God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (2024)

Odin is the Zeus in Norse Mythology, regarded highly and feared even more so as the king of the Aesir gods. Santa Monica Studios takes Odin on a different path, one more knowledgeable and careful. The studio does something unique with Odin, whilst also keeping in tradition with the character from Norse Mythology.

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Odin has many differences from both his Marvel Comics counterpart, and the source material of the Norse Mythology in God of War: Ragnarok. As one of the most prominent characters in Mythology, and the ultimate bad guy in God of War: Ragnarok, there's a lot of explaining to do about Odin.

Spoilers Ahead

8 Odin’s Death

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (1)

One of the biggest mysteries, but well-known fates of Odin, is that he was destined to die in Ragnarok. God of War: Ragnarok, has Odin caught in a battle with Kratos, Atreus, and Freya. Despite their ultimate power, it is Loki that defeats Odin, by taking his soul out of his body and placing it into a rule, only for Sindri to destroy it once and for all.

When it came to this Mythology, Odin was going to die in Ragnarok, and as such, he was defeated and killed by Loki’s son, Fenrir, the wolf child. Odin’s death here is symbolic of Ragnarok, and his doing, as he took the battle to the Jotnar and Loki.

7 Shapeshifting

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (2)

In Norse Mythology, Odin can shapeshift into animals and people. However, in doing so, he leaves behind his body. This ecstatic trance keeps his body laid in trance, whilst his soul takes the form of another animal or being, and as such, he has gone to many different places, with many different experiences.

Players don’t see much of Odin’s transformations and shapeshifting in God of War: Ragnarok until it is too late. Odin reveals himself as Tyr, the Norse god of war that he has been disguised as throughout the entire game. However, his appearance as Tyr is an illusion, rather than the possession of his entire body.

6 Relationship With Freya

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (3)

Odin and Freya’s marriage arose after the war between Aesir and Vanir. The two remained married throughout Norse Mythology, with little issues coming between them as depicted in God of War: Ragnarok. The main issue with their marriage is the heavy rumors surrounding Freya and her infidelity. However, she does love Odin and weeps for him when he leaves for many long journeys.

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Throughout Kratos and Atreus’ journey through God of War: Ragnarok, they further discover the utter hatred that Freya has for Odin. She is entirely deserving of her vengeance against Odin, who was an abusive and evil husband, who practically banished his wife to Midgard, trapping her helplessly here. Freya and Odin have an abusive former marriage, arranged to stop the war between the Aesir and Vanir.

5 Physical Appearance

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (4)

Most depictions of Odin in Norse Mythology are of a tall old man with one eye. These depictions in drawings are usually shown as muscular, despite his age. It gives Odin a powerful appearance, and certainly one to fear for the physical side of his character, over what he can mentally do to characters with his selfishness.

When audiences first meet God of War: Ragnarok, they may be surprised to see that he does not have the muscular physique of Zeus or the body they would expect from the Aesir God Ruler. Odin is depicted as tall, wearing heavy cloaks, but is rather skinny, and even older than most depictions prior. It just shows how desperate and frail Odin is becoming in his quest to stop Ragnarok.

4 Odin’s Ravens

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (5)

When it comes to the ravens that assist Odin, there are only Hugin and Munin. These two ravens in Norse Mythology are the helping spirits of Odin, and they share with him all the news that they have learned when they are sent out to spy and explore the entire realms. This is how he knows so much.

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There’s a more logical approach to the ravens in God of War: Ragnarok. Although Hugin and Munin are the two main ravens that remain on Odin’s side, he also has spectral ravens that Kratos can destroy. These ravens are a creation of an acolyte of Odin and are originally human children that were sacrificed to Odin to be his spies.

3 Treatment Of Mimir

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (6)

As an extremely wise being, and a counselor of the Aesir gods, Mimir was greatly useful to Odin. However, after being sent as a hostage to the Vanir during the Aesir-Vanir War, his head was severed. Odin embalmed the head with herbs and magic to preserve it and sought Mimir’s council in times of need. A far different relationship than what was seen in God of War: Ragnarok.

One of the most beloved characters in God of War: Ragnarok is Mimir the Smartest Man Alive. From his voice to his humor, and to the bountiful knowledge he holds, he is one of the few that Kratos would happily call “brother”. However, Mimir was imprisoned by Odin and declared a traitor. Now as a decapitated head, Mimir seeks Odin’s demise as the rest of the realms do.

