Hiring a Marketing Consulting Firm? Here is all you need to know. (2024)

Marketing is about providing value to a community. It helps bring better products and services to enrich people's lives. Consequently, great marketing builds demand. Business functions like accounting, production, and R&D are inconsequential without an adequate demand for products and services. Marketing consulting firms are instrumental in creating this demand through innovative strategies.

Let us consider these figures:

457.6 billion dollars. That's approximately how much the world was set to spend on marketing services in 2018.

550,000 new businesses are launched each year in America alone. '

Hiring a Marketing Consulting Firm? Here is all you need to know. (1)

We can now state with conviction that there is a dire need for marketing expertise.

This is where marketing consulting firms come into the picture.

Through the course of this article, we will address a few questions that revolve around marketing consulting firms such as:

  • What is a marketing consulting firm?
  • Why do you need a marketing consulting firm?
  • What do they do?
  • How to choose the right firm?
  • Which are top marketing consulting firms?

What is a marketing consulting firm?

A marketing consulting firm is a group of marketing professionals to whom companies and businesses outsource their marketing activities. They usually comprise of seasoned marketing executives who have had the experience of working in a variety of industries. These executives are supported by different teams within the firm such as advertising, design, research and, marketing technology. They give a comprehensive analysis of the market and help clients to improve their business. They also assist clients in selecting and efficiently utilizing the latest marketing tools.

Hiring a Marketing Consulting Firm? Here is all you need to know. (2)

Why do you need a Marketing Consulting Firm?

Like Philip Kotler says, good marketing is no accident. It is a culmination of carefully formulated strategies and flawless execution.

Listed below are reasons for appointing a marketing consulting firm:


Traditional businesses believe in building a marketing team from the ground up.
Yes, that works.
Building an in-house team has its own fallacies and inefficiencies.

A business will have to go through an expensive hiring process. Employing an experienced marketing professional at high salaries can put a huge dent in the moderate budget of a growing firm. That followed by exorbitant trial runs of different marketing strategies can burn through a fair amount of funds.

Thus bringing in the right marketing consulting firm at the appropriate time can hugely contribute to cutting costs. They also needn't be kept on payroll indefinitely. They can be brought in to set up processes and frameworks that can be used by the in-house teams.

Changing Landscape:

The market(ing) landscape has changed with the emergence of new technology, marketing behavior, and opportunities.
With the influx of digital marketing, there is constant change across the best marketing practices. A marketing process in a company must leverage the latest methods and be on top of the current trends to be able to take the right decisions and carefully steer the ship.

Fresh Perspective:

In companies with established marketing teams, continuous exposure to the same type of work allows for a few cognitive biases to creep in. These biases can drive major decisions and can leave them wondering why there is a plateau in marketing performance.

In such a scenario, looking for fresh perspectives by consulting marketing firms can provide a much-needed breakthrough!


Time is money. Marketing consulting firms don't need lengthy onboarding processes. They can be brought in to deal with specific time-sensitive issues. There is no wastage of resources and a lot of time for action.

Conventional Workplace Barriers:

Organizations are made of people and people inherently don't always do what is best for the company. There is always underlying office politics and apprehension. This restricts employees from taking decisions which are in the best interests of the company.
Marketing consulting firms entirely dodge this bullet. They can work around this without bringing in emotions and veiled self-interests in the way.


Marketing needs accountability. Marketers need to justify their spending in terms of profitability. Strategies must be followed through and implemented right till the end. But there always is the possibility of losing track along this long path. When that happens, all the previous work that was invested is rendered worthless.
On the other hand, firms that you hire can be given clear objectives and goals. Following which they can be held accountable using regular checkpoints and monitoring.

What do they do?

Marketing consulting firms can be brought in for many different reasons. There is a range of firms that differ according to the primary service they provide (for ex. Traditional marketing,. content marketing, SEO, lead generation).

Enumerated below is a general list of services that a marketing consulting firm provides:

Hiring a Marketing Consulting Firm? Here is all you need to know. (3)

Planning and Strategy

Marketing strategies require a proper mix of discipline and flexibility along with an iterative improvement process. A marketing plan is a primary tool for managing and regulating a marketing effort. Formulating a plan requires detailed research and experience.

Marketing consulting firms rely on their expertise and time tested strategies to lay down innovative and actionable marketing plans that help clients hit their targets.


Marketing in the digital age is close to impossible without a set of essential tools. But narrowing down and selecting the right tools can be a nerve-racking process. Are you familiar with Martech 5000? It is a list of 6782 companies competing in the global marketing technology space. Imagine having to choose from this list?

Hiring a Marketing Consulting Firm? Here is all you need to know. (4)

This list was populated over 2 years ago. The number of companies in this space, if anything, would only have increased.

