounting, human resources and so forth all come under this category. The need for professional expertise in these areas may only be needed at certain times, and by contacting an external provider you can scale the cost along with the growth of your company. This usually means overhead costs are significantly reduced.


Many companies also seek to outsource the manufacturing process. This can be done by small companies who do not have the resources to manufacturer themselves, or even large corporations like Apple who prefer to use the strengths of external companies.

Generally, this arrangement is with a supplier who can create a tangible good based off a provided design (see Original Equipment Manufacturer/OEM article) or with a supplier who already has a range of pre-existing product lines (see Original Design Manufacturer/ODM article).

Process Specific

Process specific outsourcing refers to a unique process or specific internal procedure. It is commonly found in the service industry, for example, a newspaper may outsource the actual delivery to professional courier companies.

This creates a situation where the original company can focus on their core operations, while handing over the responsibility of an important task to another company that specializes in it.

Sourcing from Asian Countries

While you may have identified that your company would benefit from the advantages other companies in other countries offer, actually knowing the way to proceed can be difficult. Sourcing is mostly about having contacts and knowing where to find new contacts. When it comes to complex sourcing processes, there is no way around a 3rd party procurement and sourcing company.

You may just want to find suppliers for either pre-existing goods, or find suitable manufacturers to contact to determine whether they are able to meet your needs. A good initial starting point would to use the website Alibaba.

The Alibaba Group itself is a Chinese E-commerce business that focuses on sales relating to business to business sales by linkingsuppliers in China/Asia with international buyers seeking products.

While the Alibaba may suit the needs of some companies, the usefulness is limited. If your company is looking further than generic products, using Alibaba to find a supplier versatile enough to meet your needs becomes difficult.

Certain barriers can prevent sourcing from being effective. Issues such as language barriers and disreputable manufacturers can cause a hindrance. Fortunately, there are 3rd party companies which can be used to ensure the overall process runs smoothly.

Companies offer services such as, 3rd product sourcing, supplier analysis, quality control and factory inspections allow to effectively and efficiently link companies together and create long lasting working relationships.

Different Types of Sourcing: Methods, Pros & Cons (2024)


What is sourcing and different types of sourcing? ›

The two broad types are in-house model or Insourcing, where a company does its own sourcing with in-house staff or through a group company; and the outsourced model or Outsourcing where it relies on an external agency to fulfil the requirements.

What are the 2 types of sourcing? ›

There are a number of different definition of sourcing but mainly there are two major definitions: strategic sourcing and global sourcing.

What are the different types of global sourcing? ›

There are five levels of global sourcing, including:
  • Level 1: Domestic purchases only.
  • Level 2: International purchases made on an as-needed basis.
  • Level 3: Sourcing strategy that includes global purchasing.
  • Level 4: Centrally-coordinated purchasing across global locations.

What are the 4 sourcing strategies? ›

What's Your Sourcing Strategy?
  • Outsourcing. Having suppliers provide goods and services that were previously provided internally.
  • Insourcing. Delegating a job to someone within the company.
  • Nearsourcing. A business places some operations close to where its end products are sold to save time and money.
May 4, 2017

What are the advantages of sourcing? ›

Four Key Strategic Sourcing Benefits
  • Reduce Direct and Indirect Costs.
  • Boost Long-term Supplier Relationships.
  • Gain Efficiency and a Systematic Approach.
  • Mitigate Supplier Risk.
Apr 22, 2021

What is sourcing with example? ›

Simply put, sourcing is the process of selecting suppliers to provide the goods and services you need to run your business. It may sound uncomplicated, but the process can be complex. Sourcing involves the following: Finding quality sources of goods and services.

What is the best sourcing strategy? ›

  • Include offline recruitment methods. ...
  • Utilize your employees' networks for sourcing candidates. ...
  • Source candidates for roles you don't have open yet. ...
  • Perfect your outreach messages for sourcing candidates. ...
  • Build a strong employer brand. ...
  • Follow up with candidates who don't respond. ...
  • Use the right tool.

What is a sourcing process? ›

What Is Sourcing Process? Sourcing in procurement is a process of assessing, selecting, and managing suppliers to acquire the desired goods and services from them. As the name suggests, sourcing focuses on creating sources through which an organization can obtain its supplies.