2 Sleipnir, The Eight-Legged Horse

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (7)

When Loki and Odin formed a bond together, Loki bore Odin’s magical horse as a way to prove his friendship. Odin rode the eight-legged horse, Sleipnir into many battles, and it was a trusted stead of Odin and showed what Loki was truly capable of.

In many of the murals in God of War (2018) fans saw Odin depicted on the eight-legged horse known as Sleipnir. However, in God of War: Ragnarok, the eight-legged horse does not make a single appearance, nor is it referenced. Odin just relies on other gods and his ravens rather than his horse.

1 Killed His Son

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (8)

Thor’s fate lay in his great battle with the World Serpent, Jormungandr. Before his death at the hands of this great foe, Thor and Odin were just like any other father and son deity. They kept to their adventures, but Odin had plenty of tasks for Thor, and the two never seemed to want to kill each other.

Sadly, the fate is not the same for God of War: Ragnarok. The fated patricide that seems to follow the path of these games is reversed, with Odin killing Thor by stabbing him and disintegrating him with his spear. Thor’s death at the hands of his father just shows how desperate Odin is in God of War: Ragnarok.

God of War: Ragnarok is available now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5

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As a seasoned enthusiast deeply entrenched in the world of Norse mythology and its modern adaptations, particularly in gaming, let's delve into the intricate details of the concepts presented in the article about Odin in God of War: Ragnarok.

  1. Odin’s Death: In Norse mythology, Odin's fate in Ragnarok is well-known. The article discusses how God of War: Ragnarok interprets this destiny, with Odin's demise at the hands of Loki, who extracts his soul and Sindri subsequently destroying it. This mirrors the myth where Odin faces Fenrir, the wolf child of Loki, and meets his end during Ragnarok.

  2. Shapeshifting: The Norse god Odin is known for his ability to shapeshift. In the game, Odin's shapeshifting is revealed late in the story, as he disguises himself as Tyr, the Norse god of war. This aligns with the mythology where Odin can transform into various animals and beings, leaving his original body behind.

  3. Relationship With Freya: The article details Odin and Freya's marriage, highlighting the tensions in their relationship. It notes the rumors of Freya's infidelity and her deep-seated hatred for Odin in God of War: Ragnarok. This echoes the Norse myth where Odin and Freya's union was arranged to end the war between Aesir and Vanir, portraying Odin as an abusive husband.

  4. Physical Appearance: Contrary to traditional depictions of a muscular Odin, God of War: Ragnarok presents Odin as tall, skinny, and aged. This departure from the expected physique underscores Odin's desperation in his quest to avert Ragnarok, reflecting the game's unique interpretation of the character.

  5. Odin’s Ravens: In Norse mythology, Odin has two ravens, Hugin and Munin, serving as his messengers. The article notes a logical deviation in the game, introducing spectral ravens created by an acolyte of Odin from sacrificed human children. This modification provides a distinct twist to Odin's use of ravens for information gathering.

  6. Treatment Of Mimir: Mimir, a wise counselor in Norse mythology, had a different relationship with Odin in God of War: Ragnarok. Instead of being a valuable advisor, Odin imprisons Mimir, decapitates him, and declares him a traitor. This divergence adds a layer of conflict and vengeance to Mimir's character in the game.

  7. Sleipnir, The Eight-Legged Horse: In Norse myth, Loki fathers Sleipnir, an eight-legged horse gifted to Odin. The article points out that God of War: Ragnarok doesn't feature Sleipnir, deviating from the traditional narrative. This showcases the game's selective incorporation of elements from mythology.

  8. Killed His Son: The fate of Thor in God of War: Ragnarok differs from the mythology. While in the myth, Thor faces Jormungandr in a battle leading to his demise, the game portrays Odin killing Thor. This inversion of the traditional patricide narrative highlights Odin's desperation and the game's divergence from established myths.

In conclusion, God of War: Ragnarok weaves a unique narrative around Odin, drawing from Norse mythology while introducing creative twists that enhance the storytelling experience. The game's reinterpretation of these mythological elements contributes to its distinct and engaging narrative.

God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology (2024)


God Of War Ragnarok: 8 Things About Odin The Game Changes From Norse Mythology? ›

Loki is known as a trickster god in Norse myths and has the ability to shape-shift as well. In God of War: Ragnarök, Loki develops the ability to shape-shift into a bear and a wolf. At first, these changes were when his emotions were heightened, but eventually, he could control them.

How did God of War change Norse mythology? ›

Loki is known as a trickster god in Norse myths and has the ability to shape-shift as well. In God of War: Ragnarök, Loki develops the ability to shape-shift into a bear and a wolf. At first, these changes were when his emotions were heightened, but eventually, he could control them.

