Giardia In Pets - Family Vet Care - Phoenix, Chandler, & Mesa (2024)

Giardiasis is a fairly common disease caused by a protozoan parasite that lives within the intestinal tract. There are effective medications for treating the disease, and pets rarely become seriously ill.Giardia usually affects dogs, particularly puppies, but can occur in cats and people too.

What’s most important to know is that giardia is not usually transmitted directly from animals to humans without direct fecal to oral contact, but itispossible for animals and humans to come into contact with the same contaminated water source. Many dogs become infected from contaminated water sources such as pools, streams, lakes, or puddles.


Although sometimes a pet may have no outward symptoms at all, diarrhea (mild to severe) is the most common sign of giardiasis. The diarrhea is usually intermittent but can become chronic in nature, and the bowel movements are usually soft and mucousy. With chronic cases of giardiasis, malabsorption, weight loss, and lethargy can occur.


The infection is diagnosed with a fecal examination, but since giardia is shed intermittently, it is sometimes a difficult parasite to detect. For this reason, it is sometimes necessary to retest suspected patients in order to reveal an infestation.


Medicationsused to eliminate the parasite include Metronidazole, Furazolidone, andFenbendazole. The choice of medication, dose, and length of treatment will depend on the severity of the infectation and the suspected resistance of the infection. Because giardia cysts can stick to the hair of the affected patient and be a source for re-infection, the affected pet should be bathed at least once weekly during the course of treatment.

Most pets do not become seriously ill from giardiasis, so the prognosis is almost always good. However, if a pet has any underlying disease(s), particularly one that compromises the immune system, giardiasis can have more serious implications.

As alluded to previously, not all pets that test positive for giardia have outward symptoms. However, given the prolific replication and resistant nature of the parasite, treatment is generally recommended for any pettesting positive with giardia cysts even if no outward symptoms are seen.

Environmental Decontamination

Over the last several years, giardia infestations have grown more and more resistant to standard treatments. Some patients may require medical treatment for 4-8 weeks or until the infestation is cleared.

For this reason, many steps are taken to control environmental contamination and limit the possibility for ongoing re-exposure/infestation. The most readily available disinfectant is bleach diluted 1:32 in water. Studies have shown this dilution to require less than one minute of contact time to effectively kill giardia cysts.

As for areas with lawn or plants, decontamination may not be possible without the risk of killing the foliage. If your pet has long hair, it may be necessary to shave the hair near the anus (“sanitary shave”), as well as the hair under the foot pads and between the toes.

If you have more than one pet, it may be best to keep pets separated. If that is not an option, keep all pets and the environment clean even if the bowel movements appear normal. To that end, be sure to pick up bowel movements from the environment as soon as possible. Go with your pet outside and encourage them to use an area that can be cleaned appropriately and make sure your pet does not eat the bowel movements.

Feel free to wash crates, beds, and bowls daily with a diluted bleach solution. When finished with medications, if the bowel movements appear normal, please wait 1-2 weeks prior to bringing in a fresh stool sample to be retested by the lab to ensure the infestation has been cleared. Wash your hands with soap and water after handling your pet or your pet’s bowel movements as humans, especially small children, can become infected by fecal to oral transmission.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding giardia and/or your pet, please feel free to contact any of our three locations and we’d be happy to provide more information!

Giardia In Pets - Family Vet Care - Phoenix, Chandler, & Mesa (2024)


How much does vet charge for Giardia? ›

Veterinary Cost

Because definitive diagnosis is typically relatively straightforward, diagnosis, can typically be had for the price of a fecal examination ($20 to $50, on average). Treatment is usually inexpensive as well but varies according to size. $20 to $100 is typical of uncomplicated giardiasis treatment.

What cleaner kills Giardia? ›

The most readily available disinfectant is bleach diluted 1:32 in water. Studies have shown this dilution to require less than one minute of contact time to effectively kill giardia cysts.

Why is Giardia so hard to get rid of? ›

Giardia is a difficult parasite to get rid of because it's easy for your dog's environment to stay contaminated. If you don't take extra measures to deep clean your dog's space, she may need longer treatment.

Can I treat my dogs Giardia at home? ›

No natural methods are proven to effectively cure Giardia. Metronidazole is a prescription medicine your vet can dispense which should work quickly and effectively. It is important to get on top of the infection as soon as we can.

How many days do you treat a dog for Giardia? ›

The most common drugs used to kill Giardia are fenbendazole (Panacur®) and metronidazole. These drugs are usually given for three to ten days to treat giardiasis. Both drugs may be given in combination if necessary.

How urgent is Giardia in dogs? ›

If your dog shows any signs of giardia or if you have any other concerns, take him to the vet. It may not necessarily be an emergency visit, but he will need to see a vet to be given the right medication to handle the problem.

How do I disinfect my house from Giardia? ›

  1. Clean the area or item with soap and water or another detergent if it is dirty. Then, use a household disinfectant.
  2. Follow the instructions on the label to ensure safe and effective use of the product.
  3. Many products recommend: Keeping surfaces wet for a period of time (see product label).