What are the six sourcing strategies? ›

There are six basic sourcing strategies presented in the text:
  • Many suppliers.
  • Few suppliers.
  • Vertical integration.
  • Joint ventures.
  • Keiretsu networks.
  • Virtual companies.

What are the 5 aspects of sourcing? ›

So, after careful thought, our five principles of sourcing are Coherence, Alignment, Rigour, Openness and Commerciality.

What is sourcing analysis? ›

Strategic sourcing analysis is a collaborative and organized approach to leveraging suppliers and organizational strategy to yield long-term cost-saving benefits.

What are the levels of sourcing? ›

Gartner's four levels of responsible sourcing are:
  • Basic compliance. Based on regulatory compliance and international norms, this policy is usually communicated to suppliers through a code of conduct. ...
  • Compliance plus. ...
  • Supplier sustainability. ...
  • Environmental ecosystems.
Jul 13, 2021

What are advantages and disadvantages of global sourcing? ›

The advantages of conducting sourcing activities in a foreign destination are listed as follows:
  • Cheaper Cost: ...
  • A Skilled Workforce: ...
  • Increased Production Capacity: ...
  • Infrastructure: ...
  • Technology: ...
  • Language Barrier: ...
  • Local Tariff And Tax: ...
  • Political Instability:
Apr 28, 2020

What are sourcing policies? ›

Sourcing Policy means the policy by that name approved by the Treasurer and administered by Procurement Services SA, establishing the requirements for approaching the market, evaluating tenders, awarding contracts and undertaking post-sourcing reviews.Meaning of procurement.

What is the disadvantage of source method? ›

It is a monotonous tiring and sometimes it becomes a boring method. It brings a lot of burden and reading to the teacher.

What are advantages of global sourcing? ›

Here are just five of the benefits associated with using a global sourcing company.
  • Better Value For Money. ...
  • A Greater Production Capacity. ...
  • High-Quality Products. ...
  • Opportunities To Adopt New Products Before Rival Companies. ...
  • The Chance To Tap Into New Resources And Skills.

What is the difference between sourcing and strategic sourcing? ›

Strategic sourcing aligns your purchasing power with strategy by considering factors like contract negotiation, supplier development, and outsourcing models. It differs from traditional sourcing which involves finding a supplier on simple criteria, like price and location. This is also known as supply chain management.

How many types of sourcing are there? ›

4 Major Types of Sourcing Strategies in the Construction Industry.

What is characteristics of sourcing? ›

Sourcing involves the whole process of evaluating and selecting the suitable suppliers who help the organization in maintaining its competitiveness in the market. Quality of goods and cost savings are necessary criteria to consider before choosing a sourcing partner.

What is supplier sourcing? ›

Sourcing involves activities around identifying and evaluating potential suppliers as well as selecting and engaging with a suitable supplier that offers the best value both in terms of product and cost.

What is sourcing methodology in recruitment? ›

Sourcing refers to the process of searching for, identifying and contacting potential candidates. Recruiting kicks in after sourcing, and includes the HR processes of screening, interviewing and evaluating applicants. In some HR departments, recruiters handle sourcing as the first step of the recruiting process.

Why sourcing is important in recruitment? ›

Talent sourcing allows you to fill positions with the best people, even the ones who aren't looking for a new job. According to Lever, only 36% of the workforce is actively seeking a new role at any given time, but 90% are willing to talk with a recruiter and learn more about an available opportunity.

What are the 5 ways in sourcing a talent? ›

A successful talent sourcing process typically follows these six major steps.
  • Planning and budgeting. ...
  • Searching for and sourcing candidates. ...
  • Creating a qualified candidates' short-list. ...
  • Hiring managers interview and assess potential candidates. ...
  • Hiring and onboarding new talent. ...
  • Reviews and candidate feedback.

What are the factors affecting sourcing? ›

Read on to know the five important factors among others that you need to consider when sourcing products globally.
  • Logistics Capability. If you have made up your mind to source products globally, the first thing you need to prepare well is well-managed logistics. ...
  • Location. ...
  • Product Quality. ...
  • Human Toll. ...
  • Logistics Costs.
Apr 19, 2021

What's the difference between sourcing and procurement? ›

Procurement is the overall process of getting the materials you need. Sourcing is finding and vetting the suppliers of those materials.

