How to Make a Life Plan (with Templates!) | ClickUp (2024)

Do you ever feel like you’re drifting through life without a clear direction or purpose? You get up, go to work, come home, repeat. The days, months, and years slip by without achieving any real goals or making progress.

It’s more common than you might think. But the problem is, if you don’t actively design your life, you run the risk of living someone else’s. That’s where having a life plan can help.

A life plan provides a blueprint for what you want to accomplish in the major areas of your life. It helps transform dreams and desires into concrete goals and action plans.

With a guiding life plan in place, you can stop drifting and start purposefully steering your life where you want it to go.

In this post, we’ll explain what a life plan is, why you need one, and how to make a life plan using templates. Let’s get started designing your best life!

How to Make a Life Plan (with Templates!)

  • What Is Life Planning?
  • Why Is Life Planning Important?
  • Benefits of Effective Life Planning
  • How to Create a Life Plan
    • Step 1: Identify your goals
    • Step 2: Map out your action plan
    • Step 3: Implement your plan
    • Step 4: Review regularly
    • Step 5: Celebrate milestones
  • Questions to Ask Yourself When Life Planning
    • 1. What are my core values?
    • 2. What are my long-term goals?
    • 3. What are my short-term goals?
    • 4. What actions do I need to take to achieve my goals?
    • 5. How will I track my progress?
    • 6. How will I celebrate my achievements?
  • Simplify Life Planning with ClickUp

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What Is Life Planning?

Life planning is the process of consciously designing your ideal life and setting goals to realize your vision. It involves assessing your values, interests, and ambitions across major life domains like career, finances, health, relationships, and personal growth.

Life planning bridges the gap between where you are now and where you want to be by identifying short- and long-term objectives and developing detailed, actionable strategies to achieve them.

Whether you write it on paper or document it in life planning software, an effective life plan provides direction, motivation, and focus to live intentionally.

In short:

  • Life planning starts by identifying your values, ambitions, and dreams
  • The next step is to create a step-by-step plan to achieve them and measure progress
  • The final step involves putting your plan into action

Pro tip: Life is fluid, and so should be your life plan—make sure you’ve enough room to adjust your goals and strategies based on changes in your priorities.

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Why Is Life Planning Important?

Planning our lives is essential for many reasons. It helps us align with our core values and goals. Here are some key points that show why everyone should invest some time in life planning :

  • Provides a sense of direction: Having a life plan can help you navigate the uncertainties of life. It gives you an idea of where you are and helps you figure out how to get where you want to be
  • Encourages proactivity: Life planning motivates you to take charge instead of just reacting. By setting up your clear goals and creating a roadmap, you’re not just responding to life as it comes. Instead, you’re actively working toward your desired future
  • Increases focus and motivation: With a life plan, you direct your time-bound energy toward a specific goal. This increased focus can greatly improve your efficiency while boosting your motivation, as you’re working towards something that matters to you
  • Facilitates balance: A complete life plan considers every aspect of your life: work, personal goals, health, and relationships. This approach ensures you don’t ignore one area of your life at the expense of another, helping you maintain a healthy balance
  • Allows for adaptability: Life is full of surprises, and your goals and values may change over time. By regularly reviewing and adjusting your life plan, you can let it grow with you, making sure it stays relevant and effective

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Benefits of Effective Life Planning

An effective life plan brings many advantages that contribute to personal and professional growth, well-being, and happiness. These benefits include:

  • Improved time management: A life plan helps you prioritize tasks and manage your time. For example, if you want to write a book, you can set aside a certain number of hours each day for writing. This routine makes better use of your time and increases productivity
  • Enhanced stress management: Having a clear life plan reduces the anxiety and stress caused by uncertainty. When you know what you want and have a roadmap to achieve it, you can feel less overwhelmed and more resilient in tough times
  • Increased self-confidence: You’ll gain more self-confidence as you work toward your goals and achieve them. Each milestone you reach will make you believe in your abilities and potential to achieve greater things
  • Personal growth and development: A life plan helps you keep learning and growing. It could be learning new things for your job or making healthier choices. A life plan pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and become a better version of yourself
  • Greater satisfaction and happiness: Reaching your goals and living a life that matches your values brings more satisfaction and happiness. You’re not just existing but living a meaningful and happy life that connects with who you are and what you want.