Marketing Consulting Firms understand this predicament and help clients choose the right Martech stack according to their needs.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is cheaper, more effective and has a higher conversion rate as compared to any other strategy. Setting up an effective inbound marketing framework is crucial. This would involve developing the right content strategy, implementing the best SEO practices, setting up a stable content syndication process and so on. A well-established marketing firm will have in-depth experience in setting up in various businesses. A business can leverage this experience and use these firms to set up a fool-proof inbound marketing process.

Social Media

Out of 7.7 billion people on this planet, 4.2 billion are on social media. If that is not a convincing reason for every business, brand, and company to get their social media strategy right, I don't know what is.

An important aspect of social media strategy is choosing the right channels according to the kind of business you are in. A marketing consultant will prove instrumental in formulating this strategy.


Research suggests that B2B pricing performance improves when the decisions are spread horizontally across sales, marketing, and finance units. In contrary to the beliefs of the economists, Marketers are aware that consumers interpret price information along with other factors such as previous interactions, advertisem*nts, and online resources. Marketing consulting firms would have played important roles in pricing decisions in many companies across industries making them seasoned pricing experts.

How to choose the right marketing consulting firm?

Before choosing the right marketing firm, it is important to analyze the need for one. Listing down what you and your business wish to accomplish through a consulting firm will make choosing the right firm a fairly easy process. Additionally listing down the budget available, a time scale of the project will also aid the complete process.

If you are targeting a specific process in your overall marketing cycle, it allows you to select a firm with an appropriate area of expertise.

Here are the aspects of a firm that the business owner should look at before narrowing down on one.

Experience of the Firm

Choose firms that have previous experience in your industry.

Problem Solving Capacity

Check testimonials of previous clients and see how the firm has taken on challenges and addressed them.


Clarity in communication between the business and a marketing consulting firm is necessary. An open conversation between both parties ensures a constant loop of minor improvements and adjustments through the course of the project.


This is a make or break factor. Getting the pricing right is crucial as an exorbitant fee can actually be counterproductive towards the final profit gained.

Here’s a quick checklist for you to get started before you hire a marketing consulting firm.

Top Marketing Consulting Firms:

Compiled below are two rankings of Marketing Consulting Firms.

The first, by Agency Spotter, is a comprehensive list of 50 marketing firms sorted by size. This list is sorted by the yearly revenue of each firm.

The Top 10 are:

1. Accenture Interactive

A subsidiary of the marketing consulting firm Accenture, it is a New York-based firm that specializes in design, marketing, content, and commerce.

2. PwC Digital Services

Under the ambit of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, this agency deals majorly with digital transformation, digital strategy, and digital operations.

3. IBM iX

A hybrid digital agency and consultancy that serves its clients as global business design partners.

4. Deloitte Digital

A creative digital consultancy arm of Deloitte that deals with various verticals like logistics, cybersecurity, and strategy.

5. Dentsu

A Japanese Marketing and Advertising giant that works in marketing, advertising, media, and PR.

6. Epsilon

Epsilon position themselves as a global marketing innovator. They take pride in providing world-class data intelligence and customer insights.

7. Ogilvy

The brainchild of David Ogilvy, Ogilvy is one of the largest ad agencies in the world. They are known for their work in branding and advertising.

8. Bluefocus Communication Group

Bluefocus, a Chinese conglomerate, manages an international portfolio of award-winning digital marketing, PR, communications and advertising agencies.


An agency under the Omnicom umbrella, BBDO is a New York-based advertising and marketing powerhouse.

10. DDB

Another agency under the ambit of Omnicom, DDB handles marquee clients like Heineken, Ubisoft, and Volkswagen.

You can check out the rest of them here.

The next one is a list of top 7 Marketing Consulting Firms by Advisory HQ. The methodology used to populate this list includes analyzing various factors like experience, industry reputation, ability to adopt the latest technology and practices, and willingness to take risks.

1. Bain & Company

Bain & Company, an international consulting firm that services client across boundaries, using actionable insights and helping teams engage to maximize their success.

2. CMG

CMG is a reputable marketing consulting firm that works with early growth stage companies and that does not shy away from bold and innovative ideas and strategies.

3. EquiBrand Consulting

With over a decade of experience, Equibrand takes an analytical approach to solving marketing challenges.

4. L.E.K. Consulting

Founded in 1983, this veteran firm is the outsourced marketing team for many international companies

5. Nielsen

Nielsen is a global performance management company that provides comprehensive market analytics.

6. Novantas

A marketing consulting firm that caters specifically to banks and financial institutions and provides services such as pricing, sales management.

7. PwC Digital

Under the ambit of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, this agency deals majorly with digital transformation, digital strategy, and digital operations.

Marketing Consulting Firms for Small & Medium Businesses

As an early stage startup or business, it can be quite expensive to hire large firms and digital agencies. However, there are many other firms that cater specifically to the needs of small businesses

Given below are few resources that can be leveraged to look for and vet multiple marketing consulting firms.


It is established that creating an entire marketing process from scratch is not a simple process. On the other hand, seeking out professional assistance is not elusive anymore. With a range of marketing consulting firms that cater to clients across different industries and price points makes availing marketing expertise relatively easier than it has ever been.

