Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (2024)



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The Keepers Of The Void DLC is accessed from the campaign and you can travel back and forth between them. The first time you speak with Vulgrim after receiving the Flame Hollow, Vulgrim will give you a mission to clear out the Serpent Holes. You will need to unlock the other Hollows to be able to access all areas of the DLC. Limbo: The Void becomes available as a fast travel location.

This DLC is essentially a dungeon for each of the four Hollows, each with a Boss at the end, then a final Boss once they are all complete. The dungeons are heavily puzzle based and will use the relevant Hollow extensively.



From the Serpent Hole, head to the right and up the path. As you cross the bridge that appears you will encounter some Construct enemies but they are very weak. Ignore the stairs ahead and go to the left. A bridge will form on the left here over to the ledge by a gate.

Go over and collect Medium Lurcher Clump. Return and cross to the other side of the platform. Just to the left behind a column another bridge will materialise. Follow this and jump up at the end. In the far corner is a Demonic Artifact.

Go back to where you first entered the area and go up the stairs you previously ignored. Around to the right will be some more Constructs. Go right and then down the stairs you can find in the back left-corner. They will turn and you can drop down onto a ledge. Down here is a Large Lurcher Clump.

Jump back up and from the top of the stairs go straight. At the ledge a shimmering Swing Point will appear. Swing over and go through the archway ahead. On the other side you will see an orb in a stone pedestal – this is a Void Orb. Hit it with a Flame Attack to activate it – a series of blocks will rise up forming a bridge ahead.

Before you cross, look over the edge to the right of the bridge to see a block below. You will find a hidden room with an Angelic Artifact. Make a tricky Flame Jump back up the other side to a block half way up, then again onto the bridge – if you fall you will respawn up top anyway.

Cross the bridge and swing over the next gap. You land by a Medium Lurcher Clump. Continue on the path and when you drop down you will encounter more Constructs and another Medium Lurcher Clump.

Go to the far end of the platform, past the Void Orb, and jump up to the right. An Elite Construct will appear. There is a Small Lurcher Cluster here. Drop back down to the previous platform. On the opposite side you will see two floating blocks by a short set of steps. Use them to climb up and to the right.

More Constructs will attack up here. Go left, past the Void Orb for a moment, and follow the path around. You will find a Small Lurcher Cluster by a column.

Look out into open space from this platform. Down below you will see a lower platform you can jump to. Hit the Void Orb down here, first with a Flame Attack to move the block further out, then again with Storm Hollow to create a Wind Storm on it’s top. This concept of using different Hollows on the same Void Orb will be repeated throughout the DLC. Jump onto the block and the Storm Glide out to the platform beyond where you will find an Undying Shard.

Storm Glide back to the block and over to the lower platform where you can Flame Jump up. Go around to the left and drop down and collect a Small Lurcher Clump.

Now go back to the Void Orb near where you first arrived. Hit this with a Flame Attack to cause some blocks to come out of a wall beyond. Jump back on the blocks you used to climb up to this area. Throw a charge Flame Crossblade at the Void Orb on the platform below, causing the blocks you are on to float over to the other set.

Jump up and when you reach the top block, look down to see a room in the wall where the blocks were. Inside is a Demonic Artifact. Flame Jump back to the block then up to the path above.

Ignore the lava path to the left for moment and go straight, dropping down over a series of rock platforms. When you reach the third, a floating bridge will materialise ahead. Jump over to that and turn right. Double swing forwards and another bridge will appear on the other side linking to the platform you can see there.

An Elite Construct will come to life (the two smaller ones won’t). The Elite drops a Sliver of Adamantine and there is a Small Lurcher Cluster by the column and an Angelic Artifact in the corner.

Now backtrack up to the lava room and enter. You will come across several regular and Large Construct’s along with more on the rocks firing lasers at you. Clear the room, remembering to stay in Flame Hollow in the lava.

On the rock in the centre of the area with small lavafalls coming out if it you can see an orb. Use the smaller platform to the right to jump up and collect a Large Lurcher Cluster. Jump down to the left and at the base of a lavafall coming out of the wall is a Small Healing Shard. Go to the opposite wall to find another lavafall with a Large Lurcher Clump at the base.

Now climb the stairs at the far end to find a Medium Lurcher Clump. Follow the path to the left and swing over. Past the next archway you return to the area where you used the first Void Orb. Hit the Orb on the platform you are on. A bridge will extend from your platform, two blocks will lower ahead and to the far left a block will slide over towards that first Void Orb platform.

Cross to the large platform in the centre, then use the Swing Point to continue forward. Jump onto the block that slid out to the left. Look back to see a room that this block was in. Jump down there and pull the lever to open the gate above. Jump back out and go through that gate to find a Sliver of Adamantine.

Go back through the gate and swing forwards, back to the central platform. Use the blocks on the left to climb up. To the left you will see a Medium Lurcher Clump and past it you can find Vulgrim at Limbo: Ashen Hall. In the small room behind him is a Large Lurcher Clump.

