Google and disruptive innovation — Rob Trounce - Brighton Marketing Consultant (2024)

Google has ahistory of developing disruptive innovations in the tech space. The last few years have seen Google pushing their Chromebook computers heavily, achieving the dominant market share in the education sector, and seeing exponential growth overall.

What is disruptive innovation?

'Disruptive innovation' is a term coined by Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School, and whilst his depth on the topic goes far beyond what I will cover for this article, the notion is simple to grasp. A disruptive innovation is an innovation that occurs in a sector where the market is already being over-served - the offerings available are way beyond what's needed by the majority of consumers. And attached to that offering is a hefty price tag.

This leaves the market ripe for a stripped down, cheaper versions of the product already on offer. And Google have been wise to this.

The Chromebook and disruptive innovation

The Google Chromebook is a simple laptop, providing internet access and a suite of cloud-based apps. It has a minuscule hard-drive (the one I'm writing on at the moment is about 16GB) but includes 100GB of cloud-space via Google Drive. They boot in about 10 seconds max, and have the hardware spec of a 2010 Apple MacBook Pro. They're suitable for about 90% of my workload, are highly portable, but most importantly carry a price tag of approximately £150-250, undercutting even the cheapest Windows machines.

This is disruptive innovation in action. Google realised that the vast majority of users spend nearly all of their time on their laptops writing up documents, browsing Facebook, and watching Netflix. A machine that offers anything far beyond that is, for the most part, overkill. However, laptops have been around for decades, and Chromebooks entered the market over 20 years later.

What makes Google Cardboard fascinating is the sheer speed in which the disruptive innovation occurred.

The virtual reality market

Virtual reality is about to become the biggest battleground in tech. Sony, Microsoft, Samsung, Facebook (with Oculus Rift), HTC... the list reads like a who's who in tech (with the notable exception of Apple). Some of them are targeted at gamers, others at the everyday techie consumer - every major company is looking to show off a bigger and better offering.

And then there's Google.

In comes Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard was an idea born out of the famous 'Innovation Time' that all employees are granted. Stylistically, it has more in common with a pair of those old 3D red and green glasses than it does with typically bulky VR offerings. But it works, and it works simply.

How Google Cardboard works

After a little cardboard origami, users have the perfect cradle for their smartphone, and Google Cardboard sits the device in front of their eyes. Any number of Google Cardboard approved apps (naturally, most appear on Android, but there's a growing number on the Apple ecosystem) can be downloaded to the phone and used when it's placed in the device.

Your smartphone already offers a large, high quality screen to stare at. It's already connected to an app store of some description, enabling you to download the games and software for use in VR. It's already got gyroscopic capabilities, meaning that as you move it the action on-screen changes. And, most importantly, you already own it. In effect, this cost is negated. All that's needed is something to strap it to your head. And this is where Google Cardboard comes in, retailing at a about £10.

Put it together, slot your phone in, and away you go.

How Google Cardboard is disruptive

I previously mentioned most of the VR offerings are being targeted at gamers and tech-savvy consumers. The disruptive element to Google Cardboard means that anyone and everyone will want to try one. The cost is so tiny it's worth it for the novelty value alone. And it will serve 90% of consumers adequately... spending £200+ on a VR headset by any of the tech companies above will be, in their eyes, a matter of diminishing returns.

Disruption before there's even a market

And what's crazy is that, unlike your typical disruptive innovation that Clay Christensen highlights, Google Cardboard is a disruptive innovation in a market that doesn't even fully exist yet. Most of the big players haven't yet released their products, and Google has already undercut them with a product that will suffice for most, and retails at a price so affordable you can't really rationalise notgiving it a go.

In many ways, this is the nature of the tech industry now. Innovation is happening so rapidly that we as consumers are spoilt for choice before the products even hit the market. The same thing is happening in the home battery market -Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, and Powervaultare all competing with each other before a single home battery has actually been installed. However, Google Cardboard is a rare example of disruptive innovation occurring before the market has truly developed.

What can we learn from this?

Google's initiatives here highlight an important lesson: never lose sight of the market, even if that market doesn't yet fully exist. Understanding consumers, their needs and desires, and how your offerings meet them is vital.

How to approach disruptive innovation

If your product is yet to go to market, or you're looking at entering a a market, or even if that market doesn't exist yet (as in the case of VR), ask yourself these simple questions:

  • How are the majority of consumers being over-served? What don't they care about? What don't they use?
  • Can that functionality be removed and result in a lower cost base for ourselves? Can this lower cost then be handed over to the consumer in full, or at least in part, in the form of a lower price?
  • Will this lower price attractnon-customers, and lead to market growth?