Hiring a Marketing Consulting Firm? Here is all you need to know. (2024)


How to answer the question why do you want to be a consultant? ›

"I chose to work as a consultant because I love learning from others in my industry as much as I love teaching. As a consultant, you have a variety of experiences and knowledge to contribute to your clients, but you can also learn a lot from them as well.

Why do companies hire marketing consultants? ›

Hiring a marketing consultant is crucial for your business as they bring a wealth of expertise, experience, and a fresh perspective to your marketing efforts. Their skills can save you valuable time and provide cost-effective solutions, helping you achieve your business goals.

Why should I hire a consulting firm? ›

Consultants bring an outside perspective

Consultants have seen many different organizational structures, industry-specific problems, project management, and problem-solving strategies that will help them recommend a solution you may not have considered without their unique viewpoint.

What is the role of a marketing consultant? ›

Marketing consultants are hired by businesses of all sizes and industries, including startups, small and medium size businesses, as well as large corporations. They help their clients identify their target audience, develop marketing campaigns, and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Why do I want to be a marketing consultant? ›

Becoming a marketing consultant may be a good career for you if you are ready to build marketing expertise and advise businesses and individuals on how to market their brands effectively.

What are some of the reasons you would not recommend a specific consulting firm? ›

Why companies reject consultant's help
  • Consultants are very expensive. ...
  • Consultants have no responsibility for the result. ...
  • Lack of knowledge of unique features of the company/business. ...
  • Consultants will have conflict with existing team.
Mar 31, 2023

Is a marketing consultant worth it? ›

The benefits of hiring a marketing consultant

They are highly trained professionals who understand cutting-edge marketing tools and how to work through algorithms. They are going to be limited by your budget, team, and branding.

Why should we hire a marketing agency? ›

Hiring a marketing agency can provide a lot of value to your business. From expert advice and fresh perspectives to measurable results and cost-effective solutions, it can help you achieve your business goals and grow your brand.

Who needs a marketing consultant? ›

You need a marketing plan in a key area

Marketing plans focus on specific areas, which is where a marketing specialist can provide assistance. For example, if you decide to focus your marketing efforts on social media, enlisting a marketing consultant who specialises in social media is likely to be advantageous.

What is the biggest benefit of hiring a consultant? ›

Top 10 Benefits of Consulting
  • Expertise. One of the biggest advantages of hiring a consultant is that you get access to their expertise. ...
  • Cost Savings. ...
  • Competitive Advantage. ...
  • Objectivity. ...
  • Customization. ...
  • Accomplishing Short-Term Goals. ...
  • Leveraging New Skills. ...
  • Outside Market Knowledge.

Why am I good fit for consulting? ›

A good answer to the “why consulting” interview question

I've thought about it a lot and there are three main reasons. First, the opportunity to work on really challenging business problems. Second, the opportunity to work closely with talented colleagues. And third, the variety of work you experience as a consultant.

Why do people pay for consultants? ›

Often times, clients have a perspective on how to solve the problem they are facing but want to make sure that what they're thinking is correct (or that they aren't so close to the challenge that they're missing the obvious answer). So, they turn to consultants to come in and provide their opinion. What is this?

How do marketing consultants charge? ›

Consulting rates are typically structured in three ways: hourly, retainer, or project-based. Hourly Rates: The hourly rate can vary from $50 to $300 or more, depending on the consultant's experience and expertise. Hourly methods may be preferred for tasks with undefined scopes or for ad hoc services.

What is the highest salary for a marketing consultant? ›

Highest salary that a Marketing Consultant can earn is ₹27.0 Lakhs per year (₹2.3L per month).

What is the difference between a consultant and a marketing consultant? ›

First, let's break down the difference. A marketing consultant is a person who works with a company to build and implement various marketing strategies. A consultant usually helps create a detailed marketing plan, messaging, and methods for spreading the word about your product or business, and monitors the results.

Why do you want to choose consulting? ›

An additional reason you might want to go into consulting is that it's a safe bet. You might not really know what they want to do after university or an MBA. Consulting is a safe way to figure out what career is right for you by trying out different industries, roles and locations.

Why would anyone want to be a consultant? ›

To Solve Big Problems & Have a Really Wide Impact.

Consulting is not for the faint of heart. If the problems were easy, companies wouldn't need a team of highly-paid experts to come in and help them solve them. You absolutely must love to solve difficult problems if you want to be a consultant.

Why am I interested in a role in consulting? ›

It's very simple: linking the reason to your past experience. Good example: “I think the main reason I want to pursue a career in Consulting is the impact I will have. I find it stimulating to see how my ideas influence a company's performance.

What motivates me to be a consultant? ›

What I love about consulting is the joy of meeting new people and new ideas every day. I enjoy learning of innovative concepts. I never know what will come my way each day. Another reason consulting is so rewarding for me is I feel I'm helping entrepreneurs reach their goals.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.