Head out past Vulgrim and use the Swing Point ahead. As you land a bridge will appear. Go around and fight the Elite Construct. On the upper level here is a Large Lurcher Clump. Continue around and clear some more enemies.

Proceed to a junction. The room to the right has Ranged Constructs up on the three of the platforms in the corners and three Elites will attack when you enter. Best to draw the Elites outside and deal with them there before tackling the Ranged.

On the platform in the back-right corner is a Medium Lurcher Cluster. The back-right has a Sliver of Adamantine.

Exit the room and follow the right side. Look over the edge to find a platform you can jump down to. There is a Small Lurcher Cache down here. Flame Jump back up and climb the nearby stairs where you can hit another Void Orb. This raises a marked block ahead which has a Void Orb on the side.

Step onto the block level with the platform and hit the Void Orb in the block directly ahead. The block you are on and another opposite will slide to the left. Look up over your left shoulder to see a ledge with a Small Lurcher Clump. Continue to jump up and hit another Void Orb at the top with a Flame Attack.

Step onto the block that slides over behind the Void Orb, then Flame Attack the Orb again. Note that when you are standing on a block that will be moved by your action, a charge Crossblade shot can be better as sometimes the melee animation will move you off the block as it shifts.

You will slide over to the right side of the room. Hitting the Void Orb here moves several blocks in the room.

Now you need to return to the left side of the room, so throw a Flame Crossblade at the Void Orb on the left side to make the block you are on slide back over. Drop down the platforms and onto the block below.

Now Flame Jump back over to the entrance. Hit the Void Orb (on the platform, not the side of the block) here with a Force Attack. Look off the platform (into the room) to see the block below is shimmering with Force power. This is another form of Force Wall. You can now roll around the block and along a tunnel underneath. When you drop down at the end you will grab a Luminous Visage (01/02)! Now retrace your steps back out.

Standing on the platform at the entrance to the room, look over to the left side. You will see a block high up with a Void Orb on the bottom. Throw a Flame Crossblade at that Orb. Now make a few Flame Jumps – over the near-left where you were a moment ago in the corner, then again up to the blocks below the Orb you just hit. When you land up here you should see another Orb on the block at the far end.

Hit this and you will see the block that is on the far wall lower, opening the way forward.

Jump down onto the block and go through. On the other side look over the ledge ahead to find another platform below. There is a Medium Lurcher Cluster down here. Flame Jump back up and jump over the platforms towards the gate. The lever at the base of the steps here opens the gate – this leads back to Limbo: Ashen Hall. By the gate is a Small Lurcher Clump.

Take the bridge that materialises opposite the lever to continue. In the arena beyond you will right the Flame Wing’s Boss – Aganosh.

Aside from standard melee, Aganosh will fire his fists at you from range, can create ground attacks below you and has two separate area attack based creating an explosive area around himself – one simple and a larger charged area attack.

By now he should be fairly easy to defeat. All his attacked are well telegraphed. Once he falls approach and press Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (1) to finish him off. You will receive the Talons of Scorn.

This is a new weapon that Fury can use whilst in Flame Hollow. It will likely only be a viable alternative once you have upgraded it a few times. To do so, find it in the Inventory tab and hold Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (2) to Attune to Hollow.

For defeating the first Boss in the DLC you will unlock:

Keeper of the Bonfire

Finish Flame Wing

Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (3)

1 guideGuide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (4)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (5)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (6)

A gate will open on the far side of the Arena. Flame Jump up and follow the path until you come across a Small Lurcher Cluster. Drop down to the right.

Around to the left is a now-opened gate that leads to Limbo: The Void at the start of the area.



Go forwards from where you landed. On the central platform you will notice three paths, each clearly marked as linked to the three remaining Hollows. The next available path is to the right, leading to Storm Wing, so head through.

Hit the Void Orb at the base of the steps with a Flame Attack. This pushes the block ahead towards the centre of the gap. Now hit it with a Storm Attack to create a Wind Storm on the block. Storm Glide over to the block then again, using the Wind Storm to reach the platform ahead.

Up to the right is a Large Lurcher Clump, with two Construct enemies. On the left three Constructs will appear, guarding another Large Lurcher Clump. Off the other side of this platform is a lower platform with a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Flame Jump back up and return to the central area.

Drop down the gap between the large archway to land near another Void Orb. Once again, use a Flame Attack first to move the block on the left and a Storm Attack to create a Wind Storm. Use this to Storm Glide to the left side of the room.

The pedestal here is empty and needs an Orb to function. Head up the stairs you can see behind it towards a functioning Void Orb. Go around to the left where you will fight two Large Constructs and can find a Large Lurcher Clump.

Return to the Void Orb and notice the platform behind it. There is a stone block visible underneath – it should be on the left. Hit the Void Orb with a Storm Attack which generates a Wind Storm on the block. Use it to Storm Glide up to the left where you can destroy the dormant Construct just to the left to find a Strength Shard.