What are the six sourcing strategies? ›

There are six basic sourcing strategies presented in the text:
  • Many suppliers.
  • Few suppliers.
  • Vertical integration.
  • Joint ventures.
  • Keiretsu networks.
  • Virtual companies.

What are the 5 aspects of sourcing? ›

So, after careful thought, our five principles of sourcing are Coherence, Alignment, Rigour, Openness and Commerciality.

What are the types of sourcing in recruitment? ›

Six Sourcing Strategies in Recruitment
  • Trust Referrals. This time-tested technique appears to be a no-brainer. ...
  • Consider Past Applicants. ...
  • Know Your Touchpoints. ...
  • Diversify Your Talent Acquisition Search. ...
  • Do Not Rely on Resume Keywords. ...
  • Hire Internally.
Apr 27, 2021

What are the five procurement methods? ›

There are six main types, but the names may vary according to the company:
  • Open tendering. Open tendering is a competitive bidding procedure a company uses to allow suppliers to bid for its contracts. ...
  • Request for proposals. ...
  • Two-stage tendering. ...
  • Request for quotations. ...
  • Selective tendering. ...
  • Single source.
Jul 7, 2022

What is the best sourcing strategy? ›

  • Include offline recruitment methods. ...
  • Utilize your employees' networks for sourcing candidates. ...
  • Source candidates for roles you don't have open yet. ...
  • Perfect your outreach messages for sourcing candidates. ...
  • Build a strong employer brand. ...
  • Follow up with candidates who don't respond. ...
  • Use the right tool.

What is an example of sourcing? ›

refers to buying the raw materials or components that go into a company's products from around the world, not just from the headquarters' country. For example, Starbucks buys its coffee from locations like Colombia and Guatemala. The advantages of global sourcing are quality and lower cost.

What are sourcing skills? ›

Strategic sourcing skills play an important role in the cost structure and competitiveness of small and large businesses. These skills involve analyzing high-volume purchases and developing long-term partnerships with a select group of suppliers that are capable of providing quality products and services at low costs.

What sourcing means? ›

Sourcing is the process of vetting, selecting, and managing suppliers who can provide the inputs an organization needs for day-to-day running. Sourcing is tasked with carrying out research, creating and executing strategy, defining quality and quantity metrics, and choosing suppliers that meet these criteria.

What is sourcing analysis? ›

Strategic sourcing analysis is a collaborative and organized approach to leveraging suppliers and organizational strategy to yield long-term cost-saving benefits.

What is sourcing process in HR? ›

Sourcing refers to the process of searching for, identifying and contacting potential candidates. Recruiting kicks in after sourcing, and includes the HR processes of screening, interviewing and evaluating applicants. In some HR departments, recruiters handle sourcing as the first step of the recruiting process.

What is strategic sourcing in HR? ›

Strategic sourcing is in fashion these days, but it also delivers real value to recruiting teams, so it is here to stay. It's a break from only sourcing active candidates for specific open roles, to sourcing continuously for future needs, and targeting both active and passive candidates.

Which main sourcing strategies are there in procurement? ›

Common Sourcing Strategies Considered in Procurement
  • Outsourcing. Procurement outsourcing transfers supply chain and procurement functions to a third party. ...
  • Insourcing. ...
  • Near-sourcing. ...
  • Vertical integration. ...
  • Many or few suppliers. ...
  • Joint ventures. ...
  • Virtual enterprise.
Jun 29, 2022

What are the 3 main procurement routes? ›

3 Main procurement routes explained.
  • What is Procurement? Procurement routes in construction are the methods of running a project. ...
  • 1: Traditional Procurement. The traditional procurement route clearly separates design from construction. ...
  • 2: Design and Build Procurement. ...
  • 3: Contract Management.
Apr 19, 2020

What are the 4 main roles of procurement? ›

What roles are available in procurement and supply chain?
  • Buying products or services. Purchasing is a key component of any procurement role. ...
  • Managing procurement processes. ...
  • Supplier relations. ...
  • Understand business goals and objectives. ...
  • Policy management. ...
  • Sustainability & Ethics. ...
  • Manufacturing. ...
  • Merchandising.
Dec 16, 2019

What are the four types of procurement? ›

There are four main types of procurement organisation - strategic, supportive, commercial and clerical. Over the years they have been given different titles, however, these four seem appropriate to the further education sector.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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