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How to Create a Life Plan

Now that you’ve read the benefits of life planning, are you ready to create a life plan? Don’t worry, it’s not as overwhelming as it sounds. There are just five steps to it.

Step 1: Identify your goals

To create your life plan, start by setting clear goals. You can break them down into the categories of work, self-improvement, health, relationships, and money. Remember, these goals should match what you believe in and want to achieve.

Pro tip: If you want to set goals that’ll motivate you to bring about results, consider writing SMART goals. SMART goals work because they are:

  • Specific: They make sure you’re precise about the who, what, when, where, and why of your goal
  • Measurable: They can be quantified so you can track progress and know when you’ve hit the target
  • Achievable: They challenge you but are also realistic given your current abilities
  • Relevant: They ensure your goal aligns with your broader objectives and values
  • Time-bound: They build accountability and prompt action


  • Career: Become a department manager within three years
  • Personal Development: Learn Spanish at an intermediate level within two months
  • Health: Run a half-marathon in the next 12 months
How to Make a Life Plan (with Templates!) | ClickUp (9)

ClickUp’s Goals feature lets you easily define goals and track your progress toward building your dream life.

Here is how this feature helps you witheffective life planning:

  • Manage goals in one place: Set goals and break them into measurable targets—write 1,000 words daily, complete the first draft of a book in six months, etc.
  • Track progress visually: Seeing how far you’ve come, you stay motivated to keep going
  • Integrate goals with tasks and sub-tasks: Integrate your goals with your tasks and sub-tasks to keep yourself accountable (and capitalize on momentum from small wins)
  • Align goals with your team or family: Share your goals with your team or family, cultivating a culture of shared responsibility and mutual support
  • Get regular reminders and updates: Get reminders and update notifications regularly to never lose sight of your targets. For example, suppose your goal is to advance in your career. You can set measurable targets like earning a promotion in the next year or completing a professional development course every quarter

Step 2: Map out your action plan

After you know what you want to achieve, the next thing to do is to create an action plan or a step by step guide for it. You can do so by dividing each goal into smaller tasks that are easier to handle. Make sure to set a schedule for each task and keep yourself accountable. This way, you can accomplish even your BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) in the desired time.


  • Career: Enroll in a leadership training course, take on additional responsibilities at work, and seek regular feedback from superiors
  • Personal Development: Enroll in a Spanish class, practice daily using a language app, and plan a trip to Spain for immersive learning
  • Health: Join a running group, train three times a week, and participate in shorter races to build stamina

How to Make a Life Plan (with Templates!) | ClickUp (10)

Download this Template

ClickUp helps you break the goals down into less overwhelming, more doable tasks. Use ClickUp’s Action Plan Template to organize your tasks into three categories—to do, doing, and done.

You can then prioritize your tasks and measure results by tracking progress daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly as per your preference.

Step 3: Implement your plan

Now that you’ve got an action plan ready, it’s time to, well, act.

Adjust your routine to make time for tasks that contribute to your goals. Focus on the activities that make the biggest impact on your goals in your chosen areas—whether it’s to make more money or lose weight. Try not to give in to distractions and being pulled in multiple directions.

You may not have the motivation to work on each goal every day, but with conscious planning, time management, and a little bit of discipline, you can make a lot of progress.

You can even use a life planning template to streamline your action plan without breaking your head over how to make and monitor progress.

How to Make a Life Plan (with Templates!) | ClickUp (11)

Download this Template

ClickUp’s Life Plan Template, for instance, can make it easier for you by letting you prioritize tasks and set due dates. Prioritizing tasks ensures you focus on what’s important, while scheduling helps you stay on track with your timelines.