Go right and use the Swing Point. Ahead you will find an inactive Void Orb. Pick it up but you can’t swing back with it. Instead throw it over to the slot in the blocks over the gap on the right. You can use your Crossblade to throw Flame and Storm attacks over on the Orb. This moves some blocks below and generates a Wind Storm.

Jump onto the top block and Storm Glide up to the higher platform. An Elite Construct is waiting. It drops a Fragment of Adamantine. Near where you land is a dormant Construct with a Thorn Shard. In the far corner you will find a Demonic Artifact.

Fall back down and drop down the blocks into the room. A Warden Construct appears – it fights in a similar way to the Spectral Undead Brutes with big, telegraphed swings and teleport sneak attacks. Just to the left in the entrance is a Fragment of Adamantine. To the right of the gate is a lever; use this to open that gate.

Before grabbing the Orb, you can optionally explore the other side path from earlier. Go through the gate and around to the left. Two Large Constructs here guard a Small Lurcher Cluster. Go back and Flame Attack the Orb in front of the platform to move the block underneath it, then use a Wind Attack to create another Wind Storm.

Storm Glide up to the right. Aside from a single visible Construct, four Large Constructs will emerge from the walls up here. Grab the Small Lurcher Clump in the centre.

That’s all up here, so drop back down and grab the Orb behind the gate. Run downstairs and across the bridge where you can place the Orb in the pedestal. Now give it the old one-two (Flame-Storm Attacks) to move the blocks on the left and generate another Wind Storm.

Storm Glide over and unfortunately you will find another empty pedestal in the archway. Go past it, up the stairs where you will find Vulgrim at Limbo: The Swirling Gate.

Head around the corner from Vulgrim and follow the path around the next corner. Drop down at the end and again down to the right. Several of the Large Constructs down here will animate and attack. The visible orb is a Small Lurcher Cluster. The dormant Construct in the back left contains a Large Healing Shard.

Hitting the central Void Orb with a Flame Attack will move several blocks and open a mid-tier around the room with several enemies inside. A few Large Constructs will attack and several more Ranged Constructs will stay up above and snipe at you. Once they are all clear, jump up into the gap on the low side with a yellow light. Jump up again and up above you will see a ledge to Flame Jump up to.

Another Flame Jump takes you up to another ledge, opposite where you first entered, with a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Drop back down to the mid-tier and follow it around. Roughly underneath where you first arrived is an Angelic Artifact.

Now drop back down to the Void Orb in the centre and hit it with a Storm Attack. This creates a Wind Storm at the top of the blocks on the far wall. Jump up and Storm Glide above.

Go forwards to the edge and turn left where you can go down some stairs and across a platform. Drop down the platforms beyond then follow it around to find some Swing Points. This path is tricky but you will get a new Enhancement at the end. Read ahead and expect that it may take a few attempts.

Start with Flame Hollow. Make the first two swings then make a Flame Jump. This puts you in range of the third Swing Point up above. Use this and quickly switch to Storm Hollow. At the end of the swing, activate Storm Glide to get over to the fourth Swing Point which you can use to get to the platform ahead. So the sequence is:

Swing - Swing - Flame Jump - Swing (switch to Storm Hollow during this swing) - Storm Glide - Swing

You land next to the Veneration Enhancement.

Use Flame and Storm Attacks on the Void Orb here to lower the block above the swing path and generate a Wind Storm to get back. This time it’s a normal swing to the block, then Storm Glide up and forwards to a higher Swing Point. This puts you in range of a further two swings which puts you back on the platform.

Jump up to the right and when you go up the first set of steps Flame Jump over to the floating platform on the left. A Warden Construct will appear and be joined by several standard Constructs. Once they are clear, grab the Demonic Artifact towards the far side.

Drop back down and turn left. Up the next set of stairs is a Small Lurcher Clump. Go up the next set of stairs and drop down to the right. Grab a Wrath Shard by the gate, then use the lever to open it. Grab the Orb and go through the gate. Turn left and place the Orb in the vacant pedestal.

In a copy of previous events, your Flame and Storm Attacks move some blocks to the left and generate a Wind Storm to allow you to get over them. When you land, you will see yet another empty pedestal.

Drop directly off the edge ahead onto a small floating platform with a Large Lurcher Cluster. Flame Jump up to the other side to enter another block-filled puzzle room.

Hop up to the left and Flame Attack the Void Orb here, pushing the block with a slot through into the main area. Now go back and get the Orb at the entry and throw it into this block. Hit it with a Flame Attack to move the blocks around the room.

Jump over to the revealed Void Orb in the back wall and Flame Attack it. Go back up to the slotted block you just used and Flame Attack it again.

Jump over to the blocks on the other side. If you stand on the long, thin rock platform there and look back into the room you will see another Void Orb on a block. Flame Crossblade it which moves the blocks above you. Look up to see a gap you can jump to.

