Giardia in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital (2024)

What is Giardia?

Giardia in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital (1)

Giardiasis is an intestinal infection in humans and animals, caused by a microscopic protozoan parasite Giardia duodenalis (also known as G. intestinalis or G. lamblia).

"Giardia is not a "worm", bacteria or virus."

Giardia is a simple one-celled parasitic species; it is not a "worm", bacteria or virus. There are seven genotypes, A through G, with dogs being most commonly infected by C and D, cats with F, and humans most commonly infected with A and B. Genotype E and F are rarely reported. The parasite occurs worldwide and is a common cause of "Traveler's Diarrhea" in people. Outdoor enthusiasts who inadvertently consume contaminated water may develop "beaver fever", which is another name for giardiasis in people. Other examples of protozoan parasites that can cause enteric (intestinal) disease are Coccidia, Cryptosporidia and Toxoplasma.

Giardiasis can be an important cause of illness, especially diarrhea, in animals and people. However, the majority of dogs infected with Giardia do not have diarrhea, vomiting, or any other signs of illness.

The Giardia organism has two forms. A fragile feeding form, known as the trophozoite, exists in the gut of infected animals, while a hardy cystic form is shed in feces and can survive several months in the environment, particularly in water and damp environments.

How do dogs get giardiasis?

A dog becomes infected with Giardia when it swallows the cyst stage of the parasite. In susceptible dogs, once the cyst passes into the dog's intestines, it goes through a transformation to the trophozoite, or feeding form, and attaches to the intestinal wall to feed. If sufficient numbers are present, clinical signs of damage to the intestinal wall will develop.

Trophozoites reproduce by dividing, and some transform into the cystic form. Eventually, the dog passes infectious cysts in its stool. The time it takes from ingestion of cysts to passage in feces is 5 to 12 days in dogs and 5 to 16 days in cats.

"Giardiasis can be transmitted by eating or
sniffing the cysts from contaminated ground,
or by drinking contaminated water."

These cysts are immediately able to infect another animal. Giardiasis can be transmitted by eating or sniffing the cysts from contaminated ground, or by drinking contaminated water.

Giardia in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital (2)

When Giardia cysts are found in the stool of a healthy adult dog without diarrhea, they are generally considered a transient, insignificant finding. However, in puppies and debilitated adult dogs, they may cause severe, watery diarrhea that may be fatal if left untreated.

The likelihood of developing disease increases when large numbers of cysts are present in the environment from fecal contamination. Giardiasis is a common occurrence in environments that are densely populated, such as kennels, pet stores, or animal shelters.

What are the clinical signs of giardiasis?

These microscopic parasites attach themselves to the intestinal wall and the damage causes an acute, sudden-onset of foul- smelling diarrhea. Giardia infection in dogs may lead to weight loss, chronic intermittent diarrhea, and fatty stool. The stool may range from soft to watery, often has a greenish tinge to it, and occasionally contains blood. Infected dogs tend to have excess mucus in the feces. Vomiting may occur in some cases. The signs may persist for several weeks and gradual weight loss may become apparent.

"The disease is not usually life threatening
unless the dog’s immune system is immature
or immunocompromised."

The diarrhea may be intermittent. Most dogs do not have a fever but may be less active. The disease is not usually life- threatening unless the dog’s immune system is immature or immunocompromised. Many dogs will be asymptomatic carriers, never developing any signs of illness. Younger animals are more likely to exhibit clinical signs.

How is giardiasis diagnosed?

"If your veterinarian suspects giardiasis,
a sample of stool may be analyzed
for the presence of Giardia specific antigens."

A routine fecal flotation test may fail to detect these tiny cysts, which are shed inconsistently in the feces, and which often require a special zinc sulfate flotation solution for detection. Occasionally, the parasites may be seen on a direct smear of the feces. If your veterinarian suspects giardiasis, a sample of stool may be analyzed for the presence of Giardia specific antigens (cell proteins). Some Giardia tests are available for in-clinic use while other tests require submittal to a reference laboratory. Many cases are presumptively diagnosed on the basis of medical history and clinical signs suggestive of giardiasis.

How is giardiasis treated?

The most common drugs used to kill Giardia are fenbendazole and metronidazole. These drugs are normally given for three to ten days to treat giardiasis. Both drugs may be given in combination if necessary. This combination is usually administered to dogs with refractory diarrhea (diarrhea that hasn't responded to treatment). Supportive treatment with other drugs may be needed as supplemental therapy if dehydration or severe diarrhea is present. A low-residue, highly digestible diet may help lessen loose stools during treatment. Some dogs may require follow-up tests and treatments based on their condition and severity of infection. All infected pets should be re-tested two to four weeks after completion of treatment. Your veterinarian will help determine what course of treatment is best for your pet.

