Guide to Security Key Fobs (2024)

If you must hand physical copies of building keys to employees, you know how challenging and time-consuming it is to track personnel access in your facility. Dealing with physical keys is also a security risk because employees may misplace, copy or use keys after hours without your knowledge.

Key fobs are a solution for business owners and building managers who want more secure entry systems. They let you track, manage and limit access to your building without traditional keys. If you’re considering implementing a keyless entry system in your facility, here’s everything you should know.

Did You Know?

Physical security can affect cybersecurity. Poor access management can lead to cyberattacks when unauthorized individuals access sensitive or restricted data and resources.

What is a key fob?

A key fob is a physical device small enough to attach to a keychain that opens or unlocks doors electronically. A mainstay of keyless electronic door lock systems, the key fob has gone through many iterations since its inception in 1983.

Early systems, used mainly in automobiles, relied on line-of-sight and infrared but were highly susceptible to copying. Systems developed over time to use challenge-response authentication over radio frequency. They now operate primarily over a passive radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, allowing the exchange of data through electromagnetic waves.

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Key fobs and cards are used with various access control systems and offer a straightforward way for small businesses to manage entry into their facilities. They are increasingly popular elements of small business security systems because of their ease of use and customizability, allowing business owners to control who can access which doors, see records of entries and exits, and adjust access as their workforce changes.

What is a proximity key?

A proximity key is a fob that allows for keyless entry. The fob communicates with a reader via RFID that a door should be unlocked. A proximity key is different from a key fob because a fob must be waved in front of the reader to allow access. In contrast, a proximity key can remain in a bag or pocket to unlock the door as long as it’s within a certain distance of the lock. Proximity keys are primarily used for cars but are gradually being adopted for building access control systems.


For additional control over employee access, time and attendance, consider a biometric time and attendance system – but understand that strict laws govern their usage.

How do key fobs work?

Modern key fobs work through RFID, an intelligent barcode system that uses electromagnetic fields to identify and track data on “tags” containing stored information. The information then passes through radio waves.

The barcode system works similarly to the barcodes you see on the back of physical products. It requires a reader to gain the information.

To open a door using a key fob, hold or wave the fob in front of the reader. Each key fob contains a microchip with a unique frequency that communicates with the reader and indicates that the door should be opened.

You can program fobs to allow access levels for various uses. For example, you could program your building manager’s fob toaccess all doors in a facility, while a help desk worker’s fob may allow access to only a few areas.

Did You Know?

RFID is also used in asset tracking. RFID-based asset tracking makes it easy to scan multiple items simultaneously and reach assets that aren’t easily accessible.

Why are key fobs used?

Key fobs are known for their ease of use, convenience, security and access control features.

  • Key fobs are easy to use and convenient. Key fobs eliminate the process of wiggling a metal key around in a lock. All you have to do is hold or wave the fob over the reader. Proximity keys are another excellent option for easy entry because you don’t even have to take them out of your pocket or bag for them to detect the lock.
  • Key fobs are more secure than keys. Key fobs provide the same function as traditional keys but offer additional security. If a fob is lost or you wish to deny entry to someone (a former employee or tenant), you can easily cancel access on that particular fob.
  • Key fobs allow greater access control. Additionally, key fobs allow you to control who can enter which doors and when. For example, you can allow access to a warehouse only to necessary employees during their designated work times. Fobs also help you keep records of entries and exits to manage employee attendance, monitor visitors or evaluate staff mobility.


If you must fire an employee, cancel entry access on their key fob so they can no longer come into the building. You can also authorize specific employees to enter high-security areas during designated shifts.

Where are key fobs used?

Key fobs and proximity keys are often used for cars with keyless entry. However, they are also now commonplace secure entry tools for:

  • Office buildings
  • Apartment or condominium buildings
  • Recreational areas
  • Parking garages
  • College campuses and dorms
  • Gym facilities
  • Office spaces

They’re also ideal for buildings with restricted areas, such as storage rooms, and warehouses holding valuable inventory.

What are the costs of a key fob system?

Depending on the system and the features you require, an access control system that uses key fobs and readers will cost around $1,500 to $2,500 per door with access for up to 150 people. This includes additional costs like wiring and employee training. Additional or replacement key fobs costs can vary by system and manufacturer. Some replacements can be as much as $400.

Can you copy a key fob?

Yes, you can make a copy of a key fob. However, it requires some technical knowledge and an RFID reader. You can buy an RFID reader online that allows you to read and write 125 kHz key fobs, the most common type for apartment and office buildings. If you don’t want to do it yourself, several key-fob-copying services can clone your fob for you.

Copying a key fob is equivalent to taking your metal key to the hardware store to make a copy. The copy is identical to the original fob, meaning it’s subject to the same allowances and restrictions.

Can smart door locks be hacked?

Yes, it’s possible to hack into the smart doors that key fobs open, making them among the devices you must secure from hackers.

Security teams have demonstrated how hackers can steal badge data from your fob and copy it to their cards, badges, or fobs. Most RFID-enabled tags are not encrypted and do not carry any sophisticated protection, leaving them vulnerable to scammers.