Flame Jump up to the right to find a Small Healing Shard, then drop back down and Flame Attack the Void Orb to raise the central blocks in the room. A Storm Attack generates a Wind Storm on those blocks. Jump over and use Storm Glide to ascend. Jump up off the metal grate and then Flame Jump onto the blocks floating above. From here jump to the alcove in the side wall which contains an Angelic Artifact.

Proceed the only way you can. Two Large Constructs here will come to life but fortunately the big guys won’t. Grab a Small Lurcher Cluster on the right.

Grab the Void Orb at the end and drop down where you will land next to the empty pedestal, so place the Orb. Use the usual combination of attacks to move some blocks and make a Wind Storm ahead, leading up to the central platform.

Storm Glide up the two blocks and head up the stairs to the left. In the arena here you will meet Zyon, the Storm Wing Boss. He fights in the same way as the previous Boss, but all his attacks with be electrical-based. He hits considerably harder than Agonosh and has his attack where he pounds the ground and generates lightning below you makes 3 patches of lightning and can be devastating if you get your dodge timing wrong. He can also steal health.

This is a tough fight! Zyon is a tank and soaks up a heap of damage but can also kill you very quickly. Save yourself some hassle and use a Havoc Shard and double up on Havoc Form here.

Once he is dead you will earn the Polearm of Scorn, unique to the Storm Hollow and unlock:

Keeper of the Sky

Finish Storm Wing

Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (7)

1 guideGuide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (8)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (9)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (10)

Head out the newly-opened gate and grab a Fragment of Adamantine outside. Descend the stairs and you will land back at the junction point – the purple-lit path to Force Wing will be open ahead so head through.



Drop down and stay on the right side. You will see a bridge appear over the edge. Jump down then up again on the other side. In the room below you will fight a Warden Construct and several Large Constructs. Destroy the dormant Construct in the near-left corner for a Frenzy Shard. There is a Piece of Adamantine and a Large Lurcher Cluster down here too.

Flame Jump out and return to the starting area. Clear the Constructs here and go down the stairs ahead. When you approach the orb to the left, a Large Construct will appear just behind it. It’s a Large Lurcher Clump. Continue down the stairs to enter the next room.

Drop into the pit ahead and go to the left. A Large Construct will animate. Destroy the dormant Construct on the left side to find a Fortification Shard. Now go around to the right side where an Elite waits. This one drops a Piece of Adamantine. Visible in the corner is a Large Lurcher Cluster.

Jump back up and look on the nearby wall to find a Void Orb. Throw a Flame Crossblade up to it to move a block out of the wall beside it. Flame Jump up this block to the next level.

Head through the large doorway ahead where some Constructs will appear. Swing across and destroy the dormant Construct on the right to find a Thorn Shard.

Hit the Void Orb here with a Flame Attack to move some blocks in the air ahead. Jump or Storm Glide out to the one on the left. Now throw a Flame Crossblade back at the Void Orb. When the blocks move again, you can jump or Storm Glide over to the opposite one. One more Flame Crossblade shot moves this block again so you can jump over to the next platform.

You’ll land by a Large Lurcher Clump. Jump down to the right. In here one of the Sentinel Constructs will come to life. It will explode on death like the Lava Brutes. Once it’s dead look off the end of the platform. On a column on the left there is a Void Orb. Flame Crossblade it to move some blocks.

On the left wall a room will be revealed. Jump up there and Flame Jump up to the left to find an Angelic Artifact.

Drop back down and pick up the Void Orb. Return to the room and throw the Orb up to the block floating high on the right side.

Hit this Orb with a Flame Crossblade and then a Force Crossblade. Blocks will move below it and a Force Path will appear on the lower two blocks. Throw a Force Crossblade at the Void Orb on the left to generate a Force Path on the top block.

Use the Force Wall to get to the top of the column of blocks. Now use a Flame Crossblade on the left Void Orb to move over to the other side, where you can jump to the ledge and continue.

Go through the opening and turn right. Drop down and just to the right is a Large Lurcher Clump. Use the lever to open the gate and grab the Orb. On the opposite wall is an empty slot so throw the Orb up there.

A Flame Crossblade moves the blocks to the right and a Force Crossblade creates a Force Wall. Ascend and jump up at the top.

Over to the left up here you can grab a Small Lurcher Cluster as you head over to Vulgrim at Limbo: Dark Nebula.

Go straight out from Vulgrim and down some stairs you will see some blocks below. They should have a Force Wall on them. Drop onto the and look right to see a small room. There is an Angelic Artifact in there. Look back to the blocks with the Force Wall. Behind them, to the left as you look out from this room, is another room you can Storm Glide down to.

Inside two Large and an Elite Construct will appear. The Elite drops a Piece of Adamantine. You can also see a Fragment of Adamantine.

Head back out and use the Force Path to get back up.