Applying this to Google

Google's Chromebook attracts those who are looking for a simple, hassle-free portable computer with no frills. It's low price-point makes it worthwhile as a secondary device for on-the-go work or fun, or as an ideal purchase for school kids and students, elderly folk, and basically anyone not looking at doing media editing, gaming,programming or a handful of other resource intensive tasks.

Google Cardboard strips away expensive materials, the necessity to purchase a screen (which most of already own in the form of a smartphone), and high-tech features, giving a low price headset that makes the upcoming VR market fun and cheap to enter for even the least interested among us.

The disruptive innovation pay-off

There are always going to be some people whodouse every feature. When I talk about the 'majority', I'm talking about 95% of the consumers out there. You have to warrant lowering the price and serving the more price sensitive mass market consumers out there in the trade-off that you'll attract a heap of new interest from those who wouldn't otherwise buy your product. There will always be a necessity for biggest, flashiest, and most functional products - they will inevitably serve some people. However, reaching the mass market is often a case of stripping down, rather than offering more. This, at its core, is disruptive innovation.

As an expert in the field of disruptive innovation and technology trends, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion. My understanding of the concepts and the ability to analyze real-world examples sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of Google's disruptive innovations.

Let's delve into the key concepts used in the article:

  1. Disruptive Innovation:

    • Definition: Disruptive innovation, coined by Clayton Christensen, refers to the introduction of a new product or service that significantly alters the existing market by offering simpler, more accessible, and often more affordable alternatives.
    • Key Characteristics: Occurs in overserved markets with high-priced offerings, introduces simpler and cheaper alternatives, and typically targets non-consumers or less demanding consumers.
  2. Google's Chromebook and Disruptive Innovation:

    • Description: The Chromebook is highlighted as a disruptive innovation by Google. It is a simple laptop with minimal local storage but relies on cloud-based applications. The focus is on meeting the needs of the majority of users at a lower price point compared to existing offerings in the market.
  3. Virtual Reality (VR) Market:

    • Overview: The article discusses the competitive landscape of the VR market, involving major tech companies like Sony, Microsoft, Samsung, Facebook (Oculus Rift), and HTC. The market is described as a significant battleground in the tech industry.
  4. Google Cardboard and Disruptive Innovation in VR:

    • Description: Google Cardboard is presented as a disruptive innovation in the emerging VR market. It offers an affordable and simple solution by leveraging users' existing smartphones for VR experiences. The low cost and accessibility make it an attractive option for a wide range of consumers.
  5. How Google Cardboard Works:

    • Mechanism: Users fold the cardboard into a headset, insert their smartphones, and use Google Cardboard-approved apps for VR experiences. The simplicity and reliance on existing smartphone features contribute to cost-effectiveness.
  6. Disruptive Nature of Google Cardboard:

    • Affordability: The low cost of Google Cardboard makes it disruptive, appealing to a broader audience beyond traditional tech enthusiasts or gamers.
    • Market Timing: Google Cardboard is considered disruptive even before the VR market has fully developed, undercutting potential competitors with a product that serves the majority of consumers.
  7. Lesson from Google's Initiatives:

    • Market Understanding: Google's success with disruptive innovations emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer needs, even in markets that may not yet fully exist. This insight is crucial for product development and market entry strategies.
  8. Approaching Disruptive Innovation:

    • Key Questions: The article provides a set of questions to guide the approach to disruptive innovation, focusing on identifying areas of overserving, potential cost reductions, and the appeal of lower prices to attract non-customers.
  9. Application to Google's Products:

    • Chromebook: Targets consumers looking for a simple, affordable, and hassle-free portable computer, serving as a secondary device or ideal for specific user segments.
    • Google Cardboard: Strips away expensive features, utilizing existing smartphone capabilities, and offers an affordable entry point to the VR market for a wide range of consumers.
  10. Disruptive Innovation Pay-off:

    • Mass Market Appeal: The article emphasizes the importance of reaching the mass market by simplifying products and offering them at lower prices. The payoff lies in attracting a broader consumer base, even if not all features are utilized.

In conclusion, the concepts explored in the article highlight Google's strategic use of disruptive innovation in both the laptop and virtual reality markets. These innovations showcase Google's ability to understand consumer needs, strip away unnecessary features, and offer affordable alternatives that resonate with the mass market.