Because Giardia cysts are infective immediately when passed into the environment, feces should be removed quickly and disposed of. Infected animals should be bathed regularly to remove cysts from the hair coat.

What is the prognosis for giardiasis?

The prognosis is good in most cases. Debilitated or geriatric animals and those with incompetent immune systems are at increased risk for complications, including death. All pets diagnosed with Giardia should be re-tested two to four weeks after completion of treatment.

Can my dog give a Giardia infection to me or my family?

Giardia can cause diarrhea in humans and can potentially be passed from dogs to humans. In the past, it was assumed that cats and dogs, along with wildlife, were an important source of infection for humans. Genotype A can infect humans, dogs, and cats while B can infect both humans and dogs.

"...contaminated municipal water supplies are responsible for many outbreaks.”

However, human-to-human transmission is also important and contaminated municipal water supplies are responsible for many outbreaks.

If your dog is diagnosed with giardiasis, environmental disinfection and good personal hygiene are important to prevent accidental spread to humans. In particular, people with immunodeficiency, such as AIDS or cancer, or who are undergoing chemotherapy, should use extreme care, especially when handling feces or after administering medications.

For environmental disinfection, you can use chlorine bleach at 1:32 or 1:16 dilutions, or 1-2 cups in a gallon of water (60-120 ml/L). However, be sure that the affected surfaces can be safely treated with bleach. Lysol® and quaternary ammonium compounds (Parvosol®, etc.) are also reported to be effective in killing the cysts. Giardia cysts are susceptible to drying so try to keep your environment as dry as possible. For best results, thoroughly clean the pet's living and sleeping areas and then allow the areas to dry out for several days before reintroducing pets.

Contributors: Ernest Ward, DVM. Updated by Robin Downing, DVM, DAAPM, DACVSMR, CVPP; Amy Panning, DVM

Giardia in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital (2024)


Giardia in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital? ›

Giardia is not a fatal condition, except in very young puppies or very old senior dogs. In these cases, the amount of diarrhea caused by the parasite may lead to dehydration very quickly, which can be fatal for dogs whose immune systems are compromised or have not fully formed yet.

Is Giardia a big deal in dogs? ›

Giardia is not a fatal condition, except in very young puppies or very old senior dogs. In these cases, the amount of diarrhea caused by the parasite may lead to dehydration very quickly, which can be fatal for dogs whose immune systems are compromised or have not fully formed yet.

Why is Giardia so hard to get rid of in dogs? ›

Giardia is a difficult parasite to get rid of because it's easy for your dog's environment to stay contaminated. If you don't take extra measures to deep clean your dog's space, she may need longer treatment.

How long does it take for a dog to recover from Giardia? ›

Once treatment is initiated, your pet should see some relief of their symptoms within 24 to 48 hours. If their symptoms are not improving, you should let your veterinarian know. Within 1 to 2 weeks, your dog will likely be fully recovered from their giardia infection as long as they don't become reinfected.

When should I retest for Giardia after treatment? ›

All pets diagnosed with Giardia should be re-tested two to four weeks after completion of treatment.

Do most dogs recover from Giardia? ›

With proper treatment, most dogs fully recover from giardiasis. If diarrhea continues after treatment, your veterinarian may need to recheck a stool sample to see whether your dog has been reinfected.

Should dogs with Giardia be quarantined? ›

Short answer: Yes. Giardia is very contagious, and if your dog is pooping in your backyard then you have to be super careful.

How many rounds of treatment for giardia in dogs? ›

Treatment for Giardia in Dogs

The disease may take multiple rounds of treatment because it can be hard to completely remove it from your home and prevent reinfection, but many times, the infection is cleared after one round.

Why is my dog always testing positive for Giardia? ›

Some strains of giardia are very resistant to treatment, but more often continually positive giardia tests are the result of re- infections than treatment failure. Here are the most common causes of reinfection: 1) Giardia are cysts are clinging to the pets fur. The pet then grooms itself and ingests more giardia.

What happens if Giardia won't go away? ›

Occasionally, people with giardiasis will have long-term complications such as reactive arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and recurring diarrhea that can last for years. Among children in particular, severe giardiasis may delay physical and mental growth, slow development, and cause malnutrition.

Can Giardia be permanent in dogs? ›

Giardia does not do permanent damage, but once it's gone, a dog may need a little time to heal her intestinal lining. Probiotics can help with digestion in the meantime. Feed clean, non-irritating foods.