Go around to the right of Vulgrim – a Large Construct will animate in the archway. Use the Swing Point ahead. You land on a platform with several dormant Constructs. The one at the back in front of a column has a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Around the corner to the right is a Large Lurcher Clump and on the left is another visible Large Lurcher Clump.

Before heading right, look over the far edge to see a small platform below. Grab a Medium Lurcher Cache down there.

Now go right and at the opening jump to the left for a battle against three Large Constructs and a Sentinel. On the far side is an Arcane Shard dropped by a dormant Construct and in the far corner is a Small Lurcher Cluster. Around to the right is an empty Orb pedestal.

Now go back and head down the other path, ignoring the side tunnel for a moment. The dormant Construct at the end past the Force Block has a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Now Force Attack the Force Block along the path and into the gap below where you arrived from. The side tunnel on this side has a Large Healing Shard in a dormant Construct at the corner and around the corner is a Void Orb.

Grab the Orb and now you can carry it around to the opposite side. The first time you try it you will be attacked by two Large and one Regular Construct. Go back to the orb again and you will make it around to the empty pedestal unhindered this time.

Put it in the pedestal and hit it with a Flame Attack. The blocks above the central area will move so jump up there. Drop into the room on the right to find a Demonic Artifact. This room just has two regular Constructs to deal with. Flame Jump back out and jump up to the block ahead. Jump to the platform at the end and around to the right.

Jump onto the block here and throw a Flame Crossblade at the Void Orb on the right column. This moves you forwards. Now Flame Crossblade the left column’s Void Orb.

A block will move to within jumpable distance, so hop up there. Flame Crossblade the left-hand Void Orb again for this block to float left behind the column. Another block will move so you can jump forwards, then make a slightly longer jump to another block towards the far wall. One last Flame Crossblade to the Void Orb now on the far side moves this block to the opening in the far wall, but don't go through yet.

Use a Storm Crossblade on the right Void Orb. This generates a Wind Storm over to the right. Flame Crossblade the left Orb to move the block you are on over there.

Storm Glide over to the Wind Storm and look up – the ledge you are heading for is out on what should now be your right. Up here you will fight both a Sentinel and Warden Construct. In the middle of the area is a Strength Shard and a Piece of Adamantine.

On the far side of this area you can jump between the two columns to a platform below. On the second platform down you can see a block down below - don't go there! Storm Glide out towards the lower platform with a Void Orb you can see in the distance. You will reach a Swing Point to make it there.

Look up to the right - that is your next destination. Hit the Orb with a Flame Attack to lower the blocks up there and then a Force Attack to generate a Force Path on them.

Switch back to Flame Hollow. Flame Jump up to the first Swing Point. At the end of it, Flame Jump again. During this swing, switch to Force Hollow and at the end of it activate Force Ball to attach to the Path.

Flame Jump - Swing - Flame Jump - Swing (switch to Force Hollow during this swing) - Attach to Force Wall and roll up

At the top jump up to the platform where your prize is the Perdition Enhancement, which is unique to your Crossblade, Salvation.

Now to backtrack. Jump pack on the block and jump/swing across. It’s easy to use Storm Glide out and drop before the second Swing Point, using it to reach the platform with the Orb.

Hit the Orb with a Storm Attack to generate a Wind Storm on the block to the left. Swing over to the block and Storm Glide back up the platforms above, using Flame Jump to get to the top.

Cross the platform and Storm Glide back to the block with the Wind Storm on it. Flame Jump over to the left and Flame Crossblade the far Void Orb to move back to the opening, where you can finally proceed. As you jump up you can collect a Large Lurcher Clump.

Head to the right. Drop down and on your immediate left is a Medium Lurcher Cluster. The lever here opens the gate ahead. Pick up the Void Orb and go through. You are back at the area by Vulgrim at Limbo: Dark Nebula. Throw the Orb in the slot on the opposite wall.

Use a Flame Crossblade to move the block out of the wall next to the Orb and Flame Jump to climb it. The central Construct on the right is an Elite who will drop a Piece of Adamantine. In the back right corner a dormant Construct holds a Small Healing Shard.

Just past the doorway heading left is a Large Construct. In the far corner past the pedestal is a Small Lurcher Cluster in a dormant Construct. Go back to the large doorway and drop down. Grab a Small Lurcher Cluster here and then swing across the gap.

Jump up the steps. Ignore the next steps to the left and jump up to the platform ahead. A Large Construct will emerge from a wall. Jump down the centre of the area and deal with two Large Constructs. Jump up to the right, where you can see and orb. Two Elite Constructs will appear. They each drop a Piece of Adamantine. The visible orb is a Fragment of Adamantine.

At the far-left of this platform look over the edge see platforms below. Jump down to the bottom one which has a Void Orb. Use Flame Attack on it to align the blocks and then a Stasis Attack to generate a Stasis Wall. Jump up and over to find a Demonic Artifact.