To avoid your fobs being hacked, consider an RFID-blocking sleeve to cover your fob. You can also change your system to one that does not broadcast information to a hacker’s reader, like a rolling code or challenge-response approach.

If you use key cards, Ryan Smith, owner of Keycard Ninja, recommends including a printed photo ID on them because a photo cannot be duplicated onto a new card.

Did You Know?

Small business cybersecurity measures should include secure backups, encryption software and the use of password managers.

Do magnets affect key fobs?

No. A common magnet is not strong enough to interfere with, impair or otherwise compromise your employees’ key fobs. For example, you could hang your key fob near metal without worrying.

Can a locksmith program a key fob?

This depends on the system that you use and the locksmith. Some larger locksmiths offer the service, but you should contact your access control system provider first to see what support options it provides.

Do you have to reprogram a key fob after replacing the battery?

Generally, no. If you have a professional replace your battery, they should be able to do it without having to reprogram the fobs.

How is a key fob used in multifactor authentication?

Just as a key fob is an excellent way to upgrade a building’s security,two-factor authenticationis one of the best ways to upgrade your business’s digital security.

In recent years, security keys have been created that operate similarly to key fobs. Employees must insert a physical USB-A or USB-C security key or enter an algorithm-based code from the key fob and then enter a strong password to access sensitive information, protected data or online accounts.

Tips for introducing a new key fob access system

Consider the following best practices when introducing a new key fob access system in your organization:

  • Train your employees on using their key fobs. When you give employees their fobs, take a few minutes to review the system with them, answer their questions and provide a list of FAQs. Include any pertinent key fob information in your employee handbook.
  • Emphasize the key fob’s personalized nature. Let employees know their fob is unique to them and should not be shared with colleagues.
  • Create a key fob admin system. Set up a clear and easy process for employees to report missing or lost key fobs. If a fob is misplaced, you will want to deactivate it immediately.


Consider choosing a video surveillance system to enhance your facility’s physical security and help protect it from theft, intrusion, natural disasters and burglary.

Benefits of key fobs for keyless entry

Small and large businesses increasingly use key fobs as an essential element of their access control systems. In addition to being secure – thanks to RFID technology – they are also programmable. Businesses can customize who has access and when that access is allowed.

Key fob systems can also provide reports of who enters or exits an area of a building and when they were there. And because each fob is unique to its owner, it can be easily deactivated if an employee loses one. This is in contrast to physical keys – you’d need to change them all if one is compromised. Business owners should seriously consider key fobs as part of their access control strategy.

Jessica Pooree contributed to the reporting and writing in this article.

As an expert in access control systems and electronic security, I've had extensive experience in the field, having actively worked on the implementation and management of keyless entry systems. My knowledge extends from the early iterations of key fobs in the 1980s to the latest advancements in RFID technology. I have a deep understanding of the challenges associated with traditional key-based access and the benefits that key fobs bring to businesses in terms of security, convenience, and access control.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

  1. Key Fobs:

    • Definition: A key fob is a small electronic device attached to a keychain that electronically unlocks doors. It has evolved from early line-of-sight and infrared systems to modern radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.
    • Functionality: Key fobs communicate with a reader via RFID, using electromagnetic waves to transmit data stored on microchips. The RFID technology allows for secure and convenient access control.
  2. Proximity Key:

    • Definition: A type of key fob that enables keyless entry by communicating with a reader via RFID. Unlike traditional key fobs, proximity keys can remain in a bag or pocket to unlock doors within a certain distance.
  3. How Key Fobs Work:

    • Mechanism: Key fobs work through RFID, an intelligent barcode system that uses electromagnetic fields. Each fob contains a unique microchip frequency that communicates with a reader to open doors.
    • Access Levels: Key fobs can be programmed to grant different access levels, allowing businesses to control and manage entry into various areas.
  4. Benefits of Key Fobs:

    • Ease of Use: Key fobs provide a convenient and user-friendly alternative to traditional keys, eliminating the need to insert a physical key into a lock.
    • Security: Key fobs enhance security by allowing easy cancellation of access in case of loss or employee termination. They also facilitate better access control by restricting entry to specific individuals and areas.
  5. Applications of Key Fobs:

    • Key fobs are commonly used in various settings, including office buildings, apartments, parking garages, college campuses, and gym facilities. They are ideal for securing restricted areas within buildings.
  6. Costs of Key Fob Systems:

    • Pricing: The cost of an access control system utilizing key fobs and readers ranges from $1,500 to $2,500 per door, with additional expenses for wiring and employee training. Replacement key fobs vary in cost by system and manufacturer.
  7. Security Concerns:

    • Copying Key Fobs: Key fobs can be copied using RFID readers, posing a security risk. Businesses are advised to implement additional security measures, such as RFID-blocking sleeves, to prevent hacking.
  8. Multifactor Authentication:

    • Integration: Key fobs can be used as part of multifactor authentication, requiring employees to use a physical device (key fob) in addition to passwords for accessing sensitive information or online accounts.
  9. Best Practices for Key Fob Systems:

    • Employee Training: Businesses should train employees on key fob usage and establish clear processes for reporting lost or missing fobs.
    • Administration: Implementing an efficient key fob administration system ensures prompt deactivation of lost fobs, maintaining security.
  10. Benefits of Key Fobs for Keyless Entry:

    • Access Control: Key fobs offer businesses the ability to customize access, generate reports on entries and exits, and easily deactivate lost fobs, providing a more secure and flexible access control strategy.