How do I clean my house after my dog has Giardia? ›

Hard (Non-Porous) Surfaces (for example, tile floors, pet crates, tables, trash cans)
  1. Remove poop and discard it in a plastic bag.
  2. Clean and scrub surfaces using soap or a detergent solution. Rinse surface thoroughly until no obvious visible contamination is present.

Can Giardia last for months in dogs? ›

Pets often have Giardia, too. Signs and symptoms may range from nothing at all to any of those listed below, and can last for 1 to 2 weeks or longer . Symptoms can come and go and can include: Diarrhea.

How long do dogs shed Giardia after treatment? ›

Cyst shedding may be continual over several days and weeks but is often intermittent, especially in the chronic phase of infection. The cyst is the infective stage and can survive for several weeks, or even months, in an appropriate (cool and damp) environment.

Why is Giardia hard to get rid of? ›

Thus, drug resistance in Giardia is the ability of this parasite to survive in the presence of an antimicrobial drug dose that would normally kill it or limit its growth.

How many treatments does it take to get rid of Giardia? ›

There are many medicines that can be used to treat giardiasis. One of the most common is called metronidazole. It's usually taken 3 times a day for 5 to 10 days.

Does pumpkin help dogs with Giardia? ›

Results showed that pumpkin seeds were 85% and 100% effective at eliminating giardia depending on the species of pumpkins used. The reaction is believed to be caused by an amino acid in the seeds called cucurbitacin.

Can I get Giardia from my dog licking me? ›

Can I get Giardia from my dog licking me? Fortunately, the risk of humans contracting Giardia from dogs is relatively low, but it can happen. Make sure to wash your hands after handling your dog's poop to reduce this low risk.

Can a dog with Giardia be around other dogs? ›

Dogs with Giardia must steer clear of Canine to Five and any communal dog spaces until they've had a negative fecal test.

Do I need to disinfect my house if my dog has Giardia? ›

09/01/2021 Giardia is hard to completely eliminate from the environment. Cleaning and disinfecting can help remove Giardia germs from a space where a person or pet was recently sick. Reduce the chances of getting sick, or your pet getting sick again, by cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and items.

How often should you bathe a dog with Giardia? ›

Treating Giardia

If your dog is diagnosed with giardia, he will likely be prescribed medication, and your veterinarian will recommend a follow-up fecal sample two weeks after treatment. A dog should be bathed on his last day of treatment to eliminate all giardia cysts from his hair coat.

How do I disinfect my yard from Giardia? ›

The most readily available disinfectant is bleach diluted 1:32 in water. Studies have shown this dilution to require less than one minute of contact time to effectively kill giardia cysts. As for areas with lawn or plants, decontamination may not be possible without the risk of killing the foliage.

What is the life cycle of a dog with Giardia? ›

There are two stages of the life cycle of giardia: cysts and trophozoites. Trophozoites, the active feeding stage, attach to the host's small intestine to feed and multiply. They then encyst, and these cysts are passed in the feces of infected animals. Sometimes, these feces end up in bodies of water.

How do I stop my dog from reinfecting with Giardia? ›

How can you prevent reinfection? If your vet diagnoses your dog with Giardia, there is a chance your pet will get reinfected. It is recommended to bathe your pet regularly and disinfect their water bowls, food bowls and toys to eliminate any remaining Giardia cysts.

What are the two life stages of Giardia? ›

The Giardia lifecycle has two distinct phases: a vegetative trophozoite and an infective cyst that is resistant to harsh environmental conditions.

Why does my dog still have diarrhea after Giardia treatment? ›

If diarrhea and Giardia persists after several rounds of rechecks and subsequent treatments, then we start looking for other causes such as: diarrhea that responds to dietary adjustments. infection with a different bacteria, virus, or other organism. a different internal disease causing the diarrhea.

How do I get rid of Giardia permanently? ›

How is giardiasis treated? Many people with giardiasis have minor symptoms that go away on their own. You may not need treatment. If you have more severe parasite symptoms, your provider may prescribe an antibiotic with antiparasitic effect to kill the parasite.

How do you clean a couch with Giardia? ›

Place and discard the faeces in a plastic bag. Clean the contaminated area with regular detergent or carpet cleaning agent. Allow carpet or upholstered furniture to fully dry. o Disinfection ▪ Wear gloves. Steam clean the area at 158°F for 5 minutes or 212°F for 1 minute.

What disinfectant kills Giardia on carpet? ›

One cup of chlorine bleach in a gallon of water is an effective disinfectant for Giardia cysts. If your dog has a kennel or an outdoor concrete or gravel run you should disinfect it, and cat litter pans should also be treated with bleach solution.