Jump back down then up again and get back to the central area. Follow around to the right again and jump up at the next set of broken stairs, in the corner. Defeat a Large Construct here and smash the dormant Construct by the far-right edge for an Undying Shard.

Jump off the other side of this platform to enter a room. Around to the left is a Void Orb. Hit it with a Flame Attack to move the adjacent block. Use a Storm Attack to create a Wind Storm on that block and use Storm Glide to cross over to the other side of the room. There is a Large Lurcher Clump here.

Jump onto the block to the right and look right to see another Void Orb on the column. Flame Crossblade the Orb to move your block left as another two blocks move to the right in the open space. Flame Jump up when you stop. Now look back and Flame Crossblade the previous Orb to move the blocks back again.

Go through the opening and drop down to the right. Ignore the Void Orb on the pedestal and hop on the block just past it. Use a Flame Crossblade on the Void Orb on the block to the right and you will move forwards. Turn to your right to find another Void Orb on a column – Flame Crossblade this one to lower a set of blocks.

Use these blocks to run back to the right and Storm Glide over to the unused Orb. Flame Attack the Void Orb on the block on the right here to form a block path out of this side area. Grab the Orb and jump along the path. When you drop down, turn right and throw the Orb into the slot on the column in the centre of the area.

Hit the new Orb with a Flame Crossblade to move the blocks into position and a Force Crossblade to create a Force Path. Jump onto the blocks ahead and go up the Force Path on the side of the blocks at the end.

Ride this path, rolling up and along, then under the blocks and finally around and back on top. Jump down to the platform and grab a Small Lurcher Cluster where you land.

Swing over to the left and grab the Orb, then drop down past it to find the empty pedestal. Use Flame Attack on the new Void Orb to move some blocks ahead, then Force Hollow to create a Force Path up.

Ascend and grab a Medium Lurcher Cache from the corner before descending down the stairs where you meet the next Boss, Roarakk.

Roarakk is similar to the previous Bosses. His notable features are a ground pound attack that must be jumped and a slam attack which shimmers on the ground for a moment then expands out like his ground pound. You want to stay close and keep him using his melee attacks, which a relatively slow and easy to dodge.

Roarakk’s death earns you the alternate Force Hollow weapon, the Axe of Scorn, and unlocks:

Keeper of the Vale

Finish Force Wing

Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (11)

Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (12)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (13)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (14)

Take the gate through to a path where you can collect a Small Lurcher Cache before dropping back to the junction room. Stasis Wing is now accessible on the path to the left.



Head through and drop down when you reach the end. Go around to the right where you will see some enemies – head over and battle some Large Constructs with an Elite Construct that emerges from a wall behind the orb you can see. The Elite drops a Piece of Adamantine. There is a visible Large Lurcher Cluster up here.

Go back and the way you came and directly across to the opposite side - you should see a small platform floating just below. Jump down and defeat another Elite Construct, which will drop a Piece of Adamantine, and a regular Construct. In the corner is a Small Lurcher Cache.

Now turn right, facing into the area. Jump up where a Large Construct is joined by a regular and a ranged Construct.

Head to the centre and jump down to the platform with the Void Orb. A Flame Attack will lower some blocks ahead and a Stasis Attack creates a Stasis Wall on them.

At the top, turn around and look back into the area. Over to the right you will see an orb on top of a column. Double jump into a Storm Glide over there and collect a Small Lurcher Cache.

Drop back down and use the Stasis Wall again. Jump up to the top and go up the stairs. In the next room you will find a working Void Orb and an empty pedestal. Before proceeding, jump into the water on the left and swim/sink down. On this side towards the back is a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Jump out at the end and cross over to the water on the other side to find a Havoc Shard under the bridge that forms.

Still underwater on this side, head towards the back of the room. On the left wall is another Medium Lurcher Cluster and around the corner at the end is third. Now surface and go back to the working Void Orb.

Use Flame and Stasis on the Void Orb to move some blocks above and create two Stasis Walls. You can’t access the one ahead so jump up the one on the left. At the top, go through the archway. Ahead you will see a Sentinel on the platform. In the alcoves to the sides are more enemies including Ranged Constructs. You can lure the Sentinel to this side of the area which makes things easier.

When you approach the Ranged Constructions either side, a single Large Construct will join each one. At the back on the left is a Medium Lurcher Cluster in a dormant Construct. To continue, head behind where the Sentinel was standing and jump over.

Drop into the water around to the right. There is a Small Lurcher Cluster here. Go through the tunnel in the far wall and on the other side use Stasis Hollow to stand on the water and quickly swap and use Flame Jump to get up at the far end.

Loop around the corner here and use the lever to open the gate on the far wall. Now drop off the edge and, underwater, go into the opening to a room underneath the lever. There’s a Luminous Visage (02/02) in here!

Go back out and surface, hopping up to the island in this this room with a Void Orb. With Stasis Hollow active, grab the Orb and walk through the gate. Turn around and on the wall next to the gate is a slot – throw the Orb up there.