Does vinegar disinfect Giardia? ›

... In the present study, tap water had no lethal effect, but the vinegar destroyed the parasites as potassium permanganate did.

What disinfectant kills Giardia on carpet? ›

Steam clean the area at 158°F for 5 minutes or 212°F for 1 minute. Quaternary ammonium compound products (QATS) are found in some carpet cleaning products and can also be used after cleaning to disinfect. Read the product labels for specifications, and follow all instructions.

Can I get Giardia from my dog licking me? ›

Can I get Giardia infection from my pet? The chances of people getting Giardia infection from dogs or cats are low. The type of Giardia that infects humans is not usually the same type that infects dogs and cats.

Does pumpkin help dogs with Giardia? ›

Results showed that pumpkin seeds were 85% and 100% effective at eliminating giardia depending on the species of pumpkins used. The reaction is believed to be caused by an amino acid in the seeds called cucurbitacin.

Does Giardia ever fully go away? ›

People with giardiasis will usually feel better and no longer have symptoms within 2 to 6 weeks. However, in some cases, symptoms may seem to be gone but will return after several days or weeks.

How much apple cider vinegar for Giardia in dogs? ›

Unlike other vinegar, apple cider vinegar increases the alkaline levels in the intestines of the dog. As a result, it creates an inhospitable environment for worms and other parasites. You can add ¼ to 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in your dog's water daily.

How do you get rid of Giardia fast? ›

  1. Metronidazole (Flagyl). Metronidazole is the most commonly used antibiotic for giardia infection. ...
  2. Tinidazole (Tindamax). Tinidazole works as well as metronidazole and has many of the same side effects, but it can be given in a single dose.
  3. Nitazoxanide (Alinia).
Nov 8, 2022

Should dogs with Giardia be quarantined? ›

Short answer: Yes. Giardia is very contagious, and if your dog is pooping in your backyard then you have to be super careful. Clean up your dog's waste immediately.

Can dogs with giardia be around other dogs? ›

Dogs with known or suspected Giardiasis (Giardia infection) must not go to daycare. This puts other dogs at risk because the infection is highly contagious. It also puts your dog at risk for reinfection, as Giardia easily passes around doggy daycares and dog parks.

How often should I wash my dog with giardia? ›

Dogs with Giardia should be bathed 1 – 2 times a week to remove cysts from the fur and prevent re-infection. Any dog beds, bowls, toys, or things the infected dog came into contact with should be washed.

How contagious is Giardia between dogs? ›

Giardia is a single-celled parasite that causes intestinal issues such as diarrhea, and is highly contagious for other pets and humans. Providing your dog with access to clean, fresh water and restricting their ability to drink stagnant water or consume contaminated material will reduce their risk of infection.

Do dogs eat grass when they have Giardia? ›

Intestinal Parasites

Some dogs have been known to eat grass when they're suffering from an intestinal worm or parasite infestation. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and giardia are a few possibilities. If your dog's grass eating has appeared out of nowhere and it won't stop, this could be the cause.

How long can Giardia live on furniture? ›

How long does Giardia survive in the environment? o In cold temperatures (around 4°C/39.2°F), Giardia can survive for approximately 7 weeks (49 days). o At room temperature (around 25°C/77°F), Giardia can survive for approximately 1 week (7 days).

Is Giardia killed by hand sanitizer? ›

When soap and water aren't available, you can use alcohol-based sanitizers. However, alcohol-based sanitizers aren't effective in destroying the cyst form of giardia that survives in the environment.

Is hydrogen peroxide effective against Giardia? ›

Disinfection efficiency – Hydrogen peroxide is generally an effective disinfectant. It is able to kill a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is also effective at inactivating parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium.

Can coconut oil cure Giardia in dogs? ›

It can even rid your pet of tapeworms, giardia, and other parasites when fed regularly. When coconut oil is fed to your pet it's body converts lauric acid to monolaurin, which has been effective in the treatment of tapeworms, giardia and other parasites.

How do you treat Giardia over the counter? ›

What is the treatment for giardiasis? Metronidazole (Flagyl) is the primary drug of choice. However, there are several other prescription medications that are effective. Over–the-counter medications, such as Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate, should only be used after the evaluation and recommendation of a physician.

How long does Giardia live on a rug? ›

How long does Giardia survive in the environment? In cold temperatures (around 4ºC/39.2ºF), Giardia can survive for approximately 7 weeks (49 days). At room temperature (around 25ºC/77ºF), Giardia can survive for approximately 1 week (7 days).

How do you clean Giardia from a litter box? ›

-Use a bleach solution of ¾ cup bleach to 1 gal of water. Allow solution to stay in contact with the surface for AT LEAST 1-3 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

How long does Giardia live in dog poop? ›

The parasite can live in the intestines for many weeks or even months before symptoms are noticed. The best prevention strategy is to avoid getting your dog wet and to keep your dog away from areas where animals are commonly found. The CDC has a good post about Giardia and pets so please check that out as well.