How do I wash my dogs bed with Giardia? ›

-Always clean surfaces with soap or other disinfectant until visible contamination is gone. -Use a bleach solution of ¾ cup bleach to 1 gal of water. Allow solution to stay in contact with the surface for AT LEAST 1-3 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

How do I know if my dog still has Giardia? ›

The best way to determine whether your dog has Giardia or another condition is to call your vet.

Can Giardia live on dogs fur? ›

Giardia lives in the gut of an animal. They are expelled in fresh stool and can contaminate water and soil and can live in animal fur in their cyst form.

What foods make Giardia worse? ›

Eat slowly and avoid foods that are hard to digest or may irritate your stomach, such as foods with acid (like tomatoes or oranges), spicy or fatty food, meats, and raw vegetables.

What naturally kills Giardia? ›

Natural treatment methods for giardiasis are usually quite inexpensive, with most health food stores having the black walnut or a bottle of grapefruit seed extract available for just a few dollars. Medicines such as Metronidazole are also quite inexpensive.

How much does it cost to treat a dog with Giardia? ›

$20 to $100 is typical of uncomplicated giardiasis treatment. Pets with unconfirmed giardiasis, giardiasis complicated by other diseases or severe symptoms, however, may require hundreds or even thousands of dollars to diagnose definitively and treat.

What is the fastest treatment for Giardia? ›

Metronidazole (Flagyl).

Metronidazole is the most commonly used antibiotic for giardia infection. Side effects may include nausea and a metallic taste in the mouth. Don't drink alcohol while taking this medication.

What can I feed my dog with Giardia? ›

Feeding your dog a bland and easily digestible diet can help the intestine heal from giardia. Work with your vet to find ingredients, like boiled chicken and rice, that are still nutritious and tasty for your pup.

Do dogs get vaccinated for Giardia? ›

Recently, a Giardia vaccine has become commercially available in the USA for prevention of clinical signs of giardiasis and reduction of cyst shedding in dogs and cats. The vaccine is based upon the current state of knowledge of Giardia antigenicity and immunology.

How long can a dog have Giardia? ›

Pets often have Giardia, too. Signs and symptoms may range from nothing at all to any of those listed below, and can last for 1 to 2 weeks or longer . Symptoms can come and go and can include: Diarrhea.

How fast does Giardia affect dogs? ›

The giardia organism can be found in soil, food or water sources, especially if contaminated with feces. If your dog or cat ingests giardia from one of those sources, they will most likely show signs of diarrhea within 24 hours.

How rare is Giardia in dogs? ›

Giardia is the most common intestinal parasite in dogs and is even more prevalent in puppies. For example, between 0.44% and 39% of shelter dogs have positive giardia test results.

How expensive is Giardia in dogs? ›

How much does it cost to treat Giardia in dogs? Diagnosis and treatment of an uncomplicated case of Giardia is usually around $100.

What happens if Giardia doesn't go away? ›

Occasionally, people with giardiasis will have long-term complications such as reactive arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and recurring diarrhea that can last for years. Among children in particular, severe giardiasis may delay physical and mental growth, slow development, and cause malnutrition.

Can Giardia cause permanent damage in dogs? ›

Giardia does not do permanent damage, but once it's gone, a dog may need a little time to heal her intestinal lining. Probiotics can help with digestion in the meantime. Feed clean, non-irritating foods.

How do I disinfect my house from Giardia? ›

  1. Clean the area or item with soap and water or another detergent if it is dirty. Then, use a household disinfectant.
  2. Follow the instructions on the label to ensure safe and effective use of the product.
  3. Many products recommend: Keeping surfaces wet for a period of time (see product label).

How do dogs feel with Giardia? ›

Symptoms of Giardia infection in both people and pets can include diarrhea, gas, abdominal discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. It is possible to be infected and have no signs or symptoms of illness.

Is Giardia painful for dogs? ›

Giardia in dogs does not always cause problems, but when it does it is highly unpleasant. Giardiasis is the term for the disease caused by the infection, and, as in humans, the most common symptom is diarrhea.

What disinfectant kills Giardia? ›

The most readily available disinfectant is bleach diluted 1:32 in water. Studies have shown this dilution to require less than one minute of contact time to effectively kill giardia cysts.

What shampoo kills Giardia in dogs? ›

Control of Giardiasis in Animals

Infected dogs and cats should be bathed to remove cysts from the hair coat, and use of a shampoo containing chlorhexidine digluconate has been recommended.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.