Jump out of the water and hit the Void Orb with a Flame then a Storm Crossblade. A block will appear on the right side, then a Wind Storm will be generated on top. Storm Glide over and the up the Wind Storm.

The room to the left has two Ranged Constructs, two Large and an Elite. The Elite drops a Piece of Adamantine. The visible orb on the right has a Medium Lurcher Cache. In the back right you can find a Fragment of Adamantine and an Arcane Shard.

Leave the room and go the other way, where you will see a Swing Point over a gap. Head over and up the stairs to return to the first room. Drop down to a bridge that has formed below and go to the centre. On the left you can jump down and grab a visible Small Lurcher Cluster by a pedestal. Just a little way down the tunnel is Limbo: Eternium Spire.

Go through the opening near Vulgrim and jump up. Up ahead a Ranged Construct will start shooting at you. Flame Jump up and deal with it and a Large Construct that spawns behind. On the back of this platform is a Small Lurcher Cache.

Drop down and follow the path through the next archway. Two Large Constructs will emerge from the walls and a Regular will join them. In the next room is a patrolling Warden.

You can see the Orb you need through the doorway at the back of this room. Two Large Constructs are waiting around the sides and another dormant one to the right will come to life as you approach. The orb here is a Large Healing Shard.

Grab the Void Orb and carry it to the pedestal in the previous room. Start with a Flame Attack followed by a Stasis Attack. Blocks will move over to the left and you will create a working Stasis Wall there.

Climb up and throw a Storm Crossblade back down to the Orb you just used (ignore the one up top for now). You will need to move right up against the wall to be able to tag the Orb below. This creates a Wind Storm on top of the blocks. Storm Glide up to find an Angelic Artifact. Drop back down to the upper ledge.

On the Void Orb up on this ledge, use a Flame Attack which moves out a row of blocks on the left wall. Use a Force Attack to create a Force Path over those blocks. Roll over and when you drop down you will find a Small Lurcher Cluster.

There is a Void Orb in the wall here. Hit this with a Flame Crossblade to move more blocks to the right. Backtrack to the Void Orb on the other side the room on the lower level. Hit it with a Flame Attack again to move the floating blocks back over to the right side. Stasis Attack the Orb to generate a Stasis Wall on that side. Jump up there.

On the right is a Medium Lurcher Clump. Just like before, Storm Crossblade the Void Orb below to generate a Wind Storm on the blocks, then Storm Glide up through the ceiling to find a Piece of Adamantine. Drop back down onto the upper ledge.

Hit the Void Orb up here with a Flame Attack. The block to the left will float out, providing a means to cross to the opposite side. Flame Jump or Storm Glide over. Pick up the Orb and look left where you will see a slot on the block floating up against the wall.

Hit this Void Orb with a Flame Crossblade and the gate below it will open. You can now jump across a few blocks and go right through the gate. When you drop down, look over the edge ahead to see some platforms below. Jump down there. Swing over the two Swing Points at the bottom.

On the left and right platforms here are a pair of Ranged Constructs. Deal with them and then grab the Demonic Artifact in the centre and a Medium Lurcher Cache on the right. Swing back again and ascend. When you reach the platform at the top, turn left and swing over.

The lever here opens the gate, so grab the Orb and go through. Turn left and you will find a pedestal to place the Orb in.

Use a Flame Attack on the Void Orb and a bridge of blocks will raise over to the left. Jump forwards and use that bridge to get to the upper level on that side, where you will find a Large Lurcher Clump.

Head forwards and drop off the edge to the left. Alongside the visible patrolling Large Construct will be another that emerges from a wall in the main area.

Go back under where you dropped in to activate a Sentinel and a Warden. In this room you can grab a Fragment of Adamantine and a Large Lurcher Cache. Heading forwards from where you dropped in, the second alcove on the left has an Elite Construct and a Large Lurcher Cache. The Elite drops a Piece of Adamantine. The only alcove on the right spawns a Large Construct and has a Small Lurcher Cluster. At the far end there is a Large Healing Shard in a dormant Construct.

Turn right at the end and before swinging over, look to the left. There are two Ranged Constructs on the platform. Use your Crossblade to take them out from a distance - if you try to jump over there they will almost certainly shoot you out of the air. Once they are gone, you can Storm Glide over there to grab an Angelic Artifact. From here you might as will Storm Glide back to the other side of the gap to save yourself a swing.

Go down the stairs and right to drop into another room. Go down the stairs ahead into the water and underwater on your left, you will see a Small Lurcher Cluster. Go back up those steps and use a Stasis Attack on the functioning Void Orb here. The two closest columns of blocks will form a Stasis Wall.

Walk over the water and use the Stasis Wall to reach the top of the left column. Now throw a Flame Crossblade at the Void Orb, moving the column you are on to the back of the room. Jump up to the gap in the side wall where you will find a Large Lurcher Clump.