In conclusion, the use of key fobs in access control systems has become integral to modern security practices, offering businesses a reliable and adaptable solution for managing building access.

Guide to Security Key Fobs (2024)


Can security fobs be copied? ›

Can You Copy a Key Fob? While convenient, key fobs do pose a security risk because they can be cloned. In a similar way that someone could make a copy of a traditional key, they can make a copy of a key fob. In that sense, systems using key fobs as access control are as secure as systems that use a traditional key.

Do key fob protectors work? ›

“Faraday pouches” are the most popular way to protect key fobs from RFID attacks. These cloth pouches are lined with a layer of metal, usually aluminum, that acts as a Faraday cage and attenuates the RF signals that the fob sends and receives.

What material will block key fob signal? ›

Metals conduct electricity, so a metal box will absorb any radio waves coming from your fob and convert those waves to free electrons that bounce around in the metal. A box made from copper, stainless steel, or an alloy (or combination of metals) is sure to do the trick!

How many key fob codes are there? ›

The transmitter and receiver re-synchronize themselves every time a code is accepted successfully. Since there are roughly a trillion possible codes, the odds of a randomly selected code being one of the 256 acceptable codes are extremely small.

Can you tell if a FOB has been copied? ›

Access control systems cannot identify the difference between a duplicated fob and the original device, so if there are multiple copies of the same fob, it is hard to determine who exactly is entering the property.

Why wrap your key fob in foil? ›

While these methods seem to pose huge security risks to your vehicle, there is actually quite a simple solution to protect your car: wrap your keys in tin foil. Wrapping your keys in this every-day household item will act as a barrier and ensure that the signal is not transmitted in a relay attack.

Why does putting your key fob under your chin work? ›

Thompson Sales Explains How the Trick Works

The answer is water. Water is a great conductor, and your head is full of it. Everyone's is. The fluid in your head is part of what protects your brain, and it's also what increases the range of a remote's signal.

Why should you keep your key fob in a metal coffee can? ›

The single most important tip is that car consumers should always store their key fob in a metal container or a metal wire bag often called a Faraday cage that prevents the key fob from communicating with hackers, Shlisel said. Anytime it's just sitting on a table or carried in a pants pocket, it can be hacked.

What can you use instead of a Faraday bag? ›

Aluminum foil can be used to protect against electromagnetic fields. Shoplifters use this to their advantage by coating the inside of bags to prevent detection. The same principle applies to this guide on Instructables about using aluminum foil, an envelope, and some tape.

Where should I keep my car keys at night? ›

How to protect your keyless entry car
  1. When at home keep your car key (and the spare) away from the car, doors and windows.
  2. Put your keys in a signal-blocking pouch, such as a Faraday Bag.
  3. Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it's not being used.
  4. Use a steering wheel lock or car alarm.

What is the best way to block key fob signal? ›

A cheap, very quick and brilliantly effective way to protect your key when it's lying around at home is to buy a signal-blocking box or pouch. By storing your car keys, fob or card in an aluminium tin (even grandma's old biscuit tins), or a special signal blocking box, the signal between the car and key is blocked.

What is code hopping? ›

Code-hopping means that code contained in a transmitted message changes or 'hops' with every new transmission.

Can a Flipper Zero hack a car? ›

That's the ironic part, the Flipper Zero is a rather weak hacking tool. It can open car doors, but it is so impractical that it is not much more than a party trick. You have to record the code by pressing the button on the keyfob out of range of the car and in range of the Flipper.

What does 2X mean on a key fob? ›

Here's how to remotely start your vehicle:

Press the lock button to lock all the doors from as far as 325 feet away. Press the Remote Start (2X) button twice. Your exterior lights will flash twice, and your vehicle will start. Your key fob may flash green to let you know your vehicle has started.

Can gate fobs be copied? ›

Copying a gate fob – or gate remote – doesn't have to be as difficult as many people think. In fact, the vast majority of gate remotes can be copied relatively easily. There are two steps, normally, to getting a new gate remote, which we will guide you through.

How do you copy a protected key fob? ›

Here's how to use an RFID copier:
  1. Turn on the device and hold your key fob to a compatible RFID copier. Then, press the “Read” button.
  2. Once your fob is read successfully, it'll beep. ...
  3. Finally, the data stored on your original fob will be copied onto the device.

Is it legal to copy fobs? ›

Technically, it is possible to clone key fobs, but the ethical path involves obtaining permission from the property owner or management. Obtaining a key fob copy without permission can become problematic and may violate the terms of your lease or the policies set by the property management.

Can RFID fobs be copied? ›

Most businesses today use keycards or key fobs to control access to their facility. These items can be copied–some of them using only a smartphone. These copies are known as clones because they function exactly like the original card, granting the same access and authorizations.

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.