Use this life planning template to:

  • Detail your goals in a structured way
  • Break goals down into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Assign priority levels and deadlines to each task
  • Track your progress toward your goals and adjust efforts as needed

By providing a clear roadmap for your life goals, this life plan template will help you take focused action, stay accountable, and achieve your objectives effectively.

Pro tip: Don’t forget to be patient with yourself—progress might be slow at first, but staying consistent is crucial.

Step 4: Review regularly

Life is always changing; to keep pace, your life plan should change too. Make sure to regularly review your life plan as changes take place, and new events and information come up.

Simplify the process with ClickUp’s Life Planning Template. Set aside time every three or six months to review and adjust your goals & strategies as necessary.

This way, your life plan stays relevant to your evolving circ*mstances.

For example, if you get a surprise promotion, you may need to reevaluate your tasks and goals for career advancement.

Step 5: Celebrate milestones

When you achieve your goals and finish tasks, it’s important to take a moment to celebrate. It not only rewards your hard work but also keeps you motivated to keep pursuing your goals.

For example, if you complete a professional development course, you can reward yourself with a relaxing weekend trip.

Apart from ClickUp’s Goals and Life Planning Template, there are other templates that you can use, such as the ClickUp Daily Goal Template and the ClickUp Personal Development Goal Setting Template. They help you create a structured and meaningful life plan that aligns with your values and long-term objectives.

Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, and ClickUp supports you every step of the way.

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Questions to Ask Yourself When Life Planning

When planning your life, ask yourself important questions to gain clarity, figure out what’s important to you, and make choices that match your desired future.

Here are a few key questions to start with:

1. What are my core values?

Your core values are the guiding elements that shape how you behave, decide, and act. They are the essence of who you are. Identifying them can help align your life plan with what truly matters to you.

For example, if family is one of your core values, your life plan should include goals and actions that prioritize spending quality time with family members and loved ones.

2. What are my long-term goals?

Long-term goals can provide direction and motivation for your everyday life and plan. These big-picture aspirations give meaning to your daily tasks and decisions.

Ensuring these goals align with your core values is important to create a well-rounded and fulfilling life plan.

For example, if you value family and want a close relationship with your children, a long-term goal could be to spend quality time with them regularly, like having a weekly family game night.

3. What are my short-term goals?

Short-term goals are stepping stones to long-term goals. They keep you focused, motivated, and on track.

For instance, if you dream of being a published author, your short-term goals could be writing daily, joining a writers’ group, or taking a creative writing course.

4. What actions do I need to take to achieve my goals?

Once you’ve set your goals, consider the specific actions you must take. These actions can be daily habits, weekly tasks, or one-time events.

For instance, if your goal is to run a marathon, actions might include training four days a week, following a healthy diet, and signing up for a race every fortnight.

5. How will I track my progress?

Having a way to track progress is important to stay motivated and make changes when necessary. Decide how you’ll measure your progress toward your goals. You could use a tool like ClickUp to keep track of tasks or keep a journal of your experiences and thoughts.

6. How will I celebrate my achievements?

Celebrate your successes, even the small ones, to boost motivation and confidence. Plan how you’ll reward yourself when you reach goals—a pat on the back, a vacation, or something special.

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Simplify Life Planning with ClickUp

Planning your life is an ongoing process. It’s not just about setting goals, but also understanding your values and taking meaningful actions to achieve what you want.

But life planning can feel overwhelming. Between work, family, and other responsibilities, who has the time it takes to thoughtfully craft their ideal future?

That’s where ClickUp comes in.

ClickUp’s intuitive templates give you a foolproof framework to plan, organize, and track your goals with ease. With customizable views, reminders, and progress tracking, ClickUp makes sure you spend less time managing your goals and more time achieving them.

Stop putting your dreams on the back burner. Simplify planning your life with ClickUp. Sign up here to get started.

Questions? Comments? Visit our Help Center for support.

How to Make a Life Plan (with Templates!) | ClickUp (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.