What happened to Odin in Ragnarok Norse mythology? ›

Thor kills Jörmungandr but is poisoned by the serpent, and manages to walk only nine steps before falling to the earth dead. Fenrir swallows Odin, though immediately afterwards his son Víðarr kicks his foot into Fenrir's lower jaw, grips the upper jaw, and rips apart Fenrir's mouth, killing the great wolf.

How accurate is God of War: Ragnarok to Norse mythology? ›

Norse mythology is the obvious theme of God of War Ragnarok, but while sometimes it is pretty close to the legends, there have also been quite a few creative liberties taken within the story.

Was Kratos actually in Norse mythology? ›

Kratos (Ancient Greek: Κράτος, lit. 'strength') is a character and the protagonist of Santa Monica Studio's God of War series, based on Greek mythology and, later, Norse mythology.

Will Kratos go to Egypt? ›

God of War: Fallen God

During his exile, Kratos travels to Egypt. During his travel, he would constantly try to get rid of the Blades of Chaos only for them to return to him, which drove Kratos insane. When Egyptian villagers saw the Spartan, they immediately flee and hide, for fear of being killed.

Why does Odin look different in God of War? ›

Master of deception

Having tipped Kratos off to Atreus' search for Týr, Odin went to the realm last rumored to house his son, Svartalfheim, and first chose to disguise himself as a dwarf, and spit at Kratos and Atreus. Next, he disguised himself as the Norse God of War so as to gain the other war god's confidence.

Why is Odin scared of Ragnarok? ›

Due to his fear of not knowing where a god goes after death, Odin became obsessed with preventing Ragnarök from happening.

What kills Odin? ›

Odin is killed by Fenrir who is then killed by Odin's son Vidarr. Thor kills Jörmungandr but succumbs to the serpent's poison after taking only nine steps after the battle and falls dead.

How many times has Odin died? ›

Odin has also died three times in defense of Asgard. On the first occasion, Odin is killed by Mangog, and later revived by Hela.

How is Loki Kratos' son? ›

Born in the Wildwoods of Midgard, Loki, later named Atreus was conceived between the Greek God, Kratos and the Jötunn, Faye. Unbeknownst of his true heritage, Atreus spent most of his childhood as a sickly child and was taken care of by his mother while his father was absent for long periods of time to hunt food.

Why is Loki not in God of War Ragnarok? ›

Due to the Aesir gods being so sick of Loki's antics in Asgard, Loki was given a torturous fate that prevented his freedom to battle in Ragnarok. Loki was caught by the Aesir gods, and imprisoned in an unknown cave, bound to three rocks with his own son's entrails to bind him.

Why did Odin call Atreus Loki? ›

Atreus was revealed to be Loki when he discovered his true identity in the game's final act. The Jötnar, the giants of Norse mythology, revealed that Atreus was named Loki at birth.

What race is Kratos? ›

Kratos was a Spartan who spent his live ONLY knowing war and violence. His son, Atreus, who was mostly raised by his mother, Faye, was gentle and wise, but taught him survival skills.

Who is stronger, Greek Kratos or Norse Kratos? ›

If it's Greek saga then Kratos is a little bit stronger. Because he beat him to death at the end of GOW 3. If it's Norse then Kratos scales much higher than Zeus.

Who would win, Zeus or Odin? ›

So while Zeus' best feat is defeating a mountain-sized monster, Odin's best feat is defeating a monster as big as nine worlds. Odin outclasses Zeus in intelligence, versatility, strength, and weapons. Zeus simply can't compete. The winner is Odin, All-Father of the Æsir.

How close does God of War follow Norse mythology? ›

God of War (2018) explores a variety of Norse myths and while some representations are very accurate, others change key details. While some changes from the original myths are unnoticeable, others can cause story conflicts.

Why did Kratos switch mythologies? ›

In canon, Barlog, God of War: Fallen God, and the novelization of 2018's God of War confirm piece by piece that Kratos left Greek mythology to seek atonement for his past actions. Kratos traveled for a long time, far away from Greece making it to Egypt, only to be dragged away by an unknown woman with wolves.

Who is the god of change in Norse mythology? ›

Loki, in Norse mythology, a cunning trickster who had the ability to change his shape and sex. Although his father was the giant Fárbauti, he was included among the Aesir (a tribe of gods).

How did Kratos change Ragnarok? ›

Opening His Heart Changed Kratos' Future

Faye's advice to "open his heart to [suffering]" and Atreus' friendship with Thrud both help Kratos change his destiny and survive Ragnarok.

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