What shampoo kills Giardia in dogs? ›

Control of Giardiasis in Animals

Infected dogs and cats should be bathed to remove cysts from the hair coat, and use of a shampoo containing chlorhexidine digluconate has been recommended.

Can I get Giardia if my dog licks my face? ›

Giardia is found in dogs, cats, and most wild animals (e.g., ducks, geese, raccoons, squirrels). It can also be transmitted to humans (letting an affected dog lick your face), so it's important that everyone in the family follow safety precautions.

Can Giardia live on dogs fur? ›

Giardia lives in the gut of an animal. They are expelled in fresh stool and can contaminate water and soil and can live in animal fur in their cyst form.

What should I feed my dog if he has giardia? ›

Feeding your dog a bland and easily digestible diet can help the intestine heal from giardia. Work with your vet to find ingredients, like boiled chicken and rice, that are still nutritious and tasty for your pup.

Does yogurt help giardia in dogs? ›

We also recommend adding 1 tbsp per 10 pounds body weight of greek yogurt daily. We also recommend giving your companion a bath on the last day of their medical treatment for giardia, then recheck a fecal sample 3 weeks after starting treatment.

What is a pet safe disinfectant for giardia? ›

One cup of chlorine bleach in a gallon of water is an effective disinfectant for Giardia cysts. If your dog has a kennel or an outdoor concrete or gravel run you should disinfect it, and cat litter pans should also be treated with bleach solution.

What foods make Giardia worse? ›

Eat slowly and avoid foods that are hard to digest or may irritate your stomach, such as foods with acid (like tomatoes or oranges), spicy or fatty food, meats, and raw vegetables.

What are the two life stages of Giardia? ›

The Giardia lifecycle has two distinct phases: a vegetative trophozoite and an infective cyst that is resistant to harsh environmental conditions.

What happens if a human gets Giardia? ›

People exposed to Giardia may experience mild or severe diarrhea (loose stool/poop), gas, stomach cramps, nausea (a feeling of upset in the stomach), or dehydration (loss of water in the body causing weakness of dizziness). Some people experience no symptoms at all. Fever is rarely present.

Can garlic get rid of giardia? ›

Garlic extract has potent antimicrobial properties and has been shown to be effective against Giardia.

What is a natural antibiotic for Giardia? ›

Wormwood (200 milligrams taken 3x daily) — known for its anti-parasitic properties. (5) Oregano oil (500 milligrams taken 4x daily) — Oregano oil contains natural antibacterial and anti-parasitic substances that have many detoxifying effects.

Do dogs feel sick with giardia? ›

Giardia in dogs does not always cause problems, but when it does it is highly unpleasant. Giardiasis is the term for the disease caused by the infection, and, as in humans, the most common symptom is diarrhea.

Do dogs fully recover from Giardia? ›

With proper treatment, most dogs fully recover from giardiasis. If diarrhea continues after treatment, your veterinarian may need to recheck a stool sample to see whether your dog has been reinfected.

Is Giardia easy to get rid of in dogs? ›

With the appropriate medication and dosage, most cases of Giardia in dogs are not hard to initially clear. However, infections require environmental decontamination and retesting to ensure the parasite is truly gone. The parasite is hard to eliminate completely without strict adherence to all aspects of treatment.

How much does it cost to treat intestinal parasites in dogs? ›

The cost of a fecal and deworming medication ranges from $50-150, depending on the severity of infection and the pet's size. Blood transfusions and hospitalization can be very costly, ranging from $500-1,500 in some cases.

Will my dog ever get rid of Giardia? ›

A combination of medication and environmental management will treat giardia. The most common medicine used to treat giardia in dogs is the deworming agent fenbendazole (Panacur). Additionally, a combination of other medications, like pyrantel and febantel, are available.

Can a dog with Giardia be around other dogs? ›

Dogs with Giardia must steer clear of Canine to Five and any communal dog spaces until they've had a negative fecal test.

How long does Giardia live on carpet? ›

How long does Giardia survive in the environment? In cold temperatures (around 4ºC/39.2ºF), Giardia can survive for approximately 7 weeks (49 days). At room temperature (around 25ºC/77ºF), Giardia can survive for approximately 1 week (7 days).

How common is Giardia dogs? ›

Giardia infection, known as giardiasis, causes diarrhea in your dog. It's important to know that you and others who handle your dog can also get this infection. Giardia in dogs is not a rare disease. This parasite is found worldwide.

Does pet insurance cover parasites? ›

Does Pet Insurance Cover Parasites? Every pet insurance provider has its coverage options and plans, so, depending on the ones you choose, they may help cover the costs related to parasite treatment.

How did my dog get intestinal parasites? ›

How Do Dogs Get Intestinal Parasites? Dogs pick up intestinal parasites by ingesting the parasite or its eggs in contaminated food or water or after licking surfaces or objects that have been contaminated with feces from an infected animal. They will then spread the parasite to other dogs in their own feces.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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