Around the corner, drop down to the floating block. Look back to see a Void Orb on the wall. Use a Flame Crossblade to drop the block you are standing on. Over to the right you will see another Void Orb attached to a block. Hit this with a Flame Crossblade to realign the blocks and then a Force Hollow to create a Force Path.

Jump out below the blocks and use the Force Wall up to the top of the blocks. Another Void Orb awaits. This time use Flame and Storm Crossblades. The previous block with the Void Orb will rise and a Wind Storm will be generated on it’s top. Jump over and Storm Glide up to a ledge in the far wall.

You land by a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Drop off the other side and use the lever to open the gate and another one past it. Head through to return to a previous room. Cross the water and just past the gate on the other side is a Small Lurcher Cluster underwater.

Down here you will see a doorway on the left. Surface to find a Stasis Wall. Jump up it and throw a Flame Crossblade at the Void Orb right above the Stasis Wall. The blocks below will move. With Stasis Hollow active, drop down and look on the left side of the central block to find another Void Orb. Quickly switch to Flame Hollow and throw a Flame Crossblade at it. This will align the blocks in a diagonal line.

Head back up via the Stasis Wall or Flame Jumps and grab the Void Orb. Drop down on the right side so you land on the closest block. Making sure Stasis Hollow is still active. Drop off the other side and walk through the gate to the right.

In the main room, go up the stairs to the left and place the Orb in the vacant pedestal.

Start with the new Orb, using a Flame and then a Stasis Attack. On the far side of the room a Stasis Wall will appear up high. Cross the water and Flame Jump up to the two-block column closest on the right.

When you make you next throw, the block you are on will slide across the room. From the far end near the Stasis Wall, a block will approach and knock you off – you need to jump up onto this block before it does.

Turn around and throw a Flame Crossblade at the original Orb, which from this side is on the right. Jump up as the block approaches. Throw a Flame Crossblade at the same Orb again, moving your block back to the far end of the room and ending in line with the Stasis Wall.

From the top, jump over to the opening. Up ahead is a Medium Lurcher Cluster. Turn right and use the two Swing Points to cross to the other side. You land by a Medium Lurcher Cache. Use the lever to open the gate and grab the Void Orb.

Go through the gate and drop down where you will reach the empty pedestal on the left, where you can place your Orb. Use a Flame Attack on the Orb you just placed and then a Stasis Attack. If you look to the centre of the room you should see a block you can jump onto with a Stasis Wall leading all the way to the upper level. Follow this path up.

Up here you will find a Large Lurcher Cache on its own and a Strength Shard by a dormant Construct in the opposite corner. Now go through the opening and follow the path – both left and right at the floating platforms end in the same place. Drop into the arena beyond to fight the last Wing Boss, Dovox.

Once again Dovox is similar to, but more powerful than previous Bosses. He has particularly power blast attacks, both at you and around himself. He creates electrical upsurges that then generate electrical bombs that explode shortly afterwards. He is quite powerful so watch your health during this battle.

For his defeat you will receive the Scythes of Scorn, your new Stasis Hollow weapon, and unlock:

Keeper of the Tempo

Finish Stasis Wing

Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (15)

1 guideGuide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (16)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (17)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (18)

Go through the gate and collect a Piece of Adamantine before going down the stairs. When you drop back the junction area, the central obelisk will rise up allowing you to access a Reflecting Pool underneath. The final Boss awaits!

You can find Vulgrim at Limbo: The Void near the orange path. Consider a trip back to Haven: Maker's Forge. If you have followed the walkthrough so far, you should be able to reach Level 64 and upgrade your items some more. Also wait (assuming you have recharging Enhancements) or find some easy enemies to recharge your special attacks.

Enter the Reflecting Pool to begin. After quite a revelation, you will fight the last Construct, Ionos. It is essentially a bigger, more powerful version of the Constructs you have seen before. The attacks are all familiar and it will cycle through the attacks from each previous Boss. There is a ground pound that has a long, agonising build-up. Keep moving and keep half an eye on your health bar as some of the attacks are very powerful. This is another battle you may want to use a Havoc Shard or two so you can spam your Havoc Form.

Once you defeat him, you will unlock:

Keeper of Colossal Automata

Defeated Void Defender Construct

Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (19)

1 guideGuide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (20)Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (21)

Use the Reflecting Pool to leave the area. You will be returned to the Serpent Hole at Limbo: The Void. Talk to Vulgrim here to finish the DLC story and receive the Abyssal Armor.

For newcomers to the franchise, the Abyssal Armor has featured in all Darksiders games. While this walkthrough is built around using one of the Crucible armour sets, the Abyssal Armor is a very powerful option as you now move into your Apocalyptic playthrough on New Game+.

To return to just before the final battle, go back to the Story Walkthrough 6 page.

16. Apocalyptic/New Game +14. DLC: The Crucible

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This walkthrough is the property of This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners.

Guide for Darksiders III - DLC: Keepers Of The Void (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.