Google and disruptive innovation — Rob Trounce - Brighton Marketing Consultant (2024)


What are the four 4 points to identify disruptive innovation? ›

This illustration shows four important elements of the theory of disruptive innovation: (1) sustaining innovation, (2) overshoot of customer needs, (3) the emergence of a disruptive innovation to which incumbents have the ability to respond, and (4) incumbent firms floundering as they are disrupted.

What is an example of a disruptive innovation in marketing? ›

Note that it does not involve the process of improving or enhancing products for the same target market. An example of disruptive innovation is the introduction of digital music downloads, which have, by far, replaced compact discs.

How do you respond to disruptive innovation? ›

How a company responds to disruptive innovations depends on two main factors: its motivation and ability to do so. If motivation is low, the response should be to ignore the disruption and focus on the main business. If motivation is high, the appropriate response is dictated by ability and circ*mstances.

What are the disruptive questions for innovation? ›

Is the innovation simpler to use, more convenient, or more affordable than the incumbent's existing offering? Does the offering have a technological enabler that can carry it upmarket and allow it to improve? Is the technology paired with a business model innovation that allows it to be sustainable?

What are the 4 C's of innovation? ›

Let's take a look at the four pillars of innovation – Context, Culture, Capability and Collaboration.

Is Google a disruptive innovation? ›

💥 Google and the disruptive innovator

Google, the firm that has done more than any other in “organising the world's information and making it universally available and accessible for all” might face the classic “innovator's dilemma”. Clayton Christensen introduced this strategic concept back in 19971.

What is disruptive innovation in simple words? ›

Disruptive innovation is the idea that when a product or service is introduced into an established industry and performs better or costs less than existing offerings, it can displace the market leaders and even transform the industry.

Is disruptive innovation good or bad? ›

Disruptive innovation serves as a warning for established companies. Many focus on incremental innovations, neglecting market segments that desire simple, affordable alternatives. Disruptors exploit these gaps with basic offerings, improving over time to capture broader market segments.

How to counter disruptive innovation? ›

Become a better innovator than the disruptor. By adopting a mindset of continuous innovation, you leave no room for disruptors. Disrupt yourself! Apply the same principles of disruption to your own business.

How do you identify disruptive innovation? ›

“Disruptive innovation” is a process where a product, service or system was initially planted at the bottom of a market – by only having simple, less attractive applications, technology, or business models as its starting point – before rapidly moves up market, and ultimately displaces established competitors or ...

How do you answer innovation interview questions? ›

Tips for answering innovation-based interview questions
  • Prepare Examples in Advance. Before the interview, reflect on your past experiences where you demonstrated innovation. ...
  • Explain the Thought Process. ...
  • Highlight Collaboration. ...
  • Demonstrate Adaptability. ...
  • Show Continuous Improvement.
Apr 15, 2024

What is not an example of a disruptive innovation? ›

Not all innovations are disruptive, even if they are revolutionary. For example, the first automobiles in the late 19th century were not a disruptive innovation, because early automobiles were expensive luxury items that did not disrupt the market for horse-drawn vehicles.

What are the three parts of disruptive innovation? ›

The Three Stages of Disruptive Innovation: Idea Generation, Incubation, and Scaling | Stanford Graduate School of Business.

What are the key elements of disruptive innovation? ›

There are two key components to disruptive innovation: New market disruption occurs when a product or service reaches overlooked markets or customers not considered before. This typically involves targeting profitable customers and expanding into upmarket customer segments.

What are the four elements of disruptive innovation? ›

King and Baatartogtokh identified four elements of the theory of disruptive innovation: (1) that incumbents in a market are improving along the trajectory of sustaining innovation, (2) that they overshoot customer needs, (3) that they possess the capability to respond to disruptive threats, and (4) that incumbents end ...

What are the 4 stages of disruptive technology? ›

  • Stage 1: Disruption of Incumbent.
  • Stage 2: Rapid Linear Evolution.
  • Stage 3: Appealing Convergence.
  • Stage 4: Complete Reimagination.
Aug 1, 2022

What are the 4 strategies of innovation? ›

Innovation strategies can be classed as proactive, active, reactive and passive (Dodgson et al.

What are the 4 Ps of innovation model? ›

When it comes to implementing innovation, what is the starting place and how can you identify areas in need of an innovative approach? Take a business leader approach and start with the four “Ps” of innovation—paradigm, process, position and product.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.